At NTPC (Northern region head-quarter, Lucknow )
Guided by:
Mr. Rohit kumar
Himanshu Kapoor
Summer projects during the break in studies after the completion of the first year in postgraduate courses in management, are a regular feature in the curriculum of UTTAR PRADESH TECHNICAL University (U.P.T.U). These summer impart training to the students through the assignment of an on line project, which they have to complete for the organization, while staying with them the whole period of work. The projects not only give a chance to the students to apply whatever knowledge they have gained over in the first year in a practical way, but they also help them get a practical experience of life as a manager in a real work setting. These projects help the students to practically apply the concepts of management, like planning, organizing etc, in a real work setting as well. These projects are also the means of initiating the students to the discipline of corporate life. Overall the summer projects are an effective learning experience for the management students and are very helpful for them in their later lives as management professionals. In our case the summer project at NTPC, Lucknow has provided us with an excellent opportunity to learn under some of the top professionals in the field of Human Resource Management. The project has also provided us with an opportunity to interact with various people from the field of Human Resource and other fields of management.
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ACKNOWLDEGEMENT We have tried my best to fulfil the needs of this project on ' GREIVANCE HANDLING OF HR DEPARTMENT’ with special reference to NTPC. Those who formally or
informally helped us to develop this project, our heartiest gratitude are for all of them. Firstly, we intend to express my thanks to DGM(HR) Shri RADHEY MOHAN who has very kindly permitted us to do this project work at NTPC- lucknow and his sincere efforts guided us toward the development and completion of the project. We very truly acknowledge his support; we would also like to express our thanks Mr. Rohit
Kumar, Manager, (HR) that have provided us insights on services provided to the employees at NTPC. Secondly we heartily express our gratitude and our Guide Mr. Arnab Mukherji,
Engineer (HR) who‟s sincere and concentrated efforts have encouraged us to complete this project. We would like to express our thanks to Mr. Sanjay. Shrivastav. (Professosor
B.B.D.N.I.T.M) for their valuable suggestions and help for the preparation of the summer training project.
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I hereby declare that the work being submitted by me entitled project on “GREIVANCE HANDLING” in fulfillment for the requirement of the reward of the UPTU Lucknow. An authentic record of work carried out by me in the 3 rd Sem. of MBA under the guidance of Mr.. Sanjay Shrivastav
(Himanshu kapoor)
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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY National Thermal Power Corporation Limited (NTPC) is the largest thermal power generating company of India. A public sector company wholly owned by Government of India, it was incorporated in the year 1975 to accelerate power development in the country. Within a span of 30 years, NTPC has emerged as a truly national power company, with power generating generat ing facilitie facilities s in all the major major regions regions of the count country. ry.
THE PROJECT This project of grievances handling has been designed to measure internal employee satisfaction and study of grievances procedure
The instrument can be used to measure grievances redressed effectiveness of more than one department to arrive at comparative ranking, or be used to know the current thinking of new generation expert towards the grievances. Effectiveness of HR DEPARTMENT. Too.
FREQUENCY This survey should be carried out annually.
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The survey was conducted on 35 employees belonging to both the Executive & Non Executive cadre cadre from grade W-0 to E-8 of, NRHQ .Hr depts.
THE METHODOLOGY . This project of grievances handling has been designed to measure internal employee satisfaction and study of grievances procedure
The instrument can be used to measure grievances redressed effectiveness of more than one department to arrive at comparative ranking, or be used to know the current thinking of new generation expert towards the grievances. Effectiveness of HR DEPARTMENT. Too.
The questionnaire include 12 question in order to know the expert view
1. QUALITY This parameter tells if error free and quality service is provided by the HUMAN RESOURSE department.
2. PROMPTNESS This parameter tells us what does different expert have their views and how the complaints are addressed.
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3. FRIENDLINESS This parameter measure show the employee has knowledge about grievance handling procedure.
4. FACILITA F ACILITATION TION This parameter tells us how much the employee is aware of procedure.
5. FAIRNESS This parameter tells us if hr depts. employees treat all employees equally and fairly
6. Expert FEEDBACK This parameter tells us how expert think about procure and effectiveness.
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Sr no: 1.
Chapter 1
09 32
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Grievance Procedure in NTPC
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Chapter 4
Research mythology
Chapter 5 Appendix Summary Questionnaire Chapter 6 Bibliography
83 86
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COMPANY PROFILE India‟s largest power company, NTPC was set up in 1975 to accelerate power development in India. NTPC is emerging as a diversified power major with presence in the entire value chain of the power generation business. Apart from power generation, which is the mainstay of the company, NTPC has already ventured into consultancy, power trading, ash utilisation and coal mining. NTPC ranked 341 st in the „2010, Forbes Global 2000‟ ranking of the World‟s biggest companies. NTPC became a Maharatna company in May, 2010, one of the only four companies to be awarded this status The total installed capacity of the company is 34,194 MW (including JVs) with 15 coal based and 7 gas based stations, located across the country. In addition under JVs, 5 stations are coal based & another station uses naphtha/LNG as fuel. The company has set a target to have an installed power generating capacity of1, 28,000 MW by the year 2032. The capacity will have a diversified fuel mix comprising 56% coal, 16% Gas, 11% Nuclear and 17% Renewable Energy Sources(RES) including hydro. By 2032, non fossil fuel based generation capacity shall make up nearly 28% of NTPC‟s portfolio.
NTPC has been operating its plants at high efficiency levels. Although the company has 17.75% of the total national capacity, it contributes 27.40% of total power generation due to its focus on high efficiency.
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In October 2004, NTPC launched its Initial Public Offering (IPO) consisting of 5.25% as fresh issue and 5.25% as offer for sale by Government of India. NTPC thus became a listed company in November 2004 with the Government holding 89.5% of the equity share capital. In February 2010, the Shareholding of Government of India was reduced from 89.5% to 84.5% through Further Public Offer. The rest is held by Institutional Investors and the Public.
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At NTPC, NTPC, People before Plant Load Factor is the mantra that guides all HR related policies. NTPC has been awarded No.1, Best Workplace in India among large organisations and the best PSU for the year 2010, by the Great Places to Work Institute, India Chapter in collaboration with The Economic Times.
The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility is deeply ingrained in NTPC's culture. Through its expansive CSR initiatives, NTPC strives to develop mutual trust with the communities that surround its power stations.
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NTPC Limited has been ranked top awardees for MoU Award for. Excellence in Performance, instituted by DPE, consecutively for two years 2004-05 and 2005-06 with 'Excellent' rating. Dr. Manmohan Singh, Hon'ble Prime Minister of India presented the MoU Awards to Shri T.
Sankaralingam, CMD, NTPC Ltd.
