Oracle DBA: Backup and Recovery Scripts By Rajendra GuttaFull description
Sample Resume of Oracle DBAFull description
Best practices for Oracle DBA. From 2004
Best practices for Oracle DBA. From 2004Full description
An Oracle DBA handbook. Covers 9i to 11g. Discusses Oracle database instance, file structure, backup recovery and performance tuning. Also includes a list of Oracle interview questions.Full description
Oracle DBA Material Draft
Best practices for Oracle DBA. From 2004
Best practices for Oracle DBA. From 2004
Oracle DBA study materialFull description
Oracle DBA
Descrição: MySQL DBA Training Syllabus interested people can mail us at [email protected]
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Best practices for Oracle DBA. From 2004
Best practices for Oracle DBA. From 2004
Oracle DBA Training Syllabus – Part 1 Introduction (Database Architecture) •
Describe course objectives
!"lore the Oracle 1#g database architecture
Installing the Oracle Database So$t%are •
!"lain core DBA tas&s and tools
Plan an Oracle installation
'se o"tial e!ible architecture
Install so$t%are %ith the Oracle 'niversal Installer (O'I)
*reating an Oracle Database •
*reate a database %ith the Database *on+guration Assistant (DB*A)
*reate a database design te"late %ith the DB*A
,enerate database creation scri"ts %ith the DB*A
-anaging the Oracle Instance •
Start and sto" the Oracle database and co"onents
'se nter"rise -anager (-)
Access a database %ith S./0Plus and iS./0Plus
-odi$y database initialiation "araeters
'nderstand the stages o$ database startu"
2ie% the Alert log
'se the Data Dictionary
-anaging Database Storage Structures •
Describe table data storage (in bloc&s)
De+ne the "ur"ose o$ tables"aces and data +les
'nderstand and utilie Oracle -anaged 3iles (O-3)
*reate and anage tables"aces
Obtain tables"ace in$oration
Describe the ain conce"ts and $ unctionality o$ Autoatic Storage -anageent (AS-)
Adinistering 'ser Security •
*reate and anage database user accounts
Authenticate users
Assign de$ault storage areas (tables"aces)
,rant and revo&e "rivileges
*reate and anage roles
*reate and anage "ro+les
I"leent standard "ass%ord security $eatures
*ontrol resource usage by users
-anaging Schea Objects •
De+ne schea objects and data ty"es
*reate and odi$y tables
De+ne constraints
2ie% the coluns and contents o$ a table
*reate inde!es4 vie%s and se5uences
!"lain the use o$ te"orary tables
'se the Data Dictionary
-anage data through S./
-onitor and resolve loc&ing conicts
-anaging 'ndo Data •
!"lain D-/ and undo data generation
-onitor and adinister undo
Describe the di6erence bet%een undo and redo data
*on+gure undo retention
,uarantee undo retention
'se the undo advisor
I"leenting Oracle Database Security •
Describe DBA res"onsibilities $or security
A""ly the "rinci"al o$ least "rivilege
nable standard database auditing
S"eci$y audit o"tions
7evie% audit in$oration
-aintain the audit trail
Oracle DBA Training Syllabus – Part 8 *on+guring the Oracle 9et%or& nvironent •
*reate additional listeners
*reate 9et Service aliases
*on+gure connect:tie $ailover
*ontrol the Oracle 9et /istener
Test Oracle 9et connectivity
Identi$y %hen to use shared versus dedicated servers
Bac&u" and 7ecovery *once"ts •
Identi$y the ty"es o$ $ailure that ay occur in an Oracle Database
Describe %ays to tune instance recovery
Identi$y the i"ortance o$ chec&"oints4 redo log +les4 and archived log +les
*on+gure A7*;I2/O, ode
Per$oring Database Bac&u"s •
*reate consistent database bac&u"s
Bac& your database u" %ithout shutting it do%n
*reate increental bac&u"s
Autoate database bac&u"s
-onitor the ash recovery area
Per$oring Database 7ecovery •
7ecover $ro loss o$ a control +le
7ecover $ro loss o$ a redo log +le
Per$or co"lete recovery $ollo%ing the loss o$ a data +le
Per$oring 3lashbac& •
Describe 3lashbac& database
