The law of agency is governed by Part X of the Contracts Act 1950. An agent is defined as a person employed to do any act for another or represent ano...
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Law of Agency By: MOHD IZZAT AMSYAR AMSYAR MOHD ARIF LL.B (Civil S!a"ia!# ($SIM#% LL.M ($&M#% A"a'ic Ce". (Da)a*c+* $nive"*iy# i,,a-a)*ya"!o) The law of agency is governed by Part X of the Contracts Act 1950. An agent is dened as a person eployed to do any act for another or represent anotherr in deali anothe dealings ngs with third person !1" !1".. The person for who s#ch act is done$ or who is so represented$ is called the %principal& 'n ot othe herr wor words ds$$ ag agen ency cy is the the rel elat atio ions nshi hip p wh whic ich h s# s#bs bsis ists ts be betw twee een n th the e principal and the agent$ who has been a#thori(ed to act for hi or represent hi in dealings with others. e.g. A(( e.g. A((i(# i(#ll appo appoint ints s )a )adan dan to sig sign n the agree agreeent ent on his beh behalf alf$$ her here e A((i(#l is called the principal and )adan is his agent.
Th#s in agency there are in e*ect two two contracts+, i. the rst ade between the principal and the agent fro which the agent derives his a#thority to act for and on behalf of the principal- and ii. the second$ ade between the principal and the third party thro#gh the wor of the agent.
/HO CA0 B1COM1 A0 A210T34RI0CI4AL5 )ection 1/ CA , Any person who is eighteen years old and above and who is of so so#n #nd d i ind nd a ay y be a pr prin inci cipa pal. l. As be betw twee een n th the e pr prin inci cipa pall an and d th thir ird d persons$ any person ay becoe an agent$ b#t persons of #nso#nd ind and who are below 1 years of age are not liable towards their principal for acts done by the as agents!2" agents!2" eg. if A eploys 3 4a inor to b#y soe goods fro C on his behalf and C s#pplies the goods$ A cannot allege that he is not liable to pay for the goods
6#st beca#se 3 is not at the age of a6ority. A is still liable to pay C for the goods.
CR1ATIO0 OF A210CY 7ie any other contracts$ a contract of agency can be e8pressed or iplied for the circ#stances and the cond#ct of the parties. 'n other words$ the a#thority of an agent ay be e8pressed 4given by words spoen or written or iplied 4inferred fro things spoen or written or fro the ordinary co#rse of dealings.
eg. X lives in 'poh and owns a shop in #antan. The shop is anaged by : who norally orders goods fro ; in X
3y 3y 3y 3y 3y
e8press appointent by the principal iplied appointent by the principal ratication by the principal necessity i.e. operation of law the doctrine of estoppel
>? @aya )dn3hd v Pan eliance )dn3hd !199" 1 B7@ 2// The Co#rt of Appeal held that the law does not re#ire that an agency or s#b agency agreeent #st be in writing. D#rtherore$ Part X of the Contracts Act 1950$ which contains the relevant provisions on agency does not contain any re#ireent that the appointent of an agent or s#b agent has to be in writing or be evidence in writing.
6. BY 174R1SS A44OI0TM10T E8press appointent ay be in written or oral for. An e8aple of an
e8press appointent ade in writing is a Power of Attorney. Even a letter written or words spoen ay be e*ective in appointing an agent.
8. BY IM4LI1D A2R11M10T The 7aw can infer the creation of an agency by iplication when a person by his words or cond#ct holds o#t another person as having a#thority to act for hi.!/" e.g. 'f he allows another person to order goods on his behalf and habit#ally pays for the$ an agency ay be iplied. 'n s#ch ters he will be bo#nd by the contracts as if he has e8pressly a#thori(ed the.
Chan :in Tee v Fillia @acs G Co 4Balaya 7td !19=" B7@ 290 The appellant and :ong 4a inor$ were registered as partners. At a eeting with a representative of the respondent copany$ the appellant held hiself o#t to be :ongoods were s#pplied to :ong b#t were not paid for. The respondent copany obtained 6#dgeent against the appellant and :ong. The appellant appeal to DC which held that since the appellant had held :ong o#t of his agent who had the a#thority to do things on his behalfthe appellant was liable for :ong
raties the$ the sae e*ect will follow as if they had been perfored by his a#thority. Fhen the principal accepts and conrs s#ch a contract$ the acceptance is called ratication. atication ay be e8pressed or iplied !=" atication is retrospective i.e. it dates bac to the tie when the original contract was ade by the agent and not fro the date of the principal> Botors and ordered a car costing B1/5$000K,$ telling >> Botor> Botors deliver the car to A. 'f A conrs and adopts the contract on 12 @an#ary$ then 3 is said to be an agent thro#gh ratication. A can also re6ects the contract since 3 had e8ceeded his a#thority.
