Your Name 867 Elm Blvd. Newarr New arr e, Cal ifo rni a, 955 55 United Uni ted States Sta tes (!"#$"5%6! Your.Name&'
)t "*, !*$6 +irin' ana'er-s Name "$ Coman/ 0ddress Newa Ne warre rre , C alifo ali forni rnia, a, 9555 95 555 5 (111#111%1111 2irin'.mana'er&' 3ear 4+irin' ana'er-s Name, / name is 4/our name and 2ave een worin' wit2 4revious emlo/er for t2e last 4numer of /ears. 2e desrition /ou-ve outlined for t2e me2anial en'ineer osition at 4oman/ name stron'l/ mat2es m/ e1eriene and :ualifiations, eseiall/ rotot/e desi'n of industrial ma2ine omonents. 0s su2, am 2i'2l/ interested in ;oinin' /our team. 2ave a B.S. in e2anial En'ineerin' from U.C. Berele/ and 2ave wored as a me2anial en'ineer for 4numer of /ears. n m/ time at 4revious emlo/er was ale to< 3evelo t2ree rotot/e omonents of t2e Suer3rill 9*** t2at were omeriall/ emlo/ed= 0t as lead ma2inist and omonent desi'ner on four searate en'ineerin' roduts for 4revious emlo/er= >in ?Best a2inist @ >estern Ae'ion % nominated twie am aware t2at 4oman/ name 2as een en'a'ed in some e1itin' ro;ets and initiatives in t2e industr/ in reent /ears, eseiall/ wit2 4ro;et name or ativit/. 0s /ou an see, 2ave een e en inv olv ed in simil sim ilar ar wor wo r and an d now n ow ould ou ld 'reat 'r eat l/ ontr o ntr iu te to 4o man m an/ / n ame -s ' oal s in in t2e future. 2an /ou for tain' t2e time to read m/ aliation and for /our onsideration. would love to ome in for an interview and am looin' forward to 2earin' from /ou. understand /ou-ve ro r oa al/ l/ re eiv ed a n um er of ali a li at ions, io ns, so w ill 2e 2 e in ne1t ne 1t wee if 2 aven av en-t -t 2eard 2e ard an/t2in' / t2en. 2an /ou a'ain for /our time and onsideration. Sinerel/, Your Name