Spell Name Spell Name
Casting #
WFRP pg. 146
Petty Magic Arcane
Petty Magic (Arcane) Spells
Casting Time 6 A piece of down
Casting #
Target: One touched living creature Main - pg. 146 Petty Magic Arcane
Ingredient Description
Casting #
Drop Casting Time 4 A dab of butter
1 HA
Effect: Target falls asleep
Duration: 1d10 rounds Resist: WP (no effect)
Spell Name Spell Name
1 HA
Ingredient Description
Effect: Target drops whatever it is holding
1 HA Casting Time 4 A tiny bell +1 Effect: Create phantom noise
Target: NA
Target: One creature within 24y Main - pg. 146 Petty Magic Arcane
Main - pg. 146
Duration: Instant
Petty Magic Arcane
Resist: WP (no effect)
Duration: Instant Resist: NA
Spell Name Spell Name Casting # Ingredient Description
Glowing Light Casting Time 3 A drop of lamp oil
1 HA
WFRP pg. 146
Effect: Item glows as lantern Target: 1 held item
Main - pg. 146 Petty Magic Arcane
Duration: 1 hour or until dropped Petty Magic Divine
Resist: NA
Spell Name
Magic Dart
Spell Name Casting # Ingredient Description
Casting #
Casting Time 6 A small dart
1 HA
Petty Magic Arcane
Effect: Target suffers a Dam 3 hit Target: 1 creature within 16y
Main - pg. 146
Main - pg. 146 TOS - pg. 215
Duration: Instant
Petty Magic Divine
Resist: No (Auto-hit)
Spell Name Spell Name Casting # Ingredient Description
6 A firefly
Marsh LIghts Casting Time
Petty Magic Arcane
1 FA
Effect: Create lantern-like lights Target: NA Range: 100 yards
Main - pg. 146
Casting #
Duration: Duration 1 hour
Petty Magic (Divine) Spells Blessing of Courage 1 HA Casting Time 3 A tuft of dog hair +1 Effect: Target no longer frightened / terrorfied Target: One creature within 24y Duration: Instant Resist: NA
Blessing of Fortitude Casting Time 5 A piece of turtle shell
Effect: Target gains + 5% T, +5% WP Target: One touched creature
Main - pg. 146 TOS - pg. 215 Petty Magic Divine
Duration: 1 minute Resist: NA
Resist: NA Spell Name
1 HA
Blessing of Healing
Casting # Ingredient Description
5 Casting Time A sprig of holly
1 HA
Ingredient Description
Effect: Target heals 1 W
Petty Magic Divine
Duration: Instant Resist: No
TOS - pg. 215 Petty Magic Manann
Spell Name Spell Name Casting # Ingredient Description
Main - pg. 147 TOS - pg. 215 Petty Magic Divine
Blessing of Might 1 HA 6 Casting Time An iron nail +1
Effect: Target gains ability to hold breath underwater Target: One touched creature
Target: One touched creature Main - pg. 146 TOS - pg. 215
A fish
Casting # Ingredient
Duration: 1 minute Resist: NA
Blessing of the Mariner Casting Time 5 A piece of rope
1 HA
Effect: Target gains +5% WS and +5% S
Effect: Target gains +5% to Row, Sail and Swim
Target: One touched creature
Target: One touched creature
Duration: 1 minute Resist: NA
TOS - pg. 216 Petty Magic Manann
Duration: 1 minute Resist: NA
Spell Name Spell Name Casting # Ingredient Description
Main - pg. 147 TOS - pg. 215
Blessing of Protection 1 FA 7 Casting Time
TOS pg. 216
Small token with your diety's symbol +1 Effect: Target is protected, enemies at WP (+10%) to attack target Target: Self Duration: 1 minute
Petty Magic Divine
Resist: NA
Spell Name
Blessing of Speed 1 HA Casting Time 4 A snake scale +1
Petty Magic Morr
Morr Petty Magic Spells Blessing of Morr
Spell Name Casting # Ingredient Description
Main - pg. 146 TOS - pg. 215 Petty Magic Divine
Casting # Ingredient
