Malware y dispositivos móviles

Con motivo del Día Internacional de la Internet Segura, desde el Observatorio de la Seguridad de la Información de INTECO queremos publicar un nuevo n...
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Descripción: Ing. Luis Fran Cardozo González y Bladimiro García Severiche pertenecen a la Maestría Ingeniería de Sistemas y Computación y realizan la siguiente investigación como parte del desarrollo de Segurid...

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Open source versus closed source. It’s a discussion that often leads to heated arguments and one that will likely continue well beyond its usefulness. The discussion began before many of us …Full description

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Descripción: I did this Malware Response plan back in 2008. Very few organizations have any response planning in place. Probably (in part) why 50% of all Fortune 500 companies had computers in the huge botnet t...

Some time ago, Kaspersky discovered and reported a new type of malicious program called Tyupkin , which targets ATM machines by moving beyond targeting consumers with card skimmers that steal debit...

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