!ity in %>!ation 1. Moreo$er, creditor# =ant b!#ine##e# to ha$e a po#iti$e e>!ity. I a b!#ine## cannot repay it# debt#, the creditor# can legally orce the b!#ine## to #ell it# a##et# to repay debt#. 7e li#t #e$eral a##et# and liabilitie# in 'able 2. %>!ity O 'otal "##et# 'otal (iabilitie#
" corporation di$ide# it# e>!ity into t=o capital acco!nt#J Contrib!ted Capital and Retained %arning#. ontributed apital i# the ao!nt o capital that a corporation #old. In other =ord#, the ao!nt o #tock that circ!late# bet=een in$e#tor# o!t#ide o the corporation. 'able + #ho=# #tockholder#? e>!ity or preerred #tock and coon #tock. 7e li#t the ao!nt# o a!thoried and o!t#tanding #hare# or both #tock type#. 7hen a corporation earn# proit#, it record# the proit# in the Retained 6arnin$s acco!nt. S!b#e>!ently, a corporation can !#e retained earning# to inance e
"##et# &ccounts Receivable C!#toer# o=e oney to the b!#ine## or good# and #er$ice# #old on credit B!ilding# and (and %>!ipent Ca#h atent# and copyright#
(iabilitie# &ccounts Payable B!#ine## o=e# oney to creditor# or good# and #er$ice# bo!ght on credit. Intere#t payable Salarie# o=ed to =orker# 'a
Kenneth R. S!lcyk 'able 3. 5tok$olders) Equity
reerred #tock, 2,000 #hare# a!thoried, 1,000 #hare i##!ed and )!t#tanding Coon #tock, 12,000 #hare# a!thoried, 10,000 #hare# i##!ed and o!t#tanding 'otal capital contrib!ted by coon #tockholder# Retained earning# 'otal #tockholder#? e>!ity
G230,000 G+30,000 G900,000 G:0,000 G9:0,000
"cco!ntant# di$ide a copany?# a##et# into c!rrent and i!ipent =ith long lie #pan#. Store# 8S" ha# a #tore and oice e>!ipent $al!ed at G23,000 and G&,000 re#pecti$ely. "cco!ntant# #!btract the acc!!lated depreciation ro the e>!ipent beca!#e e>!ipent becoe# old and deteriorate#. /epreciation e>!al# G3,300 or the #tore e>!ipent and G1,300 or the oice e>!ipent. "cco!ntant# di$ide 'he Store# 8S" liabilitie# into c!rrent liabilitie# and longAter debt. C!rrent liabilitie# are debt# and obligation# that are le## than a year and incl!de acco!nt# payable, note# payable, and incoe ta !ity. Board o director# can pay di$idend# ro thi# acco!nt or inance an e !al the total liabilitie# pl!# #hareholder#? e>!ity, conoring to %>!ation 1. 'able !. + (alane 5$eet for 5tores 4.5.+.
C!rrent a##et#J Ca#h "cco!nt# recei$able# Merchandi#e in$entory repaid e!ipentJ Store e>!ipent (e## acc!!lated depreciation )ice e>!ipent (e## acc!!lated depreciation 'otal plant and e>!ipent
G:,000 10,000 20,000 1,000 G+-,000 G23,000 3,300 &,000 1,300 22,000 40
Money, Banking, and International Finance 'otal "##et#
C!rrent liabilitie#J "cco!nt# payable Incoe ta
G+,300 1,000 G&,300
Stockholder#? %>!ity Coon #tock, G3 par $al!e, 10,000 #hare# a!thoried and o!t#tanding Retained earning# 'otal #tockholder#? e>!ity 'otal liabilitie# and #tockholder#? e>!ity
G30,000 9,300 39,300 G91,000
'he Stateent o Change# in the )=ner?# %>!ity i# the third inancial #tateent and #ho=# the change# in the o=ner?# e>!ity. For all b!#ine## organiation#, proit# or net incoe al=ay# increa#e# e>!ity beca!#e the organiation ha# ore re#o!rce# lo=ing into it. o=e$er, proprietor# and partner# co!ld in$e#t andor =ithdra= ro the b!#ine##. 'h!#, in$e#tent increa#e# the e>!ity, =hile =ithdra=al# red!ce it. For corporation#, the Stateent o Change# in the )=ner?# %>!ity i# called the Stateent o Retained %arning#. 7e #ho= an e!ity. Statement of as# Flo!s i# the la#t inancial #tateent and #ho=# the oney inlo=# and o!tlo=# o a b!#ine##. 'hi# #tateent i# iportant beca!#e a b!#ine## need# ade>!ate ca#h to operate #!ch a# paying =orker#, ta!it and lea$e the eployer. 'able ,. 5tatement of Retained Earnings for orporation 9;%
*et incoe "dd retained earning#, /eceber +1, 2010 'otal /ed!ct di$idend# declared Retained earning#, /eceber +1, 2011
G30,00 G10,000 G90,000 20,000 G&0,000 41
Kenneth R. S!lcyk 'able -. +ti*ities t$at +ffet a (usiness)s as$ Flo&
Ca#h Inlo=# )perating "cti$itie# C!#toer# pay or #ale# in ca#h C!#toer# pay acco!nt# recei$able# Merchandi#e in$entory decrea#e# "cco!nt# payable increa#e# In$e#ting "cti$itie# Recei$ed ca#h ro in$e#tent# Sold property or e>!ipent Financing "cti$itie# Copany i##!e# ore #tock Copany i##!e# bond#
Ca#h Flo=# ay #alarie# ay e
!rcha#ed #ec!ritie# !rcha#ed land Copany pay# di$idend# Copany retire# it# bond# or #tock#
7e #ho= a Stateent o Ca#h Flo=# in 'able 4. I ca#h enter# a b!#ine##, then the ca#h lo= i# po#iti$e. "# ca#h lea$e# a b!#ine##, #!b#e>!ently, the ca#h lo= i# negati$e. F!rtherore, the ca#h lo= #tateent ha# three #ection#J operating, in$e#ting, and inancing acti$itie#. For e!al total ca#h #ale# in!# erchandi#e ret!rn#. 'hen the b!#ine## in$e#ted in the b!#ine## by p!rcha#ing G20,000 in ne= e>!ipent or the in$e#tent acti$itie#. Finally, the b!#ine## i##!ed G30,000 in brand ne= #tock to e!ently, the b!#ine## ha# G110,000 in total ca#h at the end o the year. o! can calc!late thi# ao!nt by #tarting =ith the ca#h on hand at the beginning o the year and add the net ca#h lo= that the b!#ine## recei$ed d!ring the year.
'able . 5tatement of as$ Flo&s
Ca#h lo= ro operating acti$itie# Ca#h Recei$ed ro c!#toer# ayent# or ta!ipent p!rcha#e Ca#h lo=# ro inancing acti$itie# Ca#h recei$ed ro i##!ing #tock Ca#h paid or di$idend# *et increa#e in ca#h Ca#h balance at beginning 2010 Ca#h balance at end o 2010
G100,000 20,000D 20,000D 30,000 +0,000D G:0,000 G+0,000 G110,000
Money, Banking, and International Finance
Single In"estment Financial analy#t# !#e the pre#ent $al!e or!la to price inancial #ec!ritie# or calc!late ortgage payent#. re#ent $al!e or!la place# a $al!e o !t!re ca#h lo=# in ter# o oney today. 'hereore, the pre#ent $al!e epha#ie# the pre#ent beca!#e people =ant their oney no= than =ait or a !t!re payent. Con#e>!ently, an intere#t rate re=ard# #a$er# or delaying payent. For e
"ter one year, yo! earn 0.03G100D O G3 in intere#t. o!r ending balance becoe# G103.00.
"ter t=o year#, yo! earn 0.03G103.00D O G3.23. o!r ending balance gro=# into G110.23.
7e can !#e intere#t copo!nding to cop!te the ending balance in %>!ation 2.
$ 100 ( 1 + 0.05 ) ( 1 + 0.05 ) =$ 100 ( 1 + 0.05 )
= $ 110.25
I yo! let the oney earn intere#t ater ' year#, then yo! b!ild the #e>!ence in %>!ation +. In thi# ca#e, =e !ltiply the beginning balance by the intere#t repeatedly. Moreo$er, the one in#ide the parenthe#i# indicate# the principal a# G1 =hile the 0.03 relect# the intere#t.
$ 100 ( 1 + 0.05 ) ( 1 + 0.05 ) ⋯ ( 1 + 0.05 )=$ 100 ( 1 + 0.05 )
For e
F!t!re 6al!e F6D in dollar# at 'ie '.
re#ent 6al!e 6D in dollar# at 'ie 0.
Intere#t rate iD i# the di#co!nt rate.
S!b#cript# relect the tie =ith the inal tie period being '.
7e =rite the or!la in %>!ation &.
FV 100 = PV 0 ( 1+ i )
= $ 100 (1 + 0.05 )
=$ 13,150.13
o! =ant yo!r oney today beca!#e one h!ndred year# i# $ery ar a=ay. re#ent $al!e o G1+,130.1+ in one h!ndred year# i# =orth G100 to today beca!#e yo! can take that G100 today, 4+
Kenneth R. S!lcyk in$e#t it in a #a$ing# acco!nt at 3 intere#t, and let it gro= into G1+,130.1+. I yo! recei$e a payent in the !t!re, then =e cop!te the pre#ent $al!e in %>!ation 3.
PV 0=
(1 +i )
= T
$ 13,150.13
( 1+ 0.05 )
= $ 100
3D 7e !#e algebra to #ol$e or !nkno=n $ariable#. For e!ation 9, and the ini! intere#t rate e>!al# 10.99 ann!ally.
FV 0= PV T ( 1+ i )
$ 15,000= $ 10,000 (1 + i ) $ 15,000 4 =( 1 + i ) $ 10,000
√ 1.5=√ ( 1 + i ) 1.1066=1 + i i =0.1066 4
9D 4
7e ha$e an ea#y or!la to calc!late ho= long #oething do!ble# in #ie, kno=n a# the Rule of ;14 Intere#t rate, i, a# a percentage, and the tie indicate# the n!ber o year#. "ccordingly, the prod!ct o the intere#t rate and tie e>!al# 42 in %>!ation 4. i ∙ t = growth∙time=72
For e
Money, Banking, and International Finance
Multiple In"estments 7e can alter the analy#i#, #o people recei$e or pay !ltiple !t!re payent#. For in#tance, yo! depo#it G300 into the bank acco!nt e$ery year at 9 intere#t.
"ter the ir#t year, yo! earn G300 W 0.09 O G+0 in intere#t. o!r balance gro=# into G300 X G+0 X G300 O G1,0+0 beca!#e yo! ha$e the initial G300, and then yo! depo#ited another G300 at the end o the year into yo!r acco!nt.
"ter the #econd year, yo! earn G1,0+0 W 0.09 O G91.:0 in intere#t. o!r balance gro=# into G1,0+0 X G91.:0 X G300 O G1,3-1.:0. o! added another G300 to yo!r acco!nt at the end o the year.
"ter the third year, yo! earn G1,3-1.:0 W 0.09 O G-3.30: in intere#t. o!r balance becoe# G1,3-1.:0 X G-3.30: X G300 O G2,1:4.+1. o! added the la#t G300, =hich did not earn intere#t.
7e calc!late the !t!re $al!e o yo!r bank depo#it# in %>!ation :. FV 3 =$ 500 ( 1 + 0.06 ) FV 3 =$ 2,187.31
$ 500 ( 1 + 0.06 )
$ 500 ( 1+ 0.06 )
$ 500 ( 1 +0.06 )
(a#t ter in %>!ation : i# the inal depo#it. "ltho!gh yo! !ltiply thi# ter by an intere#t rate, the e!al# ero #etting the ter in#ide the parenthe#i# to a one. Con#e>!ently, the e !ation -.
PV 0=
$ 500
(1 + 0.06 )
+ 0
$ 500
( 1 + 0.06 )
+ 1
$ 500
( 1 +0.06 )
+ 2
$ 500
(1 + 0.06 )3
=$ 1,836.51
-D I yo! recei$ed G1,:+9.31 a# a l!p #! today, yo! co!ld in$e#t thi# oney into a #a$ing# acco!nt and earn G2,1:4.+1 in three year# at 9 intere#t. 7e con$erted a !ltiple #trea in$e#tent into a #ingle depo#it in$e#tent. re#ent $al!e or!la i# le
Kenneth R. S!lcyk ear 0 1 2 2 +
"cti$ity /epo#it /epo#it 7ithdra=al /epo#it 7ithdra=al
"o!nt G100 G+00 G30 G100 G43 'otal
Intere#t X Balance G1&:.13 G+:-.:: AG34 G11&.00 AG43 G320.0+
7ithdra=al or depo#it deterine# the #ign. " =ithdra=al i# negati$e, =hile a depo#it i# po#iti$e. F!rtherore, the intere#t pl!# balance col!n in 'able : incl!de# the intere#t rate that the depo#it =o!ld earn i held it !ntil the end o the third year. For e!al# G320.0+ at the end o ear +. 7e !#e the pre#ent $al!e or!la to calc!late today?# $al!e o the#e ca#h lo=#. o! =o!ld be indierent abo!t recei$ing a l!pA#! payent o G+31.01 today or G320.0+ in three year#. 7e calc!lated the pre#ent $al!e in %>!ation 10.
PV 0=
$ 100
(1 + 0.14 )
$ 300
( 1 + 0.14 )
$ 100 −$ 50
( 1 +0.14 )
−$ 75 3
( 1 + 0.14 )
= $ 351.01
10D I yo! in$e#ted G+31.01 today at 1& intere#t, then in + year#, yo! =o!ld ha$e G320.0&, the inal balance o yo!r bank acco!nt.
