Descrição: Korean idioms and slang used in daily life. The texts are in both Korean and English. It's not for beginner learner. Suitable for intermediate up learners and those who want to add some colors to ...
slangDescripción completa
SlangFull description
A guide to gang slang, produced by the Toronto Police Service
American English Slang.
A guide to gang slang, produced by the Toronto Police ServiceFull description
Korean-english conversation section 6
Descripción: this is the first workbook for beginners from
Descrição: This is the second book from
original script & transcription
Descrição: this is the first workbook for beginners from
Descripción: This is the second book from
Full description
Japanese slang
Japanese slangDescripción completa
낚였어 You You had me going. going. (Good joke...) joke...) 낚았지? 낚았지? 썰렁하군
I had you going, didn't I? That's a lame joke. joke.
분위기 분위기 망치게 망치게 하지마 하지마 Don't spoil the mood 너 나 잘 해. 해.
None None of you you !usi !usine ness ss.. "in "ind d you you o#n o#n !us !usines iness. s.
내성질 건드리 건드리지 마. 뒷북치지마. 뒷북치지마.
Don't ge get on on my ne ne$es.
Thanks Thanks fo the histo histoy y less lesson. on. %indsi %indsight ght is &&. &&.
잘났어 정말. 정말. 너 잘났. 어! "#$ %&어. &어. '기 ( )
You ae somethng else.
I !la !lak ked ed out out (f (fom om di dink nkin ing) g) las lastt nigh night. t.
That plae oks* oks* That plae plae kiks*
너* 내 +,$ -어. +ut youself in my shoes. 너 정말 치/하.
You'e so heap.
0, 12 )3 게 40?
ome on, #hat ae fiends fo?
너5 감6해7 8($ 9. It #as #as so touh touhing, ing, I almost almost ied. ied. :;해 < =>지3 ?어.
Thee's no nothing to to !e !e so soy a! a!out.
Thee's 's no no need need to to thank thank me. 내게 @마A< 마A< =>지 =>지3 ?어. Thee $B C )D E ?.
It ouldn't !e !ette than this*
Don't think think I am that that easy. 나F GG하게 G하게 B지마 B지마. Don't H감 하3 I$ JK지 4.
That That's 's #hat #hat you you al#a al#ays ys do. do.
분위기 LM N 해O, P감간Q. !R 잘9 S N JG해.
-top a ating li like yo you'e so something sp speial.
T감 ?UH V감 WXY 기분$0. hee. >Z* >Z*
onside you suoundings, you fool.
I fee feell lik like e som somet ethi hing ng is miss missin ing g #he #hen n you you' 'e e not not
Don't ty ty to to !utte !utte me up. [\'리지마. [\'리지마. Don't ]^
-ue me*
_ 내 `$0
You You mine no#* no#* I'$e got you just just #hee I #ant #ant you.
너 abH?
e you mad at me? e you pissed o/?
J /cd 건e지게 f어.
%e ats like he's something speial.
J3 gh ijk l. %e does things !ehind people's !aks 너5 mn 하지마.
-top e0aggeating. Don't o$e do it.
o$ pqr Those lothes ae out of style. J st3 너5 u감 vQ