EXPERIMENT 2 DISCUSSION From the beginning of the distillation process, when the heating mantle was turned on, the temperature reading on the thermometer was constantly rising. fter some time, the temperature reading reached a point where it was fairly constant. !y this time, the sample on the distilling "as# was already boiling and droplets were forming on the inner surface of the distilling "as#. fter a few moments, the $rst drop appeared from the lower end of the condenser. %he temperature reading at this point was &'(C. fter collecting ) m* of the sample from the $rst drop, another )m* was collected and still, the temperature was &'(C. %he heating mantle was then turned o+ and the distillation process was stopped. U-S%IONS ). t the beginning of a distillation distillation procedur procedure, e, why should should a distilling distilling "as# be $lled to not more than '/ its capacity0 If the distilling "as# is $lled o1er two2thirds its capacity, there is a possibility that the sample boiling would reach the condenser without 1apori3ing thus, resulting in an impure distillate. dditionally, there would be little area for e1aporation so the distillation would be slower. '. 4hat e+ect would a reduction reduction in the atmospheric pressure pressure ha1e on the boiling point of a li5uid0 6educing the atmospheric pressure or mo1ing to a higher place would result to the drop of the boiling point of the li5uid. /. distillation distillation out$t should should not be operated in a condition condition sealed from the the atmosphere. 4hy not0 Sealing the distillation out$t from the atmosphere would result to pressure building up in the entire apparatus. %his may result in an e7plosi1e situation, since the glassware used is not designed to hold pressure. CONC*USION %he distillation distillation process process puri$ed the the sample, with with a boiling point point of &'(C. %he sample collected is e7pected to be a pure sample, since the temperature temperature was rather constant.
EXPERIMENT 3 DISCUSSION During the determination of the appro7imate boiling point of the li5uid sample, the sample started to boil at about 89(C. :owe1er, the ring of condensing li5uid appeared only when the temperature reached &)(C. %herefore, this point gi1es the appro7imate boiling point of the sample. It is notable that the appro7imate temperature recorded here is almost similar to the boiling point recorded in the distillation.
In the oil bath set2up, the rapid, continuous stream appeared when the temperature reading was appro7imately ;<(C. 4hen the set2up was remo1ed from the "ame to cool, the sample in the capillary tube started to rise at about &<(C =%)>. 4hen the setup was reheated until bubbling came out from the capillary, the temperature reading was &9(C =%'>. 4hen the oil bath set2up was repeated with another sample, the %) was &)(C and the %' was &9(C.
CONC*USION %he boiling point range of of the distilled distilled organic compound was determined to be from &<2&)(C up to &9(C. ?SDS C-%NI*ID-
Hazards Identifcation :a3ardous in case of@ -ye contact Ingestion Inhalation Slightly ha3ardous in case of s#in contact
First Aid Measures In case of@ -ye contact A "ush eyes with plenty of water for at least )8 minutes S#in contact A wash with soap and water. Co1er irritated s#in with emollient Inhalation A mo1e to area with fresh airB if not breathing, gi1e arti$cial inhalation Ingestion A do not induce 1omiting. *oosen tight clothing enerally, see# medical attention immediately
Fire and Explosion Data Combustible at high temperature uto2ignition %emperature@ 8E(C
tora!e eep container tightly closed. eep container in a cool, well21entilated area.
P"#sical and $"e%ical Properties !oiling Goint@ /<(C
?elting Goint@ ))./(C
Hazards Identifcation :a3ardous in case of@ S#in contact -ye contact Ingestion Inhalation Slightly ha3ardous in case of s#in contact =permeator> Chronic health e+ects@ %o7ic to the central ner1ous system, #idneys, reproducti1e system, li1er or s#in. Grolonged e7posure can produce target organ damage
First Aid Measure See# medical attention immediately. In case of@ -ye contact A "ush eyes with running water for )8 minutes S#in contact A "ush s#in with plenty of water Serious s#in contact@ wash with disinfectant soap and co1er with anti2bacterial cream Inhalation A mo1e to area with fresh air Serious inhalation A e1acuate to safe area asap. *oosen tight clothing. dminister mouth2mouth resuscitation if not breathing Ingestion A do not induce 1omiting. *oosen tight clothing.