Compounding Fre,uency Financial analy#t# al=ay# deine an intere#t rate a# an ann!al ter, called the &nnual Percenta$e Rate (&PR). 'he "R coe ro the Federal Re#er$e?# reg!lation that help# pre$ent ra!d. For e!ently, thi# rate i# terrible. Borro=er took oney ro a loan #hark. For thi# book, =e deine all intere#t rate# in ann!al ter#, !nle## other=i#e #tated. Bank# and inance copanie# !#!ally calc!late intere#t payent# and depo#it# onthly. 'h!#, =e ad!#t the pre#ent $al!e or!la or dierent tie !nit#. I yo! reer to %>!ation 11, =e add a ne= $ariable, , the compoundin$ frequency =hile "R i# the intere#t rate in ann!al ter#. In the onthly ca#e, e>!al# 12 beca!#e a year ha# 12 onth#.
Money, Banking, and International Finance
APR FV T = PV 0 1 + m 11D
m ∙ T
For e!ently, =e calc!late yo!r #a$ing# gro= into G&-.24 in %>!ation 12J I yo!r bank copo!nded yo!r acco!nt ann!ally, then yo! =o!ld ha$e G&9.91.
APR FV T = PV 0 1 + m
m ∙ T
0.08 =$ 10 1+ 12
12 ∙ 20
=$ 49.27
"ltho!gh the copo!nding re>!ency i# !#!ally 12 onth#, =e co!ld !#e #eiAann!ally t=o payent# per year, or e>!al# 2D, or >!arterly o!r payent# per year, or e>!al# &D. 7e can con$ert any copo!nding re>!ency into an "R e>!i$alent intere#t rate, called the effective annual rate (6FF). Fro the pre$io!# e!ation 1+. 'he %FF i# the #tandard copo!nding or!la reo$ing the year# and the pre#ent $al!e ter#.
APR 1+ m
0.08 −1= 1+ 12
I yo! depo#ited G10 in yo!r bank acco!nt or 20 year# that earn :.+ "R =ith no copo!nding or e>!al# 1D, then yo!r #a$ing# =o!ld gro= into G&-.24, =hich i# the identical to an intere#t rate o : that i# copo!nded onthly. 7e calc!late thi# in %>!ation 1&.
APR FV T = PV 0 1 + m
m ∙ T
=$ 10 1+
0.083 1
1∙ 20
=$ 49.27
7e can adapt the pre#ent $al!e or!la or re>!ency copo!nding. For e
7e e
"ll tie #!b#cript# are onthly.
7e calc!lated a pre#ent $al!e o G212.09 in %>!ation 13.
Kenneth R. S!lcyk
PV 0=
$ 50
´ 1+ 0.0083 3
) ( 1
$ 100
´ 1+ 0.0083 3
) ( 6
$ 75
´ 1 + 0.0083 3
=$ 212.06
13D Copo!nding re>!ency ha# a #pecial ca#e. "# approache# ininity m → ∞ D, the cop copo! o!nd ndin ing g e>!a e>!ati tion on tran tran# #or or# # into into %> %>!a !ati tion on 19 19,, call called ed continuous continuous compoundin compoundin$ $ . Contin!o!# copo!nding ean# or e$ery raction o a #econdL yo!r balance earn# intere#t. "bbre$iation, li, reer# to the liit and deine# ho= the !nction beha$e# =hen becoe# $ery large. 'h!#, the n!ber e i# a con#tant and e>!al# appro
APR FV T = lim PV 0 1 + m m→ ∞
T ∙m
= PV 0 ∙ e
For e!ation 14J %$ery raction o a #econd o$er 40 year#, yo! earn intere#t on yo!r acco!nt. )n the other hand, i yo!r bank !#e# onthly copo!nding, #!b#e>!ently, yo!r #a$ing# =o!ld gro= into G-,+4+.-0, yielding G13&.&1 le## than the #tandard copo!nding.
FV T = PV 0 ∙e
= $ 50 ∙ e
0.075 ∙ 70
= $ 9,528.31
Bank# and inancial in#tit!tion# rarely !#e contin!o!# copo!nding to calc!late arket $al! $al!e# e# o ina inanc ncia iall #ec! #ec!ri riti tie# e#.. Fina Financ ncia iall analy analy#t #t## and and athe athea ati tici cian an## !#e !#e conti contin! n!o! o!## copo!nding to #ipliy cople< calc!lation# o inancial or!la# and atheatical odel#.
!nnuities and Mortgages Mortgages Financial analy#t# !#e the pre#ent $al!e or!la to calc!late an ann!ity. "n annuity i# an in$e#tent or people =ho plan or retireent. "n ann!ity ha# t=o part#. "# people =ork, they ake periodic depo#it# into an ann!ity acco!nt. S!b#e>!ently, once they retire, they recei$e periodic payent# !ntil death. 7e deine ann!itie# a# an ordinary ann!ity or an ann!ity d!e. I a per#on pay# into an ann!ity at the end o period, then it i# an ordinary annuity. o=e$er, i a per#on pay# into an ann!ity ann!ity at the beginning beginning o the period, period, he or #he recei$e# recei$e# one e!ently, they only dier =hen payent i# applied to the ann!ity acco!nt and =hen payent# begin earning intere#t. For thi# chapter, =e #tick to ordinary ann!itie#. For e!ation 1:. 4:
Money, Banking, and International Finance
FV 5 =$ 20,000 ( 1 +0.09 ) FV 5 =$ 20,000 [ 1.09 FV 5 =$ 119,694.21
+ $ 20,000 ( 1 + 0.09 ) + ⋯ + $ 20,000 ( 1+ 0.09 ) 3
+ 1.09 + 1.09 + 1.09 + 1.09
/o yo! notice anything #trange abo!t the e!ation 1: to the o!rth po=er beca!#e yo!r initial payent occ!rred at the end o period 1, and ha# earned o!r year# o intere#t. Finally, the la#t ter ha# a ero e !ation 1-, and c i# the periodic payent into an ann!ity. 8#ing the pre$io!# e!al# G11-,9-&.21.
( 1 + i )T −1 i
=$ 20,000
( 1 + 0.09 )5 −1 0.09
=$ 119,694.21
1-D 7e al#o ha$e the other #ide o an ordinary ann!ity. For e!al ann!al payent# o$er 10 year#. o= !ch do yo! recei$e ann!ally@ Reeber, yo! recei$e yo!r ir#t payent at the end o the ir#t period, =hich i# the beginning o the #econd period. 'hat G90,000 earn# intere#t or the ir#t period. 7e 7e cop!te an ann!al =ithdra=al payent o G4,+-4.&9 in %>!ation 20.
FV =
i∙PV −T
1 −( 1 + i )
0.04 ∙ $ 60,000 1 −( 1+ 0.04 )
=$ 7,397.46
20D Financial Financial analy#t# !#e the pre#ent $al!e or!la to calc!late calc!late ortgage payent#, payent#, =hich i# $ital $ital to b!ildi b!ilding ng an aorti aortiati ation on table. table. "n amorti%atio amorti%ation n table iteie# e$ery payent or a ortgage loan and decopo#e# e$ery payent into intere#t and the ao!nt that red!ce# the principal. " ortgage i# a bank loan or a property, and the property becoe# the collateral. For F or in#tance, i a per#on ha# a ortgage or a ho!#e and dea!lt# on the loan, the bank can legally take po##e##ion o the ho!#e. 7e !#e the pre#ent $al!e or!la to b!ild an aortiation table. Matheatical notation or a ortgage i#J
"ll !t!re ortgage payent# F6D are e>!al and are !#!ally onthly.
Intere#t rate iD i# loan rate and becoe# i
Bank loan i# ao!nt recorded or 6 0 beca!#e the bank loaned yo! oney at tie 0.
7e #ho= a ortgage a# a #trea o ca#h lo=# to the bank in %>!ation 21. 4-
Kenneth R. S!lcyk
PV 0=
FV 1
FV 2
(1 +i )
( 1+i )
+ 1
+ 2
FV 3
( 1+ i)
( 1 + i )T
+ ⋯+ 3
"ll loan payent# are e>!al, #o =e #et F6 O F6 1 O F62 O F6+ O ... O F6 '. 'h!#, =e can actor the F6 ter# ro all intere#t ter# in %>!ation 22.
PV 0= FV
1 1 +i )
( 1+ i )
( 1 +i )
+⋯ +
( 1 + i )T
7e #ol$e #ol$e or F6, F6, =hich becoe# the loan payent, yielding %>!ation 2+.
FV =
PV 0
1 1 +i )
( 1 +i )
(1 + i )
+ ⋯+
( 1 + i )T
2+D For e!ation 2&.
FV =
$ 60,000
1 1 + 0.12 )
+ 1
( 1 + 0.12 )
+ 2
( 1 +0.12 )
+ ⋯+ 3
( 1 +0.12 )6
FV =$ 14,594 7e can !#e the ortgage loan inoration to b!ild an aortiation table. 7e #ho= an aortiation table in 'able -. For ear 0, yo! ha$e G90,000 o!t#tanding beca!#e yo! did not ake a payent yet. 'hen yo! ake yo!r ir#t payent in ear 1. o!r intere#t i# 12 !ltiplied by G90,000, e>!aling G4,200. I yo!r payent i# G1&,3-&, then G4,200 i# the intere#t =hile the reainder red!ce# the principal. 'h!#, yo! #!btract G4,+-& ro the loan balance. For ear ear 2, and beyond, yo! repeat the #e>!ence !ntil yo! pay the loan in !ll in ear ear 9. 'able 'able 0. +n +morti=ation +morti=atio n 'able
ear 0 ear 1 ear 2
ayent A G1&,3-& G1&,3-&
Intere#t A G4,200 G9,+1+
rincipal aid A G4,+-& G:,2:1 :0
(oan Balance G90,000 G32,909 G&&,+23
Money, Banking, and International Finance ear + ear & ear 3 ear 9
G1&,3-& G1&,3-& G1&,3-& G1&,3-&
G3,+1G&,209 G2,-3G1,39+
G-,243 G10,+:: G11,9+3 G1+,024
G+3,030 G2&,992 G1+,024 G0
"ll aortiation table# ha$e one eat!re. Fir#t payent ha# the highe#t intere#t =hile the lo=e#t principal applied to the loan balance. 'hen the intere#t ao!nt decline# o$er the lie o the loan !ntil it becoe# the #alle#t or the la#t payent. I a ortgage i# onthly, then yo! di$ide the intere#t rate by 12 and !ltiply the n!ber o year# by 12. For in#tance, a 20Ayear ortgage =ill ha$e 2&0 payent#, 12 W 20. "# yo! can #ee, %>!ati %>!ation on 2& =o!ld =o!ld ha$e ha$e 2&0 ter#. ter#. Con#e> Con#e>!en !ently tly,, athe atheati aticia cian# n# de$i#e de$i#ed d a or!l or!laa to calc!late a ortgage =ith any payent#. For e!ation 23. I yo! notice, %>!ation 23 i# the #ae or!la or an ann!ity payo!t =ith copo!nding re>!ency incl!ded. Intere#t rate, i, i# the "R intere#t rate di$ided by 12.
FV =
i∙PV −T ∙ m
1 −( 1 + i )
0.005 ∙ $ 150,000
1−( 1 + 0.005 )
−30 ∙ 12
=$ 899.33
23D "ortiation table can al#o handle balloon payent# and $ariable intere#t rate ortgage#. o=e$er, the#e topic# go beyond the te
Foreign In"estments 7e can !#e the net present value (P) to calc!late the onetary ret!rn to an in$e#tent in %>!ation 29. 'hi# e>!ation i# alo#t identical to the pre#ent $al!e or!la, e!al# ero, then thi# e>!ation red!ce# to the pre#ent $al!e or!la. 7ith the *6 or!la, =e co!ld in$e#t the ao!nt 6 0 today that generate# the !t!re ca#h lo=#, F6 i, that end# at 'ie '. Market intere#t rate i# i, and it a!toatically copare# o!t in$e#tent to the arket intere#t rate.
NPV =− PV 0 +
FV 1
FV 2
(1 +i )
( 1+i )
+ 1
+⋯ + 2
( 1+ i )T
I =e calc calc!l !lat atee a po po#i #iti ti$e $e,, net net pre# pre#en entt $al! $al!e, e, then then o! o!rr in$e in$e#t #te ent nt i# pay paying ing o. o. Con#e>!ently, the in$e#tent i# increa#ing the in$e#tor?# =ealth beca!#e ore oney lo=# in :1
Kenneth R. S!lcyk than o!t. F!rtherore, in$e#tor# =o!ld !#e the net pre#ent $al!e or!la to e$al!ate #e$eral in$e#tent proect#. 'hen they #elect the proect =ith the highe#t *6, a# long a# the *6 i# po#iti$e. "n in$e#tor =o!ld ne$er choo#e a proect =ith a negati$e *6 beca!#e the proect?# ret!rn =o!ld be negati$e. )$er tie, ore oney lo=# o!t than in, creating a net lo##. For e!ation %>!a tion 24. 8nort!nately, yo! co!ld earn ore on the inancial #ec!ritie# than yo!r brother?# b!#ine## beca!#e the *6 i# negati$e.