Effect: Target gains +5% Ag and +1 M Target: One touched creature
Target: One touched creature
Duration: 1 minute Resist: NA
TOS - pg. 216 Petty Magic Morr
Spell Name Casting #
TOS pg. 215
Ingredient Description
Manann Petty Magic Spells 6
Blessing of Manann 1 HA Casting Time
Duration: 1 minute Resist: NA
Blessing of Passage 4 Casting Time A torn burial cloak
TOS - pg. 216 Petty Magic Morr
TOS pg. 216
1 HA
Effect: Enchants weapon to harm undead Target: One touched weapon
Spell Name Spell Name Casting #
1 HA
Effect: Target is immune to fear or Terror caused by undead
Spell Name
Petty Magic Manann
5 Casting Time A feather from a raven
Duration: 1 minute Resist: NA
Petty Magic Myrmidia
Myrmidia Petty Magic Spells Blessing of Fury
Spell Name Casting # Ingredient Description
5 Casting Time A polished ball of copper
Target: One touched creature TOS - pg. 217 Petty Magic Ranald
Petty Magic Myrmidia
Spell Name Casting # Ingredient Description
Petty Magic Myrmidia
Effect: Re-roll one missed combat hit
Duration: 1 minute or triggered Resist: NA
Petty Magic Shallya
Blessing of Myrmidia 1 HA 4 Casting Time An eagle's eye stone +1 Effect: Act first in combat round, regardless of initiative
Spell Name Casting # Ingredient Description
TOS - pg. 217
Duration: 1 round
Petty Magic Shallya
Resist: NA
Spell Name Casting #
TOS pg. 216
Ranald Petty Magic Spells
Spell Name Casting # Ingredient Description
5 A die
Blessing of Fortune 1 HA Casting Time +1
Petty Magic Ranald
Spell Name Casting #
TOS - pg. 217 Petty Magic Shallya
Effect: If gained an IP in last minute, may roll WP test to remove IP
Petty Magic Sigmar
Blessing of Ranald
Spell Name
1 HA
Resist: NA
Blessing of Shallya 3 Casting Time A herbal draught
1 FA
Effect: Target makes T test to reduce duration of disease by 1 day per degree
Duration: Instant Resist: NA
TOS pg. 217
Duration: 1 minute or triggered Resist: NA
Duration: Instant
Spell Name
Effect: Re-roll next failed roll at -10%
Casting Time 5 A glove in a purse
Blessing of Calm 1 HA 5 Casting Time A cup of water +1
Target: One touched creature
Target: One touched creature TOS - pg. 216
Shallya Petty Magic Spells
Target: One touched creature
Spell Name
Petty Magic Ranald
Resist: NA
TOS pg. 217
Target: One touched creature TOS - pg. 216
Duration: 1 minute
Spell Name
1 HA
Target: One touched creature TOS - pg. 216
Effect: Grants a +5% to Pick Lock and Sleight of Hand tests
Casting # Ingredient
Sigmar Petty Magic Spells Blessing of Sigmar Casting Time 4 A fragment of meteoric iron
1 HA
Effect: Grants any hammer +1 Dam in combat Target: One touched hammer
TOS - pg. 217 Petty Magic Sigmar
Spell Name Casting # Ingredient Description
Duration: 1 minute Petty Magic Ulric
Resist: NA
Blessing of Unification 7 Casting Time Two lodestones
Spell Name
1 FA
Effect: Actively attack an Empire Human or Dwarf, either physically or verbally
Casting # Ingredient Description
Target: 24 yards TOS - pg. 217 Petty Magic Sigmar
TOS - pg. 218
Duration: 1 minute Under: WP +10% (failed roll, lose actions)
Casting # Ingredient Description
Spell Name
Blessing of Ulric 1 HA 6 Casting Time A wolf's fang +1
Taal & Rhya Petty Magic Spells Blessing of the Hunter 1 HA 5 Casting Time An arrrow +1
Petty Magic Taal & Rhya
Spell Name Casting #
TOS - pg. 218 Petty Magic Ulric
Ingredient Description
Spell Name
1 HA
Effect: Grants a +10% to Navigation and Outdoor Survival tests.
