Stellenbosch University
Musical Theatre Instrument ation
A look at the classical orchestra and the jazz band compared to the musical theatre orchestra.
Kelsey Müller
. Introduction !ookin" at the instrumentation o# a symphonic $ork can provide an idea o# $hat sort o# piece one is dealin" $ith. %or e&le' a small orchestra $ith #e$ $ood$inds' brass and percussion already tells us that there is a chance that the piece could be an earlier $ork #rom the ())s $hile a lar"e orchestra tells us that the piece $as composed later and much closer to the t$enty*+rst century. ,hile o# these types o# deductions are #airly dan"erous' as many e&ceptions occur' they o#ten provide insi"ht into the piece that one is studyin". In the same $ay musical theatre orchestras-bands provide similar insi"hts into $hat the style the musical is in and $hether it is an early or recent musical. I $ill thus compare the instrumentations o# jazz and classical music to musical theatre and see $here musical theatre +ts in and $here the speci+c types o# instrumentations stem #rom. ock musicals and musicals $here small bands are used $ill be e&cluded.
/. The 0lassical 1rchestra Strin"s The classical has evolved over many centuries and thus there is no one speci+c instrumentation setup. It is' ho$ever' commonly kno$n that the instruments o# the symphonic orchestra are divided into #our sections. These sections are the $ood$inds' brass' percussion and strin"s. A #e$ sources call the strin" section the #oundation 20asella 3 Mortari' /))45 ()6 o# the orchestra and note that the strin"s are o#ten considered the most important section 2Adler' /))/576 and dominant 28iston' 9(95:6 2in the orchestra. The +rst section to be #ully developed $as the strin" orchestra and thus it become the bi""est section o# the orchestra. The strin" section is also the lar"est section in the orchestra $ith t$o violin parts' a viola part' cello part and bass part. This section is the only section' ho$ever' $here multiple instruments play on the same part. This has o#ten led to divisions in the parts. Accordin" to imsky*Korsakov 29(45 76 a small orchestra contains ei"ht +rst violins and a #ull orchestra contains si&teen +rst violins. ;o$ever' there are modern $orks $ith much lar"er re
century $here lar"e orchestras $here common. imsky*Korsakov does' ho$ever' mentioned that orchestras can be lar"er than the standard $hich he has provided. Unusual divisions o# the strin"s can o#ten be seen in the t$entieth and t$enty* +rst century such as in 8enderecki>sThrenody to the Victims o Hiromshima 29()6 $hich is #or strin" orchestra. ;ere the violins consist o# #our parts instead o# t$o and the violas' celli and basses are all in t$o parts instead o# the standard one part 28enderecki' 9(5/6. The strin" section is also the most homo"enous section and there#ore re
,ood$inds The $ood$ind section seemed to be the ne&t section to be developed as seen in the early classical period. 0oncertos such as Mozart>s Flute Concerto in D major, K. 31 277?6' Flute Concerto in ! major, K. 3132777*77?6 and O"oe Concerto
in C major, K. 31 27776 all $ritten close to each other contain @utes' oboes and even horns' $hich are brass' but no clarinets or bassoons. !ater Mozart composed his #amous Die #au"er$%te, K, &'( 2796 $hich contained a relatively small orchestra by today>s standards. Mozart>s opera contains $ood$inds in t$o 2Mozart' ?795 6. ,ood$inds in t$o contains t$o @utes' t$o oboes' t$o clarinets and t$o bassoons 2imsky*Korsakov' 29(45 :6. Another piece that contains this setup is Concerto or small orchestra, O).:4 29/76 by Albert oussel. This is one o# three setups that have become common place in the instrumentation setup o# $ood$inds in the orchestra. The other setups include $inds in three and $inds in #our. ,inds in three contains t$o @utes one piccolo' t$o oboes one n"lish horn' t$o clarinets one bass clarinet or b clarinet and t$o bassoons and contrabassoon 2imsky*Korsakov' 9(45 :6. An e&le o# $inds in three can be seen in the pieces *ictures at an +hi"ition 2?96 by Mussor"sky arran"ed by avel and Concerto or Orchestra 294:6 by Bartok. ,inds in #our contains three @utes one piccolo $ith one @ute possibly doublin" on alto @ute or bass @ute' three oboes one n"lish horn' three clarinets one bass clarinet and one clarinet doublin" on b clarinet and three bassoons one n"lish horn 2imsky*Korsakov' 9(45 :6. An e&le o# a piece $ith $inds in #our is Bartok>sKossuth 29):6. !ater $e $ill see that the $ood$ind section is very diCerent in musical theatre instrumentation.
Sa&ophones are not o#ten #ound in the classical symphonic orchestra' ho$ever' there are naturally a #e$ cases $here this does occur. achmaninov>s-ym)honic
Dances 294)6 contains $inds in three $ith an added alto sa&ophone $hile avel makes use o# a Sopranino' Soprano and Tenor Sa&ophones inolero 29/?6.
Brass Brass is the section that may have under"one the most chan"e since its introduction into the orchestra 28iston' 9(95 /)(6. Datural horns and trumpets e&isted 28iston' 9(95 /)(6 and thus more $ays o# achievin" notes $ere needed such as the crook used in horns be#ore valve $ere created 2Adler' /))/5 :46. Brass remains the most standardized section other than strin"s in the orchestra. Accordin" to Adler the standard instrumentation #or the brass is #our horns' three trumpets' three trombones and a tuba 2Adler' /))/5 /976. 0omposers o# course i"nore these standardizations o#ten in compositions such as ,a"ner $ho o#ten used si& horns instead o# #our. Many o# the pieces mentioned above use the standard horn instrumentation "uideline.*ictures at an +hi"ition' -ym)honic
Dances and olera are e&les o# this althou"holero does include a piccolo trumpet. Some composers pre#er to e&chan"e the third trombone $ith a bass trombone such as Bartok $ho did so inConcerto or Orchestra. The strin"s and $ood$inds are arran"ed in the order o# the instruments> ran"es' ho$ever' in the brass section the horns are above the trumpets even thou"h the trumpets have the hi"hest ran"e o# the brass instruments. The horn appeared in orchestras
8ercussion The percussion section provides the most uncertainty $hen composin". There is certainly no standard o# players or parts or even instruments used. The most common percussion instrument used is o# course the timpani $hich sometimes re
many players to use as $ell as $hich players $ill play $hich instruments. ;ere the composer can decide to use a timpanist and t$o other percussionist usin" percussion instruments that are #airly standard such as trian"les' tambourines' snare and bass drums' etc. or the composer can use as many instruments as is re
Child 29776. This type o# decision can determine i# and ho$ o#ten one>s piece is per#ormed. It is thus easier to compose #or a speci+c orchestra $here these re
:. The Eazz Band hythm Section The jazz orchestra or jazz band as it is more commonly $orks diCerently #rom the classical orchestra. As a much more recent "enre jazz o#ten relies on more recent and technolo"ically advanced instruments as $ell as the symphonic instruments #ound in the classical orchestra. It is #or this reason that the rhythm section is the most important section in the in the jazz band 2Absil' %. /)45 6. The rhythm section consists o# an electric bass-strin" bass' a drum kit a piano or keyboard and-or a "uitar. These instruments are typically improvised and this is important as this score is then notated diCerently. The bass and drums keep the rhythm and $ill al$ays rely on each other. The piano-keyboard and "uitar provide the harmonic basis o# the piece.
