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nice Excel Shortcut keys for expert as well as beginners to work with excel
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Indian Customers are Using Tally Science Year 1980 From Version Tally 4.5. Current Version Is Tally .ERP 9 This is The List of Shortcut Keys That Can Be Used In Tally .ERP 9
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List of shortcut keys Shortcut
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CTRL combination shortcut keys Microsoft Excel 2007
Unhides any hidden rows within the selection.
Unhides any hidden columns within the selection.
#$$lies the outline border to the selected cells.
Remo&es th the ou outline bo border from the se selected cells.
#$$lies the e ener era al nu number fo format in in )i )icrosoft * *cel.
#$$lies the Currency format with two decimal $laces (ne-ati&e numbers in $arentheses!.
#$$ $$llie ies s the the /e /errcen enttaa-e e for form mat with no dec deciima mall $l $lac aces es..
#$$ $$llies th the e * *$o $one nen nti tial al nu num mbe berr for forma matt wi with tw two o dec deciimal $laces.
#$$ $$llie ies s the 2a 2atte fo forrma matt with the da day y3 mo mont nth3 h3 and yea earr.
#$$l #$ $lie ies s the the Time fo form rmat at wi with th th the e hou hourr and and mi minu nute te33 and and #) or /).
#$$lies th the 6u 6umber fo format wi with tw two de decimal $l $laces3 thousands se$arator3 and minus si-n (7! for ne-ati&e &alues.
Select Sele cts s th the e cu curr rren entt re re-i -ion on ar arou ound nd th the e ac acti ti&e &e ce cell ll (t (the he da data ta area enclosed by blank rows and blank columns!. 9n a /i&otTable3 it selects the entire /i&otTable re$ort.
*nters the current time.
Co$ies th the & &a alue fr from th the ce cell abo abo& &e th the ac acti&e ce cell in into the cell or the Formula ;ar.
CTR TRL L SHFT /l /lus us ( !
2is is$l $lay ays s the the 9ns nser ertt di dial aloo- bo bo to to ins inser ertt bl blan ank k cel cellls in in )icrosoft *cel.
CTR TRL+ L+)i )inu nus s (7! (7!
2is$ 2i s$la lays ys th the e 2el 2elet ete e di dial aloo- bo bo to to del delet ete e the the se sele lect cted ed ce cell lls. s.
*nters the current date.
#lternates between dis$layin- cell &alues and dis$layin-
How useful
formulas in the worksheet. CTRL+>
Co$ies a formula from the cell abo&e the acti&e cell into the cell or the Formula ;ar.
2is$lays the Format Cells dialo- bo.
#$$lies or remo&es bold formattin-.
#$$lies or remo&es italic formattin-.
#$$lies or remo&es underlinin- in )icrosoft *cel.
#$$lies or remo&es strikethrou-h.
#lternates between hidin- obEects3 dis$layin- obEects3 and dis$layin- $laceholders for obEects.
2is$lays or hides the outline symbols.
Hides the selected rows.
Hides the selected columns in )icrosoft *cel.
Selects the entire worksheet. 9f the worksheet contains data3 CTRL+# selects the current re-ion. /ressinCTRL+# a second time selects the current re-ion and its summary rows. /ressin- CTRL+# a third time selects the entire worksheet. Ihen the insertion $oint is to the ri-ht of a function name in a formula3 dis$lays the Function #r-uments dialo- bo. CTRL+SHFT+# inserts the ar-ument names and $arentheses when the insertion $oint is to the ri-ht of a function name in a formula.
#$$lies or remo&es bold formattin-.
Co$ies the selected cells. CTRL+C followed by another CTRL+C dis$lays the Cli$board.
Uses the Fill 2own command to co$y the contents and format of the to$most cell of a selected ran-e into the cells below.
2is$lays the Find and Re$lace dialo- bo3 with the Find tab selected. SHFT+F also dis$lays this tab3 while SHFT+FB re$eats the last Find action. CTRL+SHFT+F o$ens the Format Cells dialo- bo with the Font tab
How useful
selected. CTRL+
2is$lays the o To dialo- bo. F also dis$lays this dialobo.
2is$lays the Find and Re$lace dialo- bo3 with the Re$lace tab selected.
#$$lies or remo&es italic formattin- in )icrosoft *cel.
2is$lays the 9nsert Hy$erlink dialo- bo for new hy$erlinks or the *dit Hy$erlink dialo- bo for selected eistinhy$erlinks.
