The Lion K ing R af ik i: We would like to tak e a few moments to get you acq uainted with the stor y of Sim ba. se, Muf asa is the k ing of Tiki: Sim ba was born just a few mome nts ago to Sar a bi and Musf asa. Of c our se Pr ide Rock. All the animals are gather ing to welcome Sim ba into the wor ld.
R af ik i & Tiki: And now, it is time.
Lion Roar – animals gather around Pr ide R ock
THE CIRCLE OF LIFE (Sunr ise on Af r r ican gr assl and) Af r r ican Singer s: s:
da y we arr ive on the planet Fr om the day And blinking, step into the sun Ther e's more to see than can ever be seen More to do than can ever be done
Ther e's far too much to tak e in here ound More to f ind tha n can ever be f oun But the sun r ollin lling high In the sa pp hir e sky Keeps gr eat and small on the endle ss r oun ound (Mufasa on Pr ide R ock )
It's the Cir cle of Lif e And it moves us all
{Zazu bows to Muf asa, who smiles and nods at him}
and ho pe ough despair and Thr ou ough f aith and love Thr ou { R af ik i & Tiki, pass be twee n animals – who par t and bow – walks to Pr ide Rock to where Muf asa is standi ng.}
Till we f ind our p place On the path unwindi ng {R af ik i & Tiki and Muf asa gr ee eet. } In the Cir cle The Cir cle of Lif e {Mufasa le ads R af ik i & Tiki over to Sar a bi who is holding Sim ba}
{R af ik i puts the juice and sand he c ollects on Sim b a's brow- brow-- A ce r emonial cr own. He then picks Sim ba u p llow. With a cr escendo in the music and a and ascends to the point of Pr ide Rock. Muf asa and sa and Sar a bi f ollo r estateme nt of the r ef r r ain, R af ik i holds Sim ba up for the crowd to view.
It s The Cir cle of lif e And it moves us all Thr ou ough and hope Thr ou ough despair and f aith and love Till we f ind our p place In the path unwindi ng In the Cir cle The Cir cle of lif e ‟
CHALLENGE SC E NE Scar: {Sarcastically overjoyed} Why! If it isn't my big brother desce nding from on high to mingle with the commoners.
ba. Mufasa: Sara bi and I didn't see you at the presentation of Sim ba
Scar: {Fak ing astonishment} That was today? Oh, I feel sim ply awf ul. Scar: {Ad miring his claws} ...Must have slipped my mind.
Zazu: Yes, well, as sli pp ppery as your mind is, as the k ing's brother, you should have been f irst in line! Scar: Well, I was f irst in line, ... until the little hairball was b was born.
Mufasa: That “hairball” is my son -and your f uture k ing.
Scar: Ohh, I shall practice my ce my curtsy.
back on me, Scar. Mufasa: {Menacing} Don't turn your back ouldn't tur n your back back on me . Scar: {Look ing back} On, no, Muf asa. Perhaps you shoul Mufasa: (Roars) Is that a ch allenge?
ouldn't dream of ch allenging you. Scar: Temper, tem per . I woul Zazu: Pity! Why not? Scar: Well, as far as b as brains go, I got the lion's share. But, when it comes to brute strength {look ing ool. at Mufasa} ...I'm afraid I'm at the shallo llow end of the gene pool
{R af ik i puts the juice and sand he c ollects on Sim b a's brow- brow-- A ce r emonial cr own. He then picks Sim ba u p llow. With a cr escendo in the music and a and ascends to the point of Pr ide Rock. Muf asa and sa and Sar a bi f ollo r estateme nt of the r ef r r ain, R af ik i holds Sim ba up for the crowd to view.
It s The Cir cle of lif e And it moves us all Thr ou ough and hope Thr ou ough despair and f aith and love Till we f ind our p place In the path unwindi ng In the Cir cle The Cir cle of lif e ‟
CHALLENGE SC E NE Scar: {Sarcastically overjoyed} Why! If it isn't my big brother desce nding from on high to mingle with the commoners.
ba. Mufasa: Sara bi and I didn't see you at the presentation of Sim ba
Scar: {Fak ing astonishment} That was today? Oh, I feel sim ply awf ul. Scar: {Ad miring his claws} ...Must have slipped my mind.
Zazu: Yes, well, as sli pp ppery as your mind is, as the k ing's brother, you should have been f irst in line! Scar: Well, I was f irst in line, ... until the little hairball was b was born.
Mufasa: That “hairball” is my son -and your f uture k ing.
Scar: Ohh, I shall practice my ce my curtsy.
back on me, Scar. Mufasa: {Menacing} Don't turn your back ouldn't tur n your back back on me . Scar: {Look ing back} On, no, Muf asa. Perhaps you shoul Mufasa: (Roars) Is that a ch allenge?
ouldn't dream of ch allenging you. Scar: Temper, tem per . I woul Zazu: Pity! Why not? Scar: Well, as far as b as brains go, I got the lion's share. But, when it comes to brute strength {look ing ool. at Mufasa} ...I'm afraid I'm at the shallo llow end of the gene pool
Zazu: {Deep sigh} There's one in every f amily sire... Two in mine actually. And they always manage to ruin s pecial occasions.
Mufasa: What am I going to do with him? Zazu: He'd make a very handsome throw rug.
Mufasa: {Chiding} Zazu! Zazu: And just think ! Whenever he gets dirty, you could tak e him out and beat him. {They e xit chuckling.) – Close c ur tain
THE SU NR I SE r ont of cur tain In f r R af ik i: The sun is r ising on a new day on Pr ide R ock . Tiki: Sim ba is ready to come out and play.