Resist: NA
TOS pg. 218
Petty Magic Verena
Blessing of Taal & Rhya
Duration: 1 minute
Spell Name
Duration: 1 minute
6 Casting Time A waterskin
Effect: Grants +1 to all Critical Hit results Target: One touched creature
Effect: Grants +5% to Follow Trail and Set Trap tests
Resist: NA
Duration: See description Resist: NA
Target: One touched creature TOS - pg. 217
Effect: Grants target the Frenzy talent (pg. 98 of Rulebook)
Petty Magic Ulric
Casting #
TOS pg. 217
Spell Name
Blessing of the Blood-Hand 1 HA 6 Casting Time The blood of a violently-killed wolf +1
Target: One touched creature
Spell Name
Petty Magic Taal & Rhya
Ulric Petty Magic Spells
Casting # Ingredient Description
Verena Petty Magic Spells Blessing of Verena 3 Casting Time A tuft of dog hair
1 HA
Effect: Actively commit a crime Target: One touched creature
Target: One touched creature TOS - pg. 218 Petty Magic Taal & Rhya
Spell Name
TOS pg. 218
Duration: 1 minute or triggered Resist: NA
TOS - pg. 218 Petty Magic Verena
Spell Name Casting # Ingredient
Duration: 1 minute Under: WP +10% (failed roll, lose actions)
Blessing of Wisdom 6 Casting Time An owl-feathered quill
1 FA
Effect: Grants target a re-roll of failed INT roll
Effect: You fool the surrounding air into believing a storm is coming. Small animals and herd beasts run and hide.
Target: One touched creature TOS - pg. 218 Petty Magic Verena
RIC - pg. 114
Duration: 1 minute or triggered
Petty Magic Tor-Kislev
Resist: NA
Target: Area within 48 yards Duration: 1 minute Resist: If animal controlled, Easy (+20%) Will Power Test or flee.
Spell Name
RIC pg. 113
Petty Magic Dazh-Kislev
Spell Name Casting # Ingredient Description
Casting #
Dazh-Kislev Petty Magic Blessing of Dazh 1 HA 7 Casting Time A firebird's feather +1 Effect: The target is blessed and takes half damage (rounding up) from any source of fire, after reducing by normal means.
RIC - pg. 113
Target: Touch Duration: 1 minute (6 rounds)
Petty Magic Dazh-Kislev
Resist: NA
Spell Name Casting # Ingredient Description
RIC - pg. 113 Petty Magic Dazh-Kislev
Blessing of Tor
Spell Name Ingredient Description
4 Casting Time A silver Torinyi amulet
1 HA
Effect: Energy crackles over the weapon. The weapon deals +1 damage for the duration of the spell.
RIC - pg. 114
Target: One touched weapon Duration: 1 minute (6 rounds)
Petty Magic Tor-Kislev
Resist: NA
Spell Name
RIC pg. 114
Petty Magic Ursun-Kislev
Ursun-Kislev Petty Magic
Blessing of Fire 4 Casting Time A fistful of hearth ash
1 HA
Effect: You create a welcoming campfire within range. Does not consume fuel, does not ignite, but gives off heat for living flesh creatures only. Target: One target within 2 yards. Duration: 1 hour (special) Resist: Ends if living creature would be damaged by the heat by getting too close.
