Nitric Acid Production Cost Reports
Nitric Acid is a strong acid of major importance. It is mainly applied in the manufacture of ammonium nitrate, used in fertilizers, but it is also employed as powerful oxidizing agent in the production of many chemicals. Intratec portfolio includes reports examining Nitric Acid production cost, with in-depth analysis of specific production processes and highlevel comparisons of different production routes.
Reports Focused on Nitric Acid Production NITRIC ACID PRODUCTION COST ANALYSIS - OVERVIEW | NA AA01
This report compares the costs of Nitric Acidproduction via the following pathways: * Pathway 1: Nitric Acid Production from Ammonia * Pathway 2: Nitric Acid Production from Natural Gas * Pathway 3: Nitric Acid Production from Coal The report includes a high-level, comparative analyses of capital costs and production costs, raw material(s) consumption figures and product(s) generated of each pathway. NITRIC ACID PRODUCTION FROM AMMONIA - COST ANALYSIS | NA E11A Economics of Nitric Acid production from ammonia via the Ostwald process in the United United States. In this process, 65 wt% Nitric Acid solution is obtained as the final product. This in-depth study includes: capital investment breakdown, operating cost breakdown & 4-year history and raw materials consumption. NITRIC ACID PRODUCTION FROM AMMONIA - COST ANALYSIS | NA E12A In this report, the economic analysis concerns the same process studied in the report “NA E11A”, but in this case, the final product is a 99 wt% Nitric Acid solution. The economic analysis presented is also based on a plant constructed in the USA. This in-depth study includes: capital investment breakdown, operating cost breakdown & 4-year history and raw materials consumption.
For a complete list of available reports, visit ion-cost
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Portfolio of Production Cost Reports Intratec offers more than 900 up-to-date reports examining production costs of chemicals, for the chemical, petrochemical, oil, energy, plastic, renewables & allied sectors. Our reports are the best value for price in the market: * Structured and easy-to-understand * Up-to-date analyses (with the most recent recent economic data available) * Includes: raw materials consumption; capital investment and production production cost breakdowns * Extremely affordable – as low as USD 375! * No bureaucracy! Online purchase purchase with credit card! For a complete and up-to-date list, visit
Explore Free Report Samples We strongly encourage potential clients to download a full samples of production cost reports at to samples to confirm the caliber of our work.
Purchase & Pricing Information Intratec Reports pricing information can be easily found on the Intratec website. Our reports are extremely affordable – in fact, the best value-for-price in the market – a nd can be purchased online, with credit cards.
About Intratec Solutions, LLC Intratec is an independent research and leading advisory firm, recognized for excellence in the evaluation of chemical markets and the economics of industrial processes. We are a mix of process engineers, market researchers and cost estimators with extensive industry experience. Since 2002, the reports and databases we provide have boosted the ea rly recognition of promising research and capital investment opportunities in the chemical, petrochemical, oil, plastic, renewable, alternative energy & allied sectors. With more than 900 up-to-date professional reports targeting chemical markets and process economics, our portfolio is constantly growing.
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