Aklan State University SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCES Banga, Aklan I.
Out!"es#Ba Out!"es#Base$ se$ E$uati E$uati!n !n %OBE& %OBE& C!urse C!urse 'esign 'esign(Syll (Sylla)us a)us in %BS A!untan A!untany(*uan y(*uantitat titative ive Te+niues e+niues in Business& Business& 'ate -evise$(En+ane$ A/ril 01, 0213 University Vision: An Academic Pillar of Excellence Excellence (APEx) for Sustainable Development. Mission: Aklan State niversit! is committed to o"er de#ree and non$de#ree curricula in a#riculture% forestr!% veterinar! medicine% medicine% &s'er!% arts and sciences% en#ineerin# and tec'nolo#!% education and mana#ement sciences to produce #loball! competent professionals% leaders and entrepreneurs t'rou#' tec'nolo#ical breakt'rou#'s in researc'% researc'% ecac! of extension% and ecienc! in production. ore Values: Academic excellence% excellence% Sustainabilit!% nit! and 'armon! in terms of *rust in +,D% Exceptional commitment% Accountabilit!% Moral ES- (Ent'usiasm% Spirit% -ope). nstitutional ,utcome: GEA- HIGHE- %IILO& +overnance Arc'itecture Excellent Excellent 'uman capital Academic and entrepreneurial excellence /ationali0ed instructions -ealt'! p'!sical environment environment nte#rated laboratories +eared up researc' -ub librar! Extension launc' pad for development /esource /esource corporation C!llege(Ca"/us Vision: Mission: olle#e1ampus ,utcomes: Sc'ool of Mana#ement Sciences 2S Acc ,utcomes: %'ILO& • • • • • • • • • •
I4. I4. 4.
5r!gra 5r!gra"(' "('egr egree ee Ba+ Ba+el! el!r r !6 Sie Siene ne in A! A!unt untan any y 5r!gra 5r!gra"(' "('egr egree ee Out Out!"e !"es s Base$ Base$ !n CMO CMO 7, 7, Serie Series s 0228 0228 %5IL %5ILO& O& *'e primar! #oal of accountin# education education is to produce competent professional professional accountants capable of makin# a positive positive contribution over t'eir lifetimes lifetimes to t'e profession and societ! in 3'ic' t'e! 3ork. n t'e face of increasin# c'an#es t'at t'e! 3ill meet later as professional accountants% it is essential t'at students develop and maintain an attitude of learnin# to learn% to maintain t'eir competence later as professional accountants. (Sec.45% Art6% M, 7% s. 5887) C!""!n t! all /r!gra"s in all ty/es !6 s+!!l %a t! e& *'e #raduates s'ould 'ave t'e abilit! to: a) Articulate Articulate and and discuss discuss t'e latest latest developm developments ents in in t'e speci& speci&c c &eld &eld of practice practice (PQF level 6 descriptor)9 descriptor) 9 b) E"ecti E"ectivel vel! ! commun communica icate te orall orall! ! and in in 3ritin 3ritin#9 #9 c) ork ork e"ective e"ectivel! l! and indepen independentl dentl! ! in multi$disc multi$disciplin iplinar! ar! and multi$c multi$cultur ultural al teams (PQF level 6 descriptor);
d) Act in reco#nition of professional% social% and et'ical responsibilities9 e) Preserve and promote ;Filipino historical and cultural heritage< %)ase$ !n -A 8800&9 4I. 4II. 4III.
C!urse N!. an$ Title BUS 3 : *uantitative Te+niues t! Business S+!!l ;ear(Se"ester Ouantitative anal!sis necessar! to understand t'e usefulness and limitations of t'e met'ods% reco#ni0e t'e situations 3'ere t'e met'ods can be applied and be a3are of t'e issues involved 3'en utili0in# t'e result of t'e anal!sis. overa#e is topical and included t'e revie3 of t'e basic principles of statistics% re#ression anal!sis% time series anal!sis% nonparametric statistics and >uantitative anal!sis tec'ni>ues suc' as matrices% #rap'ic linear pro#rammin# simulation% optimi0ation t'eor! and decision anal!sis.
I> . >.