Spell Name Casting # Ingredient Description
RIC - pg. 114 Petty Magic Ursun-Kislev
Blessing of the Licked Paw 1 HA 3 Casting Time Bear saliva +1 Effect: You growl a plea to Ursun to lessen a wound's pain. That wound counts as if medical attention is received. Target: Touch (you) Duration: Instant Resist: NA
Spell Name
RIC pg. 114
Petty Magic Tor-Kislev
Spell Name Casting # Ingredient
Spell Name Casting #
Tor-Kislev Petty Magic Blessing of Storm's Approach 1 HA 7 Casting Time Wood from a lightning-struck tree +1
Ingredient Description
RIC - pg. 114 Petty Magic Ursun-Kislev
Spell Name
WFRP pg. 147
Blessing of Ursun 4 Casting Time A fresh fish
1 HA
Effect: Your prayers grant the target a +10 bonus to all Navigation and Outdoor Survival tests taken during snowy or frigid weather. Target: Touch (you) Duration: 1 minute (6 rounds) Resist: NA
Petty Magic Hedge
Petty Magic (Hedge) Spells Ghost Step
Spell Name Casting # Ingredient Description
Target: Self Main - pg. 147 Petty Magic Hedge
Petty Magic Hedge
Spell Name Casting # Ingredient Description
Effect: Target leaves no visible tracks
Casting # Ingredient Description
Petty Magic Hedge
Duration: 1 hour
Main - pg. 147
Resist: NA (Trackers -30% to Follow Trail)
Gust 4 Casting Time A bird's feather
Petty Magic Hedge
Duration: Instant Resist: NA
Petty Magic Hag
Effect: Item bearer suffers -Mag% on tests
Petty Magic Hedge
Duration: 25 hours Resist: No
Casting # Ingredient
Casting # Ingredient Description
3 Casting Time A piece of flint
Duration: Mag. Char. = rounds Resist: WP (no effect)
Petty Magic (Hag) Spells Charmed 6 Casting Time A drop of your blood
Effect: Create candle-life flame in palm
Effect: You bring good fortune to smeared blood. When a Fortune point is used, on a roll of 8, 9 or 10, is used as normal but not spent.
RIC - pg. 113
Target: Touch (you) Duration: 1 minute (6 rounds) (Special) Resist: NA (Trackers -30% to Follow Trail)
Spell Name
1 HA
1 HA
Petty Magic Hag
Magic Flame
Spell Name
Effect: Target stunned
Spell Name
Target: 1 item Main - pg. 147
1 HA
RIC pg. 113
Effect: Create gust of wind
Casting #
Shock 6 Casting Time A small pin
Spell Name
1 HA
Ill Fortune 5 Casting Time 1 FA +1 HA A crude doll of the victim +1
Spell Name
Resist: No
Target: One touched creature
Target: One candle or pack of papers Main - pg. 147
Duration: 1 hour or until dismissed
Spell Name
4 Casting Time 1 FA +1 HA A pinch of sand +1 Target: Self
Main - pg. 147
Effect: Target is protected from rain
Casting # Ingredient Description
Target: Self
6 Casting Time A fingernail from the victim
1 FA
Duration: Until hand closed or another spell cast
RIC - pg. 113
Target: One target within 12 yards. Duration: 1 day
Petty Magic Hedge
Resist: NA
Petty Magic Hag
Resist: WP
Spell Name
Protection From Rain 1 FA 3 Casting Time A freshly picked leaf +1
Spell Name
Main - pg. 147
Casting # Ingredient
Casting # Ingredient
Effect: You curse the target, but is a mild annoyance such as warts, boils, etc.. It causes -10% Fellowship to target.
7 Spittle
Resist Corruption 1 FA Casting Time +1
Effect: One target, that you spit upon, gains +10 bonus to any roll relating to Chaos, including mutation and magic.
RIC - pg. 113
Range: One creature within 2 yards. Duration: 1 Hour
Petty Magic Hag
Resist: NA
Petty Magic Chaos
Casting # Ingredient
Petty Magic (Ice) Spells
Spell Name Ingredient Description
Duration: 1d10 rounds Resist: WP (fail is -20% to all char.)
Blessing of the Master
Spell Name
RIC pg. 114
Casting #
Effect: Target becomes drowsy and giggly Target: One touched creature
TOC - pg. 212
Spell Name
Petty Magic Ice
6 An ice ball
Chill Casting Time
1 HA
Effect: Increase one Char. by +10% Target: Self
TOC - pg. 212 Petty Magic Chaos
Spell Name
1 FA
6 Casting Time Pint of blood from a child
Casting #
Effect: Your touch leaves a chilling frost behind. The air around the template drops to freezing for the duration.
