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Password Based Door Lock System Using 8051 MicrocontrollerFull description
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Password Based Door Locking System
Aim: The main objective of this project is to implement an Pass word Based Door Locking System Using AT89c51 Microcontroller.
Project Description: Description:
Security is a prime concern in our day-today life. Everyone wants to be as much secure as pos possi sibl ble. e. An acce access ss cont contro roll for for door doorss form formss a vita vitall link link in a secu securi rity ty chai chain. n. The The microcontrolle microcontrollerr based Door locker is an access control system that allows only authorized authorized per perso sons ns to acce access ss a rest restri rict cted ed area area.. The The syst system em is full fully y cont contro roll lled ed by the the 8 bit bit microcontroller AT89C51 which has a 2Kbytes of ROM for the program memory. The password is stored in the EPROM so that we can change it at any time. The system has a Keypad by which the password can be entered through it. When the entered password equals with the password stored in the memory then the Stepper motor rotate forward side so that the door is opened. If we entered a wrong password for more than three times then the Alarm is switched on. When we go inside and come back then the microcontroller will sense the person using the IR, the microcontroller will automatically open the door for you. The default default passwo password rd is 1111 1111 and you can change the passwo password rd by dialing dialing 1234, old password, and new password #button. for example if you want to change the password from the default to 4523 then dial 123411114523# 123411114523# after dialing you can hear a beep sound which confirm the operation goes successful.
Block Diagram:
Keypad AT89C51 Microcontroller Buzzer
Motor Driver
Stepper Motor
Hardware requirements: • • • • • •
AT89c51 Microcontroller LCD Stepper motor Keypad ULN2003 Motor Driver 5V Buzzer