Open Cur tain (All lions sleeping. Sim ba runs in)
Sim ba: Dad! Daad! Come on, Dad , we gotta go, wake u p! Sim ba: Sorr y! {Sim ba starts to wake Muf asa}
Sim ba: Dad? Daad. Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad1... Sar a bi: {O ver Sim ba's endless noise of “Dad s, sleepily} Your son.... is awak e....
Mufasa: Okay, okay. I'm up. I'm u p.
Sim ba: Yeah! ec or ded ded lion yawn. Sar a bi and other lions e xit) {Mufasa yawns a well-r ec Mufasa: Look Sim ba. Ever ythi ng the light touche s is our k ingdom.
Sim ba: Wow.
Mufasa: A k ing's time as r uler r ises and f alls like the sun. One day Sim ba , the sun will set on my time here and will r ise with you as the new k ing.
Sim ba: And this‟ll all be mine? Mufasa: Ever ything.
Sim ba: Ever ything the light touc hes... {Sim ba looks all ar ound) What a bout that shadowy place ? Mufasa: Tha t's beyond our bor der s; you must never go ther e, Sim ba.
Sim ba: But I thought a k ing can do whate ver he wants. Mufasa: Oh, ther e' s more to being k ing than-- getting your way all the time.
Sim ba: {Awed} Ther e's mor e? Mufasa: {Chuckles} Sim b a. Mufasa: Ever ything you see e xists togethe r , in a delicate balance . As k ing, you need to understand that balance , and r espect all the cr e atur es-- from the cr awling ant to the lea ping antelo pe .
Sim ba: But, Dad, don't we e at the antelo pe ? Mufasa: Yes, Sim ba, but let me explain. When we die, our bodies become the grass. And the antelo pe eat the grass. And so we are all connec ted in the gr eat Cir cle of Lif e.
SC AR TRICKS SIMBA (Scar looking out ove r shadowland) {Enter Sim ba}
Sim ba: Hey Uncle Scar , guess what! Scar: I despise guessing game s.
Sim ba: I'm going to be k ing of Pr ide R oc k . Scar: {Sar castically} Oh goodee .
Sim ba: {Looking out over the edge of the r oc k } My Dad just showed me the whole k ingdom, {gr eed ily} and I' m going to r ule it all. Heh heh. Scar: Yes. We ll f or give me for not lea ping for joy.... Bad back, you k now. …
{Scar f lo ps down.}
Sim ba: Hey, Uncle Scar? When I'm k ing, what will that make you?
Scar: A monkey's unc le.
Sim ba: Heh heh. You r e so weir d. ‟
Scar: You have no idea.
So, your f ather showed you the whole k ingdom, did he?
Sim ba: Ever ything. Scar: He didn't show you what' s beyond that r ise at the nor ther n bor der ? …
Sim ba: {Disa pp ointed } Well, no he said I can't go ther e. …
Scar: And he's absolutely r ight! It's far too danger ous. Only the bravest lions go ther e.
Sim ba: Well, I'm br ave! What's out th-Scar: {I nterr u pting} No, I'm sorry Sim ba; I just c an' t tell you.
Sim ba: Why not? Scar: Sim ba, Sim ba; I'm only looking out for the well- be ing of my f avor ite nephew.
Sim ba: {Snor ts sar castically} Yeah, r ight; I'm your only nep hew. Scar: All the more reason for me to be pr otec tive An elep hant graveyard is no p lace for a young p r ince ... pr ise} Oo ps! {f ak ing su r …
Sim ba: {E nthusiastic} An elep hant what? Whoa! Scar: {F ak ing dismay} Oh dear , I've said too much.... We ll, I suppose you'd have found out so oner or later , you being so c lever and all.... {pulling Sim ba near} Oh, just do me one f avor -- Pr omise me you'll never visit that dr eadf ul place .
Sim ba: No pr o blem. Scar: Ther e' s a good lad. You run along now and have fun. And r eme m be r it's our little sec r e t. …
{Sim ba leaves the r ock , Scar walks away with an evil smile. Menac ing music .}
Sim ba: I need to f ind Nala and tell her the secr et. Muconda: Tell Nala what sec r et?
Sim ba: Oh hi Muconda. Hi Saf ina. I didn t see you standing ther e. ‟
Muconda: As Nala s f ather I would like to know what secr et you are telling her . ‟
Saf ina: Yes, Sim ba please tell us the secr et.
Sim ba: I wanted to tell her a bout this place. The ah Water ing Hole . …
Saf ina: Nala is on her to the Water ing Hole with Zazu now. Muconda: If you hurr y, you can c atc h the m.
WATER I NG HOLE Sim ba: Hi Nala. Hi Zuzu Zazu: Step lively. Come along Sim ba. The so oner we get to the water hole, the so oner we can leave.
Sim ba: (whisper ing) We need to ditch Zazu. I have a r eally cool place to show you. Nala: {Whisper } What r eally cool place ?
Sim ba: {Whisper } An elep hant gr ave yar d. Nala: Wow!
Sim ba: {Whisper } Shhh! Zazu. Nala: {Whisper } R ight. So how are we gonna ditch the dodo? Nala: {Whisper ing} Oh I know how we can--
Zazu: Oh, just look at you two. Little seeds of romance blossoming in the savannah. Your par ents will be thr illed what with your de st ined to be marr ied and all. …
Sim ba: Yuck ! Nala: Ewww!
Sim ba: I can't marry her . She's my f r iend. Nala: Yeah. It d be too weir d. ‟
Zazu: Well, sorry to bust your bubble, but you two tur tle doves have no choice. It s a tr adition gener ations. {Sim ba mimics Zazu dur ing these last wor ds} ‟
Sim ba: Well when I'm k ing, that ll be the f ir st thing to go. ‟
Zazu: Not so long as I' m ar ound.
{Star t f ading in intr o to I Just Can't Wait to Be K ing } “
Sim ba: Well in that case, you'r e f ir ed. Zazu: Hmmm.... Nice tr y, but only the k ing can do that.
going back
Nala: Well, He's the f utur e k ing.
