Abstract /Preface …………………………………. I
Contents Chapter-I
Pro"ect P#an $ %e&e'
Codn) deta#s / App#caton Sste Testn)
0h ,sua# Basc
Conc#uson And Future Scope
As st #pro"ect e )& enreport. n re ference se cton of te3tpe ofrthe
Pharac 7atabase 9ana)eent Sste Introducton:
The main aim of the project is the management of the database of the pharmaceutical shop. This is done by creating a database of the available medicines in the shop. The database is then connected to the main program by using interconnection of the Visual asic program and the database already created.
This program can be used in any pharmaceutical shops having a database to maintain. The soft!are used can generate reports" as per the user#s re$uirements. The soft!are can print invoices" bills" receipts etc. %t can also maintain the record of supplies sent in by the supplier
Chapter +
+.! Feasb#t Stud
( feasibility analysis involves a detailed assessment of the need" value and practicality of a proposed enterprise" such as systems development. The process of designing and implementing record )eeping systems has significant accountability and resource implications for an organi*ation. +easibility analysis !ill help you ma)e informed and transparent decisions at crucial points during the developmental process to determine !hether it is operationally" economically and technically realistic to proceed !ith a particular course of action.
Most feasibility studies are distinguished for both users and analysts. +irst" the study often presupposes that !hen the feasibility document is being prepared" the analyst is in a position to evaluate solutions. Second" most studies tend to overloo) the confusion inherent in system development , the constraints and the assumed attitudes.
+.!.! Operatona# feasb#t
People are inherently resistant to change" and computers have been )no!n to facilitate change. (n estimate should be made of ho! strong a reaction the user staff is li)ely to have to!ard the development of a computeri*ed system. %t is common )no!ledge that computer installations have something to do !ith turnover" transfers" retraining" and changes in employee job status. Therefore" it is understood that the introduction of a candidate system re$uires special effort to educate" sell and train the staff on ne! !ays of conducting business.
+.!.+ Technca# feasb#t
Technical feasibility centers around the e-isting computer system hard!are" soft!are" etc./ and to !hat e-tend it can support the proposed addition. +or e-ample" if the current computer is operating at 0 percent capacity , an arbitrary ceiling , then running another application could overload the system or re$uire additional hard!are.
This involves financial considerations to accommodate technical enhancements. %f the budget is a serious constraint" then the project is judged not feasible.
+.!.* Cost/ Beneft ana#ss
3conomic analysis is the most fre$uently used method for evaluating the effectiveness of a candidate system. More commonly )no!n as cost benefit analysis" the procedure is to determine the benefits and savings that are e-pected from a candidate system and compare them !ith costs. %f benefits over!eigh costs" then the decision is made to design and implement the system. 4ther!ise" further justification or alterations in the proposed system !il l have to be made if it is to have a chance of being approved. This is an ongoing effort that improves in accuracy at each phase in the system life cycle.
5ost of ne! computer appro-imately 6s. 22"78
5ost of operating system appro-imately 6s. 78
(voids tedious typing tas)
+aster document retrieval
Saving storage space
9eeps data secure
3asy to use" update and maintain
+.+ Sste Ana#ss
%t is the most creative and challenging phase of the system life cycle. The analysis phase is used to design the logical model of the system !hereas the design phase is used to design the physical model. Many things are to be done in this phase .!e began the designing process by identifying forms" reports and the other outputs the system !ill produce. Then the specify data on each !ere pinpointed. !e s)etched the forms or say" the displays" as e-pected to
appear" on paper" so it serves as model for the project to began finally !e design the form on computer display" using one of the automated system design tool" that is V%S;(< (S%5 :.. (fter the forms !ere designed" the ne-t step !as to specify the data to be inputted" calculated and stored individual data items and calculation procedure !ere !ritten in detail. +ile structure such as paper files !ere selected the procedures !ere !ritten so as ho! to process the data and procedures the output during the programming phase. The documents !ere design ion the form of charts. 4utput design means !hat should be the format for presenting the results. %t should be in most convenient and attractive format for the user. The input design deals !ith !hat should be the input to the system and thus prepare the input format. +ile design deals !ith ho! the data has to be stored on physical devices. Process design includes the description of the procedure for carrying out operations on the given data.
+.* Sste %e
The system services and goals are established by consultation !ith system user. They are then defined in details and serve as a system specification. System re$uirement are those on !hich the system runs. 6ard'are %e
5omputer !ith either %ntel Pentium processor or (MD processor.