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Vision of NTPC "A world class integrated power major, powering India‟s growth, with increasing global presence"
Mission of NTPC "Develop and provide reliable power, related products and services at competitive prices, integrating multiple energy sources with innovative and eco – friendly technologies and contribute to society"
Core Values of NTPC INDEX (BCOMIT) 5 "S" for the company 5"S" is a Japanese term for organization neatness, cleanliness, Standardization and discipline. All these words start with the letter‟s which Are: 1. Seri – Stands for Organization 2. Seaton – Stands for Neatness
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3. Seiko – Stands for Cleanliness 4. Seekers – Stands for Standardization 5. Shinseki – Stands for Discipline
Business Ethics Customer Focus Organizational & professional Pride Mutual Respect and Trust Innovation and Speed Total Quality for Excellence
These all words are from Japanese language stands for the steps taken for Ensuring proper organization neatness, cleanliness, standardization and Discipline in company‟s housekeeping and work place management Practices. Employee‟s development Centre of NTPC at Kahalgaon plays a vital role in The development of Human Resource of the organization. For the purpose Of Human development, a training Institute has been developed for Imparting self developments programs and improving professional skill of The employees. Suggestion Schemes, Quality Circle and Professional Circle have been formed in most of the departments to strive for all round
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Development. Its role is becoming more important in the context of Challenges emerging in the competitive environment of the power industry. Regular training programme are conducted at employees development Centre for improvement in knowledge and development of skill, behaviour And attitude attitude of the employee employee of all levels. levels. And also also it works works for the welfare Of the employees in deferent regions for their betterment and career
Globalization of NTPC Ltd: Globalization has brought significant advantages to countries and business Around the the world but the benefits benefits have have spread spread unequally unequally both both within and Among countries. countries. While the rules favouring global market expansion have grown more robust, The rules intended to promote equally valid social objectives viz. in the Areas of human human rights, rights, labour standards standards and environmen environmentt lag behind behind and in in Some cases actually have become weaker.
In order to promote Corporate Social Responsibility and citizenship in the New global marketplace, UN Secretary General, Mr. Kofi Annan first Proposed the Global Compact at Davos in Jan'99. It was thus created to Help organizations redefine their strategies and course of actions so that all People can share the benefits of globalization, not just a fortunate few.
The Global Compact‟s operational phase was launched at UN
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Headquarters in New York on 26 July 2000. And has since then focused its Efforts on achieving practical results and fostering the engagement of Business leaders in the direction.
Through the power of collective action, the Global Compact seeks to Promote responsible corporate citizenship so that business can be part of The solution to the challenges of globalization. In this way, the private sector – In partnership with other social actors – can help realize the SecretaryGeneral‟s vision: a more susta inable and inclusive global economy.
The Global Compact is a network. At its core is the Global Compact Office and six UN agencies: Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights; United Nations Environment Programme; International Labour Organization; United Nations Development Programme; United Nations Industrial Development Organization; and United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. The Global Compact involves all the relevant social actors: governments, Who defined the principles on which the initiative is based; companies, Whose actions it seeks to influence; labour, in whose hands the concrete
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NTPC – Joint Ventures (15) GENERATION
NTPC has identified Joint Ventures, strategic alliances as well as Acquisitions Acquisitions and diversifica diversifications tions as viable and and desired desired options for its Business development. With its rich experience of engineering, constructing And operating operating over 26,000 MW MW of thermal generating generating capacity, capacity, is the Largest and one of the most efficient power companies in India, having Operations that match the global standards. It looks for opportunity to create such joint Ventures and strategic alliances, in the entire value chain of the power Business. It as a partner endows the Joint Venture Alliances with a winning Edge. Acquisitions and Diversifications in the areas related to the core Business not only ensure growth but also add to the robustness of the
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Company. Diversification is carried out either directly or through Subsidiaries/JVs.
These are some companies had joint venture with NTPC Ltd as follows:
(Incorporated in 1999 and formerly known as NTPC-ABB ALSTOM POWER SERVICES PVT. LTD) OBJECTIVE : Undertake Renovation & Modernization of power Stations in India and other SAARC countries PROMOTERS‟ EQUITY: NTPC: 50%, ALSTOM Power Generation AG: 50%
UTILITY POWER TECH Ltd (Incorporated in 1996)
This JV has been promoted with Reliance Energy Limited (formerly BSES Limited) a private sector Indian power company. OBJECTIVE : To undertake project construction, erection and Supervision in power sector and other sectors in India and abroad
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PTC (India) Ltd (Incorporated in 1998)
This JV has been promoted with Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd (PGCIL), a Government owned transmission major in India. Power Finance Corporation (PFC), power sector finance Company owned by the Government of India and National Hydro Electric Power Corporation Ltd. (NHPC), a Government owned Hydro power utility. OBJECTIVE : To trade, import, export and purchase power from Identified power projects and sell it to identified SEBs/others PROMOTERS'EQUITY : NTPC: 8%, Tata Power: 10%, PGCIL: 8%, DV: 10%, PFC: 8%, FII: 18.5%, NHPC: 8%
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NSPCL, the Joint Venture Company of NTPC and SAIL with 50:50 Equity participation, stood merged with BESCL (Bhilai Electric Supply Co. Pvt Ltd, another JV Co. of NTPC and SAIL with 50:50 Equity participation.) W.e.f 2nd August 2006, as per the scheme of Amalgamation Amalgamation approved approved by High High Court of Delhi. Delhi. As a result result of Aforesaid Aforesaid merger of of BESCL in NSPCL, NSPCL, all properties, properties, licenses, licenses, Permissions, debt, liabilities etc. with respect to BESCL now stand Vested in NSPCL .
OBJECTIVE : To supply power to the Bhilai, Durgapur and Rourkela Steel Plant of Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) From its Coal based power stations at Bhilai (Chhattisgarh), 2x30MW+1X14MW, Durgapur (West Bengal) 2x60MW and Rourkela (Orissa) 2x60 MW. For the purpose of its business development, NSPCL is carrying out the expansion of its installed Capacity at Bhilai, by implementation of 500MW (2x250MW) plant.
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This JV was incorporated on 23rd May, 2003 with Tamil Nadu Electricity Board, a State run Electricity Board in the State of Tamil Nadu engaged in generation, transmission and distribution Of electricity.
OBJECTIVE : To set up a 1000 MW coal based power station at Encore in Tamil Nadu utilizing the existing Infrastructure facility at Encore and supply power Mainly to Tamil Nadu and the states of Kerala, Karnataka and Pondicherry.
This JV was incorporated on with Bihar State Electricity Board, a State run Electricity Board in the State of Bihar, engaged in Generation, transmission and distribution of electricity .
OBJECTIVE : To take over Muzaffarpur Thermal Power Station (2x110MW), a coal based power station at Kanti, For carrying out restoration, R&M and supplying Power mainly to the state of Bihar .
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(Joint Venture Agreement was signed on 14.12.2006 among NTPC Ltd, Indrapastha Power Generation Company Ltd. (IPGCL) And Haryana Haryana Power Power Generation Generation Company Company Ltd. (HPGCL). (HPGCL).The The Company was incorporated on 21.12.2006 .
OBJECTIVE : To set up a coal-based power station of 1500MW Capacity in Distt. Jhajjar, Haryana, in joint venture With IPGCL and HPGCL.
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Planned Capacity Addition in 2010-2011 (4150 MW) Project/ Unit
Capacity (MW)
Sipat Stage-I, Unit-1
Jhajjar, Unit-1 & 2
Korba Stage – –III, Unit-7
NCTPP Stage – – II, Unit-6
Simhadri, Stage-II, Unit-3 & 4
Farakka, Stage-III, Unit-6
Customer focus:-
To foster a collaboration style of working with customer, growing to
Be a preferred brand for supply of quality power.
To expand the relationship with existing customer by offering a
Bouquet of services in addition to supply of power e.g. trading, energy Consulting, distribution consulting, management practices.
To expand the future customer portfolio through profitable
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Diversification into downstream business, inter alia retail distribution And direct direct supply. supply.
To ensure rapid commercial decision making, using customer specific
Information, with adequate concern for the interest of the customer.
Agile corporation:- To ensure effectiveness in business decision and responsiveness to Changes in the business environment. NTPC (National Thermal Power Corporation) is such a name to reckon Within Indian commitment. This corporation has not only excelled in power Generation but also proven its expertise in all-conceptualizing, Commissioning, managing power station & offering specialized consultancy Services.
“It is the India‟s power house” which was established 32 years Before to defend the power problem of our country and now a day it has Emerged as a truly national facility in all the major regions of the country .
