MoneyMaking in Small and Medium Scale Production Businesses Entrepreneurship, Vocational and Empowerment Guide
Volume One GreenCapitol Technologies Limited
GreenCapitol Technologies Limited Technologies Limited
creating golden spoons for this generation! .
Table of Content
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.
Liquid Insecticide Brown Disinfectant (Dettol) Home Tutorial Services Info-Preneurship Bulk SMS Merchant Liquid detergent Training Programme using skilled personnel Cake making and icing Bead making Day care services for children Bleach production Daily Contribution financial services Nylon and Polythene Recycling (Waste-to-Wealth One) Investment club Vaseline Baby jelly using petroleum jelly Body Lotion Mentholated Balm Face Powder Cold water starch (Powder) Powder Detergent Candle Production Medicated soap Beauty/Toilet soap Candle insecticide How to make money from facebook
Group and Private Training available.2 Call: 08162993230, 08077619909.
GreenCapitol Technologies Limited Technologies Limited
creating golden spoons for this generation! .
Dedication This book is proudly dedicated to G od Almighty for his love and kindness towards me and my family and to all who desire to make money doing their own business. I remember also the unemployed, pensioners, graduates, workers, widows and widowers, the retrenched, low income earners, youths, the frustrated and all those who think there is no future hope, young school leavers, students, organizations, clubs, societies, social groups, church groups, religious institutions, undergraduates, postgraduates, etc This book is for you. May God lead you to the top of the success ladder!
I bow my head I wish to acknowledge the following in the writing, collation, apprenticeship, training and bringing to birth this book which has been incubated for more than five years - Dr. Emmanuel Eboh of People Chemicals; Mrs. Liz Vera Edeh, Ms. Emmy Okeke, and Mr. Francis Okonkwo and my little babies Tessera and Immaculate. May God give you multiple lift!
MoneyMaking – an eye opener How long will one continue to eat fish that is given to him or her without knowing how the fish was caught? What will happen if the person giving you the fish is no more? This MoneyMaking skill series is an eye-opener to all who wants to catch and eat fish as well as give to others. It is practically demonstrated for individual understanding. It is a DO IT YOURSELF entrepreneurship, vocational and empowerment series taught over the years. It has empowered and bring to freedom those who which to be free from poverty, stagnation, unproductiveness, setback and idleness.
CEO or CFF Questions are raised daily on why people suffer and worry about finance or how to make ends meet? meet? Who can really find find solution to the ques questt and desires of man s financial freedom since human wants are unlimited and the resources to satisfy them are limited. The right decisions and moves lies in your mind. Take action! The CEO versus CFF! I know so many will begin to wonder wonder why the question. CEO and CFF are acronym for Chief Executive Officer and Chief Follow Follow. After reading through this entrepreneurial text, you will decide for yourself the one to embrace.
Group and Private Training available.3 Call: 08162993230, 08077619909.
GreenCapitol Technologies Limited Technologies Limited
creating golden spoons for this generation! .
The Need for Entrepr eneurship eneurship Entrepreneurs are the engine room of the nation, without them the nation will drown in shambles of underdevelopment, poverty, crime, joblessness, unemployment, etc. Government can not provide everything, but with the support of every individual, our economy will greatly improve. This entrepreneurial series is not just to hear and listen but to read, learn, and do everything practically as soon as possible to ward off idleness, joblessness, unemployment and vices from our society. As an entrepreneur, you are your own boss. You should be ready to manage the little resources, time and efforts you have to maximize profit. Little drop of water, water, makes a mighty ocean ocean as no one climbs the the ladder from the top but but from the bottom you take the first step to climb to the top. I encourage you to take at least one of the Money-Skills Scheme to achieve your best and climb to the top of the ladder where successful men are waiting to crown you. The book is is divided into two aspects Production and Service delivering. It is sub-divided into Twenty-Five Money skills. Each of them is a money spilling machine if operated with faith, enthusiasm and dedication.
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GreenCapitol Technologies Limited You are saving a soul through this empowerment programme. Discuss D iscuss with wi th us NOW!!!! NO W!!!! 08162993230, 08077619909.
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Money Mo ney skill ONE
Liquid Insecticide
his is a simple preparation used to kill all kinds of destructive and diseasecarrying insects mosquitoes, bed bugs, ants, cockroaches, bees, etc. It works more effectively than any other insecticides.
USES To kill all kinds of insects like Mosquitoes, Bed Bugs, flies, cockroaches, bees, ants, etc.
USERS This product could be sold to Hospitals, hotels, banks, schools, offices, eateries/bar, etc.
CHEMICALS REQUIRED 1. Kerosene/White spirit
45 Litres
2. D.D.V.P (Vapona) - DD Force/Snipper
1 Litre
3. Camphor
4. I.P.A
5. Perfume/fragrance
1 Litre (optional, used if Kerosene is used)
(for mixing)
b. Hand groves c.
d. Containers e.
Long stick/Stirrer
PREPARATION (Please stir after every addition of chemical) 1. Pour 45 Litres of kerosene/White spirit in in a bowl 2. Add D.D.V.P 3. Add I.P.A 4. ADD Industrial camphor (or use local camphor) 5. Add Fragrance (to taste) 6. Pour in the container and begin to make money.
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Money Money skill TWO
Brown Disinfectant (Dettol)
his is an agent prepared to destroy or remove bacteria and other microorganisms and is also used to cleanse surgical instruments and other objects.
USES It is used to kill or remove bacteria and other microorganisms which cause infections.
USERS Hospitals, household, hotels, offices, schools, school, and other health institutions, etc.
