November 8, 2015
2:00P.M.2:00P.M.- 6:00 P.M. P.M. INSTRUCTIONS
This Questionnaire contains ten (10 !a"es inc#u$in" these %nstructions !a"es. &hec' the number o !a"es an$ the !a"e numbers at the u!!er ri"ht han$ corner o each !a"e o this Questionnaire an$ ma'e sure it has the correct number o !a"es an$ their !ro!er numbers. There are 22 items (% to ))%% to be ans*ere$ *ithin+our (4) hours. 2. ea$ each uestion ver careu## an$ *rite our ans*ers in our /ar amination Noteboo' in the same order the questions are posed. rite rite our ans*ers on# on the front, the front, not the bac', !a"e o ever sheet in our Noteboo'. Note *e## the a##ocate$ !ercenta"e !oints or each number, uestion, or sub-uestion. %n our ans*ers, use the numberin" sstem in the uestionnaire. % the sheets !rovi$e$ in our amination Noteboo' are not suicient or our ans*ers, use the bac' !a"e o ever sheet o our amination Noteboo', startin" at the bac' !a"e o the irst sheet an$ the bac' o the succee$in" sheets thereater. 3. 4ns*er the ssa uestions legibly, clearly, an$ concisely. tart each number on a se!arate !a"e. 4n ans*er to a sub-uestion sub-uestion un$er the same number ma be *ritten continuous# on the same !a"e an$ the imme$iate# succee$in" !a"es unti# com!#ete$. our our ans*er shou#$ $emonstrate our abi#it to ana#7e the acts !resente$ b the uestion, to se#ect the materia# rom the immateria# acts, an$ to $iscern the !oints u!o n *hich the uestion turns. %t shou#$ sho* our 'no*#e$"e an$ un$erstan$in" o the !ertinent !rinci!#es an$ theories o #a* invo#ve$ an$ their ua#iications an$ #imitations. %t shou#$ $emonstrate our ab i#it to a!!# the #a* to the "iven acts, to reason #o"ica## in a #a*er-#i'e manner, an$ to orm a soun$ conc#usion rom the "iven !remises. 4 mere es es or No ans*er *ithout an corres!on$in" e!#anation or $iscussion *i## not be "iven an cre$it. Thus, a#*as briefly but briefly but u## e!#ain our ans*ers a#thou"h the uestion $oes not e!ress# as' or an e!#anation. 4t the same time, remember that a com!#ete e!#anation $oes not reuire that ou vo#unteer inormation or $iscuss #e"a# $octrines that are not necessar or !ertinent to the so#ution to the !rob#em. ou ou $o not nee$ to re-*rite or re!eat the uestion in our Noteboo'. 9. Ma'e sure ou $o not *rite our name or an extraneous note/s or distinctive marking/s on our Noteboo' that can serve as an i$entiin" mar'+s (such as names that are no t in the "iven
uestions, !raers, or !rivate notes to the aminer. ritin", #eavin" or ma'in" an $istin"uishin" or i$entiin" mar' in the eam Noteboo' is consi$ere$ cheatin" an$ can $isua#i ou or the /ar eaminations. ou can use the uestionnaire or notes ou ma *ish+nee$ to *rite $urin" the eamination. YOU CAN BRING HOME THIS QUESTIONNAIRE OR SUBMIT IT TOGETHER WITH YOUR NOTEBOOK
;T%& T%T4 . <=N4>=-> &4T= &hair!erson 2015 /ar aminations % 4. oc'et &or!oration is a $omestic cor!oration re"istere$ *ith the &, *ith 30? o its authori7e$ ca!ita# stoc' o*ne$ b orei"ners an$ @0? o its authori7e$ ca!ita# stoc' o*ne$ b Ai#i!inos. %s oc'et &or!oration a##o*e$ to en"a"e in the recruitment an$ !#acement o *or'ers, #oca## an$ overseasB /rie# state the basis or our ans*er. (2? /. hen $oes the recruitment o *or'ers become an act o economic sabota"eB (2? %%
oes &ar$in" have a cause o action a"ainst the com!anB (9? %%% /enito is the o*ner o an e!on mous c#othin" bran$ that is a to! se##er. Ee em!#os a number o ma#e an$ ema#e mo$e#s *ho *ear /enitoFs c#othes in !romotiona# shoots an$ vi$eos. Eis $ea# *ith the mo$e#s is that /enito *i## !a them *ith 3 sets o ree c#othes !er *ee'. %s this arran"ement a##o*e$B (2? %G Aar ast /an' (A/ is one o the #ea$in" ban's in the countr. %ts com!ensation an$ bonus
