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AMSA Test regarding GMDSS - QUESTIONS MROCP - Marine Radio Operators Certificate of Proficiency (for VHF & MF/HF radio operations) MROCP0001
For Watchkeeping purposes what VHF channel channel should a vessel vessel maintain a listening listening watch on whilst at sea?
a) Channel 67 b) Channel 13 c) Channel 16 d) Channel 77 MROCP0002
What information information should should be entered into into a log book?
a) Operators should record all distress alerts and messages transmitted and received. b) Operators should record all EPIRB communications. c) Operators should record all DSC MMSI numbers d) Operators should record all activities on the boat. MROCP0003
Who controls controls the order of communications between stations? stations?
a) There is no need to decide on the order b) The calling station c) Any station d) The station called MROCP0004
What does the the word "OVER" indicate during during radiotelephony radiotelephony communications? communications?
a) That the exchange is completed b) That the other station is invited to respond c) That a change of frequency is necessary d) That I have received and understand your message MROCP0005
What does the the word "ROMEO" indicate indicate during during an exchange exchange of communications? communications?
a) That the exchange is completed b) That reception difficulties are being experienced by one of the stations c) That I have received and understand your message d) That a change of frequency is necessary
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What does the the word "OUT" indicate during during an exchange exchange of communications? communications?
a) That the other station is invited to respond b) That reception difficulties are being experienced by one of the stations c) That a change of frequency is necessary d) That the exchange is completed MROCP0007
What is the accepted accepted radiotelephony radiotelephony procedure for initial routine calling calling on VHF?
a) Blue Whale calling VMR Hervey Bay Come in b) VMR Hervey Bay(3 times)Blue Whale calling on ch16 how Copy? c) VMR Hervey Bay this is Blue Whale, Blue Whale on Ch16 suggest channel 73 Over d) Fred at Hervey Bay this is Blue Whale, Blue Whale Roger Dodger come in. MROCP0008
What can station station identification identification be shortened to once contact has been established established on VHF?
a) This is Blue Whale position report over. b) VMR Hervey Bay we are in position. over. c) Our position is . Blue Whale over. d) In postion .. Over. MROCP0009
What should you do if no immediate immediate reply is receive receive to the initial initial routine routine call?
a) Wait two minutes and repeat the call. b) Wait five nimutes and repeat the call. c) Repeat immediately. d) Call another station. MROCP0010
What should you do if no reply reply is received after after three repeats repeats of a routine routine call?
a) Call another station b) Keep trying c) Call emergency services d) Change to channel 70
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What should you do next if you are unsure of the identity of the calling calling station?
a) Request identity of the calling station. b) Ignore the call. c) Request the calling station to call another station. d) Relay the call to another station asking them to reply. MROCP0012
What is the the correct phonetic spelling spelling of the the boat name name AQUARIUS?
a) Alfa Quebec Uniform Alfa Romeo India Uniform Sierra b) Alpha Queen Ultimate Alpha Roger Indigo Ultimate Sierra c) Apple Quest Under Apple Roger Indigo Under Sugar d) Alfa Quest Utility Alfa Rooster Indigo Utility Silver MROCP0013
What is the the correct phonetic spelling spelling of the the boat name name ECLIPSE?
a) Elvis Costello Ludo Indigo Peter Spot Elvis b) Egg Cheese Lime Inside Purple Sugar Egg c) Echo Charlie Lima India Papa Sierra Echo d) Empty Cold Lunch Indigo Perfect Silver Empty MROCP0014
What is the the correct phonetic spelling spelling of the the boat name name HUON MISTRESS ?
a) Happy Ugly Orange Nancy Magazine Intro Sienna Terrific Roger Elton Sienna Sienna b) Harry Unto Onion Nero Magpie Invert Sugar Tomatoe Romeo Elvis Sugar Sugar c) Hotel Uniform Oscar November Mike India Sierra Tango Romeo Echo Sierra Sierra d) Hustle Under Open Nacho Music Indigo Spain Toledo Ruby Emerald Spain Spain MROCP0015
What is the the correct phonetic spelling spelling of the the boat name name PHEONIX?
a) Papa Hotel Echo Oscar November India Xray b) Peter Harry Elvis Oliver Norman Ian Xavier c) Poppy Hamlet Ego Oreos Nacho Indigo Xanadu d) Pink Hermit East Over North Inside Xray
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What is the the correct phonetic spelling spelling of the the word SEA SEA GYPSY?
a) Sierra Echo Alfa Golf Yankee Papa Sierra Yankee b) Siesta Ego Alfie Ghost Yonder Poppy Sugar Yonder c) Scarlet Egg Apple Green Yellow Pink Silver Yellow d) Sarah Enter Alien Globe Yoyo Purple Sombrero Yoyo MROCP0017
Which of the following following is the the correct phonetic phonetic spelling of the vessel name PIPE PIPE DREAM?
a) Pipe Iron Pipe Edge Dodge Roger Edge Alpha Mint b) Papa India Papa Echo Delta Romeo Echo Alfa Mike c) Peter Idle Peter Ego Dream Rusty Ego Apple Mango d) Pop Ice Pop Ebb Danny Romeo Ebb Alto Music MROCP0018
What is the the correct phonetic spelling spelling of the the boat name name SKY BLUE?
a) Siesta Karen Yoyo Black Lime Ultimate Egg b) Sienna King Yellow Brown Ludo Under Echo c) Sugar Kick Yard Brave Loco Undo East d) Sierra Kilo Yankee Bravo Lima Uniform Echo MROCP0019
What is the the correct phonetic spelling spelling of the the boat name name LADY DAPHNE?
a) Lima Apple Delta Yeti Delta Apple Prince Harry Nigel East b) Lemon Alfa Danny Yankee Danny Alfa Peter Happy Nine Ego c) Lima Alfa Delta Yankee Delta Alfa Papa Hotel November Echo d) Linda Aka Delta Yodel Delta Aka Pop Hotel Norman Echo MROCP0020
What is the the correct phonetic spelling spelling of the the boat name name WILD WAVE ?
a) Whiskey indigo Ludo Delta Whiskey Apple Victor Ember b) Wave Igloo Loco Danny Wave Alto Vote Echo c) Whiskey India Lima Delta Whiskey Alfa Victor Echo d) Wine India Lime Dolly Wine Alfa Viking Emma
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What is the the correct phonetic spelling spelling of the the boat name name JACARANDA?
a) Juliett Alfa Charlie Alfa Romeo Alfa November Delta Alfa b) Julius Alpha Charlie Alpha Roger Alpha November Danny Alpha c) Julie Aka Cat Aka Romeo Aka Nacho Della Aka d) Jack Alfa Charles Alfa Roger Alfa Norman Danny Alfa MROCP0022
Whose authority authority is required before transmitting transmitting a DSC distress distress acknowledgement?
a) The person operating the VHF radio b) No authority is required c) The Master or person responsible for the safety of the vessel d) The owner of the vessel. MROCP0023
Whose authority authority is required before transmitting transmitting a radiotelephony radiotelephony distress distress call and message?
a) No authority is required b) The Owner of the vessel. c) The person operating the VHF radio d) The Master or person responsible for the safety of the vessel MROCP0024
What is the international international Marine Marine VHF channel for for distress radiotelephony radiotelephony communications? communications?
a) The nearest marine repeater channel b) VHF channel 12 c) VHF channel 16 d) VHF channel 70 MROCP0025
What does does the distress signal MAYDAY indicate? indicate?
a) That the vessel, or persons onboard, are in grave and imminent danger and require immediate assistance. b) That a vessel, or persons onboard the vessel, require assistance to dock the vessel. c) That the vessel, or persons onboard the vessel, have an urgent message to transmit. d) That a vessel, or persons onboard a vessel, nolonger require assistance.
