Maths For AS Level Physics
Maths for AS Level Physics
Teacher – S Broomsgrove & J Harris
Maths for AS Level Physics Aim -1-
by SBroomsgrove, Castle
Maths For AS Level Physics This is a short course to improve the maths skills that you will nee !or AS level physics" Objective By the en o! this short course you will be able to work out mathematical answers using the methos given an apply them in the conte#t o! physics" Resorces $ou will nee to print o% the appropriate & or ' pages !rom the intranet each week, or print them all at the start an keep them sa!e" For each topic you are provie with a help sheet" (n this help sheet you are given a etaile metho to work out answers" These are !ollowe by e#amples o! how the maths is use in physics when appropriate" $ou will then be aske to complete several )uestions, on the corresponing )uestion sheet" *ach sheet contains &+ marks" Resorces are fo!" o! the i!tra!et !"er# Share"$ Scie!ce – A level Physics – AS Level Maths %orse %o!te!ts ' Sta!"ar" (orm )' Sig!i*ca!t (igres a!" +ecimal Places ,' Rearra!gi!g -.atio!s /' 0ra1hs a!" 0ra"ie!ts 2' 3!its
(ee"bac4 ! you have any )ueries please re!er them to Mr Broomsgrove"
by SBroomsgrove, Castle
Maths For AS Level Physics
H-LPSH--T Sta!"ar" (orm 5hat is sta!"ar" form a!" 6hy is it se"7 n science we o!ten nee to use very small an very large numbers" t is there!ore use!ul to be able to write these own in an abbreviate notation" This is known as stanar !orm" -8am1le '+ +++ - '"+ # .+/ The number is written as a single integer multiplie by .+ to a power" The power is !oun by counting the number o! places a!ter the 0rst number" '+ +++ has !our 1eros there!ore it is '"+ #.+ to the power / written as a small number ne#t to the ten" -8am1le ) /23 +++ - /"23 # .+4 ! a!ter the 0rst number there are not 5ust 1eros these are written a!ter a ecimal point, as shown above, /"23 in this case" There!ore you can think about changing the number back as moving the ecimal place by the number shown as the power" /"23 /2"3 /23 /23+ /23++ /23+++ move. move& move' move/ move4 -8am1le , +"+++4++ - 4"+ # .+6/ ! the number is very small we still write the number as a single integer multiplie by .+ but to a negative power" The power is !oun by counting the number o! 1eros, or the number o! places the number is a!ter the ecimal point" +"+++4++ has !our 1eros, or the 4 is the !ourth ecimal place, there!ore it is 4 multiplie by .+ to the power o! 6/" -8am1le / +"+++++/4. - /"4. # .+62 As with large number i! there are not only 1eros present a!ter the 0rst number they are put a!ter the ecimal point in stanar !orm" 9o6 yo have a go::::: -3-
by SBroomsgrove, Castle
Maths For AS Level Physics
;3-ST Put each o! these numbers into stanar !orm" A B C 7
'++ +++ 4/++ .&. +++ 389 +++ +++
-8ercise ) = mar4 for each> Put each o! these numbers into stanar !orm A B C 7
+"++3 +"++++++89 +"++++/423 +"+29/'
-8ercise , = mar4 for each > :rite each o! these numbers in !ull, not in stanar !orm A 2 # .+2 B '"/4 # .+8 C 3"+ # .+6' 7 8"38& # .+64 -8ercise / = mar4 for each> Put each o! these numbers into stanar !orm A '43 +++ +++ +++ B +"++ +++ +++ +++ +++ /'& C /42 3'8 9.& 7 +"++2'/&. -8ercise 2 =) mar4s are a6ar"e" for each> :rite each o! these constants use in physics in stanar !orm A ;niversal
by SBroomsgrove, Castle
Maths For AS Level Physics
H-LPSH--T ) Sig!i*ca!t (igres a!" +ecimal Places 5hy "o 6e !ee" sig!i*ca!t *gres a!" "ecimal 1laces7 ! you were aske to measure the length o! your page with a ruler you woul probably suggest a length o! &8"/cm or something similar, this woul appear reasonable" $ou woul be unlikely to say that the length was &8"'9/23cm, this woul be unrealistic as you coul not possibly measure to that accuracy with a ruler" The same nees to be applie when calculating answers" ! you start !rom numbers o! & signi0cant 0gures you shoul only )uote your answer to & signi0cant 0gures as you cannot be more accurate than the in!ormation you are working with" 5hat is a sig!i*ca!t *gre or a "ecimal 1lace7 ! a number is )uote to ' signi0cant 0gures, abbreviate to '"s"!", it will show only three integers other than 1ero" -8am1le .'/ &23 +++ - .'/ +++ +++ to '"s"!" :e roun the number to the nearest 'r signi0cant 0gure" The number above is nearer to .'/ +++ +++ than .'4 +++ +++ as the !ourth number was a &" -8am1le ) 892 3'& .'