notice; blank pages, before new chapters, have been removed
Ch. No.
Page Nc
1. Nakshatra Nadika - An All-Important Element In Election
Light on Gulika
Some Interesting Classical Clues on Marriage
Premature Loss of Father - Case studied
Astrology & Ancestral Inheritance
Kala Chakra Dasa • Its basics
Kala Chakra Dasa - Some More Fundamentals Part II
How do Eclipses Direct Our Life-Events?
Know the Moon in 108 ways
10. Some Special Principles tor Female Horoscopes
11. Planets and Ascendants
12. Planetary States - An Index to health
13. Results of Martian Conjunctions
14. Results of Mercury's Conjunctions
15. Results of Jupiter's Conjunctions
16. Strange ways of Jupiter
17 Wisdom of the Seers - Part I
Ch. No.
Page No,
18. Stars and Financial Downturns
19. Horoscopes of Murderers
20. Rectify Birth Time Easily
21. On Pfndayu Calculations
22. Horary Astrology and its Boons
23. On Prenatal Epoch
24. Light on Retrogrades
25. Understanding Earthquakes
26. Wisdom of the Seers • Part II
27. Wisdom of the Seers • Part III
28. Wisdom of the Seers - Part IV
29. Wisdom of the Seers - Part V
30. Wisdom of the Seers - Part VI
31. Wisdom of the Seers • Part VII
32. Paralysis - An Astrological Study
33. Practical Studies
34. Research Capsule
it gives me great pleasure to be with the readers after some interval. Of course, my services to the readers have been and are through my humble efforts in editing and publishing THE TIMES OF ASTROLOGY regularly,since 1985. In my present efforts In making this text available to the public, I feel, I am reborn as an author, thanks to the constant suggestions of my learned friends Mr R.B. Gupta and Mr N.K. Sagar to bring out a work of this nature containing important editorials and relevant contributions in the columns Tlmespectrum and Research Capsule that saw their print in the TOA from October 1985 through April 1991. • Editorials that have been specially appreciated by the reader in general have been incorporated herein. These are mainly of two kinds: 1.
Containing not-so-well-known principles collected from a variety of rare classicals In Sankrlt, Hindi, English, Telugu and Tamil with suitable comments from my side so that all cross- sections are widely informed. This attempt has Immensely helped such readers who have had so far no access to the ocean of Information available in the field.
The second variety of editorials selected are from the view point of practical application as even the learned sometimes find many a trap in classical principles when it comes to practical horoscopes. In this context, tips culled from actual horoscopes are of great guidance.
In the third instance there appeared a lot of useful information in the column Timespectrum which many of readers generously considered as a back-bone of The TOA.
Lastly but not without importance, over 260 principles, expected to give a helping hand to the reader are enlisted under one heading.
The information contained in the text are well-supported by over a hundred actual horoscopes studied by me. Even hard-nuts to crack, like birth time rectification, horary astrology, longevity calculations, marriage, female horoscopy and Nadi, horoscopes have been made simpler to cater to all sections of readers. it is my humble belief that the reader will as usual patronize my present work with enthusiasm. I am encouraged by the special, keen interest evinced by Mr. Sagar in bringing such colossal information under one title.
9/1040. Govindpuri
R. Santhanam
Chapter 1
Nakshatra Nadika All-Important Element In Election
Maha Vishnu, the unborn lord, has incarnated on the earth several times. Out of His incarnations, the Dasavatharas, or the Ten Great incarnations, are of supreme Importance, each carrying its own moral, as we learn going through the sacred Hindu mythological literature. He attained the various forms of the Nava Grahas or the nine planets from the Sun to Ketu and made these incarnations. The demons Rahu and Ketu - also attained the status of worshlppable planets. The Paramatma Himself is Rahu and Ketu. The secrets behind His becoming Rahu and Ketu - who are looked upon with contempt and fear! - are understandable only by sagely souls and not mortals. Dasavatharas & Planets Following information. may interest the reader, in this context: The Surf
The Moon -
Buddha •
Vamana .
Parasu Rama
Koorma (Tortoise)
Varaha (Pig)
Meena (Fish)
Kalki Avatara, in which the lord presently exists among us is said to be through Mercury, riding a White Horse. Bale Rama, the elder brother of Lord Krishna, is also considered
among the Dasavatharas, in place of Buddha, while Buddha Is akin to Kalkl, according to some. Thus it wHi be seen that the Lord Maha Vishnu, controls the affairs of the Universe through His having attained the forms of the Nava Grahas. Gods also affected by planets Not only this Bhoo Loka, or the mortal's land we live In, but also the other 13 worlds, remain and reel under the good and evil spells of the Grahas. including Gods, the heavenly tenents. They have "life span" • according to divine measure; they have bad periods • like Devendra learning a lesson for his "sexual lust"; they are subjected to good events - like Maharshi Narada spreading the glory of Narayana. ,, These events are made to occur as per Lord Vishnu's designs. And an analysis of these happenings astrologically Is beyond human approach and skills. Brahma, the Creator, Is the sole proxy of Lord Vishnu and He is not affected by the Grahas in any manner, except through the direct will of the Lord Vishnu Himself, at the tlm© of Maha Pralaya or Great Dissolution. Brahma is said to be using the Grahas act In a particular way on all the beings and the worlds themselves. Indra's woods catch fire Once Devendra's huge forest resources were being consigned to Inextinguishable and high-rising flames. He called for Bhargavai (or Bhrigu, i.e. the Graha Venus) and explained his plight, thus: "O venerable Bhrigu, my messenger brought the ominous news of my entire forest range being swallowed by fire, i sought the advice of Brihaspathi, (i.e. Jupiter, the preceptor of Devendra) as he fixed up a Muhurtha for developing the forests. His reply was: "When the 14 worlds created by Lord Brahma experience many such calamities, there is no wonder if your forests catch fire".
'Please tell me if there are any specific reasons, O Bnngu, for my forests being destroyed in this manner* asked Devendra. Time sub-divided Bhrigu or Sukracharya clarifies thus: "Samvatsara (year), Ayana (half year), Rltu(season or 2 solar months), Masa (half of a Ritu or one solar month), Paksha (fortnight), Dina (weekday), Muhurtha (2 ghatikas or 48 minutes) are stronger in the ascending order and assume more and more importance". (That is, Ayana is stronger than Samvatsara, Ritu is stronger than Ayana, etc. and finally the Nadika is the strongest of ail the measurements of time and hence the most improtant.) "Hence ail results depend on the disposition of the Nadika. From what you state, I understand from back calculations that you started construction of your forests In what is called Dahana (burning) Nadika on Tuesday and so your forests are soon burnt," (Dahana Nadika is Krittika Nadika and Krittika is Agni Nakshatra and on Tuesday, it is the most ominous.) Devendra asked Bhrigu to speak in detail about the auspicious and inauspiclous.Nadikas. Nadika prevails over Abhijlt Proceeds Bhrigu: The most learned and all knowing Brihaspathi has chosen for you Abhijlt Muhurthaz which is said to be free from any maleficence. But the Nadika (or ghatika) in question has not been well-chosen. Hence this plight, in ail undertakings, supremacy and over-ruling power of the Nadikas cannot be ignored. These Nadikas are several in order (60 in all) and are calculated from Sun rise on all week days, and named after 27 Nakshatras from Visakha to Swathi, and Jyotsna.-Sandhya and Maitri- repeating twice till the next Sun rise. These are rather sixty Avasthas of the transiting Moon," The above background is given in order that the reader understands the importance of Nakshatra Nadikas and makes a judicious selection of auspicious time tor various undertakings, and avoid bad ones.
Muhurtha, soui otthe Time Personified, as enunciated by Bnhaspathi is for two ghatikas while each of the Nakshatra Nadika is known as Bhargava Nadika (enunciated by Bhargava or Sukra). Irrespective of the weekday, the first Nadika, commencing sun-rise is called as Visakha Nadika, the subsequent one is Anuradha Nadika, and so on an so forth. The 27th one is Swathi Nadika. Thus these are named after the 27 lunar asterisms. The 28th one is Jyothsna Nadika, the 29th one is Sandhya Nadika and the 30th one is Maitri Nadika. After Maitri ends In the first round, Visakha Nadika series again commences from the 31 st one. The 60th one, the last before the sunrise of the next day, is again Maitri Nadika. That is how the 60 ghatikas of any day are ruled by the Nakshatra Nadikas. Classical texts have attributed various effects for these Nadikas on different week days. We give below an account of the same, Incorporating liberal interpretations of the concerned slokas to have a meaningful approach befitting modern times. The Nadikas are represented by respective serial numberss from 1 to 30, i.e. Visakha to Maitri for convenience. Sunday 1. Good for celebration of functions like marriage and signing partnership deeds. 2. For gainful ventures. 3. Loss through quarrels and disputes. 4. Auspicious for incomeoriented acts. 5. Acquisition of money through commercial activities. 6. To obtain articles which are not otherwise easily obtainable. 7. Auspicious for affairs related to females. 8. Work related to food-grains. 9. Good for travel. 10. Good for eating and hosting. 11. For achievement in Hatha Yoga, physical exercises etc. T2. To defeat enemies, filing legal suits etc. 13. Matters related to quadrupeds. 14. Coronation, authoritative work etc. 15. Bad for entering in a new house (Griha Pravesa), premises etc. 16. Good for jobs related to construction of a town, village, house etc. 17. Bad for travels. 18. Good to commence a journey to see highly placed people, politicians, royal family members etc. 19. Good for Installation of a deity. 20. Good to acquire army, bodyguards etc. 21. Loss of money if a deal is commenced. 22. Defeat and negligence In litigations, fight, battle etc. 23. Auspicious for making friends. 24. Success
In disputes, fight, etc. 25. Good for friendly and merry conversations. 26. Gains in trading. 27. Fruitful coition when progeny is desired. 28. Good for auspicious functions. 29. Obstructions to any work undertaken and huge losses. 30. Good for longterm and philanthropic jobs. Monday 1. Good for auspicious jobs 2. Meant for travels of short and long distances. 3. Success in undertakings. 4. Gains through undertakings. 5. For bathing after sickness (so that one does not fall ill again.) 6. Success in any Job undertaken. 7. Good for agricultural work. 8. Advent of money in gambling, bet, races etc. 9. Good for attainment of position and kingdom. 10. Good for eating, entertaining guests. 11. Friendship with females. 12. Success. 13. Good for legal suits, fight, battle etc. 14. Meant for acts of disrepute and questionable in nature. 15. Good to undertake acts in which success is an issue. 16. Auspicious for medical treatment. 17. Meant for jobs related to quadrupeds. 18. Same as 15 above. 19. Good for entering in new premises. 20. "Even poison consumed becomes nectar". (That is all evils can be negated). 21. Good for festive functions. 22. Good for activities relating to. organizational well-being. 23. Good foractivities related to sports, games, etc. 24. Good for marital negotitatlons and celebrations. 25. Meant for entering new premises. 26. Any work undertaken attains fruition. 27. Good for plantation, gardening, sapling, seeding etc. 28. For serving guests. 29. Leads to enmity and arguments. 30. For any auspicious work. Tuesday 1. Grief from any work* undertaken. 2. Easy attainment of success. 3. Good to establish one's own strength (like In a physical duel). 4. To confine others. 5. Gains. 6. Good for developing friendship with good poeple. 7. Good for jobs related to steed. 8. Auspicious for Jobs related to cows and bulls. 9. Loss in travels. 10. Good to propose for, or to seek a bride. 11. For gains in marital proposals. 12. For trading. 13. Success in travels. 14. if a travel is commenced in the Nadika, there will be fear from animals, thieves etc. 15. Loss through fire, weapons etc. 16. Undertaking will result in poverty. 17. Not
good for ritual related to bringing rains which wili only result In wholesome drought. 18. Travels undertaken will bring loss of friendship. 19. Auspicious effects will follow if relief measures are undertaken. 20. Enjoyment of melodies. 21. Increase of worries. 22. Destructive results In legal disputes and the like. 23. Effortless momey. 24. Win over enemies. 25. Will lead to severance of ties. 26. Loneliness wili result. 27. Bad for sexual acts. 28. Happiness In any work undertaken. 29. Success In auspicious jobs. 30. Dissatisfaction In sexual union. Wednesday 1. Possibilities of hearing bad news and unpalatable words. 2. Loss In undertaking. 3. Sexual acts will lead to loss of love. 4. Skill in artistic work. 5. Efforts wili be futile to secure employment. 6. Carelessness will result an undertaking and consequent physical troubles. 7. Quarrels in work. 8. Removal of obstructions. 9. Effortless honour In an undertaking. 10. destruction of enemies. 11. Acquisition of money. 12. Increase of wealth. 13. Success. 14. Success. 15. Good for work related to kings, politicians and gods. 16. Good for romances. 17. Effortless gain of position. 18. Good for combating wicked people. 19. Success. 20. Can get even the most unavailable thing. 21. For destruction of ememles. 22. Good for sexual union with a view to beget an offspring. 23. To visit high-ups and destroy ememles. 24. Cultivation of friendship. 25. Positional strength. 26. Favourable for friendship. 27. Gains 28. Friendship. 29. Same as 27 above. 30. Negative results in any work started. Thursday 1. Success in financial undertakings. 2. Recovery of lost articles/wealth. 3. Physical strain in undertakings. 4. Good for acquisition of scented articles. 5. Favourable for oratory skills. 6. Grief. 7. Success. 8. Destruction of enemies. 9. Success in attracting others. 10. Gains. 11. Acquisition of foodgrains. 12. Good for journeys connected with gaining a superior position. 13. Happiness In activities related to festivals, functions etc. 14. Commencement of any work will end inflicting a disease. 15. Work undertaken will lead to fortunes. 16. Loss of work. 17. Hurt by weapons In a fight. 18. Success. 19. Loss of courage.
20. Travel undertaken will end with total destruction ot venicle. 21. Huge wealth in travel undertaken. 22. Positional strength. 23. Death of a relative wili be the result of work undertaken. 24. Courage. 25. Enmity. 26. Friendship. 27. Success. 28. Death or such evil results will follow the travel commenced in this Nadika. 29. Removal of fear. 30. Success. Friday 1. Good for gains from females. 2. Success. 3. Effortless money. 4. Unexpected friendship. 5. If Varuna Sooka is recited in this Nadika, heavy rains will follow. 6. Increase in agricultural output. 7. Medical treatment commenced in this Nadika may lead to death. 8. Good to become a head of an army. 9. Loss. 10. Gain. 11. Removal of worries in litigations. 12. Success In questionable and unusual acts. 13. Good to commence education. 14. Success in medical treatment received or given. 15. Any work done in this Nadika will have serious repercussions like danger, death etc. 16. Huge gains through enemies. 17. Loss of undertaking. 18. Educational success. 19. Consumption of food wili lead to III health. 20. Wounds to relatives will occur. 21. Good to acquire conveyances. 22. Happiness in dialogues. 23. Success. 24. Happiness in travel. 25. Loss of wealth. 26. Grief. 27. Odds. 28. Comforts. 29. Good for auspicious deeds. 30. Loss of fortunes. Saturday 1. Good for legal matters. 2. Huge gains through highups. 3. Increase of enemies. 4. Good to deal with friends. 5. Success in disputes. 6. Good to acquire horses etc. 7. Dissatisfaction in travels. 8. Success. 9. Removal of dissatisfaction. 10. To combat evils. 11. Good for sexual union. 12. Danger to one's own child through the work undertaken. 13. Failure In matters related to disputes with relatives. 14. Good for stupefying others. 15. Good for efforts related to advancement. 16. Acquisition of wealth. 17. Auspicious for travels. 18. Loss of Undertaking. 19. Need to put in more efforts. 20. Acquisition of various food grains. 21. Increase of wealth. 22. Good for sexual union. 23. Penury. 24. Courageous acts. 25. Physical comforts. 26. Worries. 27. Success over enemies. 28. Death will result in
an undertaking. 29. Pacifying anger. 30. Good for digging tanks, wells etc. The above are hints to select an auspicious Nadika and avlod inauspicious ones, during the 30 consecutive ghatikas (each of 24 minutes) starting from sunrise of a given week day. The following 30 ghatikas of the same week day are Identical In nature and results. Explanations For example, a seriously side patient wants to receive treatment on a Friday. The best time is Bharani Nadika, which is the 14th one and rules during the 14th ghatf (or 44th ghati) from sunrise. Thus, one can use his Judgement and wisdom In right selection of the ghatl with common sense and derive benefits through these Nakshatra Nadikas which are of utmost Importance. Of course, consultation on other aspects of Muhurtha Is a prime necessity.
1 That Sukracharya Is more teamed than Brihaspathi is borne by the account that Sukra was in exclusive possession of what is called Mrita SanJIvanl Mantra, to give life to the dead. So the demons could not be easily eliminated by the gods In the war. At this stage, Gods requested Brihaspathi to send his son. Kacha, to Sukra to team this Mantra. Devayanl, Sukra's daughter fell for Kacha, who ultimately got the Mantra. Astrologlcally, as per this logic, Jupiter Is the best placed In Taurus/Libra In the context of life-saving medical profession. Taurus and Libra are "medical signs"' in the zodiac. More so Taurus. 1
AbhiJIt Muhurta Is named after Lord Maha Vishnu, and Is said to counter myriad evils. From the moment the Sun Is on meridian, this Muhurta operates for two Ghatikas when the Lord with His Sudarsana Chakra destroys all evils making the Muhurta very auspicious. Even in such a Muhurta. according to Sukracharya, proper selection of Nakshatra Nadika is unavoidable. Like well processed gold becoming A pa ran] I or unalloyed gold
NaKshatra Nadikas: 1. Visakha 2. Anuradha 3. Jyeshta 4. Mooia 5. P. Ashadha 6. U. Ashada 7. Sravana 8. Dhanishta 9. Sathabhisha 10. P. Bhadrapada 11. U. Bhadrapada 12. Revathi 13. Aswini 14. Bharani 15. Krittika 16. Rohinl 17. Mrigasira 18. Arudra 19. Punatvasu 20. Pushyami 21. Aslesha 22. Makha 23. P. Phaiguni 24. U. Phalguni 25. Hastha 26. Chitta 27. Swatl 28. Jyotsna 29. Sandhya 30. Maitri.
The next round of the rest of the 30 ghatikas follow in the same order.
Chapter 2 LIGHT ON GULIKA Seven Grahas, from the Sun to Saturn, and the two lunar Nodes, Rahu and Ketu, thus nine in all guide the destiny pattern of all living beings. Out of these nine planets, Rahu and Ketu are beyond the purview of an astronomical scientist, it is due to the great wisdom of our sages, that Rahu and Ketu were placed in the planetary scheme duly, if the nodes are removed from a horoscope, study of one's destiny becomes.just incomplete! Again It is to the entire credit of our sages that they were able to discover what are called Upagrahas. One among them is Gulika. There are varied opinions on calculation of Gulika. We are briefly touching the popular one here for the benefit of the reader. Uttara Kalamrita: This work assumes that Gulika and Mandi are two different entities. Everyone agrees Gulika Is Saturn's son. Mandi again means son of Manda, i.e. Saturn. Thus the work specially states that these are two sons of Saturn, if we deeply study and understand the concept, we come to the conclusion that Gulika is also called Mandi. It is a Namantara, different name. We have no space here to divert our attention to dig and prove that Guiika is himself called Mandi. Uttara Kalamrita gives a method to find out "Mandi'thus: Take the day duration and multiply It with "x" (different for various week days) and divide by 30. The ascendant obtain wlthcorrespondlng to the resultant ghatika, in the above process will give Mandi's position in day time. As for night, there is no mention. Multipliers or "x" as per week days from Sunday are, for day time, 26, 22, 18, 14, 10, 6 and 2. Thus we have no instructions from the author to work out "Mandi" for night births. Regarding Gulika, we find in the same work the follow-ing: The period of day or night as the case may be is divided by
8. For day births, seven among eight equal parts are respectively ruled by seven planets commencing Irom the lord of the week day (Sun to Saturn). The eighth part is iordless. Saturn's ending portion (i.e. beginning of 8th part) is Gulika. For example if a person is born on a Wednesday, during daytime, the first part is ruled by Mercury, the 2nd by Jupiter, the 3rd by Venus and the 4th by Saturn. Hence on Wednesday, for a day - born, Gulika will be day duration, divided by 8 and multiplied by 4. The resultant Ghatika (or hour) denoted by the end of 4th part wiil give an ascendant degree. That is Gulika's exact degree. For night births, night duration is made into 8 parts. Here the first part is ruled by the lord of the fifth week day counted from the lord of the week day and other lords follow as per order of weekdays. That Is, the first part on a Monday night is ruled by Venus, in case of night birth also, Saturn's ending portion wili indicate Gulika's degree in the zodiac. . Some astrologers thus say that Gulika's position will correspond to end of Saturn's portion. Let us remember that end of Saturn's portion means beginning of Sun's portion. Then we are calculating Gulika for commencement of Sun's portion. While some may follow Uttara Kalamrlta's method of Gulika, i prefer to calculate Gulika's degree for the commencement of Saturn's portion on the above lines, as found in Brihat Parasara Hora, The reader is advised to come to a conclusion In this respect after his own vigorous tests. Jatakalankaram of Keeranuru Nataraja, based on earlier ancient texts say that Gulika's Swakshetra is Aquarius. No sign of exaltation/debilitation is furnished by him for Gulika. We shall give an example to calculate Guiika based on Parasara's text: Bom on 21/22 Sep 1970, at 0700 hrs ZST, in Kuwait. Sun rise on this date: 8h 6m 56s (AM): Sunset 8h 14m 44s (PM). This is a night birth, Hence we require night duration. In this case night's length Is 11h 52m 12s. Birth is on Monday night (astrological). One eighth of night duration in this case is 89m. The first part of Monday night is ruled by Venus and the 2nd
Venus and the 2na part Dy Saturn. The 2na part commences after expiry of 89m from the sunset. Hence Gulika's longitude will corespond to the ascending degree at 21 h 44m In the given city. Thus we get Gulika in Aries 7° 25'. Those who would like to find out for end of Saturn's portion may add another slab of th 29m. Between these two methods Gulika's longitude may vary Dy approximately 20° in longitudinal terms. Gulika is of great importance In establishing a link with one's birth and Adhana Lagna. Adhana Lagna means the lagna prevailing at the particular moment that led to the birth of the native. An intelligent reader need not be given more explicit explanation about Adhana Lagna. The Adhana chart coupled with natal horoscope can ease the task of an astrologer's analysis. We will come to this aspect on a later occasion. Gulika's effects in various bhavas are described in our texts as under: 1st bhava: The native will commit unlawful acts. His health will face many debacles. He will be too fond of sexual pleasures. He will have thin body. His eyes will have some defects. He may even have the habit of thieving. He will not be a good eater. His intelligence will only be moderate. The number of children to be born of Mm will be restricted. His life span will not be much. Religious scriptures will not beget any respect from him. He will cheat others. 2nd bhava: He will not have a charming appearance. He will incur poverty and be addicted to vices. His academic pursuits will be obstructed off and on. Some speech defects could be found in him. He wllf separate from his family members. He will tell lies. Scandals will trouble him. if the dasa of 2nd lord occurs, such native's life may be endangered. 3rd bhava: Contrary to the 2nd house position, here the native will be charming in appearance. He will be rich but feel distressed. His coborn may not live long. He will mix with good men. He will receive government honours. He will 'head a village' (meaning he may hold a moderately leading position in his calling). 13
4th bhava: happiness and health will-not be much enjoyed by the native. He wili suffer due to excesses of wind and bile. He will commit unlawful acts. He will have enmity with relatives. He will not have housing comforts. He wiil have miserable days prior to his end. Even the end will be painful after a prolonged Illness. 5th bhava: He will be poor, short-lived and mean. He will be subdued by his spouse. He will not be God-fearing. His ability to beget an offspring wiil be neutralized. 8th bhava: Neither enemies nor diseases will appear In the native's iife. He will have a loving wife and be friendly to all. He will be successful in controlling evil spirits and make his livelihood thereby. He wili help others. 7th bhava: He wili not be very knowledgeable. In public dealings he will incur enmity. He will be controlled by his spouse and will live on her wealth. He will, seek union with other females. His conjugal iife will not give him happiness. Possibly there can be a second marriage with Guiika in the 7th. 8th bhava: He will have yellowish teeth, diseased eyes and unsightly appearance. He will not even have a "square meal". He will be short In stature. There Is no reference to life span In this respect. Some say that Guiika in the 8th reduces longevity. 9th bhava: He wili not have a long-living father. Neither wiil he beget happiness through father. His fortunes will be meagre. Only ordeals will have to be confronted by him. He will even indulge In performing evil acts. His undertakings will not be fruitful. 10th bhava: He will be religious and practise meditation. (This Is a good position for success In meditation). He will beget sons. He will have, all round enjoyments. At one stage he may turn heterodox giving up his pursuits and meditational interests. llth bhava: He will be a leader of men and live an erriplrely life. He will enjoy company of many superior women. He will be short in stature. He wili be happy with his children.