NPV =−$ 10,000 +
$ 12,000
( 1 + 0.1 )
=− $ 82.64
In$e#tor# can !#e the net pre#ent $al!e or!la in %>!ation 2: to calc!late the ret!rn o a oreign in$e#tent. 7e add a ne= $ariable, the e!i e>!i$a $ale lent nt o o!r o!r ho hoee c!rr c!rren ency cy.. 8nort!nately, the e
FV 1 E 1 FV 2 E2 FV T E T NPV =− PV 0 E0 + + + + ⋯ ( 1+ i )1 ( 1 + i )2 ( 1 +i )T 2:D For e!al# G1.30 per 1 e!ro. 'ie 1J %!al# G1.43 per 1 e!ro. 'ie 2J % !al# G2.00 per 1 e!ro. 'ie +J % !al# G2.10 per 1 e!ro. 7e calc!late the net pre#ent $al!e o yo!r in$e#tent o G12,+3:.24 in %>!ation 2-. 'he *6 i# po#iti$e, and the in$e#tent increa#e# yo!r =ealth. o=e$er, =e !#t oreca#t the e
Money, Banking, and International Finance
NPV =−20,000 € ∙ 1.50
$ + €
8,000 € ∙ 1.75
( 1 +0.05 )1
$ $ $ 8,000 € ∙ 2.00 8,000 € ∙ 2.10 € € € +
( 1 + 0.05 )2
( 1 + 0.05 )3
2-D NPV =−$ 30,000 + $ 13,333.33 + $ 14,512.47 + $ 14,512.47 = $ 12,358.27 7e contin!e o!r e!al# G1.30 per 1 e!ro. 'ie 1J %!al# G1.23 per 1 e!ro. 'ie 2J % !al# G1.00 per 1 e!ro. 'ie +J % !al# G0.30 per 1 e!ro. 7e calc!late the net pre#ent $al!e o AG-,49&.90 in %>!ation +0. )!r in$e#tent becae a di#a#ter beca!#e =e earned a negati$e ret!rn beca!#e the e!ro had depreciated.
NPV =−20,000 € ∙ 1.50
$ + €
8,000 € ∙ 1.25
( 1 +0.05 )
$ $ $ 8,000 € ∙ 1.00 8,000 € ∙ 0.50 € € € +
( 1 + 0.05 )
( 1 + 0.05 )3
+0D NPV =−$ 30,000 + $ 9,523.81 + $ 7,256.24 + $ 3,455.35=−$ 9,764.60
Key Terms re$en!e e!ity contrib!ted capital retained earning# acco!nt# recei$able acco!nt# payable c!rrent a##et# i
#tateent o ca#h lo=# R!le o 42 "nn!al ercentage Rate "RD copo!nding re>!ency eecti$e ann!al rate %FFD contin!o!# copo!nding ann!ity ordinary ann!ity ann!ity d!e aortiation table net pre#ent $al!e
Kenneth R. S!lcyk
Chapter Questions 1
Cop!te the net incoe i a copany #old G30,000 o good# in ca#h, #old G90,000 o good# on acco!nt# recei$able, paid G100,000 in co#t# and operating e
Calc!late the retained earning# o a corporation at the end o the year i retained earning# =ere G20,000 at the beginning o the year, net incoe =a# G30,000, declared G90,000 in di$idend#, and #old G30,000 in additional #tock.
Cop!te a b!#ine##?# ca#h balance at the end o the year i the copany #tart# =ith a ca#h balance o G10,000, paid #alarie# o G40,000, recei$ed G100,000 in ca#h #ale# ro c!#toer# and G+0,000 or acco!nt# recei$able, and paid ta
o! =ill recei$e G1,000,000 in one h!ndred year# e!al# 3 "R@
o! depo#it G3,000 into a bank that earn# 10 "R. o= !ch =ill yo!r balance gro= in 30 year#@
o! depo#it G1,000 in a bank or t=o year#. 7hich intere#t rate in "R !#t yo! earn or yo!r ending balance to be G1,200@
o! depo#it yo!r #a$ing# into a oney arket that earn# + "R. o= any year# =o!ld it do!ble@
I the 8.S. econoy gro=# 3 per year, ho= any year# doe# the 8.S. econoy need to do!ble@
o! =ill recei$e a G1,000 each year or t=o year#. o!r ir#t payent #tart# in ear 0. Calc!late ca#h lo= $al!e to yo! today i the arket intere#t rate e>!al# 4 "R.
10 %$ery year, yo! #a$e G400. o= !ch =o!ld thi# oney gro= into ater + year# i the arket intere#t rate e>!al# + "R@ 11 Cop!te the pre#ent $al!e i a riend repay# a loan o$er + onth# =ith an ann!al intere#t rate o 12 and the onthly payent o G100. Fir#t payent begin# at the end o the ir#t onth. 12 I yo! depo#it G300 into a #a$ing# acco!nt that earn# 3 "R or +0 year#, calc!late the ending balance or the ollo=ing copo!nding re>!encie#J ann!al, onthly, and contin!o!#.
Money, Banking, and International Finance 1+ I yo! are earning 19 "R on yo!r in$e#tent that i# copo!nded >!arterly, cop!te the eecti$e ann!al rate. 1& o! are #a$ing or retireent, and plan to in$e#t G2,000 e$ery year into an ordinary ann!ity that earn# 4 "R. Cop!te the $al!e o yo!r ann!ity in 20 year#. 13 o! ha$e #a$e an ordinary ann!ity =ith a balance o G30,000. Calc!late yo!r ann!al =ithdra=al payent# i the ann!ity earn# a 3 "R =hich yo! =ithdra= o$er 13 year#. 19 Cop!te the onthly payent or a G300,000 ortgage or +0 year# =ith a 4 "R. 14 o! re#ide in Malay#ia and ha$e an o$er#ea# bank acco!nt in %!rope. o! e
ayent# 0 1 2 +
&.00 r Y &.23 r Y &.30 r Y 3.00 r Y
Calc!late the net pre#ent $al!e o yo!r ca#h lo=# or a arket intere#t rate o &.
*. )alation of Stoc&s and %onds 'hi# chapter pro$ide# an o$er$ie= o #tock# and bond#, and the ethod# inancial analy#t# !#e to calc!late the arket price !#ing the pre#ent $al!e or!la. F!rtherore, corporation# i##!e a $ariety o bond# and #tock#, and !#e the to e!ently, in$e#tor# !#t kno= the dierence bet=een yield to at!rity and the rate o ret!rn. 'hi# chapter e
%"er"ie* of Bonds Corporation# oten borro= oney by i##!ing bond#. " bond i# #iilar to note# payable beca!#e they are =ritten proi#e# to pay intere#t and principal. 7e #ho= a pict!re o a bond in Fig!re 1. Face $al!e o thi# bond e>!al# G1,000, and thi# bond at!re# on Febr!ary 1, 2020. Con#e>!ently, =hoe$er hold# thi# bond =ill recei$e G1,000 on thi# date, and the bondholder al#o :3
Kenneth R. S!lcyk earn# G100 0.1 W G1,000D per year in intere#t. Mo#t bond# pay intere#t t=ice ann!ally or G30 e$ery #i< onth# or thi# e
Bond G1,000 10 Febr!ary 1, 2020 Figure 1. + piture of a bond
Bond#, ho=e$er, dier ro note# payable. " notes payable i# a loan ro a #ingle creditor #!ch a# a bank, =hile a bond i# a loan that corporation# i##!e in denoination# o G1,000, G2,000, etc. Finally, bond# are #tandardied, and th!#, in$e#tor# can p!rcha#e the. Moreo$er, in$e#tor# can b!y and #ell the#e bond# on the inancial arket# beore the bond# at!re. Bond# dier ro corporate #tock. " #hare o stock repre#ent# o=ner#hip in a corporation. For in#tance, i a #hareholder o=n# 1,000 #hare# o!t o 10,000, then he or #he o=n# 10 o the corporation?# e>!ity. Moreo$er, the #hareholder al#o recei$e# 10 o the corporation?# earning#, =hen the board o director# declare# di$idend#. )n the other hand, a bond repre#ent# a debt or a liability to the corporation. For e!ently, the #tockholder# lo#e part o control o the corporation. )n the other hand, the bondholder# do not #hare in the anageent or earning# o the corporation. "ltho!gh the corporation !#t pay the bond intere#t, =hether it earn# proit# or lo##e#, bond# red!ce net incoe, th!# lo=ering a corporation?# ta!ently, the corporation ha# t=o plan#. For lan ", the corporation i##!e# 200,000 ne= #hare# o the corporation?# #tock at G10 per #hare. For lan B, the :9
Money, Banking, and International Finance corporation i##!e# G2 illion o bond# =ith a 10 intere#t rate. ence, the intere#t e!al# G200,000 per year. %
lan " G1,000,000
%arning# beore bond intere#t and incoe ta
G1,000,000 &00,000D G900,000
lan " incoe per #hare 300,000 #hare#D lan B incoe per #hare +00,000 #hare#D
lan B G1,000,000 200,000D G:00,000 +20,000D G&:0,000
G1.20 G1.90
The -aluation of Bonds ;o$ernent# and corporation# i##!e a $ariety o bond# =ith dierent characteri#tic# and ca#h lo=#. Con#e>!ently, =e e
'rea#!ry Bill 8.S. ;o$ernent G10,000 "!g!#t 10, 201+ Figure 2. + piture of a 'reasury (ill
For e!ently, the ederal go$ernent =ill repay :4
Kenneth R. S!lcyk yo! G10,000 or thi# in#tr!ent on "!g!#t 10, 201+. 'he G300 dierence relect# the intere#t on thi# loan. In$e#tor# and analy#t# calc!late the yield to at!rity 'MD, the ret!rn to an in$e#tent. ield to at!rity relect# an in$e#tor?# proit ro a #ec!rity that i# #iilar to an intere#t rate. 7e #tate both intere#t rate# and yield to at!rity in ann!al percentage ter#. For o!r e!ation 1 i the bond?# ace $al!e e>!al# G10,000 =hile the arket $al!e i# G-,300 =ith a at!rity o one year. '( 1
P( 0 =
(1 & #% )
$-,300 =
$10 ,000
(1 & #% )
1 & #% =
$10 ,000 $-,300
#% = 0.0329
I a di#co!nt bond ha# a at!rity le## than one year, then the tie #!b#cript reain# one year. o=e$er, =e ad!#t the yield to at!rity to ann!al ter#. For e!al 10.32. /i#co!nt bond# !#!ally ha$e a at!rity o one year or le##. o=e$er, =e can ad!#t the pre#ent $al!e or!la to calc!late bond# =ith longer at!ritie#. For e!ation 2. /id yo! notice the tie #!b#cript i# a three@ P( 0 =
'( +
(1 & #% ) +
$13,000 =
$20 ,000
(1 & #% ) +
(1 & #% ) + =
$20 ,000 $13,000
#% = + 1.+++++ + #% = 0.101
−1 2D
" coupon bond dier# ro a di#co!nt bond beca!#e it# intere#t rate i# #tated on the certiicate. /!ring the old day#, an in$e#tor =o!ld detach a co!pon ro the bond and ail it to ::
Money, Banking, and International Finance the corporation or go$ernent or an intere#t payent. 'hen the corporation or go$ernent =o!ld #end a check to the bondholder. 7e #ho= a co!pon bond in Fig!re + =ith dated co!pon# at the botto o the certiicate. 'rea#!ry *ote 8.S. ;o$ernent G20,000 10 "!g!#t 10, 2020
Figure 3. +n example of a oupon bond
'hi# co!pon bond i# a 8.S. 'rea#!ry note =ith a ace $al!e o G20,000, or 'Anote or #hort. Moreo$er, 8.S. go$ernent pay# 10 intere#t e$ery #i< onth#L con#e>!ently, the per#on =ho po##e##e# thi# in#tr!ent =o!ld clip o one co!pon and #end it to the 8.S. ederal go$ernent or payent. ence, the intere#t payent e>!al# 0.1 W G20,000 W 0.3 O G1,000 or e$ery #i< onth#. 7hen the 'Anote at!re# on "!g!#t 10, 2020, the bondholder recei$e# G20,000. Market intere#t rate rarely e>!al# the bond?# #tated intere#t rate. I the arket intere#t rate i# lo=er than the co!pon intere#t rate, then a corporation or go$ernent =o!ld ne$er #ell the bond or the ace $al!e beca!#e it =o!ld pay a higher intere#t rate than the arker. o=e$er, the go$ernent or corporation co!ld #ell the bond or a greater arket price, red!cing the in$e#tor?# ret!rn. igher arket price ean# the bond i##!er #old the bond or a premium. " corporation, or e!aling G:0 a year or G&0 e$ery #i< onth#. I the bond at!re# in t=o year#, then the pre#ent $al!e or!la ha# & period#. Market intere#t rate c!rrently i# & a year, or 2 or a payent period. I the arket intere#t rate drop# to &, the corporation =o!ld not #ell thi# bond at ace $al!e beca!#e the corporation =o!ld pay a higher intere#t rate than the arket. Con#e>!ently, the corporation can #ell thi# bond or a greater price, relecting the arket intere#t rate. 7e calc!late the bond arket price in %>!ation +, and it, P( 0, e>!al# G1,049.13. 'hereore, a corporation pay# & intere#t on bond# =ith an : intere#t co!pon rate. P( 0 =
(1& 0.02)
& 1
(1 & 0.02) 2
( 1& 0.02)
& +
P( 0 = $1,049.13
$&0 & $1,000
( 1 & 0.02) & +D
Kenneth R. S!lcyk Market intere#t rate co!ld #=ing in the oppo#ite direction. Con#e>!ently, the corporation# and go$ernent# co!ld #ell bond# at a discount i the arket intere#t rate e!ation &, and the bond?# arket price, 6 0, e>!al# G-+0.40. Con#e>!ently, in$e#tor# =o!ld earn a 12 ret!rn on their : intere#t bond#. P( 0 =
(1& 0.09)
( 1& 0.09)
( 1& 0.09)
$&0 & $1,000
( 1& 0.09) &
P( 0 = $-+0.40
" go$ernent or corporation co!ld i##!e a bond that ne$er at!re#, =hich =e call a consul or perpetuity. Con#e>!ently, the bond ha# no at!rity date, b!t the bondholder recei$e# intere#t payent# ore$er. " go$ernent or corporation rarely i##!e# the#e bond# beca!#e o#t people and go$ernent like end date# or loan#. o=e$er, thi# bond po##e##e# nice atheatical propertie#. " go$ernent, or e!al# :, then calc!late the arket price, 6 0, o thi# con#!l. Since all intere#t payent# are e>!al, #!b#e>!ently, all !t!re $al!e#, F6, are the #ae in the pre#ent $al!e or!la. 'h!#, the pre#ent $al!e becoe# an ininite #erie#, =hich red!ce# to F6 V i. Con#e>!ently, =e calc!late the arket price o thi# con#!l a# G923 in %>!ation 3. P( 0 = P( 0 =
(1 & i ) $30 0.0:
(1 & i ) 2
(1 & i ) +
& =
'( i
= $923
7e li#t #e$eral bond# =ith dierent characteri#tic# belo=J
Re$istered /ondsJ Corporation regi#ter# the nae# and addre##e# o the bondholder#. Mo#t corporation# regi#ter bond# beca!#e the regi#tration protect# the in$e#tor# ro lo## or thet o the bond#.
