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by Bernard M. Ventenilla JrFull description
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Emcee Script for Hip Launching Ceremony
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The official order of service for the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.
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Wedding Reception Program Script
CALL TO ORDER Good afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen. May !a"e yo#r attention please. We are a$o#t to $egin o#r Afternoon Wedding Reception soyo#. please locate yo#r respecti"e seats and ma%e yo#rself comforta$le. T!an%
&TROD'CTO& (Marriage does not g#arantee yo# )ill $e toget!er fore"er* it+s only a paper. t ta%es lo"e* respect* tr#st* #nderstanding* friends!ip and fait! in yo#r relations!ip to ma%e it last., A "ery good and $lessed afternoon to e"eryone and )elcome to "y and Reagan+s Wedding Reception. We are done )it! t!e solemn part of t!e cele$ration and )e t!an% t!ose people )!o )ere )it! #s earlier at O#r Lady of Mirac#lo#s Paris! for t!e )edding ceremony. And for t!ose )!o -#st -oin in* Welcome to t!e reception for o#r ne)ly)eds in cele$ration of t!e $eginning of t!eir ne) life toget!er. So sit do)n* rela* en-oy and $e lo"ed $y t!is afternoon program. am Pa#l* Reagan+s yo#nger co#sin and t!is is ////////////////* ////////// yo#r masters of ceremony for t!is e"ent. We t!an% all of yo# for gracing t!is -oyf#l occasion especially to t!ose )!o !a"e tra"eled many miles -#st to $e )it! #s. n $e!alf of Reagan and "y toget!er )it! t!eir parents* )e )o#ld li%e to epress t!eir !eartfelt gratit#de for yo#r presence at t!is memora$le occasion. t is indeed a pleas#re to !a"e yo# all t!is afternoon. E&TRA&CE At t!is point* let #s no) )itness t!e parade of t!e )edding ento#rage. Are yo# ecited to see o#r ne)ly)ed0 Do not $e getting ecited $eca#se t!ey are already lined #p at t!e entrance $all. 1#r 2rst3 let #s )elcome )it! great delig!t t!e %ids )!o made t!is )edding "ery $lissf#l.
4LOWER GRLS 5c#te and adora$le6 R&G 1EARER 11LE 1EARER a "ery regimented $oy and )ell7mannered. CO& 1EARER
1EST MA& A&D MAD O4 ;O&OR 1EST MA& 5gallant and good loo%ing6
MAD O4 ;O&OR 5st#nning and splendid6
AC<&OWLEDGEME&T O4 PARE&TS One of t!e parents+ dreams is to see t!e )edd ing of t!eir c!ildren. am s#re* o#r co#ple+s parents are e=#ally ecited as t!em. Let #s no) recogni>e t!ese "ery special people in t!e !earts of t!e ne)ly )ed. Mrs. Cons#elo E. Aradanas* Reagan+s mot!er Mr. ?osemarie 1. ;ontanar Sr* "y+s fat!er and Mrs. E"elyn C. ;ontanar* "y+s mot!er
E&TRA&CE O4 T;E 1RDE A&D GROOM &o) t!e $ig moment* Ladies and Gentleman* o#r $ride and groom "y and Reagan@ Ladies and Gentleman* a let #s gi"e a $ig !and for t!e ne)ly)ed please. Congrat#lations Reagan and $est )is!es to $ot! of yo#. Wec!ildren. )is! yo# to $e $lessed )it! a longand and"y !appy life toget!er )it! yo#r f#t#re So t!ere yo# !a"e it* ladies and gentlemen o#r ne) lo"ely co#ple. Let #s again gi"e t!em a $ig ro#nd of appla#se. T!an% yo# "ery m#c!. Let #s all $e seated no). Tr#ly* t!is e"ent )ill $e a cele$ration of lo"e* a feast of t)o !earts )!o "o)ed to stay fore"er no matter )!at. T!is afternoon+s program )ill $e =#ite eciting for )e )ill )itness t!e lo"e $et)een t!ese t)o yo#ng people. And may$e some )edding traditions eercised as )ell as not yo#r #s#al $o#=#et and garter ceremonies )!ic! )o#ld $e more f#n and memora$le. Pl#s t!e s#mpt#o#s meal of 4ort#ne 4ield Resort is already set. Aren+t yo# all ecited0
Prayer T!e g#idance of t!e Lord is for al)ays t!e $est t!ing )e s!o#ld consider* May )e re=#est e"ery$ody to please rise for t!e prayer t!ro#g! a "ideo presentation.