12th bhava: This denotes countless mistortunes to the native. His money will be lost on evil counts (like gambling, womanlsing, intoxicants etc.) and he will indulge in base acts. He will have a defective physique. The only good thing to happen to him seems to be happiness through children. To interpret the above results, we must remember certain salient requisites as enlisted below, apart from a judicious consideration of the entire planetary array in the horoscope. 1. If Gulika's Rasi dispositor is endowed with dignity, like exaltation, Mooiatrikona, own sign, good shadbala etc. the evil results attributed to Guiika will modify, and favourable results will increase. 2. If Gulika's Rasi dispositor is devoid of dignity like being in debilitation, Inimical sign, combustion, weak shadbala etc. the good results mentioned for Guiika will decrease. And bad results mentioned wili be pronouncedly felt. 3. Similar assessment be made about planets associated with Guiika by aspect, conjunction etc. 4. If Gulika's longitude falls In Visha Ghatikas, he wiil prove very unfavourable. So far we have discussed some general aspects of Guiika'concerning his placements in various houses to understand the role of Guiika in a better manner. The longitudes of planets etc. given are rounded off to the nearest degree, keeping the Navamsa in mind. The navamsa positions are also shown beside Rasi chart. This wili enable the reader to probe further in the matter, as well as for any other general purpose. Case No. 1- Male born on 17-7-1943, Saturday at 2120 hrs (WT), at Rewari, 28N14, 76E36. Sun set 8-20-22pm (natural 1ST) and sun rise 6-37-52 am (natural iST). Sun dasa balance at birth - 3y4m 7d. This native has some major spinal disorders. Ketu is the prime planet connected with spinal disorders. His placement particularly in a sign of Saturn, or in Virgo, is more harmful for the spine. About Gemini I cannot say with certainty. If Ketu Is
MAR". 14 SAT
A*0 1« CiUL Kim* MOON Oi
17.7.1943 Ktivi
I 1
rah SUN 01 WER 01 JUP II
! Nuvumsn
VEN 15
1 associated with Saturn/Mercury in other signs, then also he will affect the spine. In this case Ketu rises in Capricorn. Gulika and Ketu are only 4 degrees apart in this sign. Maleficence of Ketu is thus confirmed to bring spinal defects. Position of Gulika in the ascendant will indicate some health disorder. The nature of problem depends on the company Gulika gets. From 29-10-1988 to 5-10-89, the native was in Jupiter dasa, Ketu bhukti. On 31-8-1989, he underwent a surgery for spinal disorder. The bhukti lord, Ketu, being in the company of Gulika used his sub period for this adversity. Since Gulika has no sub period or any period of his own, his role will have to be fulfilled through the periods of the planets he is connected with. At the time of operation transit Mars was in Cancer 18 degrees strongly influencing the natal degrees of Ketu and Gulika. Case No. 2- Male born on 1.8.1945, Wednesday, at 0737 nrs. Giridhih in Bihar. 24N10. 86E20. Sun rise 6-13-55 hrs A.M. Sun set 7-27-12 hrs p.m. Dasa balance at birth - Ven 14y 10m 14d. That the 3rd house and the 11th house rule one's legs/arms is a well-known fact. Gulika is in the 3rd in a sign ruled by Venus. He also joins Venus in Navamsa. The 3rd house is also aspected by 12th lord Moon. 16
1.8.194$ Rasl
SUN 13
Two operations were performed in one of his legs - on 13-3-1959 and on 30-3-1959. He was in Venus dasa, Mercury bhukti, which concluded on 4-4-1959. The sub period of Mercury connected with leg operations in this case appears to be somewhat out of context, with ketu bhukti due to commence within 3 weeks in one case and 5 days in another case. The more appropriate sub period should be of Ketu as he is in direct opposition to Venus, the 3rd lord. Case No.3: This is another case of removal of blood-clot in a leg due to a very severe accident. Here also Gulika is In the 3rd house. MARS 22 MER 19 SUN H JUP 18 SAT 11 GUL 25
28.5.1964 Rasl
Male born on 28-5-1964, Thursday, at 2220 hrs In Delhi. Sun rise 5-27-32 hrs AM; Sun set 7-10-25 hrs P.M. Balance of dasa at birth - Ketu 2y 3m 4d. The said operation took piace on 5-4-1998. Here we find Gulika in the 3rd house as found in Case No.2 having a leg problem. The Navamsa companion of Gulika, i.e. the Sun, played a key role in his dasa, in timing the event. A planet connected with Mars deals with accidents and operations. Here the sub period lord Jupiter is in close association with Mars. At the time of accident, Rahu In transit was strongly influencing natal Saturn, the 3rd lord. It was said that the blood-clotting could have cost the native his life. Clotting was effectively diluted by efficient doctors attending on him. Such a close conjunction existing between the Moon and Ketu, as here, could have normally affected the head, but for Gulika in the 3rd house. Gulika in the 3rd centered his attention on the legs. His Navamsa companion did the rest. Saturn did not come into play effectively as he was 13° away from Gulika. Except in Capricorn/Aquarius/Libra, if Saturn joins Gulika in the 3rd house, the native will be lame. Case No.4-This is the case of a male who disappeared from home in his 36th year, In 1984. During the last 5 years, he VEN
SUN mars SAT
MOON 01 10.11.1949 Rns)
Navamsa SAT(R) 08
MER Kirr
established no contacts with his people, Keeping them only in dark. He was bom on March 10/11.1949 at Oh 25m in Meerut, 290N;770 E 42. It was a Friday. Sunrise 6-35AM, Sunset 6.23 PM. Dasa balance at birth was • Jupiter 2y 7m 16d. The ascendant lord connected with 8th lord or with the 12th lord separates one from his home and people. If the conjunction happens to be in movable sign, the separation is early. If in a fixed sign in the middle part of one's life. Here lagna lord Is connected with both Mercury and Venus, lords of 8 and 12. Mars happens to be the dispositor of Gulika as well. A planet in the 12th or in the 8th should establish strong contacts with the ascendant lord. Or with a planet-in the ascendant tor one to go away from home. If the ascendant is empty such a connection may not be adverse. In this example Ketu is in the 12th, denoting separation from one's people. At the time of event, he was degreewise moving on Gulika in Scorpio ascendant. But why Jupiter's bhukti? Jupiter is in the 12th from Dasa lord Mercury, and In debilitation. Hence separation from an angle of distress. If the sub lord Is exalted in the 12th, it could be due to positive reasons, like foreign employment. Transit of Ketu on Gulika assumed enormous importance for the reasons cited above. In place of Ketu, if the transit planet were a fast moving planet like Mercury, Moon etc. such result should not be declared without considering other major factors in the horoscope. Saturn in Scorpio is said to make one leave home in adverse circumstances - rather desertion - by classical texts." Whether Gulika in Vrischlka Rasi gives identical results should be probed further keeping the present horoscope in view. Case No. 5- Male, bom on 2.12.1950, at 5 p.m. In Delhi. Sunrise 6-58 hrs AM. Sun set 5-24 p.m. Birth was on a Saturday. Dasa balance at birth - Venus 18y 9m 26d. This is a horoscope whose owner underwent untold hardships in service, working for the government. For Taurus ascendant, Jupiter Is not a planet of smooth go. His placement
RAM o: 1 i JUP07
' <1 2.12.1950 Kasi
1 MARS n SUN 1» Mh'K (13 vtv »i < (.ML 03
Navumsn MOON 14
1 'SATW i ket «: 1 i
in the 10th is a harbinger of misfortunes. That Jupiter dasa would not come in the course of his working life cannot be a consolation. Jupiter will neatly fulfil his job through the planet he is associated with by aspect, conjunction etc. The one planet that is in aspect to Jupiter in this case is the Moon. In spite of the fact that the Moon is Vargothama, she coalesced with Jupiter to bring the down-fall of the native. The native's Moon dasa began on 28.9.1975. He was abruptly terminated from government service, at a young age of 25, on 21.10.1975, barely within a month of commencement of the dasa of the Vargothama Moon! Who else, if not 8th lord Jupiter, could influence the Moon so adversely. The Moon, however, did not fall a full prey to Jupiter being in Vargothama. Obviously she took a lenient view and caused reinstatement of the subject on 13.11.1978. Strangely in Jupiter's bhukti! This is a case of divine law of clear compensation. Compensation - yes. that too was granted by the court. But physically the cash benefits did not come to the hands of the native. He had to wait for full ten years! Only reinstatement was elfected. For those in service, the 6th house as well as the 8th house, are more important specifically, unlike the 10th house, which is common for any calling to earn one's bread. In the 8th house we find Gulika. in the company ot I2ih lord Mars This is a clear indicator of many hardships in store. While the Moon
dasa gave the above effects, see what the dasa of Mars did, as a companion of Gulika in the 8th house. The dasa of the Moon could not in effect get the native the compensation amount sanctioned by the court. Mars did it. But he snatched the job again. On 28.9.1988, he got the money pending for nearly ten years. The very next day, i.e. on 29.9.1988, the native was entrapped in a bribe case, and placed under suspension. He is so placed till date, in September 1989. This suspension-cum-compensation event took place in Mars dasa. Saturn bhukti. Mars, as stated, is the dasa lord, in the company of Gulika. In September 1988. Saturn, the sub period lord, established a very dramatic contact with Gulika in the 8th house. Saturn directed on the natal degree of Gulika. in Sagittarius. The direction, as a matter of fact took place on 30.8.88, and Saturn was slowly - very slowly - Inching over Gulika. We need not literally seek the reasons for a 28day delay in the event. That is too much for a human being, close to trying to become divine. Case No. 6- Male born on 21.1.1959. Wednesday. 2330 hrs in Delhi. Sun rise 0715hrs. Sun set 1749 hrs. Dasa balance at birth - Mars 2y llm 8d.
km :*
:i.oi .1V59 Knsi
JUPCM gul;;
Navarmn KEl CUL ASC 11 RAH 1}
The native is a lawyer by qualification. Had his stint with commercial ventures. Failed miserably. Took to practising law to eke out a livelihood. Now he is successfully settled. The
lord of tne 10th house, aspecting the nth loro placed in the 10th house, after initial hurdles got him settled to great relief. Gulika played the role of a protector in this case, lending a helping hand to the 'drowning' person, and re-settled him with moderate riches. That is his value in the 3rd house, aspected by his own dispositor. In this case, there is also a price paid by the native for having Gulika in the 3rd house, along with 7th lord Jupiter. Gulika is in the 7th in Navamsa, joining Ketu. His wife has a couple of continuous health problems, including that of spine. See the horoscope given below, as case No.7 along with other relevant events in her life. Case No. 7- Female born on Nov. 1/2, 1963 at 0250 hrs In Delhi, with Venus dasa balance of I0y3m I6d.
JUPIR) 18 moon:O ' GUL 17
Nov. 1/2, 1963 KaU
RAH 21
asc:« JUP
About her spinal problem, the reason Involving Gulika in her husband's case has just been explained. She has some more problems although in a very prime youthful age. These may not be relevant here as they are not related to Gulika. The diseases being so troublesome, focus should be made on 6th lord Saturn, it is my experience that a weak 6th lord, like in fall/combustion is better than a strong 6th lord like being in own sign or in exaltation for safety from ill-health. Readers may intelligently understand this issue with their actual experience.
This lady lost her father in September 1976, before she completed her 13th year. Note Gulika and Moon (the 12th lord) in close association in the 9th house. Transit nodes were also very close to these degrees - of Moon and Gulika. This was in her Sun's Dasa. The natal Sun was also a victim in the hands of Rahu/Ketu along with Gulika and the Moon. I do not say that minus Gulika, this event would not have happened. Gulika Is so powerfull in killing one's father so early as in this case, if he is involved with the Sun, and the 9th house. When Gulika joins the Moon or Mercury or even Venus in a Navamsa of Venus of Mercury, the native will have excellent abilities in singing, dancing etc. Venus in Virgo Navamsa in such context may not give very marvellous effects, though. The native In question is a good singer and a dancer. But these abilities did not help her in making it big in the public, so far. Case No.8- Male born on 29.1.1964, Wednesday, 1340 hrs, Delhi. Sun rise 0712 hrs; Sun set 1755 hrs. Mercury dasa to expire I2y 10m I9d after birth. JUP21
VEN 22 SAT 01 SUN 15 MARS 10
29.01.1964 RbsI
RAH 11
SUN out
Navamsa JUP
The native has a conspicuous physical defect - hunch back.Gullka in the 12th Is said to give some physical defect as seen in the previous pages. Another deficiency with this unfortunate young man Is loss of vision. He got this loss in 1975. I do not have exact date. He was then in Saturn bhukti of Mercury dasa. The 2nd and 12th houses are occupied respectively by Rahu and Gulika. Mercury the 2nd lord is conjunct Ketu in the 8th house. The 12th
lord Mars Is in the close company of the Sun. Saturn aspects the 12th and Gulika in it. In Navamsa, Gulika joins the Sun in the 12th. The bhukti of Saturn comes in the picture as he is related to Gulika. Case No.9: Female born on 6/7th August, 1954 at 0450,hrs, Agra 27N9 780E. Sun rise 0545 hrs; Sun set 1901 hrs. Jupiter dasa balance at birth 12Y 8m 13d. 1
GUI. o«
ASC08 SUN 21 .MER Oe
1 Aug. 6/7,1954 Kasl
MARS .1 RAH 21
Navamsa SUN SAT
Even at the age of 36, as of now, she is not married. Attempts in this regard have failed wholly. . From April 1967 thru April 1986, she was in Saturn's Mahadasa, for nineteen years. Saturn is exalted in Rasi, occupying his Moolatrikona Navamsa. He is also aspected by Jupiter from 12th house, Gemini. Lagna lord, Moon, is also in aspect of Jupiter. At the same time, the Sun and the Moon are involved with Saturn. Saturn's role as the 8th lord scored plus point here to stall marriage. Gulika is in the 7th in Navamsa. (Virgo'is Navamsa Lagna, having Gulika in Pisces.) Thus when Gulika, connected with the 7th house, as Saturn is, it could have very adverse effects on the Issue of marriage. Be if denial, short-iived marriage, unpleasant marriage etc. Case No 10: We have another horoscope here, now, whore the native is yet a bachelor. Born on 5-1-1935, at 1148 hrs, in Delhi. Sun rise 071 hrs; Sun set 1736 hrs. Venus dasa balance at birth 7y 11m 2d. 24
SAT 02
KET08 Navamsa
5.01.1935 Rasl
At first, even an average reader will not fail to notice the very popular Kuja dosha, not supported by any neutralizing combination. Weil that could be one of the reasons to present a gloomy picture of the 7th house. Mars acquired additional powers to affect the occurrence negatively of marriage being Navamsa dispositor of Gulika. Rahu dasa operated from December 1983 - during the 30th-48th year of native's agewhile Rahu is a companion of Gulika, in the Ras! chart. Here again Gulika played his role effectively. Gulika and Rahu are only 3° apart. Case Ng.11: A case of highly delayed marriage. Born on 7-3-1952 at 0740 hrs, Agra,27N9,78E. Sun rise 0637 hrs: Sun set 1820 hrs. Jupiter dasa balance at birth 1 y 11 m 6d. ASC M GUL 19 MER 06 JUP Z5 SUN 2.1 RAH 8 VEN 25
MOON 02 7.03.1952 Kasl
JUP Navamsa
MARS 24 SAT{R) 21
This lady has Jupiter In Lagna and Saturn in the 7th When such slew-moving planets are In 1-7 axis, marriage is a slow process even with the help of favourable combinations. If adverse yogas are present marriage could well be denied. This horoscope has a couple of negative yogas affecting the 7th house. Jupiter aspecting the 7th, that too, as the ascendant lord and superior benefic may be an asset on a superficial analysis. What about Saturn in the 7th standing diametrically oppisite Gulika In rising sign? They stand erect as though they are placed at two different tips of a straight line. To add, Mercury, the 7th lord is in fall in the ascendent Pisces. Ironically Mercury dasa rules the native from 1973. in this case too Gulika had his powerful role to delay marriage with the help of other adverse yogas. Now in May 1991, with transit Jupiter in Cancer aspecting the ascedant blessed her with marriage, In Ketu dasa Venus bhukti, with the commencement her 40th year of age. Case No.12: Male born on 20-8-1944,0822 hrs (WT), Bombay,18N56 72E51. Sun rise 07721 hrs. Sun set 2002 hrs. Venus dasa balance at birth:14y 2m 22d.
GUL !5
20.8.1944 Kasl
JUP Nnvamsa
The native lost his mother in Get 1984, when he was in flah'u dasa, Jupiter bhukti, Juptier (sub-sub period). Jupiter having lordship of bhukti and vibhuktl played a key role. His 5th lordship (death of mother) came in handy. He was also in transit in the 5th house Sagittarius. At the time of the event his 26
transit was on the natal degree of Gullka, in exact opposition to natal Saturn. Thus Gulika's piacemant in the 5th house assumed added significance. Similarly Gullka in the 4th house at birth, and getting involved in major transits may be adverse for father's lifespan. Case No.13:- Male born on 6-8-1951, 1124 hrs, Delhi. Sun rise 0546 hrs; Sun set 1908 hrs. Sun dasa balance at birth 5y 5m Od.
RAH cm.
SUN 2®
COS. 1951 Rasl
The native now entered his 40th year. Yet he has not been blessed with a child ■ male or female. His Rahu dasa began on January 6, 1974. Rahu is In the 5th house-In Aquarius. Jupiter, indicator of progeny, Is in the 6th in Pisces in retrogression in direct aspect to Saturn. Jupiter's aspect on Saturn, the latter being the 5th lord must be welcome for progeny. The former's retrogression proved a snag. He is also In debilitation in Navamsa. What is the role of Gulika in denial of progeny so far. He joins Rahu in Navamsa. Rahu's dasa proved an obstacle. His dasa ends in January 1992. The next dasa wili be of Jupiter, who Is the Navamsa dispositor of Gulika. The reader can draw his own conclusion. Case No. 14:- Male bom on 5-10-1955 at 2145 hrs, Delhi. Sun rise 0617 hrs; Sun set 1803 hrs. Sun dasa : Oy 0m 16d at birth.
ASC 26 MOON 19 KET 26 CUL 25 Ocl. 5,19SS Rasi
RAH 26
RAH GUL Navamsa
M£R(R) MARS 02 04 VEN 2» SAT 2fc SUN 1»
For this native too, denial of progeny so far exists. The 5th house has debilitated Venus in Vargothama. The lord of 5th is retrograde in Libra in the 6th. Jupiter is in an Aputra Rasi, a sign stalling birth of offspring. Rahu dasa - Rahu being in a Kendra to Jupiter and being conjunct Gulika in Navamsa stalled birth of child. Rahu dasa rules upto October 1990. Jupiter's dasa need not deny him progeny. Rahu in a Kendra to Jupiter at birth denotes some biological blockade. It could be to the spouse as the said Rahu is in the 7th house. Scorpio being the 7th further confirms some defects in uterus of the female. Medical remedies should help them greatly. Case No. 15:- Female born on 25-3-1959, 1840 hrs, Delhi. Sun rise 0622 hrs; Sun set 1833 hrs. Dasa balance at birth Moon 6y 11m 14d. Her marriage took place on 24-10-1982. She conceived but miscarried In the very first year thereafter. During the later seven years, there has not been even conception frustrating the native. It is said that birth following one ghatika after sun set is ominous for marriage/progeny. More so for a female. This is such a birth. Further, ascendant lord Mercury is in fail, in retrogression while his dispositor and indicator of progeny Jupiter - too is in retrogression. That too in Scorpio. Such Jupiter normally causes some grief or the other about birth of a child, its wellbeing, lifespan etc.
