this will helpful for the network oriented guysFull description
CRYPTTSFull description
Network Security & Cryptography
Network Security & CryptographyFull description
its cryptography and networking book by atul kahatey which is used for the engineering syllabusFull description
Networking is a process that the exchange of information and ideas among individuals or groups. We can communicate with each other in network via messaging application for example email service
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Link full download: cryptography and network security princ...
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Network security planning and design
Wireless networks are mostly common and are the part of every organisation or an individual. In this article we look into the technology of wireless network and security features of WLANs, delinquent and attacks in IEEE 802.11 WLANs. There are variet
Official documentation from Elekta on the installation of the NSS "Network Security Solution" system.
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Set No. 1
Code No: RR4105 RR410504 04
IV B.Tec B.Tech h I Semest Semester er Regula Regularr Examin Examinati ations ons,, Nov Novem ember ber 2007 2007 NETWORK SECURITY AND CRYPTOGRAPHY (Computer Science & Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆
1. (a (a) What is it imp ortance to study the Feistel cipher?
(b) Which parameters and design choices determine the actual algorithm of a Feistel cipher? [8] 2. Expl Explai ain n the the proce process ss of encr encryp ypti tion on and and decr decryp ypti tion on in IDEA IDEA algo algori rith thm. m.
[16] [16]
3. List List four four gener general al categ categori ories es of sche schemes mes for dist distri ribut butio ion n of pub publi licc keys keys..
[16] [16]
4. (a) Explai Explain n Chine Chinese se Remai Remainder nder Theorem. Theorem. (b) State and prove prove Euler’s theorem? theorem? (c) Using Fermat’s theorem, find 201 mo d 11.
5. (a) List List requirem requirement entss for a Hash Hash Funct Function ion.. (b) What What bas basic ic ari arithm thmeti etica call and and logi logical cal functi functions ons are used used in in SHASHA-1? 1?
[6+10 [6+10]]
6. (a) What What is is R64 R64 conv conver ersi sion? on? (b) Why is R64 conversion conversion useful for an e-mail e-mail application? application? (c) Why Why is the segmentati segmentation on and reassem reassembly bly functi function on in PGP needed? needed? [4+6+6] [4+6+6] 7. (a) Give Give example exampless of appli applicati cations ons of of IPSec. IPSec. (b) What services do es IPSec provide?
IV B.Tec B.Tech h I Semest Semester er Regula Regularr Examin Examinati ations ons,, Nov Novem ember ber 2007 2007 NETWORK SECURITY AND CRYPTOGRAPHY (Computer Science & Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆
1. (a) (a) What What are are diff differen erence cess bet between een a bloc block k ciph cipher er an and d a stre stream am ciph cipher er?? (b) Explain various mo des of operations of blo ck ciphers. 2. Expl Explai ain n the the proce process ss of encr encryp ypti tion on and and decr decryp ypti tion on in IDEA IDEA algo algori rith thm. m. 3. (a) Explain public key Crypto Systems.
[8] [8] [8] [16] [16] [6]
(b) Explain in detail ab out Euclid’s Algorithm.
(c) Give a brief account on Random numb er Generation.
4. (a) Explai Explain n in detai detaill about Eucl Euclid’ id’ss Algori Algorithm. thm. (b) Determine gcd(1970,1066).
5. (a) What is a differenc differencee between between little little-en -endian dian and and big-endi big-endian an format? format? (b) What What basi basicc arithm arithmeti etica call and and logi logical cal functi functions ons are used used in MD5? MD5?
[6+10 [6+10]]
6. (a) What What is is R64 R64 conv conver ersi sion? on? (b) Why is R64 conversion conversion useful for an e-mail e-mail application? application? (c) Why Why is the segmentati segmentation on and reassem reassembly bly functi function on in PGP needed? needed? [4+6+6] [4+6+6] 7. Write note on Encapsulating security payload.