120M DD6 6(M
'= hard dis) drive
Soft'are %e
>indo!s ?0727@P operating system.
Microsoft 4ffice pac)age.
Microsoft Visual Studio :.
+.( 7ata F#o' 7a)ras
( data flo! diagram is a graphical representation or techni$ue depicting information flo! and transform that are applied as data moved from input to output. The
D+D are partitioned into levels that represent increasing information flo! and functional details. The processes" data store" data flo!" etc are described in Data Dictionary.
7ata f#o':
Data moves in a specific direction from an srcin to destination
Procedure s people or devices that use or transform data
E3terna# entt:
This defines a source srcinator/ or destination of system data. 7ata Store:
This indicates !here data is stored in the system.
+.(.! Conte3t 7a)ra
F). 1thLe&e# 7F7
%n the th level of the D+D the client re$uest the Pharmacy Database process for some product or the medicine than the process gives the chec) availability signal to the pharmacy Database for the re$uested product or the medicines availability. (fter chec)ing the availability" the Database sends the status to the Pharmacy Database process. Then the Pharmacy Database process gives the status to the client and according to the status the client buys the product and pays the bill and the e-ternal entity (ccounts than generates the bill for the purchased product.
+.(.+ Frst Le&e# 7F7
F). !stLe&e# 7F7
%n level one of the D+D the client select the mode of the action i.e. !hether he !ants to buy a medicine or general store product. %f he selects mode as medicine than the flo! of data !ill be as follo!sB The process 2. i.e. medicine can enter the medicine information into the Database or can retrieve the information from the Database. %f the medicine has to soled" than the sales process !ill chec) the stoc) !hether the re$uested medicine is available or not" this !ill be done by chec)ing the availability of the medicine and the stoc) process !ill reply by giving the status of the available stoc).. %f the re$ues ted medic ine is available than the client !ill pay the bill and the account process !ill generate the bill for the purchased medicine.
%f the medicine is purchased than" first the supplier#s information is retrieved from the suppliers Database. (fter purchasing the bill amount of the purchased medicine is paid by the account process and the stoc) Database is updated automatically after the ne! medicines are purchased. %f the client selects the mode as general store i.e. if he !ants to buy a general store product" the general store process !ill as) to the sales process for the re$uested product" than to chec) !hether the product is available or not the sales process !ill chec) the stoc) by giving the chec) availability re$uest to the stoc) process and than the stoc) process !ill reply by giving the stoc) status. %f the stoc) of the re$uested product is available then the client !ill pay the bill and in turn the (ccount process !ill generate the bill for the product purchased by the client. %f the product is purchased than the information of the supplier from !hom the product is purchased is retrieved from the supplier process by the purchase process and if the supplier is ne! than the supplier information is entered in the suppliers database. The (ccount process also )eeps all the details of the stoc).
+.(.* Second Le&e# 7F7
F). +nd Le&e# 7F7
+urther in the second level D+D the process . i.e. sales process is elaborated. %n the sale process" after selecting the mode i.e. medicine or general store the further operation is performed. The .1 process is the Medicine sale process in this process the patient#s information can be retrieved from the patient Database. %f the patient is visiting for the first time than his infor mation or detail is entered in the patie nt database. Similarly the Doctor#s information or detail is also entered in the Doctor Database" !ho referred to the patient. %f the patient is referred by the ne! Doctor than his information can be entered in the doctor#s Database. >ith the help of the medicine sales process the patient#s and Doctor# information can be entered or retrieved from the respective Database. %f the medicine or general store product has to be sold the information is retrieved from the sales database. +.5 Sste 7es)n
F). 9an Screen
>hen the system loaded the above screen appears.
F). 9aster 9enu
The above screen displays the option available under the Master menu. The options areB
Medical and =eneral Stores
Suppliers Detail
F). Transactons 9enu
The above screen displays the options under the Transaction menu. The options areB
=eneral Stores
3dit Purchase
F). Stoc= 9enu
The above screen displays the options under the Stoc) menu. The options areB
4pening Stoc)
3dit Stoc)
F). %eport 9enu
The above screen displays the 6eport menu. %t consists of reports for the Medical department and =eneral Stores department.