SAT 14
2S.03.I9S9 Rasl
With such adveristles, Gulika Is unfortunately seated In the 5th house. The current dasa is of Jupiter. It commenced In an unwanted age. Thus we have seen fifteen horoscopes to assess the role of Gulika in the context of a couple of bhavas. We can formulate broadly some rules to be further Improved upon: 1. Gulika's Navamsa dispositor if adversely placed in the Rasl chart can mar the bhava in question. 2. The dasa of the planet owning Gulika Navamsa or Rasl can create many hurdles. 3. Gulika placed In the 5th bhava In Rasl chart has a say in timing mother's end. In such a case 5th lord's dasa In operation will be adverse. 5th lord's dasa can be even as long as 20 years. Then the astrologer must look into some major transits In the 5th/11th house. 4. Similarly Gulika placed In the 4th house in respect of father's death. Here 4th house and 4th lord's dasa should be taken Instead of 5th house and 5th lord's dasa considered above. Transits in 4th/10th play vital role if of major planets. 5. If Gulika joins some malefic In Lagna, there will be some problems of health - psychological/physical. 6. If Gulika's natal degree is transited by a major planet can give specific results of the bhava It owns or occupies. These results need not necessarily be adverse. 29
7. Gullka in the 6th/8th Is bad for people in employment of someone. 8. Guiika in the 3rd house plays a role of revival in nature 9. Guiika In a relevant bhava joining the significator is decidedly adverse for fructification of the bhava results. Example: Guiika joining Mars in the 3rd is adverse for brothers/sisters; joining the Sun in the 9th for father; joining the Moon in the 4th adverse for mother; joining Mercury in the 4th adverse for education. But if he joins Saturn in the 8th. it wiil not be adverse for longevity. 10. in spite of being adverse, if Guiika is aspected by his dlpositor, he will not be harmful. 11. Gulika's association with Ketu should be given special attention for malefic results. 12. Gulika's association with Mars when the latter is constituent of Kuja dosha makes the said dosha work like nuclear weapon. 13. Guiika is better placed if alone and is not in a Kendra to any important planet. 14. Guiika should be accorded the status of a planet, ai though it is just a mathematical point. We do so for Rahu and Ketu. Before concluding, I will give some clues on what role Guiika plays In timing the death of a native. His is a chjef role, which ah' planets do not play. These Hps should ofcourse be used with the intelligence required to handle such delicate topics Jest we see death again and again. a) Saturn in transit moving in the 5th/9th Rasis from the one occupied by Guiika at birth can cause death. This applies only to natives born in night time, I.e. between sun-set and sun rise. b) Saturn in transit moving In the 7th Rasl form Guiika for a day-born native can bring death.
c) irrespective of day/night birth Saturn's movement in trnslt on the Rasi occupied by Gulika at birth, or the Rasi represented by Gulika Navamsa in the natal horoscope will cause death. Saturn then should come in Simha Rasi. or the sign Leo, in Gochara. d) Add the following three sums : ascendant lord's longitude, Gulika's longtitude and Saturn's longitude. (Here 'longitude' means the distance from zero deg. Arises to the planet's degree position in the zodiac. Example : Virgo 14° means 164 . Expunge the multiples of 360°. if required, from the total so arrived. When Saturn moves in the resultant Rasi, or its trine, death wili strike. e) Multiply the longitudes of Guiika, Saturn and Jupiter respectively by three separate multipliers, vlz.elghteen, eighteen and ten. Add these three sums and expunge multiples of 12 Rasi or 360°. The resultant Rasi, or its Navamsa Rasi (trine not mentioned here) when activated by transit Jupiter wHI bring the native's death. f) Add the longitudes of the Sun, Saturn and Gulika noted from the birth chart. The resultant Rasi when transited by the Sun wiil be the month of death. g) The natal longitudes of Sun, Gulika and Saturn be respectively multiplied by nine, eighteen and nine. Add these three products. Expunge multiples of 12 Rasis. The Sun in transit reaching the said Rasi could also be the month of death. OTHER CLUES TO LIFE - SPAN: 1. Multiply the natal ascendant (counted from zero degree of Aries) by five. Add to this the longitude in terms of signs and degrees of Gulika. The resultant figure gives the position of Prana. (This must not be confused with Pranapada Lagna.) 2. In a similar manner multiply the Moon by 8 and then add Gulika to obtain what is called "Deha". (This should not be confused with a similar term used in Kalachakra Dasa.)
3. Again in a similar manner multiply Guiika by 7 and then add Sun's position to it, to get what is called Mrftyu. (Hiis term should not be mixed up with Dhuma etc.) Add the sums of 'Prana' and 'Deha' as obtained at 1 and 2 above. This should exceed 'Mrltyu'Cobtained in process 3 above) so that the native is long lived, if 'Mrityu' Is higher than the sum total of 'Prana and Deha' above, short life will only result. Death or destruction of wealth will result when Saturn arrives at the Rasi represented by the sum total of the three, viz. Prana, Deha and Mrityu.
Chapter 3 Some Interesting Classical Clues on Marriage The Manu Smrithi prescribes four different Asrama Oharmas (special orders of religion), viz. Brahmacharva, Gaarhasthva. Vaanaprastha and Sanyasa. Although these were specially laid down for a Brahmin, the second one. viz. Grihasthaasrama is invariably followed by every one, of any caste. Brahmacharva prescribes study of three Vedas, or two Vedas or at least one Veda, before entry into Grihasthaasrama via marriage. According to Brihaspathi, marriage helps procreation - expansion of creation without i Imitation, and hence marriage is an auspicious event" in one's life. Manu equates Grihasthaasrama to oxygen and asserts that this Is a great link between the other three stages. The final goal of Vivaha or marriage is obtainment of a son. which alone can save a person from the hell. This apart, only a householder (one who follows Grihasthaasrama) can perform Yagnas, Taoasva etc. and will be entitled to give Daana (charity). This view Is held by Rlshyasringa. Vaslshta goes a step farther. Only the house-hoider can serve the fire-God (Aqni Deva) and attend to an Athithl. Athlthl in Sanskrit means one who visits without following Thithl Nlyamas. Losely, these days, the term can mean a guest. The male is just a half without Dharma Pathnl or wife as per the teachings of Vyasa. A spouse who is the best suited in all respects can Increase the bliss of Grihasthaasrama. according to Daksha. The modem outlook may not find It relevant If we equate ancient Sastras that a female child in the first two years will be under the custody of Soma, from two to four of Gandharvas and from four to six, of Agni. In the very distant past, 7th year for a girl was best recommended for marriage, like Upanavana (sacred thread ceremony) for a boy. An eight-year oid girl was classified as 'Gauri' while in the 9th year the classification of the girl was 'Rohini'. After this age. she was classified as Rajomathi'. Giving away a Gaurl girl In marriage led one to
Swarqa Loka. Similarly the 'Rohinl' type girt being given away In marriage caused attainment of Valkuhntha, the world of Narayana. At the time of marriage of a Gaurl girl, Jupiter should be strong. The Sun should enjoy strength In transit if the marriage was of a Rohini girl. For other types of girls, the Moon should be strong. The above views are given here just to reflect the thoughts held in esteem those days. In the modem society these cannot be followed for various reasons. Hence we give below some Instructions which have eternal applicability: Vaslshta's view it: An even year of age is the best one for a girl, and an odd one the best for a boy, to get married. A marriage against this prescription wili give ill-health and grief. A female being given in marriage in an even year of her age will get many benefits, viz.wealth, life-span of an increased order, learning, progeny, devotion to husband, and good fortunes, sages like Vasthsya and Garga were still specific: in case of marriage in odd years, it must be after three months of the commencement of the year in question, and within three months of even years. Kaarika tylbandha prohibits a father from giving away his daughter in marriage to the following categories of groom: One who is blind, deaf, neuter, unemployed, suffering from epHepsy or leprosy. The groom should not be from a long distance, not from a very nearby place, be not exceedingly wealthy, be not exceedingly lean, nor be a fool. He should neither suffer from penury, nor be thrice of the age of the bride, nor should he aim at attaining final emancipation {Mokshabhllashl). (it was considered to be a sin if one desired Moksha without fulfilling his Asrama Dharmas). Brahma Valvartha, a work of similar kind, holds similar views. Giving away one's daughter in marriage to a boy born of a prostitute, or a boy who is a leper, neuter or afflicted by epilepsy etc. is classified among the greatest sins (Maha Dosha) by ancient men of learning. interestingly, the sages prohibited marriage of a girl even to ah adventurist boy!
A giri who is very tall, or who has a highly hairy physiqe should not be accepted In marriage, say the sages. Our Sasthras prohibited marriages with girls who have been christened after stars. For example Anuradha, Swathi etc. They had also prohibited girls who have names of trees, rivers, and snakes. Also those whose names end with "La" of "Ra". While the views of the sages be held venerable, about the names of the girls, it is practically not possible to follow such codes, particularly in these times. Yet if our readers have some Interesting information on these suggestions, it would be an enlightment to us. But most of these views were based on the indisputable Manu Smrithi. the very foundation of Hindu Dharma. However, girls having the names of the rivers Yamuna, Qanga, Gomathl and Saraswathl can be accepted. In plants, girls having names viz. Tidasl and Malathl are acceptable. In respect of Nakshatra, girls having names viz. Aswini, Revathi and Rohlnl are acceptable. These exceptions were given by Manu Smrithi itself. The male who sacrifices his wife out of lust for money attains the hell called Kumbhlpaka. "In that hell, he lives consuming urine, excreta etc. and is troubled by crows and the like and spends his horrible life there for a period equal to the time span of fourteen Indra's rule of the heavens. Then he will be reborn on the earth as a flesh-bearer end flesh-seller." So says, Brahma Vaivartha. Perhaps this applies well to those men who are greedy for dowry and other exacting demands. Before working on a marriage proposal it Is advised that life spans of the boy and girl should be ascertained. For without life everything else shall be of no avail. We have of course detailed Instructions to estimate one's length of life horoscoplcally. But there are some general Information available in this direction from ancient sources. Every hint may not be an Intelligible one, but out of curiosity the following may be noted in order to know about the areas
our ancestors had hazarded in respect of acquisition of knowledge. Some of the suggestions contained herein may even look absurd, indeed. One's own tongue is Arundhathi. Nose tip is Dhruva. The space between eyebrows is Vishnu. One who is not able to see these will meet with his end soon. One who is not able to hear even very heavy sounds, or one who is not able to see his shadow in the moonlight will die soon. One will die within six months if he emits phlegm while speaking or one who exhales very hot air will die in six months. (This seems to be a medical clue.) All of a sudden if one becomes exceedingly fat or exceeding thin, or exceedingly wealthy or exceedingly poor, death is imminent. The same is the result if one's foof-prints are not fully visible when he walks on sand or myrth. The head alone sweating, or when one sees his own figure as unsightly one In water/mirror: these will portend early 1 death. Fall of an eagle, crow or owl on one's head will bring early death.Entry of a dove In one's home, or frequent cries of an owl perched on the top of house will cause same effect. Sight of crows in cohabitation does not promote one's iife span.. If one finds the Sun looking like the Moon, or vice versa, death will strike within six months. For obvious reasons these clues about short-life should not be given more Importance than of academic value. Now we have some clues from Tajakasagaram: malefics in 2nd, 5th or 9th will give blemish of ordinary nature. In a kendra, (1,4,7 and 10) or in the 8th the blemish will be galore caused by these malefics, in the context of marriage. The Sun or Mars In own sign or in exaltation identical with Lagna or the 7th house will cause widowhood. To expand
if the Sun Is In Leo for one born In Leo/Aquarius, or In Aries for one bom in Aries/Libra, widowhood will be caused. Similarly Mars in Capricorn for one born in Capricorn/Cancer, or placed in Aries for one born in Aries/Libra, or placed in Scropio for one born In Scoprio/Taurus. The female with a strong Saturn In the 7th/Lagna, will be of questionable character. These clues should be read with other factors in the horoscope. The Moon In 6/8th while a malefic Is In Lagna: If both the horoscopes of the bride and the groom have these two yogas simultaneously, one of them will face life's end soon. Death within 8 years of marriage wili come to pass if the boy or girl has Moon in Lagna while Mars Is in the 7th house. Two marriages will come to pass (for a boy or a girl). If the ascendant Is a movable Rasl, while the Moon Is in any one of the four movable Basis and a strong malefic is in a Kendra unrelated to a beneflc. The Moon joining Venus in a sign of Mars and aspected by a malefic makes one of easy virtues. A virtuous female Is born when the Moon or ascendant lord Joins a benefic In an Immovable sign (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius). A male having the Sun and Venus in the 4th house will acquire s sickly wife. But the Sun In such a case should be behind Venus longitudinally. Retrograde Venus also brings identical results. In either of the cases if the Moon placed anywhere is simultaneously full, the wife may die early, while weak Moon will cause her end after a long Interval. The role of reversal played by Full/weak Moon Is noteworthy here. If a male has his 7th lord In his ascendant, he will obtain an obedient spouse. Similarly, a female wiil get a henpecked husband if her ascendant lord Is in her 7th house. The ascendant lord and 7th lord individually disposed in any manner in 1st/7th or joining In one of these houses - the couple wili be exceedingly amicable to each other.
Saturn or the Sun in his own sign identical with the 8th house denotes a barren female. That is, one bom in Gemini or Cancer with Saturn in the 8th house, or one born in Capricorn with the Sun in Leo will find it difficult to conceive. The Moon and Mercury together in the 8th house wili give the female just one child. Saturn in Lagna while the Moon or Venus is in the 7th house denotes a barren female. Mars placed In the 7th house and aspected by Jupiter sheds his belmlsh and proves favourable in all respects. The relevant sioka is: Sapthamastho Yada Bhaumo Guruna cha Nirikshitah Tada tu Sarva Saukhyam Syanmangala dosha Nasakrith. The Moon joining Mars in the 6th house, repeat 6th house, or in the 8th house will cause death of the spouse in the 8th year of marriage. The 8th year of marriage wiil be inauspicious for the spouse of the native who has a debilitated planet in the ascendant. s The Moon should be in Lagna while Mars is in the 6th or 8th therefrom: such a native dies early following marriage, even without obtaining a child. \ A female having two malefics In her 7th house will become a widow and will be tortured by her desires for sex. 3 malefics in such a case denotes a prostitute. As per Vasishta a malefic placed in the 5th house in aspect to an Inimical planet causes the female to be discarded by her spouse. She may also give birth to a dead child. A debilitated planet in the 8th house and having various Inimical divisions gives birth to a female whose misfortunes will prove fatal for her husband. Malefics In 3rd/6th/llth while benefics are in a kendra/kona counter the evils due to Angaraka Dosha. So also the 7th lord placed in the 7th itself.
To wares off premature widowhood the girl should he married off to a pot (Kumbha Vivaha) or to an idol of Lord Vishnu, or to an Aswaththa tree, then to the boy selected. So says Markandeya Parana. Another work, Vivhava Khanda also holds similar view. Suryaaruna Samvada adds in this context: the girl after Kumbha Vivaha should be bathed by waters gathered from five different rivers and the wedded pot should be cast off in a river. Not only this, a prayer in the context of Kumbha Vivaha is also prescribed addressing Varuna and Vishnu, thus: "Varunaanga Swaroopaya Jevanaanaam Samaasraya, pathim Jeevaya Kanyaayaaschiram putrasukham kuru, Dehi Vishno Varam Deva Kanyaampaalaya Duhkhathah'. The meaning of the said Mantra is: "O God Varuna, the very root for the existence of all beings, give a long life span to the groom and give the bride progenlc happiness. 0 Vishnu, save the girl from grief. Given below are some very rarely discussed information. These are mainly from • Jataka Ratna, Manushya Jataka, Yavanas, C.G. Rajan, etc. If Venus and Mercury are together (longitudinally be close) in the 7th house, the native will be denied of both a spouse and progeny. Thus this combination in one go affects the 7th and 5th houses, in the process if Jupiter or Full Moon aspect the said Yoga, then marriage wili take place in an advanced age. But there is no hint on progeny. Should Saturn and Mars be together In the 7th house, then the native as well as his spouse will seek sexual associations outside marital bonds. Discussing remedies for Mars dosha, we have an authority stating that giving away a thousand cows In charity will be of help. The remedy can be obviously In the reach of only kings and kingly people! The native's spouse will die of fire accident if there are majefics in the 4th or 8th from Venus, while the Sun or ascendant falls in Pisces, Aries or Virgo.
If the natal ascendant, unaspected by a benefic, falls in Virgo Navamsa, the native will seek union with many virgins. One will be addicted to illicit sexual pleasures if the Lagna falls In a Navamsa of Mercury. If Ketu is In the 7th in aspect to or association with a malefic, early death of spouse will come to pass. If Mars or Saturn is in the 7th while the 7th lord Is In the 6th or 12th house, the spouse will die early. With the Sun In place of Saturn/ Mars as above, the spouse will give poison to the native. Venus placed in a movable sign and occupying simultaneously another movable Navamsa (i.e. not being in Vargothama Navamsa) indicates two marriages to the native. Venus in Cancer while the Moon is in Capricorn - the native will marry twice. The Sun and Saturn joining a node (i.e. Rahu/ Ketu) in the 7th house denotes acquisition of a spouse that can poison the native. Retrograde Jupiter in the company of Mars destroys one's spouse. The same result will come to pass if Mars and Jupiter (not necessarily in retrogression) are in Cancer or in Capricorn. Venus in Scorpio causes early loss of spouse to one born in Taurus ascendant. Saturn In the 3rd house makes the native marry a girl who has already lost her father. Further the mother-in-law will be endangered In the very first year of marriage. Mars in the 8th house denotes diseases of uterus to the native's wife. "Saturn, Mars and the Moon being conjunct in any Rasi will make one equal to a king while his spouse wlil also be like a queen in wealth. Saturn placed In the 7th house In the 9th Navamsa of Cancer/Scorpio/Pisces will deny progeny. He wili act in a similar way if placed in Taurus, which is the ascendant, and falls in Virgo Navamsa (i.e. Saturn In Virgo Navamsa).
Rahu placed in the 7th house In a malefic-owned Rasl and associated with a malefic - the result Is that the native will destroy his entire wealth on illicit sexual pleasures. Venus and Moon in the 7th give many children. Saturn and Moon so placed deny marriage. Mars joining Mercury in the 7th denies marital happiness, while Jupiter - Mars in the 7th denotes a king. IfVenus and Mars are in the 7th house, the native becomes rich through spouse. (That these two in the 7th can destablise the marriage is a different matter.) Jupiter joining Mercury in the 7th gives birth to a rich person. The trio, Jupiter.Mercury and Saturn in the 7th house gives a dumb spouse instead of riches. Should a male planet join a female planet in the 7th house, the native will acquire great prosperity later in life. If the 7th lord joins two benefics In a Rasi of a benefic, the native will obtain twins. If the 9th lord is debilitated and is In a movable Navamsa, there will be two marriages for the native. On a careful study of astrological literature, we can understand that movable and dual Namvamsas deal with more than one marriage while fixed Navamsas reflect one marriage. A female born In Visakha Nakshatra In Tula Rasi promotes the welfare of her younger brother-in-law while the same Nakshatra in Vrischika Rasi is harmful to the said relative. That is, a girl born in Visakah's fourth quarter should be accepted in marriage after a careful study of the entire situation. One born (whether male of female) in Moola Nakshatra or Asleasha Nakshatra will be harmful for the lifespan of fatherin-law or mother-in-law as the case may be. However the 4th quarter of Moola and the first quarter of Aslesha are not a blemish. There are divergent views among the sages themselves about births In certain Nakshatras: Maharishl Narada classifies' birth in the last sixteenth part of Jyeshta and the first sixteenth part of Moola as inauspicious. Kasyapa Maharshi adds the first 16th part of Makha also. Vaslshta swells the list by adding the last part of Revathi
and the first part of Aswlni. Saunaka and Pitamaha hold identical views as Vasishta. What emerges from this is the undesirable placement of the Moon in the junction portions of Cancer/Leo, Scorpio/Sagittarius and Pisces/Aries. That is the Moon is inauspicious for the last one sixteenth part of her stay In Aslesha, Jyeshta and Revathl, and for the first one sixteenth part of her stay in Makha, Moola and Aswini. This blemish of six stars Is called by a common name "Abhukta Moola" somewhat akin to Gandanta. Boys or girls bom in Abhukta Moola when married could tell upon the life span of one of the iniaws as applicable to each case. Sripathi's Rafnamala gives the gist of Abhukta Moola In this manner. But each sage mentions different durations and there prevails no unanimity in this regard. Maharshi Garga says there is no such dosha for Aswini on Sunday, and for Jyeshta on Wednesdays and Sundays. According to Badarayana (i.e. Veda Vyasa), such Moon should be devoid of strength, be with a malefic and be not aspected by benefics. Moreover the Moon should not aspect Lagna lord. Then the blemish is only name-sake. But Pitamaha differs and has Just one clause: the. Moon should have full strength. No more clauses are added. His second alternative Is a good strength of Jupiter. Thirdly, birth In Abhijlt Muhurtha is a powerful antidote for ills like Abhukta Moola, Gandanta and Thlthl dosha, says Pitamaha. According to another ancient authority, Acharya Jaganmohana, such blemishes are nullified If the 7th lord is combust, or debilitated, or is in the 6th/8th house. In my opinion, such 7th lord cannot remedy the ills under discussion. On the contrary the defects will be compounded, due to adverse 7th lord. See the following in support of my views: Jatakottama, an ancient text prescribes: the 7th house, its lord and the Moon (the last one causing the Abhukta Moola blemish) should be strong arid aspected by benefics to discount these Ills. The text adds another alternative that the concerned planets denoting the relative to be endangered should be exalted, strong and aspected by benefics. Then there is no
danger. So to say if a younger brother-in-law is to be endangered, the 9th lord (3rd from the 7th) should be exalted etc..etc.. Simliaiiy, the planets denoting other relatives. The best Nakshatras for betrothal are Chitta, Dhanishta, Krittika and Sravana, provided these are not birth-stars of the bride and the bridegroom concerned. Acharya Sudeva in his Sukha Prabodha recommends Swathi, Anuradha, Poorva Phalguni, Poorvashadha and Poorvabhadrapada also for this purpose. As per Kasypa, Tuesday, Ashtaml, Rlkta Thithls and the first day of the lunar month are to be discarded for betrothal irrespective of the fact that the ruling Nakshatra is admissible. According to Kathyayana Maharshi, if the groom after betrothal leaves for a foreign land does not return, then the girl after waiting for three R it us or seasons (say six months) should be proposed to an alternative boy. Smrutl Chandrika asks one to withdraw the marriage if after betrothal anyone in the family dies. Such a marriage will cause early widowhood. Sages Garga and Meghathlthi also hold similar views. Dalvagna Manohara however has a different view as against total cancellation of the proposal. The work states that In such a situation, marriage with the same boy can be done after a month of death in either family. Even this can be waived if there are doubts about the life of a parent or Impending famine or coup or political unrest in the country. In such a case, marriage can be at once performed. According to Maharshi Yagnavaikya. If there are any unexpected obstacles, the marriage should be pursued after performing Santi to Ganesa. In works like Raja Martanda it is stated that Jupiter in transit should be favourable for the bride, and the Sun for the boy. The transit Moon should be favourable for both the boy and the girl. The transit Sun should be in the 3rd, 6th, 10th or i ith from her natal Sun for the girl to enable her to be happy with her husband and offspring. If the transit Sun is identical with the bride's natal Sun, early widowhood be declared. The Sun moving in other houses, viz. 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th or 12th from the girl's natal Sun will bring grief and loss to the girl
being given In marriage. However, the Sun in 4th/8th/l2th from natal Sun is indicated to be medium and not the worst by Garga. Worship of Lord Sun is recommended by sages in case of unavoidable marriage as the transit Sun is in 1st, 2nd, 5th, 7th, or 9th from the girl's natal Sun. Acharya Chandeswara gives detailed effects in case of a marriage occurring when the transit Sun Is in various places from bride's natai Sun: 1st - barrenness; 2nd - poverty; 3rd - happy; 4th - unfortunate and grief-torn; 5th - few chiidern; 6th - affectionate to husband; 7th - discarded by her men; 8th - takes to be devoid of chasitity; 9th - poverty; 10th - happy; 11th - happy.wealthy; 12th -widowhood and unhappiness.. There is an exception, from some quarters, to the Sun in transit in 2nd, 5th or 9th from the bride's natal Sun: He is harmless after thirteen days of the entry into the particular sign. But the exception does not apply to 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th. Garga suggests that if a mamage becomes inevitable even with adverse Sun, then It can be performed after giving a cow in donation.