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Which of the following is the correct distress call for a VHF Marine radio?
a) Songbird 503000123 Songbird 503000123 Songbird 503000123 to all stations Mayday Mayday Mayday b) Mayday Mayday Mayday this is Songbird 503000123 Songbird 503000123 Songbird 503000123 c) Mayday Songbird calling ALL Stations Mayday d) Two Rocks Two Rocks Two Rocks this is Songbird Songbird MROCP0027
Which of the following is the correct order for a VHF marine radio distress message?
a) Mayday - Black Pearl 503001234 - 4 miles West of Safety Bay - fire on board - abandoning ship - EPIRB activated b) Mayday - Black Pearl 503001234 - fire on board - abandoning ship - EPIRB activated - 4 miles West of Safety Bay c) Black Pearl - 4 miles West of Safety Bay - fire on board require immediate assistance - abandoning ship d) Black Pearl - 4 miles West of Safety Bay - abandoning Ship - require immediate assistance MROCP0028
What do you do next if your distress call and message have not been acknowledged?
a) Wait until the end of the next silence period b) Immediately repeat the same especially during a silence period c) Change to VHF Channel 67 and repeat the signal d) Wait until the next scheduled radio contact time with your shore base MROCP0029
Who is responsible for the coordination of search and rescue operations for small vessels in inshore waters?
a) Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) b) RCC Australia (AusSAR) c) The volunteer marine rescue organisation closest to the distress scene d) State and Territory police forces MROCP0030
What is your obligation with respect to accepting distress traffic?
a) Acceptance is absolute and priority is given over all other calls. b) Acceptance is voluntary and you may continue what you are doing. c) Acceptance is conditional. d) Acceptance depends on where you are.
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What expression should be used to acknowledge a received distress message?
a) Received Mayday b) Mayday relay c) Romeo Mayday d) Mayday Received MROCP0032
What action would you take after receiving a Distress call?
a) Transmit "Seelonce Mayday" and wait for the message b) Answer immediately giving your vessel\'s name, call sign and position c) Get ready to write down in the Radio Log Book any distress message that may follow d) Change the receiver to a working frequency MROCP0033
What radiotelephony priority signal should always be used before distress traffic?
a) Securite b) Seelonce c) Mayday d) Prudonce MROCP0034
Generally speaking who controls the distress communications process?
a) The nearest rescue vessel b) The vessel in distress, unless control is delegated c) The nearest coast station operated by a marine rescue organisation d) The first vessel to acknowledge receipt of the distress message MROCP0035
When is the signal priority SEELONCE MAYDAY used?
a) By any station to indicate that an urgent medical message will follow b) By a station in distress, or station in control of distress traffic, to impose radio silence on interfering stations during distress working c) By any station near a distressed vessel to impose silence on the distress frequency on stations creating interference on that frequency
d) By any station to indicate that distress working has finished
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When may the radiotelephony signal SEELONCE DISTRESS be used?
a) By a station in distress, or station in control of distress traffic, to impose radio silence on interfering stations during distress working b) By any station to indicate that an urgent medical message will follow c) By any station to indicate that distress working has finished d) By any station near a distressed vessel to impose silence on the distress frequency on stations creating interference on that frequency MROCP0037
What radiotelephony signal is used to advise all stations that distress working is in progress and that restricted working may be resumed on the distress frequency or channel?
a) Seelonce Mayday b) Prudonce c) Mayday Feenee d) Seelonce MROCP0038
What expression is used, by the station in control of distress traffic, to advise that normal traffic may now continue on the distress channel?
a) Seelonce Feenee b) Mayday Feenee c) Prudonce d) Seelonce Mayday MROCP0039
What priority signal would you use in order to advise a shore station of a distress message you wish to transmit on behalf of another vessel?
a) Mayday Relay b) Pan Pan c) The distress signal d) Prudonce MROCP0040
What priority signal is followed by an urgent message concerning the safety of a vessel, aircraft, or person?
a) Securite b) Mayday c) Routine d) Pan Pan
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When is the priority signal PAN PAN used?
a) To broadcast a distress call b) To broadcast an urgent call c) To broadcast a safety call d) To broadcast a routine call MROCP0042
What is the Urgency Signal?
a) Securite b) Prudonce c) Pan Pan d) Mayday MROCP0043
What priority signal is given to a message concerning a man overboard?
a) No priority b) Safety c) Distress d) Urgent MROCP0044
What priority signal should be used to indicate that you require immediate medical advice?
a) The distress signal b) The safety signal c) The urgency signal d) RADIOMEDICAL MROCP0045
What priority message would you transmit to advise that you have just sighted a half submerged container in the ocean?
a) A routine call b) A general announcement c) A safety message to all stations d) A telephone call to the nearest police station
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What priority message would you broadcast when you have just noticed a buoy light that is not working?
a) A routine call b) A safety message to all stations c) A general alert d) A telephone call to the nearest police station MROCP0047
What priority signal is transmitted to indicate that you have sighted a navigational hazard?
a) Mayday b) Prudonce c) Pan Pan d) Securite MROCP0048
What is the radiotelephony Safety Signal?
What type of message follows the safety (Securit) signal?
a) A routine call b) A general announcement c) A weather or navigational warning d) A telephone call to the nearest police station MROCP0050
What does the urgency signal PAN PAN indicate?
a) That the vessel, or persons onboard, are in grave and imminent danger and require immediate assistance. b) That a vessel, or persons onboard the vessel, require assistance to dock the vessel. c) That a sending station has a very urgent message to transmit concerning the safety of a vessel, aircraft or person. d) That a vessel, or persons onboard a vessel, nolonger require assistance.
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What does the safety signal SECURITE indicate?
a) That the vessel, or persons onboard, are in grave and imminent danger and require immediate assistance. b) That a vessel, or persons onboard the vessel, require assistance to dock the vessel. c) That the vessel has a weather or navigational warning to transmit. d) That a vessel, or persons onboard a vessel, nolonger require assistance. MROCP0052
Is an acknowledgment expected for a safety message?
a) No b) Yes c) Sometimes d) Always MROCP0053
What Australian organisation issues DSC identity numbers?
What do the first three digits of a vessel's MMSI indicate?
a) Country of registry b) Coast station c) Specialist Search and Rescue Aircraft d) Aids to navigation MROCP0055
What type of station will be issued with an MMSI preceded with 111?
a) Country of registry b) Coast station c) Specialist Search and Rescue Aircraft d) Aids to navigation
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What type of station will be issued with an MMSI preceded with 00?
a) Country of registry b) Coast station c) Specialist Search and Rescue Aircraft d) Aids to navigation MROCP0057
What other navigational equipment is recommended to be interfaced with the DSC?
a) A Global Position System (GPS) b) An Automated Information System (AIS) c) An EPIRB d) A mobile phone system MROCP0058
Are radiotelephony transmissions permitted on the VHF channel allocated for digital selective calling?
a) Yes b) Sometimes c) No d) Yes, but only by maritime communication stations MROCP0059
How is the DSC transmission identified?
a) By AMSA b) By the MID c) By the MSI d) By the MMSI MROCP0060
What information is contained in all DSC alerts?
a) Transmitting station 9 digit identity number b) Working frequency for further communication c) Name of the coast station being called d) Type of radio transmitter being used
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What information is contained in a DSC distress alert?
a) The size of the vessel in distress b) The home port of the vessel in distress c) The position and an indication of when the position was last updated d) How many persons are on board the distress vessel MROCP0062
What would you do next after receiving a distress alert by VHF DSC?
a) Immediately acknowledge the alert by DSC b) Monitor all the distress frequencies c) Standby VHF Channel 16, and be prepared to write down in the radio log, any signals heard. d) Standby on 2182 kHz, and be prepared to write down any signals heard MROCP0063
What is the preferred method of subsequent communications after the transmission of a digital selective calling distress alert?
a) Digital selective calling techniques b) By the use of standard radiotelephony procedures c) The Inmarsat satellite system d) Narrow band direct printing (NBDP) techniques MROCP0064
What happens if a DSC distress alert is not acknowledged immediately?
a) Automatically repeat at approximately four minute intervals for 5 transmissions b) Automatically repeat at approximately four minute intervals until cancelled c) Automatically repeat at approximately ten minute intervals for 5 transmissions d) Automatically repeat at approximately eight minute intervals for 10 transmissions MROCP0065
What should the operator do if a DSC distress alert has been accidentally sent?
a) Switch off the tranceiver then switch on the tranceiver go to channel 16 and broadcast an 'all stations' call cancelling the distress alert
b) Switch on the tranceiver then switch off the tranceiver it will automatically cancel the distress alert c) Broadcast an 'all stations' call cancelling the distress alert on channel 16 d) Contact the nearest coast radio station requesting they cancel the alert.