8ercussion 8ercussion is an interestin" "roup in jazz considerin" that there is already a drum kit re
Brass Many times jazz orchestras consist o# brass and sa&ophones. Sa&ophones become part o# the brass i# the $ood$inds #all a$ay' ho$ever' i# there are $ood$inds in the orchestra the sa&ophones $ill be put a#ter the clarinets and be#ore the bassoons such as in a $ind band.
,ood$inds I# $ood$inds are used in a jazz orchestra they arran"ed the same $ay that a classical $ood$ind section is arran"ed. ,inds in t$o' three and #our also apply here' but $inds in one are also common in a jazz band.
Strin"s Strin"s are smaller than the typical classical orchestra and a ratio o# /5: is used #or creatin" a "ood balance $ithin the strin" section $ith the hi"her "roup bein" more than the lo$er "roup 2Absil' /)45 /)6. 1# course most o# the time a jazz band does not have a strin" section at all.
4. The Musical Theatre 1rchestra The musical theatre orchestra is diCerent #rom both the classical symphonic orchestra and the jazz band. ;o$ever' the musical orchestra contains attributes #rom both and can be seen as a mi&ture o# the jazz band and the symphonic orchestra. There are' o# course' musicals that lean more to$ards the classical orchestra such as the od"ers and ;ammerstein musicals $hich include musicals such as /lle0ro' 299F6 Olahoma' 294:6 -outh *aci2c' 29496 The
Kin0 and 297?6 and The -ound o 4usic 29()6. These musicals $ere $ritten bet$een the years 94: and 99F and thus are t$entieth century musicals. ,hile not all t$entieth century musicals used the more classical instrumentation ichard od"er certainly did. 0ole 8orter $ho $as a similar type o# composer used a diCerent type o# instrumentation in his musicals /nythin0 !oes and Kiss
4e, Kate. This type o# orchestration $as jazzier and contained no strin"s' but plenty o# $ood$inds and brass. ,hile there is certainly no standard #or the musical theatre orchestra there are certain thin"s that can be said about it and certain deductions that can be made. I should also mention that a $ave o# rock musicals such as Hair, 299F6 /merican diot, 2/))96 -)rin0 /5aenin0 2/)(6 and 6ent 2/)(6 have also become
,ood$inds ,ood$inds $ork
/nythin0 !oes297765
I. 8iccolo-%lute-0larinet-Alto Sa&ophone
II. %lute-0larinet-Soprano Sa&ophone-Alto Sa&ophone III. 1boe-n"lish ;orn-0larinet-Tenor Sa&ophone IG. 0larinet-Bass 0larinet-Tenor Sa&ophone-Baritone Sa&ophone very part here contains a type o# sa&ophone and clarinet. ;ere is another e&le o# this.
ye ye irdie 29 ??65
I. %lute-8iccolo-0larinet-Alto Sa&ophone
II. 0larinet-Alto Sa&ophone III. 0larinet-Tenor Sa&ophone IG. 0larinet-Bass 0larinet-Baritone Sa&ophone ,ood$ind players thus become similar to percussionists. ;ere I>ve used e&les that re
7 to 8 2 /)(65
I. Alto Sa&ophone-0larinet-%lute-8iccolo II. Baritone Sa&ophone-Bass 0larinet-0larinet-%lute-Tenor
eauty and the east2/ )(65
I. %lute-8iccolo
II. n"lish ;orn-1boe III. Bass 0larinet-0larinet-%lute
/ 9ittle :i0ht 4usic 2 97:65
I. %lute-8iccolo-Alto %lute
II. 0larinet-%lute III. 0larinet-Bass 0larinet IG. 1boe-n"lish ;orn G. Bassoon-0larinet
On a Clear Day ;ou Can -ee Fore
/ 9ittle :i0ht 4usic 2 97:65
I. %lute-8iccolo-Alto %lute
II. 0larinet-%lute III. 0larinet-Bass 0larinet IG. 1boe-n"lish ;orn G. Bassoon-0larinet
Candide 2/)(65
I. 0larinet-%lute-8iccolo II. 0larinet-b 0larinet III. n"lish ;orn-1boe-1boe d>Amore
IG. Bass 0larinet-0larinet-%lute G. Bassoon
Com)any 2/)(65
I. Alto %lute-Alto Sa&-0larinet-%lute-8iccolo II. Alto %lute-Bass 0larinet-0larinet-%lute-Tenor Sa& III. Bass 0larinet-0larinet-%lute-Tenor Sa& IG. Baritone Sa&-0larinet-n"lish ;orn-1boe G. Baritone Sa&-Bassoon-0larinet
It is also more common to use instruments that are not typically part o# the orchestra that matches the settin" o# the musical. Aida $hich is based on the opera $ith the same name is set in "ypt. To "ive the musical a more authentic sound bamboo @utes are included in the reeds. Miss Sai"on $hich is based on the opera 4adame utter$y is set in Gietnam and uses Asian @utes. ecorders' $hich are almost never seen in classical orchestras or jazz bands occasionally make their appearance in musicals.*i))in 2/)(6 uses soprano' alto and tenor recorders $hile -5eeney Todd 29?6 also uses soprano and tenor recorders. This makes orchestratin" musicals very interestin" and the colours that one can use is seemin"ly endless.