8. (a) what inform informatio ation n used by a typica typicall packetpacket-filt filterin eringg router? router? (b) What are some weaknesses weaknesses of a packet-filter packet-filtering ing router? (c) What is the difference between a packet-filte packet-filtering ring router and a stateful inspecinspection firewall? [8+4+4] ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆
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Set No. 3
Code No: RR4105 RR410504 04
IV B.Tec B.Tech h I Semest Semester er Regula Regularr Examin Examinati ations ons,, Nov Novem ember ber 2007 2007 NETWORK SECURITY AND CRYPTOGRAPHY (Computer Science & Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆
1. ( a) a) What is it imp ortance to study the Feistel cipher?
(b) What is the purpose of the S-b oxes in DES?
2. (a) List the characteristics of advanced block ciphers.
(b) What are the differences b etween RC5 and RC2?
3. (a) Explain Explain Diffie-Hellm Diffie-Hellman an Key Exchan Exchange ge in Ellipti Ellipticc curve curve cryptography cryptography?? (b) Explain Explain the process pro cess encryption encryption and decryption in Elliptic curve curve cryptography? cryptography? [8+8] 4. (a) Explai Explain n MillerMiller-Robi Robin n test test algorit algorithm. hm. (b) Explain Chinese Remainder Theorem .
5. (a) What is the differ difference ence betwe between en weak weak and strong strong collisio collision n resistanc resistance? e? (b) (b) What What is the the role role of a comp compre ress ssio ion n func functi tion on in a hash hash func functi tion on??
[6+1 [6+10] 0]
6. (a) What What is is R64 R64 conv conver ersi sion? on? (b) Why is R64 conversion conversion useful for an e-mail e-mail application? application? (c) Why Why is the segmentati segmentation on and reassem reassembly bly functi function on in PGP needed? needed? [4+6+6] [4+6+6] 7. Write note on Encapsulating security payload.
8. Write notes on (a) Trapdoors (b) Logic Logic bomb (c) Tro jan horses
[5+5+6] ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆
1 of 1
Set No. 4
Code No: RR4105 RR410504 04
IV B.Tec B.Tech h I Semest Semester er Regula Regularr Examin Examinati ations ons,, Nov Novem ember ber 2007 2007 NETWORK SECURITY AND CRYPTOGRAPHY (Computer Science & Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆
1. This problem provides provides a numerical example example of encryption encryption using a one-round one-round version of DES. We start with the same bit pattern for the key and plain text, namely, In hexadecimal notation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F Inbinary notat otatiion: 0000 000 0001 001 0010 010 0011 011 010 0100 010 0101 0110 0110 0111 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 (a) Derive Derive K 1 , the first - round subkey. (b) Derive Derive L0 , R0 (c) Expand R0 to get E [R0 ] (d) Calcul Calculate ate A=E [R0]
K 1 .
(e) Group the 48-bit result result of (d) into sets of 6 bits and evaluate evaluate the corresponding S-box substitutions. (f) Cancaten Cancatenate ate the results results of (e) to get a 32-bit result, result,B. B. (g) App Apply ly the permutati permutation on to get P(B). (h) Calculate Calculate R1=P(B) R1=P(B) ⊕ L0 (i) write down the cipher text.
2. (a) List the characteristics of advanced block ciphers.
(b) What are the differences b etween RC5 and RC2?
3. (a) What is an Elliptic Curve?
(b) What is the Zero point of an elliptic curve?
(c) Explain Explain the process pro cess encryption encryption and decryption in Elliptic curve Cryptograph Cryptography? y? [10] 4. (a) Define Define a Grou Groups, ps, a Rin Rings gs and and a Field Fields? s? (b) (b) Cons Constr truc uctt Ad Addi diti tiv ve tabl tablee and and Mult Multip ipli lica cati tiv ve tabl tablee for for GF(7 GF(7)? )? 5. Define digital Signature. Explain its role in network security.
[6+1 [6+10] 0] [16]
6. (a) What What is is R64 R64 conv conver ersi sion? on? (b) Why is R64 conversion conversion useful for an e-mail e-mail application? application? (c) Why Why is the segmentati segmentation on and reassem reassembly bly functi function on in PGP needed? needed? [4+6+6] [4+6+6]
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Set No. 4
Code No: RR4105 RR410504 04
7. (a) List and and briefly briefly define the business business requiremen requirements ts for secure secure paymen paymentt processing processing with credit cards over the Internet. (b) List List and briefly briefly define define the princip principal al categori categories es of SET partici participan pants. ts.