C#tting of t!e ca%e
A )edding is not complete )it!o#t traditions. We )o#ld li%e to mo"e on to t!e 2rst tradition* t!e c#tting of t!e ca%e. May )e re=#est t!e Groom and 1ride to prepare for t!e ca%e c#tting ceremony. T!e ca%e* )!ic! !as $een a part of )edding cele$rations since t!e Roman times* is a sym$ol of good l#c% and fertility. T!e s!aring of t!is food sym$oli>es t!e co#ples )illingness to f#l2ll eac! ot!ers needs* creating a $ond so simple and yet so strong. Ladies and Gentlemen* let #s )itness t!e c#tting of t!e ca%e $y Mr. and Mrs. Aradanas. C!ampagne Toast O#r net tradition is t!e c!ampagne toasting. Raising a glass toget!er is a )ay for e"eryone to s!are in )is!ing good !ealt! and !appiness to t!e ne)ly)eds. As t!e c!ampagne is po#red* o#r ne)ly)eds no) ma%e )is!es for t!eir good fort#ne* a $etter f#t#re and t!e $est life possi$le for t!em. We )o#ld li%e to in"ite e"eryone to raise t!eir glasses to Groom and 1ride and -oin t!em in t!eir fer"ent )is!es t!ro#g! good fello)s!ip and camaraderie* lo"e and !appiness. May )e no) call on t!e ///////////*////////* to lead t!e c!ampagne toasting.
L#nc! We %no) t!at so m#c! !as already !appened in on t!is day and )e still !a"e t!e entire afternoon a!ead of #s. And not!ing less can $e epected from t!e )arm and ecellent ser"ices of 4ort#ne 4ield Resort. En-oy t!e afternoon* ladies and gentlemen as )e listen to good m#sic and "ideo presentations )!ile en-oying t!e s#mpt#o#s l#nc!. En-oy yo#r l#nc! e"eryone.
Well Wis!es from 4amily and 4riends t is said t!at o#r parents are o#r 2rst teac!ers !a"ing raised #s patiently from c!ild!ood to ad#lt!ood. T!ey !a"e $een o#r so#rce of comfort* s#pport and inspiration. Reagan and "y are tr#ly $lessed )it! s#c! )onderf#l parents and +m =#ite s#re )!en it comes to %no)ing )!at marriage is all
a$o#t* t!ey al)ays !a"e a )ord or t)o to s!are to t!eir c!ildren. We )o#ld li%e to call on t!e Mot!er of t!e Groom* Mrs. Cons#elo E. Aradanas to say a fe) )ords of )isdom and 1est Wis!ed to o#r ne)ly)eds 5MESSAGE6 T!an% yo# so m#c! Madam for t!at inspiring message. &o) )e )o#ld li%e to call on t!e 4at!er of t!e 1ride* Mr. ?osemarie 1. ;ontanar Sr. to say a fe) )ords of )isdom to o#r ne)ly)eds. 5MESSAGE6 T!an% yo# Sir. Last $#t certainly not t!e least* )e no) call on Mr. Geensis Lampon to say a fe) )ords to Re agan and "y in $e!alf of gro om+s sister* Alona. T!an% yo# Sir. Lets #s again gi"e t!em again a $ig !and for s#c! )onderf#l and meaningf#l speec!es.
Tossing of the Bouquet or Bouquet Throw
At t!is time* may re=#est all t!e single ladies to please come o"er for t!e $o#=#et t!ro). We )o#ld also li%e to re=#est t!e $ride to come for)ard and ta%e !er place at t!e center. O% so ladies* ta%e yo#r place $e!ind t!e $ride and $e prepared to catc! t!e $o#=#et. t is said t!at )!oe"er )ill catc! t!e $o#=#et )ill soon to $e t!e net $ride. Alrig!t. E"eryt!ing is 2ne. A#dience* may re=#est yo# to -oin me in co#nting o%ay.. Ready* B and Go@ May re=#est for t!e lady )!o )as a$le to catc! t!e $o#=#et to please come for)ard and -oin me !ere. Congrat#lations and may !a"e yo#r name please0 O% so let+s gi"e a $ig !and to Miss//////. Please !a"e seat $eside t!e $ride and in a moment* )e s!all matc! in t!e garter toss.
Retrieval of Garter and Garter Toss.