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How long should the 406 MHz EPIRB be capable of transmitting?
a) Minimum -12 hours b) Minimum - 24 hours c) Minimum - 48 hours d) Minimum - 96 hours MROCP0067
How is an activated 406 MHz EPIRB initially detected?
a) Aircraft only b) Satellites operating in the COSPAS-SARSAT system c) Other small boats in the area d) Large ships in the area MROCP0068
What type of land station receives EPIRB signal information?
a) A Limited Coast Radio Station. b) A Local User Terminal c) A Coast Radio Station d) A Land Earth Station MROCP0069
What type of signal is transmitted from a 406 MHz EPIRB?
a) A brief burst of data b) A continuous two tone alarm c) A short radiotelex transmission d) A long radiotelephony signal MROCP0070
What identifying information does a 406 MHz EPIRB transmit?
a) The Unique Identifier b) The name of owner c) The serial number d) The manufacturer
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What is the purpose of an EPIRB?
a) To allow a vessel in distress to talk to a rescue satellite b) To determine the geographical position of survivors in SAR operations c) To allow a vessel in distress to talk to rescue vessels d) To alert other vessels that a life raft is in the water MROCP0072
Under what circumstances may you test an EPIRB?
a) When inside the steel hull of a vessel b) With the permission of a limited coast station operated by a marine rescue organisation c) With the permission of the nearest air traffic control d) In accordance with the manufacturer's instructions for self-testing MROCP0073
When may an activated EPIRB be switched off?
a) After six hours in order to preserve battery power b) During daylight hours c) With the permission of the nearest air traffic control d) When rescue has been completed MROCP0074
Is an EPIRB an accepted alternative to a radio tranceiver?
a) No b) Yes c) Maybe d) Only if a SART accompanies the EPIRB MROCP0075
What organisation registers EPIRBS?
a) AMSA b) ACMA c) AMC d) Australia Post
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What satellite system can detect or receive EPIRB signals?
a) The COSPAS-SARSAT system b) The ACMA system c) The NASA system d) The Inmarsat-C system MROCP0077
In the COSPAS-SARSAT system, what type of satellites are orbiting around the Earth\'s surface?
a) Satellites that are in polar orbit b) Geo stationary satellites c) LUTs d) Global MROCP0078
In the COSPAS-SARSAT system, what type of satellites are stationary over the equator?
a) Geo stationary satellites b) Satellites that are in polar orbit c) LUTs d) Global MROCP0079
What is the approximate duration of the orbiting satellites?
a) 100 minutes b) 60 minutes c) 120 minutes d) 200 minutes MROCP0080
What is the viewing range, or footprint, of the orbiting satellite?
a) Approximately 2000 km b) Approximately 1000 km c) Approximately 200 km d) Approximately 100 km
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Where are the land stations located in Australia that receive EPIRB information relayed from the satellite?
a) Albany and Bundaberg b) Perth and Canberra c) Darwin and Sydney d) Brisbane and Hobart MROCP0082
What must you do if you accidentally activate an EPIRB?
a) Immediately advise the RCC b) Immediately advise the ACMA c) Immediately advise the AMSA d) Immediately advise the locate voluntary marine rescue group. MROCP0083
What is the minimum time a SART should be capable of operating?
a) 96 hours in standby with a further 8 hours of transmission b) 48 hours in standby with a further 4 hours of transmission c) 24 hours of transmission with 10 hours in standby d) 12 hours of transmission with 24 hours in standby MROCP0084
How is a SART signal identified on a 3cm Radar?
a) A series of dots and dashes displayed on the radar screen b) A series of letters of the alphabet displayed on the radar c) A series of 12 blips displayed on the radar screen extending in a line on a bearing away from the radar centre d) A continuous line leading away from the radar centre MROCP0085
What is the general description of a SART?
a) A portable, battery-powered device used for position indication to searching aircraft and vessels. b) A portable, battery-powered device used for radio telephony purposes. c) A portable, battery-powered device used by aircraft and vessels to locate whales. d) A portable, battery-powered device used by vessels to show what other vessels are in the area.
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How should a SART be positioned for survival operations?
a) As high as possible , minimum 1 metre b) On the edge of the survival craft c) In the water with a minimum depth of 1 metre d) In the middle of the survival caft MROCP0087
What is the distance a SART should respond to a ship\'s radar with a scanner height of 15 metres?
a) 5 nautical miles b) 10 nautical miles c) 2 nautical miles d) 15 nautical miles MROCP0088
What is the ability of a lead acid battery to produce current known as?
a) Current hour capacity b) Volt-amp capacity c) Voltage hour capacity d) Ampere hour capacity MROCP0089
What should be added to a lead acid battery when the electrolyte is at a low level?
a) Nothing as the liquid will be restored during the charging cycle b) A weak mixture of sulphuric acid and water c) Sea water d) Distilled or demineralised water MROCP0090
What gas is produced by charging lead acid batteries?
a) Hydrogen b) Sulphur dioxide c) Nitrogen d) Chlorine
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What acid is contained in a lead acid battery electrolyte?
a) Hydrochloric b) Sulphuric c) Bicarbonate d) Antacid MROCP0092
What is the effect on a marine transceiver of corrosion on lead acid battery terminals?
a) A sharp burning sensation from the metal case of the transceiver during transmission b) Failure of transmission together with dimmed dial lights or channel display when the transmit button is pressed c) Damage to the battery d) Power supply fuses which frequently 'blow' MROCP0093
How can an accurate indication of the amount of charge held in a lead acid battery be determined?
a) By measuring the specific gravity of the electrolyte b) By noting how often topping-up is necessary c) By estimating the amount of liquid inside each cell d) By measuring the temperature of the electrolyte MROCP0094
What instrument is used to measure the specific gravity of the electrolyte of a lead acid battery?
a) A hydrometer b) A barometer c) A chronometer d) A voltimeter MROCP0095
What specific gravity reading would be expected of a well maintained lead acid battery?
a) 1150 (or 1.150) b) 1200 (or 1.200) c) 1250 (or 1.250) d) 1300 (or 1.300)
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What is the total voltage when two 12 volt lead acid batteries are connected in parallel?
a) 24 Volts b) 12 Volts c) 6 Volts d) 3 Volts MROCP0097
What would be the total voltage if two 6 volt lead acid batteries connected in series?
a) 12 Volts b) 16 Volts c) 6 Volts d) 24 Volts MROCP0098
What type of fuse should be used to replace a 'blown' fuse in the radio power leads?
a) A fuse of a higher rating b) A fuse of a lower rating c) A fuse of the manufacturers recommended value d) Any fuse of the same dimensions MROCP0099
What is the total voltage when two 6 volt lead acid batteries are connected in parallel?
a) 24 Volts b) 12 Volts c) 6 Volts d) 3 Volts MROCP0100
What would be the total voltage if two 12 volt lead acid batteries connected in series?
a) 12 Volts b) 16 Volts c) 6 Volts d) 24 Volts
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What is the nominal voltage per cell, of a lead acid battery?
a) 2 volts b) 1.5 volts c) 1 volt d) 1.3 volts MROCP0102
What is the general description of the SIMPLEX mode for communications?
a) Two way conversation using paired frequencies b) Two way conversation using two frequencies c) One way conversation using two separate frequencies d) Transmission and reception on the same frequency MROCP0103
Which of the following describes DUPLEX radiotelephone operation?
a) Two way simultaneous speech communication using a single frequency b) Communication in one direction only at a time using a single frequency c) Two way simultaneous speech communication using paired frequencies d) Broadcast to all stations simultaneously. MROCP0104
What frequency may be used for routine messages between ship stations in pleasure vessels?
a) 2284 kHz b) 6215 kHz c) 156.650 MHz (Channel 13) d) 27.86 MHz (Channel 86) MROCP0105
Whose authority is required before sending a distress acknowledgement on a radiotelephony transceiver?
a) The watch keeper b) The master or skipper c) Any person on board d) The vessel's owner
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Which of the following is the correct distress call for a MF/HF marine radio?
a) Pandora Pandora Pandora to all stations Mayday Mayday Mayday b) Mayday Mayday Mayday this is Pandora 503004321 Pandora 503004321 Pandora 503004321 c) Mayday Pandora 503004321 calling ALL Stations Mayday d) Tugerah Tugerah Tugerah this is Pandora Pandora 503004321 MROCP0107
Which of the following is in the correct sequence for a distress message for the vessel Jenny Wren?