ACQUISITION Business development through Acquisition serves both NTPC's own Commercial interest as well as the interest of the Indian economy Taking over being a part of the acquisition process, is also an opportunity
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For NTPC to add to its power generation capacity through minimal Investment and very low gestation period. It has, over the years, acquired The following three power stations belonging to other utilities/SEBs and has Turned around each of them using its corporate abilities .
DIVERSIFICATION To broad-base the business and also to ensure growth, diversification in The areas related to NTPC's core business of power generation such as Hydro power, Distribution, Trading, Coal mining, LNG etc. have been Identified as priority areas.
NUCLEAR POWER GENERATION In line with its Corporate Plan, NTPC exploring foray into the field of Nuclear Power Generation. NTPC is now planning to set up Nuclear
COAL MINING: The policy changes in coal sector provide an opportunity to NTPC to Enter captive coal mining business. Production is expected by 2007 in One coal block already allotted in 2004 (Pakri Barwadih in the state of Jharkhand). Six more blocks (~40MTPA) have been allotted to NTPC,
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Subsidiary companies of NTPC
DIVERSIFIED GROWTH As per new new corporate corporate plan, plan, NTPC plans to become a 75 GW company company by the year 2017 2017 and envisages to have an installed capacity of 128 GW by the year 2032 with a well diversified fuel mix comprising 56% coal, 16% gas, 11% nuclear energy, 9% renewable energy and 8% hydro power based capacity.
As such, by the year year 2032, 2032, 28% of NTPC‟s NTPC‟s installed installed generating generating capacity will be based on carbon free energy sources. Further, the coal based capacity will increasingly be based on high-efficient-low-emission technologies such as Super-critical and Ultra-Super-critical.
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Along with with this growth, growth, NTPC NTPC will utilize a strategic strategic mix of options options to ensure ensure fuel fuel security for its fleet of power stations.
Looking at the opportunities coming its way, due to changes in the business environment, NTPC made changes in its strategy and diversified in the business adjacencies along the energy value chain. In its pursuit of diversification NTPC has developed strategic alliances and joint ventures with leading national and international companies. NTPC has also made long strides in developing its Ash Utilization business.
Hydro Power: In order to give impetus to hydro power growth in the country and to have a balanced portfolio of power generation, NTPC entered hydro power business with the 800 MW Koldam hydro projects in Himachal Pradesh. Two more projects have also been taken up in Uttarakhand. A wholly owned subsidiary, NTPC Hydro Ltd., is setting up hydro projects of capacities up to 250 MW
Renewable Energy: In order to broad base its fuel mix NTPC has plan of capacity addition of about 1,000 MW through renewable resources by 2017.
Nuclear Power: A Joint Venture Company "AnushaktiVidhyut Nigam Ltd." has been formed (with 51% stake of NPCIL and 49% stake of NTPC) for development of nuclear power projects in the country.
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Coal Mining: In a major backward integration move to create fuel security, NTPC has ventured into coal mining business with an aim to meet about 20% of its coal requirement from its captive mines by 2017. The Government of India has so far allotted 7 coal blocks to NTPC, including 2
Power Trading: 'NTPC VidyutVyapar Nigam Ltd.' (NVVN), a wholly owned subsidiary was created for trading power leading to optimal utilization of NTPC‟s assets. It is the second largest power trading company in the country. In order to facilitate power trading in the coun try, „National Power Exchange Ltd.‟, a JV of NTPC, NHPC, PFC and TCS has been formed for operating a Power Exchange.
Ash Business:
NTPC has focused on the utilization of ash generated by its
power stations to convert the challenge of ash disposal into an opportunity. Ash is being used as a raw material input by cement companies and brick manufacturers. NVVN is engaged in the business of Fly Ash export and sale to domestic customers. Joint ventures with cement companies are being planned to set up cement grinding units in the vicinity of NTPC stations .
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Power Distribution: „NTPC Electric Supply Company Ltd.‟ (NESCL), a wholly owned subsidiary of NTPC, was set up for distribution of power. NESCL is actively engaged in „Rajiv Gandhi Garmin Vidyutikaran Yojana‟programme for rural electrification.
Equipment Manufacturing: Enormous growth in power sector necessitates augmentation of power equipment manufacturing capacity. NTPC has formed JVs with BHEL and Bharat Forge Ltd. for power plant equipment manufacturing. NTPC has also acquired stake in Transformers and Electricals Kerala Ltd. (TELK) for manufacturing and repair of transformers.
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FUTURE CAPACITY ADDITIONS NTPC has formulated a long term Corporate Plan up to 2032. In line with the Corporate Plan, the capacity addition under implementation stage is presented below:
PROJECT Coal Indira Gandhi STPP- JV with IPGCL & HPGCL ( 1. 3 x 500) 2. Sipat I (3 x 660) 3. Simhadri II Unit - IV( 500) 4. Vallur I -JV with TNEB ( 2 x 500) 5. Vallur Stage-I Phase-II -JV with TNEB ( 1 x 500) 6. Bongaigaon(3 x 250) 7. Mauda ( 2 x 500) 8. Rihand III(2X500) 9. Vindhyachal-IV Vindhyachal- IV (2X500) 10. Muzaffarpur Expansion (2x195) – (2x195) – JV with BSEB 11. Nabinagar TPP-JV with Railways (4 x 250) 12. Barh II (2 X 660) 13. Barh I (3 X 660) Hydro
Chhattisgarh Chhattis garh
Andhra Pradesh
Tamilnadu Assam
500 750
Uttar Pradesh
Madhya Pradesh 1000 Bihar 390 Bihar Bihar
1000 1320
2. TapovanVishnugad TapovanVishnug ad HEPP (4 x 130) 3. Singrauli CW Discharge(Small Discharge(Smal l Hydro)
Uttar Pradesh
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Himachal Pradesh Uttarakhand Uttarakha nd
1. Koldam HEPP ( 4 x 200)
800 520 8
CORPORATE OBJECTIVES In pursuance of the Vision and Mission, the following are the Corporate Objectives of NTPC To realize the vision and mission, eight key corporate objectives have been identified. These objectives would provide the link between the defined mission and the functional strategies.
Business portfolio growth •
NTPC‟s India
segment. •
base sources
the of
generation energy
mix to
evaluating long
mitigate fuel risks. •
To diversify across the power value chain in India by considering backward
distribution, coal mining, coal beneficiation, etc. •
To develop a portfolio of generation assets in international markets.
To establish a strong services brand in the domestic and international
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NTPC LIMITED , The pioneer power generating company of India is recognised as 'MAHARATNA'.It was incorporated in 1975, a public sector undertaking wholly owned by Govt. of India. This website is devoted to its Northern Region Headquarters at Luck now and its activities in Northern Region. The regional office is headed by Regional Executive
Director (NR)
Our Quality Policy: Region is committed to generating electricity efficiently using latest technology and with c concern for environment. It shall strive for continual improvement, nurturing human resources, achieving total quality and meeting the organization's vision, driven by core values.
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NR Projects: The following projects are parts of the Northern Region:
The beneficiary states of the power generated by Northern Region plants are Uttar Pradesh, Uttaranchal, Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Chandigarh, Rajasthan, Haryana, Punjab, & Delhi.
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P.O. Rihandnagar-231 223,Dist. Sonebhadra, Uttar Pradesh
(STD-05446) - 242020-21
Email Approved capacity
2000 MW
Installed Capacity
Stage I : 1000 MW Stage II : 1000 MW
Sonebhadra, Uttar Pradesh
Coal Source
Amlori Mines & Dudhichua Mines & Amloric Expansion Mines
Water Source
Rihand Reservoir.