!ac'a"es are to! o the in$ustr. Aor the #ast 6 ears, A/ ha$ been !rovi$in" the o##o*in" bonuses across-the-boar$ to a## its em!#oees: (a 13th month !aH (b 19th to 18th month !aH (c &hristmas bas'et *orth P6,000H ($ Dit chec' *orth P9,000H an$ (e Pro$uctivit-base$ incentive ran"in" rom a 20? to 90? increase in "ross month# sa#ar or a## em!#oees *ho *ou#$ receive an eva#uation o ce##ent or 3 strai"ht uarters in the same ear. /ecause o its !oor !erormance over-a##, A/ $eci$e$ to cut bac' on the bonuses this ear an$ #imite$ itse# to the o##o*in": (a 13th month !aH (b 19th month !aH (c &hristmas bas'et *orth P9,000H an$ ($ Dit chec' *orth P2,000 Catrina, an em!#oee o A/, *ho ha$ "otten a ratin" o ce##ent or the #ast 3 uarters *as #oo'in" or*ar$ to the bonuses !#us the !ro$uc tivit incentive bonus. 4ter #earnin" that A/ ha$ mo$iie$ the bonus scheme, she obIecte$. %s CatrinaFs obIection Iustiie$B !#ain. (3? G o#e$a$, a *i$o*e$ schoo# teacher, ta'es un$er her *in" one o her stu$ents, Ci'o, 13 ears o#$, *ho *as aban$one$ b his !arents an$ has to $o o$$ Iobs in or$er to stu$. he a##o*s Ci'o to #ive in her house, !rovi$es him *ith c#ean c#othes, oo$, an$ a $ai# a##o*ance o 200 !esos. %n echan"e, Ci'o $oes routine house*or', consistin" o c#eanin" the house an$ $oin" erran$s or o#e$a$. =ne $a, a re!resentative o the >=< an$ the >> came to o#e$a$Fs house an$ char"e$ her *ith vio#atin" the #a* that !rohibits *or' b minors. o#e$a$ obIects an$ oers as a $eense that she *as not reuirin" Ci'o to *or' as the chores *ere not ha7ar$ous. Aurther, she $i$ not "ive him chores re"u#ar# but on# intermittent# as the nee$ ma arise. %s o#e$a$Fs $eense meritoriousB (9? G% 4$or is a stu$ent *or'in" on his masterFs $e"ree in horticu#ture. To ma'e en$s meet, he ta'es on
Iobs to come u! *ith #o*er arran"ements or rien$s. Eis nei"hbor, Nico, is about to "et marrie$ to on >on is hire$ as a contractua# em!#oee o &4<on >on is hire$ or 3 strai"ht contracts o 9 months each b ut at 2-*ee' interva#s bet*een contracts. 4ter the thir$ contract en$e$, >on >on is to#$ that he *i## no #on"er be "iven another contract because o !oor !erormance. >on >on i#es a suit or re"u#ari7ation an$ or i##e"a# $ismissa#, c#aimin" that he is a re"u#ar em!#oee o &4<in >in is a sin"#e mother *ith one chi#$. he is em!#oe$ as a sa#es eecutive at a !rominent su!ermar'et. he an$ her chi#$ #ive in Que7on &it an$ her resi$ence an$ *or'!#ace are a 15minute $rive a!art. =ne $a, >in >in is inorme$ b her boss that she is bein" !romote$ to a mana"eria# !osition but she is no* bein" transerre$ to the Gisaas. >in >in $oes not *ant to u!root her ami# an$ reuses the oer. Eer boss is so humi#iate$ b >in >inFs reusa# o the oer that she "ives >in >in successive unsatisactor eva#uations that resu#t in >in >in bein"
remove$ rom the su!ermar'et. >in >in a!!roaches ou, as counse#, or #e"a# a$vice. hat *ou#$ ou a$vise herB (9? ) Carina antos is a amous ne*s anchor a!!earin" ni"ht# in the countrFs most *atche$ ne*scast. he is sur!rise$, ater one ne*scast, to receive a notice o hearin" beore the stationFs Gice-Presi$ent or Euman esources an$ ca##s the GP imme$iate# to as' *hat *as *ron". Carina is to#$ over the !hone that one o her cre* i#e$ a com!#aint a"ainst her or verba# abuse an$ that mana"ement is $ut-boun$ to investi"ate an$ "ive her a chance to air her si$e. Carina obIects an$ $enies that she ha$ ever verba## assau#te$ her cre*. The GP then inorme$ her that !en$in" the investi"ation she *i## be !#ace$ on a 30-$a !reventive sus!ension *ithout !a an$ that she *i## not be a##o*e$ to a!!ear in the ne*scast $urin" this time. %s the !reventive sus!ension o Carina va#i$B >iscuss the reasons or our ans*er. (9? )% ico has a tem!er an$, in his *or' as >ivision Mana"er o Matata" %nsurance, reuent# #oses his tem!er *ith his sta. =ne $a, he !hsica## assau#ts his sta member b s#a!!in" him. The sta member sues him or !hsica# inIuries. Matata" %nsurance $eci$es to terminate ico, ater notice an$ hearin", on the "roun$ o #oss o trust an$ coni$ence. ico c#aims that he is entit#e$ to the !resum!tion o innocence because he has not et been convicte$. &omment on Matata"Fs action in re#ation to icoFs ar"ument. (9? )%% /#an' Darments, %nc. (/<4NC, a c#othin" manuacturer, em!