The Medical department reports consists ofB
Daily Sales
Monthly Sales
5urrent Stoc)
Medicine 5ode
PharmacyDatabaseManagementSystem The =eneral Stores department consists ofB
Daily Sales
Monthly Sales
5urrent Stoc)
Product 5ode
F). 9edcne and >enera# Stores
F). 9edcne and >enera# Stores 'th data
The Medical and =eneral stores module basically deals !ith the information of medicine and general store product s. The minimum stoc) level can be set here as sho!n in above figure. The minimum stoc) level !ill help the user to be !arned !hen the stoc) level falls belo! the specified value. %n this module the product %D i.e. code for each section is automatically generated. This is done !hen the user clic)s on (DD C3> button. The navigation buttons provided helps the user to navigate through the records. The buttons are P63V%4;S and C3@T. The option to edit" delete and save are also given so that the user can modify the records.
F). Supp#er?s Inforaton
The Supplier#s module deals !ith all the supplier#s information. This information !ill be used !hen !e !ant to chec) !hich company supplies !hat products. The basic information such as address" telephone number" etc. >henever !e add ne! supplier#s information by clic)ing on (DD C3> button the suppliers %D is generated automatically. The suppliers %D te-tbo- is loc)ed so that the user !ill not enter an invalid code.
F). Sa#es 9odu#e
F). Sa#es 9odu#e 'th 7ata
The Sales Module deals !ith the sales of products. >hether the product is of type Medicine or =eneral Store is dependent on the action selected. The option for cash or credit sales also has been provided for the user. %f the payment is in cash the cash balance for today#s sales and total sales !ill be accordingly updated. %f payment is credit then no changes !ill be reflected on cash balance. >hen !e clic) on (DD C3> button the cash memo or credit memo number is generated automatically. The patient#s information is also saved at the same time !hen the entire detail is saved. This help for )eeping the details of the creditors. (long !ith the patient#s information the doctor#s information" !ho refer the patients to the pharmacy is also )ept.
The module also gives the information about the current stoc) level and the minimum stoc) level. %f the stoc) level falls belo! the minimum value it !ill display a critical message" !arning the user that the stoc) $uantity level is lo!.
>e clic) on S(V3 to save the information and then clic) on P6%CT to print the receipt.
F). 9edcne Purchase 9odu#e
F). 9edcne Purchase 9odu#e 'th 7ata
The Medicine Purchase module deals !ith the purcha se of the medicine from the suppliers. These medicines are then updated in the stoc) table. Cote that the bill number and bill date is left blan) as sho!n on the figure above. There are cases !hen the bill is sent later than the delivery of the products. %n the above figure" user enters the supplier#s code and the supplier#s name automatically is displayed.
F). >enera# Store?s Purchase 9odu#e
F). >enera# Store?s Purchase 9odu#e 'th 7ata
The =eneral Store#s Purchase module deals !ith the purchase of the general store products from the suppliers. These products are then updated in the stoc) table. the bill number and bill date may be left blan) in the figure above. There are cases !hen the bill is sent later than the delivery of the products. %n the above figure" user enters the supplier#s code and the supplier#s name automatically is displayed.
F). Edt Purchase 9odu#e
F). Edt Purchase 9odu#e 'th 7ata
The 3dit Purchase Module is for chec)ing !hether the entries made !ere correct or not. The user can search for particular record by entering the challan number and the date. The navigation buttons have also been provided to move through the records. The user can then edit the particular record and then save it.
F). Openn) Stoc= 9odu#e
F). Openn) Stoc= 9odu#e 'th 7ata
The 4pening Stoc) Module deals !ith the initial stoc) entry !hen the system !ill be implemented for the first time. This module ta)es the opening stoc) of the medicine and the general store products. The option button is provided for this purpose. >hen selecting the respective option the records that are available are displayed. Then navigation buttons are also provided for moving through the records. (nd accordingly edit the record.
F). Edt Stoc= 9odu#e
F). Edt Stoc= 9odu#e 'th 7ata
This module deals !ith the ne! entries of the stoc). oth the medicine and general store products are available here. >e can search for a particular stoc) by entering their respective code or product %D.
7atabase structure
The tables used are as follo!sB
Purch6eg , purchase register" !hich store inform ation on purchase of goods for pharmacy.
Sales6eg , sales register" !hich store information on sales made.
MediStoc) , )eeps the medicine stoc) record.
=enStoc) , )eeps the general store product#s stoc) records.
Med4pStoc) , )eeps opening stoc) records for medicine.
=en4pStoc) , )eeps opening stoc) record for products.
5ust%nfo , )eeps customer information.
5ash , )eeps records of cash sales.
DocDetail , )eeps doctors information.
Chapter *
Codn) 7eta#s
The Standard Contro#s@ Fors@ and 9enus
The properties describe the appearance of the =;% component. >hen adding a component" the Came property should be set immediately" according to the three8letter mnemonic naming conventions. The properties are displayed in the Properties >indo! in Came7Value pairs in alphabetical order.