a) Mayday Jenny Wren 5 miles NE Point Grim Sinking 5 persons on board b) We have a Mayday with 5 persons on board the Jenny Wren which is sinking fast c) Vessel in position NE Point Grim by 5 miles Mayday Sinking with 5 persons on board d) Mayday 5 persons on board the Jenny Wren sinking nearly 5 miles NE off Point Grim. MROCP0108
What is the correct distress call for a MF/HF marine radio?
a) Mayday Mayday Mayday, this is Southern Cross VJA2345 Southern Cross VJA2345 Southern Cross VJA2345 (vessel name x 3 ) b) Calling Southern Cross VJA2345, Mayday Mayday Mayday c) Mayday Mayday Mayday, calling Southern Cross VJA2345 d) This is Southern Cross (vessel name x 3), Mayday Mayday Mayday MROCP0109
Which of the following is the correct order for a MF/HF marine radio distress message?
a) Verity Jane VKD5678 five persons onboard a 10 metre cabin cruiser which is on fire - 10 miles southeast of Cape Morton require immediate assistance
b) Verity Jane VKD5678- Mayday - abandoning ship - require assistance - Fire onboard - 10 miles southeast of Cape Morton c) Mayday Verity Jane VKD5678 10 miles southeast Cape Morton - fire onboard and abandoning ship - 3 adults and 2 children onboard d) Mayday - fire on board - require immediate assistance - 10 miles southeast of Cape Morton - abandoning ship MROCP0110
What do you do next if your distress call and message have not been acknowledged on 2182 kHz?
a) Wait until the end of the next silence period b) Immediately repeat the same especially during a silence period c) Change to VHF Channel 67 and repeat the signal d) Wait until the next scheduled radio contact time with your shore base
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What would you do next after receiving a distress alert by MF DSC?
a) Immediately acknowledge the alert by DSC b) Monitor all the distress frequencies c) Standby VHF Channel 16, and be prepared to write down in the radio log, any signals heard. d) Standby on 2182 kHz, and be prepared to write down any signals heard MROCP0112
What type of message may follow the radiotelephony alarm signal ?
a) The weather forecast by a coast station b) A safety message c) A test transmission d) A distress call and message MROCP0113
What mode of transmission is required on all marine MF/HF radiotelephony frequencies?
a) F1B b) AM/H3E c) SSB/J3E d) W9E MROCP0114
Which of the following frequencies is available for safety warnings from Australian Coast Radio Stations?
a) 8291 kHz b) 8176 kHz c) 2638 kHz d) 4125 kHz MROCP0115
For Watchkeeping purposes what VHF channel should a vessel maintain a listening watch on whilst at sea?
a) Channel 67 b) Channel 13 c) Channel 16 d) Channel 77
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What is the International 2MHz radiotelephony distress frequency?
a) 2182 kHz b) 2187.5 kHz c) 2201 kHz d) 2524 kHz MROCP0117
Which of the following is an International radiotelephony distress and safety calling frequency?
a) 4436 kHz b) 6507 kHz c) 8291 kHz d) 156.625 MHz (VHF channel 72) MROCP0118
Which of the following is an international distress and calling frequency?
a) 4125 kHz b) 6364 kHz c) 156.625 MHz (VHF channel 72) d) 27.86 MHz (Channel 86) MROCP0119
Which of the following is an international radiotelephony distress and calling frequency?
a) 6364khz b) 27.86 MHz (Channel 86) c) 6215 kHz d) 156.625 MHz (VHF channel 72) MROCP0120
What is the general rule for the use of MF/HF frequencies during the day time?
a) The higher the frequency the greater the communications distance b) They should not be used during hours of darkness c) The lower the frequency then the greater the communications distance d) They are effective only for very short range communications
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Which piece of radio equipment would provide the best overall safety on a round-the world voyage?
a) 27 MHz marine equipment fitted with all available channels b) MF/HF marine equipment fitted with digital selective calling and all International channels/frequencies c) VHF marine equipment fitted with digital selective calling and all International channels d) A 121.5/243 MHz EPIRB MROCP0122
What would be the most likely cause should an operator receive a sharp burning sensation when touching the metal case of a MF/HF transceiver?
a) A seriously overcharged battery b) A frayed power supply cables c) A shorted power supply cable d) A faulty or non-existent radio earth connection MROCP0123
What type of marine transceiver is likely to be affected least by ignition noise from an engine?
a) 27 MHz marine CB b) MF/HF marine c) VHF marine d) All marine transceivers MROCP0124
What is the main function of an antenna-tuning unit (ATU) on a MF/HF transceiver?
a) To cut out annoying receiver noise in the absence of incoming signals b) To ensure maximum transfer of transmitted power to the antenna on different frequency bands c) To fine tune incoming single sideband (SSB) signals that sound distorted d) To physically vary the length of the antenna MROCP0125
What is the purpose of the mute control on a MF/HF transceiver?
a) To stop annoying background atmospheric noise or radio interference b) To place the transceiver on standby c) To adjust the 'electrical' length of the antenna d) To fine tune received signals that sound distorted
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What is the purpose of the clarifier control on a MF/HF transceiver?
a) To fine tune incoming single sideband (SSB) signals that sound distorted or 'off station' b) To cut out annoying receiver noise c) To vary the power of transmitted signals d) To ensure maximum transfer of transmitted power to the antenna MROCP0127
What qualification does an operator of a VHF Marine tranceiver require in accordance with the Radiocommunications Act 1992?
a) MROVCP, recognised equivalent or higher qualification b) MSCCE, recognised equivalent or higher qualification c) ACMA, recognised equivalent or higher qualification d) RCC, recognised equivalent or higher qualification MROCP0128
Which government Act imposes severe penalties to false or deceptive distress, urgency and safety messages?
a) Navigation Act 1912 b) Radiocommunications Act 1992 c) Broadcasting Services Act 1992 d) Television Licence Fees Act 1964 MROCP0129
Where in the eight bands of the frequency spectrum does the maritime VHF frequencies fall?
a) 300 to 3000 KHz (or 3 Mhz) b) 3 to 30 MHz c) 30 to 300 MHz d) 300 to 3000 MHz MROCP0130
Generally speaking, what range would you expect via marine VHF?
a) Medium range b) Short range c) Long range d) World range
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Where, should a VHF antenna ideally be positioned?
a) As high as possible, preferably at the top of a mast b) On the cabin roof c) On top of the VHF radio casing d) At the stern of the boat MROCP0132
What generally determines the range or distance of communications, on VHF marine channels?
a) It is determined by ionospheric ducting b) It is possible because radio energy is reflected from the ionosphere c) It is determined by a combination of sky wave and ground wave energy d) It is determined by the combined heights of the transmitting and receiving antenna MROCP0133
What is range at VHF dependent on?
a) The combined height of the transmitting and receiving antennas. b) The combined length of the oars c) The distance of the wave motion d) The position of the radio battery MROCP0134
What generally is the range at VHF known as?
a) By line of height b) By rule of thumb c) By line of distance d) By line of sight. MROCP0135
What part of the VHF radio wave is used for communications purposes?
a) Earth curvature waves b) Surface or ground waves. c) Ocean waves d) Long waves.
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Which best describes the antenna for a marine VHF transceiver?
a) A short vertical whip or rod. b) A short horizontal whip or rod. c) A long vertical whip or rod. d) A long horizontal whip or rod. MROCP0137
What control on a VHF transceiver should be adjusted to stop the constant roar from the loudspeaker when no signals are being received?
a) The channel selector control b) The squelch control c) The transmitter power selector control d) The dual watch control MROCP0138
What is the purpose of the transmitter power selector control on a VHF marine transceiver?
a) To allow reduction of transmitted power to minimise interference to other stations and reduces battery drain b) It is used to minimise the effect of ignition noise c) To control the annoying background roar from the receiver d) It activates the transmitter when pressed MROCP0139
What is the maximum transmitter power for a VHF marine transceiver?
a) 1 Watt b) 5 Watt c) 25 Watt d) 55 Watt MROCP0140
Which of the following VHF channels could be monitored with the DUAL WATCH control on?
a) Channel 26 & 06 b) Channel 77 & 70 c) Channel 67 & 13 d) Channel 12 & 16
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What function does the DUAL WATCH control of a marine VHF provide?
a) Watch keeping on any two channels b) Watch keeping on channel 70 and 77 c) Watch keeping on all the marine VHF channels d) Watch keeping on any working channel with channel 16 MROCP0142
What is a VHF Repeater station?
