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In 1946 (when he was aged 68) Gann produced a reading list for his students. An original copy of Gann’s reading list ay !e "iewed here# http#$$$docuent$d%eA&d'%$Gannseadingist.htl *ince Gann’s death in 19++ this reading list has generally !een o"erloo,ed o"erloo,ed !y Gann enthusiasts !ecause the constituent !oo,s ha"e !een difficult or e-pensi"e to o!tain. ith the e-ception of four !oo,s (highlighted !elow)/ copies of all of the !oo,s on Gann’s recoended reading list are now a"aila!le to download/ free&of&charge and for the !enefit of all Gann enthusiasts. 023G5 0uerology !y lifford heasley http#$$$docuent$07"3-$0uerologyliffordheasley.htl hilosophy f 0u!ers !y 2rs ow :alliett http#$$$docuent$dhnAt"$hilosophyf0u!ers.htl 0u!er ;i!ration In r?r$:allietthilosophyf0u!er;i!r.htl 7he ay f isdo According 7o 0u!er ;i!ration !y :alliett http#$$$docuent$lg7ew&"$7heayfisdoAccording7o0u!e.htl 7he ?a!ala f 0u!ers (art ne) !y *epharial http#$$$docuent$@y3;+$7he?a!alaf0u!ers.htl =ow 7o lay 7he aces And in !y 2ar, 2ellen http#$$$docuent$5GodF$7he2ysteriesf*oundAnd0u!er.htl 0uerology For 3"ery!ody !y 2ontrose http#$$$docuent$1,,1%o$0uerologyFor3"ery!ody.htl 7he 7arot f 7he :oheians !y apus http#$$$docuent$n*7tn$7he7arotf7he:oheians.htl 7he ower f 0u!ers !y 0uero