A Guide to Elementary Number Theory By Underwood Dudley Catalog Code: DOL-41 Print ISBN: 978-0-88385-347-4 Electronic ISBN: 978-0-88385-918-6 140 pp., Paperbound, 2009 List Price: $51.00 MAA Member: $38.25 PDF Price: $25.00
Series: Dolciani Mathematical Expositions BUY PRINT BOOK
A Guide to Elementary Elementary Number Number Theory is is a 140-page exposition of the topics considered in a first course in
number theory. theory. It is intended for those who may have seen the material before but have half-forgotten it, and also for those who may have misspent their youth by not having a course in number theory and who want to see what it is about without having to wade through a traditional text, some some of which approach 500 pages in length. It will be especially useful to graduate student preparing for the qualifying exams. Though Plato did not quite say, say, “He is unworthy of the name na me of man who does not know which integers are the sums of two two squares” he came came close. This Guide can make everyone more worthy.
Table of Contents Introduction 1. Greatest Common Divisors 2. Unique Factorization 3. Linear Diophantine Equations 4. Congruences 5. Linear Congruences 6. The Chinese Remainder Theorem 7. Fermat’s Theorem 8. Wilson’s Theorem 9. The Number of Divisors of an Integer 10. The Sum of the Divisors of an Integer 11. Amicable Numbers 12. Perfect Numbers 13. Euler’s Theorem and Function 14. Primitive Roots and Orders 15. Decimals 16. Quadratic Congruences
17. Gauss's Lemma 18. The Quadratic Reciprocity Theorem 19. The Jacobi Symbol 20. Pythagorean Triangles 21. x4 + y4 ≠ z4 22. Sums of Two Squares 23. Sums of Three Squares 24. Sums of Four Squares 25. Waring’s Problem 26. Pell’s Equation 27. Continued Fractions 28. Multigrades 29. Carmichael Numbers 30. Sophie Germain Primes 31. The Group of Multiplicative Functions 32. Bounds for π(x) 33. The Sum of the Reciprocals of the Primes 34. The Riemann Hypothesis 35. The Prime Number Theorem 36. The abc Conjecture 37. Factorization and testing for Primes 38. Algebraic and Transcendental Numbers 39. Unsolved Problems Index About the Author
About the Author Underwood Dudley received the Ph.D. degree (number theory) from the University of Michigan in 1965. He taught at the Ohio State University and at DePauw University, from which he retired in 2004. He is the author of three books on mathematical oddities, The Trisectors, Mathematical Cranks , and Numerology all published by the Mathematical Association of America. He has also served as editor of the College Mathematics Journal, the Pi Mu Epsilon Journal, and two of the Mathematical Association of America’s book series.
MAA Review Everyone who studies and does mathematics needs, every once in a while, to study or remember some facts of fundamental mathematics, and there is no doubt that we cannot except results and facts of number theory. The main motivation of the author of this book is to provide a friendly volume in response to that need. In fact, the book under review is a concise and useful review of the facts of elementary number theory. It covers most required topics of elementary number theory, and also some strange topics like “Decimals” and “Multigrades,” which are not often found in similar books. Continued...
All MAA Guides 1. A Guide to Complex Variables 2. A Guide to Advanced Real Analysis 3. A Guide to Real Variables 4. A Guide to Topology 5. A Guide to Elementary Number Theory 6. A Guide to Advanced Linear Algebra 7. A Guide to Plane Algebraic Curves 8. A Guide to Groups, Rings, and Fields 9. A Guide to Functional Analysis
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Dolciani MAA Guides
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