E&ent Procedures
(n event procedure is a piece of code that responds to events that can occur for that object. Most of the events are generated by the user" enabling them to dictate the order of e-ecution. Fors
The +orm is the main stage of your application. y default" the Standard 3-e option starts !ith a form called +orm1. The Came property of the +orm should be named !ith a three8letter mnemonic prefi- of frm. 3ach +orm !ill be a >indo! in your application. 5ontrols are added to the form by either double8clic)ing them in the toolbo-" or by selecting the control and dra!ing a bounding rectangle on the form. Eour application may use more than one form. To add a ne! +orm to the project" either select (dd +orm from the Project menu or right8clic) the +orms folder in the Project 3-plorer and select" (dd" and then +orm. To load a ne! form" use the Sho! method. The parameter" vbModal" is optional. %f used" vbModal means that the form has focus until closed !ithin the application.
Standard Contro#s
5ontrols are added to the +orm from the Toolbo-. 3ach control has a set of properties" and a set of event procedures associated !ith it. The follo!ing lists the control" reading left to right" top to bottom as they appear in the standard Toolbo-.
>hen coding the system !e used a more (dvanced (ctive@ 5ontrol call
9SF#e3>rd contro#:
4ne of the most impressive controls of Visual asic is the MS+le-=rid control. MS+le-=rid control provides all the functionality for building spreadsheet applications" !ord processing applications. The MS+le-=rid control is an e-tremely useful tool for displaying information in a tabular form.
Eou can add a fle- grid to a Visual asic project easilyF just follo! these stepsB 1.
Select the Project GvbarH 5omponents menu item.
5lic) the 5ontrols tab in the 5omponents dialog bo-.
Select the Microsoft +le-=rid 5ontrol entry in the 5omponents dialog bo-.
5lose the 5omponents dialog bo- by clic)ing on 49. This displays the +le- =rid 5ontrol tool in the toolbo-.
(dd a fle- grid control to your form in the usual !ay for Visual asic controls" using the +le- =rid 5ontrol tool.
Set the fle- grid#s %o's and Co#s properties to the number of ro!s and columns you !ant in your fle- grid. Eou can also customi*e your fle- grid by setting such properties as BorderSt#e" ForeCo#or" Bac=Co#or" and so on.
Several fle- grid properties !ill help us hereB
%o'—The current ro! in a fle- grid
Co#—The current column in a fle- grid
%o's—The total number of ro!s
Co#s—The total number of columns
Te3t—The te-t in the cell at %o'" Co#/
F). 9SF#e3>rd Contro#
7ata Entr
The MS+le-=rid control is an e-tremely useful tool for displaying data" but it lac)s a basic compatibilityB the user cannot edit single cell. There are t!o approaches to editing a grid#s cell. The first is to place a Te-tocontrol on the form. 3ach time the user clic)s on a cell" the programs copies the contents of the active cell to the Te-to- control and lets the user edit it. The second approach is a bit more elegant" but it involves more comple- codingB if u place a Te-to- control !ith the e-act same dimensions of the cell being edited right on top of the cell" the user gets the impression of editing a cell directly on the grid.
To integrate the Te-to- control !ith the MS+le-=rig control" use the Ce##0dth@ Ce##6e)ht@ Ce##Top and Ce##Left properties of the grid" !hich determine
the current cell#s dimensions and placement on the grid. (fter the te-t control is placed e-actly on top of the cell" the contents of the current cell are copied to the Te-to-. >hen the user moves to another cell by clic)ing it" the Te-to-#s contents are copied to that cell" and then the Te-to- control is placed over it.
MS+le-=rid cells support formatting" including !ord !rap. Eou can format te-t using these properties of fle- gridsB
Chapter (
Sste Testn)
Testing of the soft!are as a mean of accessing or measuring the soft!are to determine its $uality. The area of testing is one of the )ey process areas in ensuring the $uality of the soft!are )no!n as Soft!are Iuality (ssurance SI(/. Testing is done !ith one primary objective to ensure the $uality of the soft!are before it is actually implemented. The main purpose of testing from developer#s point of vie! is to gain confidence. %f no error are found at least he is sure that the product under development is meeting it re$uired goals in terms of $uality. There is no !ay to find !hen to stop testing ho!ever people have follo!ed certain norms and guidelines over the course of time. They are as follo!sB
>hen the rate of finding errors has reached an acceptable level.
ased on the si*e of the system" JenoughK errors have been found !here JenoughK can be a $uantitative parameter based on historical data.