/earer /ondsJ 7ho po##e##e# the#e bond# recei$e the intere#t payent. Co!pon bond# are !#!ally bearer bond#.
Money, Banking, and International Finance
Debenture /onds are !n#ec!red bond#. 'h!#, the corporation doe# not pledge a##et# or the bond i##!e#. " corporation !#t be inancially #trong to i##!e the#e bond# beca!#e the#e bond# rely on the corporation?# credit #tanding.
onvertible /onds' Bondholder# ha$e the right to e
.unicipal /ondsJ City and co!nty go$ernent# i##!e !nicipal bond# to inance local proect#. 'he#e bond# are pop!lar =ith in$e#tor# beca!#e the 8.S. go$ernent doe# not ta< their intere#t earning#. Con#e>!ently, !nicipal bond# !#!ally pay lo=er intere#t rate# than other bond#.
.ield to Maturity and +ate of +eturn In$e#tor# =ho p!rcha#ed a inancial #ec!rity kno= the ace $al!e, the at!rity date, n!ber o intere#t payent# per year, and the ao!nt o intere#t payent#. o=e$er, in$e#tor# do not kno= the di#co!nt rate. 'hey can #!b#tit!te the inoration into the pre#ent $al!e or!la and #ol$e or the di#co!nt rate. 'hen in$e#tor# can calc!late the di#co!nt rate or #e$eral dierent bond# and #elect the bond that ha# the highe#t di#co!nt rate. I in$e#tor# hold the bond !ntil at!rity, then =e call the discount rate the yield to at!rity. %conoi#t# con#ider yield to maturity the o#t acc!rate ea#!re o the intere#t rate# beca!#e the yield to at!rity allo=# in$e#tor# to copare dierent bond#. For e!ently, =e calc!late yo!r yield to at!rity o 1&.11 in %>!ation 9. o! can copare thi# yield to other in$e#tent# and choo#e the in$e#tent =ith the greate#t yield. $1,900 =
(1 & #% )
(1 & #% )
$&00 & $1,000
( 1 & #% ) +
#% = 0.1&11
"# yo! can #ee, thi# calc!lation becoe# $ery coplicated. I yo! calc!late the di#co!nt rate an!ally, then yo! !#t calc!late the 6 0 by #electing $ario!# di#co!nt rate#, #!ch a# 0, 3, 10, and 20. *e!ation 4, and #elect the di#co!nt rate that ha# a pre#ent $al!e, 6 0 clo#e to G1,900. Matheatician# =rote progra# that can #ol$e or the di#co!nt rate. I yo! $i#it the a!thor?# =eb#ite, ===.kenA #!lcyk.co, he ha# a a$aScript progra that can #ol$e or the di#co!nt rate. P( 0 =
(1 & r )
( 1 & r )
$&00 & $1,000
( 1 & r ) +
4D -1
Kenneth R. S!lcyk ield to at!rity generate# t=o iportant r!le# on bond#, =hich areJ
Market intere#t rate or yield to at!rityD and the arket price or pre#ent $al!eD o the #ec!ritie# are in$er#ely related. For e
I a bond ha# a #horter at!rity, #!b#e>!ently, it# price =ill l!ct!ate le## or a change in the arket intere#t rate. 7e #ho= thi# by an e
For e!ently, the intere#t rate change aected the 10Ayear bond ore than the oneAyear bond. 7e calc!lated the arket $al!e o the oneAyear bond in %>!ation : and the tenAyear bond in %>!ation -. "# thi# e
P( 0 =
$300 & $3,000
(1& 0.19) 1 $300
(1& 0.19 )
+ 1
= $&,4&1.+:
:D $300
(1& 0.19 ) 2
$300 & $3,000
(1& 0.19 ) 10
= $ +,330.0+
o! can becoe con!#ed by the ter# !#ed thro!gho!t thi# book. 7e !#e yield to at!rity, di#co!nt rate, and intere#t rate interchangeably, and yo! can interpret the#e ter# to ean an intere#t rate. o=e$er, a rate o ret!rn dier# beca!#e in$e#tor# co!ld #ell their #ec!ritie# beore they at!red. 'h!#, the rate or ret!rn incl!de# the intere#t rate and capital gain# or lo##e#. " capital $ain i# an in$e#tor #ell# a inancial #ec!rity or greater price, =hile a capital loss i# an in$e#tor #ell# a inancial #ec!rity or a lo=er price. In$e#tor# do not =ant capital lo##e#, b!t they can occ!r. For in#tance, an in$e#tor !#t #ell an a##et =ho#e arket price ha# dropped beca!#e he or #he need# ca#h >!ickly. 'h!#, the pre#ent $al!e #till =ork# or capital gain# and lo##e#. Finally, i the in$e#tor hold# onto the #ec!rity onto the at!rity date, then the rate o ret!rn e>!al# the yield to at!rity. " bond, or e!ently, yo!r rate o ret!rn e>!al# the t=o year# o intere#t pl!# the capital gain o 1&.++. 7e calc!lated the capital gain in %>!ation 10, and r e>!al# the rate o ret!rn. 'he a!thor !#ed a cop!ter progra to #ol$e or r. -2
Money, Banking, and International Finance P( 0 =
'( 1
(1 & r )
$2,000 =
& 1
(1 & r )
'( 2
(1 & r ) 2 &
$100 & $2,&00
(1 & r ) 2
r = 0.1&++
" capital lo## i# #iilar. "# an ill!#tration, yo! bo!ght a inancial #ec!rity or G2,000 =ith a co!pon intere#t rate o 3 and held it or t=o year#. "ltho!gh yo! earned t=o year# o intere#t, thi# copany reported inancial tro!ble, and the bond price dropped to G1,000. 8nort!nately, =e calc!lated yo!r ret!rn ro the in$e#tent a# a h!ge lo## o A2+.+ in %>!ation 11. $2,000 =
(1 & r )
$100 & $1,000
(1 & r ) 2
r = −0.2++
The -aluation of Stocks 6al!e o a #tock e>!al# the pre#ent $al!e o an a##etN# !t!re ca#h lo=#. 'h!#, the pre#ent $al!e o all !t!re ca#h lo=# i# the a##et?# arket price in %>!ation 12. Market price o #tock per #hare e>!al# 0. Market price in the tie period 1 i# 1 =hile / 1 indicate# the di$idend#. Finally, the rate o ret!rn i# r, and the #!b#cript# indicate the tie period. P 0 =
P 1
(1 & r ) (1& r )
"n in$e#tor $al!e# hi# #tock, 0, at tie 0 that e>!al# the di#co!nted di$idend he recei$e# ne!ation 1+. 'h!#, =e o$ed the tie #!b#cript# ahead by one period. P 1 =
P 2
(1& r ) (1& r )
7e obtain %>!ation 1& by #!b#tit!ting %>!ation 1+ into %>!ation 12. P 0 =
(1& r ) (1& r )
& 2
P 2
(1& r ) 2
1&D -+
Kenneth R. S!lcyk 'hen =e b!ild o!r #e>!ence by e!ation into %>!ation 1& or $ariable 2. 7e contin!e to e!ence in %>!ation 13. P 0 =
(1& r )
(1& r ) 2
(1& r ) +
& 13D
D = D1 = D2 = I the corporation pay# the #ae di$idend#, then , #!b#e>!ently, the arket price becoe# a perpet!ity, =here =e #ipliy a #tock?# $al!e to %>!ation 19. P 0 =
D r
"# an ill!#tration, yo! p!rcha#e #tock a# a longAter in$e#tent. o!r ann!al rate o ret!rn i# 3, and yo! e!ently, yo! cop!te the arket $al!e o thi# #tock o G&0 per #hare in %>!ation 14. P 0 =
D r
= $&0.00
I yo! =ant to kno= the arket $al!e o thi# #tock or one year, then thi# becoe# a trick >!e#tion. Since yo! e!ently the arket price i# #till G&0.00. 'h!#, the in$e#tor doe# not e !ation 19 can incl!de a di$idend gro=th rate. I the di$idend gro=# at g percent per year, then =e !pdate the pre#ent $al!e or!la to incl!de a di$idend gro=th rate in %>!ation 1:. Con#e>!ently, =e can #ipliy thi# ininite #e>!ence into #oething #iilar to a perpet!ity. 2
D (1 & g ) D (1 & g ) D (1 & g ) D = P 0 = & & & (1 & r ) r − g (1 & r ) 2 (1& r ) +
For in#tance, yo! p!rcha#e #tock a# a longAter in$e#tent. o!r rate o ret!rn e>!al# 10, and yo! e!ation 1-. P 0 =
D r − g
0.10 − 0.03
= $&0.00
Money, Banking, and International Finance 8#ing the #ae n!ber#, =hat =o!ld happen i di$idend# gro= at a #lo=er rate, #!ch a# 2 per year@ 7e calc!late a arket $al!e o G23 per #hare beca!#e the di$idend gro=# #lo=ly in %>!ation 20. P 0 =
D r − g
0.10 − 0.02
= $23.00
'=o orce# red!ce !t!re ca#h lo=#. Fir#t, a greater di#co!nt rate lo=er# the !t!re $al!e o ca#h lo=#. Second, a larger di$idend gro=th rate increa#e# the $al!e o !t!re ca#h lo=#, ca!#ing the di$idend# to gro= a#ter than the rate o ret!rn. *e$erthele##, the di$idend gro=th rate !#t becoe lo=er than the di#co!nt rate, or g Z r. )ther=i#e, the !t!re ca#h lo=# becoe ore $al!able o$er tie, aking the pre#ent $al!e negati$e. For e!ation 21. P 0 =
D r − g
0.12 − 0.03
= $41.&+
Market $al!e o #tock or the #econd period doe# not e>!al G41.&+ beca!#e the #tock price ha# gro=n 3 per year. In#tead, =e calc!late the arket $al!e o G43 in %>!ation 22.
P 1 = P 0 (1& g ) = $41.&+(1& 0.03) = $43.00
8#ing %>!ation 1:, =e can #ol$e or dierent $ariable#, depending =hat =e kno=. For e!al# G100 per #hare =hile di$idend# are G+ per #hare that gro=# 3 per year. Cop!te the rate o ret!rn on thi# in$e#tent. 7e calc!late a rate o ret!rn o : per year in %>!ation 2+.
$100 =
r − 0.03 r = 0.0:
Soe corporation#, e#pecially in highAtech ind!#trie#, pay lo= di$idend# in the beginning. S!b#e>!ently, the corporation gro=# rapidly o$er tie, and it begin# paying higher di$idend#. 7e can odiy the pre#ent $al!e or!la to handle thi# #it!ation. re#ent $al!e or!la ha# t=o coponent#J
*onA#teady #tate =e !#e the pre#ent $al!e to =rite o!t all ca#h lo=#, =hen the di$idend gro=th rate i# not con#tant. *onA#teady #tate occ!r# or a ne= corporation. -3
Kenneth R. S!lcyk
Steady #tate the corporation begin# paying di$idend# o$er tie that increa#e at a con#tant rate. 'hi# occ!r# ater the corporation becoe# at!re. Con#e>!ently, =e calc!late the ca#h lo=# a# a perpet!ity.
"# an ill!#tration, =e #et the rate o ret!rn to 10. " corporation pay# a di$idend o G9 at tie 1. Corporation e
ear 1J /1 O G91X0.02D O G9.12
ear 2J /2 O G9.121X0.0&D O G9.+9&:
ear +J /+ O G9.+9&:1X0.09D O G9.4&99::
'hird year becoe# the perpet!ity beca!#e the corporation begin# increa#ing the di$idend at a con#tant rate. For thi# e!ation 2&. P 2 =
D+ r − g
0.10 − 0.09
= $19:.94
Finally, =e can calc!late the arket $al!e o the #tock #hare in the tie period 0 by di#co!nting the !t!re ca#h lo=# o the #tock in %>!ation 23. P 0 =
(1& 0.1) (1& 0.1) 2
(1& 0.1) 2
$130.22 = 23D
" ne= #tart!p internet copany doe# not pay di$idend# or the ir#t three year#. In year &, the copany begin# paying a di$idend o G10 per #hare that gro=# 3 per year. I the rate o ret!rn i# :, then calc!late the arket $al!e o the #tock.
Fir#t, =e #et the di$idend# to ero or the initial three year#, =hich ean# / 1 O /2 O /+ O 0
Second, =e #et the di$idend to G10, or the o!rth tie period, or / & O G10. *e!ation 29.