Parents play a key-role in the upbringing of every child bom on the earth. Parents enjoyed great importance even in the casses of divine incarnations like Lord Rama and Lord Krishna. In ancient literature, mother was considered to be more supreme than the heavens even. Both mother and father are equated to God, with capital "G". Astrology believes that every event occurring in this mundane world Is cosmic-related and cosmlc-deslgned. Who should be bom to whom Is also a cosmic decision. One enjoys parentage according to his previous Karma. When we talk of parents In astrology, such delineation covers every aspect of mother and father fully. From one's horoscope all matters concerning parents can be clearly visualized. Their health, status, lifespan etc. can be gleaned from the horoscope of every progeny of theirs. If a couple has, to cite an example, six chlldern all the six horoscopes will lead to the same conclusion about various aspects of parents. To have iong-llvelng parents, who can protect the native at every phase, Is Itself a divine blessing. Losing a parent In a premature manner Is one's great loss. Whether It Is mother or father, God is unkind to such a h&if-orphaned child. We will now take up a couple of cases where each native lost his/her father quite early in life and was later brought up under the exclusive care of mother. Before taking up these cases, we enlist below two sets of rules dealing with father's short life and long life. Rules for long- living father are necessary here so that rules for shortliving father are given only due Importance, not over-rated. The 9th house Is Pltrusthana ruling one's father. Everyone of us knows that the 9th lord, and slgniglcator Sun, are bound to be endowed with strength, for father's long life.
The 8th from the 9th house, i.e. the 4th house and its lord should also be strong. Adverse planets or a debilitated planet in the 9th need not necessarily affect father's life span. Such a placement could lead to other short-comings about father. To wit, a father not caring much for the child, a father wanting prosperity or a father with some health problems. But the 41h from the ascendant or from the Sun having an unwelcome planet has a different story to tell, surely reducing father's life-span. Hence, to start with, the 4th counted both ascendant as well as the Sun should avoid having afflicting yogas. Let us not talk of mother when we are discussimg the 4th house here as that will deviate the concept presently on hand. We should not ignore the roie of Rahu and Saturn in the context of estimating .father's life span. Rahu and Saturn are both sworn enemies of the Sun, Karaka for father. Ketu need not be taken with such importance as he is more an enemy of the Moon, than of the Sun. YOGAS FOR SHORT LIVING - FATHER: 1.
A debilitated planet in the 4th house, without joining a benific.
Rahu in the 4th house in aspect to the Sun.
Sun - Saturn, or Rahu - Saturn, or Sun - Rahu in the 4th house.
Lord of the 4th house with a debilitated planet or a debilitated planet aspecting the 4th house having the Sun or the 9th lord.
The 4th from the Sun aspected by a debilitated planet.
Rahu/Saturn in the 4th from the Sun or the 9th lord.
The lord of the 8th aspecting the 4th house having a dire malefic (natural or by lordship).
Venus and Jupiter combust in the 9th while the 9th lord is in debilitation.
Mars in the 7th while the Sun joins Rahu in the 9th.
Lord of the 9th house placed In the 12th house, as Jupiter and Mars are in mutual opposition.
Add the longitudes of the Sun and Gulika. If the resultant degree counted from Aries falls in the 4th or 8th house from the Sun or from the 9th lord father is endangered early.
The degree mentioned at rule no.11 alternatively falling close to Rahu's natal degree.
The Sun In the 8th while the 8th lord is in the 9th house.
The lord of the 12th in the 9th while the 9th lord takes his position in his debilitation Navamsa.
The ascendant lord in the 8th house as the Sun joins the 8th lord.
Rahu in the 4th while the Sun is in the 5th house. (16/18th year of the native).
The Sun in the 3rd house as Rahu is in the 9th house, (mutual aspects between Sun and Rahu related to the 9th house).
For a movable ascendant, the Sun placed in the 5th house and occupying a movable/dual Navamsa.
For night births, Saturn connected with the 8th lord or the 4th lord.
if the very first Dasa (Vimsottari) be of a planet afflicting the Sun or the 9th lord.
The Sun hemmed between Mars and Saturn, as Venus is with Ketu.
Mars and Saturn in the 9th house while 5th lord (lord of 9th from 9th house) is in debilitation.
The 9th house having four malefics in aspect to the 8th Jord.
An exchange oetween lords ot the 9th and 4th while the Moon is here deepest degree of fall.
The Sun and Venus placed together In a movable sign in aspect to Mars.
Saturn and Mars joining together in a movable sign for a night birth.
The Sun, Saturn and Mars together in a movable sign irrespective of day/night birth.
The 4th lord or the 9th lord or the Sun being subjected to influence jointly of the 6th. 8th and 12th lords.
The 9th lord and the Sun with strength.
The 9th house and the Sun in good and beneficial aspects.
The 9th house containing an exalted planet, or a strong benefic.
The 3rd, 4th and 9th house having no weak planets.
For a night birth, Saturn in exaltation or associated with benefic planets.
All the 3 houses, viz. 3rd, 6th, and 12th houses aspected by benefics.
The 4th house having a exalted planet.
The 4th lord in strength. More combinations tor long life to one's father can be worked out by a Intelligent student. Such rules counteract short life combinations In this context.
We give below 10 cases dealing with the subject. The Ayanamsa used Is of Lahiri. All the horoscopes given below are calculated through a computer. Case No t: Male born on 15-8-1934at 06h 24m in Delhi, 28° N 39* 77° E 13". Ayanamsa 22° 56' 51". Dasa balance at birth - Moon 1y 11 m 28d.
MARS 2702 SAT(R) 2-0* RAHU 17-25
KETU 17.25 Aug. 15,1934
SUN 28.M MER I«-5i VEN J-5J ASC 5-07
MOON 20-40 JUP 20-01
The native was bom in Venus bhukti of Moon Dasa. The said bhukti ended on 1302-1936. He lost his father before completion of his very first year of age, in July 1935 Itself. At the outset no adverse combination for shortlived father could be seen. The 9th lord Is in 11th in Vargothama. Mere aspect of Saturn on the 9th and 4th should not be taken as a killer combination.
Rule No t 1 given for short iife yoga comes in handy in this case. Guiika Is O^O' in Libra. When we add Guiika, and the Sun we get 29° Capricorn, which is exactly l80oaway from the Sun, and also fails in the 8th sign counted from Mars in Gemini. Mars rules the 4th and 9th, two relevant houses. Retrograde Saturn at birth is very close to the said degree of Guiika plus Sun. (The longitude of Guiika is calculated as given in Ch.3 of BPH, Vol.1, tr. by R. Santhanam.) Case No.2: Male born on 26-3-1967 at 8h 27m In Bombay 18N 58* 72E 50'. Lahiri Ayanamsa 23° 23' 47". Dasa balance at birth - Moon 9y 1m 25days. SUN 11-22 ASC IJ--IS SAT 0-22 VEN 15-52 This native had lost his RAH 13-45 father in August 1968 in Moon JUP 1-03 Dasa, Rahu bhukti. The 9th lord MER 14-20 Jupiter exalted and Vargothama is a welcome feature. The Sun Mar. 26,1967 Saturn conjunction In the 12th, aspected by 12th lord Jupiter, while Mars (R) is in the 7th, is an MAR(R) 1-Si MOON ominous yoga for father. The 11-00 KETU Sun Is In debility in Navamsa. 154® The 9th lord from the Moon sign
Is Venus, who is in the 8th from the 9th in degreewise conjunction with Rahu and aspected by Mars ruling the 8th from the Moon. That an exalted, Vargottama Jupiter ruling the 9th kills father so early as in the 2nd year of age may look like a myth. But I remember a case where a lady with Venus in powerful aspect to Vargothama Jupiter from Sagittarius in the 9th house lost her spouse just in the 10th month following her marriage in a very young age. That too, violently in a car accident. For Aries Lagna, it seems, the stigma attached to Jupiter by his 12th lordship cannot be washed so easily, although he is a benefic for this Lagna. Case No.3: Male bom on 23-10-1952 at 2003 hrs in Lucknow. 26N 50' S0E 54'. Lahlri Ayanamsa 23° 12' 14" Dasa balance at birth • Ketu 4y 10m 25d. The native's father passed away In October 1954, when the native was about to enter his 3rd year of age. The horoscope of the native in question Is as under: Premature death of father occurred with the beginning of JUW ASC 31-27 Ketu Dasa, Jupiter bhufatl. This 24-47 bhukti ruled from 6-9-1954 to 12-8- 1955. The Kanaka for KETU father Sun is debilitated. He Is 25-39 also the 4th lord. Rahu is in the Nor. 23,1952 4th from the Sun. The Sun is RAHU aspected by the 8th lord Jupiter in retrogreslon placed in the 12th house from Lagna. For moom * SUN 4-5* SAT VEN Taurus rising Jupiter is very unMBM.2S 24-17 MARS S-Il favourable. The 4th house, u-ei death-dealing house for father is also aspected by Jupiter whose bhukti proved prematurely fatal for father. Case No. 4 : This is a female's horoscope. The native discussed under case no.3 is this lady's younger brother.
Her birth details are: June 11.1948,0358 hrs. Lucknow. Lahiri Ayanamsa 23° 08' 02". Dasa balance at birth - Saturn 5y 11 m 8d. The horoscope is given below: ASC 4-51 mm RAHU SUN 14-25 " 24-44 20.JS VEN(R) 14-44 MOON 12-30 ' SAT 25-11 June. 11,1948
At the • time of father's death in October 1954, this lady was progressing in her Mercury bhukti in Mercury Dasa that commenced on 19.5.1954.
The Sun, the 4th lord and Kanaka for father has Mars in MARS the 4th from him. Mars rules 17-18 the 12th house from the ascendant Jupiter, the 8th lord in retrogression aspects the 4th KETU JUKR) l» . 20-JS house and Mars in it. The aspect of Jupiter oh Mercury, the ford of the bhukti and of the Dasa in currency is noteworthy. From these two horoscopes. (No. 3 and No. 4) it emerges that for Taurus ascendant the Sun, being weak or having an adverse planet in the 4th, while Jupiter the 8th lord afflicts the 4th house, does not favour a longliving father. Case No. 5 : Female bom on 25.7.1968 at 0830 hrs GMT, in Manchester, England. 53° N 30', 2° W15". Lahiri Ayanamsa 23025'. 01". Dasa balance at birth - Saturn 13y 02m 07d. RAHU 18-41
SAT 2-05
JoL 25,1958
MARS 20-12 MERC 24-54 SUN 9-02 VEN 18-40 MOON 7-25 ASC 21-44 JUf 13-23 KETU 18-41
The horoscope of the lady in question Is given below; She lost her father in the end of the year 1978, In her 11th year, when her Saturn Dasa, Rahu bhukti was in operation. Saturn is in debilitation in the 9th house and Vargothama. Thus he was in no mood to allow a long span of life to father. The Vargothama of Mars, the 4th and 9th lord, prolonged it to 11th year at
least. Saturn In debility aspects the 4th from the Sun while there is nodal Influence in the 4th house counted from 9th lord Mars. At the time of father's death. Jupiter was In Cancer, transiting on the natal Sun and influencing the 4th from Lagna by aspect. Case No.6: Female bom on 13-12-1945, at 00430 hrs, Jhunjhunu (Rajasthan) 28N 5', 75E 30'. Lahiri Ayanamsa2305' 50". Dasa balance at birth • Saturn 18y 3m 4d. Entering her 15th year, she lost her father in December 1959, in Saturn Dasa, Rahu bhukti. Her horoscope is given below:
RAHU 0-54
Dee. 13,194S
mars(r; mi SAT(R) 0-40
SUN »•» MER(R) ASC 22-0? is-a VEN 15-22
JUP 2*«7
MOON 10-45
RAHU 20-07
No*. 2.1963 SAT 23-13 KETU 26-0?
ASC 23-47 SUN MARS 15-23 11-4* MERC VEN 2-OA 13-22
Debilitated Mars aspects the 4th house from Lagna and the 4th counted from the Sun. Saturn, the 4th lord, is also with debilitated Mars. Two Vargothama planets, viz. Jupiter and Saturn, related to the 4th held up the event till 15th year. Rahu is in the 8th from the Karaka Sun. Case No.?: Female bom on November 2nd, 1963 at 0250 hrs In Delhi, 280N 39" 770E 13*. Lahiri Ayanamsa 236 20' 50". Dasa balance at birth - Venus lOy 3m 16d. Her horoscopic details are: The native's father breathed his last on 24-8-1976 when the native was running her Sun Dasa, Jupiter bhukti. This native's Is a night birth. As stated earlier, for night births, Saturn aspecting the 8th lord or the 4th lord kills father prematurely. In this case, the Sun Is in fail in aspect to Saturn. 52
Saturn further aspects retrograde Jupiter, the 8th lord. Such Jupiter aspects the 4th house and its lord. The bhukti of Jupiter proved fatal for father when the Sun's dasa was on. The Sun at birth adversely affects the 9th house. The 9th from the Sun has Rahu, reducing father's life. Case No.8: This native Is a brother of the lady discussed under case No.7. He was bom 20 years before her. His horoscopic details are: Bom on 17.07.1943 at 2120 firs (WT), 2020 hrs(iST) in Rewari. Ayanamsa 23° 04" 02". Sun Dasa balance at birth 3y 04m 07 days.
MARS I2.5«
ASC 1M4 MOON 2-33 ICET 23-5»
SAT J7.«
July. 17,1943
MERC z$-(a SUN l-OC 3Ur KM* RAHU !»-}♦ VEN 14-0
At the time of father's death on 24.8.1976. this native was in Rahu Dasa. Venus bhukti. He was in his 23rd year. In his case father's death need not be called strictly premature as in the case of his sister (case No.7) who was only 13 at that time. Yet this horoscope will serve some clues about early paternal grief.
This Is a night birth. Saturn aspects the 8th lord Sun. Mars aspects the Sun Rahu combination in the 7th house. Venus as the 10th lord in the 8th house is generally adverse, in his bhukti, for father. The 10th house relates to the last offices of one's father in Hindu astrology. Case .No.9 : Male bom on 7.3.1932 at 0340 hrs in Delhi, Lahiri Ayanamsa 22 54' 37". Rahu Dasa balance at birth lyjm 20d.
MLRC VEN 1 i-Vt RAHU i J-W i SUN JJ-U MAR1J-J» MOON Mar. 7,1932 iM7
1 ! JUP21O0
SAT 8-17 •1 t (
ASC 2^51
This is again a night birth where the 4th lord Jupiter (in debilitation Navamsa) is in aspect to Saturn. The 4th house has debilitated Mercury, being in close orbs with Rahu. The native's father died in 4th lord Jupiter's Dasa and the 9th lord Sun's bhukti in 1944 in his 13th year.
KETU 3-09
Case No. 10 : This horoscope belongs to a male whose father died four months prior to the native's birth. This native is the younger brother of the person discussed as case No.1 supra. The relevant horoscopic data are: Birth on 7.11.1935 at 1011 hrs In Delhi, Lahiri Ayanamsa 22° 57'56". Dasa balance at birth 18y 3m 16d.
KETU 21-38
Nov. 7,1935
ASC 6-20 MAR14-0$ JUP RAHU ' 6-36 Zt-M
SUN 20-51 MERC 3-03
VEN 4-45
The 4th lord is in the 12th in aspect to Saturn, who aiso aspects the 9th house and whose Dasa will be in operation at birth. The 4th lord is not directly connected by aspect with the 3 evil lords, viz. of the 6th, 8th and 12th. But the 4th house is. The Moon rules the 12th and aspects the 4th. Venus the 6th lord also lends his aspect to the 4th house.
In the case of father's early death, we have used the 4th house. Similarly the 5th house, afflicted, deals with mother's premature end.
Death - let it be of anybody • is a grievous event causing agony to the affected. Enthusiasm without sufficient understanding of the relevant astrological principles or an easy going approach is not warranted. Let us re-stress that the discussions made so far in this article are far too insufficient, for a subject like the one that has been on hand, and are not tailormade for every horoscope.
Chapter - 5 ASTROLOGY & ANCESTRAL INHERITANCE Each of the 9 planets Is classified as a natural benefic or a natural malefic. But when deeply considered, a planet although a benefic can also act malefic in some respects. And a malefic in some respects can also be a benefic in some other respect. Likewise, each of the 12 houses has both good and had aspects to reveal. Take the evil houses. These are, to start with, three in number. The 12th, 6th and the 8th. These are more malefic in the ascending order. That is, the 8th house is the most inauspicious. Strangely the 8th house rules longevity positive aspect of life. The negative aspect death comes under the 8th house, as the wealth means, it also rules poverty, financial
as well. That is a is death. Hence 2nd house rules insufficiency etc.
One of the most Important aspects of this much-dreaded evil house, viz. the 8th house, is inheritance of properties from ancestral sources. Speaking in detail, this house rules donations received, gifts received, effortless money earned etc. etc. ancient as acquisition of property. The inheritance ranged from a small piece of property to a vast kingdom. Classical texts have at reasonable length dealt with the aspect of inheritance. Laws of inheritance differ from country to country, from time to time, from religion to religion. With modern life becoming more and more complex, litigations in court are an added dimension to this aspect. We give some simple rules that suggest a possibility of one's inheriting ancestral properties : 1.
The lord of the 8th being strong, In exaltation, Moolatrikona etc. and occupying good Dwadasamsa. (If the 8th lord is strong in Rasi but is weak/adverse in Dwadasama, inheritance will be obstructed.)
The 8th lord in the 11th house, joining one of the 11 th/9th/i0th lords.
The 8th lord in aspect to a powerful Sun or Moon.
The 8th lord falling in many of the vargas ruled by the lord of the 9th/5th.
The 8th lord in exchange with the lord of the 9th/10th.
The 8th house being aspected by the Sun or the 9th lord, or the 10th lord or Jupiter.
The 8th lord in the 2nd house along with the 2nd lord or with Jupiter.
The 8th and 11th lords in mutual aspects, but from good houses.
The 8th house having an exalted planet, with strength.
Jupiter powerfully aspecting the Sun/9th/10th lord.
The above are some combinations when present as specified can ensure inheritance to the whole horoscope. Following combinations indicate litigation and such other negative aspects to the subject Issue on hand; 1.
The 8th lord in the 6th house.
The 8th lord conjuct Saturn.
The 4th lord aspected by Saturn.
The 4th lord in the 6th/8th house.
The Sun/Moon in the 8th house aspected by Saturn or by the 6th lord without any help from Jupiter.
An auspicious Rahu in the 8th house or even In the 7th • house denotes inheritance from parents of the spouse. But these are largely subject to litigations.
The nth lord related to the Sun gives inheritance after initial litigations.
The 9th/8th lord in retrogression delays inheritance.
Some practical horoscope asre discussed below dealing with inheritances; Example No. 1; Male born on 5-1-1935 in Delhi at lOgh 31 phal. The planetary positions at birth are as under:The native at birth had a balance of Venus dasa for 7y 10m 06d.
KETU :« VEN 3 02 SAT :.3o RAHU28 SUN 31.05 MOON 21.2* mer:5
Jnn. 5, 19.35
JUP 24-20
He has one younger brother. His father had huge properties running into millions and died in June 1988, the moment the native's Mercury bhukti in Jupiter dasa started. His father willed equal share of properties between his share in favour of his younger brother.
The 10th lord Is in the 8th house indicating existence of parental properties. The Sun in the 10th house aspected by Mars is also favourable. The 9th house is house of sacrifices, donations given etc. The lord of the 9th aspecting the 10th, while the lord of the 12th in the 11th aspecting the 8th house, house of inheritance, shows sacrifice on the part of the native. He is a bachelor and felt no need of accumulation of wealth. Example No.2: Bom on 26-5-1943 at 1623hrs iST. Varanasi. His horoscope is as under: Here also the native is the eldest having one co-born after him. The native's father, alive, has a lot of properties. Although the native is trying to get his share of ineritance by a formal division, during the last fifteen years, the father somehow only favours the younger son to inherit wholly. The ascendant is Libra. The 4th lord Saturn. In the 8th house along with the Sun, and with the 9th lord Mercury is a big snag for smooth inheritance. The 6th lord aspects the ascendant as well as the Moon. The Moon is the 10th lord, showing father's earnings. Such 10th lord in aspect to 6th lord from the 9th -house (father) shows a belligerent mood of the father.
SUN ll-lu iu? :t-u MERC ft VEN sat:i-:o :.»■«
MARS i-r. MOON 19.44
May. 26,1943
raMu 23
When Sun- Saturn conjunction occurs in a horoscope, that itself is a clear signal for the native to have bitter relations with father. Here it occurs in the 9th house, more adversely. Rahu dasa balance at birth is I2y 8m 29d. During the operation of Saturn dasa, the native could not change his father In his favour. This dasa rules upto Febuary 1991.
ASC 12
Will the native at last get the inheritance? As stated earlier an exchange between the 8th and 9th lords casnnot deprive the native of inheritance. At last the father will have to willingly give up his attitude. The next dasa, from February 1991, will be ruled by Mercury. Mercury Is the 9th lord. During the currency of the sub period of Mercury, along with the transit of Jupiter in Virgo (Oct 1992 to Oct 1993) this event will fructify. Example 3; Born on 14.2.1940 at 1423 hrs in Bhlwani, Haryana. Lat 28N50, Long 76 E 10. Following is the birth chart of this male native: JUP 15*23 VEN 10-05 SUN i-Sft MERC 12-52
KETU0.25 MOON1-I MARS 5 SAT 5-25 r>h. 14. 1940 ASC 29
RAHU 0.25
From birth date for a period of 6y 2m 17d the native was under Ketu's dasa lordship. Within 3 months of birth, the native was brought to Delhi to be taken care of by a relative. In December 1956, he was formally adopted by the same people as they were childless. The adoption was in Venus dasa - Jupiter bhukti of the native. This adoption entitled the native to an Inheritance of immovable properties, worth
above a crore ana the rental income of a decent order ot his adopted parents. There is no direct classical reference to adopted parents. But from my experience i gather that the Saturn - Moon or Saturn - Sun or Saturn - Mercury connection taking place in the 9th/4th leads to one's going in adoption. This point may further be researched. The adoption and formal right to inherit occurred in Jupiter dasa, Venus bhukti both of whom are placed in the 8th house. One is in own sign while the other is exalted. Venus is further in Libra Navamsa avoiding Virgo, debilitation. These two planets ensure inheritance of a decent order. Example 4: This male native was born on 21/22 August 1965 at 0320 hrs in Agra, 27 N 11 78 E 02. Following is his horoscope: MOON 27.31 . 3UP RAHU27 2-45 saT(R) :I-40
Aug. 22,1965
ASC2 MER(R) 25-30 SUNS
Birth dasa balance was Mars 4y 9m I6d. As soon as he was born he was brought up by an orphanage. However due to his fortunes, in December 1969. in his 5th year, in Mars dasa. Moon bhukti, he was picked up from the orphan home by a rich, childless couple and formally adopted. Thus he became a single inheritor of the large property held by this couple.