Brass The section as in the classical orchestra is section that stays mostly the same. There are "enerally one to three o# each instrument and musical orchestras rarely have tubas. The use o# tubas can be #ound in the od"ers and ;ammerstein musicals $hich #ollo$s classical orchestration. 1#ten the brass doubles $ith the sa&ophones o# the $ood$ind section. I# each $ood$ind is playin" a sa&ophone than the sound can be
hythm section
Much like a jazz band the musical theatre orchestra o#ten contains a rhythm section. This section +ts the style o# the musical. As I mentioned earlier the rock musical only contains this rhythm section $ith a #e$ other instruments. Unlike jazz' ho$ever' the parts are all #ully $ritten out #or the drums' "uitars and keyboards. Improvisation does not take place and musical orchestrators are o#ten e&tremely speci+c o#ten statin" e&actly $hat type o# keyboard or "uitar is needed and $hat eCects are re
!oes' 29776 illy +lliot 2/)(6 and onnie > Clyde 2/)(6. Keyboards are used more o#ten than pianos as the keyboard has eCects and other sounds available. Anythin" #rom one to three keyboards or more can be used.The 9ittle 4ermaid re
/ida 2 /)(65
: Keyboards / =uitars Hrums lectric Bass
Giolin Giola 0ello
4iss -ai0on 2 /)(65
: Keyboards
/ 8ercussionists Acoustic Bass-lectric Bass
Giolin I Giolin II Giola 0ello
Strin"s The strin" section unlike the classical orchestra is the least important section in the orchestra and is o#ten le#t out o# a musical. I# strin"s are used a small ensemble $ill usually play as the instruments o# the orchestra are ampli+ed. There are a #e$ musicals that use the standard strin" setup such as 9es
4is?ra"les' 2/)(6 9ittle =omen 2/)(6 and 4y Fair 9ady 29(96. Most orchestrators that use strin"s use one violin part instead o# t$o.
Candide2 /)(65
Giolin Giola 0ello Bass
Strin"s are not on account o# the ensembles bein" so small. 1#ten orchestrators only re
ye ye irdie2 9??65
0ello Bass
Children o +den 2/)(65 : Keyboards 0ello Bass Hrums-8ercussion 8ercussion Acoustic =uitar-lectric =uitar-Mandolin Acoustic =uitar-lectric =uitar
Com)any 2/)(65 8iano-;arpsichord-!ute-1r"an-8ipe 1r"an-Tamoura Giolin 0ello Acoustic Bass-lectric Bass 8ercussion Acoustic =uitar-Banjo-lectric =uitar
Musicals such as / Chorus 9ine 29776' /nythin0 !oes 29776 and -5eeney Todd 29?6 have no strin" sections despite havin" #ull $ood$inds and brass sections.
F. 0onclusion ,hile the musical theatre orchestra contains many similarities to both the classical orchestra and the jazz band the orchestrators and composers have chan"ed the instrumentation techni
(. Appendices Musical Theatre Instrumentations . 9 to F Musicby5
Holly 8arton
!yrics by5
Holly 8arton
Music Theatre International. /)(. 7 to 8 The 4usical. onlineJ
Available #rom5 http5--$$$.mtisho$*to*F*the*musical Accessed /4 Eune /)(J. Instrumentation5
eeds5 I. Alto Sa&-0larinet-%lute-8iccolo II. Baritone Sa&-Bass 0larinet-0larinet-%lute-Tenor Sa&
/ Trumpets-%lu"elhorns Trombone
/ Keyboards lectric =uitar-lectric ,-Slide-;ollo$ Body lectric-Mandolin-Dylon Acoustic =uitar-ound Deck Hobro-Telecaster Acoustic =uitar-Archtop-;ollo$ Body lectric-Steel Strin" Acoustic-Telecaster Acoustic Bass-lectric Bass Hrums-8ercussion 8ercussion
/. A 0horus !ine Music by5
Marvin ;amlisch
!yrics by5
d$ard Kleban
;amlisch' M. 3 Kleban' . 977. / Chorus 9ine. musical scoreJ
U.S.A.5 ,ren Music 0o.' Inc. and American 0ompass Music 0orp. Instrumentation5
eeds5 I. Alto Sa&-%lute-8iccolo-0larinet-Alto %lute II. Alto Sa&-0larinet-Bass 0larinet- %lat 0larinet-%lute IG. Tenor Sa&-1boe-n"lish ;orn-0larinet-%lute G. Bari Sa&-Bassoon- %lat 0ontra*Bass 0larinet-%lute-0larinet
: Trumpets 2All Houble %lu"elhorn6 / Trombones Bass Trombone
8ercussion / Keyboards
:. A !ittle Di"ht Music Music by5
Stephen Sondheim
!yrics by5
Stephen Sondheim
Sondheim' S. 97:. / 9ittle :i0ht 4usic. musical scoreJ De$ ork5
iltin" Music Inc. Instrumentation5
eeds5 I. %lute-8iccolo-Alto %lute II. 0larinet-%lute III. 0larinet-Bass 0larinet IG. 1boe-n"lish ;orn G. Bassoon-0larinet
: ;orns / Trumpets Trombone
8ercussion ;arp 8iano 0eleste
Giolin I Giolin II Giola 0ello Bass
4. Aida Musicby5
Music Theatre International. /)(. +lton @ohn and Tim 6iceAs /ida .
onlineJ Available #rom5http5--$$$.mtisho$*john*and*tim*rices*aida Accessed /4 Eune /)(J. Instrumentation5
eeds5 I. Alto %lute-Bi" Bamboo %lute-%lute-Small Bamboo %lute II. n"lish ;orn-1boe
: Keyboards / =uitars Hrums lectric Bass 8ercussion
Giolin Giola 0ello
F. Alle"ro Music by5
ichard od"ers
!yrics by5
1scar ;ammerstein II
od"ers' . 99F. /lle0ro. musical scoreJ De$ ork5 ,illiamson
Music. Instrumentation5
%lute-8iccolo 1boe-n"lish ;orn / Bb 0larinets Bassoon
: ;orns : Trumpets / Trombones Tuba
8ercussion 8iano
4 Giolins I : Giolins II : Giolas / 0ellos / Basses
(. Annie Music by5
0harles Strouse
!yrics by5
Martine 0harnin
Music Theatre International. /)(. /nnie. onlineJ Available #rom5
http5--$$$.mtisho$ Accessed /4 Eune /)(J. Instrumentation5
eeds5 I. Alto Sa&-0larinet-%lute-8iccolo-Soprano Sa& II. Alto Sa&-Baritone Sa&-0larinet-%lute III. Bass 0larinet-0larinet-Tenor Sa& IG. 0larinet-%lute-8iccolo G. 0larinet-%lute
Trumpet / Trombones Tuba
/ Keyboards Giolin 0ello Bass =uitar Hrums 8ercussion
7. Anythin" =oes Musicby5
0ole 8orter
0ole 8orter
8orter' 0. 977. /nythin0 !oes. musical scoreJ De$ ork5 Tams*
,itmark Music !ibrary' Inc. Instrumentation5
eeds5 I. 8iccolo-%lute-0larinet-Alto Sa&ophone II. %lute-0larinet-Soprano Sa&ophone-Alto Sa&ophone III. 1boe-n"lish ;orn-0larinet-Tenor Sa&ophone IG. 0larinet-Bass 0larinet-Tenor Sa&ophone-Baritone
: Trumpets-%lu"elhorns / Trombones Bass Trombone
Giolin 2one player6 Bass =uitar 2also Banjo 3 T$elve Strin" =uitar6 8iano and Keyboard Synthesizer Hrums 8ercussion 2mallet Instruments6
?. Beauty and the Beast Musicby5
!yrics by5
;o$ard Ashman 3 Time ice
Music Theatre International. /)(. DisneyAs eauty and the east.
