1987, Ms. Norma S. Nora convinced Rogelio Mendiola to enter into a joint venture with her for the exort of rawns. !s roosed "# Ms. Nora, the# were to secure financing from rivate resondent $hiliine National National %an&. 'he credit line was to "e secured "# collaterals consisting consisting of real estate roerties of the etitioner, articularl# two ()* arcels of land, situated in Mari&ina.
1988, Mendiola signed a Secial $ower of !ttorne# authori+ing Ms. Norma S. Nora to mortgage his aforementioned roerties to $N% in order to secure the o"ligations of the joint venture with the said "an& of u to Million $esos.
'he lanned joint venture venture "ecame a failure even "efore "efore it could ta&e off the ground. ground. %ut, in the meantime, Ms. Norma S. Nora, on the strength of the secial ower of attorne# issued in her favor, o"tained loans from $N% in the amount of $8,1-1,-./) for the account of etitioner and secured "# the arcels of land hereina"ove descri"ed.
1988, Mendiola "elatedl# revo&ed the secial ower of attorne# in favor of Ms. Nora and re0uested $N% to release his roerties from mortgage. $etitioner was notified that $N% had initiated forecloseroceedings forecloseroceedings against the roerties of the etitioner.
1989, Mendiola filed injunction case against $N%. $N moved to dismiss.
R'2 R3456 o
ranted $N%s motion to dismiss "ecause the comlaint does not state a sufficient cause of action, it follows therefore that the ra#er, for issuance of the writ of reliminar# injunction has no leg to stand on.
2! dismissed the aeal.
Whether or not CA erred in dismissing the petition? Whether or not res judicata has already set in the case? HELD:
No. Yes. RATIO:
'he instant etition has now "ecome moot and academic, "ecause the first case, which is an alication for injunction filed "# herein etitioner Regional 'rial 2ourt, $asig 2it# against rivate resondent $N% to revent the latter from foreclosing his real roerties, and which was
then ending aeal "efore the court a quo at the time the second action was filed, has now "een finall# dismissed "# the resondent 2ourt of !eals.
2onse0uentl#, the instant etition which ra#s for the declaration of nullit# of the auction sale "# $N% of rivate resondents roerties "ecomes dismissi"le under the rincile of res judicata.
'here is :"ar "# former judgment: when, "etween the first case where the judgment was rendered, and the second case where such judgment is invo&ed, there is identit# of arties, su"ject matter and cause of action. ;hen the three identities are resent, the judgment on the merits rendered in the first constitutes an a"solute "ar to su"se0uent action.