a) A limited coast installation b) Unmanned shore installations designed to 'repeat' signals received c) A coast guard facillity d) A ship station MROCP0143
What are the repeater channels?
a) Channels 21,22,80,81 or 82 b) Channels 21,22,80,16 or 67 c) Channels 70, 71 and 72 d) Channels 13 and 6 MROCP0144
What is the purpose of a Limited Coast Radio Station?
a) Land stations established to communicate with vessels at sea. b) Ship stations which communicate with vessels at sea. c) WAY FM radio sations. d) To listen for EPIRB transmissions MROCP0145
What services are provided by Limited Coast Stations?
a) Communications relating to the safety and movements of vessels in their area b) Radiotelephone calls to shore telephone subscribers c) Transmission of time signals d) E-mail from vessels to addressees ashore
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What are the hours of operation for a limited coast station?
a) A minimum of 12 hours daily b) A minimum of 12 hours at weekends and public holidays c) 24 hours a day, seven days a week d) They are not fixed but determined by local requirements or State government legislation MROCP0147
Whose authority is the vessel's radio station placed under?
a) The master , skipper or person responsible for the safety of the vessel. b) The crew member closest to the radio. c) The local coast guard. d) No one MROCP0148
With respect to station identification during transmission which one of the following is correct?
a) Operators need not identify their station whilst speaking b) Station identification during local transmission is not necessary c) Operators need only identify their station when making the initial call d) Operators must provide station identification during every transmission MROCP0149
How are radio transmissions identified?
a) Vessel name, call sign (if available) or by other means such as the MMSI number. b) Country of origin c) Date of vessel registration d) Hello this is Jack calling MROCP0150
Is the VHF transceiver apparatus in an Australian vessel required to be licenced?
a) Yes, individual tranceivers are licenced b) No, it is authorised by a marine ship station class licence c) The requirements are the same as for the MF/HF Tranceiver d) The requirements are the as for the 27MHz tranceiver
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To whom should distress calls, messages and traffic be addressed?
a) To an individual station b) To any station on working channels c) To all stations on the distress channel d) To the police by mobile telephone MROCP0152
To whom should urgency calls, messages and traffic be addressed?
a) To all or an individual station b) To any station on working channels only c) To all stations only d) To the police by mobile telephone MROCP0153
To whom should safety calls and messages be addressed?
a) To all or an individual station b) To any station on working channels only c) To all stations only d) To the police by mobile telephone MROCP0154
To whom should general or routine communications be addressed?
a) To an individual station ONLY b) To any station on working channels c) To all stations on the distress channel d) To the police by mobile telephone MROCP0155
What channels are used for the exchange of general or routine communications?
a) Working channels b) Calling channels c) Channels designated for distress, urgency traffic d) Channels designated for traffic lists, weather or navigational warnings
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What is the purpose of a working frequency?
a) To initiate a call from shore to ship b) To initiate a call from ship to shore c) To exchange distress information d) To exchange messages and public correspondence MROCP0157
What is the purpose of a calling frequency?
a) For the exchange of messages or telephony communications b) For the initial call from station to station c) For the broadcast of marine safety information d) For the exchange public correspondence MROCP0158
Which one of the following would be an incorrect use of VHF channel 16?
a) To hold a general conversation with another boat concerning intended movements b) To establish routine communications with a maritime communication or limited coast station c) To broadcast a radiotelephony urgency call and message after a digital selective call urgency alert d) To broadcast a radiotelephony distress call. MROCP0159
What VHF channel may be used for routine vessel to vessel communications?
a) Channel 6 b) Channel 72 c) Channel 70 d) Channel 67 MROCP0160
What marine VHF channel may be used for the exchange of vessel to vessel safety information?
a) Channel 06 b) Channel 13 c) Channel 70 d) Channel 16
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What frequency or channels are Maritime Safety Information messages broadcast on?
a) The distress, urgency and safety frequencies b) On a working frequency or channel c) On any telephony channel or frequency d) On a DSC frequency or channel MROCP0162
What marine VHF channel may be used for co-ordinating search and rescue communications between vessels and aircraft?
a) Channel 13 b) Channel 06 c) Channel 70 d) Channel 16 MROCP0163
What marine VHF Channel is reserved for the transmission of DSC alerts?
a) Channel 73 b) Channel 67 c) Channel 70 d) Channel 06 MROCP0164
What are the main and supplementary VHF radiotelephony channels used for distress and safety in Australia?
a) Channels 16 and 67 b) Channels 16 and 13 c) Channels 6 and 16 d) Channels 16 and 72 MROCP0165
Which of the following is a VHF working channel?
a) Channel 6 b) Channel 73 c) Channel 70 d) Channel 67
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Secrecy or confidentiality does not apply to which of the following?
a) Received ships business communications b) Received personal crew e-mail c) Received All Stations broadcasts d) Received private telephone calls Finish Questions for : MROCP
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AMSA Test regarding GMDSS - QUESTIONS MCSSE - Marine Satellite Communications Certificate of Endorsement MCSSE0001
What service is provided by use of Enhanced Group Calling (EGC)?
a) Electronic mail b) Facsimile mail c) Maritime safety messages d) Routine or public correspondence MCSSE0002
What information is provided by Marine Safety Information (MSI)?
a) Information from ship owners to their fleet b) News broadcasts c) Information from the Government to all Australian registered vessels d) Distress alerts, navigational and weather warnings/forecasts MCSSE0003
When should a PVT or Link test be conducted?
a) At least once a day b) When changing ocean regions c) When conduction commissioning or transmission tests by authorised technicians d) At least once a voyage MCSSE0004
What is the result should you fail to update position information in an Inmarsat-C terminal within 12 hours?
a) Reception of Coastal Warnings via EGC only b) An automatic message is sent to NCS c) The system shuts down d) Reception of EGC for the entire Ocean Region MCSSE0005
What would be the result of position information not being updated within 12 hours in the Inmarsat-C system?
a) Reception of Coastal Warnings via EGC only b) SES being unable to receive EGC c) The operation of audible and visual alarms d) Reception of EGC for the entire Ocean Region
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When would an EGC message be repeated, for stations missing the initial broadcast?
a) After every traffic list b) After an announcement on the common channel c) After a 60 minute delay d) After a 6 minute delay and then at scheduled broadcast times MCSSE0007
What word is used to commence an urgency message received by the Enhanced Group Calling (EGC) system?
What method is utilised when transmitting via the Inmarsat-C system?
a) Real time mode communications b) Real time and store and forward mode communications c) Store and forward mode and data communications d) Low quality telephony and data communications MCSSE0009
Which service does SafetyNET provide?
a) Ship owners fleet or company information b) Crew personal communications c) Maritime Safety Information d) News subscription services MCSSE0010
To whom would EGC broadcasts concerning a distress alert normally be addressed?
a) To vessels within a uniquely defined geographical area b) All vessels within an ocean region c) Vessels belonging to a particular flag or registration d) Vessels belonging to a particular fleet
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What is the Inmarsat two-digit code?
a) A method of requesting advice b) A method of ensuring correct delivery of messages without the need to know full address details c) A method used to initiate a distress alert d) A quick way to attract the attention of a Land Earth Station MCSSE0012
What service may be provided by FleetNetTM?
a) Search and rescue (SAR) information b) Hydro graphic service information c) Meteorological offices information d) News subscription services MCSSE0013
Which statement concerning a distress alert transmitted from an Inmarsat-C Ship Earth Station (SES) terminal is correct?
a) It can be sent if the SES is not logged in b) It can only be sent when the dish antenna is stabilised and pointing towards the satellite c) It may only be sent if the SES is logged in d) It can only be sent if the operator knows the electronic address of the relevant Marine Rescue Coordination Centre MCSSE0014
What do the Inmarsat two digit special access codes provide?
a) They are only used for medical advice b) A method of ensuring correct delivery of messages without the need to know full address details c) They are only used to initiate a distress alert d) A quick way to attract the attention of a Land Earth Station MCSSE0015
What method should be used to continue communications after initiating a distress alert via Inmarsat-C?
a) The radiotelephony mode b) By radio telex, (NBDP) c) By the keyboard, using non priority d) By the keyboard, selecting distress priority
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What word should be used to commence shore to ship safety messages?