Measuring coverage of testing as percentage of line e-ecuted divided by total number of lines in the system. %f the percentage id belo! acceptable limits" then the test plans have to be enhanced to test areas !here code not been tested.
,a#daton Testn)
%n validation testing !e ensure that all the data entered !as displayed properly on the vie! screen and that !e got the e-pected results.
F). Crtca# Error 9essa)e
%n this !ay all the screens !ere chec)ed again and again to ensure proper validation.
Inte)raton Testn)
The last step !as to integrate the various modules in the soft!are. >e implemented top8 do!n integration. The integration !as performed in five stepsB
The main control module !as used as test driver and stubs !ere substituted for all components directly subordinate to the main control module.
Depending on depth first search subordinate stubs !as replaced !ith actual components.
Tests !ere conducted as each component !ith real component.
4n completion of each set of tests" another stub is replace !ith real component.
%ntegration testing !as conducted to ensure e-ecution of some subset of tests have already been conducted had not propagated unintended side effects.
Chapter (
(.! 0h ,sua# Basc
Visual asic provides more of the actual code for a programmer than any other non8visual programming language. This ma)es it a !idely used programming language for visual applications. %f you have ever programmed in the older (S%5 or other command line programming language" then you !ill remember that the programmer had to !rite the code for entire user interface. Today#s !indo!s" buttons" lists and other application features such as menus !ere not built8in to the (S%5 programming language. Programmers had to create the code for these features on their o!n. (s much as 0L of a programmer#s time !as spent !riting code to create the user interface to his applications the visual interface/. To eliminate this huge drain on a programmer#s time" Microsoft had provided Visual asic !ith built8in capability to create the user interface using nothing more than a mouse. Visual asic is itself a !indo! application. Eou load and e-ecute the V system just as you do other >indo!s programsF !e use this running V program to create other programs. V is just a tool" albeit an e-tremely po!erful tool" that programmers use to !rite" test" and run !indo!s applications. ,sua# Basc D,B is an event driven programming language and associated
development environment created by Microsoft. %n business programming" it has one of the largest user bases. %t is derived heavily from (S%5 and enables rapid application development 6(D/ of graphical user interface =;%/ applications" access to databases using D(4" 6D4" or (D4" and creation of (ctive@ controls and objects. ( programmer can put together an application using the components provided !ith Visual asic itself. This built8in interface creation capability has had the future benefit of standardi*ing on the user interface to >indo!s applications. Today" user can move from one !indo! program to another and see the same basic interface tools to !or) !ith8 allo!ing them to concentrate solely on the uni$ue capabilities of the application.
The bottom line is that you can creat e an entire appli cation shell the user interface/ very $uic)ly and then spend most of your time !or)ing on the features" !hich differentiate your application from its competitor. Today you need much more than just a languageF you need a graphical development tool that can !or) inside the !indo! system and applications that ta)e advantage of all the graphical" multimedia" online and multiprocessor activities that !indo!s offer. Visual asic is such a tool. More than a language" Visual asic lets you generate applications that interact !ith every aspect of today#s !indo!s operating systems.