CHEMICALS REQUIRED For large scale production 1. Texapon
2. Lyzol
3. Phenol
4. Tapinol/Pine oil
½ Litre
5. I.P.A ***
6. Dettol Colourant
7. Water
8. Chloroxylenol
b. Containers c.
Stirrer/long sticks
d. Label e. Hand groves
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PREPARATION PREPARA TION (Stir after every addition of chemical) chemical) v v v v v v v v v
Pour ¼kg of Texapon on a bowl. Add Lyzol Add Phenol Add Chloroxylenol Add Tapinol Add Dettol Colourant Add Water Add I.P.A Stir all thoroughly and begin to pour in the containers for sales.
Small quantity production pr oduction Divide chemicals content accordingly (to your desired need).
***IPA - Isopropanol Isopropanol Words to P onder onder Your worth is measured by how many lives you have touched with your skills. Davidmary Davidm ary
Help us promote our Vocational and Entrepreneurship Training Programmes in your locality, church, groups, institutions (schools),etc by inviting
GreenCapitol Technologies Limited You are saving a soul through this empowerment programme. Discuss D iscuss with wi th us NOW!!!! NO W!!!! 08162993230, 0807761990. Group and Private Training available.7 Call: 08162993230, 08077619909.
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Money Money skill Three
his is a training programme fashioned to train, teach and guide children, adults and even parents to be more knowledgeable on their academics and professional pursuit.
It also entails entails adopting of professional professional skills skills to train dull children, children, kid s school work review and general training services. The use of professionals is highly recommended as expansion begins to take place. Many parents or guardians wants their children and wards to be taught after school hours, weekends and during holidays. This kind of services is provided in the homes of such intending parent or designated place as proposed by them. Case to Ponder/How to start For instance you have an estate of about a hundred (100) homes within your environment. a.
Address a proposal to teach or provide tutorial servi ces to parents in such homes.
b. Drop the proposal and make sure it gets to the parents/guardian. c.
Make sure your contact information is enclosed in the proposal
d. Have a follow-up to such proposal e. Because you alone cannot meet up with the de mand if about 25homes indicated interest in your proposal, get more professional hands by placing advert for part-time teachers or trainers to apply. f.
Screen them properly especially in the areas of integrity, trust, dedication, negotiation, tolerance, current affairs, skills, etc
Why wait? After going through this text, do not remain idle or stagnant waiting for the government because there are many parents who need professional educative services for their children.
There are other areas as regards providing educational service that you could venture into. Do your research and device ways to earn income from it.
Group and Private Training available.8 Call: 08162993230, 08077619909.
GreenCapitol Technologies Limited Technologies Limited
creating golden spoons for this generation! .
Money Mo ney skill Four
his simply simply means information information Entrepreneur Entrepreneur that is an entrepreneur entrepreneur (someone) (someone) who who seeks, collates, packages and earn income from selling information. It is quite obvious that information rules the world and those who lacks information becomes deformed. Much information is available today to only a few but so many out there need them. It is the duty of the info-preneur to package this information and make it available. These information could be sold anywhere in the world from home or through the internet. Info-preneurs could generate information in their area of interest, skill, passion, experience, knowledge, awareness, education, etc.
Four things an info-preneur must do
Why give information The information you give could change the lives of people in so many ways such as: ·
Improving their lifestyle
Building new relationship
Increasing their income
Motivate them to stand out and be bold to challenges, risk and fears
Help them start a new career
Change their perception.
Take a concrete decision. etc.
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You can share information in the f ollowing ollowing areas Internet Sport Financing Investment How-to-do Successes/failure Biography
marketing/sales marke ting/sales stock and shares special interest How-to-make inspiration/motivation Entertainment Little known secrets.
How to be education skills acquisition acquisit ion
Means of packaging
Study a particular environment.
What do the inhabitants need and you know they would embrace.
iii. Source, collate and package the solution iv. Consult experts for professional touch, if you cannot do every thing. v.
Give it for a price and earn income.
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Money Mo ney skill Five
n today s world people get information information through their their phone easily without stress at cheaper rates. Bulk SMS involves sending information in form of short messages or SMS to to people people s phones. phones.
This SMS could be sent to millions of people within a short period and at a single click on your internet ready computer or at the cyber café. It enables you to send customized SMS in the clients or customers desired name.
Why should I be a Bulk SMS MERCHANT? Bulk SMS merchant simply means someone who provides Bulk SMS services to customers.
You buy SMS in bulk from Service Providers and sell in parts or whole to the final consumers and earn income from it. You could work at home. All you need is a computer (desktop or laptop) connected to the internet. You do not require a website to start. You manage your subscribers without interference from any angle. You have the opportunity to sell SMS at any price and to any organization or individuals. There are people who need the services because it is the cheapest form of passing information.
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Users of Bulk SMS The users of SMS range from multi national and national companies, other large scale industries and service providers, small and medium enterprises, etc. This group of companies or people sends SMS to their respective clients or customers in other to create awareness of their products and services, promotional, slash or hike in price, advertising, call for meetings, etc.
Other forms of users of Bulk SMS needs it for: Invitation to birthday party, graduation, marriage ceremony, burial, family meeting, campaign, crusade for churches, seminars, workshop, schools, best wishes, etc. Bulk SMS RESELLER A reseller is a person who buys SMS in large quantity from the service providers and sells in small quantity to the final consumers or other sellers.
To be a reseller, get any service provider and register with them as a reseller. An account will be open for you in your desire username and password. The mode of payment and the minimum numbers of SMS you can purchase from the service providers will be communicated to you in their website or through other means. The ways phone numbers are to be arranged will also be communicated.
Sending SMS for a client In sending SMS in Bulk for a client, you need information on the following: 1. Number of SMS to be sent i.e. the numbers of phone numbers that will receive such SMS alert. 2. The content of the SMS – information to be sent. 3. Date and time of the event. 4. Phone numbers 5. Date and time at which the SMS should be sent. etc.