What does an Inmarsat-C terminal monitor, in the idle mode?
a) Terminal Calling Channel (TCC) b) Time Division Multiplexer (TDM) c) NCS Common Channel d) Distress, Urgency and Safety Channel MCSSE0018
What information is required before the EGC receiver can decide whether to accept or reject a shore to ship distress alert?
a) Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI) of the vessel b) Choice of the shipboard operator c) Relative position of the vessel and the closest satellite d) Comparison of position information in the EGCs receiver memory MCSSE0019
What must the shipboard operator do should he accidentally transmit a distress alert?
a) Broadcast a safety message to all vessels within range b) Nothing c) Advise the nearest appropriate Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre immediately d) Advise the NCS by radiotelephone MCSSE0020
What information is included in a distress alert transmitted via Inmarsat-C?
a) Vessels name b) Identity, nature of distress and an indication of position validity c) MRCC connection d) What ocean region the distress vessel is located in.
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Which satellite system is generally accepted as the only method of delivery of the EGC facility?
a) Iridium b) Inmarsat-C c) Inmarsat-B d) Inmarsat - M MCSSE0022
Which of the following is a designated INMARSAT coverage area?
a) The Atlantic Ocean North Region (AON) b) The Indian Ocean North Region (ION) c) The Pacific Ocean Region (POR) d) The Arctic Ocean Region (AOR) MCSSE0023
Is Inmarsat-M approved for use in the Global Maritime Distrss & Safety System (GMDSS)?
a) No b) Yes c) Maybe d) Yes, depending on where you are. MCSSE0024
What interface does Land Earth Stations provide for each ocean region?
a) Full automated communications between vessels at sea and shore based telecommunications networks. b) Full automated communications between satellite and all land/sea installations. c) Semi automated communications between the network Co-Ordination Centre and the Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre. d) Semi automated communications for private telephone calls. MCSSE0025
What two ocean areas does the Australian LES service?
a) Indian & Pacific b) Atlantic & Pacific c) India & Atlantic d) Arctic & Indian
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By whose authority is required before transmitting a distress call and message?
a) The person on duty at the time b) The master, skipper or person responsible for the safety of the vessel c) The vessels owner d) No specific authority is required MCSSE0027
What is Enhanced Group Calling (EGC)
a) The broadcast of information to selected ship earth stations in an ocean region. b) The broadcast of information to all ship earth stations in all ocean region. c) The broadcast of television programs to selected vessels. d) The broadcast of news bulletins from news subscription services. MCSSE0028
What is the Inmarsat-C radiation hazard distance?
a) One meter b) Two meters c) Five meters d) Seven meters MCSSE0029
What is the Inmarsat installation aboard a vessel known as?
a) LES b) SES c) RCC d) LUT MCSSE0030
What data service does Inmarsat-C provide?
a) High quality telex. Telephone, facsimile & data service in real time. b) Telex and facsimile data exchange in the store & forward mode. c) Low quality telephone & data service in real time. d) High quality, fast voice communication.
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What service does the Inmarsat Fleet Service, Fleet 77, provide?
a) High quality telex. Telephone, facsimile & data service in real time. b) Telex and facsimile data exchange in the store & forward mode. c) Low quality telephone & data service in real time. d) High quality, fast voice communication. MCSSE0032
What data service does Inmarsat-B provide?
a) High quality telex. Telephone, facsimile & data service in real time. b) Telex and facsimile data exchange in the store & forward mode. c) Low quality telephone & data service in real time. d) High quality, fast voice communication. MCSSE0033
What data service does Inmarsat-M provide?
a) High quality telex. Telephone, facsimile & data service in real time. b) Telex and facsimile data exchange in the store & forward mode. c) Low quality telephone & data service in real time. d) High quality, fast voice communication. MCSSE0034
Before entering port and turning off the voltage supply to the Inmarsat-C terminal what action is recommended?
a) Take a 'Transmitter Test' b) Check message reception c) Read the transmitter log d) Log out MCSSE0035
How many ocean regions are deployed in the Inmarsat system?
a) 2 ocean regions b) 4 ocean regions c) 6 ocean regions d) 8 ocean regions
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Where are the satellites in the Inmarsat system positioned?
a) Geostationary over the equator b) In polar orbit c) Located over the tropics of Capricorn and Cancer d) Are in orbit over the meridian of Greewich (0o longitude) MCSSE0037
What type of stations manage communications between vessels at sea and land earth stations?
a) LUT b) MRCC c) NCS d) SES MCSSE0038
What is the location of Australias Land Earth Station(s)?
a) Bundaberg b) Albany c) Perth d) Brisbane and Hobart MCSSE0039
Where are Australia's Land Earth Station(s)?
a) Hobart and Darwin b) Albany and Sydney c) Perth d) Bundaberg MCSSE0040
How does the Inmarsat B system concentrate radio energy into a narrow beam that is kept pointing at an Inmarsat satellite?
a) Dish antenna b) Omnidirectional Antenna c) Stabilised dish antenna d) Stabilised omnidirectional antenna
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What is the Inmarsat B antenna radiation hazard?
a) 1 meter b) 3 meters c) 5 meters d) 7 meters MCSSE0042
How often should the Inmarsat-C terminal, without GPS interfacing, have position information updated?
a) Every two (2) hours b) At each change of watch c) Every four (4) hours d) Every six (6) hours MCSSE0043
What is the purpose of an Inmarsat-C log-in?
a) To advise search and rescue organisations of the location of a vessel b) To advise Land Earth Stations of the location of a vessel c) To inform the relevant Network Coordination Station of the operational status of the Ship Earth Station d) To inform the nearest Land Earth Station of the operational status of a Ship Earth Station Finish Questions for : MCSSE
Number of Records : 209 Latest update at : May 6, 2015
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AMSA Test regarding GMDSS - ANSWERS MROCP - Marine Radio Operators Certificate of Proficiency (for VHF & MF/HF radio operations) MROCP0001 :
MROCP0049 :
MROCP0097 :
MROCP0145 :
MROCP0002 :
MROCP0050 :
MROCP0098 :
MROCP0146 :
MROCP0003 :
MROCP0051 :
MROCP0099 :
MROCP0147 :
MROCP0004 :
MROCP0052 :
MROCP0100 :
MROCP0148 :
MROCP0005 :
MROCP0053 :
MROCP0101 :
MROCP0149 :
MROCP0006 :
MROCP0054 :
MROCP0102 :
MROCP0150 :
MROCP0007 :
MROCP0055 :
MROCP0103 :
MROCP0151 :
MROCP0008 :
MROCP0056 :
MROCP0104 :
MROCP0152 :
MROCP0009 :
MROCP0057 :
MROCP0105 :
MROCP0153 :
MROCP0010 :
MROCP0058 :
MROCP0106 :
MROCP0154 :
MROCP0011 :
MROCP0059 :
MROCP0107 :
MROCP0155 :
MROCP0012 :
MROCP0060 :
MROCP0108 :
MROCP0156 :
MROCP0013 :
MROCP0061 :
MROCP0109 :
MROCP0157 :
MROCP0014 :
MROCP0062 :
MROCP0110 :