Lan)ua)e feature
F). ,B Inte)rated 7e&e#opent En&ronent
( typical Session in Microsoft Visual asic :
Visual asic !as designed to be usable by all programmers" !hether novice or e-pert. The language is designed to ma)e it easy to create simple =;% applications" but also has the fle-ibility to develop fairly comple- applications as !ell. Programming in V is a combination of visually arranging components on a form" specifying attributes and actions of those components" and !riting additional lines of code for more functionality. Since default attributes and actions are defined for the components" a simple program can be created !ithout the programmer having to !rite many lines of code. Performance problems !ere e-perienced by earlier versions" but !ith faster computers and native code compilation this has become less of an issue. (lthough programs can be compiled into native code e-ecutables from version on!ards" they still re$uire the presence of runtime libraries of appro-imately 2 M in si*e. This runtime is included by default in >indo!s 2 and later" but for earlier versions of >indo!s it must be distributed together !ith the e-ecutable. +orms are created using drag and drop techni$ues. ( tools palette is used to place controls e.g." te-t bo-es" buttons" etc./ on the form !indo!/. 5ontrols have attributes and event handlers associated !ith them. Default values are provided !hen the control is created" but may be changed by the programmer. Many attribute values can be modified during run time based on user actions or changes in the envir onment" providing a dynamic appli cation. +or e-ampl e" code can be inserted into the form resi*e event handler to reposition a control so that it remains centered on the form" e-pands to fill up the form" etc. y inserting code into the event handler for a )eypress in a te-t bo-" the program can automatically translate the case of the te-t being entered" or even prevent certain characters from being inserted. ( Visual asic application can consist of one or more !indo!s" or a single !indo! that contains MD% child !indo!s" as provided by the operating system. Dialog bo-es !ith less functionality e.g." no ma-imi*e7minimi*e control/ can be used to provide pop8up capabilities. 5ontrols provide the basic functionality of the application" !hile programmers can insert additional logic !ithin the appropriate event handlers. +or e-ample" a drop8do!n combination bo- !ill automatically display its list and allo! the
user to select any element. (n event handler is called !hen an item is selected" !hich can then e-ecute additional code created by the programmer to perform some action based on !hich element !as selected" such as populating a related list. (lternatively" a Visual asic component can have no user interface" and instead provide (ctive@ objects to other programs via 5omponent 4bject Model 54M/. This allo!s for server8side processing or an add8in model. The language is garbage collected using reference counting" has a large library of utility objects" and has basic object oriented support. Since the more common components are included in the default project template" the programmer seldom needs to specify additional libraries. ;nli)e many other programming languages" Visual asic is generally not case sensitive" although it !ill transform )ey!ords into a standard case configuration and force the case of variable names to conform to the case of the entry !ithin the symbol table entry. String comparisons are case sensitive by default" but can be made case insensitive if so desired. Visual asic !as designed to meet all real !orld re$uirements !ith its )ey features" !hich are e-plained as follo!sB 8
1. 3vent Driven Programming
&. Database 5onnectivityB 8 Some databases" such as Microsoft (ccess" store all the related database files in a single global file called the database file. %nside the database" the individual groups of records and fields are called tables. 4ther database systems" such as dase" )eep trac) of a database#s data in multiple files. >hen you use database such as Microsoft (ccess" you must describe both the overall database and the individual table name !ithin the database that the Data control is in use. '. 5ontrolsB 8 5ontrols are tools on the Toolbo- !indo! that you place on a
form to interact
!ith the user and control the program flo!. The controls can be self generated and can be used again and again in the same application. (s you add controls to the +orm !indo!" the properties !indo! updates to sho! the properties for the currently selected control. The selected control is usually the control you last placed on the form. Visual asic lets you see a control#s properties in the Properties !indo! by clic)ing to select the control or by selecting the control from the properties !indo!#s drop8do!n list bo-. Benefts of 8sn) ,IS8AL BASIC .1
V no! supports a true compiler that creates standalone runtime .e-e files that e-ecute more $uic)ly than previous V programs
V also includes several !i*ards that offer step8by8step dialog bo- $uestions that guide you through the creation of applications.
V#s development platform" a development environment called the Developer Studio.
Co! supports the same features as the advanced Visual 5 and Visual N 5ompilers.
(fter you learn one of Microsoft#s visual programming products" you !ill have the s)ills to use the other language products !ithout a long learning curve ahead of you.
Visual asic lets you generate applications that interact !ith every e-pect of today#s >indo!s operating systems.
V#s programming language is fairly simple and uses common 3nglish !ords and phases for the most part.
Microsoft Visual asic :." the latest and greatest incarnation of the old language" gives you a complete >indo!s application development system in one pac)age.
Visual asic lets you !rite" edit" and test >indo!s applications. V includes tools that can be used to !rite and compile help files" (ctive@ controls and even %nternet applications.
Chapter 5
Conc#uson and Future Scope
Detailed information gathering has to be done. >ithout that the purpose for using the soft!are !ont be satisfied properly.
Oo!ever it can give good profits in the long run.
%mplementing the soft!are re$uires change in the business practices.
3fficient organi*ation of all )no!ledge is the analysis company and easy analysis access and retrieval of information is possible.
%n this project !e can also include (6 54D3 facility using the bar code reader" !hich !ill detect the e-piry date and the other information about the related medicines.
5ompany using this soft!are !ill al!ays be able to plan in future and al!ays be a!are of their financial position in the mar)et.
%t leads to streamling of business processes.
The implementation and maintence costs run very high about 2 to & L of the company#s revenue./
Bb#o)raph: - E&an)e#os peroutsos: - 9astern) ,sua# Basc .1. - >re) Perr@ San"aa 6etthe'a: - ,sua# basc .1 n +( hours.
%eferences: -
8 8
http://'''.)oo) http://'''.'