Sim ba: Yeah. {Thumping Zazu's chest} So you have to do what I tell you. Zazu: Not yet I don' t. And with an attitude like that, I' m af r aid you r e sha ping up to be a pr etty pathetic k ing indeed. ‟
Sim ba: Hmph. Not the way I see it.
I' m gonna be a mighty k ing So e nemies bewar e !
Well, I've never seen a k ing of beasts With qui te so little hair
Sim ba:
I' m gonna be the mane e vent Like no k ing was be f or e I'm br ushing up on looking d own I'm wor k ing on my R OAR !!
Thus f ar , a r athe r uninspir ing thing
Sim ba:
Oh, I just can't wait to be k ing!
You‟ve r ather a long way to go, young mast er , if you think ....
Sim ba:
No one saying do this
Now when I said that, I--
No one saying be ther e
What I meant was...
Sim ba:
No one saying stop that
Look; what you d on't r ealize...
Sim ba and Nala: No one saying see here Zazu:
Now see her e!
Sim ba:
Fr ee to run around all day
Well that's de f initely out...
Sim ba:
Fr ee to do it all my way!
I think it's time that you and I Arranged a hear t to hear t
Sim ba:
Kings d on't need advice Fr om little hor n bills for a star t
If this is where the monarchy is headed Count me out! Out of ser vice , out of Af r ica I wouldn' t hang a bout ... aaagh! This child is g etting wildly out of wing
Sim ba:
Oh I just can't wait to be k ing! Ever y body look lef t Ever y body look r ight Ever ywher e you look I' m Standing in the spotlight
Not yet!
Let every cr eatur e go for br ok e and sing Let's hear it in the herd and on the wing It's gonna be King Sim ba's f inest f ling Sim ba & Chor us: Oh I j ust can't wait to be k ing! Oh I just can't wait to be k ing! Oh I just can't waaaaaait ... to be k ing!
Cur tain Closed Zazu:
I beg your par don, madam, but ... GET OFF !... Sim ba? Nala?
ELEPHANT GRAVEYARD – HYENA SC E N E Sim ba: All r ight, it wor k ed! Nala: We lost 'im. I told you we would. He‟s a dodo.
Sim ba: {Arr ogantl y} I ... am a genius. Nala: Hey, Ge nius, it was my idea.
Sim ba: Yeah, but I pulled it off . Sim ba: {Awed} This is it.... We made it. Sim ba and Nala: Whoa!
Nala: It's r eally cr eep y.
Sim ba: Yeah... isn't it gr eat? Nala: {Relishing her naug htiness} We could get in big tr ou ble.
Sim ba: {Enjoying it also } I k now, huh. Nala: {Looking at the skull} I wonder if its br ains are still in ther e.
Sim ba: {Walk ing towar ds the skull} Ther e's only one way to k now. Come on. Let s go check it out. ‟
Zazu: The only chec k ing out you will do will be to check out of her e .
Sim ba: Aw, man. Nala: Busted! Zazu: We're way beyond the boundary of the Pr ide Lands.
Sim ba: Huh. Look, banana beak is scar ed. Heh. Zazu: That s Mister Bana na Beak to you, f uzz y. And r ight now we are all in very r e al danger . ‟
Sim ba: Dange r ? Hah! I walk on the wild side. I laugh in the face of danger . Ha ha ha ha! Shenzi: Well, well, well, Banzai. What have we got here? Banzai: Hmm. I don't know Shenzi. Uh What do you think , Ed? …
Ed: {Cr azy laughter } {They cir cle around the cubs and Zazu.} Banzai: Yeah, just what I was think ing. A tr io of tr e spasser s!! Zazu: And quite by acc ide nt, let me assure you. A simple navigational err or . Eh heh he h...
Shenzi: Whoa, whoa, wait wait wait.... I know you. {pee r ing close into the camera} You'r e Mufasa's little stooge. Zazu: {Wi th a bit of pr ide} I, madam, am the k ing's ma jor domo.
Shenzi: {Looking at Sim ba} And that would make you...? Sim ba: The f utur e k ing. Shenzi: Do you know what we do to k ings who step out of their k ingdom?
Sim ba: Puh. You can't do anything me. Zazu: Uhh.... Technically, they c an. We are on their land.
Zazu: {Harr ied } My, my, my. Look at the sun. {star ts to try to hasten the cubs away} It s time to go! ‟
Shenzi: What's the hurry? We'd love you to stick around for dinner . Banzai: Yeaaaah! We could have whatever 's ... lion ar ound! Get it? Lion ar ound! {l aughs}
Shenzi: Oh wait, wait, wait. I got one, I got one. Make mine a cub sandwich. Whatc ha think ? {Peals of uncontr olla ble laughter .)
Shenzi: What? Ed? What is it? Banzai: {Looking where Ed is pointing} Hey, did we order this dinner to go?
Shenzi: No. Why? Banzai: „Cause ther e it goes!!
R unning. Hyenas catch in f r ont stair s. {The hyenas start laughing hyster ically} Muf asa & Muconda come in, ROARS, and the hyenas. Mufasa: {Har shly} You deli be r ately disobeyed me .
Sim ba: Dad, I'm.... I'm sorr y. Mufasa: Will you tak e Nala home? I need to have a long talk with Sim b a.
Muconda: I need to have a long talk with Nala as well.
DISC IPLI N AR Y/ STAR S Mufasa: Sim ba, I' m very disa pp ointed in you.
Sim ba: {Ver y quietly and sadly} I k now. Mufasa: {Continuing} You could have been killed. You de li be r ately disobeyed me. And what's wor se,- you p ut Nala in danger !