#os more than 200 em!#oees in its manuacturin" business. /ecause o its hi"h overhea$, /<4NC $eci$e$ to se## its manuacturin" business to /#each Darments, %nc. (/<4&E #oc', stoc' an$ barre# *hich inc#u$e$ "oo$*i##, eui!ment, an$ !ersonne#. 4ter ta'in" on /<4NCFs business, /<4&E re$uces the *or'orce b not hirin" ha# the *or'ers s!eciica## the ones *ith seniorit. /<4NC an$ /<4&E are sti## $iscerne$ to be sister com!anies *ith i$entica# incor!orators. The #ai$-o em!#oees sue both /<4NC an$ /<4&E or un#a*u# termination. (a Eo* *ou#$ ou $eci$e this caseB (9? (b hat is the successor em!#oer $octrineB (2? )%%%
4ct. %s she entit#e$ to c#aimB (3? )%G o ou a"ree *ith GictorB h or *h notB (2? (b >ue to his !ro#on"e$ i##ness, Gictor *as unab#e to *or' or more than 120 $as. i## this entit#e him to c#aim tota# !ermanent $isabi#it beneitsB (2? )G% The 4##iance o %n$e!en$ent =< to assume Iuris$iction over the $is!ute an$ to certi it or com!u#sor arbitration. The ecretar o
(1 barrica$e the mana"ement !ane# in the bui#$in", an$ (2 !artici!ate in an i##e"a# stri'e. (a as 4%<; Iustiie$ in $ec#arin" a stri'e *ithout a stri'e vote an$ a notice o stri'eB h or *h notB (3? (b as the ecretar o istin"uish bet*een a c#ose$ sho! c#ause an$ a maintenance o membershi! c#ause. (2? (c >istin"uish bet*een union $ues an$ a"enc ees. (2? )G%%% Deor"e is an 4merican *ho is *or'in" as a consu#tant or a #oca# %T com!an. The com!an has a union an$ Deor"e *ants to su!!ort the union. Eo* ar can Deor"e "o in terms o his su!!ort or the unionB (3?
)%) hat is the ru#e on the euit o the incumbentB (2? )) 4. )J &om!an an$ Mr. 4/, a terminate$ em!#oee *ho a#so ha!!ens to be the Presi$ent o )J m!#oees ;nion, a"ree in *ritin" to submit Mr. 4/Fs i##e"a# $ismissa# case to vo#untar arbitration. %s this a"reement a va#i$ oneB (3? /. )J &om!an an$ )J m!#oees ;nion ()J; reach a $ea$#oc' in their ne"otiation or a ne* co##ective bar"ainin" a"reement (&/4. )J; i#es a notice o stri'eH )J &om!an !ro!oses to )J; that the $ea$ #oc' be submitte$ instea$ to vo#untar arbitration. % ou are counse# or )J;, *hat a$ vice *ou#$ ou "ive the union as to the: (1 !ro!riet o the reuest o )J &om!an, an$ (2 the re#ative a$vanta"es+$isa$vanta"es bet*een vo#untar arbitration an$ com!u#sor arbitrationB (9? ))% Phi#i!!ine Ne*s Net*or' (PNN en"a"es the services o 4na, a !rominent ne*s anchor rom a riva# station, Nationa# Ne*s Net*or' (NNN. NNN obIects to the transer o 4na c#aimin" that she is barre$ rom *or'in" in a com!etin" com!an or a !erio$ o three ears rom the e!iration o her contract. 4na !rocee$s to si"n *ith PNN *hich then as's her to anchor their ni"ht# ne*scast. NNN sues 4na an$ PNN beore the Nationa# istin"uish the Iuris$iction o a eci$in" to incor!orate his #e$"#in" coee venture, he invites his best rien$, &ar#o, to Ioin him. &ar#o is hesitant because he $oes not have mone to invest but Mario su""ests a scheme *here &ar#o can be the &hie Mar'etin" 4"ent o the com!an, earnin" a sa#ar an$ commissions. &ar#o a"rees an$ the venture is orme$. 4ter one ear, the business is so successu# that the *ere ab#e to $ec#are $ivi$en$s. Mario is so ha!! *ith &ar#oFs *or' that he assi"ns 100 shares o stoc' to &ar#o as !art o the #atterFs bonus. Much #ater on, it is $iscovere$ that &ar#o ha$ en"a"e$ in unethica# con$uct *hich cause$ embarrassment to the com!an. Mario is orce$ to terminate &ar#o but he $oes so *ithout "ivin"
&ar#o the o!!ortunit to e!#ain. &ar#o i#e$ a case a"ainst Mario an$ the com!an or i##e"a# $ismissa#. Mario obIecte$ on the "roun$ that the