Get to Know Toad 10 Last Revised: Monday, September 21, 2009
Contents Introduction In All Toad Editions:
Type Application Data Fo lders Editor ER Diagram Grids LicensingStructure Load DatabaseObject Network ConnectionI ConnectionInfo nfo ProfilerAnalysis Project Manager R ebui ebuildTable Script Manager SearchFunctiona lity Server SideObjectWizard SettingParameters Set Sequence TNS Names Editor User Data Migrationon Upgrade Variables In Professional, Development Suite and DBA Suite Editions:
CodeXpert Data Generation In the DB Admin Module and DBA Suite Editions:
Database Browser DatabaseHea lthCheck Database Monitor Instance Manager Options Introduction The release of Toad® for Orac le 10 brings an array of new features, not least of which is Unicode support. For fu ll details and other ways to learn Toad, see the R elease Notes and the built-in He lp (press F1). This page provides a quick wa lk-through of some of the features introduced in Toad® for Orac le 10. Links to video walk-throughs are provided where avai lable. In addition, new videos are often
being added to the Video Page at Toad Wor ld where you can also find videos from previous versions. Furthermore, you can find detai ls of the various Toad Editions and additional products included in them at Quest Software's Toad for Orac le product page. N ote:
This overview was created using Toad BETA release version As such, some descriptions may vary slightly from the final release. R eturn
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In All Toad Editions: Unicode Support
Toad now supports Unicode. For people already using Unicode-enab led databases, this shou ld be a seamless transition. N ote:
Some Oracle features are not Unicode-enabled, or have specific Unicode requirements to function. Please see your Oracle documentation for information about these features. Thereisanonline video tutorialforthisfeature.
Toad Advisor now checks that NLS_LANG value matches client character. Default Encoding option added to Options | General to set default encoding for new and for saving fi les.
If you are an upgrading user, you wi ll need to make the fo llowing change to your LexLib for the Editor parser to work correctly with Unicode: y
From the View menu, se lect Options.
Click the Editor - Behavior node.
Set the language dropdown to PL/SQL and then c lick the Edit Language button.
Click the Parser tab and select Any Name.
(?r) to the beginning of the " Any name" parser ru le:
Click OK or Apply to save changes.
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has been renamed to Automation Designer.
When specifying connections on the command line (toad.exe -c ), these connections wi ll now be used in the Actions specified afterward ( -a ), instead of the connection current ly bound to the Action. In some actions, you can a lso specify connections to execute against in the Automation Designer.
can now accept parameter fi les. They are in I NI format. R ight click on an Action/App in Automation Designer and choose "Create Parameter fi le" to build an I NI file based on the current Action properties. It will create property=va lue pairs for the things which can be overridden. This parameter file can then be used in the Automation Designer ('R un with parameter fi le') or on the command line by using a p ipe to separate the Action/App name from the fi lename. For examp le: toad.exe -a "App->Export Dataset1 | c:\data files\exportDataset1.ini"
y y y y y y y y y y
You will know which Actions can generate/read an I NI file by whether or not the 'Create parameter file' popup menu item in Automation Designer is enab led. Here is a samp le section from an INI file which shows an Execute Script Action:
Name=Execute Script1 Type=Execute Script ItemCount=2 Item0=c:\try1.sql Item1=c:\try2.sql Output=1 {1=SingleFile, 2=SeparateFile, 3=Clipboard, 4=Discard} Output Location=C:\some folder\output.txt ConnectionCount=2
[email protected] [email protected] [47] is an interna l identifier. "Name" and "Type" are on ly for your use, to find your Action within a longer App INI file. Each Actions INI section will be unique to that Action, and in the case of things like enumerated types, wi ll include explanatory notes embedded within the line itself. In this example of 'Execute Script,' two connections are specified. This wi ll override the bound
connection of the Action. If that line wasn't there, the bound connection wou ld be used. Theorder of precedenceforwhichconnectionsgetused: Those specified on command-line always override everything else If 1 is not present, those specified in an I NI file are considered next Finally, the connection bound to the Action is used if none are in 1 or 2
o o o
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Alter Type
Altering R eturn
a Type in the Schema Browser now loads the object in the
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Application Data Folders
The default installation directory for new insta lls enables roaming profile support by defau lt. In the View | Toad Options | General | Application Data Directory, the Use Default button now points to the user's main app lication data fo lder. The Use Local Default button points to the user's local application data fo lder, which does not support roaming profiles. You must restart Toad for a change in this option to become active. R eturntoContents
New menu item added to the main Toad Editor menu. "Sp lit Size Horizonta lly" This item will auto size the Editor so that there is e qual space allocated for the edit contro l and the bottom docking panels. The defau lt shortcut is CTRL+F2. You will need to manua lly add the item to the too lbar or reset your too lbar to see this if upgrading. R eturn
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ER Diagram In addition to the fo llowing information, there is an online video tutorial for this feature.