Sim ba: {Bor de r ing on cr ying, voice cracks} I was just tr ying to be brave like you. Mufasa: I' m only brave when I have to be. Sim ba ... being brave doesn' t mean you go looking for tr ou ble.
Sim ba: But you'r e not scared of anything.
Mufasa: I was today.
Sim ba: {Disbelieving} You were? Mufasa: Yes ... {bends down close to Sim ba} I thought I might lose you.
Sim ba: Oh. {Lighte ning slightly} I guess even k ings get scar ed, huh? Mufasa: Mm- hmm.
Sim ba: {Conspir ator ially} But you know what? Mufasa: {Whisper ing back} What?
Sim ba: I think those hyenas were even scar ede r . Mufasa: { Gentle laugh} Cause nobody messes with your dad.
Sim ba: Dad? Mufasa: Hmm?
Sim ba: We're pals, r ight? Mufasa: { Gentle laugh} R ight.
Sim ba: And we'll always be together , r ight? Mufasa: Sim ba, ... Let me te ll you something that my f ather told me ... Look at the stars. The gr eat k ings of the past look down on us from those st ar s.
Sim ba: {Awed} Re ally? Mufasa: Yes ... So whenever you f ee l alone, just remember that those k ings will always be ther e to guide you ... And so will I.
BE PR EPAR ED Shenzi: Look at you guys. No wonder we're dangling at the bottom of the food c hain. Banzai: Ma n, I hate dangling. Eddie: You k now, if it we r en' t for those lions, we'd be r unnin the joint. ‟
Banzai: Yeah. Man, I hate lions.
Shenzi: So pushy.
Banzai: And hair y. Ed: And stink y. Eddie: And man are they ...
Shenzi, Banzai, Eddie and Ed: U uug-LEE ! {They laugh.} Scar: Oh, sur ely we lions are not all that bad.
Eddie: Ohh. {relieved from the su r pr ise} Oh Scar , it's just you.
Shenzi: We were af r aid it was somebody im por tant. Banzai: Yeah, you k now, like Muf asa.
Shenzi: Yeah. Scar: I see.
Banzai: Now that's powe r .
Shenzi: Tell me a bout it. I just hear that name and I shudde r . Banzai: Muf asa.
Shenzi: {Shiver ing} Ooooh. ... Do it again. Banzai: Muf asa.
Shenzi: Ooooh. Banzai, Ed, and Eddie: Muf asa. Muf asa! Muf asa!
Shenzi: {Builds up hyster ic al laughter } ... Oooh! It tingles me. Scar: I' m su rr ounded by idiots.
Banzai: Not you Scar , I mean, you'r e one of us. I mean, you'r e our pal. Scar: {Sar castic} Char med.
Shenzi: Ohh, I like that. He's not k ing, but he's still so pr o pe r . Scar: Its time to for a new k ing.
Scar: I know that your powers of r ete ntion Are as we t as a war thog 's backside But thick as you ar e, pay attention
My words are a matter of pr ide It's clear from your vac ant ex pr essions The lights are not all on u pstair s
But we're talk ing k ings and su cce ssions Even you c an't be c aught unawar e s So prepare for the chance of a lif etime Be prepared for sensational news A shining new era Is ti ptoeing nearer
Shenzi: And where do we f eatur e? Scar: {gr a bbing She nzi s chee k } Just listen to teache r ‟
{She nzi rubs her cheek, which is now b r uised r ed} I know it sounds sor did But you'll be rewarded When at last I am given my due s! And in justice deliciously squar ed {Scar lea ps up beside Ed and Eddie, who are again chewing on the bone, and pushes him to the side}
Be pr ep ar ed! {Spok en} Banzai: Yeah, be p r ep ar ed. Yeah-heh. We'll be p r epar ed, heh ... For what? Scar: For the de ath of the k ing.
Eddie: Why? Is he sick? {Scar grabs Banzai by the thr oat} Scar: No f ool, we're going to kill him. And Sim ba too.
{Dr o pping Banzai back onto the f loor }
Shenzi: Gr e at idea! Who needs a k ing? Eddie & Ed {Sing-so ng voices, dancing ar ound} No k ing! No k ing! la-- la-la--la-laa-laa! Scar: IDIOTS! Ther e will be a k ing!
Banzai: Hey, but you said, uh... Scar: I WILL BE K I NG! Stick with me {tr ium phant, toothy gr in}, and you'll never go hungry again!
Banzai, Shenzi, Eddie and Ed: Yaay! All r ight! Long live the k ing! All Hyenas: Long live the k ing! Long live the k ing! Banzai, Shenzi, Eddie and Ed:
It' s gr eat that we'll soon be c onnec ted. With a k ing who'll be all-time ador ed.
Scar: Of c our se, quid pr o quo, you' r e ex pec ted To tak e cer tain duties on boar d
{Motions a slice across the nec k }
The f utur e is litter ed with pr izes And thoug h I'm the main addr essee The point that I must emphasize is You won't get a sniff without me! So prepare for the coup of the ce ntur y Be prepared for the mur k iest scam (Oooh... La! La! La!) {rear ends punctuating} Meticulous planning (We'll have f ood!) Te nacity spanning (Lots of f ood) Dec ade s of de nial (We r epe at) Is sim ply why I'll (Endless meat) Be k ing undisputed (Aaaaaaah ) Re spec ted, saluted (…aaaaaaah ) And seen for the wonder I am (…aaaaaaah!) Yes, my tee th and am bitions are bared (Oo-oo-oo-oo- oo-oo- oo) Be pr ep ar ed! …
Yes, our tee th and am bitions are bared Be pr ep ar ed!
STA MPEDE Sim ba: {Quietly} Dad? Somebody? Anybody? Hel p! Scar: Sim ba. ... Wha t have you done?