EXAMPLE If you want to send SMS at,, You observe the aforementioned information and open NOTEPAD from your computer. Start to input the phone numbers you wish to send the SMS to.
Make sure the numbers are on a single vertical row starting each number with 234 (this is Nigeria Nigeria country country s code). e.g. e.g. 2348162993230 2348077619909
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2348099765078 2348030509316 After typing all the phone numbers on the NOTEPAD, save with a FILE NAME NAME you will remember and log on to the internet to,, you will be asked to input your username and password. After you have inputted, click Bulk SMS. Add the SENDER ’S NAME [this name should not be more than ELEVEN (11) characters] at which you would want receivers of such SMS to know the sender. Type the content of the SMS and attached the PHONE NUMBER NUMBER which you have already typed on the NOTEPAD to the space provided. Click send. The Alert will automatically appear in all the phone numbers addressed.
N.B. Before you send SMS in Bulk, make sure you have tried it as a single SMS on your phone. There are other service service providers out there. Search for them. I only used this website as a teaching aid. We also provide SMS Services to desired clients at cheap rate. You can also generate Phone numbers to send Bulk SMS. For more information call GreenCapitol Technologies Limited.
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GreenCapitol Technologies Limited You are saving a soul through this empowerment programme. Discuss D iscuss with wi th us NOW!!!! NO W!!!! 08162993230, 0807761990.
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Money Mo ney skill Six
Liquid Detergent USES This is detergent in liquid form used for cleaning, washing, etc
USERS It is produced for Household, banks, offices, eateries, hotels, hospitals, schools, car wash, bathing, etc.
25 Litres
2. CMC/Antisol
3. Texapon
4. Caustic soda
5. Sulphonic acid
6. Soda ash
7. S.T.P.P***/ Sodium Sulphate
8. Colourant
to taste
9. Glycerin
10. Fragrance
60ml or to taste
11. Formalin
30ml (half of 60ml)
12. Citric acid
Fermentation Method Soak CMC with 5Litres of Water to ferment for at least 12-48hrs Caustic soda should also be soaked for 24hours to ferment. Soda ash should also be soaked with 2 Litres of Water for 12hours.
PREPARATION PREPARAT ION Add Texapon to the fermented CMC (stir until well mixed) Add the following and stir very well after every addition: Fermented Caustic soda
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Sulphonic acid Fermented Soda ash Stir all together until the solution blends Add S.T.P.P. with little quantity of water and stir to dissolve Mix the solution Add Glycerin Add Citric acid and little quantity of Formalin Add Fragrance (Lemon preferable) and Colourant to taste Stir all together and begin to package.
Small quantity production pr oduction Divide chemicals content accordingly (to your desired need).
***STPP – Sodium Tripolyphosphate Tripolyphosphate
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GreenCapitol Technologies Limited You are saving a soul through this empowerment programme. Discuss D iscuss with wi th us NOW!!!! NO W!!!! 08162993230, 0807761990.
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Money Money skill Seven
Training Programme using Skilled Personnel
his involves the use of other people work, experience, skills, time, idea, knowledge, etc to earn income. People are taught special skills or knowledge on how to do special things, how to make, how they can be motivated and inspired.
Using skilled personnel make you relax after brainstorming and watch people doing what you have initiated while you take the credit and earn cool cash. It is understandable that no single individual is an island of knowledge. No man can prove to know everything on earth. God almighty distributed special skills, knowledge and wisdom to each and every person such that, what I possess as a skill will be different from what you possess. The initiator therefore is the go between the Resource person and the participants in such training programme. This business is simple and it involves the following players.
The Initiator/facilitator Initiator/facilitator This is the person(s) who conceives the idea or process. He is the sole owner of the programme. He makes sure that everything is put in place for a smooth training. He researches to know the need of the people e.g. the training programme that will impact positively in the lives of the people within a given environment. For instant, in an employment backward society, he devices ways to organizing vocational and technical training, empowerment and motivational training or training on how to secure a good job. He consults those with the necessary expertise (Resource person) to train or provide information on how to do or make or come out of, etc. He creates awareness of such training programmes through advertisement - fliers, bills, internet, bulk SMS and other forms of advertisement. He gets the venue and fixes the fee for such training.
The Resource person The Resource person is the person with the required expertise, idea, knowledge, experience, work, time and inspiration to teach the participants who partakes in the
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training programme. He should be a person who can pass the knowledge or skill with ease and practical examples.
The participants These are those who partake in the training without which such training will not hold. They need to be enhanced, shown and taught to enable them climb out of the difficulty they encountered. They pay fee for the training unless if you are running a charity based organization.
How to start o
Study the problems affecting people in a given environment
Initiate a programme that will be of interest to them
Fix a fee that is affordable to expected participants
Hire an expert (Resource person) if you do not have the skill, idea, etc to solve it.
Get the venue and date set.
Create awareness to such programme
Help us promote our Vocational and Entrepreneurship Training Programmes in your locality, church, groups, institutions (schools),etc by inviting
GreenCapitol Technologies Limited You are saving a soul through this empowerment programme. Discuss D iscuss with wi th us NOW!!!! NO W!!!! 08162993230, 0807761990.
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Money Money skill Eight
Cake Making and icing
akes are mixture of sugar, flour, eggs, butter, etc usually baked and sometimes decorated to give it a beautiful look. They are often use for occasions, household use as well as sold to make money.
Cake comes in different shapes and designs depending on the occasion. The colours should be carefully selected to denote the kind of event it is prepared for.
CAKE Users Cakes could be used at various occasions and events e.g. Wedding ceremony, Birthday, anniversaries, etc.