Creates a new3 blank workbook.
2is$lays the K$en dialo- bo to o$en or find a file. CTRL SHFT K selects all cells that contain comments in )icrosoft *cel.
2is$lays the /rint dialo- bo. CTRL+SHFT+/ o$ens the Format Cells dialo- bo with the Font tab selected.
Uses the Fill Ri-ht command to co$y the contents and format of the leftmost cell of a selected ran-e into the cells to the ri-ht.
Sa&es the acti&e file with its current file name3 location3 and file format.
2is$lays the Create Table dialo- bo in )icrosoft *cel.
#$$lies or remo&es underlinin-. CTRL+SHFT+U switches between e$andin- and colla$sin- of the formula bar.
9nserts the contents of the Cli$board at the insertion $oint and re$laces any selection. #&ailable only after you ha&e cut or co$ied an obEect3 tet3 or cell contents.
Closes the selected workbook window.
Cuts the selected cells.
Re$eats the last command or action3 if $ossible in )icrosoft *cel.
Uses the Undo command to re&erse the last command or to delete the last entry that you ty$ed. CTRL+SHFT+O uses the Undo or Redo command to re&erse or restore the
How useful
last automatic correction when #utoCorrect Smart Ta-s are dis$layed.
Function keys Microsoft Excel 2007
2is$lays the )icrosoft Kffice *cel Hel$ task $ane. CTRL+F? dis$lays or hides the Ribbon3 a com$onent of the )icrosoft Kffice Fluent user interface. #LT+F? creates a chart of the data in the current ran-e. #LT+SHFT+F? inserts a new worksheet.
*dits the acti&e cell and $ositions the insertion $oint at the end of the cell contents. 9t also mo&es the insertion $oint into the Formula ;ar when editin- in a cell is turned off. SHFT+F@ adds or edits a cell comment. CTRL+F@ dis$lays the /rint /re&iew window.
2is$lays the /aste 6ame dialo- bo. SHFT+FA dis$lays the 9nsert Function dialo- bo.
Re$eats the last command or action3 if $ossible. CTRL+FB closes the selected workbook window.
2is$lays the o To dialo- bo. CTRL F restores the window siPe of the selected workbook window in )icrosoft *cel.
Switches between the worksheet3 Ribbon3 task $ane3 and Ooom controls. 9n a worksheet that has been s$lit (iew menu3 )ana-e This Iindow3 FreePe /anes3 S$lit Iindow command!3 FD includes the s$lit $anes when switchin- between $anes and the Ribbon area. SHFT+FD switches between the worksheet3 Ooom controls3 task $ane3 and Ribbon. CTRL+FD switches to the net workbook window when more than one workbook window is o$en.
2is$lays the S$ellin- dialo- bo to check s$ellin- in the acti&e worksheet or selected ran-e. CTRL+FQ $erforms the )o&e command on the workbook window when it is not maimiPed. Use the arrow keys to mo&e the window3 and when finished $ress *6T*R3 or *SC to cancel.
Turns etend mode on or off. 9n etend mode3 *tended Selection a$$ears in the status line3 and the arrow keys etend the selection. SHFT+F enables you to add a nonadEacent cell or ran-e to a selection of cells by usinthe arrow keys. CTRL+F $erforms the SiPe command (on the Control menu for the workbook window! when a
workbook is not maimiPed. #LT+F dis$lays the )acro dialo- bo to create3 run3 edit3 or delete a macro. FG
Calculates all worksheets in all o$en workbooks. SHFT FG calculates the acti&e worksheet in )icrosoft *cel. CTRL #LT FG calculates all worksheets in all o$en workbooks3 re-ardless of whether they ha&e chan-ed since the last calculation. CTRL #LT SHFT FG rechecks de$endent formulas3 and then calculates all cells in all o$en workbooks3 includin- cells not marked as needinto be calculated. CTRL FG minimiPes a workbook window to an icon.
Turns key ti$s on or off. SHFT F? dis$lays the shortcut menu for a selected item in )icrosoft *cel. #LT SHFT F? dis$lays the menu or messa-e for a smart ta-. 9f more than one smart ta- is $resent3 it switches to the net smart ta- and dis$lays its menu or messa-e. CTRL F? maimiPes or restores the selected workbook window.
Creates a chart of the data in the current ran-e. SHFT+F?? inserts a new worksheet. #LT+F?? o$ens the )icrosoft isual ;asic *ditor3 in which you can create a macro by usin- isual ;asic for #$$lications (;#!.