onlineJ Available #rom5http5--$$$.mtisho$*beauty*and*the*beast Accessed /4 Eune /)(J. Instrumentation5
eeds5 I. %lute-8iccolo II. n"lish ;orn-1boe III. Bass 0larinet-0larinet-%lute
;orn Trumpet
/ Keyboards Giolin 0ello Bass 8ercussion
9. Billy lliot Musicby5
Music Theatre International. /)(. illy +lliot The 4usical . onlineJ
Available #rom5 http5--$$$.mtisho$s-billyt*elliot*the*musical Accessed /4 Eune /)(J. Instrumentation5
eeds5 I. %lute-Soprano Sa&-Tenor Sa& II. Alto Sa&-0larinet
;orn Trumpet-0ornet-%lu"elhorn-Trumpet
/ Keyboards Bass Hrums =uitar-Banjo-lectric =uitar-Steel Strin" =uitar-/*Strin" Acoustic-(*Strin" Acoustic
Bonnie 3 0lyde
Music by5
%rank ,ildhorn
Music Theatre International. /)(. onnie > Clyde. onlineJ
Available #rom5 http5--$$$.mtisho$*clyde Accessed /4 Eune /)(J. Instrumentation5
eeds5 I. Alto Sa&-0larinet-n"lish ;orn-%lute-8iccolo-Soprano Sa& II. Bass 0larinet-0larinet-Tenor Sa&ophone
/ Keyboards Giolin Acoustic Bass-lectric Bass Hrums-8ercussion Acoustic =uitar-lectric =uitar-!es 8aul =uitar-/*Strin" =uitar Acoustic =uitar-Banjo-Hobro-lectric =uitar-Mandolin-8edal Steel =uitar
Bye Bye Birdie
Music by5
0harles Strouse
Strouse' 0. 9??. ye ye irdie. musical scoreJ De$ ork5 Strada
Music. Instrumentation5
eeds5 I. %lute-8iccolo-0larinet-Alto Sa&ophone II. 0larinet-Alto Sa&ophone III. 0larinet-Tenor Sa&ophone IG. 0larinet-Bass 0larinet-Baritone Sa&ophone
;orn : Trumpets / Trombones
/ 8ercussionists =uitar-Banjo 8iano
Giolins 0ello Bass
Music by5
%rederick !oe$e
!yrics by5
Alan Eay !erner
!oe$e' %. Camelot. De$ ork5 0happell 3 0o.' Inc.
%lute-8iccolo 1boe-n"lish ;orn Bb 0larinet Bb 0larinet-b 0larinet-Bass 0larinet-%lute
: ;orns : Trumpets / Trombones
/ 8ercussionists =uitar-!ute-Madolin ;arp
) Giolins / Giolas / 0ellos / Basses
Music by5
!eonard Beinstein
!yrics by5
ichard ,ilbur
Music Theatre International /)(. Candide. onlineJ Available #rom5
http5--$$$.mtisho$ Accessed /4 Eune /)(J. Instrumentation5
eeds5 I. 0larinet-%lute-8iccolo II. 0larinet-b 0larinet III. n"lish ;orn-1boe-1boe d>Amore IG. Bass 0larinet-0larinet-%lute G. Bassoon
;orn Trumpet-%lu"elhorn Trombone
Keyboard 8ercussion
Giolin Giola 0ello Bass
0atch Me I# ou 0an
Marc Shaiman
!yrics by5
Marc Shaiman
Music Theatre International. /)(. Catch 4e ;ou Can. onlineJ
Available #rom5 http5--$$$.mtisho$*me*i#*you*canAccessed /4 Eune /)(J. Instrumentation5
eeds5 I. Alto %lute-Alto Sa&-0larinet-%lute-Soprano Sa& II. 0larinet-%lute-1boe-Tenor Sa& III. Baritone Sa&-Bass 0larinet-0larinet-%lute
/ Trumpets-%lu"elhorns Trombone
: Keyboards Acoustic =uitar-Banjo-lectric =uitar-=ospel Strat-Solid Body lectric-Steel Acoustic-Steel Strin" hythm-Telecaster Hrums-8ercussion Acoustic Bass-lectric Bass
Music by5
Benny Andersson and BjLrn lvaeus
Andersson' B. 3 Ulvaeus' B. 9?9. Chess. musical scoreJ De$ ork5
: Kni"hts !TH. Instrumentation5
eeds5 I. %lute-8iccolo-0larinet II. 1boe-n"lish ;orn-0larinet-%lute III. 0larinet-Bass 0larinet-%lute IG. Bassoon-0larinet-Baritone Sa&ophone
;orn : Trumpets / Trombones
Hrums 8ercussion
0hildren o# den
Music by5
Stephen Sch$artz
!yrics by5
Stephen Sch$artz
Source5 Music Theatre International. /)(. Children O +den. onlineJ Available #rom5 http5--$$$.mtisho$*o#*edenAccessed /( Eune /)(J. Instrumentation5
eeds5 I. Alto Sa&-0larinet-%lute-8iccolo II. Bass 0larinet-0larinet-Tenor Sa& III. 0larinet-n"lish ;orn-1boe-Tenor Sa&
: Keyboards 0ello Bass Hrums-8ercussion 8ercussion Acoustic =uitar-lectric =uitar-Mandolin Acoustic =uitar-lectric =uitar
Music by5
Stephen Sondheim
!yrics by5
Stephen Sondheim
Music Theatre International. /)(. Com)any. onlineJ Available #rom5
http5--$$$.mtisho$ Accessed /4 Eune /)(J. Instrumentation5
eeds5 I. Alto %lute-Alto Sa&-0larinet-%lute-8iccolo II. Alto %lute-Bass 0larinet-0larinet-%lute-Tenor Sa& III. Bass 0larinet-0larinet-%lute-Tenor Sa& IG. Baritone Sa&-0larinet-n"lish ;orn-1boe G. Baritone Sa&-Bassoon-0larinet
;orn / Trumpets-%lu"elhorns / Trombones
8iano-;arpsichord-!ute-1r"an-8ipe 1r"an-Tamoura Giolin 0ello Acoustic Bass-lectric Bass 8ercussion Acoustic =uitar-Banjo-lectric =uitar
%iddler 1n The oo#
!yrics by5
Sheldon ;arnick
Music Theatre International. /)(. Fiddler On The 6oo . onlineJ
Available #rom5 http5--$$$.mtisho$*on*the*roo#Accessed /4 Eune /)(J. Instrumentation5
eeds5 I. %lute-8iccolo II. 0larinet III. Bass 0larinet IG. Bassoon G. n"lish ;orn-1boe
;orn : Trumpets Trombone
Accordion Acoustic =uitar-!ute-Mandolin 8ercussion
Giolin I Giola 0ello Bass
%unny =irl
Bob Merrill
Styne' E. 9(?. Funny !irl. musical scoreJ De$ ork5 0happell 3 0o'.