RECIPÉ 1. Flour
500grams/ ½kg
2. Butter
500grams/ ½kg
3. Baking powder
2 Level teaspoons
4. Sugar
500grams/ ½kg ( to taste for those who do not take
5. Eggs
10 Eggs
6. Flavour
Little quantity
7. Preservative
2 Tablespoonful
b. Baking Pan c.
Oven or stove
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d. Mixer /Bowl/flat board
BAKING PROCEDURE The flour should be sieved to remove every unwanted element and to allow aeration. Step One: Mix Butter and Sugar together thoroughly in a bowl. Step Two: Crack the Eggs and mix it with he Butter and Sugar mixture in step One. Step Three: Add Flavour and Preservative Step Four: Use Butter to grease the Baking Pan and Switch On the Oven (or the stove) Step Five: Add and flour little by little and the Baking powder and stir thoroughly until well mixed. Step Six: Pour into the greased baking Pan and place in the oven or stove. Step Seven: Allow to bake for about One hour in the oven.
ICING THE CAKE Icing is the beautiful decoration and designs given to cakes. This enables the cake to look attractive and also marketable. Icing of cakes needs expertise, skill and dedication.
We shall discuss three types of Icing a.
Royal icing
b. Butter icing c.
Fondant icing or Sugar paste
Royal icing I.
Icing Sugar
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II. Egg white III. Water IV. Flavouring essence V. Cake decorating kit (piping set).
Butter icing a.
b. Confessional or Icing sugar c.
Flavouring essence
d. Water e. Flavor f.
Cake decorating kit.
Fondant or Sugar paste icing 1. CMC 2. Confessional or icing powder 3. Gelatine 4. Baker Glucose 5. Baker Glycerine 6. Water 7. Corn flour 8. Cake decorating kit.
We sincerely regret for not explaining the icing preparation and procedures.. procedures However, contact could be made for further inquiry and training.
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Money Mo ney skill Nine
Bead Making (Beading)
ead making is another money-spinning business that can make you a moneybag within a twinkle of an eye. It is of high demand because of its beauty and wonderful designs. It requires little capital to start. The quality of beads and designs given to it will make you outstanding and earn you more money.
Materials needed 1. Thread – fishline & tigertail 2. Stopper 3. Pliers 4. Cutter /scissor 5. Hook 6. Beads (of any colour)
Functions of materials Pliers
for holding or gripping the stopper to the thread
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GreenCapitol Technologies Limited Technologies Limited Cutter/scissors Fishline Thread 0.30, 0.35, 0.40,etc Stopper Beads -
creating golden spoons for this generation! .
for the the cutting thread for holding ho lding the beads. It comes in different sizes e.g. 0.25,
to stop the bead at a desire position from falling of any colour could be used
Simple Round Bead Necklace The making Step One: Measure your neck with the thread and multiply the measurement by 2. Step Two: Cut with the scissors/cutter. scissors/cutt er. Step Three: Put the hook from from the tip of the fishline and make it drop to the centre of the thread. Step Four: Join the tips of the thread together to form one. This will make it very strong. Step Five: Put the stopper and use the Pliers to press it (grip it) Step Six: Start putting the beads and close with another stopper to end. You could also make pendants for the beads to give it a beautiful look. There are several designs you can learn in bead making. One of our Empowerment workshops could be of assistance to you.
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GreenCapitol Technologies Limited You are saving a soul through this empowerment programme. Discuss D iscuss with wi th us NOW!!!! NO W!!!! 08162993230, 0807761990.
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Money skill Ten
Day Care Services for Children
ost parent due to busy schedules and sometimes to enable themselves to unwind, need the services of a nanny and babysitter.
The baby sitter or nanny is the person who takes care of the child for a pay while the parents parents are out. This could be be done in the parents home or you open a day care service service centre. Having a day care service centre for children will enable you look after many children (infants, toddlers, pre-school and older children) while their parents are out for different purposes. A well hygienic and serene environment with children play and learning kits will make people to admire and patronize your establishment. You could employ more professional hands as it expands. Requirement a.
A decent and hygienic accommodation
b. Knowledge about children sicknesses and first aid application. c.
Play and learning kits
d. Sleeping mattresses e. Children admission form f.
Identity cards or information about the parents/guardian/who will be picking the child
Phone number of parents/guardian/custodian of the child
h. And many others.
How to get clients v
Visit homes of parents/families and let them know what you do.
Tell teachers of different schools about your services should incase they are asked.
Print banners and handbills to create awareness
Use other forms of advertisement(radio, Television, local newspaper, internet, etc)
Tell clients already having their children with you to tell their friends.
Your good conduct, care and love.
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GreenCapitol Technologies Limited Technologies Limited
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Money Money skill Eleven
Bleach Production Bleach is a substance used in removing strong stain from clothes or clothes materials.
Uses It is used to remove strong stains after soaking.
Users Laundry homes, hotels, hospitals, household, etc.
1 kg
2. Chlorine
Milk Cup of Chlorine
3. Sodium benzoate
Small quantity
4. Water
14 Litres
b. Stirrer c.
PREPARATION 1. Put the Caustic soda inside the 14Litres of water and allow it to ferment for 120hours (5days). 2. Stir thoroughly. 3. Also put the Chlorine into another bowl, add water to ferment for 5days 4. Add the TWO solutions together and stir. 5. Add the Sodium benzoate and stir. 6. Pour into the container with beautiful label.