The ER Diagram has been expanded in Toad 10. This functiona lity is based on, and works with, the Toad Data Mode ler. Toad's ER Diagrammer is not meant to be a mode ling tool, but it can help you. You can now see the objects included referentially when you add objects using Integrity:
R eferential
In addition, you can now subdivide your diagram into mu ltiple workspaces.
Separate objects into categories, and co lor code them, and add Mode l information to the diagram.
Create detailed reports in severa l formats, zip, and emai l them.
With the appropriate Toad
Create a diagram and send it to Toad Data Mode ler for detailed modeling.
the Zoom and Snap to Grid features to organize your diagram.
R eturn
diagrams to severa l different graphics fi les. Edition,
you can a lso create random test data for se lected objects.
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Grids In addition to this information, there is a lso an online video for this feature.
Grids are now consistent throughout Toad. Some new featuresinc lude:
Grids now share a single popup menu.
R eset
Grids can hand le block selection if row se lect is unchecked and mu lti-se lect is checked.
Grid View restores the grid to the origina l configuration so you can undo any groupings, bookmarks and so on with one se lection.
Grids can be grouped by a co lumn header by dragging the header into the Group By area at the top of the grid. This feature can be togg led on the right-c lick menu.
Grids that had specia l functiona lity now have an upper too lbar containing that functiona lity, as in the R ebuild Multiple Indexes grid.
You can check or uncheck a ll boxes in a grid co lumn by right-c licking in the co lumn header and selecting the appropriate option.
Navigator toolbars have been moved to the bottom of the grid area. If you do not see a navigator, right-c lick in the grid and se lect Toggle Navigator.
R ecord
View is now part of the Navigator toolbar.
You can bookmark one location in the grid and return to it later. Put your cursor in the row you want to bookmark and c lick the bookmark button on Navigator toolbar.
To return to the bookmark, c lick the Goto Bookmark button on the same too lbar.
Show/Hide columns with the Quick Co lumn Customization drop down in the upper left.
customizations are remembered (co lumn order and size, group header visibi lity, and so on).
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The licensing structure has been changed to support one key for a ll products in a Toad you are upgrading your version of Toad, o ld license keys are still supported. R eturn
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Load Database Object
Load Database Object now a llows incremental searching in both the schema box and the object grid. R eturn
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Network Connection Info
Now stored in NetworkConnections.dat rather than Toad.ini. It is a lso encrypted using hte same method as the connection information, and tied to the logged in user. R eturntoContents
Show anonymous blocks toggle in right-click menu added. This defau lts to the setting made in the Profiler tab in the Editor.
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Project Manager
mirrors auto-connect property of the login record for Toad as a 2-way mirror, rather than as an independent auto connection. R eturntoContents
Can rebuild tables containing LONG columns. R eturntoContents
Script Manager
Has been redesigned for improved support for mu ltiple connections. R eturntoContents
SearchFunctionality quick search bar has been added to the main too lbar. From this too lbar you can:
SearchToadWor ld online
Search Toad World and other Toad-re lated sites
Search AskToad (the Toad wiki)
SearchKnow ledgeXpert
Perform keyword searches against the Toad he lp file.
You can enab le/disable the search bar by right-c licking on the toolbar and se lecting "Online Search". You may need to restore the too lbar defaults to have it disp lay initially. To do this, right-c lick on the main too lbar and se lect Restore defaults. R eturn
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Server Side Object Wizard
Now a part of Toad instead of a separate app lication (required for Unicode support).
Data Generation scripts added. R eturntoContents
Setting Parameters now provides lists for parameter se lection, and larger editing areas for large parameters. R eturntoContents
Set Sequence
Set Sequence feature rep laced with an auto-increment via sequence and trigger. y
From the Schema Browser | Tab les page, right-c lick and select Add | Trigger/Sequence Pair and then enter the required information:
Doub le-check the SQ L created, make any required changes, and then c lick OK.
R eturn
Once the sequence/trigger pair is set, you can high light columns populated by it by doing the following: From View | Toad Options | Schema Browser - Visual, select Highlight columns populated by sequence/trigger pair. to Contents
TNS Names Editor An
online video tutorial is also available for this feature.
Delete host nodes in Host View mode
Delete multiple nodes (host or service)
R etain
relative position in the tree view when nodes deleted
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User Data Migration on Upgrade
new migration tab is added to the initial startup wizard to migrate your existing app lication data from a previous insta llation of Toad. Upon startup, Toad wi ll attempt to detect the application data paths of previous ly installed versions. If one is found, it wi ll select the most recent installed version and give you the option of migrating data fi les from that insta llation to the current insta llation. It will also provide the option of specifying a custom location, or the option to skip the migration and perform a c lean install. A
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Variables can now be added within definition filenames in several of the Compare and Generate windows. For examp le %DATEFILE% and %TIMEFILE% can be used to stamp the date and time of creation (These are inc luded in the default filename). Otheruser-defined variab les mayalso be added.
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In the Professional, Xpert, Development Suite, and DB A Suite Editions: CodeXpert
Command line XML output now has an additiona l tag called comment_count to list the number of comments in the code being ana lyzed.