Inc. and ,onder#ul Music 0orp. Instrumentation5
eeds5 I. Alto Sa&ophone-0larinet-%lute-Alto %lute-8iccolo II. Alto Sa&ophone-0larinet-%lute-8iccolo-Soprano Sa&ophone III. Tenor Sa&ophone-0larinet-Bass 0larinet IG. Tenor Sa&ophone-0larinet-1boe-n"lish ;orn G. Bass Sa&ophone-Bassoon-Bass 0larinet
;orn : Trumpets : Trombones
8ercussion =uitar 8iano' 0eleste
( Giolins : 0ellos Bass
=uys And Holls
Music by5
%rank !oesser
!yrics by5
%rank !oesser
Music Theatre International. /)(. !uys /nd Dolls. onlineJ Available
#rom5 http5--$$$.mtisho$"uys*and*dolls Accessed /4 Eune /)(J. Instrumentation5
eeds5 I. Alto Sa&-0larinet-%lute-8iccolo II. Alto Sa&-0larinet-%lute III. 0larinet-n"lish ;orn-1boe-Tenor Sa& IG. 0larinet-Tenor Sa& G. Baritone Sa&-Bass 0larinet
;orn : Trumpets Trombone
Giolin I Giolin II 0ello Bass
Marc Shaiman
!yrics by5
Marc Shaiman
Music Theatre International. /)(. Hairs)ray. onlineJ Available
#rom5 http5--$$$.mtisho$ Accessed /4 Eune /)(J. Instrumentation5
eeds5 I. Alto Sa&-0larinet-%lute-Tenor Sa& II. Alto Sa&-Baritone Sa&-0larinet-%lute-Tenor Sa&
Trumpet-%lu"elhorn Trombone
: Keyboards Giolin 0ello Bass 8ercussion Acoustic =uitar-lectric =uitar Hrums
Into the ,oods
Music by5
Stephen Sondheim
!yrics by5
Stephen Sondheim
Sondheim' S. 9??. nto the =oods. musical scoreJ De$ ork5
iltin" Music Inc. Instrumentation5
%lute-8iccolo 0larinet in Bb-0larinet in A Bassoon
/ ;orn Trumpet
8ercussion 8iano Synthesizer
/ Giolins / Giolins / Giolas / Giolas 0ello Bass
Eekyll 3 ;yde
Music by5
%rank ,ildhorn
!yrics by5
!eslie Bricusse
Music Theatre International. /)(. @eyll > Hyde. onlineJ Available
#rom5 http5--$$$.mtisho$*hyde Accessed /4 Eune /)(J. Instrumentation5
eeds5 I. Alto %lute-%lute II. n"lish ;orn-1boe III. Alto Sa&-Bass 0larinet-0larinet IG. Bassoon-0ontrabassoon
;orn Trumpet Trombone
: Keyboards 8ercussion
Giolin Giola 0ello Bass
Eoseph and the Amazin" Technicolor Hreamcoat
Music by5
Andre$ !loyd ,ebber
,ebber' A. !. 97F. @ose)h and the /maBin0 Technicolor Dreamcoat.