Money, Banking, and International Finance P + =
D& r − g
$10 0.0: − 0.03
= $+++.++
8nort!nately, %>!ation 29 yield# the arket $al!e o #tock or eriod +. I =e are in ear 0 or the ca#h lo=, then =e !#e the pre#ent $al!e or!la to calc!late the #tock price in 'ie 0 in %>!ation 24. Con#e>!ently, the arket $al!e o the #tock e>!al# G29&.91 per #hare. P 0 =
(1& 0.0:) +
= $29&.91 24D
Key Terms bond note# payable #tock di#co!nt bond co!pon bond prei! di#co!nt con#!l perpet!ity
regi#tered bond bearer bond debent!re bond con$ertible bond !nicipal bond di#co!nt rate yield to at!rity capital gain capital lo##
Chapter Questions 1
9&. Identiy the ad$antage# o i##!ing ore bond# in#tead o #tock. 93. " 'Abill ha# a ace $al!e o G20,000 =ith a yield to at!rity o +, and thi# bill at!re# in 240 day#. Calc!late the arket $al!e o thi# 'Abill. 99. I a con#!l pay# G100 o intere#t e$ery year and the arket intere#t rate e>!al# 9, cop!te the arket $al!e o thi# con#!l. 94. " bond ha# a ace $al!e o G2,000, an intere#t rate o 10,and pay# intere#t t=ice a year. I the yield to at!rity i# 3 and the bond at!re# in three year#, calc!late the arket $al!e o thi# bond.
Kenneth R. S!lcyk 9:. " bond ha# a ace $al!e o G2,000, an intere#t rate o 10 and pay# intere#t t=ice a year. I the yield to at!rity i# 20 and the bond at!re# in three year#, cop!te the arket $al!e o thi# bond. 9-. %
+. ,eterminin- the Mar&et $nterest ates 7e e!antity, arket price, and arket intere#t rate. 'he#e #hit# allo= analy#t# and econoi#t# to predict change# in the intere#t rate# and bond price#. Moreo$er, =e !#e deand and #!pply !nction# to e !ently, the =orldN# intere#t rate either ca!#e# loanable !nd# to enter or lea$e a #all co!ntry.
The Supply and Demand for Bonds Intere#t rate# ha$e l!ct!ated #!b#tantially in the 8nited State# d!ring the #econd hal o the 20th cent!ry. For e!ently, pl!eted to belo= 9 in the idA1-:0# and 1--0#. C!rrently, 'Abill rate# ha$e allen belo= 1 ater the 200: Financial Cri#i#. -:
Money, Banking, and International Finance %$eryone clo#ely =atche# the intere#t rate#. 'hey deterine =hether con#!er# #ho!ld #a$e or b!y, =hether ailie# #ho!ld b!y a ho!#e or p!rcha#e bond#. F!rtherore, the intere#t rate# inl!ence b!#ine## deci#ion# to in$e#t in ne= e>!ipent or in$e#t their oney into inancial #ec!ritie#. Fro Chapter 2, yo! ha$e learned the aor inancial in#tr!ent#. "ll the#e in#tr!ent# repre#ent credit arket in#tr!ent#. "ll the#e in#tr!ent# are loan#, =here one party lend# !nd# to another party e!ently, the inter#ection o #!pply and deand !nction# in the bond arket deterine# the bond?# arket price and >!antity. Demand function relect# the relation#hip bet=een the >!antity deanded and the arket price o bond#, =hen =e hold all other econoic $ariable# con#tant. 7e #ho= a deand !nction in Fig!re 1. /eand !nction ha# a negati$e #lope beca!#e a# yo! o$e ro point " to point B, the price o bond# becoe# lo=er, #o in$e#tor# b!y ore bond# or a cheaper price. !#t iagine bond# are #iilar to a prod!ct. For e
Figure 1.
Kenneth R. S!lcyk Supply function #ho=# the relation#hip bet=een the >!antity #!pplied and the arket price, =hen =e hold all other econoic $ariable# con#tant. 7e dre= a #!pply !nction in Fig!re 2. S!pply !nction ha# a po#iti$e #lope beca!#e a# yo! o$e ro point " to point B, the price becoe# higher =hile the arket intere#t rate all#. Con#e>!ently, b!#ine##e# and ir# borro= ore !nd# beca!#e the intere#t rate# are cheaper. Reeber a bond?# intere#t rate o$e# in the oppo#ite direction o a bond?# price.
Figure 2. 5upply funtion for bonds
/eand and #!pply !nction# inter#ect at one point, the e>!ilibri!. 6quilibrium relect# a #tate o re#t. "# long a# the #!pply or deand !nction doe# not change, then the price and >!antity reain =here they are. 7e #ho= #!pply and deand !nction# in Fig!re +. "t thi# point, the >!antity deanded e>!al# the >!antity #!pplied or bond#. 'he 5[ and [ repre#ent e>!ilibri! >!antity and price. 8#ing the pre#ent $al!e or!la, =e can ded!ce =hat happen# to the arket intere#t rate. 7hat =o!ld happen to the bond arket i the bond?# price e!ilibri! price@ Con#e>!ently, the >!antity #!pplied i# greater than >!antity deanded, creating a surplus. B!#ine##e# and go$ernent #ell ore bond# beca!#e the price o bond# i# high, and intere#t rate# are lo=. o=e$er, the in$e#tor# do not b!y the#e bond# beca!#e the high price and lo= intere#t rate#. 'h!#, the bond?# price all# !ntil re#toring e>!ilibri! at [ again.
Money, Banking, and International Finance
Figure 3. 5upply and demand for bonds
7hat =o!ld happen in the arket i the price o bond# =ere lo=er than the e>!ilibri! price@ 5!antity #!pplied becoe# le## than >!antity deanded, creating a s#orta$e. Bond price# are lo=, and intere#t rate# are high. Con#e>!ently, the in$e#tor# ha$e a large deand or bond# beca!#e the bond# ake a good in$e#tent. o=e$er, b!#ine##e# and go$ernent do not #ell bond# or a lo= price and high intere#t rate. 'h!#, the bond?# price !#t increa#e !ntil e>!ilibri! i# re#tored at [ again, decrea#ing the arket intere#t rate#. 'hereore, the arket al=ay# gra$itate# to e>!ilibri! and con#i#tently eliinate# #hortage# and #!rpl!#e# a# long a# a go$ernent doe# not interere in the arket. /eand !nction can #hit beca!#e a actor ha# changed. lea#e kno= the dierence bet=een a o$eent along a deand c!r$e and a deand !nction #hit. 7e #ho= a decrea#e in >!antity deanded in Fig!re &. In$e#tor# deand ore bond# a# =e o$e ro point " to point B. %conoi#t# call thi# a change in H quantity demanded4 In$e#tor# increa#e >!antity deanded beca!#e the price o bond# becae cheaper. Con#e>!ently, a actor ha# changed the #!pply !nction and not the deand !nction. I an o!t#ide actor aect# the deand !nction, then the deand !nction =o!ld #hit. %conoi#t# call a right=ard #hit an H increase in demand , =hile a #hit to the let i# a H decrease in demand4 7e #ho= deand !nction #hit# in Fig!re 3.
Kenneth R. S!lcyk
Figure !. + mo*ement along a demand funtion
Figure ,. + demand funtion s$ifts
7e li#ted #i< actor# to #ho= an increa#e in the deand !nction, #hiting it right=ard. 7e #ho= the increa#e in the deand !nction in Fig!re 9. 7hen the in$e#tor# increa#e their deand or bond#, the deand !nction #hit# right=ard beca!#e in$e#tor# b!y ore bond#. 'h!#, both the e>!ilibri! >!antity, 5[, and bond?# arket price, [, ri#e. 7hen =e di#co!nt the bond# !#ing the pre#ent $al!e or!la, the arket intere#t rate or the bond# all.
Money, Banking, and International Finance
Figure -. + demand funtion inreases
(i#ting the #i< actor# that increa#e the deand !nctionJ
"n increase in !ealt# increa#e# the bond?# deand !nction #hiting right=ard. " gro=ing econoy create# =ealth. 'h!#, the deand or bond# increa#e# too beca!#e in$e#tor# and the people ha$e ore =ealth and in$e#t ore in the bond arket.
" decrease in t#e e"pected returns on in$e#tent increa#e# the bond?# deand !nction #hiting right=ard. I in$e#tor# belie$e the intere#t rate# =ill becoe lo=er, then in$e#tor# =o!ld b!y ore bond# no=. For e!ently, the bond price# =o!ld increa#e. Con#e>!ently, yo! b!y bond# no= beca!#e yo! b!y bond# or a cheap price at a high intere#t rate and co!ld re#ell the bond# in the !t!re or a greater price a# arket intere#t rate all#.
" decrease in e"pected inflation increa#e# the bond?# deand !nction #hiting right=ard. Inlation erode# the p!rcha#ing po=er o ho!#ehold#, b!#ine##e#, and go$ernent#. Inlation al#o erode# the $al!e o in$e#tent#, #!ch a# #tock# and bond#. 'h!#, the in$e#tor# =o!ld b!y e=er bond# i they belie$e the inlation rate =ill ri#e in the !t!re, e#pecially longAter bond#. I in$e#tor# belie$e inlation =o!ld decrea#e in the !t!re, then in$e#tor# b!y ore bond# or in$e#tent.
" decrease in t#e risk o bond# increa#e# the bond?# deand !nction #hiting right=ard. In$e#tor# loan !nd# to borro=er#, =ho =ill not dea!lt on their loan#. In$e#tor# are !#!ally ri#k a$er#e. I in$e#tor# belie$e the bond arket becoe# ore #table and H#aer,\ then they b!y ore bond#.
Kenneth R. S!lcyk
"n increase in t#e liquidity o the bond arket increa#e# the bond?# deand !nction #hiting right=ard. In$e#tor# are attracted to highly li>!id bond#. F!t!re i# !ncertain, and in$e#tor# can #ell an a##et a#t or little tran#action co#t. I the bond arket becoe# ore li>!id, #!ch a# 8.S. go$ernent #ec!ritie#, then in$e#tor# boo#t their deand or 8.S. go$ernent bond#. " decrease in information costs increa#e# the bond?# deand !nction #hiting right=ard. In$e#tor# contin!ally need inoration, #o they can e$al!ate their in$e#tent#. For e
lea#e note the deand !nction can #hit let=ard by the #ae #i< actor#. o! !#t re$er#e the logic or the #i< actor#. For e!ently, the bond price all# =hile the intere#t rate ri#e#. Fo!r actor# ca!#e the #!pply !nction to #hit. 7e li#ted the in a =ay that ca!#e# the #!pply !nction to increa#e and #hit right=ard in Fig!re 4. 7hen b!#ine##e# and go$ernent# i##!e ore bond#, the #!pply !nction #hit# right=ard, ca!#ing the e>!ilibri! >!antity 5[D to increa#e =hile the bond?# arket price [D all#. 7hen =e di#co!nt the bond?# price !#ing the pre#ent $al!e or!la, then the bondN# arket intere#t rate ri#e#.
Figure . + supply funtion inreases
Fo!r actor# #hit the #!pply !nctionJ
Money, Banking, and International Finance
" rise in e"pected profits increa#e# the bond?# #!pply !nction #hiting right=ard. " b!#ine## =o!ld borro= and boo#t it# debt to b!y a##et# like achine# and e>!ipent i the b!#ine## e!ipent d!ring a b!#ine## cycle beca!#e o proit e
" decrease in business ta"es increa#e# the bond?# #!pply !nction #hiting right=ard. I a go$ernent #!bect# a b!#ine## to high ta!ipent or e !ently, b!#ine##e# =o!ld in$e#t ore by !#ing bond#, increa#ing the bond?# #!pply o bond#, and the bond #!pply =o!ld #hit right=ard.
" rise in e"pected inflation increa#e# the bond?# #!pply !nction #hiting right=ard. Inlation erode# the $al!e o the dollar. Con#e>!ently, the $al!e o debt decrea#e# o$er tie. I b!#ine##e# and go$ernent belie$e inlation =o!ld ri#e, they borro= ore !nd# by i##!ing bond#. 'hen, they repay their loan# =ith Hcheaper dollar#.
" rise in $overnment borro!in$ increa#e# the bond?# #!pply !nction #hiting right=ard. 7hen go$ernent #pend# ore than =hat it collect# in ta
lea#e note the #!pply !nction can #hit let=ard by the #ae o!r actor#. o! !#t re$er#e the logic or the o!r actor#. For e!ently, the bond price ri#e# =hile the intere#t rate all#.
Interest +ates and the Business Cycle %pirical e$idence indicate# that arket intere#t rate# ri#e d!ring a b!#ine## cycle and all d!ring rece##ion#. /!ring a b!#ine## cycle, the ao!nt o good# and #er$ice# prod!ced in the econoy increa#e# beca!#e b!#ine##e# becoe optii#tic abo!t !t!re proit# and in$e#t in achine# and e>!ipent by i##!ing ore bond#. Con#e>!ently, the bondN# #!pply increa#e#. Moreo$er, i an econoy prod!ce# ore good# and #er$ice#, the econoy create# ore =ealth. In$e#tor# #a$e ore and in$e#t in the inancial arket#. 'h!#, the bondN# deand increa#e# and the deand !nction #hit# right=ard in Fig!re :. 7hen both the #!pply and deand !nction# #hit, =e kno= either the price or >!antity =hile the other $ariable becoe# indeterinate. In thi# ca#e, both !nction# increa#e, ca!#ing the >!antity o bond# to increa#e, b!t bond price# and intere#t rate# becoe !nkno=n. I yo! do 103
Kenneth R. S!lcyk not belie$e e, then e!ently, the arket price i# greater in the ir#t ca#e and lo=er in the #econd ca#e. 'hereore, change# in bond price# and intere#t rate# becoe abig!o!#. 8nort!nately, =e cannot pro$e intere#t rate# ri#e d!ring econoic e
Figure /. (ot$ supply and demand funtions inrease
The Fisher 'ffect 7e only di#c!##ed noinal intere#t rate#. 7e did not ad!#t the noinal intere#t rate# or inlation. 8nort!nately, inlation can ha$e a #igniicant inl!ence on the inancial arket#. In$e#tor# and #a$er# are concerned abo!t the real intere#t rate beca!#e the real intere#t rate relect# the tr!e co#t o borro=ing. 'he Fis#er 6ffect relate# noinal and real intere#t rate# and =e deine the notation a#J
i i# the noinal intere#t rate.
r e>!al# the real intere#t rate.