Sim ba: {Jumps back, cr ying} Ther e was a stampede and he tr ied to save me It was an acc ide nt, I… I didn't mean for it to happen.. {Sni ff i ng} What am I gonna do? …
Scar: Run away, Simba.... Run.... Run away, and never r e tur n.
ADDRESSING THE LIO NESSES Scar: Mufasa's death was a terr ible tr aged y; but to lose Sim ba as well. Scar: For me, it is a deep pe r so nal loss. And so it is with a heavy hear t that I assume the thr one. Yet, out of the ashes of this tr aged y, we shall r ise to gr ee t the dawning of a new er a {The hyenas start emer ging) in which lion and hyena come together , in a gr eat and glor ious f utur e. …
I NTER MISSIO N Af r ican Singer s:
My, Oh, my! Sim ba has run away and caused quite a r uck us. While the animals of Pr ide Rock mourn the de ath King Muf asa and the loss of Sim ba, we will tak e a br ief 15 minute inte r missi on. Ref r eshments are availa ble f or pur chase. When the lights f lick er please r etur n to your seats. We are now ready to r etur n to the stor y of Sim b a. Poor k id! I hope ever ything works out for him.
HAKUNA MATATA Timon: W hat a BEAUTIFUL mor ning! Pumbaa: {Looking at Sim ba} Uh-oh. Hey Timon. You be tte r come look. I think it s still alive. ‟
Timon: Yee wgh!... {Timon walks to the f r ont of Sim ba. He is lying with his paw over his f ace.} Timon: All r ighty, wha t have we got here? {he smells Sim ba}
{He tr ies to lif t Sim ba's paw. He can't. He gets under it and with a gr eat push gets it above his head. He sees Sim ba's f ace .} Timon: Jee z, it's a lion! Run Pum baa! Move it! Pumbaa: Hey, Timon. It's just a little lion. Look at him. He's so cute, and all alone! Can we keep him?
Timon: Pumbaa, are you nuts?! We're talk ing a bout a lion. Lions e at guys like us. Pumbaa: But he's so little.
Timon: He's gonna get bigge r . Pumbaa: Maybe he'll be on our side. Timon: A-- Hu h! That's the stu pidest thing I ever hear d. Maybe he'll b-- He y, I got it! What if he's on our side? You k now, having a lion around might not be such a bad ide a. …
Pumbaa: So we k eep ing 'im? Timon: Pth p t. Of cour se. Who's the br ains in this outf i t? (Sim ba be gins to move and ge ts u p) Timon: You okay, k id?
Sim ba: I guess so. Pumbaa: You near ly died .
Timon: I saved you. Pumbaa: {snor ts at Timon}
Timon: We ll, uh, Pumbaa he lped ... {Pumbaa snaps a pr oud pose.}
Timon: a little.
Sim ba: {Dully} Thanks for your he lp. {Sim ba heads off quietly back out towar ds the deser t.} Timon: Hey, where you going?
Sim ba: Nowher e. Timon: Gee. He looks blue.
Pumbaa: I'd say br ownish-gold. Timon: No, no, no, no. I mean he's dep r essed. Pumbaa: Oh.
Pumbaa: Kid, what's eatin ya? ‟
Timon: Nothing-- he's at the to p of the food c hain! Ahhhhhhha ha haaa! The food c ha-haain! {R ealizing his joke f lo pped } Ah heh-- Ahem. So, where you f r om?
Sim ba: Who cares? I can't go back . Timon: Ahh. You'r e an outcast! That's gr eat; so are we! Pumbaa: What cha do, k id? ‟
Sim ba: Something terr i ble. But I don't wanna talk a bout it. Timon: Good. We don't wanna hear a bout it. Pumbaa: Come on Timon. A nything we can do?
Sim ba: Not unless you can change the past. Pumbaa: You k now, kid, in times like this my buddy Timon here says “You got to put your be hind in your past. ”
Timon: {waving his arms} No. No. No. Pumbaa: I mean...
Timon: Amateur . Lie down be f or e you hur t your self . It's “You got to put your past be hind you.” Look, k id. Bad things happen, and you c an't do anything a bout it, r ight?
Sim ba: R ight. Timon: W r ong! When the wor ld tur ns its back on you, you tur n your back on the wor ld!
Sim ba: Well, that's not what I was taught. Timon: Then maybe you need a new lesson. Repe at af te r me. Hakuna Matata.
Sim ba: What? Pumbaa: Ha-ku-na Ma- ta -ta. It means no worr ies.
Hakuna Matata! What a wonde r f ul phrase
Hakuna Matata! Ain't no passing craze
It means no worr ies
For the rest of your days Both: Timon:
It's our pr o blem-f r ee philoso phy Hakuna Matata!
Sim ba:
Hakuna Matata?
Yeah, it's our motto.
Sim ba:
What's a motto?
Nothing! What's a motto with you? Ah haah haah hah hah...
{Laughing} You k now, k id-- these two words will solve all your pr o blems.
That's r ight! Take Pumbaa for exam ple.
W hy, when he was a young war t-hog
When I was a young wart hooog!
Ver y nice .
Thank s!
He found his aroma lack ed a cer tain a ppe al He could clear the Savannah af ter every meal
I' m a sensitive soul though I seem thick -sk inned And it hur t that my f r iends never stood downwind And oh, the shame
He was ashamed
Thoug hta c hangin' my name
Oh, what's in a name
And I g ot downhear ted
How did you f ee l?
Ev' r ytime that I...
Hey, Pum baa! Not in f r ont of the k ids!
Oh. Sorr y.
Pumbaa and Timon:
Hakuna Matata!
What a wonde r f ul phrase Hakuna Matata! Ain't no passing craze
Sim ba:
It means no worr ies For the rest of your days
Yeah, sing it, k id!