Beneficiary States
Uttar Pradesh, Uttaranchal, Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan, Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Delhi and Chandigarh.
Approved Investment
Rs. 2387.40Cr (Stage-I). Rs. 3451.97Cr (Stage-II).
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Unit Sizes.
4x 500 MW
Units Commissioned
Unit -I 500 MW March 1988 Unit -II 500 MW July 1989 Unit -III 500 MW January 2005 Unit -IV 500 MW September 2005
International Assistance
United Kingdom
P.O. Shaktinagar-231 222, Dist. Sonebhadra, Uttar Pradesh
(STD-05446) - 232441
Email Approved capacity
Installed Capacity
2000 MW
Sonebhadra, Uttar Pradesh
Coal Source
Jayant/Bina Mines
Water Source
Rihand Reservoir
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Beneficiary States
Uttar Pradesh, Uttaranchal ,Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, Delhi and Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Chandigarh
Approved Investment
Rs. 1190.69 Crore
Unit Sizes
Stage - I: 5x 200 MW Stage -II: 2x 500 MW
Units Commissioned
Unit -I 200 MW February 1982 Unit -II 200 MW November 1982 Unit -III 200 MW March 1983 Unit -IV 200 MW November 1983 Unit -V 200 MW February 1984 Unit -VI 500 MW December 1986 Unit -VII 500 MW November 1987
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P.O. Unchahar, Dist. Rai Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh - 229406
(STD-05311) - 211-2620
Email Approved capacity
1050 MW
Installed Capacity
Stage I & II : 840 MW (2 x 210 + 2 x 210 MW) Stage III : 210 MW (1 x 210 MW)
Raibareli, Uttar Pradesh
Coal Source
North Karanpura.
Water Source
SardaSahayak Canal
Beneficiary States
Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, J&K, Punjab, Rajasthan, Chandigarh, Delhi, Uttaranchal
Approved Cost
Stage I & II : Rs.2337.09 Crores Stage III : Rs. 938.61 Crores
Unit Sizes
5x210 MW
Units Commissioned
Unit I : 210 MW November 1988
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Unit II : 210 MW March 1989 Unit III : 210 MW January 1999 Unit IV : 210 MW October 1999 Unit V : 210 MW September 2006
International Assistanc Assistance e
(Stage II))
TANDA Address
P.O. Vidyutnagar, Dist. Ambedkarnagar, Ambedkarnagar, Uttar Pradesh Pradesh
(STD-05273) - 222098
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Approved capacity
440 MW (4 x 110 MW)
Installed Capacity
440 MW
Ambedkar Nagar, U.P.
Coal Source
North Karanpura Coal Fields
Water Source
Tanda Pump Canal on Saryu River
Beneficiary States
Uttar Pradesh
HUMAN RESOURCES Human resourcesisa term used to describe the individuals who make up the workforce of an organization, although it is also applied in labour economics to, for example, business sectors or even whole nations. Human resources is also the name of the function within an organization charged with the overall responsibility for implementing strategies and policies relating to the management of individuals (i.e. the human resources). This function title is often abbreviated to the initials "HR". "HR".
Human resources are a relatively modern management term, coined as late as the 1960s. The origins of the function arose in organizations that introduced 'welfare management' practices and also in those that adopted the principles of 'scientific management'. From these terms emerged a largely administrative management activity, coordinating a range of worker related processes and becoming known, in time, as the 'personnel function'. Human resources progressively became the more usual name for this function, in the first instance in the United States as well as multinational or international corporations, reflecting the adoption of a more quantitative as well as strategic approach to workforce management, demanded by corporate management to gain a competitive advantage, utilizing limited skilled and highly skilled workers.
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The advantages of good HR The most important asset for any organization is their employees. Individually and collectively they contribute to the achievement of the objectives. When an organization succeeds it is because of their employees. It is therefore important for an organization to ensure that their employees are satisfied and they should focus on the individual employee and his or hers development within an organization. In order to do this an organization built a strong Human Resource department that constantly works on ensuring the happiness of the individual employee. The management should provide employees with all resources necessary to fulfil their assignments, be it material or immaterial.
When an HR department is working in an optimal manner it helps the company to meet strategic goals by attracting and maintaining employees as well as managing emplo yees‟ needs.
The key functions of our HR department include the following:
Recruitment of the right candidates at the right time
Training and development
Performance evaluation and management
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Compensation, bonuses etc.
Career development
Company events such as theme days, strategy seminars, sport events and the
like •
Corporate Social Responsibility
Satisfaction surveys among employees
Development of employee friendly policies
- And much more.
The advantage of a strong HR department is employees who are happier, more trustful, and more prone to stay with the company. Furthermore, a strong HR department ensures the selection of employees, who will fit into the set of values and vision.
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HUMAN RESOURCES AT NTPC 'People before PLF (Plant Load Factor)' is the guiding philosophy behind the entire gamut of HR policies at NTPC. We are strongly committed to the development and growth of all our employees as individuals and not just as employees. We currently employ approximately 26,000 people at NTPC.
Competence building, Commitment building, Culture building and Systems building are the four building blocks on which our HR systems are based.
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Our HR Vision
"To enable our people to be a family of committed world class professionals."
WHY EMPLOYEES PREFER NTPC? NTPC, India‟s largest power company would do well in a coin-minting machine. Reason: every employee who completes 25 years of service with the public sector undertaking (PSU) gets a gold coin. Hundreds of Napkins, past and present, have proudly taken home those coins over the years. Not surprisingly, the average age of the company‟s work force of 24,500 people is 46 years and isn‟t consid ered a negative. “We are in an industry
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where maturity and experience counts, so it‟s a strength”, asserts HR director SP Singh. That strength shows in NTPC‟S operational performance. It has a power generating capacity of 34,194 MW. Although this is around 18% of the country‟s total capacity, it accounts for close to 30% of the total power generation. And it has been consistently profitable. Ntpc‟s results for FY10 showed a profit after tax of RS. 8,728 crore, earning it the „PSU Excellence Award 2010‟ for best financial performance. Credit for this performance must go to NTP C‟S 13000 executives and 11500 nonexecutives staff. “ Although Although we we are a PSU, PSU, we work work like a private company are result - oriented, “says Pramathesh Purkayastsha, additional GM (corporate planning). The reason employees are so driven, adds Manoj Dubey, DGM, Business excellence is because of the conducive environment that the company y has created for them to excel. That conduciveness begins with pay. With an annual salary of RS. 10 -12 LAKHS, entry – level executives are paid far more than in private power companies. Though private players have the edge at senior levels, the pay is still decent; for instance, a general manager‟s salary is around aro und RS 30 LAKH. But it‟s not just about pay, says chief Singh.” It is about satisfying the needs of every employee and we are very sensitive to those needs.”NTPC employees are housed in townships equipped with hospitals, schools, parks, clubs and recreation facilities plus they
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enjoy a plethora of family-welfare initiatives, including free Medicare and cheap loans.
“Our people practices have been designed to cater to the needs of
employees, help them develop be as individuals as well as professionals”, professionals” , Says NTPC CMD Arup Roy Chaudhury. Job satisfaction levels are high. “I “I turned down an opportunity to work in the US . I am very happy here “says SVR Subarao, junior officer in the IT dept. Today, NTPC is the first choice among PSUs for the job seekers. Every year over 1 lack candidates appear for an all India test to fill around 500 entry-level positions in the company. That how a desirable job at NTPC says Prem Chand, SR. manger HR. With the power sector being opened up to private players the management is keenly aware of the importance of staying competitive. Every employee has to undergo at least 7 days of training annually “explains Pranav Kumar Sinha, additional GM, HR. Much of the training takes place at NTPC‟S Powe r Management Institute(PMI) In Noida ,which provides technical and management training to middle and senior-level personnel. The PSU has also tried up with institutes like IIT Delhi, BITS-PILANI and MDI (Gurgaon) for executive education programmes. “NTPC pays the entire course fee and the ex ecutive continues to draw a full salary during the course, “says AK Bhatnagar, GM, HR and corporate communication.