πe i# the e
7e #ho= the Fi#her %ect %>!ation in %>!ation 1. It e>!al# a geoetric a$erage o the e
( i &1) = (1& r ) (1& ) e )
1D 109
Money, Banking, and International Finance
For lo= inlation and lo= intere#t rate#, =e can !#e the appro
in %>!ation 2. 7e #et the cro## ter r π to ero beca!#e it becoe# a tiny n!ber. o=e$er, i the inlation rate or intere#t rate becoe# high, then the appro
( i & 1) = (1& r ) (1& ) e ) i + 1 = 1 + r π e i
+ r + π e
≈ r & ) e
For e!ation +. r ≈ i − ) e
≈ 3−0=3
7hat =o!ld happen i yo! belie$e inlation =ill increa#e to 3 πe O 3 D, and yo! grant a loan or one year at 3@ "t the end o year 1, yo! =o!ld ha$e 3 ore oney, b!t price#, !nort!nately, becae 3 greater too. Con#e>!ently, yo!r p!rcha#ing po=er =o!ld not change in real ter#. 7e calc!lated the real intere#t rate in %>!ation &. r ≈ i − ) e
≈ 3 − 3= 0
Real intere#t rate, thereore, relect# the tr!e co#t o borro=ing and becoe# a better indicator o incenti$e# to lend and borro=. Many inancial analy#t# !#e noinal intere#t rate# beca!#e inlation i# lo= in the 8nited State#, a$eraging + per year or le##. 7e can !#e the bond arket to #ho= the Fi#her %ect. I the in$e#tor# and b!#ine##e# e!ently, the deand or bond# #hit# to=ard the let =hile the #!pply or bond# #hit# right=ard. 7e #ho= the ipact on the bond arket in Fig!re -. "ccordingly, the price o bond# decrea#e# and the intere#t rate# increa#e#. In thi# ca#e, the ao!nt o bond# 5[D in the arket i# abig!o!#. o! pro$e thi# by #hiting the deand and #!pply c!r$e eno!gh, #o the >!antity doe# not change. 'hen #hit either !nction a little ore and the e>!ilibri! >!antity change# direction. 'h!#, the greater inlationary e
Kenneth R. S!lcyk iD becoe greater. I the go$ernent =ant# lo= noinal intere#t rate#, then the p!blic and in$e#tor# !#t belie$e the inlation rate =ill be lo=.
Figure 0. 5upply and demand funtions explain t$e Fis$er Effet
Bond /rices in an %pen 'conomy In the pre$io!# #!pplyAdeand graph#, the bond =a# the good or the arket. o=e$er, =e co!ld #=itch the analy#i#, =here the oney e!ently, the bond and loanable !nd# arket# yield identical re#!lt# beca!#e =e e!ilibri! price in the loanable !nd# arket i# the intere#t rate =hile the e>!ilibri! >!antity i# the ao!nt o loanable !nd#. re$io!# #!pplyAdeand e!ently, the analy#i# !#e# the loanable !nd# approach. 5!antity repre#ent# the ao!nt o loanable !nd# =hile the price i# the real intere#t rate. 7e !#e the real intere#t rate beca!#e in$e#tor# are concerned abo!t their in$e#tent ret!rn ater acco!nting or inlation. 'h!#, =e ded!ct a co!ntry?# inlation rate ro the noinal intere#t rate, yielding the real intere#t rate. 10:
Money, Banking, and International Finance I a co!ntry =ere a clo#ed, #all econoy, the loanable !nd# arket =o!ld be at e>!ilibri!. /oe#tic in$e#tor# repre#ent the #!pply o loanable !nd# =hile b!#ine##e# and go$ernent# deand the. F!rtherore, =e a##!ed the co!ntry i# #all beca!#e the in$e#tor#, go$ernent, and b!#ine##e# cannot inl!ence the international intere#t rate. Con#e>!ently, the real intere#t rate e>!al# 3 in Fig!re 10 =hile the ao!nt o !nd# in the arket i# ([. I the =orld?# real intere#t rate =ere -, then the doe#tic in$e#tor# =o!ld in$e#t their !nd# in the international arket, earning a higher intere#t rate in Fig!re 10. o=e$er, b!#ine##e# and go$ernent# =o!ld not borro= !nd# at thi# intere#t rate beca!#e it i# too high. Con#e>!ently, the dierence bet=een >!antity #!pplied and >!antity deanded relect# the ao!nt o !nd# lea$ing the co!ntry at - real intere#t rate. I thi# co!ntry =ere a clo#ed econoy, #!b#e>!ently, the arket =o!ld ha$e a #!rpl!#, and arket orce# =o!ld lo=er the real intere#t rate to 3.
Figure 1. oanable funds in an open eonomy
I the =orld?# real intere#t rate =ere 1, then ir# and the go$ernent =o!ld borro= at the cheap rate# in Fig!re 10. o=e$er, the doe#tic in$e#tor# =o!ld not lend at that rate. Con#e>!ently, the dierence bet=een >!antity deanded and >!antity #!pply relect# the ao!nt o !nd# entering the co!ntry. I thi# co!ntry =ere clo#ed, then the loanable !nd# arket =o!ld ca!#e a #hortage, and arket orce# =o!ld increa#e the real intere#t rate. 7e a##!ed the co!ntry i# a small open economy beca!#e thi# co!ntry i# too little to inl!ence the =orld?# real intere#t rate. Many co!ntrie#, #!ch a# the *etherland# and Belgi! =o!ld all =ithin thi# category. o=e$er, a large co!ntry like the 8nited State#, ;erany, or apan =o!ld aect the =orld?# real intere#t rate.
Kenneth R. S!lcyk
Key Terms bond arket deand !nction #!pply !nction e>!ilibri! #!rpl!# #hortage >!antity deanded
increa#e in deand decrea#e in deand Fi#her %ect loanable !nd# clo#ed econoy open econoy #all open econoy
Chapter Questions 1
7hich #i< actor# #hit the deand or bond# and in =hich direction@
4&. 7hich o!r actor# #hit the #!pply or bond# and in =hich direction@ 43. /ra= a bond arket =ith a #!pply and deand !nction. 7hat =o!ld happen in the arket i the 200: Financial Cri#i# ca!#e# =ealth to drop@ 49. /ra= a bond arket =ith a #!pply and deand !nction. 7hat =o!ld happen in the arket i a go$ernent ipo#e# higher ta!al# -0 =hile the inlation rate i# 100. lea#e calc!late the e !ation and the ipact o e !ilibri! intere#t rate o 4. 7hat =o!ld happen i the =orld?# intere#t rate i# -@ :+. /ra= a loanable !nd# arket =ith an e>!ilibri! intere#t rate o 4. 7hat =o!ld happen i the =orld?# intere#t rate i# 3@
Money, Banking, and International Finance
/. is& and Term Strctre of $nterest ates B!#ine##e# and go$ernent# oer a $ariety o bond# that dier in dea!lt ri#k, li>!idity, inoration co#t#, and ta!ently, econoi#t# #t!dy the#e intere#t rate# ro the#e #ec!ritie# that they call the ter #tr!ct!re o intere#t rate#. 'hen econoi#t# can plot the ter #tr!ct!re, called the yield c!r$e. ield c!r$e !#!ally #lope# !p=ard and ean# the longAter 8.S. go$ernent #ec!ritie# pay a higher intere#t rate than the #hortAter one#. %conoi#t# !#e three theorie# to e
Default +isk and Bond /rices Default risk i# the po##ibility a borro=er =ill not repay the principal andor intere#t on a loan. For in#tance, the 8.S. go$ernent ha# little ri#k o dea!lt, and in$e#tor# call 8.S. #ec!ritie# default*risk*free instruments. 8.S. go$ernent can rai#e ta!ilibri! price and >!antity or both arket# in Fig!re 1, =hich ean# both arket# ha$e identical ri#k#. 8nort!nately, a corporation co!ld ha$e inancial tro!ble, #o in$e#tor# belie$e the corporation co!ld dea!lt. Soe in$e#tor# deand e=er corporate bond# and in$e#t ore in go$ernent bond#. 'h!#, the deand or corporate bond# all# =hile the deand or go$ernent bond# ri#e beca!#e the in$e#tor# con#ider the go$ernent bond# dea!ltAree. /id yo! notice the go$ernent bond# ha$e a higher bond price =hile corporate bond# ha$e a lo=er bond price@ 'h!#, the arket intere#t rate al=ay# o$e# in the oppo#ite direction o bond price# beca!#e o the pre#ent $al!e or!la. Con#e>!ently, corporation# pay greater intere#t rate# or their bond# =hile the 8.S. go$ernent pay# a lo=er intere#t rate. 'aking the dierence bet=een the go$ernent bond and corporate bond intere#t rate#, =e can calc!late the ri#k prei!. "# the dea!lt ri#k increa#e#, then the ri#k prei! increa#e# too. /!ring rece##ion#, =hen #oe b!#ine##e# bankr!pt, the dea!lt ri#k increa#e#, increa#ing the ri#k prei!. ence, the dierence bet=een go$ernent and corporate intere#t rate# =o!ld =iden.
Kenneth R. S!lcyk
Corporate Bond#
8.S. ;o$ernent Bond#
Figure 1. 8mpat of a risk premium on t$e bond markets
)i,uidity and Bond /rices (i>!idity ca!#e# bond price# and intere#t rate# to dier. For in#tance, 8.S. go$ernent #ec!ritie# are =idely traded and are the o#t li>!id. ence, in$e#tor# can b!y and #ell the. )n the other hand, corporate bond# are not a# li>!id and not a# =idely traded, #o in$e#tor# ha$e ore diic!ltie# in b!ying and #elling the. Con#e>!ently, =e !#e a #iilar analy#i# to dea!lt ri#k, =hich =e ha$e e!idity in both the go$ernent bond and corporate bond arket# in Fig!re 2. 'h!#, both bond arket# ha$e the identical e>!ilibri! bond price, [, and hence, the e !idity. 'hen the #econdary arket# e !idity or the#e #ec!ritie#. Con#e>!ently, the in$e#tor# are attracted to the go$ernent bond# beca!#e they are ore li>!id. /eand !nction increa#e# and #hit# right=ard or go$ernent bond#. o=e$er, in$e#tor# red!ce their p!rcha#e# o corporate bond# beca!#e they are le## li>!id, decrea#ing the deand !nction and #hiting it let=ard. 'h!#, the go$ernent bond price# ri#e, =hich red!ce# the intere#t rate or go$ernent bond#. )n the other hand, the corporate bond price# decrea#e, rai#ing the arket intere#t rate or corporate bond. 'aking the dierence bet=een the t=o intere#t rate#, =e ea#!re the degree o li>!idity. *e$erthele##, econoi#t# reer the dierence in intere#t rate# a# a ri#k prei!.
Money, Banking, and International Finance
Corporate Bond#
8.S. ;o$ernent Sec!ritie#
Figure 2. 8mpat of liquidity on t$e bond markets
Information Costs and Bond /rices Inoration co#t# inl!ence the bond price# and intere#t rate#. I in$e#tor# need tie and oney to ac>!ire inoration on #ec!ritie#, then they pay a greater inoration co#t. 7e incl!de the#e co#t# in the bond?# arket price and intere#t rate, and they rai#e the co#t o borro=ing. For e!ently, the bond price# and intere#t rate# are identical. 7e depict the bond arket# in Fig!re +. 'he e>!ilibri! bond price# are identical or both arket# and e>!al [ and the intere#t rate# =o!ld be e>!al. In$e#tor# pay a greater co#t to ac>!ire inoration or the high inoration co#t bond#. 'h!#, in$e#tor# are attracted to the lo=Ainoration co#t bond#, boo#ting their deand or lo=A inoration co#t bond#, increa#ing the arket price and decrea#ing arket intere#t rate. ighA inoration co#t bond# are not a# attracti$e a# an in$e#tent, #o in$e#tor# b!y e=er bond#, red!cing bond price# and rai#ing intere#t rate#. 'hereore, lo=AinorationAco#t bond# pay a lo=er intere#t rate.
