A Mini Project Report submitted to the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering
Geethanjali College of Engineering & Technology Accredited by NBA (Affiliated to J!"#$% Appro&ed by A'C"E% !e )elhi*
'n partial fulfillment of the re+uirement for the aard of degree of
BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY N CO!"#TER $CENCE AN% ENGNEERNG #nder the esteemed guidance of !rChRa'e(h Bab) A((ociate *rofe((or ,y
Na'e of the (t)dent +HTNo,
%e*art'ent of Co'*)ter $cience & Engineering -./01/2
nternal G)ide
Geethanjali College of Engineering & Technology (Afliated to J.N.T.U.H, Approved by AICTE, NEWDELHI.)
Thi i to !er"#y that the $i%i &ro'e!t report e%"tled NLINE *D +DE+IN
M.Sa M. Saii
Kris Kr ishn hnaa
(14R11 (14 R11A05 A0533) 33),, K.Jwala (14R1 (14R11A0 1A0518 518), ), D.Pranay (14R11A0514), (14R11A0514), i% pa par" r"al al #3l0ll4e%t o# the re53ire4e%t o# the a1ard #or the de6ree o# 7a!helor o# E%$%!!"$% / #ro4 Ja1aharlal Nehr3 Te!h%olo6y i% Compu!" Compu!" S#$!%#! &%' E%$%!!"$%/ Te!h%olo6i!al U%iverity, Hyderabad d3ri%6 the year 89:;<89:=.
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We are greatly indebted to the authorities of Geethanjali College of Engineering and Tehnology! ehnology! Cheeryal! "." Dist! for #ro$ing us the neessary failities to suessfully arry #ut this %ini #rojet wor& titled '()*+)E ,((D ("DE"+)G S-STEM.
,irstly! ,irstly! we than& and e/#ress our soliit gratitude to Prof. Dr.S.)agendra Dr.S.)agendra Ku%ar! 0(D! CSE de#art%ent!G de#art%ent!Geethan eethanjali jali College College of Engineerin Engineering g and tehnology tehnology! for his in$aluable in$aluable hel# and su##ort whih hel#ed us a lot in suessfully o%#leting our %ini #rojet.
Seondly! we e/#ress our gratitude to Prof. Mr.Ch."a%esh 1abu! +nternal guide! Geethanjali College of Engineering and Tehnology for his suggestions and enourage%ent whih hel#ed us in the suessful o%#letion of our %ini #rojet.
We would li&e to e/#ress e/#ress our sinere gratitude to our Prini#al Dr.2day Dr.2day Ku%ar Susarla for #ro$iding the neessary infrastruture to o%#lete our #rojet.
,ina ,inally lly!! we woul would d li&e li&e to e/#r e/#res esss our our heart heartfe felt lt than than&s &s to our our #are #arent ntss who who were were $ery $ery su##orti$e both finanially and %entally and for their enourage%ent to ahie$e our set goals.
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A7-T+ACT The online food ordering syste% #ro$ides on$eniene for the usto%ers. +t o$ero%es the disad$antages of the traditional 3ueuing syste%. This syste% inreases the ta&eaway of foods than $isitors. Therefore! this syste% enhanes the s#eed and standardi4ation standar di4ation of ta&ing the order fro% the usto%er. +t #ro$ides a better o%%uniation #latfor%. the user5s user 5s details are noted eletronially. The online food ordering syste% set u# %enu online and the usto%ers easily #laes the order with a si%#le %ouse li&. 6lso with a food %enu online you an easily tra& the orders! %aintain usto%er7s database and i%#ro$e your food deli$ery ser$ie. This syste% allows the user to selet the desired food ite%s fro% the dis#layed %enu. The user orders the food ite%s. The #ay%ent an be %ade online or #ay8on8deli$ery syste%. The user5s details are %aintained onfidential beause it %aintains a se#arate se#ar ate aount for eah user. 6n id and #assword is #ro$ided for eah user. user. Therefore it #ro$ides a %ore seured ordering.