musical scoreJ !ondon5 Dovello. Instrumentation5
I. %lute-8iccolo II. 0larinet in Bb-Soprano Sa&ophone III. 0larinet in Bb-Bass 0larinet
Trumpet Trombone-Tuba
=uitar Bass =uitar 8iano Hrums 8ercussion
Kiss Me' Kate
0ole 8orter
0ole 8orter
8orter' 0. 9F). Kiss 4e, Kate. musical scoreJ De$ ork5 Tans*
,itmark Music !ibrary' Inc. Instrumentation5
eeds5 I. 8iccolo-%lute-0larinet-Soprano Sa&ophone-Alto Sa&ophone II. %lute-0larinet-Alto Soprano
III. %lute-1boe-n"lish ;orn-0larinet-Soprano Sa&ophone-Tenor Sa&ophone IG. 0larinet-Bass 0larinet-Bassoon-Baritone Sa&ophone
;orn / Trumpets-%lu"elhorns-8iccolo Trumpets Trombone-Bass Trombone
/ 8ercussionists ;arp =uitar' Mandolin' !ute Keyboard
/ Giolins-Mandolin Giola-Mandolin 0ello Bass
!e"ally Blonde
Music by5
!aurence 1>Kee#e 3 Dell Benjamin
!yrics by5
!aurence 1>Kee#e 3 Dell Benjamin
Source5 Music Theatre International. /)(. 9e0ally londe The 4usical . onlineJ Available #rom5http5--$$$.mtisho$"ally*blonde*the*musical Accessed /4 Eune /)(J. Instrumentation5
eeds5 I. Alto Sa&-0larinet-n"lish ;orn-%lute-1boe-8iccolo II. Baritone Sa&-0larinet-%lute
/ Trumpets Trombone
: Keyboards Giolin Acoustic Bass-lectric Bass-%retless lectric-F*Strin" Acoustic Hrums-8ercussion lectric =uitar-;ollo$ Body =uitar-Mandolin-Dylon Strin" Acoustic-Steel Strin" Acoustic-/*Strin" Acoustic
!es Misrables
Music by5
0laude*Michel SchLnber"
!yrics by5
;erbert Kretzmer
Music Theatre International. /)(. 9es 4is?ra"les. onlineJ Available
#rom5 http5--$$$.mtisho$*miserables Accessed /4 Eune /)(J. Instrumentation5
eeds5 I. Alto %lute-Alto ecorder-%lute-8iccolo II. 0or An"lais-1boe III. Bb 0larinet-Bass 0larinet-b 0larinet-Tenor ecorder
/ ;orns Trumpet-%lu"elhorn Trombone-Tuba
8ercussion / Keyboards
Giolin I Giolin II Giola 0ello Bass
!ittle ,omen
Music by5
Eason ;o$land
!yrics by5
Mindi Hickstein
Music Thearre International. /)(. 9ittle =omen. onlineJ Available
#rom http5--$$$.mtisho$*$omen Accessed /( Eune /)(J. Instrumentation5
eeds5 I. Alto %lute-Bass 0larinet-0larinet-%lute-8iccolo II. n"lish ;orn-1boe
;orn Trumpet-0ornet-%lu"elhorn Trombone-Bass Trombone-uphonium
8iano 8ercussion
Giolin I Giolin II Giola 0ello Bass
Miss Sai"on
Music by5
0laude*Michel SchLnber"
!yrics by5
Alain Boublil
Music Theatre International. /)(. 4iss -ai0on. onlineJ Available
#rom5 http5--$$$.mtisho$*sai"on Accessed /4 Eune /)(J. Instrumentation5
eeds5 I. Asian %lutes-%lute-8iccolo II. n"lish ;orn-1boe III. Alto Sa&-0larinet-%lute IG. Bassoon
/ ;orns Trumpet-%lu"elhorn Trombone-Bass Trombone
: Keyboards / 8ercussionists Acoustic Bass-lectric Bass
Giolin I Giolin II Giola 0ello
My %air !ady
Music by5
%rederick !oe$e
!yrics by5
Alan Eay !erner
!oe$e' %. 9(9. 4y Fair 9ady. musical scoreJ De$ ork5 0happell 3
0o.' Inc. Instrumentation5
%lute-8iccolo 1boe-n"lish ;orn / Bb 0larinet Bassoon
/ ;orns : Trumpets / Trombones Tuba
8ercussion ;arp
Giolin I Giolin II Giola 0ello Bass
Music by5
ichard od"ers
!yrics by5
1scar ;ammerstein II
od"ers' . 94:. Olahoma musical scoreJ De$ ork5 ,illiamson
Music Inc. Instrumentation5
%lute 1boe / 0larinets Bassoon
/ ;orns / Trumpet Trombone
Timpani =lockenspiel Hrum Kit =uitar ;arp
/ Giolins
1n A 0lear Hay ou 0an See %orever
!yrics by5
Alan Eay !erner
!ane' B. 9?7. On / Clear Day ;ou Can -ee Fore
De$ ork5 0happell 3 0o' Inc. Instrumentation5
eeds5 I. %lute-8iccolo-0larinet II. %lute-8iccolo III. 0larinet IG. 0larinet-Bass 0larinet G. 1boe-n"lish ;orn GI. Bassoon
/ ;orns : Trumpets / Trombones
/ 8ercussionists ;arp 8iano-0elesta-;arpsichord
? Giolins 4 Giolas : 0ellos Bass
Music by5
Eason obert Bro$n
!yrics by5
Eason obert Bro$n
Bro$n' . B. 999. *arade. musical scoreJ !os An"eles5 Semolina
%ar#elle Music 0o. Inc. Instrumentation5
eed eed / eed : eed 4
/ ;orns / Trumpets Trombone
: Giolins / 0ello
Bass Keyboard / 8ercussionists 8iano
Music by5
Stephen Sondheim
!yrics by5
Stephen Sondheim
Sondheim' S. 994. *assion. musical scoreJ De$ ork5 iltin" Music
Inc. Instrumentation5
eeds5 I. 8iccolo-%lute-Alto 0larinet-0larinet II. 0larinet III. 1boe-0or An"lais-0larinet IG. 0larinet-Bass 0larinet-Bassoon
/ ;orns Trumpet
/ Keyboards 8ercussion
/ violins Giola / cellos Houble Bass
Music by5
Stephen Sch$artz
!yrics by5
Stephen Sch$artz
Music Theatre International. /)(. *i))in. onlineJ Available #rom5
http5--$$$.mtisho$ Accessed /4 Eune /)(J. Instrumentation5
eeds5 I. Alto %lute-0larinet-%lute-8iccolo-Soprano ecorder-Tenor
ecorder II. Alto ecorder-0larinet-n"lish ;orn-%lute-1boe
;orn Trumpet-%lu"elhorn-8iccolo Trumpet / Trombones
8iano-;arpsichord 8iano-1r"an 8ercussion ;arp Acoustic =uitar-Banjo-lectric =uitar-/*Strin" =uitar Hrums-8ercussion
Giolin Giola 0ello Bass
Sin"in> in the ain
Music by5
Arthur %reed' Dacio ;erb Bro$n
!yrics by5
Arthur %reed' Dacio ;erb Bro$n