It's our pr o blem-f r ee philoso phy. Hakuna Matata!
Timon: We lcome
our hum ble home.
Sim ba: You live here? Timon: We live wherever we want. Pumbaa: Yep. Home is where your rump rests. He h!
Sim ba: It's be autif ul. Pumbaa: {Loud raunchy belch} I'm star ved!
Sim ba: I'm so hungry I could e at a whole zebr a. Timon: Eee ahhah. We're fresh out of zebr a.
Sim ba: Any ante lo pe ? Timon: Na ah.
Sim ba: {A bit desper ate} Hi pp o? Timon: Nope. Listen, k id; if you live with us, you have to eat like us. Hey, this looks like a good spot to r ustle up some gr u b.
Sim ba: Eeew. What's that? Timon: A gr u b. What's it look lik e?
Sim ba: Eeew. Gr oss! Timon: {Eating, mouth f ull} Mmmm. Tastes like chic k en. ping} Slimy, yet satisf ying. Pumbaa: {Slur
Timon: {Gr a bbing a bug} These are rare delicacies. Mmmmm.... {Cr unc hes} Piquant, with a very pleasant cr unc h. Pumbaa: {Mouth f ull of bugs} You'll lear n to love 'em!
Timon: {Chewing} I'm telling ya, kid, this is the gr eat lif e. No r ules, no r esponsib ilities. {pokes his hand into a k nothole-- many bugs scr am ble out) Ooh! -- the little cr eam-f illed k ind. {munch} And best of all, no worr ies. Timon: We ll k id? {Sim ba picks up a gr u b.}
Sim ba: Oh well-- Hakuna Matata. {He eats} {Sick music }
Sim ba: {Looking more c heer fu l} Slimy, yet satisf ying. Timon: That's it!
NOBODY K NOW S In f r ont of cur tain.
Zazu: Nobody k nows The tr ou ble I've seen Nobody k nows My sorr ow... Scar: Oh Zazu, do lighte n up. Sing so mething with a little bounce in it. …
Zazu: {T hinks a moment} It's a small wor ld af ter all
Scar: {I nterr u pting, almost shouting} No! No. Anything but that!
Zazu: {While Scar continues} Oh I would never have had to do this for Muf asa. …
Scar: {Quick and angry} What? Wha t did you say?
Zazu: Oh, nothing! Scar: You know the law: Never , ever mention that name in my pr esence . I ... am ... the k ing! Zazu: Yes, sir e. You are the k ing. I… I… Well, I only mentioned it to illustr ate the diff er ence s in your r oyal ma nager ial approaches. {ner vous laugh}
Banzai: Hey, Boss!
Scar: Oh, What is it this time?
Banzai: We got a bone to pick with you.
Shenzi: {To Banzai} I'll handle this. {To Scar} Scar , ther e's no f ood, no water . Banzai: Yeah, it's dinner time , and we ain't got no stink in e ntr ee s. ‟
Scar: It' s the lionesses' job to do the hunting {makes he lpless gestur e} …
Eddie: Yeah, but the y won't go hunt. Scar: Oh eat Zazu. …
Zazu: {Ner vous} Oh, you wouldn' t want me. I'd be so tough and- ee wwgh! Scar: Oh, Zazu, don't be r idic ulous! All you need is a little gar nish.
Banzai: {Mum bling to She nzi} I thought things were bad unde r Muf asa... Scar: {Quick and angry again} What did you say?
Banzai: I said Muf - …I said, uh ... "Qué pasa?" Scar: Good. Now get out.
{The hyenas start out but the n pause}
Ed: Mm yeah, but-- we're still hungr y. …
Scar: Out!
Disco very Scene R af ik i and Tiki looking in their caldr on. Adding herbs and mixing with their stick s. R af ik i: Sim ba!
Tiki: He s alive! ‟
In the jungle The mighty jungle The lion sleeps tonight. In the jungle The mighty jungle The lion sleeps to--
{Spe ak ing} I can't hear ya, buddy, back me u p! A-weee-ee-ee-ee aa-Pum- ba- bum- bawaaay... {R ealizing Pumbaa is not ther e.} A-Pum baa ? Pum baa? Pumbaa: {Spooked} Timon? Nala runs in. Pumbaa: HYEEEE AAAHHH!!!!!
(Nala chasing Pumbaa.)
Timon: Pum baa! Pum baa! Hey, what's going on? Pumbaa: {T err if ied , shouting in Timon‟s face} SHE'S GONNA EAT ME!!
Timbon: Why do I always have to say you! (Sim ba jumps in be twee n Nala and Pumbaa.)
Sim ba: Nala? {She immed iately backs off and looks at Sim ba, e xamining him.}
Sim ba: Is it r eally you? Nala: Who are you?
Sim ba: It's me. Sim ba. Nala: Sim ba? {pause for r ealization} Whoah!!! Well how did you.. where did you come from ... it's gr eat to see you..
Sim ba: Aaaa h! How did you... who... wow ... this is cool... it's gr eat to see you
{Timon who is c om pletely baff led by this sudden change} Timon: Hey, what's goin‟ on here?
Sim ba: {Still to Nala} What are you doing here? Nala: What do you mean, “What am I doing here? What are you doing here? ”
Timon: HEY!! WHAT'S GOIN ON HER E?!? ‟
Sim ba: Timon, this is Nala; she's my best f r iend!
Timon: {Conf used} Fr iend?!?
Sim ba: Yeah. Hey, Pum baa! Come over her e. Sim ba: Nala, this is Pumbaa. Pumbaa, Nala. Pumbaa: Pleased to make your acq uaintance .
Nala: The pleasur e's all mine. Timon: How do you do.. W hoa! Whoa. Time out.. Let me get this str aight. You know her . She knows you. But she wants to eat him. And, e ve r y body' s… okay with this? DID I MISS SOMETHI NG?!?