MROCP0158 :
MROCP0015 :
MROCP0063 :
MROCP0111 :
MROCP0159 :
MROCP0016 :
MROCP0064 :
MROCP0112 :
MROCP0160 :
MROCP0017 :
MROCP0065 :
MROCP0113 :
MROCP0161 :
MROCP0018 :
MROCP0066 :
MROCP0114 :
MROCP0162 :
MROCP0019 :
MROCP0067 :
MROCP0115 :
MROCP0163 :
MROCP0020 :
MROCP0068 :
MROCP0116 :
MROCP0164 :
MROCP0021 :
MROCP0069 :
MROCP0117 :
MROCP0165 :
MROCP0022 :
MROCP0070 :
MROCP0118 :
MROCP0166 :
MROCP0023 :
MROCP0071 :
MROCP0119 :
MROCP0024 :
MROCP0072 :
MROCP0120 :
MROCP0025 :
MROCP0073 :
MROCP0121 :
MROCP0026 :
MROCP0074 :
MROCP0122 :
MROCP0027 :
MROCP0075 :
MROCP0123 :
MROCP0028 :
MROCP0076 :
MROCP0124 :
MROCP0029 :
MROCP0077 :
MROCP0125 :
MROCP0030 :
MROCP0078 :
MROCP0126 :
MROCP0031 :
MROCP0079 :
MROCP0127 :
MROCP0032 :
MROCP0080 :
MROCP0128 :
MROCP0033 :
MROCP0081 :
MROCP0129 :
MROCP0034 :
MROCP0082 :
MROCP0130 :
MROCP0035 :
MROCP0083 :
MROCP0131 :
MROCP0036 :
MROCP0084 :
MROCP0132 :
MROCP0037 :
MROCP0085 :
MROCP0133 :
MROCP0038 :
MROCP0086 :
MROCP0134 :
MROCP0039 :
MROCP0087 :
MROCP0135 :
MROCP0040 :
MROCP0088 :
MROCP0136 :
MROCP0041 :
MROCP0089 :
MROCP0137 :
MROCP0042 :
MROCP0090 :
MROCP0138 :
MROCP0043 :
MROCP0091 :
MROCP0139 :
MROCP0044 :
MROCP0092 :
MROCP0140 :
MROCP0045 :
MROCP0093 :
MROCP0141 :
MROCP0046 :
MROCP0094 :
MROCP0142 :
MROCP0047 :
MROCP0095 :
MROCP0143 :
MROCP0048 :
MROCP0096 :
MROCP0144 :
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AMSA Test regarding GMDSS - ANSWERS MCSSE - Marine Satellite Communications Certificate of Endorsement MCSSE0001 :
MCSSE0002 :
MCSSE0003 :
MCSSE0004 :
MCSSE0005 :
MCSSE0006 :
MCSSE0007 :
MCSSE0008 :
MCSSE0009 :
MCSSE0010 :
MCSSE0011 :
MCSSE0012 :
MCSSE0013 :
MCSSE0014 :
MCSSE0015 :
MCSSE0016 :
MCSSE0017 :
MCSSE0018 :
MCSSE0019 :
MCSSE0020 :
MCSSE0021 :
MCSSE0022 :
MCSSE0023 :
MCSSE0024 :
MCSSE0025 :
MCSSE0026 :
MCSSE0027 :
MCSSE0028 :
MCSSE0029 :
MCSSE0030 :
MCSSE0031 :
MCSSE0032 :
MCSSE0033 :
MCSSE0034 :
MCSSE0035 :
MCSSE0036 :
MCSSE0037 :
MCSSE0038 :
MCSSE0039 :
MCSSE0040 :
MCSSE0041 :
MCSSE0042 :
MCSSE0043 :
Finish Answers for : MCSSE
Number of Records : 209 Latest update at : May 6, 2015
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AMSA Test regarding GMDSS - ANSWERS MROCP - Marine Radio Operators Certificate of Proficiency (for VHF & MF/HF radio operations) MROCP0001 : c)
Channel 16
MROCP0002 : a)
Operators should record all distress alerts and messages transmitted and received.
MROCP0003 : d)
The station called
MROCP0004 : b)
That the other station is invited to respond
MROCP0005 : c)
That I have received and understand your message
MROCP0006 : d)
That the exchange is completed
MROCP0007 : c)
VMR Hervey Bay this is Blue Whale, Blue Whale on Ch16 suggest channel 73 Over
MROCP0008 : a)
This is Blue Whale position report over.
MROCP0009 : a)
Wait two minutes and repeat the call.
MROCP0010 : a)
Call another station
MROCP0011 : a)
Request identity of the calling station.
MROCP0012 : a)
Alfa Quebec Uniform Alfa Romeo India Uniform Sierra
MROCP0013 : c)
Echo Charlie Lima India Papa Sierra Echo
MROCP0014 : c)
Hotel Uniform Oscar November Mike India Sierra Tango Romeo Echo Sierra Sierra
MROCP0015 : a)
Papa Hotel Echo Oscar November India Xray
MROCP0016 : a)
Sierra Echo Alfa Golf Yankee Papa Sierra Yankee
MROCP0017 : b)
Papa India Papa Echo Delta Romeo Echo Alfa Mike
MROCP0018 : d)
Sierra Kilo Yankee Bravo Lima Uniform Echo
MROCP0019 : c)
Lima Alfa Delta Yankee Delta Alfa Papa Hotel November Echo
MROCP0020 : c)
Whiskey India Lima Delta Whiskey Alfa Victor Echo
MROCP0021 : a)
Juliett Alfa Charlie Alfa Romeo Alfa November Delta Alfa
MROCP0022 : c)
The Master or person responsible for the safety of the vessel
MROCP0023 : d)
The Master or person responsible for the safety of the vessel
MROCP0024 : c)
VHF channel 16
MROCP0025 : a)
That the vessel, or persons onboard, are in grave and imminent danger and require immediate assistance.
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Version 1.0.1 ,2015 © Adrian MINCULESCU
Navigare necesse est !
AMSA Test regarding GMDSS - ANSWERS MROCP - Marine Radio Operators Certificate of Proficiency (for VHF & MF/HF radio operations) MROCP0026 : b)
Mayday Mayday Mayday this is Songbird 503000123 Songbird 503000123 Songbird 503000123
MROCP0027 : a)
Mayday - Black Pearl 503001234 - 4 miles West of Safety Bay - fire on board - abandoning ship EPIRB activated
MROCP0028 : b)
Immediately repeat the same especially during a silence period
MROCP0029 : d)
State and Territory police forces
MROCP0030 : a)
Acceptance is absolute and priority is given over all other calls.
MROCP0031 : a)
Received Mayday
MROCP0032 : c)
Get ready to write down in the Radio Log Book any distress message that may follow
MROCP0033 : c)
MROCP0034 : b)
The vessel in distress, unless control is delegated
MROCP0035 : b)
By a station in distress, or station in control of distress traffic, to impose radio silence on interfering stations during distress working
MROCP0036 : d)
By any station near a distressed vessel to impose silence on the distress frequency on stations creating interference on that frequency
MROCP0037 : b)
MROCP0038 : a)
Seelonce Feenee
MROCP0039 : a)
Mayday Relay
MROCP0040 : d)
Pan Pan
MROCP0041 : b)
To broadcast an urgent call
MROCP0042 : c)
Pan Pan
MROCP0043 : c)
MROCP0044 : c)
The urgency signal
MROCP0045 : c)
A safety message to all stations
MROCP0046 : b)
A safety message to all stations
MROCP0047 : d)
MROCP0048 : c)
MROCP0049 : c)
A weather or navigational warning
MROCP0050 : c)
That a sending station has a very urgent message to transmit concerning the safety of a vessel, aircraft or person.
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Version 1.0.1 ,2015 © Adrian MINCULESCU
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AMSA Test regarding GMDSS - ANSWERS MROCP - Marine Radio Operators Certificate of Proficiency (for VHF & MF/HF radio operations) MROCP0051 : c)
That the vessel has a weather or navigational warning to transmit.
MROCP0052 : a)
MROCP0053 : c)
MROCP0054 : a)
Country of registry
MROCP0055 : c)
Specialist Search and Rescue Aircraft
MROCP0056 : b)
Coast station
MROCP0057 : a)
A Global Position System (GPS)
MROCP0058 : c)
MROCP0059 : d)
By the MMSI
MROCP0060 : a)
Transmitting station 9 digit identity number
MROCP0061 : c)
The position and an indication of when the position was last updated
MROCP0062 : c)
Standby VHF Channel 16, and be prepared to write down in the radio log, any signals heard.
MROCP0063 : b)
By the use of standard radiotelephony procedures
MROCP0064 : a)
Automatically repeat at approximately four minute intervals for 5 transmissions
MROCP0065 : a)
Switch off the tranceiver then switch on the tranceiver go to channel 16 and broadcast an 'all stations' call cancelling the distress alert
MROCP0066 : c)
Minimum - 48 hours
MROCP0067 : b)
Satellites operating in the COSPAS-SARSAT system
MROCP0068 : b)
A Local User Terminal
MROCP0069 : a)
A brief burst of data
MROCP0070 : a)
The Unique Identifier
MROCP0071 : b)
To determine the geographical position of survivors in SAR operations
MROCP0072 : d)
In accordance with the manufacturer's instructions for self-testing
MROCP0073 : d)
When rescue has been completed
MROCP0074 : a)
MROCP0075 : a)
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Version 1.0.1 ,2015 © Adrian MINCULESCU
Navigare necesse est !
