Case Digest - focusing on Admissibility of DNA evidence in the Supreme Court of the Philippines.Full description
People vs AmaguinFull description
John Dy vs PeopleFull description
People v Acierto case digestFull description
People Yatar EvidenceFull description
Consti 2
PEOPLE VS PASUDAG GR No. 128822, May 4, 2001 FACTS: SPO2 Pepito Calip urinated at a bushy bamboo fence behind the public school. About five (5) meters away he saw a !arden of about "# s$uare s$uare meters meters.. %here %here were were mari&u mari&uana ana plants plants in between corn plants and camote tops. 'e in$uired from a storeeeper nearby as to who owned the house with the !arden. %he store owner told him that Pasuda! owned it. A team was dispatched and the team arrived and went strai!ht to the house of accused Pasuda!. %he police looed for accused Pasuda! and ased him to brin! the team to his bacyard !arden which was about five (5) meters away away.. pon pon seei seein! n! the the mari mari&u &uan anaa plant plants s the the policemen called for a photo!rapher who too pictures of accused Pasuda! standin! beside one of the mari&uana plants. %hey uprooted seven (") mari mari&u &uana ana plan plants ts.. %he %he team team brou! brou!ht ht accus accused ed Pasuda! and the mari&uana plants to the police statio station. n. At the police police statio station n accused accused Pasuda! Pasuda! admit admitte ted d in the the pres presen ence ce of Chie Chieff of Poli Police ce Astr Astrer ero o that that he owned owned the the mari mari&u &uan anaa plant plants. s. SPO* SPO* +a&a +a&ari rito to prep prepar ared ed a conf confis isca cati tion on repo report rt which accused Pasuda! si!ned. ISSUE: ,O- the arrest and seiure valid/ HELD: As a !eneral rule the procurement of a search warrant is re$uired before a law enforcer may validly search or seie the person house papers or effects of any individual. 0n the case at bar the police authorities had ample opportunity to secure from the court a search warrant. SPO2 Pepito Calip in$uired as to who owned the house. 'e was ac$uai ac$uainte nted d with with mari&u mari&uana ana plants plants and immediately reco!nied that some plants in the bacyard of the house were mari&uana plants. %ime ime was was not not of the the esse essenc ncee to upro uproot ot and and confiscate the plants. %hey were three months old and there was no sufficient reason to believe that they would be uprooted on that same day. ,ith the ille!al seiure of the mari&uana plants sub&ect of this case the seied plants are inadmissible in evidence a!ainst accused1appellant. %he %he arre arrest st of accu accuse sed1 d1ap appe pell llan antt was was tain tainte ted d with with cons consti titu tuti tion onal al infi infirm rmit ity y. %he %he testimony testimony of SPO* ovencio +a&arito +a&arito reveals reveals that appellant was not duly informed of his constitutional ri!hts. 0t has been held repeatedly that custodial investi!atio investi!ation n commences commences when a
person is taen into custody and is sin!led out as a suspect in the commission of a crime under investi!ation and the police officers be!in to as $uestio $uestions ns on the suspect suspect3s 3s partic participa ipatio tion n therei therein n and which tend to elicit an admission. Obviously accused1appellant was a suspect from the moment the police team went to his house and ordered the uprootin! uprootin! of the mari&uana mari&uana plants in his bacyard !arden.