Sim ba: Relax, Timon. Nala: Wait „til ever y body f inds out you've been here all this time. And your mother what will she think ? …
Sim ba: She doesn't have to k now. Nobody has to k now. Nala: Well, of cour se the y do. Ever yone thinks you'r e dead.
Sim ba: They do? Nala: Yeah. Scar told us a bout the stam pede .
Sim ba: He did? {Ner vous} What else did he tell you? Nala: What else matter s? You'r e alive. And that means... you'r e the k ing! Timon: King? Pbbb. Lady, have you got your lions cr ossed.
Pumbaa: King? Your Ma jest y! I gr avel at your f eet. {Noisily k isses Sim ba s paw} ‟
Sim ba: {Pulling away his paw} Sto p it. Timon: {To Pumbaa} It's not “gr avel, it's “gr ovel. And don't; he's not the k ing. {to Sim ba} Are ya? ”
Sim ba: No, I'm not the k ing. Maybe I was gonna be. But, that was a long time ago. Timon: Let me get this str aight. You'r e the k ing? And you never told us?
Sim ba: Look, I'm still the same guy. Timon: {Enthusiastic } But with power ! Nala: Could you guys ... excuse us for a few minutes? Timon: Hey, {taps Pumbaa} whatever she has to say, she can say in f r ont of us. R ight, Sim ba?
Sim ba: Hmm.... {embarrassed} Maybe you'd be tter go. Timon: {Aghast, then r e signed } It starts. You think you know a guy
{Pumbaa and Timon e xit. Pumbaa sighs. } Sim ba: Timon and Pumbaa. You lear n to love „e m. {Nala has her head bowed down sadly.}
Sim ba: What?
What is it?
Nala: {Quietly} It's like you'r e back from the dead. You don't know how much this will mean to ever yone. {Pained ex pr essi on} What it means to me. …
Sim ba: Hey; it's OK . Nala: I've r e ally missed you.
Sim ba: I've missed you too.
CAN YOU FEEL THE LOVE TO NI GHT Timon: {Heavy sigh} I tell ya, Pumbaa. This stink s.
Pumbaa: Oh. Sorr y. Timon: Not you. The m! Him. Her . Alone... Pumbaa: What's wrong with tha t?
I can see what's ha ppe ning
And they don' t have a clue
They'll f all in love and here's the bottom line Our tr io's down to two.
{in a sar castic moc k -Fr enc h acce nt} Ze swee t caress of twilight {Back to nor mal, but still sar castic} Ther e's magic everywhere And with all this r omantic atmospher e
Disaster 's in the air
Af r ican Singer s:
Can you f ee l the love tonight? The peace the evening br ings The wor ld, for once, in per f ec t har mony With all its living things
Sim ba:
So many things to tell her But how to make her see The tr uth a bout my past? Im possi ble! She'd tur n away from me
He's holding back, he's hiding But what, I can't dec ide Why won't he be the k ing I know he is The k ing I see inside ?
Af r ican Singer s:
Can you f ee l the love tonight? The peace the evening br ings The wor ld, for once, in per f ec t har mony With all its living things Can you f ee l the love tonight? You need n't look too f ar Stealing thr ough the night's unce r tainties Love is where they ar e .
And if he f alls in love tonight {Pumbaa sniff s} It can be assumed
{Timon hugs Pumbaa, te ar f ully.} Pumbaa:
His carefree days with us are hist r y
Timon and Pumbaa:
In shor t, our pal is d oomed
{They let loose cr ying f ull f or ce.}
NALA CONFRONTS SIMBA Sim ba: Isn't this a gr eat place ? Nala: It is be autif ul.... But I don' t understand so mething. You've been alive all this time. Why didn't you c ome back to Pr ide R ock ?
Sim ba: Well, I just ... needed to get out on my own. Live my own lif e . And I did. And it's gr eat!
Nala: We've r eally needed you at home.
Sim ba: {Quieter } No one needs me. Nala: Yes we do! You'r e the k ing.
Sim ba: Nala, we've been thr ough this. I'm not the k ing. Scar is. Nala: Sim ba, he let the hyenas tak e ove r the Pr ide Lands.
Sim ba: What? Nala: Ever ything's destr oyed. Ther e's no f ood, no wate r . Sim ba, if you d on't do so mething soon, e ve r yone will star ve .
Sim ba: I can't go bac k . Nala: {Loude r } Why?
Sim ba: You would n't unde r stand. Nala: What woul dn't I under stand?
Sim ba: {Hastily} No, no, no. It doesn't matter . Hakuna Matata. Nala: {Conf used} W hat?
Sim ba: Hakuna Ma tata. It's something I le ar ned out her e. Look, so metimes bad things ha ppe n
Nala: Sim ba!
Sim ba: {Continuing, irr itated} --and ther e's nothing you can do a bout it! So why worr y? {Sim ba starts away from Nala. Nala tr ots back up to him.} Nala: Because it's your r e sponsib ility.
Sim ba: Well, what a bout you? you lef t. Nala: I lef t to f ind he lp! And I found you. Don't you understand? You r e our only ho pe . ‟
Sim ba: Sorr y. Nala: What's happened to you? You'r e not the Sim ba I r eme m ber .
Sim ba: You'r e r ight; I'm not. Now are you satisf ied? Nala: No, just disa ppointed .
Sim ba: You k now, you'r e star ting to sound like my f ather . {Walk ing away again} Nala: Good. At least one of us does.
{Sim ba is obviously cut by the comment a bout his f ather ; he te ar s into Nala with his wor ds.}
Sim ba: {Angr y} Listen! You think you can just show up and tell me how to live my lif e? You don't even know what I've been thr ough. Nala: I would if you‟d just tell me!