AMSA Test regarding GMDSS - ANSWERS MROCP - Marine Radio Operators Certificate of Proficiency (for VHF & MF/HF radio operations) MROCP0076 : a)
MROCP0077 : a)
Satellites that are in polar orbit
MROCP0078 : a)
Geo stationary satellites
MROCP0079 : a)
100 minutes
MROCP0080 : a)
Approximately 2000 km
MROCP0081 : a)
Albany and Bundaberg
MROCP0082 : a)
Immediately advise the RCC
MROCP0083 : a)
96 hours in standby with a further 8 hours of transmission
MROCP0084 : c)
A series of 12 blips displayed on the radar screen extending in a line on a bearing away from the radar centre
MROCP0085 : a)
A portable, battery-powered device used for position indication to searching aircraft and vessels.
MROCP0086 : a)
As high as possible , minimum 1 metre
MROCP0087 : a)
5 nautical miles
MROCP0088 : d)
Ampere hour capacity
MROCP0089 : d)
Distilled or demineralised water
MROCP0090 : a)
MROCP0091 : b)
MROCP0092 : b)
Failure of transmission together with dimmed dial lights or channel display when the transmit button is pressed
MROCP0093 : a)
By measuring the specific gravity of the electrolyte
MROCP0094 : a)
A hydrometer
MROCP0095 : a)
1150 (or 1.150)
MROCP0096 : b)
12 Volts
MROCP0097 : a)
12 Volts
MROCP0098 : c)
A fuse of the manufacturers recommended value
MROCP0099 : c)
6 Volts
MROCP0100 : d)
24 Volts
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Version 1.0.1 ,2015 © Adrian MINCULESCU
Navigare necesse est !
AMSA Test regarding GMDSS - ANSWERS MROCP - Marine Radio Operators Certificate of Proficiency (for VHF & MF/HF radio operations) MROCP0101 : a)
2 volts
MROCP0102 : d)
Transmission and reception on the same frequency
MROCP0103 : c)
Two way simultaneous speech communication using paired frequencies
MROCP0104 : a)
2284 kHz
MROCP0105 : b)
The master or skipper
MROCP0106 : b)
Mayday Mayday Mayday this is Pandora 503004321 Pandora 503004321 Pandora 503004321
MROCP0107 : a)
Mayday Jenny Wren 5 miles NE Point Grim Sinking 5 persons on board
MROCP0108 : a)
Mayday Mayday Mayday, this is Southern Cross VJA2345 Southern Cross VJA2345 Southern Cross VJA2345 (vessel name x 3 )
MROCP0109 : c)
Mayday Verity Jane VKD5678 10 miles southeast Cape Morton - fire onboard and abandoning ship 3 adults and 2 children onboard
MROCP0110 : b)
Immediately repeat the same especially during a silence period
MROCP0111 : d)
Standby on 2182 kHz, and be prepared to write down any signals heard
MROCP0112 : d)
A distress call and message
MROCP0113 : c)
MROCP0114 : b)
8176 kHz
MROCP0115 : c)
Channel 16
MROCP0116 : a)
2182 kHz
MROCP0117 : c)
8291 kHz
MROCP0118 : a)
4125 kHz
MROCP0119 : c)
6215 kHz
MROCP0120 : a)
The higher the frequency the greater the communications distance
MROCP0121 : b)
MF/HF marine equipment fitted with digital selective calling and all International channels/frequencies
MROCP0122 : d)
A faulty or non-existent radio earth connection
MROCP0123 : c)
VHF marine
MROCP0124 : b)
To ensure maximum transfer of transmitted power to the antenna on different frequency bands
MROCP0125 : a)
To stop annoying background atmospheric noise or radio interference
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Version 1.0.1 ,2015 © Adrian MINCULESCU
Navigare necesse est !
AMSA Test regarding GMDSS - ANSWERS MROCP - Marine Radio Operators Certificate of Proficiency (for VHF & MF/HF radio operations) MROCP0126 : a)
To fine tune incoming single sideband (SSB) signals that sound distorted or 'off station'
MROCP0127 : a)
MROVCP, recognised equivalent or higher qualification
MROCP0128 : b)
Radiocommunications Act 1992
MROCP0129 : c)
30 to 300 MHz
MROCP0130 : b)
Short range
MROCP0131 : a)
As high as possible, preferably at the top of a mast
MROCP0132 : d)
It is determined by the combined heights of the transmitting and receiving antenna
MROCP0133 : a)
The combined height of the transmitting and receiving antennas.
MROCP0134 : d)
By line of sight.
MROCP0135 : b)
Surface or ground waves.
MROCP0136 : a)
A short vertical whip or rod.
MROCP0137 : b)
The squelch control
MROCP0138 : a)
To allow reduction of transmitted power to minimise interference to other stations and reduces battery drain
MROCP0139 : c)
25 Watt
MROCP0140 : d)
Channel 12 & 16
MROCP0141 : d)
Watch keeping on any working channel with channel 16
MROCP0142 : b)
Unmanned shore installations designed to 'repeat' signals received
MROCP0143 : a)
Channels 21,22,80,81 or 82
MROCP0144 : a)
Land stations established to communicate with vessels at sea.
MROCP0145 : a)
Communications relating to the safety and movements of vessels in their area
MROCP0146 : d)
They are not fixed but determined by local requirements or State government legislation
MROCP0147 : a)
The master , skipper or person responsible for the safety of the vessel.
MROCP0148 : d)
Operators must provide station identification during every transmission
MROCP0149 : a)
Vessel name, call sign (if available) or by other means such as the MMSI number.
MROCP0150 : b)
No, it is authorised by a marine ship station class licence
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Version 1.0.1 ,2015 © Adrian MINCULESCU
Navigare necesse est !
AMSA Test regarding GMDSS - ANSWERS MROCP - Marine Radio Operators Certificate of Proficiency (for VHF & MF/HF radio operations) MROCP0151 : c)
To all stations on the distress channel
MROCP0152 : a)
To all or an individual station
MROCP0153 : a)
To all or an individual station
MROCP0154 : a)
To an individual station ONLY
MROCP0155 : a)
Working channels
MROCP0156 : d)
To exchange messages and public correspondence
MROCP0157 : b)
For the initial call from station to station
MROCP0158 : a)
To hold a general conversation with another boat concerning intended movements
MROCP0159 : b)
Channel 72
MROCP0160 : b)
Channel 13
MROCP0161 : b)
On a working frequency or channel
MROCP0162 : b)
Channel 06
MROCP0163 : c)
Channel 70
MROCP0164 : a)
Channels 16 and 67
MROCP0165 : b)
Channel 73
MROCP0166 : c)
Received All Stations broadcasts
Finish Answers for : MROCP
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Version 1.0.1 ,2015 © Adrian MINCULESCU
Navigare necesse est !
AMSA Test regarding GMDSS - ANSWERS MCSSE - Marine Satellite Communications Certificate of Endorsement MCSSE0001 : c)
Maritime safety messages
MCSSE0002 : d)
Distress alerts, navigational and weather warnings/forecasts
MCSSE0003 : c)
When conduction commissioning or transmission tests by authorised technicians
MCSSE0004 : d)
Reception of EGC for the entire O cean Region
MCSSE0005 : d)
Reception of EGC for the entire O cean Region
MCSSE0006 : d)
After a 6 minute delay and then at scheduled broadcast times
MCSSE0007 : b)
MCSSE0008 : c)
Store and forward mode and data communications
MCSSE0009 : c)
Maritime Safety Information
MCSSE0010 : a)
To vessels within a uniquely defined geographical area
MCSSE0011 : b)
A method of ensuring correct delivery of messages without the need to know full address details
MCSSE0012 : d)
News subscription services
MCSSE0013 : a)
It can be sent if the SES is not logged in
MCSSE0014 : b)
A method of ensuring correct delivery of messages without the need to know full address details
MCSSE0015 : d)
By the keyboard, selecting distress priority
MCSSE0016 : b)
MCSSE0017 : c)
NCS Common Channel
MCSSE0018 : d)
Comparison of position information in the EGCs receiver memory
MCSSE0019 : c)
Advise the nearest appropriate Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre immediately
MCSSE0020 : b)
Identity, nature of distress and an indication of position validity
MCSSE0021 : b)
MCSSE0022 : c)
The Pacific Ocean Region (POR)
MCSSE0023 : a)
MCSSE0024 : a)
MCSSE0025 : a)
Full automated communications between vessels at sea and shore based telecommunications networks. Indian & Pacific
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Version 1.0.1 ,2015 © Adrian MINCULESCU