Topics Topics Page Page 1. Lal Kitab : An Astrological Astrological Marvel Lal Kitab, originally published in urdu language, enshrines such efective astrological principles and remedial measures that it has rightly been termed as The !onder "oo# o$ Astrology. The science o$ palmistry too has been e%plained in such an e%&uisite manner that each o$ the '( divisions o$ the human brain have been related to the diferent houses o$ a mans birth chart in such a scienti)c manner that the s#etch o$ the human brain re*ects accurately on the lines o$ the palm. +n the basis o$ these lines o$ the palm one can dra the actual horoscope horoscope o$ an individual and can do the placement o$ planets in various houses o$ the birth chart. The date o$ birth birth and the birth birth ascendant ascendant can be $ound $ound out by reading reading the lines lines and mounts o$ the palm, hich means that an individuals accurate birth chart can be dran by seeing the lines o$ his palm. -imilarly, by studying the diferent aspects o$ a mans residential house his birth chart can be accurately prepared on the basis o$ the sutras e%plained in the Lal Kitab. n addition to the above, Lal Kitab has announced uni&ue remedial measures measures to solve chronic and critical human problems in day to day li$e.These measures do not re&uire the practice o$ ordeals, yagnas, havans and other complicated and e%pensive rituals, hich prove more troublesome $or persons ho are already in trouble because o$ the evil efects o$ certain planets. These measures are again diferent $rom /antras, Mantras and Tantras, hich give various adverse efects i$ not $olloed rigorously in all their minute details. The measures suggested in Lal Kitab are electrically efective in solving all #inds o$ human troubles and tensions, ithout in*icting harm on anybody i.e. these remedies are completely sel$ de$ensive against the evils created by the planets ithout causing in0ury in anyay to anyone concerned. The )rst part part o$ this great great treatise treatise contains the principles principles and and -utras $or interpretation o$ horoscope, termed as ya#aran. The birth chart o$ an individual is prepared li#e the traditional Parashar principles, but the only important diference is that the 2ashis are not considered or ta#en into account $or predictive astrology and, there$ore, the digits indicating the 2ashis in a traditional birth chart are scrapped. -econdly, $or predictive purposes the ascendant is treated as the )rst house and it is regarded as the house o$ the )rst 2ashi, i.e., Aries and counting progressively in a se&uence upto the 1(th house being that o$ Pisces.The speci)c principles o$ predictive astrology as per Lal Kitab are better summed up here as $ollos 1. The -un as lord lord o$ the 3th, the Mercury Mercury as lord o$ the 4rd 4rd and 5th, the 6upiter as lord o$ the 7th and the -aturn as lord o$ the 18th are directly or indirectly in some $orm or the other are the Kara#as o$ the $ather and his property. "ut the 6upiter and the -un, 6upiter and Mercury or 6upiter and -aturn occupying any house 0ointly carry no relevance relevance to the #noledge about $ather or $athers $athers property at all. 9ven Mercury and -un, Mercury and -aturn or -un and -aturn also sitting together behave in the same manner.
(. $ to or more inimical planets are occupying a single house, they ill not behave as enemies. "ut it does not mean that they do not afect the in*uences o$ each other and sho their on results o$ being in that house independently independently i.e. their con0uction does not afect their individual results. 4. riendly planets together occupying a house become e%tremely $riendly and help each other in producing good and auspicious results. '. The ;th house is regarded as the Pucca o$ Mercury. Mercury. $ Mercury is placed in the ;th house o$ a horoscope, even the poer$ul planets li#e -un, Mars, 6upiter and -aturn occupying a Kendra, (nd or 11th house can not afect the health o$ the native adversely. 3. $ a $emale planet is placed in any house along ith -aturn and both are being aspected by any other planet, then the aspecting planet ill become a?icted and afect adversely the persons and relatives o$ such aspecting planet as Kara#as. 5. n general, all planets in their Pucca Pucca guide guide the planets o$ the ;th house house =minister> and control their actions and efects. $ the planets o$ the 1st and @th houses are $riendly, then the planet in the ;th house can not play any mischie$. Mars in the ;th is considered to be highly conducive $or gaining large property. "ut i$ mercury is in the Lagna, it ill destroy the properties. t ill be destroyed because o$ the $oolishness o$ the native, because here the Mercury being in the )rst house is Kara#a o$ the native. At the same time i$ the Mercury is in the @th house, it ill again destroy the properties, but here the reasons $or destination ill be un#non and invisible, because the active elements o$ the @th house are alays secretive secretive and mysterious in nature over hich the native has no control. -imilarly, i$ the planets o$ the 1st and 11th houses destination are $riendly, $riendly, they ill control the planets o$ the ;th house. $ they are inimical, the results ould be bad.
The planets o$ o$ the 1st house house aspect the planets planets o$ the ;th ;th house. $ they are mutually inimical, then the bad results accrue because o$ the $oolishness or unorthiness unorthiness o$ the native. The planets o$ the @th house aspect the planets o$ the (nd house and thereby afect their results. @. (nd, 5th, @th, 1(th and 11th houses must also be e%amined simaltaneouosly as $ollos : =a> The planets o$ the @th house aspect the (nd house and thereby afect the results o$ the (nd house. The efects o$ the aspects o$ the planets o$ the @th house over the (nd house are afected by the planets o$ the 11th house $avourably i$ $riendly and un$avourably i$ inimical. =b> The planets o$ the (nd house aspect the 5th house and afects its results. The planets o$ the 5th and @th houses have secret relations relations ith each other, because o$ hich they also afect the planets o$ the (nd house =BBB>. =c> The 1(th house also afects the (nd house =BBB>. $ there are evil planets in the 5th and @th houses, =because o$ their secretCimplied con0unction> their evil poer increases 18 times. =d> $ the planets in the 1(th and @th houses are inimical, the native should not visit temples and other places o$ orship. 7. The 4rd, 11th, 3th, 7th and 18th houses must also be e%amined simaltaneously as $ollos : =a> $ there is any planet in the 4rd house, it ill start shoing efects a$ter the birth o$ the natives younger brother. $ the 7th and 3th houses are occupied by -aturn 2ahu or Ketu then the un$avourable changes start coming up in the natives li$e 0ust a$ter the birth o$ the child. =b> $ there are good planets in the 7th house and there is no planet in the (nd house, the native remains deprived o$ all the bene)ts. =c> $ there is no planet in the 'th house, or it is occupied by 2ahu, Ketu or -aturn, then the good results o$ the 18th house ill not be received by the native. $ 18th and (nd houses are empty, the good results o$ the 'th house ill go aste. =d> $ the 4rd and 7th houses are bad, the 3th ill also prove bad. =e> $ the 7th is occupied by -un or Moon, the 3th house ill give good results. =$> $ the 7th is occupied by -un or Moon, then 2ahu or Ketu in the 3th ill neither afect the issues o$ the native or the native himsel$ adversely. =g> $ 2ahu or Ketu be placed in the 3th and there are inimical planets in the @th then stro#es o$ mis$ortune ill hit the native through the 11th house. The relatives indicated by the planets o$ the 3th and @th houses ill also be afected. n this situation the earnings o$ the native ill also be afected very adversely, i$ the (nd
house is empty. Dothing ill be able to save the native. Do the planets o$ the 18th and 3th ill also turn to be male)cs hatever be their natural charecter.