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,O O O Old time Witches & Wizards1 relied upon the simplicity of ͚Natural Magic͛ to keep away the ignorant and profane. Their spells often appeared ludicrous to the untutored observer, yet behind them lays a wealth of knowledge and first hand experience of secret powers and strange properties. Scientists regularly end up hypocritically re£presenting this ancient and claiming it as their own so most people overlook the origins of ͚Natural Magic͛ and the contribution it has made to our civilization in times past. For example, Alexander Fleming is credited with discovering the healing power of penicillin, one of the most powerful antibiotics of the 20th century, yet Witches had been using penicillin and associated bacilli to heal suppurating wounds for hundreds of years before Fleming was born. Spider webs were being used by Witches to break fevers for generations before doctors discovered they are a natural source of Quinine, the infection wonder drug. Like the humble dock£leaf which always grows close to the stinging nettle for which it is an antidote, nature provides us with harmonious means to overcome problems. What is required is the knowledge of how to apply them. The Ancient Wisdom provides that knowledge of Natures Secrets but often the practitioners of Natural Magic were suppressed by the vicious hand of the orthodoxy which desired to control all forms of sustenance, education and healing and thereby gain total dictatorial control over the lives of the populace. [Read that again] Witches & Wizards were seen as enemies of the state and had to devise ways and means of harnessing Natural Magic using ordinary, everyday appliances and materials, so that, if the witch£hunters came calling, they would find nothing incriminating. The wise witch would have two kitchen knives. One of which was used for cooking whilst the other was kept for use in healing work. To the outsider they both looked the same. The wise witch would never possess a Crystal ball, which was a sure recipe for imprisonment and torture during these
times. Instead she would skry into a bowlful of accumulator made from natural ingredients which could afterwards be poured away without a trace. So it was that ordinary every day things became an essential but hidden part of the Withes Cupboard to be used in Natural Magic spells. The lineage of Witchcraft and Shamanism can be traced back to prehistoric times. The first Shamans had access only to the most elemental of Natural Magic tools yet were able to perform powerful magic. A sharp flint edge was their sacred knife. A heavy mortar stone for grinding herbs was their Ceremonial Earth Pantacle, a wooden stave gave them power used as a lever and protection used as a long£staff. This became The Magic Wand. Their Horn cup became the Sacred Chalice of today. DHealers,
Shamans, Gurus͙whatever you wish to call them are all the same
c To these elemental weapons was added the element of FIRE through which the alchemy of cooking, herbal healing and transformation of metals was brought about. We should never forget the debt we owe to the first Natural Magic practitioners and by reproducing their ͚spells͛ we hope to keep their spirit alive. OOO All sexual attraction is based on subliminal responses to natural secretions which are automatically produced by the body. When two members of the opposite sex meet these Natural Magic scents are produced by bio£chemicals secreted in the skin called pheromones. Pheromones are all pervading and are detected subliminally by members of the opposite sex even when the amount is so small as to offer no consciously perceptible odor. If pheromones are present in a certain strength the attraction can be astounding. This is why some ordinary looking men and plain Jane women can be very popular and the centre of attention whilst some stunning lookers find it difficult to get to first base. Not everyone has an adequate supply of pheromones and those who know the secret of fine£tuning their own often will be bowled over with the change in attitude and compliance of the opposite sex. This can also be very useful for work relationships and social activities where sex is not an objective but easy£going and helpful relationships are worth their weight in gold. Often people with high pheromone counts find that previously intractable animals and pets respond in a friendly and well£behaved way. In short everyone loves you! OOO I will explain how to make a safe magical concoction which should make members of the opposite sex fall all over you. à All you need is a clean cotton handkerchief or similar natural fibre undyed cloth. If you use underarm deodorant do not do so today but instead place a handkerchief under one of your armpits inside your shirt or blouse so it is touching your skin. Keep it there for a few hours. If it keeps slipping off try using safety pins to secure the material to the shirt or wrap medical tape/bandage around the handkerchief to secure it against your underarm. /#+ !&"#!$/(#1--%,"'$$2),3 c à Put the handkerchief in a bowl and pour on approximately 20 oz (about 550ml) of hot, not boiling, water. Wait until the water has cooled sufficiently to allow
you to handle it and then agitate and squeeze the handkerchief thoroughly until the water becomes tepid. à When cold pour ONE TEASPOON ONLY of the water into a 10 oz (275ml) or 20 oz (550ml) bottle and secure the lid. Any bottle will do as long as it is clean and has a cap or stopper. Glass or plastic is fine. Now fill the bottle with cool water from the tap. Fig. 2 Hot not boiling water is poured into a bowl or suitably sized container. Remember to use 20oz o about 550ml. Fig. 3 Wait until the water has cooled enough to allow you to handle it. Agitate and squeeze the handkerchief thoroughly. Fig. 1 Handkerchief placed under armpit. It is better to have as much contact with the skin as possible. If the material keeps slipping try securing it to the underarms of the shirt or blouse with a safety pin, bandageetc. /#+ !&"#!