Words on Marble If you can learn to laugh in spite of the circumstances that surround you, you you will enrich others, enrich yourself, and more than that, you will last! Barbara Johnson
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Money Money skill Twelve
Daily Contribution
Financial Services
his is a financial service which involves the collection of cash (money) daily from individuals and groups as savings and return such when the need for it is requested for by such contributor. Like the banks that collect deposits from surplus spenders and gives such fund as loan to deficit spenders, you who operates a daily contribution financial service, will also get people who are willing to save part of their daily earnings, collect money from them, save it, give to some who are willing to collect as loan, take part of the saving as service charge, and keep the rest in investment that yields good returns. Most of the micro finance banks today started in this form. Like the credit associations (esusu), savings mobilization and other forms of savings to attract customers.
Reason for saving with the Daily Collection financial services providers v
Most people cannot besiege the banks because of small amount of cash.
The Daily Contribution financial service provider comes to them and ease their stress
Getting loan is less stressful
More favourable conditions
Benefit to the poor and low income earners.
Provision of savings and credit (loan) at cheaper cost.
One-on-one support and they know who they keep their money with.
Savings becomes easier.
Who should are the targets customers Although, there are many more to be targeted in such business, the following should be considered. Farmers Traders Skilled workers and artisans Cottage industrialist, Educationist
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Any other persons or groups so so desirable
Qualities of a Good and Prosperous Daily Collector 1. Hard working 2. Accountability 3. Probity/ Honesty 4. Cautious and not extravagant 5. Humility 6. Money management 7. Experience and innovative 8. Apt
How to Make Money with this scheme scheme It is one of those cottage businesses or services you can render. It does not require a hired apartment before you start. You start with little capital which you will use for the following a.
Print record cards for clients
b. Buy notebooks for recording transactions c.
Open an account with a friendly Micro saving bank.
Get those who are willing to entrust part of their earnings to you. Start from those around you and whom you know.
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GreenCapitol Technologies Limited Technologies Limited
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Money Money skill Thirteen
Nylon and Polythene Recycling (Waste-to-Wealth One)
aste to wealth is an eye opener to the things around us considered as waste. Nothing is life is completely useless, everything that has been used can be reused when properly recycled. These products have brought financial relief to people who engage in the sorting, processing and repackaging.
Kind of Products that could be Recycled The waste that could be recycled ranges from Nylon and polythene, plastic, bottle, metal cans, glass, paper sewage (faecial sludge), wood and saw dust, tyres, used crank engine oil, electronic equipment, batteries, rags, cardboards, bio-waste, cast iron, aluminum, organic waste, waste CDs, etc.
Nylon or Polythene Recycling Materials such as polythene or nylon which has been used for sealing, packaging, wrapping, etc could be recycled to serve same or other purposes. These materials include: bread wrappers, pure water nylon, all nylon or cellophane used in wrapping any kind of products, ice cream, ground-nut, sugar, drugs, polythene bags, and all nylons and polythene used by farmers for nursery, etc. This business is highly profitable because not everyone could dedicate their time to it and it requires little capital to start. The products are all around us wasting away.
Nylon that could be Recycled The type of nylon that could be recycled includes:
These are nylons that have been used for packaging, wrapping, sealing, etc. it also include coloured nylon which has been used or printed on.
Rose - These are fresh, pure or virgin nylons which have not been used. It includes pure and coloured nylon which is still fresh and nothing has been printed on them. This product could be sort at manufacturing companies and factories.
Method of processing waste nylon After sorting the polythene or nylon, wash and dry the one with stains to remove dirt. Take the products to the companies that will buy direct (per kg) or you can undergo the following steps:
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Treatment and Grinding
for the the product to be accepted locally and internationally by firms and companies that need them for further production, they need to be treated and grinded. The grounded nylons come out in form of shreds.
the final stage of processing nylons is pelletizing the product this come out in forms of pellets (PVC). This product could be sold to companies and industries that produce nylon and plastics.
This business is profitable and you are sure of getting thrice of your startup capital within a week.
HOW TO GET WASTE NYLON Discuss with pure water factories, hotels, eateries, schools, shops, offices, and place collection bag so that they can drop waste nylon on it for you. Get middlemen like agent and handlers to help collect waste nylons from wherever events are held, Etc.
Addresses of Processing sites and Buyers o
VK Industries Limited, 46/50 Alimisho Road, Alaguntan B/stop, Iyana-Ipaja, Lagos.
Omni Nigeria Limited, 586 Ikorodu road, Kosofe B/stop Ketu, Lagos.
Timi Roland, 37/39 Kofoworola Street, U -Turn B/stop, Abule-Egba, Lagos.
MTN Foundation Waste Recycling Centre, Alesinloye Market, Ibadan.
Oliver Adams Nigeria Limited, VEEPEE Industrial Estate, km 34 Abeokuta Expressway, Sango-otta, Ogun state. Or
Surulere House, 14 Surulere Industrial Road, Ogba Lagos.
There is a past which is gone forever, but there is a future which whi ch is still stil l our own. F.W. Robertson Robert son
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Money Money skill Fourteen Fourteen
Investment Club I
nvestment club is like any other club where members pool their resources together in other to have a large sum or lump sum to invest in a particular products or investment decided by members. There are usually meetings where members discuss important issues to grow their investment, discuss current market issues and opportunities, present an investment idea and either decide to vote on it or do further research on it. If there is any purchase or sale, the person in-charge of the execution will inform everyone of the cost. Regular meetings are held to discuss businesses or investment that will boost the profits and gains of the club. Investment club can be streamlined to a particular sector, for example; property investment club, stock and shares investment club, education investment club, natural resources investment club, etc
Benefit of an investment club a.
Investment club enable you to meet with other people of like mind or similar interest.
b. Risk is reduced or averted since i t is share among members. You do not bear the risk alone therefore, the risk is spread. c.