The 8th lord is powerfully placed in own house in powerful aspect to the Sun from Leo. The ascendant lord exalted in the 11th got him out of the orphanage and placed him in a rich man's home as Jupiter also aspects the 8th lord. The aspect of Jupiter is that of the 9th lord, lord of Bhagyasthana (fortunes). Example 5: Twentyfour years of litigation is a long litigation to assert one's inheritance rights. This native born on 6/7th March 1932, at 0340 hrs in Delhi has the following horoscope :
Dasa balance at birth was of Rahu 1 y 7m 29d. The native is the son of his father's second wife. Father has phenomena! properties even in terms of those days. The native's stepbrothers and cousins contrived a plot against him and mortgaged his share of properly to a foreign bank in 50's. The MERC VEN > ! native launched a litigation to l.(>0 RAHU 4 contest the mortgage of his 1 SUN share without his consent. This MOON JUKR) was in Saturn dasa, Ketu bhukti lt«> 21-M in 1955. A long drawn battle for MAR I5.4< M«r. 6/7,1932 24 years was ahead for the naSAT tive. While his Mercury dasa (-IS was in progress, in the year t979, his share of property was KETU * ASC 25 <; freed from the mortgage and his part was fully released to him by the court as well as the bank. An exalted planet, who is also the lagna lord, Is in the 8th showing inheritance. But as he is the 4th lord as well, the Inheritance has been subjected to a litigation. His retrogrresslon caused more and more delay. Dasa lord, Mercury, being In strong aspect of Jupiter from the 8th house ensured successful acquisition of his share of properties. The reader can use the hints given here, on Inheritance and related litigation and can gain a fair idea on the subject, it is hoped.
Chapter 6 Kala Chakra Dasa - Its basics After the series on Kaia Chakra dasa started appearing in The Time Of Astrology for the first lime, numerous readers' Interest in KCD got aroused. There are continuous requests for a detailed article enlightening on the fundamentals of calculations of this simple, otherwise complicated Dasa. By complicated Dasa, I only mean that the Dasa got misunderstood at some point about its calculations and the like. Else the scheme was originally devoid of any confusion. Mr. Dewan Chand Kapoor's Hindi version provides the right Parasari path while books or portions In English being unintelligible as they are, do not really serve any purpose. There are books in Tamil also but Information there were not pieced together so uniquely as to depend on by the student of astrology. Originally this Dasa was elaborated by Lord Siva to His Consort as we gather form Parasara. This particular portion was to be included In the second volume of Bhhat Parasara Hora Sasthra of my English translation. Though I had had completed the English translation of this portion in 1984 itself, the remaining work was not carried on further by me for some other reasons. There are more than half-a-dozen versions of BPH, both in Hindi and other languages, with or without original slokas. Some are even partial. I on my part rely on the slokas of late Seetharam Jha. There is another version of Dev Chand Jha which Is equally reliable, but for minor variations in concept although both the texts originally are reconstructed. Late C.G.Rajan's Parasara Hora in Tamil is partial and excludes KCD. Kumara Swameeyam and Nataraja's Jatakalankaram in Tamil have only handful verses on KCD and hence do not give required insight, in full. in Telugu, I saw no specific work on KCD except in a translation of Phala Deepika. These slokas are familiar to English readers through late Sri V Subrahmanya Sastri.
Jataka Pahjatha also deals with KCD (vide Sri V.S. Sastrl's translation) but this portion is incomplete, not systematic as well. I have with me a very old version of JP published in 1920*8 by T. Swaminatha Sastri. Here again same is the case. The Tanjore Saraswathi Mahal library (patronized by Sarabhoji Maharaja) brought out a book exclusively on the subject. But it does not elaborately deal with calculations. Results are its main subject. From the above, it is clear that KCD is partial, but for Parasara. Even that partial state is further brought down by fundamental inaccuracies by some interpreters. This is my estimate of the situation prevailing today. Those who are famllar with the Hindi version of BPH will not deny that KCD is fully treated therein, sans broken links, as for calculation of the Dasa periods, their order, Jeeva-Deha, para may u (full span of life) and the like. A sense of inbuilt coherence could be found in BPH which is not the case with others. On predictive side, a discerning reader can add further rules based on his own experience once he gets a clear vision of the Dasa. After these general information, we now come to understand related calculations. KCD Is based on the Navamsa position of the Moon, that is upon the quarter of the Nakshatra occupied by'her at the time of birth. Vimsottari Dasa, as we know, depends on the Nakshatra, as a whole, holding the Moon. in dealing with KCD, we go step by step, so that even a new reader is able to understand the system easily. STEP ONE The 27 Nakshatras are divided into two categories. The first one is Savya Nakshatras. fifteen in number. The second one is Apasavya Nakshatras, twelve in ail.
How to grouplfy these: Make two columns. Write the first three nakshatras - Aswini, Bharanl and Kritika in the right hand column(Savya), and the next three Nakshatras - Rohini, Mrigasira and Arudra in left hand column (Apasavya). Then note down the next 3 Nakshatras in Savya coiumn, the next 3 in Apasavya column. Go on this way till 27 Nakshatras are written down. Then you find 15 Nakshatras in right hand coiumn under Savya group, and 12 Nakshatras in left hand column under Apasavya group. These two groups are further sub-divided In all into four groups for the number of Dasa years and Deha jeeva calculations. Each group has one Nakshatra, as its head, and whatever applies to that head Nakshatra, applies to the other constituent Nakshatras, of that particular group. For example, Aswini Hence Aswini group has ten other Nakshatras and hence Nakshatras. Thus 15 Savya groups.
heads nine other Nakshatras. Nakshatras. Bharani heads four Bharani group has a total of five Nakshatras are classified in two
The 12 Nakshatras of Apasavya group are classified thus. Rohini has three more Nakshatras and hence Rohini group has a total of four Nakshatras. The last group, headed by Mrigasira has a total of eight Nakshatras Including Mrigasira. in the Savya group, take the first 3 Nakshatras, and the first Nakshatra belongs to Aswini group, the 2nd belongs to Bharani group, the 3rd again to Aswini group, this way repeat the same principle for the rest of the four triads of Savya group. in the Apasavya group, the first belongs to Rohini group, the next two to Mrigasira group. Go on repeating this same classification for the other three triads.
Now we can see the whole thing In the "Speculum of Nakshatras - Savya and Apasavya groupffications" as shown in speculum 1 below: SPECULUM-1 SAVYA & APASAVYA GROUPIFICATIONS
Rohini(R) Mrigasira(M) Arudra(M)
Aswinf(A) Bharani(B) Kritika(A) •
Makha(R) P.Phalguni(M) U.Phalgunl(M)
Punarvasu (A) Pushyami(B) Aslesha(A)
Visakha(R) Anuradha(M) Jyeshta(M)
Hastha(A) Chitta(B) Swathi(A)
Sravana(R) Ohanishta(M) Sathabhisha(M)
Moola(A) Poorvashadha(B) Uttarshadha(A) Poorvabhadra(A} Uttarabhadra(B) Revathi(A)
12 Nakshatras
15 Nakshatras
in the above table ( Speculuml ), we find, in brackets, opposite the Nakshatras. 'A', 'B', "R* and 'M* denoting the group they belong to.
Following clarifies further: A' is Aswinl group having ten Nakshatras. B' is Bharani group having five Nakshatras. 'FV is Rohini group having four Nakshatras. 'M' is Mrigasira group having eight Nakshatras. Thus 27 Nakshatras are made into a total of four groups. STEP TWO: KCD assumes Paramayu (or full ilfe span) based on the Moon's Navamsa position, which is dependent upon the quarter of Nakshatra she occupies at birth. if in Aries Navamsa, she gives 100 years, In Taums Navamsa 85 years, in Gemini Navamsa 83 years; and in Cancer Navamsa 86 years. What applies to Aries Navamsa applices to Leo and Sagittarius. Similarly Virgo and Capricron each get 85 years like Taurus. Like Gemini, the other two, viz. Libra and Aquarius each gives Paramayu of 83 years. Lastly Scorpio as well as Pisces contribute on their parts 86 years. This way of Paramayu is for Savya Nakshatra Navamsas of the Moon. Needless to say Paramayu for a given horoscope is only computed from one source • Moon's Navamsa, whether it is Savya or Apasavya Nakshatra. The contributions of Paramayu for Apasavya Nakshatras are reversed based on natai Moon's Navamsa positions, thus: 86 years for each Amsa of Aries traid, 83 years for each Amsa of Taums traid, 85 years for each Amsa of Gemini traid and 100 years for each Amsa of Cancer traid. For an easy grasp, see the following two charts for the number of full years (Paramayu) for the Moon in 12 Navamsas - in Savya and Apasavya separately, in speculum 2(A) and 2(B).
66 Piscei
100 Arlci
100 Scot
STEP THREE: The Paramayu as denoted in step two is distributed as nine Rasl Dasas, as being explained bere below: The Dasas in KCD scheme are known by the joint name of a Rasi and its lord. For example Mesha-Kuja, VrishabhaSukra. Mithuna-Budha etc. Thus there are twelve different Dasas for the seven planets from the Sun to Saturn. There are no dasas for Rahu and Ketu as they own no Rasl for KCD scheme. The years allotted to a planet apply to Its Rasl or Rasis. From the Sun to Saturn the Dasa years In order are: 5,21,7,9,10,16 and 4. The years of KCD allotted to the seven planets have a direct relation to the number of rays allotted to Sun to Saturn by Upendracharya in Jinendramala (Tamil, 1938 edition). Rahu too has 4 rays while Ketu has none. Both do not figure in KCD. Anyway in analysing Kumbha Dasa, Rahu's role meseems needs to be considered specially apart from that of Saturn. The rays (Kiranas) given by Kalyana Varma In his Saravali ate anyway different from Upendracharya's exposi-
tion. Coupled with Rasis, these years are shown in speculum 3 given below; SPECULUM 3 - DASA YEARS 1. Aries 2. Taurus 3. Gemini 4. Cancer 5. Leo 6. Virgo 7. Libra 8. Scorpio 9. Sagittarius 10. Capricorn 11. Aquarius 12. Pisces
Mars Venus Mercury Moon Sun Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Saturn Jupiter
7 years 16 years 9 years 21 years 5 years 9 years 16 years 7 years 10 years 4 years 4 years 10 years
From speculum 3 we should understand that whenever any Rasi's dasa is mentioned, the years allotted to its lord make for the Dasa duration of the Rasl. For example, Mesha dasa is 7 years, Vrishabha Dasa is 16 years, so on and so forth. The planet's name is conjoined as a tradition uniformly. Dasa years for a Rasi are the same for Savya and Apasavya schemes. The Paramayu shown in speculum 2 (A) for Savya and speculum 2 (B) for Apasavya as the case may be should be distributed among a specific set of nine Rasis. Needless to mention if we add up the nine Rasi dasa years, we should get the Paramayu figure indicated for the concerned Navamsa of the Moon at birth. Each Nakshatra has four Navamsas. We have four sets of Nakshatras put together in Savya and Apasavya, as shown In speculum 1 supra. Hence we get sixteen Navamsa variations, as explained below : 1. Whatever applies to Aswini 1st quarter applies to the 1 st quarters of the other nine Nakshatras of Aswini group. The
second quarters of nine other Nakshatras of Aswlni group be treated like Aswini 2nd quarter. The 3rd and 4th quarters of Aswlni group Nakshatras get the same treatment as the 3rd and 4th quarters of Aswini Nakshatra in order. 2. The four quarters of the other four Nakshatras of Bharani group get the same treatment as the four quarters of Bharani get. 3. The 4 quarters of the other three Nakshatras of Rohini group are treated in the same fashion as the concerned four quarters of Rohini. 4. Lastly Mrigasira has seven other Nakshatras in its group. Here again what applies to the four padas of Mrigasira applies to the respective four Padas of other 7 Nakshatras of the group. For example, Aswini 1st quarter gets 100 years of Paramayu. The order of Dasa years are: Aries. Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo. Virgo. Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius. The years of each sign are to be taken from speculum 3. Hence they are in order :7 + 16 + 9 + 21 + 5 + 9 + 16 + 7 + 10 = 100 years. For Aswini 2nd quarter, the Paramayu of 85 years are distributed among nine signs thus : Capricorn (4 yrs), Aquarius (4 yrs), Pisces (10 yrs),. Scorpio (7 yrs), Libra (16 yrs), Virgo (9 yrs), Cancer (21 yrs), Leo (5 yrs) and Gemini (9 yrs). Total - 85 years. For Aswini 3rd quarter, the Paramayu Is 83 years. The order of Rasis and years are distributed thus : Taurus (16 yrs), Aries (7 yrs), Pisces (10 yrs), Aquarius (4 yrs), Capricorn (4 yrs), Sagittarius (10 yrs), Aries (7 yrs), Taurus (16 yrs) and Gemini (9 yrs) = Total 63 years. The last example is for Aswini 4th quarter, the Paramayu of which is 86 years - scattered among 9 Rasis as under; Cancer (21 yrs), Leo (5 yrs), Virgo (9 yrs). Libra (16 yrs), Scorpio (7 yrs), Sagittarius (10 yrs), Capricorn (4 yrs), Aquarius (4 yrs), and Pisces (10 yrs) = Total of 86 years.
The tour different classifications distributing the dasa years etc. with the help of sixteen Navamsa groups are shown in speculum 4A to 4D separately. Deha (Body) AJeeva (Life) Basis: The first Dasa Rasi is Deha, and the ninth Dasa Rasi is Jeeva for Savya Nakshatras. And the reverse Is applicable to SPECULUM - 4A Savya Nakshatras • (Aswini Group) (Aswini, Krittika, Punsrvasu, AtlMht, Hasths, Swathl, Moola, Uttarahadha, Poorvabhadra and Revathi = 10 Nakshatras) Padas Ordar of Dasa Rasis with-No. of yrs shown below rasis 1st 2nd 3rd 41h
1 7
2 3 16 9
4 21
5 9
6 9
7 8 16 7
9 10
- 100
4 21
3 9
- is
2 3 16 9
- 63
10 11 4 4
12 6 10 7
7 6 16 9
2 1 16 r
12 11 10 4
1 10 9 4 10 7
4 21
6 0
5 5
7 8 16 7
Para- Otha -Jaava mayu yaws
5 9
9 10 11 10 4 4
12 10
- 88
SPECULUM ■ 4B Savya Nakshatras - (Bharani Group) (Bharani, Pushyami, Chitta, Poorvashada ana Uttarbhadrapada = 5 Nakshatras) Paoas Order ot Dasa Rasis with No. of yrs shown below rasis
Para- Oeha mayu years
7 16
€ 9
4 21
5 5
3 9
2 16
1 7
12 10
= 100
11 4
10 4
9 10
1 7
2 16
3 9
4 21
5 5
6 9
= 85
7 16
6 7
9 10
10 4
11 4
12 10
8 7
7 16
6 9
4 21
5 5
3 9
2 16
1 7
12 10
11 4
10 4
9 10
8 7
= 86
SPECULUM - 4C Apasavya Nakshatras - (Rohini Group) (Rohini, Makha, Visakha and Srvana = 4 Nakshatras) Padas Order of Dasa Rasis with No. of yrs shown below rasis
Para- Jeeva Oaha mayu years
10 4
11 4
12 10
1 7
2 16
3 9
5 5
4 21
6' 9
7 18
8 7
12 10
11 4
10 4
9 10
8 7
7 16
= 83
6 9
S 5
4 21
3 9
2 16
1 7
9 10
10 4
11 4
- 85
12 10
1 7
2 16
3 9
5 5
4 21
6 9
7 16
8 7
3rd 4tfi
9 10
o o
SPECULUM 4D Apasavya Nakshatras - (Mrigasira Group; (Mrigasira, Arudra, Poorva & Uttara Phalgunis, Anuradha, Jyeshta, Dhanishta, and Sathabhisha = 8 Nakshatras) Paaas Order of Dasa Rasis with No. of yrs shown below rasis
Para- Jesva Deha mayu years
12 10
11 4
10 4
9 8 10 7
7 16
6 9
5 5
4 21
3 g
2 16
1 7
9 10
10 4
11 4
12 10
1 7
2 16
3 9
5 5
4 21
6 9
7 16
8 7
12 10
11 4
10 4
= 85
9 10
8 7
7 16
6 9
5 5
4 21
3 9
2 16
1 7
= 100
= 86
Apasavya Nakshatras, that is, the first Dasa Rasi is Jeeva while the ninth Dasa Rasi is Deha. Hence these Dasas are known specially as Deha Rasi Dasa and Jeeva Rasi Dasa, having a certain significance in predicting the various events in such dasas. In each case, Dehadhipathi is the lord of Deha Rasi Dasa and Jeevadhipathi is the lord of the Jeeva Rasi Dasa. The Sun does not become lord of either Deha or Jeeva, in Savya/Apasvya Chakras. Only Jupiter and Mercury can rule Jeeva whether it is Savya or Apasavya. Out of a total of sixteen Jeeva lordships, each of them gets eight such lordships. But they do not rule Deha anywhere. The Deha lordships are shared by Mars, Venus, Moon and Saturn in Savya/Apasavya Chakras. Deha and Jeeva apply only to major periods but not to their sub-divisions like bhukti and Anthara.
SYSTEMATIC SPREAD OF THE DASA ORDERS The four tables (Speculum 4A to 4D) are not just a whymsicai imagination. There is a great systematic concept behind this, as a shrewd reader can understand. The sequence and quantum of Dasa years for the 4 padas of each of the two groups in Savya and Apasavya are similar. For example, first quarter of Aswini group in Savya has years thus : 7,16,9,21,5,9,16,7 and 10. Same is the case with the first quarter of another group in Savya scheme, viz. for Bharani group. The difference is alternative Rasi ruled by the same planet. That is. if in the first group 7 years of Aries-Mars rule in the brginnlng, it is the same 7 years in the second group as first dasa, but the Rasi is Scorpio - another sign of Mars. As for Cancer and Leo, these are given the same place in both the groups. Same treatment for Dasa years and Rasi rulorshlp is given in Apasavya. Another beauty is Aswini group is matched for Rasi Dasa sequence in the reverse order with its counterpart Mrigasira group (having maximum Nakshatras in Apasavya) while Bharani group in the reverse order matches for Rasi Dasa sequence with Rohini group (less Nakshatras in Apasavya) for the respective Paramayu spans. These arrangements show that the sages who taught their disciples took utmost care to see that whims and fancies did not have any place in reading the behaviour of stars. Such a discipline Is possible only without ego. G ATM IS (SPECIAL JUMPS) Although there are as many as seven Gathis described in certain texts, Parasara deals with three jumps viz. Mandooka Gathi (Frog Jump), Markata Gathi (Monkey jump) and Simhavalokana (Lion's stare). When the Dasa jumps from one Rasi to another skipping the intermediary Rasi, it is Mandooka Gathi. When the Dasa jumps to the backward Rasi, changing its progressive course, it is Markata Gathi. Skipping into trinal Rasi is Simhavalokana.
Examples: From Virgo to Cancer, skipping Leo, or from Leo to Gemini skipping Cancer is Mandooka Gathi. When the jump is from Leo to Cancer (backwards) it is Markata Gathi. The jump between Pisces/Scorpio and Sagittarius/Aries is Simhavaiokana. These jumps have special effects for Savya and Apasavya chakras, and throw open potential changes ahead In one's life for good or bad. Gathls apply to bhuktis also, not just to Dasas alone. Such jumps could be understood from speculum 4A, 4B, 4C, and 4D supra. Punaragamana Gathi: Although this Gathi is not found in some versions of BPH, this Is a Gathi that should not be ignored. This Gathi occurs when a Rasi dasa appears for the second time In the same cycle. I.e. within the span of one cycle of Paramayu. This Gathi occurs to the Rasi dasas ruled by Venus and Mars only. In Savya Chakra, Aries Dasa and Taurus dasa repeat for the the 3rd quarter of Aswinl group.and Scorpio Dasa and Libra Dasa repeat for the 3rd quarter of Bharani group. In the Apasavya Chakra, Rohlnl group 2nd quarter gets Scorpio and Libra Dasas in repetition while Mrigasira group 2nd quarter gets repetition of Aries and Taurus dasas. The repeated dasas by Punaragamana Gathi will give comptetty different results as against the previous similar dasa of the same cycle because of age gap. The reader will do well to give special attention to Punaragamana Gathis. Punaragamana means 'to come again'. From the tables (Speculum 4A to 4D), the reader will note that Saturn's Rasis are involved In none of the four Gathis mentioned above. There are other rarely known Gathis like Sarpa (Snake) Gathi and Kukkuta (cock) Gathi with which we are however not dealing here. The names of gathis were appropriately chosen by the sages and are highly suggestive. 75
STEP FOUR This involves drawing Dasa balance at birth based on Moon's Navamsa. As alrerady stated, one Navamsa (or 3° 20' of arc, i.e. 200' of arc) of the Moon gives Paramayu years to be selected from speculum 2A, or 2B as applicable. Out of these 200' arc. the portion traversed by the Moon denotes elapsed portion of Paramayu, while the balance of longitude left to be covered by the Moon in the concerned Navamsa is the part of Paramayu to elapse at the time of birth. Now let us have a formula to easily understand the same as under: P multiplied by N 200 In the above, P = Paramayu years, while "N" is the arc in minutes to be covered by the Moon in the Navamsa concerned. An important point to be remembered is: the seconds in Moon's longitude also should be used and not ignored. Take an example case of a person bom on 28th August 1957at2242 hrs 1ST in Hissar, Haryana, 29N 10 75 E45.'Using Lahiri Ayanamsa (23° 16' 09") we get the Moon's position in Virgo 27° 23" 57" in Chitta Nakshatra second pada. Navamsa is Virgo. Nakshatra Savya, Bharani Group, Paramayu 85 years. The Dasas Rasis in order are : Aqu, Cap, Sag, Arl, Tau, Gem, Cancer, Leo and Virgo. Deha is Aquarius while Jeeva is Virgo. Balance of years to elapse from the birth are found thus. Chitta" Nakshatra ii quarter commences from 26° 40' of Virgo s and ends at 30°. In the example, the Moon has covered 43' 57° out of 3° 20" (i.e 27° 23' 57" mlnius 26° 40'). Hence the arc to be covered Is: 3° 20*-0° 43'57" = 2° 36' 03". 1(3° 20' = 85 years, then 2° 36' 03" = 66y 3m 25d. This means 6y 3m 25d of Aries-Mars Dasa is left at birth to be followed thereafter by 16 yrs of Taurus, 9 yrs of Gemini,21 years of Cancer, 5yrs of Leo and 9 years of Virgo. As soon as the Dasa of Virgo ends the first Dasa Aquarius will commence and the second cycle of
Paramayu will repeat, just as Vimsottan operates tor one with life span of over 120 years. For an easy grasp, see the following: 6y
•Aries balance out of 7 years Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo
i6y 9y 2iy 5y 9y 66y
Then as per speculum concerned, repeat the Dasas from the first Rasi Dasa, i.e. Aquarius, Capricorn etc. Paramayu in KCD balance should not be literally treated as actual life span of the native. For each Rasi, there are nine bhuktis and the same order of Vimsottari Dasa should be adopted. To give an example, let us say we want the order of the nine bhuktis in Capricorn Dasa, for Chitta 2nd quarter native. The order of bhuktis is: Cap, Sag, Ari, Tau, Gem, Can, Leo, Vir and Aquarius. The bhukti durations are distributed with the help of Paramayu. For example in this case, we want to know the duration of Sagittarius bhukti of Capricorn Dasa. Paramayu in the case in 85 years as we know. The formula to find out bhukti duration is: Dasa vrs of Capricorn x Data yrs of Sag 85 yrs (Paramayu) 4x10
= 171.76471 days = 172 days (rounded)
8_ 17
In drawing KCD balance at birth, there is a so-called second method which draws balance only from the first Rasi dasa. This is not correct as Moon's Navamsa deals with Paramayu (contributed by 9 Rasis) and not with one Rasi dasa. In this article full details of KCD based on Parasarl school are given and it is hoped that the reader wili have no difficulty in understanding this Dasa.