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SERVICES PROVIDED BY HR DEPARTMENT AT NTPC NTPC subscribes to the belief that efficiency, effectiveness and success of the
Organisation depends largely on the skills, abilities and commitment of the
Employees who constitute the most important asset of the organisation.
NTPC is therefore resolved to provide a framework of policies which
Will enable the Organisation to attract the right talent for the jobs and make
It available at the right time and in right number with the ultimate objective of
Ensuring optimum and effective utilisation of the human resources in a climate
Of satisfaction, development and growth.
Discipline means orderly behavior. It means voluntary and willing compliance of
rules and regulations and instructions and also development of right habits of conduct in work with others at the work-place.
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We believe in the philosophy of 'Grow your own timber'. Our 'Executive Trainee' schem Was introduced in 1977 with the objective of raising a cadre of home grown profession First Division Graduate Engineers/ Post graduates are hired through nation-wide open Competitive examinations and campus recruitments. Hiring is followed by 52 weeks
In pursuance of the above objectives and consistent with the Company's social and national obligations, NTPC hereby makes the following policy statement to be called NTPC RECRUITMENT POLICY AND PROCEDURES to govern, regulate and generally facilitate f acilitate recruitment rec ruitment of personnel in the Projects, Projects, Offices Offices and and Establishments of the Company.
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Quality of Work-Life
NTPC is proud of its systems for providing a good quality of work-life for its employees.
In addition to providing beautiful and safe work places, NTPC encourages a culture of
Mutual respect and trust amongst peers, superiors and subordinates.
Away from from hectic city city life, NTPC NTPC townships townships provide provide an environment environment of serenity, serenity,
Natural beauty and close community living. Numerous welfare and recreation facilities
Knowledge Management in NTPC To meet our ultimate objective of becoming a learning organisation, an integrated
Knowledge Management System has been developed, which facilitates tacit knowledge
in the form of learning and experiences of employees to be captured and summarized
For future reference.
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Seeking Feedback We actively seek and encourage employee feedback to ensure that our HR interventions
And practices practices remain remain relevant relevant and meaningful. meaningful. We regularly conduct Employee Satisfaction Satisfaction
And Organisationa Organisationall Climate Surveys. Surveys.
We derive immense satisfaction from the awards we receive and the resulting recognition
They bestow. The awards are key indicators and milestones on our HR journey, and reinforce
Our HR philosophy and practices. NTPC has been awarded No.1, Best Workplace in India
among large organisations for the year 2008, by the Great Places to Work Institute,
India Chapter in collaboration with The Economic Times.
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(For Executives, Supervisors & Workmen)
The DA payable would be governed as per the following provisions: (a)
Dearness Allowance would be revised on 1st April, 1st July, 1st October and
1st January of each year based on the percentage increase in the quarterly average of the AICPI for the Quarters Quarters ending ending Februa February, ry, May, May, Augu August st and and Nov Novem ember ber resp respect ectiv ively ely over AICPI 1708.(Basic 1960=100) (b)
There shall be 100% neutralisation of DA for all employees.
DA shall be payable on Basic pay and special pay, if any.
House Rent Allowance is payable to the eligible employees who are not
pro- vided with the residential accommodation by the Company at the places
where the Company has its Projects/Units/Offices etc.
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SAFETY COMMITTEE Objective The objective of the Safety Committee would be to create safety consciousness
among employees and suggest ways and measure to the management for creating
Safe working conditions and a safe working culture.
Constitution The constitution of the Safety Committee would be as follows:
Dy. General Manager – – Chairman
Manager/Dy. Manager from Erection/Operation
Safety Officer – – Secretary
One Executive from Civil Construction Department
Senior-most employee in the Supervisory category from Mechanical Erection.
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Senior-most employee in the Supervisory category from Electrical Erection.
Senior-most employee in the Workman category from Mechanical Erection.
Senior-most employee in the Workman category from Electrical Erection.
Meetings The Committee will meet once in three months or at such frequent intervals as felt
Necessary. The Safety Officer, who would work as the Member Secretary, will do
necessary follow-up for the implementation of conclusions reached at in these meeting
The objective of the Township Advisory Committee would be to advise the management
in the administration of matters relating to municipal affairs and township maintenance
and to make suggestions for the provision of township facilities, horticulture
And environment, environment, etc. etc.
5. TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT NTPC as a company subscribes to the philosophy of generating growth from within,
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and in pursuance thereof, endeavours to achieve synchronisation of the organisations With the aspiration for growth and development of the individual employees.
1.1 The Annual Assessment System System for Supervisory Supervisory &Workman Categories Seeks to meet the following objectives.
1.2Promotion: To form an important basis for promotion along with seniority.
1.2 Trainin Training g and and Develop Development ment:: To understand the gaps in knowledge and skills skil ls with reference to the present assignment of an employee and with reference to his future Development; and fill the same by planned guidance and training.
There will be different formats for assessment as per the following broad categories:
I) Supervisory
Secretarial & Office Personnel
Workman : Unskilled Personnel
Assessment The assessment will be annual and cover performance during the financial year.
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The annual assessment form provides for evaluation on certain attributes and abilities on A3 point scale scale 'Outstanding 'Outstanding'' 'Satisfactory' 'Satisfactory' and and Unsatisfactory'. Unsatisfactory'. Periodic performance performance records and critical incidents maintained by persons reporting, with respect to each Employee will form the basis, which will aid in filling the annual assessment. This, It is hoped, will contribute towards making the appraisal objective.
System of Mentoring in NTPC
NTPC has over a period of time created an excellent performance culture in The organization.
1.3 Executives play a very important role in creating performance culture. Organization needs to continue to harness this role of executives for meeting The challenges in future.
1.4 For this purpose, a system of building commitment from the day of induction Of executives in the organization is considered essential.
1.5 A system system of mentoring the newly inducted executives is one of the useful methods employed by good organizations for bringing performance orientation
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Grievance is any discontent or dissatisfaction that affects organizational performance. As such itit can be stated or unvoiced, unvoiced, written or oral, legitimate legitimate or ridiculous. ridiculous. If the dissatisfaction of employees‟ goes unattended or the conditions causing it are not corrected , the irritation is likely to increase and lead to unfavourable attitude towards the management and Unhealthy relations in the organization. The formal mechanism for dealing with such worker‟s dissatisfaction is called grievance . All companies whether unionized or not should have established and known grievance methods Of processing grievances. The primary value of grievance procedure is that it can assist in minimizing discontent and dissatisfaction that may have adverse effects upon co-operation And Productivity Productivity.. A grievance grievance procedure procedure is necessary necessary in large large organization organization which has has
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numerous personnel and many levels with the result that the manager is unable to keep a check on \Individual, or be involved in every aspect of working of the small organization. The usual steps in grievance procedure are 1. Conference among the aggrieved employee, the supervisor, and the union steward. 2. Conference between middle management and middle union leadership. 3. Conference between top management and top union leadership 4. . Arbitration. There may be variations in the procedures followed for resolving employee grievances . Variations may result from such factors as organizational or decision-making structures or size of the Plant or company. Large organizations do tend to have formal grievance procedures involving Succession of steps.
Causes for Grievance Grievance may arise due to the following reasons : 1. Grievance arising out of working condition:
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Poor physical work of work place.
