Pakistan Montessori Council Module No: 10Full description
Pakistan Montessori Council Module No: 10Full description
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Module 1: BASIC NUTRITION by Alma M. Jose, RND
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EASA Part-66 Cat A, B1, B2, Module 2Descripción completa
The second module of ZOx trainingDescrição completa
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The second module of ZOx trainingFull description
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The second module of ZOx training
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SHS Practical research 2. for senior high school,, compilation of three books with activities
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Module 2Full description
MODULE 4[EASA Ref.4.1]a ELECTRONIC FUNDAMENTALS SEMICONDUCTORS Module 4.1.1-B1.1 1.what is the characteristic of a diodes connected in series ? a. The current must be the same of each diodes. b.the current must be divided between diodes. c.the voltage drop at each diodes is equal to supply voltage. 2.What are the 2 materials commonly used as semiconductors? a.rubber and tin b.copper and alliminium c.germanium and silicon. 3.what are the majority carrier in the p-type semiconductor? a.electrons b.holes c.nucleus. 4.The terms flow of electron from negative supply to positive and holes moving in opposite direction is known as…….. a.Reverse Bias b.depletion layer c.Forward Bias.
5..Due to intrinsic conduction that produce minority carriers causes tiny current to flow across the P-N junction and is known as…… a.barrier potential b.depletion layer c.leakage current. 6.what is the average output voltage of a Single Phase Full Wave Rectifier ? a.0.318 x peak b.0.637 x peak c.1.717 x peak 7.what are the advantages having Bridge rectifier compare to Single phase full wave rectifier? and last longer b.required centre tap which is good as voltage doubler.
c.transformer does not required to produce a double voltage secondary is only used.instead prevent arching and act as a safety device in a control switch contact….. a.zener diode wheel diode c.thyristor diode. 9.what is the purpose of zener diodes and how it is connected. a.used as a voltage stabilizer or constant voltage connected as reverse bias b.used as aircraft transistozed regulator and protection system connected as forward bias. a constant voltage stabilizer and connected as forward bias. Module 4.1.2-b1.1 10.which of the following best describe as a Silicon controlled rectifier[THYRISTOR]. a.PNP TRANSISTOR b.NPN TRANSISTOR c.4 layer silicon P and Nsemiconductors. of 11.Name the diode that has been used for tuning radio frequency and tv Tuning. a.varistor diode b.zener diode c.varactor diode. to determine the direction conventional flow of current in a pnp and npn transistor? a.direction of arrow b.types of diodes c.from negative to positive. 13.what are the major carriers in the npn transistor?
a.proton b.neutron. c.electrons. 14 .to test a transistor using analogue multimeter……. a.the red cables is connected to +ve terminal b. the black cables is connected to =+ve terminal c.both cables connected together 15.what is the function of a coupling capacitor in the amplifier unit. a.acts as anoise filter b.gain amplifier c.allows ac current only and blocd dc curren t. 16.2 types of FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR[FET] a.JUGFET and FLIP-FLOP b.MOSFET and JUGFET c.FLIP FLOP AND PUSH PULL Module 41..3-b.1.1 17. .Printed Circuit Boards are manufactured in 3 basic config Which of the following is true. a.Single layer – contain printed conducting path on one side with component mounted on opposite side. b.multilayer –boardslaminated together with compon ent mounted one one side only. c.multilayer sandwich- printed conducting path and component mounted on both side. 18.In an integrated circuits the components are mounted. wires metal screw. metal oxide film. Module4.2. b1.1 19.which of the following is correct properties of ops amp. a.low open loop gain /high input impedence /low output b.high open loop gain /low input impedence /high output impedence c.high open loop gain /high input impedence /low output. impedence 20.How is PCB protected after manufacture ? conformal coating. b.with wax. c.with non conductive varnished. Module 4.3.b.1.1. 21.what is the purpose of having negative feedback in op-a. Amp circuit. a.feed some output back to inverting input. b.feed some output back to non-inverting input. both input and output a non inverted signal.
22.To prevent damping and oscillation in electrical feedback…. a.position feedback b.mechanical feedback c.velocity feedback