Computer has become part of the life for accessing almost any kind of information. Life in the !st century is full of technological ad"ancement and in this technological age it is "ery difficult for any organi#ation to sur"i"e $ithout utili#ing technology. The %orld %ide %eb contributes greatly to the creation of an e"er&increasing global information database. It could also be used as a mechanism to share information $ithin an enterprise. 'o Online food ordering system is needed in this sector. Online food ordering system is the techni(ue tech ni(ue of ordering foods online. The user can simply login using his)her username and corresponding pass$ord and then order foods to be deli"ered to his)her specific location. Through Internet ser"ices* administration $ill ha"e access of online information about key factors.
Online food ordering system project is project is a website which is developed for hotels and restaurants to increase scope of business by helping users to give order through online process.
Foo' o"'!"$% S-!m Fo"m- Ep&%&o%6
A/ou U-6 I% thi #or4 detailed eBpla%a"o% abo3t the hotel or reta3ra%t i eBplai%ed 1ith eBperie%!e a%d !o%ta!t %34ber. Thee detail 1ill 6ive !o%0de%!e #or 3er be#ore 6ivi%6 order. C&" D!&$!' R!po"6 Thi #or4 i diplayed 1ith i%#or4a"o% 1he% 3er add prod3!t to !art. +eport o# %34ber o# prod3!t a%d !ot #or ea!h prod3!t a%d total !ot i diplayed. C&%! P&--7o"'6 *or Uer 1ho re6itered 1ith appli!a"o% !a% !ha%6e a!!o3%t e%6 li2e pa1ord 3i%6 thi #or4. C$!% D!&$!' R!po"6 Ui%6 thi report 3er !a% vie1 total %34ber o# ite4 p3r!haed i% thi 4o%th re!e%t pay4e%t, order detail, billi%6 %34ber..Et!. P&m!% D!&$- R!po"6 Whe% 3er pay a4o3%t thro36h o%li%e 3i%6 a%y type o# pay4e%t 4ethod total a4o3%t o# pay4e%t 1ith taBe are provided i% thi report.
!. 'T+T,-,NT O /RO0L,-' 1 !..! ,2I'TIN3 '4'T,-1 The e5isting system refers to the system that is currently being follo$ed by the food foo d deli"eries . /resently all the functionalities are done manually. If customer $ants to order an item he should "isit the caf6 *order food items* pay for the items and get the food items slip.Then he should go to the food counter to get the food f ood taking the bill.Then only $e can get the food. This makes the person (uite difficult and tedious since they must stay in the (ueue.The main disad"antage is time consuming and it makes difficult for the manager to kno$ the customer7s past history.
!.. LI-IT+TION' O ,2I'TIN3 '4'T,-'1 8 Lack of security of data. 8 Time consuming. 8 Consumes large "olume of paper $ork. 8 -anual $ork 8 loss of data To a"oid all these limitations and make the system $orking more accurately it needs to be computeri#ed.
.! O09,CTI:,' O /RO/O',D '4'T,-1 The proposed system7s ob;ecti"e is to o"ercome all the limitations and dra$back of the e5isting system. The online food ordering system is user&friendly u ser&friendly $eb application. The main ob;ecti"es of the system is its simplicity of design and easy of implementation that sho$s and helps to collect most of the information about ooding 'er"ices. The Th e system re(uires "ery lo$ system resources and the system $ill $ork in almost all configurations. The data can be retrie"ed easily. The interface is "ery user&friendly. The data are $ell protected for personal use and the data processing is "ery fast. f ast. The main ob;ecti"es of the proposed system can be enumerated as follo$s1 8 To create an online food ordering system 8 To monitor the acti"ities of the user like $hen the user logged in and logged out
. +D:+NT+3,' O /RO/O',D '4'T,-1 Online ood Ordering 'ystem is a $eb application $ritten in +'/.N,T and C<. The system $ould be "ery simple in design and easy to implement. The system re(uires "ery lo$ system resources and the system $ill $ork in almost all configurations. The main ad"antages of the proposed Online 'ystems are1 8 'ecurity of data. 8 ,nsure data accuracy. 8 +dministrator controls the entire system. 8 -inimi#e manual data entry. 8 3reater efficiency. 8 User friendly and interacti"e.
8 -inimum time re(uirement.