Very tight production standards.
Non – Non – availability of proper tools and machines. Unplanned changes in schedules and procedures
Failure to maintain proper discipline.
Mismatch of the worker with the job.
Poor relationship with the supervisor.
2. Grievance arising from Management policy: policy:
Wages rate and method of wage payment.
Overtime and incentive schemes.
Promotion, demotion and discharge.
Lack of opportunities for career growth.
Penalties imposed for misconduct.
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Hostility towards trade unions.
3. Grievance arising from Alleged Violation of:
The collective bargaining agreement.
Company rules and regulations.
Past practice.
Central or State Laws.
Responsibility of management.
4. Grievance arising out of Personal Maladjustment.
Excessive self –esteem. –esteem.
Impractical attitude to life.
Every employee has certain expectations, which he thinks must be fulfilled by the organization he is working for. When the organization fails to do this, he develops a feeling of discontent or dissatisfaction. When an employee feels that something is unfair in the organization, he is said to have a grievance.
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According to Julius, a grievance is “any discontent or dissatisfaction, whether expressed or not, whether
valid or not, arising out of anything connected with the company which an employee thinks, believes or, even feels to be unfair, unjust or inequitable.”
The best approach towards grievance is to anticipate them and take steps to tackle them before the grievances assume dangerous proportions. Any ordinary manager redresses grievances as and when they arise. An excellent manager anticipates and prevents them. Managers can know and understand grievance with the help of the following methods: organization can 1. Exit Interview. An interview of every employee who quits the organization reveal employee grievances. Most of the employees quit the company due to some dissatisfaction. Great amount of care and empathy is necessary for a successful exist interview.
2. Opinion Surveys. A survey may be conducted to elicit the opinion of employees regarding the organisation and its management. Group meetings, periodical interviews with workers and collective bargaining sessions are also helpful in knowing employee discontent before it becomes a grievance.
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3. Gripe Boxes. In these boxes employees can drop their anonymous complaints. There are different from the suggestions boxes in which Employees drop their suggestion with their names written on them.
4. Open Door Policy. It implies a general invitation to the employees to informally drop in the manager‟s room any time and talk over their grievances. This policy is useful in keeping touch with employee‟s feelings. But it suffers from the following
limitations: (a) This policy is workable only in very small organizations. In big organizations, top managers do not have the time to meet the large numbers of employees daily.
(b) Under this policy the front line superior is bypassed. He should first of all know the grievance of his subordinate.
(c) This policy does not permit the top management to assess a superior‟s skill in handling grievance.
(d) Top management is not familiar with the work situation in which the grievance developed. It cannot, therefore, correctly evaluate the information provided by the aggrieved employee.
(e) Lower level employees hesitate to enter the room of a top manager and speak freely
In large organization, management by, walking around might be preferable to open door policy. In this system the managers walks through the employees, observes them and if necessary listen to their problems.
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Grievance Redressed Procedure Every organization requires a permanent procedure for handling employee grievance. Grievance handling procedure is a formal process of settling grievance and it usually consists of a number of steps arranged in a hierarchy. The number of these steps may vary with size of the organization. In small organizations, grievance procedure may consist of only two steps while in big organizations there may be five or six steps. As shown in the figure, the front line supervisor supervisor is given the first opportunity opportunity to handle grievances. If the company is unionized, a representative of the trade union also joins the supervisor in handling the grievance. This step is essential for preserving the supervisor‟s authority. But all grievances cannot be settled here because they may be beyond the authority and competence of the supervisor. In the second step, the human resource officer or some middle level executive along with a high level union officer attempt to tackle the grievance. In the third step, the top management and top union leader sit together to settle grievances involving companywide issues. If the grievance remains unsettled it is referred to an outside arbitrator for redressed .
Advantage of a Grievance Procedure Grievances are natural in any organization. These should be solved as early as possible; otherwise they can create serious problems for the organizations, the industry and society.
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A systematic procedure should, therefore, therefore, be developed to settle all grievances. grievances. Such a procedure provides the following benefits:
It brings grievances into the open so that management can know them and take necessary action to settle them.
Management can solve a grievance before it becomes a dispute. It is an orderly and expeditious means for redressed of grievances.
It enables the management to know the attitudes and feelings of employee concerning the policies, rules and practices of the organization.
It provides the workers a formal opportunity for expressing their fears, anxiety and dissatisfaction.
Such release of emotions helps to improve the morale and productivity of employees.
It helps to maintain cordial relations in the industry. It brings uniformity in the handling of grievances.
It also stimulates confidence in employees and builds a sense of security among them.
It enables both the parties to settle the grievances to their mutual satisfaction.
It serves as a check upon arbitrary and biased action on the part of management.
Managers know that their actions can be reviewed and challenged and, therefore, become more careful .
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Top Management
Top Union Leaders
Middle Management
Middle level Union Leaders
Front-Line Supervisors
Union Representative
Aggrieved Employee
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Grievance Procedure in NTPC 1.0 INTRODUCTION : : Employees grievances and complaints which are primarily manifestation of their Dissatisfaction against their working conditions, managerial decisions etc. if not promptly Attended to, are bound bound to explode. explode. NTPC NTPC management management believes believes in in the philosophy philosophy of an Open door policy in the matter of redressed of grievances, be it collective or individual and An aggrieved aggrieved employee employee is welcome welcome to meet his department departmental al head or the concerned concerned HR Officer (including the Head of HR Department) and discuss his grievances. Nevertheless, In view of the ever growing size of the industrial organisations and the accompanying Complexities and problems the need of formal grievance machinery cannot be underestimated. Accordingly Accordingly the following time-bound grievance grievance procedure procedure is laid laid down down for nonexecutives nonexecutives .
2.0 OBJECTIVE: The objectives of the grievance procedure will be: 2.1 To settle grievances of the employees in shortest possible time; 2.2 At lowest possible level of authority; and 2.3 To provide for various stages so that the aggrieved employees derive satisfaction of Seeking redressed, if required, even from the highest level of the authority .
3.0 SCOPE: The matters coming under the scope of this grievance procedure which can be invoked by Aggrieved Aggrieved employee employee is those relating to: -
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- Wage Payment - Increment - Recovery of dues - Working conditions - Leave - Allotment of quarters - Medical facilities - Seniority - Transfer - Promotion - Like issues The matters relating to collective dispute/bargaining such as wages and allowances, Bonus, hours of work and other benefits and also cases relating to disciplinary matters will Be outside the purview of this grievance procedure.
4.0 PROCEDURE: There will be a three tier grievance procedure with further provision of appeal, as detailed Below:
4.1 Stage I 4.1.1 An aggrieved aggrieved employee employee may in the first first instance instance meet his immediate immediate superior superior officer officer and Present the grievance orally to him .
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4.1.2 In case he is not satisfied, he can present his grievance in the prescribed form (Form-I Form-I)) to The concerned HR Officer within 15 days from the date on which the act of grievance or Complaint arose or came to his notice.
4.1.3 The concerned HR Officer after making necessary enquiries will give reply to the Aggrieved Aggrieved employee employee within a time of 10 days .
4.2 Stage-II 4.2.1 In the case the employee is not satisfied with the decision communicated to him at Stage-I or fails to receive a reply within stipulated period, he/she may submit his Grievance in the prescribed form ( Form-II Form-II)) within a period of 15 days to the Head of Department for the latter's consideration .
4.2.2 The aggrieved employee who has filed a Stage-II grievance may be allowed to present His/her case in person, if he/she so desires at this stage.