/ - 893 +++ +++ to '"s"!" =ere the number has been roune up as the !ourth number was a 3" ! a number is )uote to & ecimal places, abbreviate to "pl", it will show only & numbers a!ter the ecimal place, i! there are no numbers a!ter the ecimal place then 1eros are ae" -8am1le , &'/"42... - &'/"42 to & "pl" The same application as above works with rouning up or own" >ote however that the above number is shown to &"" pl" but is in this case 4"s"!" -8am1le / &.++ - &.++"++ to &""pl" ?or a!s6ers shol" !ever be .ote" to higher accracy tha! the i!formatio! yo starte" 6ith i! a calclatio!' -8am1le 2 +e!sity @ massvolme ! Mass - .+"+.48g an volume - &"'cm' There!ore ensity - .+"+.48?&"' - /"'4/3'8.' g cm6' -5-
by SBroomsgrove, Castle
Maths For AS Level Physics =owever the answer shoul only be )uote to &"s"! as the volume )uote was to &"s"!" So# "e!sity @ /', g cm $, 9o6 yo have a go: ;3-ST :rite each o! the !ollowing to the number o! signi0cant 0gures )uote in brackets" A &'/ 223 @'"s"! B .'/ +++ 9&8 @4"s"! C .&2 /42 +8+ @&"s"! 7 .&9"324 @/"s"!" -8ercise ) = mar4 each> :rite each o! the !ollowing to the correct number o! ecimal places, )uote in brackets" A &.'"/42 @. "pl" B /"423 989 @/ "pl" C .&++ @&"pl" 7 2'"&./ 423 '&@' "pl" -8ercise , = mar4 each> :rite true or !alse !or each one, are they to the state number o! signi0cant 0gures or ecimal places A &'"//& .& - &'"// @&""pl" B 824 +++ - 83+ +++ @&"s"! C 4&2"'89 328 - 4&2"'88 @' "pl" 7 .&2 /42 - .&3 +++ @'"s"! * '43"/'& ..3 - '43"4 @. "pl" F 32"89 - 33"+ @.""pl -8ercise / =, mar4s> Carry out the appropriate calculation an )uote the answer to the correct number o! signi0cant 0gures" 7ensity - mass?volume Mass6 .&"'2+&g
olume D /"8cm'
-8ercise 2 =, mar4s> Carry out the appropriate calculation an )uote the answer to the correct number o! ecimal places" Eesistance - oltage?current
by SBroomsgrove, Castle
Maths For AS Level Physics oltage - &/9"4'9 Current - '"44A H-LPSH--T / :e cant rely on the sun being in a convenient position, so another iea is neee" This iea is to measure the angle of elevation o! the tree !rom a known istance, say '+ m, an then to compare the ratio o! tree height to istance with the ratio o! the sies o! a right6 angle triangle having the same angle" Trigonometry is base on this iea, an the !act that we can calculate the ratios o! the sies o! a right6angle triangle !or any angle" These ratios are calle trigonometric ratios. Forty years ago the trigonometric ratios were publishe in books, but toay they can be found !rom calculators" The basic trigonometric ratios are the sine, the cosine an the tangent " They are o!ten abbreviate to sin @rea as Gsine, cos @rea as Gco1 an tan" @The tangent as a trigonometric ratio is i%erent !rom the geometric iea o! a tangent to a curve" These ratios are e0ne !or the angle θ@Gtheta by the rules Sin θ = Ο pposite/Hypotenuse Cos θ = Adjacent/Hypotenuse Tan θ = Opposite/Adjacent You may reca t!is "y remem"erin#
by SBroomsgrove, Castle
Maths For AS Level Physics H-LPSH--T 2 Rearra!gi!g -.atio!s 5hy "o 6e !ee" to be able to rearra!ge e.atio!s7 n science, incluing physics many e)uations are use to calculate i%erent )uantities" Although e)uations are o!ten learnt in one particular !ormat, it is essential to be able to rearrange them to 0n any one o! the )uantities within the e)uation" -8am1le 7ensity - MassHolume But what i! you know the volume an ensity an want to 0n the mass" :e move volume to the other sie o! the e)uation but instea o! iviing by volume we multiply" 7ensity # olume - Mass There!ore i! we wante to calculate volume olume - Mass?7ensity At
by SBroomsgrove, Castle
Maths For AS Level Physics
;3-ST Eearrange the !ollowing e)uations to show how you woul calculate the )uantity in bol a!ter each e)uation" T Eearrange the ieal gas e)uation to show the calculation neee to 0n each o! the !ollowing )uantities" eal gas e)uation P - nET A P D Pressure B D olume C n D >umber o! moles 7 T D Temperature -8ercise , =) mar4s each> ;sing the e)uation Pressre @ (orceArea calculate A Force, when pressure - 'Pa an area -m .9m& B Pressure when, Force - 39/> an area - 89m& C Area when, pressure - /Pa an Force - 2/> 7 Area when, pressure - +"4Pa an Force - .3> -8ercise / =/ mar4s > Calculate the number o! charge carriers, n, using the e)uation vAne, i! - &+Amps A - +"++4m& e - ."2#.+6.8C v - +"' cm per min"
by SBroomsgrove, Castle