7estore the table content to a s"eci+c "oint in the "ast %ith 3lashbac& Table
7ecover $ro a dro""ed table
2ie% the contents o$ the database as o$ any single "oint in tie %ith 3lashbac& .uery
See versions o$ a ro% over tie %ith 3lashbac& 2ersions .uery
2ie% the transaction history o$ a ro% %ith 3lashbac& Transaction .uery
-oving Data •
Describe available %ays $or oving data
*reate and use directory objects
'se S./0/oader to load data $ro a non:Oracle database (or user +les)
!"lain the general architecture o$ Data Pu"
'se Data Pu" !"ort and I"ort to ove data bet%een Oracle databases
'se e!ternal tables to ove data via "lat$or:inde"endent +les
*on+guring 7ecovery -anager •
7ecovery -anager 3eatures and *o"onents
'sing a 3lash 7ecovery Area %ith 7-A9
*on+guring 7-A9
*ontrol 3ile Autobac&u"s
7etention Policies and *hannel Allocation
'sing 7ecovery -anager to connect to a target database in de$ault 9O*ATA/O, ode
Dis"laying the current 7-A9 con+guration settings
Altering the bac&u" retention "olicy $or a database
'sing 7ecovery -anager •
7-A9 *oand Overvie%
Paralleliation o$ Bac&u" Sets
*o"ressed Bac&u"s
Iage *o"y
/IST and 7PO7T coands
nable A7*;I2/O, ode $or the database
'se 7ecovery -anager
7ecovering $ro 9on:critical /osses •
7ecovery o$ 9on:*ritical 3iles
*reating 9e% Te"orary Tables"ace
7ecreating 7edo /og 3iles4 Inde! Tables"aces4 and Inde!es
Altering the "rogra and schedule $or the job and observing the behavior change o$ the job
-onitoring job runs
Scenario 1@ Database "er$orance
Scenario 8@ 3inding and Tuning IneJcient S./
Scenario K@ S,A -anageent – 7DO
Scenario L@ 7unning out o$ 'ndo S"ace
Scenario @ -issing data+le
Scenario M@ -anaging s"ace in a tables"ace – 7DO
Scenario @ -issing T-P data +le
What is DBA ? Why a Company needs a DBA? Roles & Responsibilities of DBA Oracle Architecture Physical and Logical Phase of Database ypes of files!Control file" Redolog file and Datafile# Different types of Datafiles $nstance %A!%ystem lobal Area# and Bac'ground Process
Different %tartup (odes Different %hutdo)n (odes ypes of Database Creation (anual (ethod of Creation
$ntroduction to able space ypes of able space!B$ & %(ALL# emporary able space Altering*Renaming a able space Renaming a data file emporary roups able space +ncryption!,,g#
What are segments? What are e-tents? What is Bloc's? Oracle Bloc's +stimation of +-tents Dictionary (anaged able space Locally (anaged able space %torage Parameters!$nitial" .e-t" (in +-tents" /tents" Pctincrease#
Who are Database 0sers? Why to create a 0ser? Creation of 0sers Assigning Pri1ileges Creating and granting Roles Allocating table space 2uotas to 0sers Assigning default table space for the 0sers %etting Profiles for the 0sers Le1els of Authentication %chema (anagement!,,g# %ecurity!,,g#
What is 0ndo? Why 0ndo re3uired? Pending offline status Brief idea about Rollbac' segments 4lashbac' 4eatures 4lashbac' able 4lashbac' 3uery 4lashbac' 5ersion 3uery
What is spfle?
Difference bet)een spfile and pfile Ad1antages of spfile What is O(4? Ad1antages of O(4 4iles con1entions of O(4
$ntroduction to Oracle .et)or'ing .et)or' default location +diting .et)or' file
$ntroduction to Database Lin's ypes of Database Lin's $ntroduction to (ateriali6ed 1ie)s Ad1antages of (ateriali6ed 1ie) Refresh (odes
$ntroduction to Redo log
%tatus of Redo logs (ultiple-ing the Redo log files Re7creation of Control file Renaming the Database (ultiple-ing the Control file
What is a logical bac'up Why it is re3uired +-port*import 0tility Data Pump Difference bet)een Data Pump and raditional +-port*import $mpdp*e-pdp ransportable able spaces
$ntroduction to Physical bac'up ypes of Physical bac'up Cold & 8ot bac'up Reco1ery scenarios R(A. bac'up R(A. Point in time reco1ery R(A. ,,g ne) features
What is Performance uning? Why uning re3uired? ypes of uning Database uning uning %2L uning (emory uning