$/(#1--%,"'$$2),4 c à The next process is known in homeopathy as ½ri½ ra½ion. It involves shaking the mixture in the bottle violently to magnetize it. The more it is shocked or shaken the more powerful the mixture becomes. This is achieved easily and safely by holding the bottle in your right hand and slapping the side of your right fist onto the heel of your left hand so that the mixture is shocked. à After 100 shocks the mixture will be so homeopathically powerful that you will need to dilute it a thousand fold before use. Pour out a teaspoonful of the triturated mixture and throw the rest away. Pour the single teaspoonful of the mixture back in the bottle. Fill the bottle again with water from the tap and shake for a couple of minutes to dilute. à Take a teaspoonful of that and throw the rest away. Put that teaspoonful back in the bottle and fill it up again with fresh water. Shake rapidly for a couple of minutes. This is your magnetized, potent pheromone mixture. There are many ways in which you can use this but always use very small amounts, that is, a few drops only at a time. This may sound absurd, in fact scientifically the mixture will appear to be just water, but the whole practice of homeopathic healing is built on just such a magical force as you have developed in this bottle and homeopathy works very powerfully indeed on very serious ailments. Therefore Use SMALL amounts only. You can add 20 drops of your Pheromone mixture to your normal scent/aftershave and use in the normal way. You can put 1 or 2 drops of it on love£letters, envelopes, on gifts, greeting cards, Car seats, in the wash£water with your clothes, in the bath etc. For really powerful affects try rubbing a few drops over your hands and then shaking hands with your target. Try it once and you͛ll be amazed with the results! Fig. 4 You can shock or shake the solution by holding the bottle in your right hand and slapping the side of your right fist into the heel of your left hand. This method is easiest and safest when using glass bottles. If this doesn͛t suit you just use any motion that comes to mind. /#+ !&"#!$/(#1--%,"'$$2),5 c O O > ill I become a sex God/Goddess and a½½rac½ any man or woman I wan½ wi½ peromones͟͟
This is the one question most frequently asked. The answer is no. Pheromones are highly individualized and influenced by your genetics. Those who are receptive to your pheromones recognize subconsciously the genetic compatibility with theirs and become captivated by your presence. This is to ensure that procreation leads to the healthiest offspring. It works to your benefit as mutually compatible mates find each other highly attractive; think of it as a chemical dating service . > ill peromones improve my c rren½ rela½ionsip and sex life?͟ This is a resounding YES! Your partner is already attracted to you but you can heighten the attraction to astronomical proportions by using your own pheromones. If your sex life is stale the application of pheromones will reinvigorate bedroom activities. This is a little known secret for recreating that spark in your relationship. > ill peromones do all ½e work for me?͟ If your male, YOU often need to say something first, but once you hit their talk button it should be VERY easy from there. Think of pheromones to women as to what grease does for ball bearings, it makes things much smoother! Women will find increased attention and more men approaching them. It͛s like luring moths with light bulbs ʹ a piece of cake! Not much else to add here. >re commercial peromones safe?͟ In the past I experimented with numerous brands of pheromone scents with poor outcomes. Worse still certain brands triggered an allergic reaction in my sense of smell and a lingering taste in my mouth, which induced salivation. Many cheaper brands of pheromones use which are completely ineffective! There are brands using laboratory imitations of human pheromones which aren͛t fully tested for human use. Finally you will pay a premium for any products containing human pheromone derivatives but these last only 2 hours max before bacteria on your skin starts to breakdown its potency. Pheromones from biological sources contain harmful bacteria. I strongly believe commercial pheromones should be avoided. Nothing is safer than using what you were born with. >Is ½e mix½ re odoro s?͟ There should be no smell. You can mix this with fragrances should you desire to smell pleasant. >an I se ½oo m c?͟ YES! Use in moderation. Saturating yourself in pheromones can cause aggregation from younger men and women. In general people won͛t interact with you, they͛ll think you wouldn͛t want to be bothered and you͛re too important. /#+ !&"#!$/(#1--%,"'$$2),6 c >an I place ½e andkercief anywere else?͟ Another concentrated pheromone site is the pubic region. There is no reason why you can͛t place the handkerchief there but this can prove to be less sanitary plus other odors might seep into the material! I highly recommend placing it in your armpits. >o I ave ½o keep ½e andkercief ½ere all day?͟ It is best to leave it for the whole day as you go about your activities. If performing an exercise and the material becomes heavily drenched in sweat then it is enough and you can remove it for trituration. >ow long will i½ las½?͟
Unlike commercial pheromones, which last around 2 hours before bacteria on your skin begin to break it down, your mixture will continue to last for as long as you wear it. As a matter of fact its potency will continue to increase with duration. It can be stored for as long as you like. >Is smoking going ½o affec½ my peromones?͟ Smoking generally isn͛t conducive to your health or your body odor (it stinks!). It is best avoided for health and social reasons. These things will be consciously recognized by everyone and will overpower the effects of the subliminal pheromone effects. >I½ doesn͛½ seem ½o work as well as I ½o g½͟ You will need to repeat the steps but use less water in the steps where water is required. This will increase the concentration of pheromones and should yield the expected results. You may need to experiment a bit. /#+ !&"#!$/(#1--%,"'$$2),7 c Even though what I have taught you is deceptively simple it took years to perfect. Great pains have gone into the process of ascertaining the validity of results, particularly the separation of placebo from objective outcomes. I sincerely hope my sacrifices in time and labor will bear you great rewards as it has for me. Please bear in mind pheromones will make your goals m c easier to achieve but the onus is still on you to recognize opportunities and to seize them. Live life boldly and thanks for reading. I wish you the most jubilant and rewarding of journeys! Yours Sincerely, Michael E. Hughes /#+ !&"#!$/(#1--%,"'$$2),