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Data Generation
data generation abi lity can now create more rea listic data. Generators were added to create various address, geographica l, personal, and business data formats. Also included is the ability to reference a foreign fie ld, a hard-coded va lue, and the abi lity to enter a custom SQ L statement. Straight random and Unicode data are present. Enhanced
online video tutorial is also available for this feature.
Three generator engines are supported: Internal: This will create a script with "n" I NSER T statements per tab le (depending on the individual table's settings). An option is also available to commit every "x" rows. C aution:
This will create a very large SQL script, which will take longer to execute, but does not require any packages installed on the database server. y
DBMS_R ANDOM: This will use the DBMS_R ANDOM package to generate data, and is simi lar to the behavior in Toad 9. 7. DBMS_R ANDOM will need to be insta lled on the database server for this option to be avai lable. TOAD_DATAGEN: This will use a TOAD-specific package to generate data on the server. The advantage is that this wi ll generate a much sma ller SQL script, and will perform faster. N ote:
You will need to install the TOAD_DATAGE N package through Server Side Object Wizard in order to use this feature. This package can be installed locally, or in the global TOAD schema.
Toad 10 you can create more meaningfu l random data for your tab les. Oneway of doingthis:
In the Schema Browser, select the tab les for which you want to generate data.
R ight-click
and select Generate Data.
Set General options, including Data Generation
Click on a tab le or column node and set options specific for that node. All options must be set individually, although the actua l generation can be done a ll at one time.
Click Show SQL to check the code before running it, or c lick OK to generate data immediate ly. R eturn
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In the DB
Module and DBA Suite:
Database Browser
R ight-click R eturn
to execute a Quick Script.
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Database Health Check
Many new hea lth check items have been added. The Database category has been integrated into new categories: (Config, Alert Log, Storage, and Performance).
Settings has been moved to its own tab.
New health check items inc lude:
List default initializationparameters
List non-defau lt deprecated initia lization parameters. (10g+)
Verify compatible matches version major.minor
Verify optimizer_features_enab le matches version major.minor
Verify optmizer_index_caching>= 50 (9i+)
List incompatible parameters if pga_aggregate_target (10g) or memory_target (11g) is set
Verify pga_aggregate_target>+10MB (10g on ly)
Verify control file count>=2
Verify CPU count - - ( let Orac le determine the value)
Verify cursor_sharing='SIMILAR ' (9i+)
Verify cursor_space_for_time='TR UE' (pre 11g)
Verify db_cache_size set instead of db_b lock_buffers (9i+)
Verify buffer cache >=200MB
VerifyLarge Pool >=50MB
Verify objects using KEEP buffer pool exist if db_keep_cache_size is set
Verify db_keep_cache_size>=50MB if objects exist which use
List db_nk_cache_sizes without corresponding tab lespaces (9i+)
List tablespaces without corresponding db_nk_cache_sizes (9i+)
Verify db_block_size<=4K for
Verify multiblock_read_count between 4 and 16
Verify disk_asynch_io is TR UE (pre-11g)
Verify compatibility of db_writer_processes and dbwr_s laves with disk_asynch_io setting
Verify dm _ l locks=0 or >=transactions * 4
Verify fast_start_mttr_target is set when log_checkpoint_timeout=0 (9i+)
buffer pool
>=4K for non- R AC
Verify max_dump_file+size<=20MB
Verify query_rewrite_enabled = TR UE (9i+)
Verifyrecyc lebin='OFF' (10g+)
Verify remote_login_password_fi le='SHARED'
Verify sga_target>=200MB and sga_max_size same va lue (10g+)
Verifystar_transformation_enab led=TR UE
Verify sq _trace = FALSE (pre-11g) l
Verifytimed_os_statistics = FALSE
Verifytimed_statistics = FALSE
Verify trace_enabled = FALSE (9i+)
Verify SYS.AUD$ isn't in SYSTEM tab lespace
Verify AWR collection interval >=30 minutes, retention <=90 days (10g and newer)
List connect time, version info, and a few basic ratios
Listdatafile IO distribution
List objects where number of hash partitions is not a power of two
List segments with <1% of extents remaining and >10 maxextents
Listsegmentswith>1000 extents R eturntoContents
Database Monitor
You can now run any action (inc luding scripts) when a specified thresho ld is hit.
options have been moved from the main Options window to the Database Monitor screen.
You can configure the monitor to begin co llecting data whenever a connection is made. Then, when the window is opened, all data is displayed.
The DB Monitor tray icon now f lashes red if there is an issue that can better be addressed from Spotlight for Orac le. R ight-c lick on the tray icon to launch Spotlight, or choose to open the DB Monitor. Wait events chart has been expanded and updated for Orac le 10g and 11g. R eturn
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Instance Manager Options
Options | Instance Manager - has now been integrated into the Instance Manager window. For example, the grid now inc ludes checkbox columns in each server row to se lect servers to monitor or alert when down.
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