Investment club enable members to learn as a group, share ideas, knowledge, expertise, etc.
d. It enables members to divide task among e ach others and for research to be le ss overwhelming. e. Members can access and enjoy resources and facilities available in the club. f.
It creates the ability to network.
Simple requirement of an investment club Ø
Right people of same interest and like mind.
Meeting venue
The partnership agreement
By-laws and code of ethics that must adhere to.
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Regular meetings and members members must be present at every meeting to share ideas and discussion.
How you can start an investment club in your environment i.
Get the names of people you can invite to the investment club meeting
Contact them and invite them for a meet ing
iii. Introduce to them your idea and proposal for an investment club iv. Hear their opinions and engage in brain storming decisions v.
Make sure you arrived at what investment to undertake and how much each member will contribute to such investment.
vi. Discuss other relevant issues vii. Fix a meeting day or choose a day for next meeting
Investment club enable individuals of like-mind to pull their resources (monetary) together and invest such in a profit-oriented investment. You can start now or join genuine existing ones!
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Money Money skill Fifteen
Mentholated Balm T
his is a substance careful formulated to bring relief to the body against cold, catarrh, pains, weakness, bones, etc.
USERS Individuals, hospitals, clinic, clinic, household, hotels, etc.
Chemicals Required 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Others i. ii. iii.
Menthol crystal or Peppermint oil Petroleum jelly Methyl Salicylate Paraffin wax Camphor rectified Tincture of Capsicum Eucalptus Turpentine oil
200grams 2kg 200grams 300grams 150grams 20grams 70grams 20grams
Heating system/stove Boiler Containers
Preparation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Pour the Petroleum jelly on a Pot on the heating system/stove and allow to melt. Add Menthol Crystal or Peppermint oil and allow to melt. Add the Turpentine oil, Methyl salicylate, Tincture of Capsicum and Eucalyptus oil and stir thoroughly. Add the Paraffin wax and Camphor rectified and stir very well. Pour the solution into containers and with beautiful label for sale.
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Money Money skill Sixteen
Vaseline – Baby Jelly using Petroleum Jelly
etroleum jelly products has brand name like Vaseline, baby jelly etc. It is used for so many things like keeping the body attractive, used on wounds, preventions of rashes especially on babies, etc. other brand names are found in the market. You can make them on your own and make a lot of money from it because it is cost effective and the demand is high.
USERS Household, schools, maternity, clinic, individuals, etc
Chemicals Required 1. 2. 3.
Paraffin oil Perfume Petroleum jelly
20kg To taste 50kg
Others a. b. c. d.
Heater/Stove Mixer Pot/Container Beautiful label
Preparation a. b. c. d. e.
Pour the Petroleum jelly on the pot or container that is already place on fire Add the Paraffin oil and allow to get heated thoroughly. Remove from fire and allow to cool slightly Add Perfume and stir thoroughly. Pour in containers and ready to market.
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Money Skill Seventeen
Body Lotion This is used to enhance the texture of your skin. It makes you to look good and attractive.
Household, individuals, etc
Chemicals Required 1. Paraffin oil 2. Borax 3. Cetyl alcohol 4. Formalin 5. Croda wax 6. Vitamin E 7. Colourant Colourant 8. Fragrance 9. Water
250grams 1kg 250grams 1 Tablespoon 1.5kg 250grams To taste To taste 20Litres 20Litres or to taste
a. b. c. d. e.
Mixing tank/Bowl Containers Labels Heating system Weighing scale
Preparation a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h.
Place the Bowl or mixing tank on a low heating system Pour the Croda wax, Paraffin Oil and Borax Add the water soluble Colourant and stir Add the Cetyl alcohol and stir Add Formalin and stir thoroughly Add the Hot Water and stir vigorously Add fragrance/Perfume and stir Package in containers with beautiful label and it is ready for sale.
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Money Money skill Eighteen
Face Powder F
ace powder is a pleasant-smelling substance used on the skin. It removes the oily substances and makes your face smooth and attractive.
Chemicals Required 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Precipitated Chalk Zinc Stearate Zinc Oxide Colourant Colourant Fragrance Talc
i. ii. i. ii.
Mixer Grinding system Bowl Sieve
50grams 25grams 100grams To taste To taste 325grams
Preparation a. b. c. d.
Grind the ingredients required into powder separately. Sieve the grounded ingredients to ensure that it is well mixed. Add the Fragrance and mix. Pour the sieved powder into containers met for powder for sale.
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Money Money skill Nineteen
Cold Water Starch (Powder) T his is modified starch used to stiffen textiles and other related fabrics. It is used with cold water compared to the usual starch prepared with hot water.
USES It is used in laundry and dry cleaning, textiles finishing, printing finishing, etc.
Chemicals Required for 50kg 1. 2. 3. 4.
Dextrin Soda ash light Perfume Colourant
49.5kg 0.5kg Tablespoonful (optional (opt ional & to taste) 1 teaspoonful (optional (opt ional & to taste)
Others Mixer / mixing bowls Packaging material (nylons or plastics)
Preparation Mix all chemicals together thoroughly. When well blended, pack as needed for sale.
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Money Money skill Twenty
Powder Detergent P
owder detergent is also used for washing and cleaning. It dissolves easily when mixed with water because it is in small particles. It cleans more because of the high concentration of Caustic soda.
Users Household, hotels, hospitals, offices, cleaning and laundry outfits, etc.