4.2.3 The aggrieved employee will be replied to within three weeks of the receipt of his Grievance at Stage-II.
4.3 Stage-III 4.3.1 At this stage, stage, the the grievance grievance will be looked into by a Grievance Grievance Committee, Committee, to be be constituted By the respective General Managers for the projects/units and by General Manager (HR) For Corporate Centre, consisting of the following:
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An executive executive not below the the rank of Chairman Sr. Manager or Manager, in case the Former is not readily available. An executive executive of Finance Finance & Member Accounts Department Department not below the rank Of Accounts Officer. An executive executive of Personnel Personnel Secretary Secretary Department not below the rank Of Sr. HR Officer
4.3.2 If the employee is not satisfied or fails to receive a reply within stipulated period at StageII, he may present his grievance for consideration at Stage-Ill in the prescribed form (Form-Ill Form-Ill)) within a period of one month. The employee concerned may be heard in person, By the Grievance Committee, if it so likes. He may be allowed to be assisted by a coworker Before the Committee, if he so desires.
4.3.3 The Committee will meet at regular fixed intervals to deliberate upon all such grievances As are addressed addressed to it. During During the course course of examination examination the Committee Committee will will be assisted, assisted, if Required, by concerned employee to present facts/records pertaining to the grievance. In The event of difference of opinion among the members of the Grievance Committee, the Views of the members along with relevant papers will be placed before General Manager By the Secretary, Grievance Committee for a final decision.
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4.3.4 The decision of the Grievance Committee will be communicated to the aggrieved Employee within 30 days from the date of receipt of the grievance at Stage-III
4.3.5 The Grievance Committee recommendations should be implemented by the Management. In case of major issues like non-allotment of quarters, grievances arising out of no promotion Etc. a higher time limit of one month from the date of occurrence of the cause Of grievance will be allowed and the aggrieved employee will also be allowed to take up The matter at Stage-III directly.
4.4 Appeal 4.4.1
In case the employee still remains dissatisfied even after Stage-Ill, he may appeal to
The General Manager of the Division within a period of 10 days from the date of receipt Of the decision from the Grievance Committee. After the examination and Consideration, the decision of the General Manager will be communicated to the Aggrieved Aggrieved employee employee within a month of the the receipt receipt of his appeal.
5.0 GENERAL: It would be the endeavour of the Management to ensure speedy implementation of the Decision of the Grievance Committee and the General Manager of the Division, as the Case may be
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1.0 INTRODUCTION: Employees grievances and complaints which are primarily manifestation of their Dissatisfaction against their working conditions, managerial decisions etc. if not promptly Attended to, are bound bound to explode. explode. NTPC NTPC management management believes believes in in the philosophy philosophy of an Open door policy in the matter of redressal of grievances and an aggrieved employee is Welcome to meet his departmental head or the concerned HR Officer (including the Head Of HR Department) and discuss his grievances. Nevertheless, in view of the ever Growing size of the industrial organizations and the accompanying complexities and Problems the need of a formal grievance machinery cannot be under estimated. Accordingly, Accordingly, a time-bound time-bound grievance grievance procedure procedure for all non-executi non-executive ve employees employees was Introduced by the Company in June, 1980. The need of a formal grievance procedure for Executives has been felt since some time in the past by the Company and the same was Under consideration. Keeping in view of this need and also the guidelines received from The Govt. of India, NTPC has laid down a formal time-bound grievance procedure for Redressal of the grievances of executives .
The objectives of the grievances procedure will be: 2.1 To settle grievances of the employees in shortest possible time;
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2.2 At lowest possible level of authority; and 2.3 To provide for various stages so that the aggrieved employees derive satisfaction of Speaking redressed, if required, even from the highest level of the authority.
The procedure will cover all executives of the Company up to the level of DGMs. Executives in higher levels may take up their grievances, if any, with their reporting officer. Grievance for the purpose of this procedure would only mean individual grievance and the Matters under the scope of this procedure, which can be invoked by an aggrieved executive Shall be those relating to the following:' - Salary payment NB: The above procedure was approved by the Management Committee in their meeting Held on 19.6.1986 and came into force i.e. of 1.8.1986. - Recoveries of dues etc. - Increment - Working conditions - Leave - Allotment of quarters - Medical facilities - Non-extension of benefits under rules - Transfer
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- Promotion - Like issues The grievance arising out of the following shall not be come under the purview Of the grievance procedure: - Terms of appointment settled prior to joining - Annual performance appraisal - Matters relating to disciplinary enquiry, action and vigilance cases - Where the grievance does not relate to an individual executive
4.0 PROCEDURE: The individual grievance of the executive shall be dealt with as per the procedure laid Down below:
4.1 Stage-I 4.1.1 The aggrieved executive shall take up his grievance orally with his immediate Superior (not below the rank of Deputy Manager) who will give a personal Hearing and try to resolve the grievance at his level within seven days. For this purpose every project GM and Head of Region/Officers shall nominate And notify notify a list of Executives Executives in different different departments departments who who will hear oral Grievances. Wherever necessary, the nominated officer will consult his Head of The Dep‟t. Dep‟t. And/or such other Department(s) before communicating back with
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The aggrieved executive.
4.1.2 In case the executive is not satisfied he can submit his grievance in writing in Form-I within 15 days from the date on which the act of grievance arose or came to his notice to the Head of Dep‟t of Dep‟t.. Concerned.
4.1.3 The Head of Department concerned will record his comments on the grievance form Within 7 days after making necessary enquiries/obtain necessary guidelines from other Departments, if any, as required .
4.2 Stage-II
4.2.1 In case the executive is not satisfied with the decision communicated to him at Stage-I or If he fails to receive the reply within stipulated period, he may submit his grievance in the Prescribed form (Form-II ( Form-II)) within a period of 15 days to a Staff Council in the Project/regional offices/Corporate Centre. The staff council will be constituted by the ED Concerned for project and regional offices and Director (P) for Corporate Centre by the Designation of the Member. The Council will consist of the following:
a. At Projects/Region:
- GM/Head of the Project or Office - The concerned HOD of the aggrieved executive - Chief Finance Manager or the Head of the Finance in the
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Project/Office - CPM or Head of HR in the Project/Office (Member Secy.)
B. At Corporate Centre: - Executive
Director (any one from the Corporate Headquarter)
- Head of Department concerned - Financial Controller - GM (HR)/DGM (HR) - Member Secy.
The Council thus constituted the staff council shall continue to function so long as no Further changes are required in its constitution.3 The Council will examine the details of the grievance and may also discuss with the Aggrieved Aggrieved employee, employee, if felt necessary. necessary. The Staff Staff Council Council shall give its reply to the aggrieved Executive within 30 days from the date of receipt of the grievance. However, wherever felt Necessary by the Staff Council, it may make a recommendation for a final decision of Director (HR), who will convey his decision within 30 days from the receipt of grievance From the Grievance Committee. The decision of the D (HR) shall be final subject to the Provisions: contained in paragraph below: The executives of the levels of Head of the Department & DGM's may take up their Grievances verbally with their immediate superior officials (it could be a DGM or GM) to get Their grievances resolved within the stipulated 7 days, failing which they can communicate The same in writing to the said superior official in Form-I. The superior official shall reply to
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The individual within 7 days after ascertaining the requisite information from all the Depts. Concerned Wherever the executives of the level of HOD/DGM's do not receive reply within the Stipulated period or are not satisfied with the reply so received, they may choose to Submit their grievances in Form-II to the Staff Council. In such an eventuality, the GM/Head of the Project/Office will have a dual role to perform in addition to being the Head of the Department of the aggrieved executive.3
4.3 Stage-Ill 4.3.1 In exceptional cases, the aggrieved executive who is not satisfied with the decision will Have an option to appeal to CMD. The CMD will take a decision and communicate the Same within 30 days from the receipt of the appeal and
5.0 GENERAL CONDITIONS: 5.1 The executive shall bring up his grievance immediately and in any case within a period of Three months of its recurrence. 5.2 If the grievance arises out of an order given by the Management, the said order shall be Complied with before the executive concerned invokes the procedure laid down for Redressal of his grievance.