C !u rs e re $i t( Un it 6 units ? 6 'ours lecture per 3eek C !u rs e( Su )? e t O ut !"e 2! t'e end of t'e course% t'e students 3ill be able to: 4. Develop an understandin# of t'e t'eor!% nature% principles% and processes of >uantitative met'ods9 5. +ain familiarit! 3it' t'e tools% tec'ni>ues% ad met'ods utili0ed in mana#ement decision makin#9 and 6. Develop t'e skills in t'e application of >uantitative met'ods in mana#erial decision makin#.
Curriulu"(Su)?et Ma//ing C!urse Out!"es an$ -elati!ns+i/ t! 5r!gra" Out!"es C!urse Out!"es
A6ter !"/leti!n !6 t+e !urse, t+e stu$ent @ill )e a)le t!
4. Develop an understandin# of t'e t'eor!% nature% principles% and processes of >uantitative met'ods9 5. +ain familiarit! 3it' t'e tools% tec'ni>ues% ad met'ods utili0ed in mana#ement decision makin#9 and 6. Develop t'e skills in t'e application of >uantitative met'ods in mana#erial decision makin#.
Articulate and discuss t'e latest developments in t'e speci&c &eld of practice (PQF level 6 descriptor) a
E"ectivel! communicate orall! and in 3ritin#
5r!gra" Out!"es ork e"ectivel! Act in reco#nition and of professional% independentl! in social% and multi$disciplinar! et'ical and multi$cultural responsibilities teams (PQF level 6 descriptor) $
Preserve and promote ;Filipino historical and cultural heritage< %)ase$ !n -A 8800&
Legen$ I ? intr!$ue$ ? t'e student #ets introduced to concepts1principles 5 ? /ratie$ ? t'e student practices t'e competencies 3it' supervision ' $ $e"!nstrate$ ? t'e student practices t'e competencies across di"erent settin#s 3it' minimal supervision
C !u rs e 'es ig n Ma tri INTEN'E' LEA-NING OUTCOMES %ILOS/ei O)?etives At t+e en$ !6 t+e unit, t+e stu$ents "ust +ave 4. internali0ed% and demonstrated t'e vision% mission% core values of t'e niversit! and t'e institutional% colle#e1campus% de#ree and course outcomes
At t+e en$ !6 t+e unit, t+e stu$ent @ill )e a)le t! 4.
Unit 0: Course Introduction, Vision, Mission, Core Values, and Outcoes 4. *'e niversit! Vision% Mission% ore Values% and ,utcomes 5. *'e 2an#a ampus1Sc'ool of Mana#ement ,utcomes 6. *'e 2S Accountanc! ,utcomes @. *'e ourse1Subect ,utcomes Unit 1 Overvie@ ntroduction to Decision Makin# Di"erent decision makin# environments Steps in decision makin# uantitative Anal!sis (A) approac' Advanta#es of Mat'ematical Modelin# /ole of omputers and spreads'eets in A Possible problems in A -istor! of Mana#ement Science1,peration /esearc'1uantitative Anal!sis1Met'ods •
4. Develop an understandin# of t'e t'eor!% nature% principles% and processes of >uantitative met'ods9
• •
Tea+ing an$ Learning Ativities%TLA &
Assess"e nt Tasks
5er6!r"an e Target
BD Proector Baptop
Becture Corum
Becture (6'rs): 4. nteractive Becture 5. nteractive Discussion 6. 2rainstormin # @. ,nline Discussion . Exposition
,ral /ecitation Exercises
4. 'alk 5. 'iteboar d 6. 'iteboar d marker @. Ba pt op . Multimedia Proector
F8G 3ill #et passin# #rade
2oard ork Exercises Seat3ork Master!
