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INTRODUCTION TO PRIVATE EQUITY. 1 Meaning and definition DEFINITION: Private e!it" i# e!it" $a%ita& t'at i# not !oted on a %!(&i$ e)$'ange. Private e!it" $on#i#t# of inve#tor# and f!nd# t'at *a+e inve#t*ent# dire$t&" into %rivate $o*%anie# or $ond!$t (!"o!t# of %!(&i$ $o*%anie# t'at re#!&t in a de&i#ting of %!(&i$ e!it". Mo#t of t'e ti*e, ti *e, %rivate e!it" inve#tor# are in#tit!tiona& inve#tor# and 'ig' netort' individ!a 'o 'ave a &arge a*o!nt of $a%ita& to $o**it to t'e#e inve#t*ent#. Private e!it" inve#t*ent# often de*and &ong 'o&ding %eriod# to a&&o for a t!rnaro!nd of a di#tre##ed $o*%an" or a &i!idit" event #!$' a# an IPO or #a&e to a %!(&i$ $o*%an". Private e!it" i# a e&&-+non ind!#tr" in t'e finan$ia& or&d and it i# (e$o*ing a *ore fa*i&iar ter* for t'e genera& %!(&i$ a# 'ig'-%rofi&e 'ig'-%rofi&e $o*%anie# are %!r$'a#ed and ta+en %rivate (" (!"o!t fir*#. Private e!it" fir*: A %rivate %rivate e!it" fir* i# an inve#t*ent *anager t'at *a+e# inve#t*ent# in t'e %rivate e!it" of o%erating $o*%anie# t'ro!g' a variet" of &oo#e&" affi&iated inve#t*ent #trategie# in$&!ding &everaged (!"o!t, vent!re $a%ita&, and grot' $a%ita&. Often de#$ri(ed a# a finan$ia& #%on#or, ea$' fir* i&& rai#e f!nd# t'at i&& (e inve#ted in a$$ordan$e it' one or *ore #%e$ifi$ inve#t*ent #trategie#. T"%i$a&&", a %rivate e!it" fir* i&& rai#e %oo of $a%ita&, or %rivate e!it" f!nd# t'at #!%%&" t'e e!it" $ontri(!tion# for t'e#e tran#a$tion#. Private e!it" fir*# i&& re$eive a %eriodi$ *anage*ent fee a# e&& a# a #'are in t'e %rofit# earned /$arried intere#t0 fro* ea$' %rivate e!it" f!nd *anaged. Private e!it" fir*#, it' t'eir inve#tor#, i&& a$!ire a $ontro&&ing or #!(#tantia& *inorit" %o#ition in a $o*%an" and t'en &oo+ to *a)i*ie t'e va&!e of t'at inve#t*ent.
2I3TORY T'e ear&" 'i#tor" of %rivate e!it" re&ate# to one of t'e *a4or %eriod# in t'e 'i#tor" of %rivate e!it". 5it'in t'e (roader %rivate e!it" ind!#tr", to di#tin$t #!(-