AUTHORITY: Corporate Personnel Circular No. 54/80 Dt. 19.6.1980
2. Corporate Personnel Circular No. 191/86 DT 30.7.1986 3. Corporate Personnel Circular No.197/87 Dt.20.1.1987
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To Study the Grievance Procedure of N.T.P.C
To thinking Know The Thinking of Experts Regarding the Procedure OF Grievance Handling
To know What are the changes needed in grievance Procedure of ntpc
To also know what are draw back in grievance Procedure of ntpc
To know what are the other
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adjudication machinery available to you for redressed of
Research methodology: As marketing research research is a systemic and formalized formalized process, it follows a certain sequence sequence of research action. The marketing process has the following steps:
Formulating the problems
Developing objectives of the research
Designing an effective research plan
Data collection techniques
Evaluating the data and preparing a research report
Primary data
Sampling Design:
Interview method
Lucknow Lucknow
TYPE OF Study :
For my project, I decided on primary data collection method for observing working of company
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Findings After studying the views of HR personnel I came to know that: 1) That procedure of grievance should be changed in accordance with current status of grievance in organisation organisation 2) To increased the scope of grievance schedule 3) To take grievance in a positive way in order to improve the status of grievance in NTPC
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No Questionnaire was allowed
Since expert was of hr. Depts. Biasness may be there.
Only HR. Dept .was considered but grievances can be of any other dep‟t. also
Lack of knowledge
Scope of grievances should be increased
There should implementation of the changes in the grievances procedure
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Conclusion NTPC, the largest power Company in India, was setup in 1975 to accelerate power development in the country. It is among the world‟s largest and most efficient power generation companies. In Forbes list of World‟s 2000 Largest Co mpanies for the year 2007, NTPC occupies 411 th place. So it had to work hard in order to maintain its position in the world and more over any lack or mistake may give chance to private firms such as reliance torrent Tata in order to gain their market in India Grievances may be taken as a positive as well as negative work but in order to improve the company should take Most interviewees believed that, in recent years, companies had become more focused on processes that seek to establish a better understanding of local contexts, risks, impacts and development opportunities (such as socio-economic and political risk analysis and community engagement and development). Most interviewees also believed that companies were fundamentally better at responding to community concerns than they were five years ago. That said, while companies involved in the study may have processes in place to identify and address social and community relations issues pre-emptively, only a few have Procedures for dealing with grievances that were not foreseen or predicted through these processes.
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Overall, it was difficult to get clarity about exactly how grievance handling is related to concepts like sustainable development. A few interviewees argued that this was due in part to the industry‟s tendency to present sustainable development in largely positive terms that focus on opportunity and benefit, rather than social harm. Overall, there was a strong view that the current approach to grievance handling was determined much more by site-level relationships than by any coordinated corporate-level strategy. There was wide-spread agreement among interviewees on the relationship between grievance handling and community relations. Responsible grievance handling was considered absolutely integral to the suite of activities that aim to build and maintain relationships with local and affected peoples and other stakeholders. None of the companies involved in the research had a centralised mechanism at the corporate level for handling community grievances, other than whistleblower hotlines for employees that were known by, or open to, other stakeholders, to varying degrees. Such hotlines were usually, but not always, outsourced to an external provider to manage the resolution process. Otherwise, the dominant trend was devolution of responsibility for handling community grievances to the asset, operation or business unit
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Summary According According to the views of expert expert we came into conclusion conclusion that that grievance grievance procedure procedure of NTPC was made a long time ago and it has to be changed or renovated with a prod of the time and new things in grievances procedure should be added so that scope of grievances should have inhered .resulted in more satisfied employee and better quality of work .being a maharaja company .the world 10 biggest thermal generation company .should take a grievances as positive point in order to improve it working . Currently, the industry‟s dominant approach is to devolve responsibility for grievance handling to operations or projects (rather than immediately elevating to the corporate level or an external party). Corporate offices rarely have direct responsibility for community grievance handling, other than in the case of escalated disputes, and are largely responsible for: setting the policy agenda; supporting operations in their implementation; and, providing assurance back to the corporate entity that compliance is being achieved. Sites with formalised procedures said they were of great assistance when community relations sought to involve or hold other departments to account for responsible grievance handling. At the operational level, it is community relations practitioners who usually have front-line and face-to-face contact with aggrieved parties to understand their perspectives, concerns and issues. From there, it is (more often than not), community relations practitioners who work to resolve issues and, in the case of more complex issues, involve other departments and functions in seeking resolution.
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Interviewees indicated that many community relations practitioners still struggle to involve other departments in discussions “Certainly the issue [of grievance handling] has popped up on the radar screen in the last
2- 3 years and is the „issue du jour‟ right now … In CSR things typically build from one level to the next. The field keeps getting moved further and further down the road. So as things become the norm in the industry, you push deeper … I don’t don ’t see this focus [on grievance mechanisms] going away.”
Some interviewees gave a caution on the trend towards formalisation, arguing that it may inadvertently decrease space for innovative local solutions and dialogue, which is essential to effective on the ground grievance handling. In this emerging area, a balance needs to be struck between formalisation (through set procedures and certain minimum requirements) on the one hand, and flexibility and adaptability in finding some form of resolution on the other Questions that guided the research were as follows:
How does the industry currently think about community grievances?
What requirements are in place at the corporate-level in relation to grievance handling and to what extent are they implemented?
What are the key grievance pathways within PSU companies?
In what ways is the industry focused on change in this area?
What organisational barriers and enabling factors exist for responsible grievance handling by PSU companies?
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Interviewees used a range of descriptors to refer to unresolved matters between the community and the company including: feedback, concern, complaint, grievance, dispute, issue and conflict. There was variation in the use of these terms. Some had specific definitions and preferences: “Typically you differentiate between a complaint (a less severe dispute) and a grievance (a more severe dispute) and then a conflict (the most severe).”
“We use dispute, grievances, and complaints - whatever. We get them all and are happy with whatever.”
“We try not to use the words „dispute‟ and „conflict‟ in our [corporate]
communication. We talk about issues management rather than conflict resolution. There is no sinister reason for why that is. Conflict is to a more opposing party; with the connotation of aggression.” “I think language precedes action and precedes performance and we
are getting to that point now. We are starting to have conversations that I would have been very surprised to see the industry having even 12 months ago.”
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Q1. What do you know about grievance procedure of n.t.p.c?
Q2. What do you think about grievance procedure effectiveness?
Q3. Grievance handling is the problem related to H.R dep’t . But not a responsibility responsibility org.?
Q4. How does the industry currently think about Org. grievances?
Q 5. What does .you think about community-related communit y-related grievances, dispute and conflict?
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Q6. What does .you think of a company’s approach to handling community grievances?
Q7. What requirements are in place at the corporate-level in relation to grievance handling and to what extent are they implemented?
Q8. What are the key grievance handling pathways within N.T.P.C?
Q9. In what ways is the N.T.P.C industry focused on change?
Q10. What organisational barriers and enabling factors exist for responsible grievance handling by N.T.P.C Company?
Q11. Is there a positive and friendly approach during grievance handling?
Q12. What is various adjudication machinery available to you for redressed of grievance?
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NTPC magazines
NTPC Employee handbook
Intranet site of NTPC
HR compendium (NTPC)
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