4. 'alk 5. 'iteboar d 6. 'iteboar
F8G 3ill #et passin# #rade
• •
5. +ain familiarit! 3it' t'e tools% tec'ni>ues% ad
At t+e en$ !6 t+e unit, t+e stu$ent @ill )e a)le t! 4. /ecall t'e fundamental decision makin# and
Unit 0 'eisi!n Making using 5r!)a)ilities 4. /evie3 of Probabilit! concepts
Becture (6'rs): 4. nteractive Becture 5. nteractive
Evaluati! n
-e!""en$ati !n
met'ods utili0ed in mana#ement decision makin#9 and
6. Develop t'e skills in t'e application of >uantitative met'ods in mana#erial decision
forecastin# concepts 5. Camiliari0e 3it' t'e decision makin# and forecastin# tools available 6. se t'e appropriate tools in a #iven problem #iven a particular situation. @. nterpret t'e results . Evaluate t'e alternatives in decision makin# F. Propose courses of actions
Cundamental oncepts Probabilit! Distributions ombinin# experience and numbers 5. Decision makin# usin# probabilities Six steps in Decision *'eor! Matrix Anal!sis Unit 7 F!reasting 4. Steps to Corecastin# 5. *!pes of Corecasts 6. Measures of Corecast Accurac! @. *ime$series forecastin# models . ausal forecastin# met'ods F. Monitorin# and controllin# forecasts 7. sin# t'e computer to forecast • • •
Discussion *est 6. 2rainstormin # @. ,nline Discussion and exercises . Exposition
d marker @. Ba pt op . Multimedia Proector
Becture (6'rs): 2oard ork 4. nteract Exercises ive Becture Seat3ork 5. nteract Master! ive *est Discussion 6. 2rainst ormin# @. ,nline Discussion . Expositi on
4. 'alk 5. 'iteboar d 6. 'iteboar d marker @. Ba pt op . Multimedia Proector
F8G 3ill #et passin# #rade
4. Submission *est Paper of or *est Corecastin# 2ooklet Paper 5. onduct of Midterm Examinatio n
Pencil and Paper Midterm Exam
4. H8G to submit paper on time 5. 7G 3ill #et passin# #rade
Becture (6'rs): 2oard ork 4. nteractive Exercises Becture Seat3ork 5. 2rainstormin Master! # *est 6. Problem solvin#
4. 'alk 5. 'iteboar d 6. 'iteboar d marker @. Ba pt op . Multimedia
F8G 3ill #et passin# #rade
At en$ !6 t+e unit, t+e *opics from nit 4 to nit 6 stu$ent "ust +ave 4. Appl! t'e accurate >uantitative tools in t'e problem. 5. Anal!0e t'e results and make rational decisions. 6. ombine >uantitative tec'ni>ues and tec'nical 3ritin#. At en$ !6 t+e unit, t+e Unit = Invent!ry M!$els stu$ent "ust +ave 4. ,rder >uantit! models 4. Camiliari0e 3it' t'e 5. /eorderin# models di"erent inventor! 6. 2ackorder models models 5. Evaluate appropriate inventor! model to use
in a #iven problem. 6. Anal!0e t'e results and appl! correspondin# solutions. At t+e en$ !6 t+e unit, t+e stu$ent "ust +ave 4. Solve linear pro#rammin# problems 5. Evaluate results. 6. Cormulate alternative course of action
@. ,nline Discussion . Exposition Unit 3 Linear 5r!gra""ing 4. +rap'ic met'od 5. Simplex met'od 6. Speciall! structured linear pro#rams
Becture (6'rs): 4. nteractive Becture 5. Problem Solvin# 6. ,n lin e Discussion @. Exposition Becture (6'rs): 4. nteractive Becture 5. Problem Solvin# 6. Exposition
2oard ork Exercises Seat3ork Master! *est
4. 'alk 5. 'iteboar d 6. 'iteboar d marker @. Baptop . Multimedia Proector 4. 'alk 5. 'iteboar d 6. 'iteboar d marker @. Baptop . Multimedi a Proector
F8G 3ill #et passin# #rade
4. Camiliari0e 3it' t'e Unit Net@!rk Analysis 2oard ork F8G 3ill #et di"erent net3ork 4. PE/*1PM Exercises passin# anal!sis tools 5. Maximal$Io3 problem Seat3ork #rade 5. se tools appropriate to 6. Minimal spannin# tree Master! a #iven problem problem *est 6. Anal!0e results. @. S'ortest route problem @. Cormulate decisions and Unit 8 *ueuing T+e!ry plan of actions based from results and anal!sis. 4. *'e students are expected *opics from nit @ to nit F *erm Paper *est Paper Pencil and F8G 3ill #et to appl! t'e >uantitative Submission or *est Paper Cinal passin# tools in decision makin# onduct of 2ooklet Exam #rade and demonstrate Cinal a3areness t'at decision Examination makin# is a rational process. 5. At t'e end of t'e examination% t'e students must 'ave ac'ieved at least 7G from t'e Cinal Examination !ote: "#is s$lla%us is &e'i%le and a$ include additional topics activities deeed necessar$ %$ t#e teac#er >II. -EFE-ENCES Main -e6erene /ender% 2arr!% et. al. 5886. Quantitative Analysis for Management. Ei#'t Edition. Prentice -all Bevin% et. al. 4JJ5. Quantitative Approaches to Management . Ei#'t Edition. Mc+ra3$-ill% nc. Ot+er re6erenes
Arao% /. et. al 588J. Quantitative Approaches in Decision Making. /ex 2ookstore. +uarati% D. K. 5886. Basic Econometrics. Fourth Edition. Mc+ra3 -ill% nc. Pind!ck and /ubin&eld. Econometric Models and Economic Forecasts. Mc+ra3 -ill% nc. /a#sdale% . *. 5884. Spreadsheet Modeling and Decision Analysis. *'ird Edition. Sout'$estern olle#e Publis'in#. ei'ric'% -ein0 and Loont0% -arold. 4JJ6. Management: he !lo"al #erspective. *ent' Edition. Mc+ra3$-ill% nc. >III.