Kenneth R. S!lcyk
igh Inoration Co#t#
(o= Inoration Co#t#
Figure 3. 8mpat of information osts on t$e bond markets
Ta(es and Bond /rices 'a!idity than !nicipal bond#, =herea# municipal bonds are the #tate and local go$ernent bond#. o=e$er, the intere#t rate# o !nicipal bond# are con#i#tently lo=er than 8.S. go$ernent bond# or the la#t 30 year# beca!#e in$e#tor# do not pay 8.S. ta !ently, yo! =o!ld earn a lo=er intere#t than 8.S. go$ernent #ec!ritie#. *e$erthele##, yo! pay no ta !idity. /eand and #!pply analy#i# #ho=# the ipact o ta !idity, and inoration co#t# are e>!i$alent or both arket#. Con#e>!ently, bond arket price# ha$e the #ae arket price, [ and pay identical intere#t rate#. 8.S. ;o$ernent ha# e
Term Structure of Interest +ates -erm structure of interest rates i# the intere#t rate# dier by at!rity i the #ec!ritie# ha$e identical ri#k, #ae li>!idity, #iilar inoration co#t#, and the #ae ta
Money, Banking, and International Finance the ter #tr!ct!re o intere#t rate# or 8.S. #ec!ritie# beca!#e the 8.S. go$ernent i##!e# a $ariety o #ec!ritie# =ith at!ritie# ranging ro 13 day# to +0 year#. *o other inance copany or b!#ine## i##!e# a =ide range o #ec!ritie# that dier by at!rity than the 8.S. go$ernent. 7e #ho= the intere#t rate# or 8.S. go$ernent #ec!ritie# in 'able 1 or three #peciic date#J !ly 2:, 1---, !ly +1, 2000, and !ly 14, 2009. ear 1--- =a# a good year or the 8.S. econoy a# it gre= a#t =ith a lo= !neployent rate. ield c!r$e or year# 2000 and 2009 predicted the rece##ion# in 2001 and 2004. 'a
M!nicipal Bond#
Figure !. 8mpat of taxes on t$e bond markets
'able 1. 'erm 5truture of 8nterest Rates for 4.5. >o*ernment 5eurities
Mat!rity 1 onth + onth 9 onth 1 year 2 year + year 3 year 4 year 10 year 20 year +0 year
42:1--*" &.41 &.43.0& 3.3& 3.33.40 3.-4 3.:1 9.+0 9.01
4+12000 *" 9.24 9.&2 9.04 9.+0 9.2& 9.19 9.19.0& 9.1+ 3.4-
4142009 &.-1 3.11 3.+0 3.2& 3.12 3.04 3.0& 3.0& 3.04 3.2+ 3.10
%conoi#t# plot 8.S. go$ernent #ec!ritie# by the arket intere#t rate# and at!rity, =hich they call a yield curve. ield c!r$e co!ld di#play a po#iti$e, negati$e, or lat #lope and ha# t=o 113
Kenneth R. S!lcyk characteri#tic#. Fir#t, the yield c!r$e !#!ally #lope# !p=ard beca!#e the longAter #ec!ritie# ha$e higher intere#t rate# than #hortAter #ec!ritie#. Con#e>!ently, 'Abond# =o!ld !#!ally ha$e a greater intere#t rate than 'Abill#. Second, intere#t rate# o$e together, #o the yield c!r$e norally #hit# !p=ard or do=n=ard a# the intere#t rate# change. %conoi#t# !#e three theorie# to e!ently, the yield c!r$e !#!ally #lope# !p=ard beca!#e people preer to hold #hortAter bond# rather than longAter bond#. 8nort!nately, thi# theory cannot e !idity, ri#k, inoration co#t#, and ta !ently, the intere#t rate on a longAter bond !#t e>!al the a$erage o #hortAter intere#t rate# that people e !al# -. o! e !al 10. I in$e#tor# e !ently, the yield c!r$e ha# a negati$e #lope. I in$e#tor# e !ently, the yield c!r$e #lope# !p=ard beca!#e the in$e#tor# add the ter prei! to long at!rity bond#. reerred habitat theory, !rtherore, e !al# the a$erage o the #hortAter intere#t rate# e !ently, the yield c!r$e =ill ha$e a negati$e #lope. o=e$er, in$e#tor# add a ter prei!, #o the yield c!r$e ha# a po#iti$e #lope beca!#e the ter prei! i# high eno!gh to cancel the eect o changing intere#t rate#. 119
Money, Banking, and International Finance %conoi#t# !#e the yield c!r$e to predict econoic acti$ity. 7hen a yield c!r$e i# do=n=ard #loping, #!ch a# a threeAonth 'Abill intere#t rate e!ently, the 8.S. econoy entered the ;reat Rece##ion in /eceber 2004, becoing the =or#t rece##ion #ince the 1-+0# ;reat /epre##ion a!brich and Millington 201&D. 8nort!nately, the =orld?# econoy #till eel# the lingering eect# o the ;reat Rece##ion in 201&. "ltho!gh any econoi#t# and analy#t !#e the yield c!r$e to oreca#t rece##ion#, the yield c!r$e i# not a perect predictor. It predicted t=o rece##ion# in 1-99 and 1--: that ne$er occ!rred a!brich and Millington 201&D. 7
5.5 7/28/1999
Figure ,. '$e ;ield ur*e for 4.5. go*ernment seurities for t$ree speifi dates
Kenneth R. S!lcyk
Key Terms dea!lt ri#k dea!ltAri#kAree in#tr!ent# dea!lt ri#k prei! bond rating !nicipal bond# ter #tr!ct!re o intere#t rate#
yield c!r$e #egented arket# theory e
Chapter Questions 1
I one bond arket ha# a high ri#k =hile the other i# lo= ri#k, then ho= doe# ri#k ipact the bond arket#@ lea#e !#e deand and #!pply analy#i# to an#=er thi# >!e#tion.
I one bond arket =ere highly li>!id =hile the other arket ha# lo= li>!idity, #!b#e>!ently, ho= =o!ld li>!idity ipact the bond arket#@ lea#e !#e deand and #!pply analy#i# to an#=er thi# >!e#tion.
I one arket ha# high inoration co#t# =hile the other doe# not, then ho= =o!ld inoration co#t aect the bond arket#@ lea#e !#e deand and #!pply analy#i# to an#=er thi# >!e#tion.
I a go$ernent ta!ently, ho= =o!ld ta !e#tion.
7hich three theorie# e
I yo! #a= a yield c!r$e =ith a negati$e #lope, =hich econoic phenoenon =o!ld yo! predict to occ!r in a year@
The %an&in- %siness
7e #t!dy the b!#ine## o banking by e
Money, Banking, and International Finance ipact o intere#tArate ri#k !pon a bank?# balance #heet. 'hen =e di#c!## ho= bank# !#e #ec!ritiation to con$ert loan# into arketable #ec!ritie# and ho= thi# led to the 200: Financial Cri#i#. F!rtherore, #t!dent# !#t !nder#tand Chapter 10 to !nder#tand the ne
! Bank0s Balance Sheet Checking and #a$ing# acco!nt# are $ery pop!lar in the 8nited State#. 8.S. ho!#ehold# in$e#t nearly 1& o their =ealth in bank#. 'hey ake payent# by !#ing check# that tran#er oney ro one bank and to another bank. )ne rea#on behind the pop!larity o bank acco!nt# i# the federal deposit insurance. I a bank bankr!pt# and c!#toer# cannot =ithdra= ca#h ro their bank acco!nt#, then the ederal go$ernent =ill #tep in and pay the depo#itor# their acco!nt#. /epo#it in#!rance g!arantee# each c!#toer =ill not lo#e a a!ently, acco!nting tran#action# conor to the %>!ation 1. 'otal "##et# O 'otal (iabilitie# X Capital
apital e>!al# total a##et# in!# total liabilitie#. Capital ha# any nae#, #!ch a# net e>!ity, net =orth, or net a##et#. I the b!#ine## i# a corporation, then =e call thi# capital #tockholder#? e>!ity. Liabilities are the ir#t ite on a bank?# balance #heet. 'hey are the #o!rce o !nd# or a bank =ith the o#t iportant being depo#it acco!nt#. Reerring to 'able 1, people and b!#ine##e# held G:.1 trillion in depo#it#. 'hen checking acco!nt# becoe one the o#t iportant depo#it acco!nt#. For e!ently, checking acco!nt# becoe a liability to the bank beca!#e the bank o=e# yo! thi# oney. Moreo$er, checking acco!nt# earn the lo=e#t intere#t rate and are !#!ally the cheape#t #o!rce o !nd# or a bank. on*transaction deposits are the #econd liability. 'he#e depo#it# incl!de the $ario!# type# o #a$ing# acco!nt#. 'he#e acco!nt# earn intere#t and do not allo= checkA=riting pri$ilege#. Con#e>!ently, the#e depo#it# re>!ire e=er bank #er$ice# and earn higher intere#t rate# than checking acco!nt#. *onAtran#action depo#it# incl!deJ
Savin$s account i# the o#t coon and pay# a higher intere#t than intere#t on checking acco!nt#. o=e$er, #a$ing# acco!nt# ha$e e=er #er$ice# than checking acco!nt#.
Kenneth R. S!lcyk
Small*denomination time deposits "l#o called Certiicate# o /epo#itD ha$e at!ritie# ranging ro #e$eral onth# to o$er 3 year#. "ltho!gh they are le## li>!id than a #a$ing# acco!nt, they pay higher intere#t.
Lar$e*denomination time deposits are acco!nt# that e!id and an alternati$e to 'A bill#. "# 'able 1 #ho=#, in$e#tor# held G402.: billion in large tie depo#it# in /eceber 201+.
'able 1. ommerial (anks +ssets and iabilities on
"##et# in billion# o dollar# Sec!ritie# in bank credit
(iabilitie# in billion# o dollar# 2,313.0
(oan# Coercial and ind!#trial loan#
(arge tie depo#it#
Real e#tate loan#
)ther depo#it#
Con#!er loan#
"ll other loan# and lea#e# "llo=ance or loan and lea#e lo##e# Fed !nd# (oan# to coercial bank# Ca#h a##et# 'rading a##et# )ther a##et#
402.: :,11&.2
Borro=ing# ro 8.S. bank#
Borro=ing# ro other# 'rading liabilitie#
*et d!e to related oreign oice#
)ther liabilitie#
-4.1 :&0.+ 119.4 &0.3 +90.1
'otal a##et# 11,4:9.2 'otal (iabilitie# pl!# capital So!rceJ Board o ;o$ernor# o the Federal Re#er$e Sy#te. Febr!ary 4, 201&. "##et# and (iabilitie# o Coercial Bank# in the 8nited State# 7eeklyD A .:. "$ailable at httpJ===.ederalre#er$e.go$relea#e#h:c!rrentdea!lt.ht acce## dateJ 02121&D.
1,31&.9 11,4:9.+
/orro!in$s becoe the la#t liability. " bank borro=# !nd# i the bank can lend the !nd# to a borro=er or a higher intere#t rate than the intere#t rate paid on the borro=ing#. Borro=ing# are not depo#it acco!nt#. Bank# can borro= ro the Federal Re#er$e or ro other bank#. 7e call a Federal Re#er$e loan a discount loans. 7e #ho= the bank#? borro=ing# in 'able 1. 8.S. bank# borro=ed G-4.1 billion ro 8.S. bank# and G:&0.+ billion ro other# nonbank#. )n the other #ide o a bank?# balance #heet, a bank ha# assets. Bank take# !nd# ro depo#itor# and loan# the#e !nd# to borro=er# =ho pay intere#t. 'h!#, bank# earn intere#t ro the loan# becoing a $ital #o!rce o incoe or the bank. Re#er$e# are the ir#t and o#t li>!id a##et. 'hey incl!de three ite#. Fir#t, a bank hold# vault cas#, =hich i# #iply ca#h the bank hold# in it# #ae. " bank ha# oney, #o a bank can pay depo#itor# ca#h =hen they coe to the bank to =ithdra= !nd#. "ccording to 'able 1, 8.S. bank# held G1.& trillion in /eceber 201+. Second, a bank hold# depo#it# at another bank beca!#e the#e depo#it# can aid in check clearing and in oreign e
Money, Banking, and International Finance central bank orce# bank# to hold a percentage o the bank?# checkable depo#it#, =hich are required reserves. 'he Federal Re#er$e =ant# to en#!re that bank# ha$e eno!gh re#er$e# to eet depo#itor#? =ithdra=al#. .arketable securities are the #econd a##et. Bank# hold 8.S. go$ernent #ec!ritie#, #!ch a# 'Abill#, 'Anote#, 'Abond#, and !nicipal bond#. Bank# can hold ortgageAbacked #ec!ritie#, =hich =e di#c!## !nder Sec!ritiationD. 'he#e #ec!ritie# are $ery li>!id that =e #oetie# call #econdary re#er$e#. I bank# need ca#h re#er$e# a#t, then the bank can #ell it# arketable #ec!ritie# >!ickly. 8.S. bank# held ro!ghly G2.3 trillion in /eceber 201+ a# #ho=n in 'able 1. Loans are the third a##et and the o#t iportant #o!rce o incoe. In /eceber 201+, loan# repre#ented ro!ghly 90 o total a##et#. 8nort!nately, loan# ha$e a greater probability o dea!lt than other a##et#, lo=er li>!idity, and ore inoration co#t#. o=e$er, bank# are copen#ated or thi# ri#k by earning higher intere#t rate#. (oan# earn higher intere#t rate# than arketable #ec!ritie#. "ccording to 'able 1, 8.S. bank# lent G1.+ trillion a# coercial and ind!#trial loan#, G+.3 trillion or real e#tate, and G1.2 trillion or con#!er loan#. FityAo!r percent o con#!er loan# copri#e credit card#. Federal funds market can be a bank a##et or a liability. %ach bank !#t hold re#er$e# in the or o $a!lt ca#h pl!# depo#it# at the Federal Re#er$e. 'he Federal Re#er$e #et# the percentage o re#er$e# a bank !#t hold beca!#e re#er$e# help en#!re bank# ha$e ca#h to eet depo#itor#? =ithdra=al#. Federal !nd# arket i# one bank =ith e!ently, Federal F!nd# becoe an a##et or the lending bank# and a liability to the borro=ing bank#. Reerring to 'able 1, bank# lent G:1.: billion to other bank# in the Federal F!nd# in /eceber 201+. Federal funds rate relect# the intere#t rate or thi# arket. 'able 1 contain# t=o ite# that are not #elAe !ipent, =hich totaled ro!ghly G1 trillion. BankN# net !ort# or capital becoe# the la#t ite on the bank?# balance #heet. Capital e>!al# total a##et# in!# total liabilitie#. "ll bank# organie the#el$e# into corporation#. " corporate bank?# capital i# the #tock #old to the in$e#tor# pl!# the bank?# proit. Creditor# con#ider capital iportant beca!#e it pro$ide# a inancial c!#hion or loan# and obligation#. I a copany bankr!pt# and cannot repay a loan, the creditor# ha$e the ir#t priority o the copany?# a##et#, =hile the #hareholder# ha$e the la#t priority. " po#iti$e capital en#!re# the bank can repay it# loan obligation#. " bankN# net =orth a$eraged ro!ghly 12.- in /eceber 201+. "ter the 200: Financial Cri#i#, bank# #tarted acc!!lating ore capital to deal =ith !t!re inancial cri#e#.