Music Theatre International. /)(. -in0inA n The 6ain. onlineJ
Available #rom5 http5--$$$.mtisho$"in*in*the*rain Accessed /( Eune /)(J. Instrumentation5
eeds5 I. Alto Sa&-0larinet-%lute-8iccolo II. Alto Sa&-0larinet-%lute III. 0larinet-Tenor Sa& IG. Baritone Sa&-Bass 0larinet-0larinet
: Trumpets / Trombones
Hrums 8ercussion
Giolin Giola 0ello Bass-Tuba
South 8aci+c
Music by5
ichard od"ers
!yrics by5
1scar ;ammerstein II
od"ers' . 949. -outh *aci2c. musical scoreJ De$ ork5
,illiamson Music Inc. Instrumentation5
%lute-8iccolo 1boe-n"lish ;orn : 0larinets Bassoon
/ ;orns : Trumpets / Trombones Tuba
;arp 8iano 8ercussion
Giolin I Giolin II Giola 0ello Bass
Sunday in the 8ark $ith =eor"e
Music by5
Stephen Sondheim
!yrics by5
Stephen Sondheim
Sondheim' S. 9?7. -unday in the *ar 5ith !eor0e . musical scoreJ
De$ ork5 evelation Music 8ublishin" 0orp. 3 iltin" Music Inc. Instrumentation5
eeds5 I. %lute-0larinet-Bass 0larinet-n"lish ;orn-8iccolo-Soprano
Sa& II. %lute-1boe-0larinet-n"lish ;orn-8iccolo-Alto Sa&
8ercussion 8iano-0eleste ;arp Synthesizer
Giolin I Giolin II Giola 0ello
S$eeney Todd
Music by5
Stephen Sondheim
!yrics by5
Stephen Sondheim
Sondheim' S. 9?. -5eeney Todd. musical scoreJ De$ ork5 litin"
Music Inc. Instrumentation5
eeds5 I. %lute-8iccolo-Alto ecorder-Soprano ecorder II. Bb 0larinet-b 0larinet-%lute-8iccolo III. Bass 0larinet-Bb 0larinet-%lute IG. 1boe-n"lish ;orn-Bb 0larinet G. Bassoon-Bb 0larinet
;orn / Trumpets / Trombones Bass Trombone
The Apple Tree
!yrics by5
Sheldon ;arnick
Bock' E. 9((. The /))le Tree. musical scoreJ De$ ork5 ;al
!eonard 8ublishin" 0orporation. Instrumentation5
I. 8iccolo-%lute-b 0larinet-Bb 0larinet-Melodica or ;armonica-Alto Sa&ophone II. 8iccolo-%lute-Alto %lute-Bb 0larinet-Alto Sa&ophone III. 1boe-n"lish ;orn-Bb 0larinet-Tenor Sa&ophone IG. %lute-Bb 0larinet-Tenor Sa&ophone G. Bassoon-Bb 0larinet-Bass 0larinet-Baritone Sa&ophone
;orn : Trumpets : Trombones 2III doubles on Tuba6
;arp =uitar-Banjo / 8ercussionists 8iano-0eleste
: Giolins Giola 0ello Bass
The Kin" and I
Music by5
ichard od"ers
!yrics by5
1scar ;ammerstein II
od"ers' . 97?. The Kin0 and . musical scoreJ De$ ork5
,illiamson Music' Inc. Instrumentation5
/ %lutes 1boe : 0larinets Bassoon
: ;orns : Trumpets / Trombones Tuba
8ercussion ;arp
F Giolins / Giolas / 0ellos Bass
The !ittle Mermaid
!yrics by5
;o$ard Ashman
Music Theatre International. /)(. DisneyAs The 9ittle 4ermaid.
onlineJ Available #rom5http5--$$$.mtisho$*the*little*mermaid Accessed /4 Eune /)(J. Instrumentation5
eeds5 I. Alto %lute-0larinet-%lute-8iccolo II. n"lish ;orn III. Alto Sa&-Bass 0larinet-0larinet-Soprano Sa&
;orn Trumpet-%lu"elhorn
4 Keyboards 8ercussion / Giolins 0ello Acoustic Bass-lectric Bass Hrums
The Secret =arden
!yrics by5
Marsha Dorman
Simon' !. 99:. The -ecret !arden. musical scoreJ 0anada5 AB0H
8ublishin" !TH. Instrumentation5
eeds5 I. %lute-8iccolo-8an 8ipes-8enny ,histle II. 1boe-1boe d>Amore-n"lish ;orn-;eckelphone III. 0larinet-Soprano Sa&-%lute-ecorder-8iccolo IG. Bassoon-Bass 0larinet-Bb 0larinet
Trumpet-%lu"elhorn Trombone-Tuba : ;orns
=uitar 2Acoustic-Dylon-Synth =tr.6 Hulcimer-=uitar 8ercussion ;arp
Giolins Giola 0ello Bass
The Sound o# Music
Music by5
ichard od"ers
!yrics by5
1scar ;ammerstein II
Source5 od"ers' . 9(). The -ound o 4usic . musical scoreJ De$ ork5 ,illiamson Music Inc. Instrumentation5
/ %lutes-8iccolos 1boe' n"lish ;orn / Bb 0larinets Bassoon
: ;orns : Bb Trumpets / Trombones Tuba
8ercussion ;arp
Giolin I Giolin II Giola 0ello Bass
,est Side Story
Music by5
!eonard Bernstein
!yrics by5
Stephen Sonheim
Bernstein' !. 9F?. =est -ide -tory. musical scoreJ De$ ork5
Boosey 3 ;a$kes Inc. Instrumentation5
eeds5 I. 8iccolo-%lute-Alto Sa&ophone-0larinet in Bb-Bass 0larinet II. 0larinet in b-0larinet in Bb-Bass 0larinet
III. 8iccolo-%lute-1boe-n"lish ;orn-Tenor Sa&ophone-Baritone Sa&ophone-0larinet in Bb-Bass 0larinet IG. 8iccolo-%lute-Soprano Sa&ophone-Bass Sa&ophone-0larinet in Bb-Bass 0larinet G. Bassoon
/ ;orns : Trumpets in Bb / Trombones
Timpani 4 8ercussionists 8iano-0eleste lectric =uitar-Spanish =uitar-Mandolin
Giolin I*GII 0ello I*IG Bass
7. Biblio"raphy Absil' %. /)4./rran0in0 "y +am)le The *ractical !uide to @aBB and *o)