G-A'ING 5LAN ui00es1ase stud! Corecastin# Paper Exam Attendance and lass Participation *erm Paper *otal Attendance (48G) Ko absences ,ne absent
J J8
5G 58G 58G 48G 4G 488G lass Participation /ecites Activel!% 3it' accurate responses J /ecites Activel! but 3it' J8 fe3 correct responses /ecites occasionall! H8
*'ree absences H8 Cour or more absences 7 Absences for 3'ic' medical or court excuse is provided 3ill be recorded but not ured in t'e attendance #rade. Bike3ise% an absence for 3'ic' advance notice is #iven b! p'one or in person 3ill not be ured in attendance #rade if 'e presents a valid excuse letter upon comin# back to class. *ardiness or earl! departure from class 3ill be ured as a 'alf absence. A student 3'o 'as ten (48) 'ours successive unexcused absences 3ill be dropped from t'e course. 2e'avior is #raded to t'e observation of t'e instructor. *'is paper is in t'e nature of a case stud! illustratin# t'e steps1process of MS1,/ and importance of >uantitative met'ods in t'e context of t'e &eld of speciali0ation as 3ell as t'e application of appropriate >uantitative models in real situation. >I4.
CLASS-OOM -ULES OF CON'UCT 4. Ko cellular p'ones or music pla!ers are allo3ed for use in t'e classroom unless it is re>uired. 5. ome to class on time. ,nl! 4 minutes allo3ance s'all be #iven to students to be considered present. ,t'er3ise% t'e student is marked absent. 6. Eatin# and drinkin# s'all be allo3ed inside t'e class provided it s'all not disrupt t'e Io3 of classes. @. Papers (Corecastin#% ase% *erm Paper) s'ould be submitted on time. orrespondin# deductions s'all be made per da! elapsed in submission.
EME-GENC; 5-OCE'U-ES Evacuation procedures ? instructions are posted in some areas t'at can be seen ri#'t a3a!. nform t'e instructor ri#'t a3a! if accidents 'appen in t'e course of t'e activit!. all for 'elp at t'e clinic. all campus securit! an! time of t'e da!.
I'EAS, E4ALUATION, ETC. Nour ideas% comments% su##estions% >uestions are 3elcome. -o3ever% !our discretion in t'ese matters is expected. Ko part of !our #rade 3ill be based on an!t'in# ot'er t'an course3ork% attendance and be'avior.
*'e course uantitative *ec'ni>ues in 2usiness is a 'i#'l! descriptive and anal!tical subect% it is t'erefore recommended t'at t'e student secures a cop! of t'e e$book and readin#s su##ested. As *'omas Edison once said% #enius is 4G inspiration and JJG perspiration% t'us% full e"ort is needed to 'ave success 3it'in our reac'. Bearnin# is 3ork. e cannot expect to learn if 3e are not 3illin# to learn 3'at is bein# tau#'t. Prepared and Desi#ned 2!: -HEA 4. MA-TESANO, M5A nstructor
/ecommendin# Approval: '-. -EME'IOS -. MA-ABE, C5A Department 'air Approved: CECILE O. LEGAS5I, 5+' Dean1SMS