Duration: Mag. Char. = minutes Resist: NA
Burn 1 HA 4 Casting Time A bit of ash from a spent torch +1 Effect: Sparks fly from finger tips and land within 8 y. No damage caused Target: Self
RIC - pg. 114
Target: One touched object, sm. template Duration: 1 day
Petty Magic Ice
Resist: NA
Petty Magic Chaos
Spell Name
Winter Walk 7 Casting Time A snow shoe
Spell Name
Casting # Ingredient Description
1 FA
Casting #
Effect: You take no penalties to movement from blizzards, snow drifts, icy surfaces or similar.
RIC - pg. 114
Target: Self Duration: 1 hour
Petty Magic Ice
Resist: NA
Casting # Ingredient
Petty Magic Chaos
Duration: Flam. objects ignite in 1d10 rounds Resist: NA
Curse 6 Casting Time A fingernail from the victim
Casting # Ingredient
Petty Magic (Chaos) Spells Befuddle 4 Casting Time A bud of Black Lotus
Target: One creature Range: 12 yards Duration: 1 day Resist: WP test
Eyes of Clarity Casting Time
1 HA
The eye of a man hanged for 3 days +1 Effect: Eyes glow with unholy green light granting Night Vision talent Target: Self
TOC - pg. 212 Petty Magic Chaos
Spell Name
1 HA
1 FA
Effect: Place curse that causes minor, physical annoyance
Spell Name
TOC pg. 212
Spell Name
TOC - pg. 212
Spell Name
Petty Magic Chaos
TOC - pg. 212
Casting # Ingredient
Duration: Hours = Mag. Char. Resist: NA
Spew 3 Casting Time Thimble of Troll Vomit
1 HA
Effect: Spit up vomit; -10% to Fel tests
Ingredient Description
Target: One creature Range: 8 yards TOC - pg. 212 Petty Magic Chaos
Duration: 1d10 rounds
CHR - pg. 76
Resist: T test Petty Magic Warp-Skaven
A rotten tooth
Effect: Creates an unsightly blemish on forehead or back of hand, causing a -5% to Fel. tests. Target: One creature Range: 16 yards Duration: 1d10 hours Resist: WP test
Spell Name
CHR pg. 76
Petty Magic Warp-Skaven
Spell Name Casting # Ingredient Description
Petty Magic (Warp-Skaven) Spells Favour 5 Casting Time A bit of human flesh
Petty Magic Warp-Skaven
Spell Name Casting # Ingredient Description
CHR - pg. 76 Petty Magic Warp-Skaven
Spell Name Casting #
Casting # Ingredient Description
CHR - pg. 76 Petty Magic Warp-Skaven
Casting Time
1 HA
A bit of mouldy cheese +1 Effect: Can speak with a rat as if in common tongue. Will obey all commands, even if it causes its own death. Target: One rat Range: 8 yards Duration: 1d10 hours Resist: NA
1 HA
Effect: Gain +5% on next test Target: Self
CHR - pg. 76
Rat Thrall
Spell Name
Spell Name Casting # Ingredient Description
Duration: Until next test Resist: If using alt. rules, need Skaven within 16 yards to pull from or test fails.
Ghostly Flame 1 HA 6 Casting Time A pinch of warpstone powder +1 Effect: Conjures a small blob of glowing green fire, lighting as a torch. Can also be hurled 8 yards, magic missile, Damage 1.
CHR - pg. 77 Petty Magic Warp-Skaven
Spell Name Casting # Ingredient Description
Target: Self Duration: One Hour Resist: NA
Mark of the Horned Rat 1 FA 3 Casting Time
CHR - pg. 77 Petty Magic Warp-Skaven
Vector Casting Time 4 A wad of dung
1 HA
Effect: Must make Toughness Test or take a -20% to all tests to resist disease. Target: One creature Range: 16 yards Duration: 24 hours Resist: Resistance to Disease uses bonus to resist Toughness Test.
Wrack Casting Time 5 A tear from a human child
1 HA
Effect: Cause a jolt of searing pain causing a -5% to WS, BS and Agility tests. Target: One creature Range: 12 yards Duration: 1d10 rounds Resist: Toughness test