Kenneth R. S!lcyk
! Bank Failure " bank failure i# a bank de$elop# inancial proble# and ail#. 8nort!nately, the bank cannot ret!rn the depo#itor#? oney. " go$ernent ipo#e# reg!lation# to enco!rage bank# to hold a large ao!nt o re#er$e#, arketable #ec!ritie#, and e>!ity capital, red!cing a chance o bank ail!re. In thi# analy#i#, =e !#e 'Aacco!nt#. " -*account repre#ent# a #ipliied balance #heet li#ting only change# or a##et#, liabilitie#, and net =orth. For e
XG100 Re#er$e#
XG100 Checking acco!nt
" central bank, or e!ire# coercial bank# to hold 10 o depo#it# in the or o $a!lt ca#h andor re#er$e# at the central bank. 'hereore, G10 o yo!r checking acco!nt becoe# re>!ired re#er$e# =hile the reaining becoe# e!ired re#er$e# X -0 %
XG100 Checking acco!nt
Bank earn# no intere#t on re#er$e#, #o the bank grant# a loan to a borro=er or G-0. (oan becoe# the bank?# #o!rce o incoe, and =e record the tran#action belo=J o!r Bank *ssets XG10 Re>!ired re#er$e# X -0 (oan#
XG100 Checking acco!nt
For the bank to earn a proit, the bank !#t earn a higher intere#t rate on the loan than the le$el o intere#t the bank pay# on yo!r checking acco!nt. I a borro=er dea!lt# and doe# not repay the loan, #!b#e>!ently, the bank !#t ret!rn yo!r G100, =hen yo! deand it. 'he bank =o!ld pay G-0 ro the bank?# net =orth and G10 ro re>!ired re#er$e#. Bank# ace another coplication, liquidity risk the depo#itor# =ithdra= ore oney ro their acco!nt# than the ao!nt o ca#h held in a bank?# $a!lt. Con#e>!ently, bank# de$eloped a##et and liability anageent to pre$ent li>!idity ri#k. "##et anageent i# bank# lend to borro=er#, =ho =ill pay high intere#t rate# and are not likely to dea!lt on their loan#. 'hen, bank# p!rcha#e #ec!ritie# that ha$e high ret!rn#, are li>!id, and ha$e lo= dea!lt ri#k. I depo#itor# begin =ithdra=ing !nd#, the bank# can #ell the li>!id #ec!ritie# and pay the 122
Money, Banking, and International Finance depo#itor#? =ithdra=al#. (iability anageent i# bank# cannot orce c!#toer# to open checking and #a$ing# acco!nt#. 'h!#, bank# are liited in the#e !nding #o!rce#. o=e$er, bank# !#e inancial in#tr!ent#, #!ch a# certiicate# o depo#it#, %!rodollar#, ederal !nd# arket, and rep!rcha#e agreeent#. C!rrently, bank# ha$e e= re#triction# in rai#ing !nd#. Ill!#trating li>!idity ri#k or yo!r bank, =e #ho= yo!r bank?# balance #heet belo=. 'he Federal Re#er$e re>!ire# yo!r bank to hold 10 o depo#it# a# re>!ired re#er$e#. 'h!#, yo!r bank ha# eno!gh !nd# to eet depo#itor#? =ithdra=al#. o!r Bank *ssets Re>!ired re#er$e# %
G10 illion 10 illion :0 illion 10 illion
/epo#it# Bank Capital
G100 illion 10 illion
/epo#itor# =ithdra= G10 illion that decrea#e# depo#it# by G10 illion. Bank pay# the !nd# ro e!aling G10 illion. Con#e>!ently, thi# bank ha# et =ithdra=al deand#. Both bank depo#it# and e !ired re#er$e# %
G10 illion 0 illion :0 illion 10 illion
/epo#it# Bank Capital
G-0 illion 10 illion
/epo#itor# =ithdra= another G10 illion, and the bank pay# the =ithdra=al# ro re>!ired re#er$e#. Both depo#it# and re>!ired re#er$e# decrea#e by G10 illion, #ho=n in the 'Aacco!nt belo= o!r Bank *ssets Re>!ired re#er$e# %
G0 illion 0 illion :0 illion 10 illion
/epo#it# Bank Capital
G:0 illion 10 illion
Bank !#t hold 10 o depo#it# a# re#er$e#, and the bank !#t ind G: illion or re>!ired re#er$e#. o!r bank ha# the ollo=ing option#J
Bank co!ld #ell G: illion o #ec!ritie# to rai#e !nd#. 12+
Kenneth R. S!lcyk
Bank a#k# #e$eral borro=er# to repay G: illion in loan#. Moreo$er, the bank co!ld #ell loan# to other bank#.
Bank borro=# the !nd# ro the central bank or ro another coercial bank.
o!r bank borro=# the G: illion ro the Federal Re#er$e a# a loan. o!r bank anaged the li>!idity ri#k =ell. 7e #ho= yo!r bank?# balance #heet belo=J o!r Bank *ssets Re>!ired re#er$e# %
G: illion 0 illion :0 illion 10 illion
/epo#it# Bank Capital Fed loan
G:0 illion 10 illion : illion
o= doe# a bank pre$ent a bank ail!re@ " bank hold# e!id #ec!ritie# to pre$ent a bank ail!re. In the ne !ired re#er$e# %
G10 illion 0 illion -0 illion 10 illion
/epo#it# Bank Capital
G100 illion 10 illion
!blic circ!late# a r!or the bank pre#ident lo#t illion# in the deri$ati$e# arket and had di#appeared to the Bahaa#. Con#e>!ently, yo! and the other depo#itor# are araid yo!r bank =ill ail, #o yo! and the depo#itor# =ithdra= G20 illion ro yo!r bank. o!r bank #ell# G10 illion in #ec!ritie# and !#e# G10 illion in re>!ired re#er$e# to eet depo#itor#? =ithdra=al#, #ho=n in the 'Aacco!nt on the ne
o!r Bank *ssets
Money, Banking, and International Finance Re>!ired re#er$e# %
G0 illion 0 illion -0 illion 0 illion
/epo#it# Bank Capital
G:0 illion 10 illion
*o= yo!r bank need# G: illion in re>!ired re#er$e#. I yo!r bank #old the loan#, the bank =o!ld #ell the loan# or a lo=er $al!e than the bank?# book $al!e. F!rtherore, the other bank# do not kno= yo!r bank?# borro=er#, #o the#e bank# =ill b!y the loan# or a raction o the loan?# $al!e, generating a #!b#tantial lo##. o!r bank co!ld a#k other bank# or a loan, b!t other bank# ay decline i they belie$e yo!r bank =ill ail. o!r bank co!ld a#k the Federal Re#er$e or a loan, b!t the Fed ay not grant the loan. o!r bank #ell# G&0 illion o loan#, b!t the other bank# =ill pay G23 illion or the. *o= yo!r bank becae in#ol$ent beca!#e total liabilitie# e!id #ec!ritie#. 7e di#play yo!r in#ol$ent bank?# balance #heet belo=. o!r Bank *ssets Re>!ired re#er$e# (oan#
G23 illion 30 illion
/epo#it# Bank Capital
G:0 illion 10 illion
"# yo! can #ee ro the pre$io!# e
Bank# peror credit*risk analysis. Bank collect# inoration abo!t the borro=er#? eployent, incoe, and net =orth. Fro thi# inoration, the bank a##e##e# the borro=er#? ability to repay their loan#.
Bank pre$ent# ad$er#e #election by re>!iring collateral . Borro=er# pledge a##et# to the bank. I a borro=er dea!lt# on the loan, then the bank =ill #eie the a##et. For e
Kenneth R. S!lcyk
Bank iniie# ad$er#e #election by credit rationin$ . Bank# e#tabli#h a a
Bank# !#e re#tricti$e co$enant# to iniie ad$er#e #election. Bank# #peciy condition# or restrictive covenants in the loan agreeent that pre$ent the borro=er# engaging in certain acti$itie#. For e
Bank# ay a#k the borro=er to ha$e another relati$e ha$ing a good credit hi#tory coA #ign the loan. I the borro=er dea!lt#, then the bank can deand payent ro the borro=er or coA#igner.
Bank# iniie ad$er#e #election by o#tering a longAter relation#hip =ith the borro=er#. 7hen the bank# kno= their c!#toer# =ell, they can acc!rately a##e## the c!#toer#? ri#k o dea!lt.
The Interest +ate +isk Intere#t rate# becae $olatile d!ring the 1-:0#, orcing bank# to becoe ore concerned =ith intere#tArate ri#k. Bank# e
G20 illion
Intere#tArate #en#iti$e liabilitie#J illion Certiicate# o depo#it
ShortAter #ec!ritie#
iabilities G30
(ongAter #ec!ritie#
Money arket depo#it acco!nt#
G:0 illion Fi
Sa$ing# acco!nt#
Intere#tArate #en#iti$e ite# are #hortAter #ec!ritie#, $ariable intere#tArate loan#, and #hortA ter depo#it#. 7hen the intere#t rate $arie#, the#e ite# change alo#t iediately. )n the 129
Money, Banking, and International Finance other hand, the i!al# a 3 intere#t increa#e, then the incoe ro intere#tArate #en#iti$e a##et# increa#e# by G1 illion 0.03 W G20 illion O G1 illionD. Moreo$er, the co#t o !nd# increa#e# by G2.3 illion 0.03 W G30 illion O G2.3 illionD. Con#e>!ently, the bank?# proit# decline by G1.3 illion G1 M A G2.3 M O AG1.3 illionD. 8nort!nately, change# in the intere#t rate# ipact a bank?# proit# #igniicantly. 'hree condition# occ!r a# the intere#t rate# l!ct!ateJ
I the intere#tArate #en#iti$e liabilitie# exeed the intere#tArate #en#iti$e a##et#, then ri#ing intere#t rate# ca!#e bank#? proit# to pl!et, =hile alling intere#t rate# ca!#e bank#? proit# to increa#e.
I the intere#tArate #en#iti$e liabilitie# are less t$an intere#tArate #en#iti$e a##et#, #!b#e>!ently, increa#ing intere#t rate# ca!#e bank#? proit# to #oar, =hile declining intere#t rate# ca!#e bank#? proit# to pl!et.
I the intere#tArate #en#iti$e liabilitie# equal the intere#tArate #en#iti$e a##et#, then l!ct!ating intere#t rate# do not aect bank proit#.
For e!ently, he =o!ld boo#t intere#tArate #en#iti$e a##et# and decrea#e intere#tArate #en#iti$e liabilitie# by anip!lating balance #heet ite#. /!ring the la#t 20 year#, o!r actor# changed ho= a bank anage# it# balance #heet. Fir#t, the 8.S. ederal go$ernent dereg!lated the inancial arket#, granting bank# ore le!iring a##et# and liabilitie#. Second, inancial inno$ation created ne=, li>!id inancial in#tr!ent#, #!ch a# rep!rcha#e agreeent#, ederal !nd# arket, and #ec!ritiation. Bank# #ec!ritied their bank loan# and tran#ored the into li>!id #ec!ritie#. 'hird, the high $olatility o intere#t rate# d!ring the 1-:0# contrib!ted to the creation o ne= inancial in#tr!ent, #!ch a# the floatin$*rate debt . Soe bank# grant loan# to borro=er# =ith $ariable intere#t rate#. I the intere#t rate ri#e#, #!b#e>!ently, the bank# increa#e the intere#t rate on the loan#. For e
Kenneth R. S!lcyk
Securiti&ation and the 1223 Financial Crisis Securiti%ation i# #iilar to a !t!al !nd. 7e deine #ec!ritiation a# the proce## o tran#oring illi>!id inancial a##et# into arketable #ec!ritie#. Bank# and inancial in#tit!tion# package #iilar loan# together, #!ch a# ortgage#, place the into a !nd, and i##!e #ec!ritie# that are tied to the !nd?# a##et#. 'hen in$e#tor# b!y the #ec!ritie# to earn the ret!rn on the !nd?# a##et#. )n a$erage, the pool o !nd# ha# a predictable ca#h lo= a# people pay their loan#. 'hen in$e#tor# recei$e the#e payent# a# in$e#tent. Bank# !#ed #ec!ritiation beca!#e they !#e cop!ter# to #ipliy the record keeping proce##. Sec!ritiation i# ore cople< beca!#e a !nd co!ld i##!e dierent bond# called tranche#. " tranc#e i# a French ter eaning a portion or #lice. %ach tranche ha# a bond a##ociated =ith a ri#k le$el and a dierent credit rating. CreditArating agencie# co!ld rate #oe bond# a# """ that pay# the lo=e#t ret!rn to in$e#tor#, b!t in$e#tor# are ir#t in line i the !nd goe# b!#t. F!rtherore, the !nd i##!e# ri#ky bond#, called #pec!lati$e grade that pay a higher ret!rn, b!t in$e#tor# =o!ld lo#e their in$e#tent# i the !nd bankr!pt#. Bank# did not !#e #ec!ritiation on a large #cale beore the 1--0# beca!#e the bank# co!ld not price the dierent tranche# in the !nd !ntil a #tati#tician, /a$id (i, de$i#ed a ethod in 2000. (i?# ethod allo=# ea#y and >!ick pricing o the#e tranche#. Con#e>!ently, the banker# and inancier# applied #ec!ritiation to a $ariety o a##et#. 'hey #ec!ritied ortgage#, car loan#, third =orld debt, credit card#, and #t!dent loan#. Sec!ritiation o ortgage# ha# it# o=n naed, mort$a$e asset*back securities (&/S). 8nort!nately, the #ec!ritiation o ortgage# led to the 8.S. ho!#ing b!bble bet=een 2000 and 2004. %$en in 201+, bank# held G1.+ trillion in a##etAback #ec!ritie#. " proble o the 8.S. ho!#ing b!bble =a# the bank# rela!ireent#. Beore 2000, bank# =o!ld grant hoe loan# only to borro=er# =ith a #table =ork hi#tory and good credit hi#tory. F!rtherore, the borro=er# doc!ented their incoe# copletely. /!ring the ho!#ing b!bble, #e$eral large 8.S. bank# rela !ently, the bank# rela