2is$lays the Sa&e #s dialo- bo.
Kther useful shortcut keys Microsoft Excel 2007
)o&e one cell u$3 down3 left3 or ri-ht in a worksheet. CTRL+#RRKI J*N mo&es to the ed-e of the current data re-ion (data re-ion: # ran-e of cells that contains data and that is bounded by em$ty cells or datasheet borders.! in a worksheet. SHFT+#RRKI J*N etends the selection of cells by one cell. CTRL+SHFT+#RRKI J*N etends the selection of cells to the last nonblank cell in the same column or row as the acti&e cell3 or if the net cell is blank3 etends the selection to the net nonblank cell
2eletes one character to the left in the Formula ;ar in )icrosoft *cel. #lso clears the content of the acti&e cell. 9n cell editin- mode3 it deletes the character to the left of the insertion $oint.
Remo&es the cell contents (data and formulas! from selected cells without affectin- cell formats or comments. 9n cell editin- mode3 it deletes the character to the ri-ht of the insertion $oint.
)o&es to the cell in the lower7ri-ht corner of the window when SCRKLL LKCJ is turned on. #lso selects the last command on the menu when a menu or submenu is &isible. CTRL+*62 mo&es to the last cell on a worksheet3 in the lowest used row of the ri-htmost used column. 9f the cursor is in the formula bar3 CTRL+*62 mo&es the cursor to the end of the tet. CTRL+SHFT+*62 etends the selection of cells to the last used cell on the worksheet (lower7ri-ht corner!. 9f the cursor is in the formula bar3 CT
Com$letes a cell entry from the cell or the Formula ;ar3 and selects the cell below (by default!. 9n a data form3 it mo&es to the first field in the net record. K$ens a selected menu ($ress F? to acti&ate the menu bar! or $erforms the action for a selected command. 9n a dialobo3 it $erforms the action for the default command button in the dialo- bo (the button with the bold outline3 often the KJ button!. #LT+*6T*R starts a new line in the same cell. CTRL+*6T*R fills the selected cell ran-e
Cancels an entry in the cell or Formula ;ar in )icrosoft *cel. Closes an o$en menu or submenu3 dialo- bo3 or messa-e window. 9t also closes full screen mode when this mode has been a$$lied3 and returns to normal screen mode to dis$lay the Ribbon and status bar a-ain.
)o&es to the be-innin- of a row in a worksheet. )o&es to the cell in the u$$er7left corner of the window when SCRKLL LKCJ is turned on. Selects the first command on the menu when a menu or submenu is &isible. CTRL+HK)* mo&es to the be-innin- of a worksheet. CTRL+SHFT+HK)* etends the selection of cells to the be-innin- of the worksheet.
/#* 2KI6
)o&es one screen down in a worksheet. #LT+/#* 2KI6 mo&es one screen to the ri-ht in a worksheet. CTRL+/#* 2KI6 mo&es to the net sheet in a workbook. CTRL+SHFT+/#* 2KI6 selects the current and net sheet in a workbook.
/#* U/
)o&es one screen u$ in a worksheet. #LT+/#* U/ mo&es one screen to the left in a worksheet. CTRL+/#* U/ mo&es to the $re&ious sheet in a workbook. CTRL+SHFT+/#* U/ selects the current and $re&ious sheet in a workbook.
9n a dialo- bo3 $erforms the action for the selected button3 or selects or clears a check bo. CTRL+S/#C*;#R selects an entire column in a worksheet. SHFT+S/#C*;#R selects an entire row in a worksheet. CTRL+SHFT+S/#C*;#R selects the entire worksheet. 9f the worksheet contains data3 CTRL+SHFT+S/#C*;#R selects the current re-ion.
/ressin- CTRL+SHFT+S/#C*;#R a second time selects the current re-ion and its summary rows. /ressin- CTRL+SHFT+S/#C*;#R a third time selects the entire worksheet. Ih T#;
)o&es one cell to the ri-ht in a worksheet. )o&es between unlocked cells in a $rotected worksheet. )o&es to the net o$tion or o$tion -rou$ in a dialo- bo. SHFT T#; mo&es to the $re&ious cell in a worksheet or the $re&ious o$tion in a dialo- bo in )icrosoft *cel. CTRL T#; switches to the net tab in dialo- bo. CTRL SHFT T#; switches to the $re&ious tab in a dialo- bo.