Chemicals Required 1. Ammonia Solution 2. Caustic Soda 3. PKO 4. Kaolin 5. Soda ash (light) 6. Hydrogen Peroxide 7. Perfume 8. Colourant Colourant 9. Sodium Sulphate 10. Sulphonic Acid
450grams 2kg 6Litres 150grams 1kg 300Litres To taste To taste 200grams 800grams
Others v v v v v v v v
Hydrometer Grater/Grinding machine Mixing & Fermenting Bowls Gloves Drying machine /use the Sun/Stove Scale Mixer/mixing stick Pot
Fermentation Method v v
Ferment the Caustic soda with 6Litres of water for 48hours. Ferment the Soda ash, Sodium Sulphate and Kaolin with 4litres of water in another bowl for 24hrs.
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Preparation 1. Place the PKO on fire, fir e, add Colourant and allow to get heated. Remove from fire and allow to cool down. 2. Gradually add the Fermented Caustic soda solution while stirring with the Mixing stick . 3. Add the Fermented Soda ash solution as you continue stirring. 4. Add the following and continue stirring with the mixing stick: Sulphonic acid, Hydrogen Peroxide, Ammonia solution. 5. Add the Perfume and stir. 6. Allow the Mixture to be well blended by living it for 5hrs. 7. Spread the Detergent on the Sun after the 5hrs for it to get dried. 8. When it is confirm dried, grind it with the grater and package the products for sales.
Functions of some Chemicals used Ammonia solution
Sodium Sulphate Kaolin Sulphonic acid Hydrogen Peroxide
it work with the Hydrogen Peroxide to produce powder detergent. this gives strength to the detergent. it is used as filler and extender. it serves as the foaming agent. this is the main catalyst that transforms transfor ms the Chemicals into powder detergent.
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Money skill Twenty-One
Candle T
his provides light when lit to chase darkness away. It comes in different forms, length, etc. The situation of electricity supply in our country today is nothing to write good about. Production of candle is a money magnet as most household requires it to get light at night. It is highly profitable and easy to market. USERS Churches, household, hospitals, etc
Chemicals Required 1. Paraffin Oil 2. Stearic Acid 3. Paraffin Wax
400grams 500grams 2kg
Other Materials needed v v v v
Moulds Wick Heating system/stove Cooling tank/bucket of water
Preparation v v v v v v v
Put the Paraffin wax in a pot on a stove or on a heating system and allow to melt properly. Add the Paraffin Oil and the Stearic acid and keep stirring until it dissolves properly. Oil the Moulds with Paraffin Oil and tread them with Wick. Pour the Candle solution into the prepared moulds. To enable the candle solution to become solid, place it on the Cooling tank or Bowl of water. Remove the Cones and bring out the Candles from the Moulds. Package them for sale.
Functions of Chemicals used Stearic acid
Paraffin Wax Paraffin Oil -
It is an organic acid added to reduce the rate at which the wax burns. This is the base. it determine the brightness of the flame and the rate at which the wax melts.
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Money Money skill Twenty-Two
Medicated Soap Medicated soap help protect the body against germs and other skin diseases. It is used for bathing.
Users Household, hospital, clinic, etc.
Chemicals Needed 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
P.K.O. Caustic soda solutions Sodium silicate Carbolic acid Colour Perfume
20parts 10parts 2parts 0.8part 2-3TSP 2-3TSP
Others v v v v v v v v
Heater/stove Mixer Mould Cutting machine Hydrometer Stamper Table Bowl
Preparation 1. Caustic soda solution, measure 1part of caustic soda to 3parts of water and allow fermenting for 48hrs. Use hydrometer to gauge and must read 1275-1250s.g. 2. Sodium silicate solution, measure 1part of Sodium silicate to 3parts of water and allow to ferment for 12hrs. 3. Use the heater/stove to heat the PKO (Palm Kernel Oil). Do not let it to be too hot. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Mix the PKO with the Colour needed Add the Caustic soda and begin to stir until soap is formed. Add other ingredients and stir thoroughly after each addition. Pour the soap paste in the mould already prepared and leave to harden (about 12hours). 8. When harden, cut to desired shape with the cutter. 9. Stamp the cut shaped soap and begin to package for sale.
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Money Skill Twenty-Three
Beauty/Toilet soap T
his is mild and soft soap that ignite the beauty to the skin. They are wildly needed and highly marketable.
Users Similar to Laundry soap and Medicated soap.
Chemicals Required 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Palm Kernel Oil Caustic soda solution Soda ash solution Sodium silicate Glycerin or Cetyl alcohol Colourant Perfume
20parts 10parts 2parts 1part 1part 2-3TSP (tablespoonful) 2-3TSP
Others Same as Medicated soap
Preparation 1. Caustic soda solution, measure 1part of caustic soda to 3parts of water and allow fermenting for 48hrs. Use hydrometer to gauge and must read 1275-1250s.g. 2. Soda ash solution, 1part to 3parts of water should be fermented for 24hrs. Use hydrometer to gauge and it must read 1275-1250s.g. 3. Sodium silicate solution, measure 1part of Sodium silicate to 3parts of water and allow to ferment for 12hrs. 4. Use the heater/stove to heat the PKO (Palm Kernel Oil). Do not let it to be too hot. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Mix the PKO with the Colour needed Add the Caustic soda and begin to stir until soap is formed. Add other ingredients and stir thoroughly after each addition. Pour the soap paste in the mould already prepared and leave to harden (about 12hours). 9. When harden, cut to desired shape with the cutter. 10. Stamp the cut shaped soap and begin to package for sale.
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Money Money Skill Twenty-four
Candle Insecticide I
nsecticides can also be formed in candles. Candle insecticide kills insects as the candle is lit. As the wax melts, insect such as mosquitoes, cockroaches, bedbugs, houseflies, etc are killed. It can also serves as light whenever there is no electricity supply.