Fire and Explosion Data Flammable uto2Ignition %emperature@ E8(C :ighly "ammable in presence of open "ames and spar#s, of heat Use dry chemical in case of small $reB use alcohol foam, water spray or fog in case of large $re
Store in a segregated and appro1ed area. eep container in a cool, well21entilated area. eep away from sources of ignition
P"#sical and $"e%ical Properties ppearance@ *i5uid Odor@ Fragrant, -thereal, Fruity %aste@ %aste@ Gungent, Gungent, Sweetish Color@ Colorless !oiling Gt@ 8E.' ?elting point@ 298./8 :-HN-
Hazards Identifcation :a3ardous in case of@ S#in contact =permeator> Ingestion Inhalation Slightly ha3ardous in case of@ S#in contact =irritant> -ye contact =irritant> Chronic :ealth -+ects@ may be to7ic to peripheral ner1ous system, s#in, CNS. 6epeated e7posure can produce target organ damage.
First Aid Measure See# medical attention immediately. In case of@ -ye contact A "ush eyes with running water for )8 minutes S#in contact A "ush s#in with plenty of water Serious s#in contact@ wash with disinfectant soap and co1er with anti2bacterial cream Inhalation A mo1e to area with fresh air Serious inhalation A e1acuate to safe area asap. *oosen tight clothing. dminister mouth2mouth resuscitation if not breathing Ingestion A do not induce 1omiting. *oosen tight clothing.
Fire and Explosion Data Flammable uto2Ignition %emperature@ ''8(C :ighly "ammable in presence of open "ames and spar#s, of heat Use dry chemical in case of small $reB use water spray or fog in case of large $re
tora!e Store in a segregated and appro1ed area. eep container in a cool, well21entilated area. eep away from sources of ignition
P"#sical and $"e%ical Properties ppearance@ *i5uid Odor@ asoline2li#e, Getroleum2li#e Color@ Colorless !oiling Gt@ E; ?elting point@ 298 -%:* C-%%-
Hazards Identifcation :a3ardous in case of@ Ingestion Inhalation Slightly ha3ardous in case of@ S#in contact =irritant, permeator> -ye contact =irritant> Chronic :ealth -+ects@ to7ic to mucous membranes, upper respiratory tract. ?ay be to7ic to blood, #idneys, li1er, CNS. 6epeated or prolonged e7posure to the substance may produce target organ damage
First Aid Measure See# medical attention immediately. In case of@ -ye contact A "ush eyes with running water for )8 minutes S#in contact A "ush s#in with plenty of water Inhalation A mo1e to area with fresh air
Serious inhalation A e1acuate to safe area asap. *oosen tight clothing. dminister mouth2mouth resuscitation if not breathing Ingestion A do not induce 1omiting. *oosen tight clothing.
Fire and Explosion Data Flammable uto2Ignition %emperature@ 'E.E&(C :ighly "ammable in presence of open "ames and spar#s, of heatB slightly "ammable to "ammable in presence of o7idi3ing material, of acids, of al#alis Use dry chemical powder in case of small $reB use alcohol foam, water spray or fog in case of large $re
tora!e Store in a segregated and appro1ed area. eep container in a cool, well21entilated area. eep away from sources of ignition. ?oisture sensiti1e
P"#sical and $"e%ical Properties ppearance@ *i5uid Odor@ -thereal, fruity %aste@ %aste@ !ittersweet !ittersweet Color@ Colorless !oiling Gt@ && ?elting point@ 2;/ Grelab ssignment -7periment ). De$ne De$ne the the term term melting melting point point range. range. Is de$ned as the span of temperature from the point at which the crystals $rst begin to li5uefy to the point at which the entire sample is li5uid '. 4hat is meant by the the statement that that a pure pure crystalline crystalline organic substance has a sharp melting point0 It means that the temperature when a crystal $rst begins to li5uefy and when the entire sample becomes li5uid remains the same /. 4hat factor factors s may in"uenc in"uence e the melting melting point point range0 range0 It may be in"uenced by the purity of the material, the si3e of the tube, and the rate of heating the bath -7periment 8
). 4rite 4rite the structural formula for carotene, carotene, chlorophyll chlorophyll and ! '. 4hat 1itamin 1itamin is is relat related ed to carotene carotene0 0 Jitamin a