Contract can be ratied #nder the following circ#stances+, The act #st be a#thori(ed. The agent #st$ at the tie of the contract$ e8pressly act as an agent for the principal!5"i.e. he #st not allow the third party to thin that he is the principal. eighleyBa8tedG Co v L#rant An agent$ was a#thorised by the appellants to b#y wheat at a certain price. The agent e8ceeded his a#thority and bo#ght at a higher price in his own nae b#t intending it for eighley. eighley agreed to tae the wheat at that price b#t failed to tae delivery. The co#rt held that eighley was liable to the L#rant since at the tie of the contract did not profess to act as an agent. )B BeyappaChettiar v 7i 7ian oo !195=" 20 B7@ 2= PC$ the attorney of )C$ entered into an agreeent with the respondent #nder which the PC handed over to the respondent a piece of land belonging to his principal in consideration of B H$000K, and agreed M #pon the ret#rn of
noral conditions$ the vendor shall obtain a special power of attorney fro the said )C now in 'ndia and e8ec#te the tr#e and lawf#l transfer of the said land at the p#rchaser
that he intended to ratify the contract whatever the facts ay be and ass#e responsibility fro the!". The principal #st ratify the whole act or contract The ratication #st not in6#re the third party$ i.e. it #st not s#b6ect the third party to daages or terinated his right or interest!H"
3: ?ECE))'T: An agency by necessity ay be created if the following three conditions are et+, 1. 't is ipossible for the agent to get the principal
A person cannot be bo#nd by a contract ade on his behalf witho#t his a#thority. Nowever$ if he by his words and cond#ct allows a third party to believe that the partic#lar person is his agent even when he is not$ and the third party relies on it to the detrient of the third party$ he will be estopped or precl#ded fro denying the e8istence of that person
The law of agency is relevant to travel and hospitality ind#stries beca#se the relation between a travel agent and a c#stoer is based on agency. D#rtherore$ travel agents are agents of the hotels etc. 4sae as relationship between ban$ ban oOcer and client
Doley v Nill !1=" 9 E 1002 Fhen a baner receives oney fro his c#stoers as deposit$ the baner is a debtor and his c#stoers are creditors. In the other hand$ where a baner advances oney as a loan or other credit$ or e8tends baning facilities to his c#stoer$ the ban is the creditor and the c#stoer is the debtor. Fhen a c#stoer hires a safe deposit bo8 in which he eeps his val#ables$ the ban is the c#stoers agent. 3an Eployees as Agent for the 3an Fithin a ban$ eployees of the ban are agents for the ban. Th#s eployees who are so a#thorised ay act on behalf of the ban. The ban$ as eployer$ is vicario#sly liable for the torts coitted by its eployees in the co#rse of b#siness.
D$TI1S OF 4RI0CI4AL A0D A210T The rights and d#ties of the principal and agent depend on the e8press or iplied ters of the contract of agency. Fhere there is no s#ch contract of agency$ the rights and d#ties of an agent to his principal and vice versa are laid down in )ection 1= J 1H of the Contracts Act 1950 a )ection 1= J Agent
e )ection 1 J ight of principal when agent deals$ on his own acco#nt$ in b#siness of agency witho#t the principal f )ection 19 J Principalovernent IOcers Co Iperative No#sing )ociety 7td !19H" 1 B7@ 1=9 The appellant who was a director and secretary of the respondent cooperative society bo#ght land at the price of B 9==$000 on behalf of the respondent. The appellant new that the vendor had earlier paid B =5$000 for it b#t did not infor the respondent accordingly. 't t#rned o#t that the appellant had received B 122$000 as a bribe or secret prot fro the vendor. held+ The respondent co#ld recover either the bribe or the ao#nt of the act#al loss s#*ered by it as a res#lt of entering into the contract.
i.)ection 1H2 J Fhen agent
D$TY OF 4RI0CI4AL TO A210T The d#ties of principal to agent is provided #nder section 1H5 J 1H )ection 1H5 J agent to be indenied against conse#ences of lawf#l acts )ection 1H , agent to be indenied against conse#ences of acts done in good faith
)ection 1HH J non liability of eployer of agent to do criinal act )ection 1H J copensation to agent for in6#ry ca#sed by principal
TH1 A$THORITY OF A0 A210T An agent
T1RMI0ATIO0 OF A210CY )ection 15= J 1/ of Contract Act 1950 deal with the anner which an agent ay be terinated. A. TEB'?AT'I? 3: TNE ACT ID PAT:. Fhen both parties agree that the agency shall terinate$ the agency is terinated. The principal ay revoe the a#thority of the agent at any tie before it has been e8ercised to bind the principal. Fhen the agency is for an indenite period of tie$ the agent can terinate the agency by giving reasonable notice of terination to the principal , )ection 159. 3. TEB'?AT'I? 3: IPEAT'I? ID 7AF An agency ay be revoed by operation of law in any of the following circ#stances.+, i. Fhen the contract of agency has been perfored ii. pon the e8piry of the period 8ed in the contract iii. Leath of the principal or agent iv. Fhen the principal or agent becoe insane v. Fhen the principal or agent becoe insolvent vi. pon the happening of a event which renders the agency #nlawf#l.
!1" )ection 1/5 !2" )ection 1/H !/" )ection 1=0 and the ill#strations. !=" )ection 150 J atication ay be e8pressed or iplied in the cond#ct of the person on whose behalf the acts are done. !5" )ection 1=9 CA 1950 !" )ection 151 Contract Act 1950 !H" )ection 15/ Contract Act 1950 !" )ection 1=2 Contract Act 1950 !9" )ection 1=2 Contract Act 1950
Qlien /Rlē(ə)n/ Noun A right to keep property belonging to another person until a debt is paid.