Sim ba: For get it! Nala: Fine! (Nala leaves)
Sim ba: She's wr ong. I c an't go back. W hat would it pr ove, anyway? It won t change anything. You can't change the past. {He looks up at the star s.} You said you'd always be ther e for me!... But you' r e not. And it's because of me. It' s my f ault.... It's my ... f ault. ‟
R af ik i & Tiki: Asante sana! Squash Banana! We we nugu! Mi mi a pana!
Sim ba: Cr eep y little monkeys. Will you c ut it out? Who are you? R af ik i: The question is: whooo... are you?
Sim ba: I thoug ht I knew.... Now I'm not so sur e. Tiki: Well, I know who you ar e. Shh. Come her e. It' s a secr e t.
R af ik i & Tiki: Asante sana! Squash ba nana! We we nugu! Mi mi a pana!
Sim ba: Er nh! Enough alr eady! ...What's that supposed to mean anyway? R af ik i: It means you are a baboon-- and I'm not. {laughs}
Sim ba: {Moving away} I think you'r e a little conf used. …
Tiki: Wr ong! We r e not the one who's conf used; you d on' t even know who you ar e! ‟
Sim ba: {Irr itated, sar castic} Oh, and I suppose you k now. R af ik i: Sur e we do! Tiki: You'r e Mufasa's boy!
Sim ba: You knew my f ather ? R af ik i: {Monotone} Corr ec tion-- I know your f athe r .
Sim ba: I hate to tell you this, but he died. A long time ago. …
Tiki: Nope. Wrong again! Hah hah hah! He's alive-- and I'll show him to you. You f ollow old R af ik i & Tiki; we know the way. Come on!
R af ik i: Look down the r e.
Sim ba: {Disa pp ointed } That's not my f ather . That' s just my r ef lec tion.
Tiki: Noo. Look ... har der . R af ik i: You see ... he lives in you. Mufasa: {Quietly at f ir st} Sim ba . . .
Sim ba: Father ? Mufasa: Sim ba, you have f or gotten me.
Sim ba: No. How could I? Mufasa: You have f or gotten who you ar e, and so have f or gotte n me. Look inside your self , Sim ba. You are more than what you have become. You must tak e your place in the Cir cle of Lif e.
Sim ba: How can I go back? I'm not who I used to be. Mufasa: Re mem be r who you ar e. You are my son, and the one tr ue k ing.
Sim ba: No! Ple ase! Don t leave me. ‟
Mufasa: Re mem be r ...
Sim ba: Father ! Mufasa: Re mem be r ...
Sim ba: Don't leave me.
Mufasa: Re mem be r . . .
R af ik i: What are you going to do?
Sim ba: I‟m not su r e. But, going back means I'll have to face my past. I've been r unning from it for so long.... {R af ik i & Tiki smacks Sim ba on the head with his staff .}
Sim ba: Oww! Jeez-- what was that f or ? Tiki: It doesn' t matter ; it' s in the past! {l aughs}
Sim ba: {Rubbing head} Yeah, b ut it still hur ts. R af ik i: Oh yes, the past can hur t. But the way I see it, you can either run from it... or ... lear n from it.
{He swings at Sim ba with his staff again. This time Sim ba ducks.} Tiki: Hah! You see? So what are you going to do?
Sim ba: Fir st... I'm going to tak e your stick s. {Sim ba tosses R af ik i & Tiki s staffs to the side .} ‟
R af ik i: No, no, no, no! Not the stic ks! {As R af ik i picks up his staff , Sim ba starts r unning off .} Tiki: He y! Where are you going?
Sim ba: {Shouting back} I'm going b ack ! R af ik i: Good! Go on! Ge t out of her e!
{Sar a bi ascends Pr ide Rock with lionesses be hind her .
Sar a bi: Yes, Scar? Scar: Where is your hunting par ty? They'r e not doing their jo b.
Sar a bi: {Calmly} Scar , ther e is no f ood. The herds have moved on. Scar: No. You 'r e just not looking hard enough.
Saf ina: It's over . Ther e is nothing lef t. We have only one choice. We must leave Pr ide R ock .
Scar: We're not going anywher e.
Sar a bi: Then you have sente nced us to de ath! Scar: Then so be it.
Sar a bi: {Disg usted, amazed} You can't do that. Saf ina: We r e tir ed of you telling us what to do. ‟
Scar: I' m the k ing. I can do... whatever I want. Muconda: If you were half the k ing Muf asa was you would never-Scar: I' m ten times the k ing Muf asa was!
(Sim ba jumps ne xt to Scar )
Sim ba: You ll never be the k ing! ‟
Sar a bi: Muf asa? Sim ba: No; it's me. Sar a bi: {Delighted } Sim b a? You'r e alive ? {Conf used} How can that be? Sim ba: It doesn't matter ; I'm home. pr ised to see you...(giving the hyenas an angry look} alive. Scar: {Conf used} Sim ba? Sim ba! I' m a little sur
Sim ba: {As Sar a bi looks on with some pr ide} Give me one good reason why I shouldn't r i p you a par t. Scar: {back ing into a wall, a pologetic} Oh, Sim ba, you must under stand. The pressures of r uling a k ingdom...
Sim ba: Ar e no longe r your s. Step down, Scar . …
Scar: Oh, oh, ye-- Well, I don t think I can do that. The hyenas think I‟m k ing. ‟
Nala: Well, we don't. Sim ba is the r ightf ul k ing.
Sim ba: The choice is your s, Scar . Either step down or f ight. Scar: Oh, must it all end in violence? I'd hate to be r esponsib le for the death of a f amily me m ber . Wouldn' t you agr ee , Sim ba?
Sim ba: That's not gonna wor k, Scar . I've put it behind me . (Sim ba jumps at Scar . Scar moves back be hind cur tain with a scr eam.)