Chapter 7 Kala Chakra Dasa Some More Fundamentals - Part II
KCD Navamsa This Is calculated to know a special Navamsa at birth related only to KCD. KCD Navamsa for Moon's position In a quarter of Savya Nakshatra is the same as per her natai position in Navamsa diagram. For example, Aswini 4 quarters have their navamsas in order in Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer. Bharanl's four quarters have navamsas of Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio. The Navamsas of Sagittarius, Caprlcon, Aquarius and Pisces apply to the four quarters of Krittika. Thus the reader wili find that the fifteen Savya Nakshtras have same Navamsas for the Moon as applicable to normal Navamsa calculations we do for the Moon, or any planet. Then, the Apasavya Nakshatras. The KCD Navamsa here has no bearing with the Moon's natal Navamsa. These KCD Navamsa are distributed from Scorpio, Libra, Virgo, Leo, Cancer, Gemini, etc. upto Sagittarius, i.e. 12 Navamsas in the reverse order. The following speculum will clarify the whole thing: Speculum of Navamsas for Apasavya Nakshatras Navamsa Scorpio Libra Virgo Lao
Apasavya Nakshatras quartera 1st quarttr Rohini, M«kh», Visakha, Sravana 2nd quarter -do-do3rd quarter 4th quarter -do-
1st quarter
Gemini Taurus Arias
2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter
Mrigasira, P.Phaigunl, Anuradht, Ohaniahta -do-ds-do-
Pisces Aquarius Capricon Sagittarius
■ Arudra, U Phalguni. Jyeshta. Satabhisha -co-do-do-
1st quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4ih quarter
The KCD Navamsa indicated by the Moon bein in a certain quarter of either Savya or Apasavya Nakshatra throws up some clues about one's life in KCD analysis. The effects tersely attributed by sage Parasara for births in the 12 KCD Navamsas (as obtained above) are; Aries
thieving, bravery
royai honour
The use of Navamsas is just not restricted to above one point hints. Without knowing the Navamsas. Maha dasa results are notto be predicted. Same Rasi dasa gives different results principally depending on KCD navamsa, some hints on which are being given in the latter paras of this artle. The second issue, and the most important, is how to proceed with Dasa order when the first cycle is over. This is very simple but for some misplaced views Even some learned commentators of recent years suggest use of the Dasas applicable to the next quarter of Nak-
stiatra, wfien the first cycle is over. For example, one is born in Rohini 2nd quarter. The Paramayu is 85 years, and the native has at birth a balance of say I2y3m. Then the say the scheme applicable to Rohini 3rd quarter (Paramayu 83 years) should form the 2nd cycle. Flere lies the greatest blunder of KCD and the whole concept is thrown off the rails. A Clue from Vimsottari Whatever Dasa system we follow, KCD, Vimsottari, Drig Dasa, Mandooka Dasa, be it any, we have two parts: (a)
Expired portion of the whole Dasa not ruling at the time of birth.
Unexpired portion, or the balance of Dasa, with reference to the whole Dasa, to take charge of the native from the very split moment of birth.
A universal logic is: unexpired portion of Dasa is followed by the expired portion of Dasa. The entire Dasa is like a circle on which the journey commences, without a reverse gear or over- lapping or crossing over to an entirely different circle. I will explain this with an example of vimsottari, which is easily understood well by all of us. Say one is born in Revathi Nakshatra with a balance of Mercury dasa, 6y 3m 10 days out of the total of 17 years. The expired portion is: lOy 7m 20 days. Upto the end of Saturn Dasa, the span is 120 years minus 10y8m 20d = 109y 3m lOd. When the native enters his 110th year, after completion of his Saturn Dasa, we don't switch over to Ketu Dasa, without using the expired portion of Mercury Dasa (lOy7m 20 days) and unexpired Mercury Dasa (6y 3m lOd) both at the time of birth, i.e. 17 years, in other words, for one born In Revathi Nakshatra, after the expiry of the unexpired Vimsottari cycle, we do not shift to Ketu Dasa denoted by Aswini, the Nakshatra next to Revathi (Mercury Dasa) We follow, as we should do, the same method for any of the numerous Dasas. Then why a misconception about KCD occurred is not understood.
Sub-pcrlodizatlon Take the KCD order for example for Rohini 1st quarter. The Maha Dasa order is ruled by Rasis, 9, 10, 11, 12, 1, 2, 3, 5 and 4. In this we want the nine sub periods for Pisces Maha Dasa (Rasi No. 12). The order Is 12. 1,2. 3, 5. 4. 9, 10 and 11. That is as soon as Cancer sub period is over, Sagittarius subperiod starts as though it Is a perfect circle. As already stated, Gathis or Jumps do apply to sub periods etc. but in this case from Cancer to Sagittarius is not designated as any specific Gathi. This kind of remaining within the same cycle for the Oasas in KCD should be maintained throughout. There are many more reasons to remain within the same cycle of KCD (denoted by the natal Moon's Nakshatra quarter) without switching over to wholly unrelated cycle caused by the next quarter of Nakshatra. These are: Savya-Apasavya Interchange Say one is bom in Aslesha 4th quarter which belongs to Savya group. The next quarter to Aslesha 4 is Makha 1. The latter belongs to Apasavya in which case, Deha/Jeeva Paramayu etc. all go in a totally different manner. Hence in this case, logic does not demand that one born in a savya group should be arbitrarily pushed to Apasavya group. Generalized- life-span A general rule in KCD is the life span will be lull, medium or brief according to the Moon at birth being in the first, second or third 1/3rd part of the Navamsa concerned. Now if one is born in the last one-third part of Navamsa of Moon, the theoretical Paramayu can complete early and a shift to next quarter automatically places him in the first one-third of next Nakshatra quarter, whereby he becomes iong-lived ail of a sudden. True, such measures do not decide life-span, but a shift is wholly antithetic to set norms.
Rasi Uasa Results Basea on KCD Navamsa !f we use KCD in deciding effects for various Dasas, without considering Moon's Navamsa (explained earlier in this article) prevailing at birth, our analysis becomes anti-thesis. For example Gemini Maha Dasa. with KCD Navamsa being Taurus, causes "fear from poison" while the same Gemini Dasa with KCD Navamsa being Gemini Itself, gives "happiness and comforts". We will face this anamoly when we shift from 2nd quarter to 3rd quarter, for example, for one born in Aswini Nakshatra. Not only here, this fallacy will invariably follow when we remember the utility of Moon's navamsa which is the product of birth in a certain quarter of Nakshatra. Nearly 32 slokas of BPH deal with importance of Dasa based exclusively on KCD Navamsa. It is not for nothing that our ancestors were so specific and meticulous. Their purpose was to give sound and healthy instructions to the posterity. Repetition of Same Dasa See Speculum 4A. 4B, 4C and 4D of previosu chapter. The order of Dasa has a healthy concept of movement. For example, as soon as Aries Dasa ends, the next Dasa Is either of Taurus - Venus, or Pisces - Jupiter or Sagittarius - Jupiter. There Is no fourth alternative. Now take one born in Arudra 4th quarter. As soon as the first cycle is over, If we shift to Punarvasu 1st quarter (Apasavya 4th to Savya Istquater), see what happens: Following Aries Dasa (last of Arudra 4th quarter) the Dasa of Aries itself repeats (Punarvasu 1st qualer). That is 14 years, 7x2 of Mars Dasa in quick succession, without interruption, instead of single 7 years of Mars Dasa to be followed by 10 years of Sagittarius - Jupiter dasa. There will be no such inconsistency when we stick to same cycle denoted by the natal Nakshatra's quarter. Such an anomolyas above further brings Deha Dasa followed by Deha Dasa instead of Jeeva Dasa for an apasavya Nakshatra.
Similarly 2 Jeeva Dasas can come in quick succession in case of shifting from Savya to Apasavya as In the case of Uttarashadha 4th quarter to Sravana tst quarter. Third Cycle of KCD It is not unusual for one to live beyond 83, the minimum Paramayu given in KCD. In some such cases, a third cycle may also be required when one is 84 or so. Then by shifting to 3rd quarter of Nakshatra counted from birth quarter, we reach only a no-man's land. As an example one is born in Visakha 1st quarter, with Cancer • Moon balance of Oy 3m 2d (out of total of 86 years). Then he comes under 2nd quarter (83 years), then to 3rd quarter. So we have three Jeeva/Deha rasis, three different Navamsas etc. ail in inconsistent with the basic foundation of KCD. Deha-Jeeva Boundaries The very purpose of allotment of Deha-Jeeva as startingend points, or vice versa, has a specific concept in it. This is mainly to restrict a person within a set of nine Rasi dasas applicable to him. Having taken birth in a certain Nakshatra quarter, one is limited to remain within that Wheel of Time or Kaala Chakra. He has no choice to jump into another Chakra. Changing a quarter from another is changing Deha (body) and Jeeva (life) - not possible for human destiny - in the same Chakra and get the same cycle of Dasas. "Second method" To be on the safe side, some recent commentators have called such an arbitrary shift to another quarter of Nakshatra, as a second method. There can be any number of methods, as in mathematics. But the solution or final answer has never been and should never be mutually different. Then it is only selfdefeating. Such erroneous alternative methods only demolish
the possible wisdom that can accrue by using superior techniques like KCD. KCD has many potentials in it, not contained even in Vimsottari. But KCD fundamentals are more cumbersome. We have to understand them in the way our original masters had conceived them. We should give KCD more and more attention as it deserves. Else it wH remain an untapped gold-mine.
Chapter 8 How do Eclipses Direct Our Life-Events? The horoscope obtained at the time of one's birth holds in itself clues to many events to materialize at various phases till the end of life's journey. For every event to fructify at a given time there ought to be some additional influence from another source like Dasa periods, transits etc. Without these coincidences, which are also predestined mainly astronomically, no event can happen. Most of these ever-occuring phenomena are astronomical, or heavenly. These can be known through ephemeris. Dasa periods are perhaps the only non-astronomical phenomenon. The astronomical phenomena I refer to are planetary movements, from sign to sign, retrogressions and directions of non- luminaries, planetary risings and settlngs.eclipses in the various signs of the Zodiac and the like. Each of the above phenomena when in particular contact with a natai point or space In the birth horoscope can trigger off an event waiting in wings. Aany event has to be within the promises of natal horoscope. In other words, there is a co-ordination between the birth chart and future changes In the zodiac. Our ancients were very merciful to the posterity in making available their precious knowledge, obtained by penance and deep, study; but nothing over attains the state of completeness at any point of time, more so when it relates to knowledge. Its horizons can be ever-expanding. As on date there is vast information given by our forofathers on transits and Dasa Bhuktis. With the changing contexts it has become necessary to explore new vistas in applied astrology. A great deal of modifications and additions have become essential in respect of many analytical aspects, walking in the foot-steps of our ancestors. However, much has not been said about certain predictive tools. There are, for example, retrogressions and eclipses.
My studies in retrogressions and directions date oack to 1973-74. In this direction, I have been able to use these phenomena quite advantageously. Perhaps more useful clues can be generated by others in times ahead. What Is left unexplored, as far as i know, is among many other things a practical and applicable approach to eclipses. Some may have already made a beginning. They must have got success. No doubt effects follow every effort. My understanding about eclipses and their effects is only In a nascent stage. By no means they can be superior; they may suffer a want of perfection. Yet I feel there is no harm if I share some of my thoughts with our esteemed readers. After all we must have some thoughts for test. With directionoriented tests giving success repeatedly over a period of time we can graduate Into able astrologers. For reasons of brevity, we are not going to give a background here on how eclipses occur, etc. Eclipses have effects in respect of a mundane horoscope. They give results in respect of natal horoscopes of Individuals as well. Eclipses visible In some parts of the globe are not visible In some other parts. Whether visible or invisible they affect the horoscopic positions. There is however a school of thought that an eclipse that is not visible Is not effective. A heavenly phenomenon is a phenomenon that can carry its potence whether one observes it or not. An invisible sun in the skies Is not non- existent. Meridian degree in a horoscope cannot be seen. But that degree is effective in given respects. . .We do not come across much information on effects of eclipses. There is anyway a general statement about these being harmful when they occur on the birth star. The Immediate preceding and succeeding asterisms are also similarly affected, they say. An eclipse occurring in an upachaya sign counted from the Moon Is auspicious while In other places it is inauspicious, according to one Sanskrit text. (But my view is different as we will see in the following lines.) The above set of two versions are really not of much help to us and we have to depend on our own studies.
After a study of effects of eclipses on individual horoscopes, I have formulated some general but specific rules as given below: 1.
An eclipse gives auspicious results if it falls in the 1st, 4th, 5th,7th. 9th or 10th houses.
It wilt be more effective if it fells on the degrees of ascendant, 4th. 7th or 10th.
it is adverse to have an eclipse in one of the houses, namely 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 8th, 11th and 12th houses. The 11th is equally inauspicious like evil houses or Trika sthanas for all practical purposes. Seldom it wotfcs as a house of gains.
If a planet-occupied house (at birth) is involved in an eclipse, orbs need not be considered as we do in rule 2 above. Let the natal planet be anywhere in that sign with reference to the eclipse degree. Results small or big will be felt.
Instead of looking to the planet being a natural benefic or otherwise, its lordship of a house plays a vital role. Lords of 1,4,5,7,9 and 10 are good while the others.the lords of 2,3,6,8,11 and 12 are not good In terms of eclipse results.
However, an eclplse falling on the sign occupied at birth by the nodes (Rahu/Ketu), or Saturn or Mars generally gives very adverse effects. An eclipse involving natal Ketu can create a health crisis.
if an eclipsed sign has more than one planet at birth, special attention should be given to deduce effects, which will be generally numerous.
An eclipse may have some reference to the lord of sub period or sub-sub period as per Vimsotlari. Such an eclipse will have special role to accentuate the results due. But the sub period lord's involvement Is enough.
An eclipse occurring in a Cham Rasl (movable sign) gives effects soon.
An eclipse occurring in a Sthira Rasi (fixed sign) may wait to give effects for a couple of fortnights; in some cases 2/3 months.
An eclipse occurring in a Dwiswabhava Rasi (double bodied sign) may remain valid in effect till even the next six months.
In case of analysing the actual dates of effect, the later entry or entries of the Moon either In the eclipsed sign or in a relevant Bhava will be quite decisive. The entry of the Moon in specified space should never be underestimated.
An eclipse occurring on a retrograde planet in the natal horoscope needs a different approach. In such a case, the results due to the opposite house or houses owned by the said retrograde planet will materialise. For example. let Saturn be retrograde. The results due to bhava identical with Cancer (7th from Capricorn) and Leo (7th from Aquarius) will be revealed. Say for a Taurus Lagna, Saturn is in the 11th. He owns 9th and 10th. Opposite of these houses are 3rd and 4th. So when an eclipse occurs in Pisces (sign having Saturn), the native's 3rd and 4th houses will be affected.
If the retrograde planet as mentioned in rule 13 is exalted. the results due to the bhava identical with its debilitation sign will fructify. In the above Taurus case. Saturn (R) in Libra will give effects-of the 12th house (Aries-debilitation) In the context of an eclipse in Libra.
if a planet in retrogression Is debilitated and is involved in an eclipse, the bhava identical with the same debilitation sign will materialize. For example. Saturn in retrogression in 12th in Aries for a Taurus native, in the context of an eclipse will affect the 12th house effects.
if a retrograde planet is in its own house, then the involvement of eclipse by the said planet gives different results - results due to that very occupied house. Example: Saturn retrograde in Capricorn/Aquarius in case of a Taurus native, if involved In eclipse then the eclipse results pertain to 9th/l0th.
Rules 13,14,15 and 16 above can also be used advantageously in respect of transit by major planets in those houses, having retrograde planets. 17,
An eclipse may not be relavant in effects, if on the same day a planet retrogrades, or directs, or rises in the east or west. Here the day means week-day as per Hindu reckoning. Then the latter mentioned phenomenon will come into effect.
if the birth horoscope has a planet in Kendra to an eclipsed point, results will be specific and more pronounced. For example, natal horoscope has Venus in Gemini where an eclipse occurs, if at birth Virgo, Sagittarius and or Pisces is or are occupied by pianet(s), then the results due to Venusian involvement in eclipse will be felt in a pronounced way. Such results Will have long-term effects.
Eclipse occurring on diurnal point is more significant than the ones occurring on natal zodical positions. If the diurnal point is of a malefic, results will only be adverse. We have dealt with diurnal degrees In some earlier issues. For ready reference, here is a sample. When the Ascendant is Capricorn 10°, say Mars is in Libra 22°. Then the ascendant minus Mars is diurnal point of Mars. Here 280° minus 202° equal 78°, i.e. Gemini 18 which is diurnal degree of Mars. An eclipse occurring in Gemini In this case will be destructive.
Like the nine planets, Gulika is no less important. An eclipse occurring on Gulika will give significant results. Good or bad depends on house position of Gulika. Such details could be found in the chapter dealing with Gulika, Supra. I would urge the readers not to ignore Gulika's involvement in eclipses.
Also give special attention to the next immediate transits of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn into that sign where an eclipse has just occurred. In some cases the entry of Mercury/Venus also played a role.
Eclipse are more effective It viewed from the ascendant than from the Moon sign. However, counting from dasa lord or sub period lord will give specific clues.
In spite of giving so much attention to the study of eclipses, in some cases eclipses may go entirely ineffective. This is just a frank addmisslon by me but that should not detract the reader from using eclipses as a predictive tool. Why eclipses behave so in some cases Is a matter to be probed by us collectively.
The occurrence of an eclipse should in each case be Kept in mind and read with other horoscopic developments. Hence the reader is once again cautioned that every event should not be seen merely in the light of an eclipse. Given below are some actual case-studies in this connection where eclipses had .a joint role to play, in the various events that occurred, along with other horoscopic influences. Case-1: A British M.P. Bom on 26.11.1956 at 0750 hrs ZST in Aden. Republic of Yemen. Lat 12°N 45"; Long 450N 4". Venus dasa balance 1 y 7m 15d. From 24.6.1989. he Is In Mercury bhukti of Rahu dasa, generally known for many adversities posing a hard blockade to progress. The horoscope is as under; MARS KETU Born in Yemen, he Is now $-45 !-5< settled in the U.K. He became an MR in the House of Commons on June 11, 1987. Nov. 26,19S6
SUN 10-40 MER IS-O VEN SAT 11-55 7.32 RAH S-4S
MOON 2i-35
On 19.2.1990 he all of a sudden ran Into unexpected difficulties respecting his political career.
JUP 4-43
Some major busy centres were soon going to be rocked by a series of massive bomb explosions on that day, the Feb 19th, telephoned someone to the M.P. in a hasty condition of
fix, the MR, without verifying the truth of the statement, televised a city-wide caution on the TV network. At last, it turned out to be a hoax after of course causing a great concern to the citizens. The matter became so serious that the British Parliament continued to grill the MR. The formal enquiry launched against him posed a serious threat to his career. On 27.12.1989, his Ketu Pratyantara in Mercury subperiod ended. Venus Pratyantara rules at the time of the event and ends on 30.5.1990. On the 9th February 1990, a lunar eclipse occurred in Cancer, the 8th house from his Sagittarius ascendant. The sub lord Mercury was closely Involved In the eclipse. The Pratyantara lord Venus was in the 30th degree of Sagittarius. Mercury's adverse Involvement caused troubles through hoax. The native's very prestige was at stake. In a country like the U.K. one can hardly escape the harsh aftermath of such lapses. The sub period of Mercury in the Dasa of Rahu can in most cases bring a serious crisis in one's life. Case 2: Devi Lai The forfner Dy.Prlme Minister of India, Devi Lai, was born on Sep. 14,1914 around 6 P.M. in a village called Chautala, now in Haryana. This Aquarius ascendant horoscope will serve our present purpose but cannot be used for a serious predictive probe, unless correctly recast.
ASC1« rahu i; jur :i
Rahu Dasa was to expire after 1 y 9m 18d from the date of birth.
Jupiter placed in the 12th In debilitation should not misguide an astrologer of Its potence to give a Rajayoga. Jupiter is in exaltation Navamsa.
14.1914 *
VEN 15
Jupiter in fall in the 8th from the Moon, or from the ascendant, can give huge wealth to a native who has basically
strength ot the horoscope trom other points ot view, I Know ot a jeweller who has Jupiter in the 8th house from Gemini Lagna. He has so much wealth in terms of gold equalling the weight of bircks used in a normal tiny house construction! But I do not suggest that one with such Jupiter will have such wealth. What I want to drive home is that such Jupiter Is not a deterrent for wealth. This view on Jupiter is independent of the present horoscope. Mr. Devi Lai became Haryana C.M. in March 1987 after a long interval. Then he was in Jupiter's sub-period in the Dasa of Venus. The prayantara was also of Venus. Venus is placed In Libra in the 9th house. At the time of the event, Saturn was journeying in the 10th house in Scorpio, which is also the 6th from natal Moon. Transit Saturn at 27° Scorpio exactly aspected the natal Sun (Leo 28°). The sub-lord Jupiter by his 9th aspect transferred the influence of the whole scenario from Pisces to Scorpio, having Saturn in movement in the 10th house. The result: the native occupied a seat of high power. See the recent events with the lunar eclipse (9.2.1990) in Cancer, which trapped him in a controversy. The eclipse fell in an angle to his diurnal Jupiter (Aries 28 ) and opposite his natal Jupiter. Two well-known episodes in quick succession front-paged him in the media again and again for days together. Such is the might of an eclipse falling in the 6th house involving a major planet. The 6th is the hub of wheel of controversies of some consequences. Case - 3; A famous politician Without revealing the identity and birth data, I furnish below the natal horoscoope of a senior politician of the country. He is running Jupiter dasa, Jupiter bhukti, Sun pratyantara from 16.1.1990 to 24.2.1990. The Feb. 9, 1990 eclipse fell very close to his natal Jupiter placed in the 8th house. Jupiter has himself two lordships in the dasa scheme. The Sun, pratyantara lord, is automatically a part and parcel of the eclipse. On 17th
rahu i JUP 25.2P Case i
ASC ft MOOS sat :4i<>
| VE N ' IMO
SUN 2«.$S MER 28-5? KET 12-52
February, the native was attacked by anti-national elements. In the process he escaped unhurt, even without a bruise, but lost two of his escorts to the arms of death, whiie his wife was badly affected by bullets. Those who run the pratyantara of the Sun, or of the Moon, or of Rahu, or of Ketu will have an eventful of dangerous phase if such pratyantara is in effective operation at the time of an eclipse.