1efore )e go )it! t!e garter toss* t!e groom )ill retrie"e t!e garterelastic from !is $ride. So may )e re=#est Ti$or and Maricel to please come on t!e center and do t!e garter retrie"al rit#al. Ladies and gentlemen* t!e groom )ill no) retrie"e t!e garter from t!e $ride. T!ere yo# !a"e it. Ladies and gentlemen3 t!e groom )as 2nally a$le to retrie"e t!e garter. Let #s gi"e !im a $ig !and. // O%ay it is no) t!e gentlemens t#rn and )e )ill no) do t!e garter toss. May no) re=#est all single men to come for)ard for t!e garter toss. Please ta%e note t!e single man )!o does not !a"e garter )ill $e t!e person )!o )ill retrie"e t!e real garter. Gentlemen please ta%e yo#r place $e!ind t!e groom and $e ready to catc! t!e garter. So is e"eryone ready0 At t!e co#nt of t!ree* t!e groom )ill t!ro) t!e garter and again )e re=#est t!e a#dience to participate in t!e co#ntdo)n.
O%ay ready )!en yo# are g#ys. One... T)o T!ree... and oF it goes 5Groom t!ro)s t!e #nreal garters and gentlemen try to catc! it.6
May re=#est for t!e gentlemen )!o no) !a"e in !is possession t!e garter. Sir pleases come for)ard and ta%es yo#r place $eside t!e lady )!o !as t!e $o#=#et.
Opening of Gifts 51iggest and Smallest6
T;A&< 9O' MESSAGE O4 T;E CO'PLE T!e afternoon and t!is reception !a"e almost come to an end $#t for o#r ne)ly)eds it is -#st a start of t!eir ne) life toget!er. As )e eac! go !ome* may t!is day $e memora$le for all of #s as it it to t!em. To personally con"ey t!eir !eartfelt gratit#de* let #s no) lend o#r ears to Reagan and "y.
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. 4RST WEDD&G DA&CE T!is afternoon is indeed a special e"ent and )ill fore"er $e etc!ed in t!e memory of o#r $elo"ed co#ple. 4or tonig!t mar%s t!e $eginning of t!eir ne) life toget!er. 4rom t!is day for)ard t!ey s!all $e one and on t!is -oyf#l $eginning of t!eir life toget!er. 4rom t!is day for)ard* t!ey s!all $e one* and on t!is -oyf#l $eginning )!at co#ld $e more 2tting t!an to cele$rate it )it! t!eir 2rst dance. T!e 2rst dance is t!e sym$olic of t!e cons#mmation of t!eir )edding "o)s. T!is dance is t!e )edding co#ples 2rst cooperati"e engagement and -oint endea"or. Ladies and gentlemen* it is once again my pri"ilege to present to yo# Mr. and Mrs. Aradanas )it! t!eir 4irst Dance.
DO:E <SS&G TRADTO& T!is time let+s see t!em !old t!ose t)o do"es3 please ta%e t!em o#t of t!e cage. T!en* t!ey )ill ma%e t!ose lo"ely do"e %iss eac! ot!er. W!ite do"es are a sym$ol of -oy* and since a )edding is a -oyo#s occasion* opening t!e $irds cage so t!at t!ey can Hy freely* or #sing p!otos of do"es in t!e days decor is de2nitely appropriate. S#perstition also s#ggests t!at co#ples )!o see a pair of do"es on t!eir )edding day )ill !a"e a $lessed marriage* )!ic! is a )onderf#l sentiment for t!e ne) co#ple to %eep in mind )!en starting a ne) life toget!er.
Do"e Release T!e $ride and groom )ill no) do t!e do"e release. May re=#est t!e ne)ly)ed to please come for)ard and eac! get a do"e. T!e t)o do"es signify Reagan and "y $eing released to start a ne) -o#rney toget!er. Li%e t!e t)o pairs of do"e* )!ate"er !appens t!ey )ill al)ays try to see% t!e comfort of eac! ot!er and t!eir !ome toget!er. T!is is )!ere t!ey %no) t!at t!ey )ill 2nd lo"e A do"e al)ays c!oose one mate for life* and signify lo"e* fait!f#lness* -oy* and !ope. Reagan and "y are no) ready so )e )ill no) release t!e do"es. At t!e co#nt of t!ree* release t!e do"es. One... T)o... T!ree... and... oF t!ey go@@@ T!at )as $ea#tif#l.