PERCUSSION By:Mr.Rodien Cj Rufo
Percussion the amiy o in!trument! in "hi#h !o und ari!e! rom the !tri$in% omateria! "i th !ti#$!& hammer!& or the hand!.
Cym,a!- er#u!!ion instrument #on !i!tin% o a #ir#uar fat or #on#ae meta ate that i! !tru#$ "ith a drum!ti#$ or i! u!ed in air! !tru#$ %an#in%y to%ether.
Ba!! drumer#u!!ion in!trument& the ar%e!t and deee!t-!oundin% mem,er o the drum amiy& u!uay ayed "ith a air o ar%e et-headed !ti#$!& or ,eater!.
Ca!tanet!- er#u!!ion in!trument o the #aer amiy& #on!i!tin% o t"o hoo"ed-out ear-!haed ie#e! o hard"ood& iory& or other !u,!tan#e hin%ed to%ether ,y a #ord. Ca!tanet! are u!uay hed in the hand and !tru#$ to%ether.
Snare drum!-joined the or#he!tra neary /00 year! a%o. It ha! t"o #a!$in or a!ti# drumhead! !tret#hed ti%hty oer a hoo" meta rame. +he to head i! !tru#$ "ith "ooden drum!ti#$!& and i! #aed the ,atterhead. +he ,ottom head& or !nare-head ha! #at%ut or meta "ire! #aed !nare! !tret#hed ti%hty a#ro!! it. 1hen thi! untuned drum i! !tru#$ on the to head& the !nare! rodu#e a #hara#teri!ti# !har rattin% !ound a! they i,rate a%ain!t the ,ottom head.
2on%!- are er#u!!ion instruments o either de3nite or inde3nite it#h& in the orm o a meta ate u!uay made o ,ra!! or ,ron4e.
+he tambourine i! a mu!i#a in!trument in the er#u!!ion amiy #on!i!tin% o a rame& oten o "ood or a!ti#& "ith air! o !ma meta jin%e!& #aed 54i!5.
2o#$en!ie( er#u!!ion in!trument "ith a !erie! o meta ,ar! tuned to the #hromati# !#ae and ayed "ith t"o i%ht ham mer!.
6i,rahone- a!o #aed Vibraharp& or Vibes& er#u!!ion in!trument that ha! tuned meta ,ar! and i! !imiar in !hae to a 7yohone. *et or "oo ,eater! are u!ed to !tri$e the ,ar!& %iin% a !ot& meo" tone 8uaity. Su!ended erti#ay ,eo" ea#h auminum ,ar i! a tu,uar& tuned re!onator that !u!tain! the tone "hen the ,ar i! !tru#$.
9ette drum!- er#u!!ion in!trument in "hi#h a mem,rane i! !tret#hed oer a hemi!heri# or !imiar-!haed !he and hed taut& u!uay ,y a hoo "ith roe a#in%!& adju!tin% !#re"!& or ariou! me#hani#a dei#e!.
( Be )yre i! a mu!i#a in!trument ,eon%in% to the er#u!!ion amiy& and i! e!!entiay a more orta,e er!ion o the %o#$en!ie& ma$in% it a ouar addition to a mar#hin% ,and or miitary ,and !et u.
'yohone!-rom 2ree$ xylon and phonē, “wood” and “sound”& er#u!!ion in!trument #on!i!tin% o a !et o %raduated& tuned "ooden ,ar! !uorted at noda noni,ratin%; oint! and !tru#$ "ith !ti#$! or added maet!.
Chime!-Chimes are a tuned in!trument #on!i!tin% o a !et o to <= meta tu,e! hun% rom a meta rame. +he meta tu,e! ran%e rom < to / > in#he! in diameter and rom ? to @ eet in en%th. +he #hime!& or tu,uar ,e!& are !tru#$ "ith a maet and !ound i$e #hur#h ,e! "hen ayed. +he on%er the en%th o tu,e that i! !tru#$& the o"er the it#h that