The reader can test another clue with this horoscope. Testing such a principle. I found success many times. It is this: Let us say. a planet called 'P' is transitting on the natal degree or space of a planet caiied 'M'. Instead of 'P' revealing his own Gochara results, the transit results of 'M' will materialise in full swing. Say natal Saturn is being transitted by Ketu. At the same time. Saturn must be in some sign in transit. The results of Safurn-transitted bhava wiil come to forefront, through Ketu. Ketu may not have relation with the bhava in which Saturn is moving simultaneously. Case - 4: Biju Pattanayak Born on 5th March 1916 at 10 AM in Cuttack, now in Orissa, he has the following horoscope: He was once Congress Chief Minister, then Janata Minister at the Centre, and now Janata Dai's Chief Minister, He is a non-figure of Orissa politics In particular. Having at birth a balance of Saturn dasa for I7y 5m 28d, he is running Mercury bhukti In the dasa of the Moon from 3.7.1989, upon December 3, 1990. The very commencement of Mercury bhukti reactiviated his political career under the wings of JD leadership. He played a key role in LS elections. He steered throught the recent Assembly elections on his individual strength, getting a brute majority of 126/143 Com-
parable to that of SlkKim s Nar Bahadur Bhandari. The elections were held on 27.2.1990.
RAHU 13-27
The February 90 eclipse occurred in Cancer influencing his natal Mars, natal Mercury and natai nodes. The aspect of natal Mars on to the natai Sun in the 10th house, could pass on the whole influence of the eclipse, by his being at birth in Cancer, the present eclipse sign.
VEN tl-Jt ASC t-SS SAT(R) 14-53 ! i MARS(R) 19-17 SUN JM: KETU 13-27 MERC Mar. 5,1916
On January 15, 1991 there will be again an eclipse in Capricorn • Cancer region. Then the native wili be in Ketu subperiod of Moon Dasa (Dec 90 to July 91). The adverse results of such Ketu bhukti wiil be inescapable. The reader can draw his own conclusions as Ketu, the bhukti lord ruling upto July 1991 is aspected by the 8th lord at birth. Case - 5: R.K. Dhawan The horoscope of Mr Dhawan is given below:
From 4.1.1989, Mr. Dhawan commenced his Mercury Dasa, Mercury bhukti. In this phase, the Pratyantara of ASC 21 SUN 0-3! Moon rules from 5.1.1990 to MERC 10- 22.3.1990. The eclipse of Case 5 February 1990 fell on his ascendant degree from where the 10th lord Mars is in exact Kendra in Libra, along with pratyantara lord, Moon. His JUP(R) RAHU 19 MOON 7 29 MARS 29 third-time- eclipsed career picked up from the blues and he was nominated to Rajya Sabha on an AP ticket. Thus the eclipse influences were passed on to his 10th house by a Kendra Mars. SAT 12
VEN 19 KETU 19
The pratyantara of noteworthy.
Mars, to follow thast of Moon is
Case No-6: Pamella Bordes Strange. An eclipse, eclipsing here carrer. brought her to forefront. No newspaper/magazine could resist the temptation of carrying frontpage stories concerning Bordes. Not just In the UK, but in every corner of the world. Bom on 18-4-1962 she has the under-mentioned planetary placements. Aries-Sun 5. Mercury 5, Venus 24; Cancer-Rahu 23. Virgo-Moon 16; Libra - Ascendant; Capricorn - Saturn 17. Ketu 23; Aquarius - Jupiter 11: Pisces - Mars 5. In the second week'of March, 1989, Ms.Bordes occupied all of a sudden an important page in the history book of the media. The episode is too well-known to be repeated here. The February 20. 1989 eclipse fell very close to the natal Jupiter's degree in Aquarius. This was followed by another in the Leo • Aquarius belt on March 7, 1989. The first-mentioned eclipse did the required spadework while the second one neatly finished the job, and the glittering career of Ms.Bordes came to a dead end throwing her into insurmountable and dangerous controversies. Jupiter who Is Involved in the two eclipses is the lord of the 6th, the house of contversies. The role of 12th lord in the context of controversies is not less significant as against the 6th iord in this case. It is not just a controversy. But a scandal too. During the second eclipse, the time of exposure. Mercury coolly crept into Aquarius, forming part of the eclipsed bodies. The involvement of Mercury made the native more vulnerable than any other planet can make, not to speak of Jupiter, the 6th lord. Case - 7: Gains to Father Eclipses can also throw abreast some clues on one's own men. Here is a horoscope, whose father gained abundantly.
|mars ! U-nt 1 KETU l*.|4
1 t < i
VEN i-W ASC U-2J MERC SUN 4-00 24-04
Boy born on 9th June 1979, in Faridabad (Haryana) near Delhi at 0650 hrs:
Balance of Saturn dasa at birth 16y3m 6d. The sub period of Mars in the said Saturn's June. 9.1979 dasa rules from 19-3-1989. And SAT 14-20 the Partyantara of Mars itself RAHU rules upto 11-4-1989. ■ *■14 JUP 1>-0I
The horoscope by itself has much potence with Mars, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter being predomlnent. Saturn, the 9th lord is Vargottama who aspects his own house, the 9th. Except Saturn, five other planets from the Sun to Venus aspect the Moon. MOON 1 MS !
An eclipse occurred in Leo - Aquarius belt in March 1989 involving the dasa lord Saturn, who is also the 9th lord (father). The eclipse occurred on March 7. 1989, on that very day, the native's father achieved a very fortunate progress, all of a sudden, which lent a big financial help continuing till now, uninterruptedly. Such help could not be otherwise Imagined eyen a couple of minutes before the event. Mars, the pratyantara lord was in a kendra to the eclipse sign. Again, the August 31. 89 eclipse in Leo-Aquarius region helped the native's father for the second time in respect of property acquisition. At that time Mercury pratyantara in the same bhukti. referred to above was in currency. But Mercury sneaked Into Virgo and was not involved in the event. The Involvement of Mars, the sub period lord has been very much there, who was in transit (Leo 23°) on natal 9th lord. Case • 8 Enemies & Friends See the following relevant positions of a horoscope where within days of eclipse, a bossom friend turned into a sworn enemy while simultaneously a sworn enemy turned a good friend!
Let us not bother about the whole horoscope as the MERC IS event is merely of an academic nature. The native is in Jupiter dasa, Mercury bhukti. On JUPW 9.2,1990, an eclipse occurred in Cancer very close to natal Jupiter, the dasa lord. Mercury was involved In the eclipse, as he entered the sign caprlcorn. Mercury at birth is placed In the ASCI» 6th (enemies). He rules the iith(friends). Just around the eclipse, the native's close friend bade good-bye following a misunderstanding, while within days an enemy entered the scene as a well-wisher. The friend and enemy have no acquaintance even with each other. Case - 9:
Relative's death
By giving this example, I am not suggesting that an eclipse could be the reason for a relative's death, it is just to show as to how an event in the womb of time and to come soon is reflected.
RAHU t-0
MERC 12-24 SAT 17-2* KETU *-0
MARS(Ri 0-20
This is the horoscope of an Irish lady, born on 8th January, 1963, at 0820 hrs (inclusive of one hour uncorrected for DST) in Dublin, Ireland. Lat 53N20, Long 6W 15. Mars dasa balance at birth 1y 11m 7d. Please note that Sun-rise on the day in question in Dublin was at 09h 37m 48s (DST) or 08h 37m 48s, corrected time.
. Her mother was grieved in the first week of March 1988 whose sister died tragically following a royal disease. The native has Jupiter in the 17th degree of Aquarius. Jupiter rules the 4th house denoting mother. The eclipse that occurred on
the 19th degree Leo is an indication to this effect - that the mother of the native wiil have some sorrow/adversity. Although one could not have predicted, there is a clear indication, through eclipse, of the mother's pains in store. The native herself had a broken marriage in an early age, after Jupiter dasa began. This was before her 25th year. Later she developed a serious relationship in the true, common, Western style. Even that relationship was snatched away by the recent eclipse (Feb 9, 1990) that occurred on her 2-8 axis, containing nodes, Saturn and Mercury. At this point of time Jupiter dasa. Mercury bhukti, Mercury Antara was in currency. Mercury was involved in the eclipse being present in Capricorn then. We have many more example charts to give in this context. For tear of this article becoming unduly lengthier, 1 am refraining from doing so. Some of the rules cited in the initial paragraphs hereof are being thus left unsampled. The reader can elsewhere try such rules with confidence and come to his own conclusion. Initially one may face the difficulty of being unable to distinguish whether a particular event is due to some other immediately occurring phenomenon. An article like this cannot help in every respect. Suffice it to say that eclipses have a say like other zodiacal changes.
Chapter 9 Know the Moon in 108 ways Classical text books on astrology give special importance to the Moon's position at birth in various quarters of the 27 Nakshatras. These have, in other words, direct bearing on its Navamsa positions differently vis-a-vis Rasi psition. The following clues may be of interest to the readers. Aswini 1st: The native will be a thief, a talebearer, be gloomy, wicked, short, be not merciful and will indulge in vanity. 2nd; He will act childish, be charming in appearance, will read others' minds, be helpful to others, will comment on the meanings of Sastras, and be splendorous. 3rd: He will be skilful in mathematics, will be able to impart superior knowledge, will be endowed with excellent ideals, will be fortunate and be liable to suffer from piles. 4th: He will be humpbacked, very Interlllgent, be a skilful astrologer, be fond of sexual pleasures, will enjoy like Lord Indra and be longlived. Bharani 1st: He will be charitable, endowed with tawny complexion, be physically very strong, be skilful in the branch of justice, will destroy his enemies like an elephant or like a lion, will have curly hair and will be addicted to eating, will have a superior (mental) heart, be virtuous, intelligient, attached to sexual pleasures, be charitable and will be an exponent of Sastras. 3rd : He will indulge in fierce acts, be very irritable, be wealthy, honourable, virtuous, delighted and be tail in stature. 4th: He will be utterly poor, emaciated, given to anger, will serve the king and be egoistic. Krittika 1st: He will be endowed with physical splendour, be virtuous, scholarly, very patient, valorous, will increase his wealth, will suffer physical pains, be liked by his people and be wise. 2nd: He will be learned in Sastras, be not endowed with praiseworthy attributes and wili befriend those who will be successful. 3rd and 4th: He will be miserable, will join unworthy females, be not endowed with intelligence, will harm others, be very valorous, wili not be happy in respect of his Income, be
not capable of receiving education, be miserable, impatient and sickly. Rohini 1st: He will be extremely fortunate, beautiful, will wander without any firm footing, be attached to pleasures of sex, wili inflict harm on others, be Impatient, dejected, honourable and sickly. 2nd: He will be oppressed, be very merciful, virtuous, sickly, eloquent in speech and will marry a gid of similar kind. 3rd: He will be timid, will enjoy the blessings of elders, be endowed with knowledge of various sastras, be learned in astrology, be a skilful singer, will have knowledge of Mantras and be endowed with pleasures of the life. 4th: He wili be truthful, wili be after having others' possession and will subdue to women (out of lust). Mrigasira 1st: He wili be so affluent that everyone around him wiil recognise him; he will conquer his enemies, wili be corpulent, irascible, devoid of good conduct and wiil be demonic in disposition. 2nd: He will be thievish, will hold important legal positions, will have longsighted policies, be patient, will lead an ascetic's life, will keep up his promise and will be a debaucher. 3rd: He wili enjoy abundant pleasures, will be able to answer anybody with ease, be excellent, be not given to anger, be always happy, be very intelligent, will possess excellent conduct and be rich. 4th: He wiil be wealthy, be In a position to give worthy suggestions just on demand, be truthful, wHI take to good path of living, will be very charitable, be strong, irascible, will sometimes cheat and will not lag behind In seeking carnal pleasures. Arudra 1st: He wili be a spendthrift, will please one and ail with his eloquent speech, be endowed with good qualities and be liked by young girls. 2nd: He wili render advice In times of difficulties and wiil enjoy sexual pleasure in a limited manner. 3rd: He will be shortlived, wili have a bent back, will suffer rheumatic disorders, be bereft of divine grace, be a talebearer, will long for illegal relationship with women and wHI be a bad person. 4th; He will be a thief, be adventurous, wise, virtuous, helpful to his relatives, will forget frequently, will not maintain physical cleanliness and will spread bad odour thereby and will perform ghastly acts.
Punarvasu 1 st: He will be happy, corpulent, mean in disposition, deaf, dishonourable, will have sparse hair and wiil be alter sexual pleasures, and pleasures In general. 2nd: He will be be learned, will suffer bilious complaints, be indolent, bereft ◦f cleanliness and good conduct and will always suffer miseries. 3rd: He wiil suffer from leprosy and other diseases, will always wander, wili have knowledge of "do and do not" as per sastras and be longlived. 4th: He will be untruthful), short in stature, beautiful, and wili be gifted with the power of assessing the good and bad of anything at the very first opportunity. Pushyami 1st: He wiil be endowed with a long lease of life, be charitable, very intelligent, irascible, given to bad ways and be not virtuous. 2nd: He wili be endowed with imperishable wealth, yet theivish, be scholarly, will lace only failures in all his undertakings, wili cheat others and grab their wealth and be famous. 3rd: He wili enjoy various pleasures, will patronise.his relatives, be always happy, intelligent, highly skilful, be successful In any undertaking and be logical in approach. 4th: He will be very wise, will quarrel frequently with anger, be fond of female pleasures, yet be bereft of vices and wiil be charitable. Asiesha 1st: He will be devoid of progeny, will resemble a female in appearance, will amass splendorous golden coins (i.e. be so wealthy), wiil not have moustache, will always be happy, be endowed with supreme wisdom and wiil be praised by all for his excellent deeds. 2nd: He will do others' jobs, be in servitude, be beautiful, be deterministic in his undertakings, wili take to performing bad acts, will cheat others, be miserly and jealous. 3rd: He will suffer from diseases, wiil trouble women, be indolent and ascetic (i.e. be not a successful house-holder). 4th: He wili suffer a severe cut in longevity, wili successfully manouver his cause in any context, wili spend heavily, wiil join base women and wiil acquire diseases through them. Makha 1 st: He will be devoid of sons, will have blood-red eyes akin to that of Lord Yama, the Hindu god of death, wiil have a 'fearful' body, be greedy, tactful and wili have abundant hair. 2nd: He wiil be a spendthrift, be happy, will have yellowish (or pale) eyes and will suffer from diseases of the ear. 3rd: He will suffer from a serious disease, apart from many other diseases, be strong, will take to both good and bad ways, be
greedy,dejected and be virtuous. 4th: He will be learned, be endowed with a pure mind, will submit to females, will suffer from itch etc., be womed and will attach himself to virtuous affairs. P.Phalgunl 1st: He will be skilful, will face any peril with courage, be eloquent and delighting in speech, be irascible, mean and will live by trading. 2nd: He will be a charitable king, be an agriculturist, a householder, will frequently fee! thirsty, be helpful and be not famous. 3rd: He will be very famous, will incur some disease or the other continually, will protect living beings and be kind. 4th: He will be inauspicious, shortlived, will never be free from worries, will torment others and will blame others. U. Phalguni 1st: He will be learned, eloquent, purehearted and be affectionate to his co-born. 2nd; He will be equal to king (according to Yavanas), will suffer penury (according to Nataraja), be foolish, will have some physical defect, be fickle - minded and will live by begging (i.e. will not have a proper living). 3rd: He will be successful, wH violate his promise, be not endowed with good attributes and will live by breeding quadrupeds. 4th: He will be religious, grateful, be not respectful of others, will blame others and will lose his mother right In boyhood. Hastha 1st: He will be valorous, argumentative, be liar, will promote misunderstandings, be affectionate to quadrupeds and be charitable. 2nd: He will be sickly disposed, be endowed with superior attributes, will be able to guess the future happenings, will be bereft of mother, be fond of dance, music etc., be very intelligent and be very thoughtul. 3rd: He will be endowed with wealth and grains, be virtuous, be deprived of father In his very childhood, be sickly, will live by trading, be tactful In his undertakings and be endowed with knowledge of Tantras. 4th: He will be wealthy, will enjoy big formal positions, be irascible, merciful, delighted, be a pet of his mother and be very famous. Chitta 1 st; He will be a thief, will Indulge In evil acts, will suffer from eye diseases, be fond of music and will move in many distant places. 2nd; He will take the side of others, will be famous, valorous, endowed with knowledge of many branches of learning, be versed in branches dealing with the Supreme
Supreme Sprit, be very virtuous and highly intelligent. 4th: He will be learned, will ensure that his enemies submit to him of their own and be innocent In disposition. Swathi 1st: He will be always in dreams, be thievish, ascetic, will join the learned and wiil live by giving educative leactures. 2nd: He wiil suffer a cut in the span of life, be very garrulous, wise, attentive, truthful, will not reveal his mind and will be liked by many women. 3rd: He will be religious, w.ll eke out his living by dealing in weapons, will indulge in evil deeds, be a householder and be devoid of virtues. 4th: He will be akin to a king, will keep up his promise, will exceed the boundaries of anger, be a talebearer, will befriend evil people, and be addicted to females. Visakha 1st: He will be a justice, wiil also cheat, be skilful in mathematics and astrology, be a poet and a trader. 2nd: He wiil be learned in Sastras, will be eclipsed with superiority complex, will have knowledge of Mantras, wiil eat abundantly, be truthful, sickly, libidinous, happy and virtuous. 3rd: He wiil be argumentative, will be ever strong, be short in stature, wili have the capacity to work out beneficial schemes, wili join beautiful women to gratify his lust, and be talkative. 4th: He wiil be long lived, wise, pious, Irascible, wili have a single marriage acquiring a beartiful wife and be cunning in speech. Anuradha 1st: He wili be sharp, truthful, endowed with knowledge of past and future events, virtuous, versed in Mantras, Yagas etc. and be well-mannered. 2nd: He will be righteous, skilful in playing musical Instruments and wiil join many women. 3rd: He.will be long lived, be exceedingly charming in appearance, will speak below the whisper, be very learned but very rash In speech. 4th: He will be endowed with a wife deviod of character, be poisonous in speech, wili have eider brothers/sisters, will be of cheating disposition and will suffer from itches etc. Jyeshta 1 st: He wiil be cruel, egoistic, sarcastic, splendorous and happy. 2nd: He wiil enjoy pleasures, will please one and ail with his knowledge of music and poetry, be righteous, very sensuous and sickly. 3rd: He wili be very learned, will suffer from eye diseases, be inflicted with evil tendencies, will take credit for others' work, and be an ascetic.
4th: He will be endowed with progeny, be cunning, harmful and will speak high of his own people. Mooia 1 st: He will enjoy pleasures, be fond of vegetable grown under the earth (Sike cabbage, potato, onion etc.), be sinful in acts, will always suffer from diseases and bilious imbalances. 2nd: He will be charitable, will have the sky as limit In scholarship, be wise, be very honourable and be kind to all. 3rd: He will be endowed with virtuous friends, be versed In black magic etc., be splendorous, lazy and be fond of fruits. 4th: He will be kingly In status, valorous, bereft of anger, successful over his enemies and will suffer throat disorders. Poorvashadha 1 st: He will be an excellent person, be devoid of progeny, be valorous, tale-bearing and will enjoy a royal status, be splendorous, famous will receive help from friends In times of evils and will join whores, 3rd: He will be a sweet speaker, be ever happy, very wealthy, will lose his mother in his mid-life, will suffer from diseases throughout his life, will have superior disposition and will be versed In many ways. 4th: He will be very wealthy, will suffer pains of the back, will indulge in unjust acts, be cunning and will lose his father In boyhood. Utharashadha 1 st: He will enjoy royal status, be very intelligent, be versed In the branch of justice and be modest 2nd: He will be inlmmical to his own friends, be not charitable, be mean-minded, be strong and will attain a supreme position In his native country. 3rd: He will be honourable, be a skilful speaker, be egoistic, corpulent and irascible. 4th: He will be righteous, valorous, strong, charitable, learned In many matters will trade with many countries and be affectionate to his own people. Sravana 1st: He will be honourable, corpulent, devoid of progeny, be after sexual pleasures, be always happy and egoistic. 2nd: He will be virtuous, devoted to the Supreme Spirit, endowed with knowledge of the past, present and future (i.e. be an astrologer), be Interested In pleasures of the world and be not merciful. 3rd: He will be learned, libidinous, always subjected to diseases, very wealthy, be able to answer anything and be unkind. 4th: He will be charitable, attahced to courtezans, wealthy and be an agriculturist
Dhanishta i si. He will be lonyllved, unable to tolerate hunger, be after women, be doubtful in disposition, be dark bodied and corpulent. 2nd: He will be learned, will keep up his promise, be wise, will undergo many ordeals and will be versed in many branches. 3rd; He will be timid, virtuous, lean, short, valorous and fair in complexion. 4th: He will always move among the fair sex, will posses inestimable wealth, will Indulge in evil acts, be coruplent and be endowed with charming hair. Sathabhisha 1st: He will be learned, splendorous, affectionate to quadrupeds and other living beings and be excellent in disposition. 2nd; He will be affluent, irascible, doubtful will belongs to a mean race. 3rd: He will be happy, disposed to eating often, will complete his undertaking successffuily, will suffer bilious complaints, be in servitude and be very inteilegent. 4th: He will be endowed with children, be capable of protecting his ownselffrom evils and will be long-sighted in dispositon. Poorvabhadra tst; He will be adventurous, endowed with broad face, affectionate to his wife and be a successful wamor. 2nd: He will achieve the efficacy of supreme Mantras to see Almighty, will not be vexed even with the most difficult assignments and will adjust himself with others to achieve his aim. 3rd: He will be very intelligent, be free from misery, be virtuous, learned In Vedas, be fond of eating in other's houses and will suffer from bilious disorders. 4th; He will enjoy ail pleasures, be highly virtuous, wealthy and happy. Utharabhadra 1st: He will enjoy royal status, be very wealthy, endowed with the nine kinds of gems and will have thick hair on his person. 2nd: He will always be dejected, patient and will undergo many miseries. 3rd: He will be endowed with progeny, be very pious, irascible, be always endowed with happiness and be belligerent. 4th: He will be happy, will possess many vices, be very learned and be an agriculturist. Revathi 1 st: He will create quarrels by speaking sweetly, be learned and be always happy. 2nd: He will be endowed with health, boldness and female pleasures. 3rd: He will be eloquent In speech, be foolish, and Indigent. 4th: He will be
very miserable, bold, belongs to a mean family, will win over his enemies and be adventurous. The above results apply only to the placements of the Moon but not to the ascendant.