.! D,:,LO/-,NT /L+TORor the de"elopment of the system * +sp.N,T = :isual C< pr ogramming language has been used because it allo$s us to generate simple user interfaces and also to $ork $ith different database engines. -icrosoft '>L 'er"er is one of the $orld7s most $idely used database management soft$are because of its fast performance* high reliability* ease of use and dramatic cost sa"ings .Its ,5press ,dition is free to use and $e are using it in our pro;ect. pro;ec t. %e decided to use '>L 'er"er at the backend for data management. It has po$erful features of data management to access the data efficiently. +ll the information stored in the database can be filtered* so as to offer the user only the most rele"ant data .
?. -,T@ODOLO341 irst of all $e $ill design a form $here a user can register and if the user has already registered then he)she can login $ith his)her username and pass$ord. The pass$ord msust match $hen the u ser logs inA if it $onBt then th en he $ill not be able to login. Once logged in* the time the user has logged in is stored in the database and same goes for $hen the user logs out. +fter the user is logged in* he $ill be able to see the food items from C and /i##a hut. +nd then depending on the user* he can order the items that he $ants. +fter the user is done* he can log out or he is automatically logged out after about hours.
.! easibility 'tudy
The measure of ho$ beneficial or practical the de"elopment of informant system $ill be to an organi#ation. +long this topic feasibility is measured. 'o far taking the feasibility study and feasibility analysis during the de"elopment of the pro;ect Online ood Ordering 'ystem $e ha"e studied on the follo$ing four ma;or categories of feasibility study . .!.! Operational easibility Operational feasibility is the measure of ho$ $ell the pro;ect $ill support the customer and the ser"ice pro"ider during the operational phase . It ans$ers the (uestion * EIs the th e pro;ect feasible to operate or not F E .!. Technical easibility It measures the feasibility of the particular technical solution and the a"ailability of technical resource and e5pertise . Technical feasibility looks at $hat is practical and reasonable . It mainly addresses their ma;or issues . 8 Is the proposed technology or solution practical F 8 Do $e currently possess the necessary technology and technical e5pertise F .!.? 'chedule easibility It is the measure of ho$ reasonable the pro;ect time table is or the deadline is reasonable or not. During the lack of time or the th e time become mandatory * $e must finish the pro;ect $ithin a gi"en time period . It mainly addresses 8 Can the pro;ect really be completed in the gi"en period of time F .!. ,conomic easibility It is the measure of the cost&effecti"eness of a pro;ect * $hich is often called cost&benefit analysis . +s long as the end&users re(uirements and alternati"e technical solution ha"e been identified * $e can identify the ra$ cost $eight and benefit of each alternati"e. During the de"elopment of Online ood Ordering 'ystem ' ystem * $e ha"e tried to address all these feasibility analysis phases seriously . That7s $hy $e th ink * our pro;ect $ill succeed properly.
Chapter G
G.! '4'T,- D,'I3N1 'ystem design is the process or art of defining the architecture* components* modules* interfaces*
and data for a system to satisfy specified re(uirements. 'ystem design contains Logical Design = /hysical DesignA logical designing describes the structure = characteristics or features* like output* input* files* database = procedures. The physical design* $hich follo$s the logical design* describes actual soft$are and a $orking system. G. U', C+', DI+3R+ + use case diagram captures the functional aspects of a system. + use case is a set of scenarios that describes an interaction bet$een a user and a system. + use case diagram displays the relationship among actors and use cases. Use cases are used during the analysis phase of a pro;ect to identify and partition system functionality. +ctors represent roles that can are played by users of the system. Those users can be be humans* other computers* pieces of hard$are* or e"en other soft$are systems. The only criterion is that th at they must be e5ternal to the part of the th e system being partitioned into use cases. + use case in a use case diagram is a "isual representation of distinct functionality in a system. Use cases describe the beha"ior of the entities igure ! 1&Use Case diagram -ake 'ystem ' ystem -anagement -ore Clear. FF
G.? ,R&DI+3R+ +n entity&relationship H,R diagram is a speciali#ed graphic that illustrates the interrelationships bet$een entities in a database. ,R diagrams often use symbols to represent three different types of information. 0o5es are commonly used to represent entities. Diamonds are normally used to represent relationships and o"als are used to represent attributes.