Orchestra /rran0in0. Detherland5 %. =. E. Absil. Adler' S. /))/. The -tudy o Orchestration. De$ ork' !ondon5 ,. ,. Dorton 3 0ompany' Inc. Albert' . 9/7. Concerto or -mall Orchestra. musical scoreJ O). 3. 8aris5 Hurand. Andersson' B. 3 Ulvaeus' B. 9?9.Chess. musical scoreJ De$ ork5 : Kni"hts !TH. Bartok' B. 94(. musical scoreJConcerto or Orchestra. musical scoreJ !ondon5 ;a$kes 3 Son 2!ondon6 !td. BartOk' B. 9(:. Kossuth. musical scoreJ Budapest5 ditio Musica. Bartolozzi' B. 974. :e5 -ounds or =ood5inds. !ondon5 1ord University 8ress. Bernstein' !. 9F?. =est -ide -tory. musical scoreJ De$ ork5 Boosey 3 ;a$kes Inc. Bock' E. 9((. The /))le Tree. musical scoreJ De$ ork5 ;al !eonard 8ublishin" 0orporation. Bro$n' . B. 999. *arade. musical scoreJ !os An"eles5 Semolina %ar#elle Music 0o. Inc. 0rumb' =. 977. -tar Child. musical scoreJ De$ ork5 0. %. 8eters 0orporation. =reen Hay. /))9./merican diot. musical scoreJ De$ ork5 Al#red. ;amlisch' M. 3 Kleban' . 977./ Chorus 9ine. musical scoreJ U.S.A.5 ,ren Music 0o.' Inc. and American 0ompass Music 0orp. Kostka' S. /))(. 4aterials and TechniEues o T5entiethCentury 4usic . De$ Eersey5 8earson 8rentice ;all. !ane' B. 9?7. On / Clear Day ;ou Can -ee Fore
MacHermot' =. 99F. Hair. musical scoreJ De$ ork5 Tams*,itmark Music !ibrary' Inc. Mozart' ,. A. 77?. Flute Concerto in D major, K. 31. musical scoreJ Boston5 Isabella Ste$art =ardner Museum. Mozart' ,. A. ?79. Die #au"er$%te, K. &'(. musical scoreJ !eipzi"5 Breitkop# 3 ;Prtel. Mozart' ,. A. ??. Flute Concerto in ! major, K. 313.musical scoreJ !eipzi"5 Breitkop# 3 ;Prtel. Mozart' ,. A. 9?. O"oe Concerto in C major, K. 31. musical scoreJ Kassel5 BPrenreiter*Gerla". Music Theatre International. /)(.9ittle =omen. onlineJ Available #rom http5--$$$.mtisho$*$omen Accessed /( Eune /)(J. Music Theatre International /)(.Candide. onlineJ Available #rom5 http5--$$$.mtisho$ Accessed /4 Eune /)(J. Music Theatre International. /)(. Catch 4e ;ou Can. onlineJ Available #rom5 http5--$$$.mtisho$*me*i#*you*canAccessed /4 Eune /)(J. Music Theatre International. /)(.7 to 8 The 4usical. onlineJ Available #rom5 http5--$$$.mtisho$*to*F*the*musical Accessed /4 Eune /)(J. Music Theatre International. /)(.illy +lliot The 4usical. onlineJ Available #rom5 http5--$$$.mtisho$s-billyt*elliot*the*musical Accessed /4 Eune /)(J. Music Theatre International. /)(.onnie > Clyde. onlineJ Available #rom5 http5--$$$.mtisho$*clyde Accessed /4 Eune /)(J. Music Theatre International. /)(.Children O +den. onlineJ Available #rom5 http5--$$$.mtisho$*o#*edenAccessed /( Eune /)(J. Music Theatre International. /)(.Com)any. onlineJ Available #rom5 http5--$$$.mtisho$ Accessed /4 Eune /)(J. Music Theatre International. /)(.DisneyAs eauty and the east. onlineJ Available #rom5 http5--$$$.mtisho$*beauty*and*the*beast Accessed /4 Eune /)(J. Music Theatre International. /)(.DisneyAs The 9ittle 4ermaid. onlineJ Available #rom5 http5--$$$.mtisho$*the*little*mermaid Accessed /4 Eune /)(J.
Music Theatre International. /)(.+lton @ohn and Tim 6iceAs /ida . onlineJ Available #rom5 http5--$$$.mtisho$*john*and*tim*rices*aida Accessed /4 Eune /)(J. Music Theatre International. /)(.Fiddler On The 6oo. onlineJ Available #rom5 http5--$$$.mtisho$*on*the*roo#Accessed /4 Eune /)(J. Music Theatre International. /)(.!uys /nd Dolls. onlineJ Available #rom5 http5--$$$.mtisho$"uys*and*dolls Accessed /4 Eune /)(J. Music Theatre International. /)(.Hairs)ray. onlineJ Available #rom5 http5--$$$.mtisho$ Accessed /4 Eune /)(J. Music Theatre International. /)(.@eyll > Hyde. onlineJ Available #rom5 http5--$$$.mtisho$*hyde Accessed /4 Eune /)(J. Music Theatre International. /)(.9e0ally londe The 4usical. onlineJ Available #rom5 http5--$$$.mtisho$"ally*blonde*the*musical Accessed /4 Eune /)(J. Music Theatre International. /)(.9es 4is?ra"les. onlineJ Available #rom5 http5--$$$.mtisho$*miserables Accessed /4 Eune /)(J. Music Theatre International. /)(.4iss -ai0on. onlineJ Available #rom5 http5--$$$.mtisho$*sai"on Accessed /4 Eune /)(J. Music Theatre International. /)(.*i))in. onlineJ Available #rom5 http5--$$$.mtisho$ Accessed /4 Eune /)(J. Music Theatre International. /)(.-in0inA n The 6ain. onlineJ Available #rom5 http5--$$$.mtisho$"in*in*the*rain Accessed /( Eune /)(J. Musical Theatre International. /)(.6ent. onlineJ Available #rom5 http5--$$$.mtisho$ Accessed :) Eune /)(J. Musical Theatre International. /)(.-)rin0 /5aenin0. onlineJ Available #rom5 http5--$$$.mtisho$"*a$akenin" Accessed :) Eune /)(J. Musso"sky' M. 3 avel' M. ?9.*ictures at an +hi"ition . musical scoreJ De$ ork5 Boosey 3 ;a$kes. 8enderecki' K. 9(. Threnody to the Victims o Hirohshima. musical scoreJ U.S.A Heson Music Inc. and 8,M ditions. 8iston' ,. 9(9. Orchestration. !ondon5 Gictor =ollancz !td.
8orter' 0. 9F). Kiss 4e, Kate. musical scoreJ De$ ork5 Tans*,itmark Music !ibrary' Inc. 8orter' 0. 977. /nythin0 !oes. musical scoreJ De$ ork5 Tams*,itmark Music !ibrary' Inc. achmaninov' S. 94. musical scoreJ-ym)honic Dances, O). 8. De$ ork5 Boosey 3 ;a$kes. avel' M. 9/9. olero. musical scoreJ 8aris5 Hurand 3 0ie. imsky*Korsakov' D. 9(4. *rinci)le o Orchestration. Berlin5 ditions usses de Musi
Styne' E. 9(?. Funny !irl. musical scoreJ De$ ork5 0happell 3 0o'. Inc. and ,onder#ul Music 0orp. ,ebber' A. !. 97F. @ose)h and the /maBin0 Technicolor Dreamcoat. musical scoreJ !ondon5 Dovello.