Chemicals needed for 20kg Production This will give you about 1000 sticks of candles. However, it depends on the size of your moulds. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Candle Wax Camphor Powder Permethrin Dibutylpthalate Dibutylpthalat e (DBP) Colourant & Perfume
20kg 200grams 200grams 100grams optional
Others v v v v v v v v
Moulds Wick Stove/heating system Mixer Cooling system/Bucket of water Sealing machine Label Nylon/Paper sachets for packaging
Preparation 1. Melt the wax in a pot or tank heater 2. When the wax has has melted, melted, add the other ingredients ingredients Permethrin, Camphor powder, DBP and stir vigorously. 3. Add the Perfume and Colourant if needed and stir thoroughly. 4. Pour into the candle mould with Wick already placed and allow to solidification. 5. Remove from the mould and pack for sale.
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Money Money Skill Twenty-Five Twenty-Five
How to make money from Facebook
acebook is one of the foremost social network sites on the internet with millions of (socialist) linking together for the purpose of strengthening relationships, businesses, ideas, love, belief, culture, education, vocation, etc.
So many people have one or more reasons for joining facebook. But all am concerned about is the business aspect. Simply put; how you can make money from social network sites like Facebook, Twitter, 2go,etc. I would not like to bore you much reading through heinous and stressful text. I will briefly highlight some important point to note.
How do I join facebook Facebook is free! Just sign up by visiting the website at To sign up means for an account to be open for you in your desired user ’ ’s name and password .
I have an account with facebook already, how do I start making money from it? Interestingly, I have told you that millions of people are on facebook. But not all are on it to make a fortune (money and create wealth). You must have be one of those who have joined for some other reasons. Today, your orientation has changed because life is all about recognizing and making do with rare opportunities. Opportunities? Yes! Great opportunities! There is great difference between what you like doing for money and what you like doing for fun.
What next? This is one of our newest discoveries. We would like to give it out to so many hot seeking individuals like YOU. This book will not contain the full details and explanation.
Book 2. Order for a copy Now! Detail Explanation is found in
Thanks for your understanding!
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About GreenCapito GreenCapitoll Technologies GreenCapitol Technologies is an institution positioned to providing training in Vocational, Entrepreneurship and Technical (VET) empowerment programmes in practical terms to individuals and groups who are unemployed, earn little income and to whoever desire to stand out as an entrepreneur.
The training programmes are open to the young school leavers, unemployed, NYSC members, pensioners, graduates and undergraduates, widows, less-privileged, religious institutions, men and women associations, community-based and youth-based organizations, etc. If the rate of poverty and unemployment is high, then the rate at which GreenCapitol Technologies is ready to eradicate it from your side is higher. The charges are moderate and affordable. We are highly positioned to teach How to catch fish than to give fish You can invite us for any training programme, workshop or business roundtable discuss as an individual or as a group.
The book: MoneyMaking MoneyMaking in Small Small & Medium Medium Scale Production Businesses Businesses This book is developed to bring smiles to faces of all who have no one to assist them to gaining the desired skills required to stand out as an entrepreneur. It is carefully written with detailed and concise explanation on how to do it yourself without supervision. Items for production in this book are of high demand in the market today. You can start production with little capital. The other aspect of this book which deals on providing services and on-line businesses is also very lucrative. You will find it interesting when you start.
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This book is against procrastination , laziness, idleness, Crime, stagnancy begin to act on it straight away. To morrow never dies!
as you read,
For clarity, questions and suggestions please email us at:
[email protected] .
The Author and Chief trainer
Davidmary Ikperua is the CEO of GreenCapitol Technologies Limited - a multifunctional business outfit formed to bring succour to the yearnings and aspirations of young and aspiring people in the areas of Vocational, Entrepreneurship and Technical (VET) practical training and empowerment. It also focuses on Information Technology, sales and Production of some basic Daily needs. He has groomed so many to be self reliant, be there own boss, start a business as well as saved many others from poverty sinking situations. As he proudly states, I states, I have be positioned to teach how to create golden spoons for others even when they were not born with silver spoon. spoon. He is a Consultant, trainer, motivational speaker, author and Entrepreneur. He is widely sought after in SME businesses as well as financial and business advisory and analysis. He holds a Diploma in Accountancy and Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) Degree in Banking and Finance (AAU) and an M.Sc Economics (U.I., Ibadan). He has also undergone training in Professional Computer Engineering and Networking (CCNA). He is an expert in Small and Medium Scale Business setup and consultancy.
For Training and Consultancy. You could help a whole lot of people if you make provision for Training in your School, Organization, groups, church, Town, locality, etc. Call any of our numbers for practical training and in-depth Entrepreneurial Empowerment.
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We look forward to your kind appro ach by booking us for a training programme in your area. 08162993230, 08077619909, 07051125871 .
For Marketing, Sales and Distribution of this book, kindly Call The Marketing Manager GreenCapitol Technologies 08162993230, 07051125871, 08077619909. GreenCapitol Technologies .creating golden spoons for this generation!
MoneyMaking in Small and Medium Production Businesses Entrepreneurship, Vocational and Empowerment Guide
Volume 2 Group and Private Training available.45Call: 08162993230, 08077619909.
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Content 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
How to make Money on facebook Full guide Event Planning and Management How to Buy New Laptop and Blackberry Phones for less than N18,000. Cleaning Services Plastic Products Recycling (waste to wealth 2) Netpreneur and Internet Marketing Wirework Jewelries making
Production of Chemical Based products 1. Air freshener 2. Powder Insecticide 3. After shave Lotion/cream 4. Laundry soap 5. Bleach Production using Hypochlorite 6. White Disinfectant (izal) 7. Toilet and Tile Cleaner 8. Spray starch 9. Body cream 10. Hair cream
Place you Order Now! Contact
GreenCapitol Technologies 08162993230, 08077619909.
Group and Private Training available.46Call: 08162993230, 08077619909.