Maths For AS Level Physics
- 1( -
by SBroomsgrove, Castle
Maths For AS Level Physics
H-LPSH--T C 0ra1hs a!" 0ra"ie!ts 5he! "o 6e se gra1hs a!" gra"ie!ts7 ever 5ust 5oin the point to give a 5agge line" 0ra"ie!ts The graient o! a graph can be use to 0n the relationship between & measurable )uantities" A graient can be calculate by 0ning the change in the y a#is an iviing by the change in the # a#is" The -.atio! of a Straight Li!e 0ra1h *)uations o! straight lines are in the !orm y - m# c @m an c are numbers" m is the graient o! the line an c is the y6intercept @where the graph crosses the y6a#is" -8am1le
- 11 -
by SBroomsgrove, Castle
Maths For AS Level Physics The above graph has e)uation y - @/?'# D &" The graient change in y ? change in # - / ? ' @m" t cuts the y6a#is at 6&, an this is the constant in the e)uation, @c" (i!"i!g the gra"ie!t of a crve' To 0n the graient o! a curve, you must raw an accurate sketch o! the curve" At the point where you nee to know the graient, raw a tangent to the curve" A tangent is a straight line which touches the curve at one point only" $ou then 0n the graient o! this tangent" -8am1le ) Fin the graient o! the curve y - # at the point @', 8"
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by SBroomsgrove, Castle
Maths For AS Level Physics
;3-ST Plot a graph o! the !ollowing ata" n the e#periment the strength o! the aci was change, the temperature, pressure, time an amount were kept constant throughout" The volume o! gas prouce was recore each time, this is a reOection o! the reaction rate" Strengt h o! aci @M olume o! gas prouce @cm'
*nsure you have 5oine the ata in the most appropriate way" -8ercise ) =D mar4s> For the above graph can you prouce an e)uation in the !orm y m# c, to show the mathematical relationship" ;sing your e)uation can you calculate the volume o! gas you woul e#pect to prouce i! the strength o! the aci wasI A +"4M B 4"+M
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by SBroomsgrove, Castle
Maths For AS Level Physics
H-LPSH--T E 3!its 5hy "o 6e !ee" !its7 $ou may have one" (ne what A pencil A sweet >umbers are not meaning!ul unless we know what they are in re!erence to" %ha!gi!g !its n physics we o!ten work on very small or very large scales that woul not be appropriate !or say, a biologist" Those scales can be converte an the relationships between them are well ocumente" t is essential however that you can apply that in!ormation" There are also many specialist units, these are always relate to more well known units so that scientists can correspon, however again it is important that you unerstan an can work within those units an their conversions" The S< 3!its S units are the Sta!"ar" ano n 6.& .+ Pico p -8am1le .+ km - .+ +++m k stans !or kilo meaning a thousan so there are .+ # .+++ metres" - 14 -
by SBroomsgrove, Castle
Maths For AS Level Physics -8am1le ) 8"9F - +"+++++89F stans !or micro so there are 8"9 # .+62Faras +erivi!g 3!its Mathematical relationships can be use to 0n the units o! a )uantity" -8am1le , 7ensity - Mass?olume There!ore the units areI - kilograms?m' (r we can write this as kg m6'" By changing the ' to 6' we enote that it is actually ivie rather than times, there!ore the ivision sign is no longer neee" 9o6 yo have a go:::::
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by SBroomsgrove, Castle
Maths For AS Level Physics
;3-ST :rite each o! the !ollowing amounts in base S units, without the pre0#es" A 44 grams B &'3 km C '"/ s 7 '/4cm -8ercise ) = mar4 each> :rite each o! these amounts with a suitable pre0#" A +"+++ ++3 983 m B &'/ /42 +++ kg C '/4 389 +++ +++ m 7 +"++ +++ +++89 s -8ercise , =/ mar4s> :ork out the units o! area" Pressure - Force ? area Force is measure in >ewtons an Pressure in Pascals" -8ercise / =/ mar4s> :ork out the units o! current" Current - charge?time Charge is measure in C an time is measure in s" -8ercise 2 =/ mar4s> :ork out the units o! speci0c heat capacity, c" ) - m c QT ) - energy @units in 5oules, J m - mass @units in grams, g QT - cha!ge in temperature @units o! Kelvin use !or temperature, K ?o 6ill !ee" to rearra!ge the e.atio! *rst:
- 16 -
by SBroomsgrove, Castle
Maths For AS Level Physics %o!gratlatio!s yo have com1lete" yor maths for AS Physics corse::::::::::::::::::::
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by SBroomsgrove, Castle