Chapter 10 Some Special Principles for Female Horoscopes At a normal level of horoscoplc delineation, rules for male natives are verbatim applied to their counterparts as well. While doing so, wisdom and care are of course shown to consider the pecularltfes due for female births, like puberty, menstruation, conception etc. Barring these, other events of life are viewed in the same angle for both the male and female alike which may be sometimes right and sometimes wrong. The astrologer who goes deeper Into horoscopic analysis should be able to decipher the obvious differences and see a male's nativity from a different angle against a female's nativity. For example, a female bom in Pisces ascendant will have more sons while a male with this ascendant will have more daughters. The Sun in the 9th house gives wealth to a male while luck and wealth are denied to a female. A male with Venus in the 8th house will enjoy limitless happiness, be very rich and will "moment after moment" feel delighted while the same Venus in the same 8th house will deny riches to a female and give only grief and unhapplness. By exhibiting clear contrasts of effects in male and female horoscopy, we do not mean that what is positive for a male is negative for a female, or vice versa. Wherever a different aspect is suggested for a female that should be weii remembered and properly applied. Similarities In results should also be carefully noted. Our ancients have suggested in many cases quite different effects for female horoscopes, which have so far remained without being highlighted in any of the recently written textbooks' on female horoscopy. With a view to bring such untold aspects to the notice of discerning readers, here are some tips, being retold. Space being limited, we are touching only important and Interesting aspects relevant to female horoscopy.
1. TRIMSAMSA Almost every text dealing with female horoscopy gives effects of Trimsamsa. What is left out generally Is the main clue which Is as under: (a)
Add the longitudes of the Sun and the Moon.
Add the longitudes of the ascendant and the Moon.
The resultant degree of the stronger of the two will fall in the certain Trimsamsa. And results should be based on that Trimsamsa in arriving at conclusions on marital life, disposition. progeny etc. 2. ASCENDANTS Aries: She wili be very truthful, given to anger, always subjected to mishaps, harsh in speech and will hate her relatives.-Taurus: Beautiful, modest, skilful In arts, well related to her people, obedient and dear to her husband. Gemini: Harsh in speech, be not interested in sexual pleasures, will not have praiseworthy virtues, be a spend-thrift, will suffer from phlegmatic disorders (like that of lungs). Cancer: Be endowed with beauty, wealth and Just disposition, dear to relatives, radiant, will have ail kinds of comforts. Leo: Belligerent, blessed with progeny, philanthropic. Virgo: Fortunate, happy, skilful In all branches of arts. Libra: Dull, capable of working hard for longunjust, will consume large quantities of water. Scorpio; Endowed with a beautiful physique, pleasing In looks,devoted to husband, very virtuous and truthful. Sagittarius; Adventurous, has a male's appearance, cruel, devoid of love and modesty. Capricorn: Fortunate, truthful, wili visit shrines, destroy enemies, be world-famous, virtuous and will have children. Aquarius: Skilful "right from birth", will defy elders at all times, be burnt with distress, ungrateful and spendthrift. Pisces: Will have many sons and grandsons, be dear to her husband, endowed with beautiful eyas and hair, pious, Just and respectful of elders.
3. MOON SIGNS Mesha Rasi; Majestic, chief among her racemen, beauti fui, dear to husband, respectful of elders. Vrishabha Rasi: Learned, virtuous, will have many sons and be liked by her husand because of her wealth. Mithuna Rasi: Will have many kinds of wealth, interested in helping others, endowed with beautiful eyes and appearance. Kataka Rasi: Will be honoured by her family members, will destroy enemies and be pious. Slmha Rasi: Liberal, fortunate, fond of non-vegetarian food, good-looking, Kanya Rasi: Wealthy, win over enemies, patient, chaste. Thula Rasi: Devoted to her husband, will obtain progeny, be beautiful, devoid of sexual lust. Vrischika Rasi: Will do sinful acts in a secret manner, be firm in disposition, very wealthy, devoid of self respect. Dhanu Rasi: Will walk with a beautiful gait, be fond of music, will give birth (only) to daughters and be devoid of enemies. Makara Rasi: WHi have horrible teeth, be very firm, very well educated, truthful, hard-bodied and justly disposed. Kumbha Rasi: Will have face akin to the moon, be charitable, endowed with wealth and children. Meena Rasi; Endowed with many sons, religious, virtuous, skilful in many branches of learning, beautiful. 4. BIRTH STARS Aswini: Sweet in speech, beautiful, wealthy, intelligent, pious. Bharani: Fond of promoting quarrels, wicked, devoid of wealth and valour, will always wear dirty clothes. Krittika: Very short-tempered, very quarrelsome, detected, devoid of relatives, betraying, weak-bodied, phlegmatic. Rohini: Stout-bodied, well-disposed to parents, will marry a famous man, will beget worthy children and be wealthy. Mrigasira: Honourable, beautiful, fond of ornaments, will detect many meanings In a speech, be learned, wili beget beautiful children.
Arudra: Wicked, will suffer from windy and phlegmatic diseases, be spendthrift. Punarvasu: Be devoid of pride, religious, beautiful, honourable and will have long-living husband. Pushyami: Will perform famous acts, be endowed with beauty, very happy, religious. Aslesha: Ugly, will acquire many vices, devoid of affection of others, harsh in speech, untruthful, proud, sinful and ungrateful. Makha: Honourable, wlii have many enemies, be very rich, devoid of sins, will enjoy royal comforts. Poorva Phalguni: Will win over enemies, be endowed with progeny and fortunes, good in behaviour, grateful and sweet in speech. Uttara Phalguni: Rich, firm In disposition, beautiful, just, well-versed in domestic core, devoid of vices and diseases. Hastha: Will have well-formed eyes and ears, patient, virtuous, versed in various principles, very comfortable and live with progressive fame. Chitta: If a female is bom on 29th Thithl with this Nakshatra, "she will bring infamy to the family and if the 14th Thithl coincides with Chitra ruling, the female will suffer acute pover/ty and will be a whore". Swathi: Chaste, devoted to husband, will beget progeny, rich, will consume limited quantity of water, be famous, wii! have many friends, will win over enemies. Visakha: Influenced by female companions, has a soft body, be wealthy, interested in fasting, charity etc., dear to relatives. Anuradha: Devoid of self-respect, will befriend good females, good-looking, will adore many guises. Jyeshta: Modest, sweet in speech, short-tempered, fotunate, endowed with sons, truthful, well-disposed to relatives.
Moola: Little happiness, widowhood, poor, troubled by diseases, devoid of relatives, will join highly wicked lot. Poorvashadha: Will haw very broad eyes, be exceedingly beautiful, endowed with incomparable valour, chief among the people of her race, very famous. Uttarashadha: Will enjoy various kinds of wealth, be famous and dear to husband. Sravana: Very beautiful, learned, helpful to others, truthful. Dhanlshta: Miserly, interested in others (i.e. other men). Sathabhlsha; Charitable, will indulge In sinful acts. Poorvabhadra: Interested in the welfare of her husband, patient, endowed with progenlc happiness. Uttarabhadra: Interested in the welfare of her husband, patient, endowed with progenlc happiness. Revathi: Fat, will have many fiends, radiant, good-looking, will destroy enemies. 5. PLANETS IN VARIOUS HOUSES The ..Sun: 1st house - very sickly, mean minded, emaciated. 2nd • devoid of piety, food and wealthy, harsh in speech, belligerent, betraying. 4th - sickly, unhappy, ugly teeth, inimical. 5th - Limited progeny, big face and teeth, sweet in speech, attached to parents.' 6th • Fortunate and rich. 7th Inimical to husband, devoid of happlnesss, horrible in nature, immodest, phlegmatic, sinful, ugiy. 8th - grief and povertystricken, diseased-bodied. 9th - Irreligious, valorous, very sickly, devoid of wealth and fortunes, will have many enemies. 10th - will ever indulge in wicked deeds, indoienL 11th - many children, versed In arts. 12th - will spend unnecessarily, Immodest, addicted to alcohol, unchaste. The Moon: 1st house- increasing Moon makes one very beautiful while decreasing Moon produces an emaciated and sickly female. 2nd - wealthy, modest. 3rd - very harsh In speech, unjust, miserly, ungrateful. 4th - Happy, fond of
beautifying herself, firm in disposition, will enjoy all comforts. 5th will beget virtuous children, beautiful, devoted to husband. 6th - Mean history, highly betraying, emaciated. 7th - skilful, dear to husband, wise, religious, wealthy. 8th - blameworthy, ugly eyes, devoid of beauty, will indulge in base deeds. 9th Medium build, very religious, hgihgly charitable, beautiful, very happy. 10th - endowed with iot of wealth and gold, famous, devoid of desires. 11th - Devoid of diseases. 12th spendthrift, poor, unjust. Mars: 1st house - Blood disorders,given up by husband, untorntunate. 2nd - Broadmined, poor, lustful, sickly, very troubled and devoid of hair. 3rd - Fortunate. Virtuous, famous, free from diseases. 4th • will have stealing tendency, bereft of money, comforts, and virtues. 5th - wicked sons, shameless, devoid of learning and relatives, 6th - protected by her husband, endowed with abundant hair, fre from diseases. 7th Widowhood, mean deeds, devoid ot wealth and virtues. 8th very sickly, emaciated, devoid ot husband, is grief and poverty stricken, torturous, 9th - irreligious, beautiful, given up by her people, fond of liquour and meat. 10th - Devoid of wisdom and shame, blameworthy nature, interested in questionable deeds. 11th - good natured, highly gainful. 12th - Ungrateful, wHI spend on evil deeds, heavily addicted to alcohol, ever sickly, unfriendly. Mercury: 1st house; Broadeyed, friendly, just, religious, truthful, sweet in speech, 2nd - beautiful, rich, virtuous, 3rd rich, wiil have progeny, prosperous. 4th - Happy, modest. 5th - limited number ot children, belligerent, not rich, will do questionable acts. 6th - Very rich, short-lived, lustful, troubled by vices. 7th • Learned,will attain a beautiful husband, principled, modest. 8th - Ungrateful, fear-stricken, ever sick. 9th Praiseworthy, fortunate, famous, truthful. 10th - Wealthy. 11th ' - very wealthy, ever gaining, devoted to husband. 12th Devoid of wealth and valour, impatient, emaciated, away from virtuous pople. Jupiter: 1st house - Beautiful, excellent among women, has a majestic voice. 2nd - Fortunate, beautiful, free from harms. 3rd - ever poor, blemished. 4th • Famous, learned. 5th - good children. 6th - many enemies, many dangers, always, troubled, short-tempered. 7th - Dear to husband, will have
many enemies, famous. 8th - Somewhat unirutntui. has fat hands and fat legs, eversickly. voracious eater. 9th - beautiful akin to a goddess, famous, opulent, grateful, will join the company of mean people. 10th - Famous, modest, nth - Skilful in handiwork, truthful. 12th - Sickly, bereft of gains, will change over to another religion. Venus: 1 st house - Beautiful, wealthy, devoid of blemish and enemies. 2nd - Wealthy, skillful, soft-spoken. 3rd - will have many brothers and sisters, out of whom sisters will be fat. 4th - rich, tends to enjoy pleasures liberally. 5th - will have many daughters, wealthy, good looking, 6th - very shorttempered. discarded by her husband and children. 7th - wH have happy martial life. 8th - grief stricken, devoid of wealth, will cheat others. 9th - resembles a male in appearance, wealthy. 10th - will receive public honours. 11th - Devoid of blemishes, learned. 12lh - grief stricken, cunning, troubled by diseases, dunce. Saturn: 1 st house: Very ugly, prominent bones and teeth, blind. 2nd - poor, driven away by her family members, always troubled, blameworthy but justly disposed. 3rd - will have many children, skilful. 4th - ungrateful, fickle-minded, Poor, will jooin base men. 5th - bereft of children. 6th will have sons, be a dunce. 7th - widowhood or divorce, will befriend wicked females, ever sickly, sinful. 8th - cheating, will suffer in her undertakings. 9th - Miserly, not well-educated, ever Immodest, will waste money. 10th - unsightly, many vices, poor. 11th - unwise, crooked, given up by her people, will have many vices and be impatient. 12th - poor, discarded by her family members. Here is a wider field for research in female horoscopy which is quite different from male horoscopy, more often than not.
Chapter 11 Planets and Ascendants
iJl astrologically. One Is the inherent nature of the planets. The second is a modified version caused by lordships these planets acquire when a certain sign rises at birth. This is the basic concept of astrology while there are myriad considerations when the astrologer advances through the pages of his literature. Planets are generally classified in two categories. As benefics on the one hand. And malefics on the other. A benefic has generally a tendency to assist the native enjoy good results in the walks of life controlled by that particular planet, and progress smoothly. The role of a malefic planet is negative - that is to check good results and interrupt and trouble off and on. Benefics are the Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus. In the strict sense, the Moon becomes a malefic if she is decreasing, particularly during her movement beyond 240° from the Sun. And till she passes 60° ahead of the Sun. (There are still divergent opinions). Mercury is considered to be of dual nature, i.e. a benefic when alon or when unassociated with a malefic, and a malefic when being otherwise. The Sun, Saturn, Ketu, Rahu and Mars are malefics. In the eyes of Parasara, Venus is more superior a benefic than Jupiter, while some later authors give No. 1 position to Jupiter. Similarly, the sage describes Mars as a dreaded malefic - more than Saturn. The final and conclusive role of a planet mainly depends on the sign ascending at the time of birth. Thus Venus, for example, can be a malefic and Mars can be a benefic depending on one's natal ascendant. Each planet holds dozens of portfolios. A benefic does not necessarily ensure that everything under him remains In tact. To cite an example, Venus rules marital life, vehicles, retinedness, physical, pleasures etc. If Venus assumes a good
role, let us not say that all these will be well-enjoyed There can be simultaneously vehicles owned by the native. We have to reconcile with other aspects related to every branch of life. Wisely. Or take the case of a malefic. If Saturn chooses to play an adverse role, he need not do so as a rule in all respects. He can give a long lease of life contrary to his malefic role, but shower disease after disease, constantly, grief followed by grief, abundantly. As a basic rule, the ascendant lord, lord of a trine and lord of an angle are treated as good planets. A benefic owning an angle, if excluded from ownership of ascendant, is adverse. A malefic owning an angle does not harm. But he will not be really ausicious without ownership of a trine simultaneously. The 7th, although an angle, Is a maraka (or death-dealing) house. Wealth is primarily given by the lords of the 5th and 9th General happiness Is denoted by the lords of the 7th and the 10th. If the 5th and the 9th lords are favourable, the the 2nd ord finds it easy to give riches. The 4th lord will be helpless to produce happiness if the 7th and 10th lords do not want. Jupiter ruling the 5th or the 9th will be able to make one rich as far as possible and without decline. If Venus owns the 7th or the 10th, he will complete his job of handling the native's general haplness successfully. Out of the other 6 houses, the 11th Is the most evil. So is its lord. Less harmful than these are the 6th and its lord. Still iess harmful are the 3rd and its owner. The 2nd, 12th and 8th houses and their lords are mildly harmful as compared to the previous threesome. If a planet in the second group is simultaneously related to one in the first group (I.e. 3rd, 6th, and ' 11th), only more evil will follow. To be more clear, if the 2nd lord should become the 3rd lord as well, he is a dreaded malefic. Also if the 2nd lord Is related to the 3rd lord. For example, Saturn is very bad for Sagittarius ascendant. Just as when Venus is connected with Mars for a Pisces - born. The two nodes - Rahu and Ketu - need a special treatment with more details. But, here, suffice it to say that they act
according to their association and position, so that we deal with the 7 planets and their roles for the various ascendants. Aries: For Aries ascendant Mars is the ruler of the 1sf and the 8th. The ascendant is his Moolatrikona sign while the 8th is his secondary sign. He will hence predominantly be favourable. He cannot be independently auspicious but can help another favourable planet like the Sun or Jupiter or even the Moon through whom he wili reveal his good qualities, it is also not illogical to conclude that if Mars is well related to Jupiter or the Sun or the Moon and is in good bhavas, favourable effects will come through him. As regards other unsullied benefic planets for this ascendant we have only two. These are Jupiter and the Sun. Even if Jupiter is captured by another adversary, his good results will be stalled. Saturn, Mercury and Venus are malefics and will cause harm. Venus will prove a killer as he is the 2nd and 7th lord. Saturn and Mercury will also inflict death if related to Venus The Moon's role is not specifically discussed by Parasara. The Moon wHI give mixed results according to association etc. as she is an angular ruler.-An association between Jupiter - Sun, Jupiter Mars or Mars - Sun wili be highly favourable for the ascendant in question. Jupiter - Saturn association will not prove to be helpful although they own the 9th and 10th. It is because, Saturn is 11th lord with prime emphasis on his Aquarius ownership. Taurus: Jupiter is a malefic for Taurus ascendant and wi'l avail of the 8th and 11 th houses both of which are evil. He is the first-rate adversary. The Moon being the 3rd lord is not auspicious. Venus is also classified as an evil planet and a maraka planet. According to Susloka Sataka for Scorpio ascendant there is no blemish (to Mars) of the 6th lordship and also for Taurus ascendant (in the case of Venus). Sage Parasara apparently took into serious consideration the 6th lordship (Moolatrikona) of versary. Though there are some more exponents to favour Susloka Sataka's line of thinking, Parasara being an undisputed authority should be gven more weight. The Sun and Saturn are benefics. Saturn owns the best angle and hence he will bestow kingly status on the native. The Sun though a malefic by virtue of owning an angle proves auspicious. The rule that a malefic owning an angle should own a trine also, so that he becomes a Yogakaraka is naturally not ap-
plicable to the luminaries as they own only one sign each. As regards the role of Mercury, he is only of mixed nature for Taurus ascendant and he is not an excellent benefic by virtue of owning a Maraka house in addition to a trine. The 5th is his Moolatrikona and exaltation sign; if Mercury joins Saturn/Sun, he will act more effectively favourable. Mars is classified as a killer apart from Jupiter, Venus and the Moon, Mars is a killer for he owns the 7th and 12th. The role of Jupiter and Venus as killers Is also understandable. Though the Moon is said to be a killer, she cannot independently do so for she is only the 3rd lord which is the least malefic among 3rd, 6th and 11th. The luminaries are considered not inauspicious even by ownership of the 8th house; as such the 3rd house lordship of the Moon in the case of Taurus be leniently viewed from the point of view of inflicting death. Her connections with Jupiter or Mars can empower her to inflict harm on the Taurus native. Gemini: The three planets, viz. Jupiter, the Sun and Mars are adverse for Gemini ascendant. There is no hint on Saturn's role except that Saturn-Jupiter conjunction does not yield a yoga just as it does not do so for an Aries native. Saturn owns the 8th and the 9th while the 9th is his Moolatrikona. Jupiter owns the 7th and 10th. it is my personal feeling that an exchange between Saturn and Jupiter in the 9th and 10th or their placement in conjuction in the Qth/IOth, or Saturn in the 9th as Jupiter is the 10 wili prove a very favourable point. (This line of thinking cannot be extended to Aries ascendant, i.e. exchange between 9th and 10th lords & C for Jupiter will be in fail in the 10th in a key house.) For Gemini ascendant, Mars owns two evil houses, the 6th and 11th and hence he is a dire malefic. The Sun owning the 3rd wiil not be helpful. Venus, the lord of the 5th and 12th is declared to be highly favourable, as the 5th Is his Moolatrikona, In view of the friendship betwen Venus and Mercury the 12th lordship of Venus is not seriously considered adverse. (On the same lines, Mercury for Libra ascendant is considered favourable although he owns the 12th, which is his Moolatrikona and exaltation - thus a predominant house). The role of the Sun Is compared to that of Saturn as a killer. The Sun is the lord of the 2nd and Saturn rules the 7th and 8th of Cancer ascendant. Both the houses of Saturn are inauspicious and hence he is classified as a killer. However, they are not in-
dependently capable of doing bad or good but act as per their relationship with others. Cancer: Venus Is inauspicious by virtue of angular lordship (4th house - Moolatrikona) and the tfth lordship. (The tfth lord for a movable sign is highly malefic, l.e. Saturn for Aries, Venus for Cancer, the Sun for Libra and Mars for Capricorn ascendants.) Thus Venus gets a dual role to do evil for a Cancer native. The 3rd and 12th lordship of Mercury wH Inflict harm and hence he is Inauspicious. The best planet for this ascendant is Mars as he owns a trine as well as an angle. The 10th lordship will prevail much more favourably as the 10th is the best of 4 angles and Aries is Moolatrikona sign of Mars. The other two favourable planets are Jupiter and the Moon. Jupiter Is the lord of the 6th and 9th. Though 6th Is his Moolatrikona, the sage has given preference to the 9th lordship for obviously two reasons; firstly the 9th Is best of the two.trines and secondly Jupiter is a close friend of the Moon, the ascendant lord. The 3rd favourable planet is the Moon who is the ascendant lord. The order of preference is Mars, Jupiter and the Moon, l.e. benefic tendency will descend from one to another and hence the Moon is the least benefic. If Mars is well related to Jupiter, the Moon or to the Sun, he can do wonders for the Cancer native; the best place as far as Saturn Is concerned is Capricon In the company of Mars or the Moon. Leo: Just as the Sun is noted as killer for Cancer ascendant, the Moon is similarly classified as a killer for Leo ascendant as she is the lord of the 12th house. This killer-role has not barred the Moon from becoming a Yogakaraka or an auspicious planet for Leo ascendant as per our experience. Saturn's adverse role is because of two prime reasons • firstly he Is a sworn enemy of the ascendant lord and secondly he Is the 7th lord apart from being the 6th lord. Mercury's role Is equally ominous as the 2nd and 12th cometinder his regent. The 3rd and 10th lordship (a bad house and an angle respectively) make Venus unreliable. Mars is again the best planet for Leo ascendant followed by favourable roles to be enacted by Jupiter and the Sun. Mars rules the 4th and 9th; Jupiter the 5th and 8th and the Sun ascendant. Here again, the sun is the 3rd in order.
Virgo: Mercury ruling the ascendant and the 10th house and Venus lording over the 2nd and 9th are classified as a killer also. (Mars ruling the 8th can also act as a killer.) Jupiter rules two angles - the 4th and the 7th - while the Moon Is the 11th lord. For these reasons, these two are considered inauspicious. The Sun will be good If he joins good planets In good houses, for example In the 10th along with Mercury. There Is no hint about Saturn's role. By virtue of the 5th lordship and good relationship with the ascendant lord Mercury, he will prove auspicious. But the stain due to 6th lordship will cause a change in his disposition and he cannot be counted as an invariable dependent. Libra: Although Venus Is the ruler of the ascendant, he owns 8th as well, and hence he Is neutral. Dire malefic is Jupiter, the lord of the 3rd and the 6th. The ruler of the 2nd and the 7th, Mars, Is equally inauspicious while the Sun ruling the" nth will act as an obstructing force. These three planets, viz. Jupiter, Mars and the Sun are more malefic If mutually related but unrelated to Saturn, Mercury or the Moon. On the other hand, Mars or the Sun will act as primary benefics if they join Saturn, Mercury or Venus according to one school of thought. Scorpio: Just as Venus is a neutral planet for Libra ascending, Mars Is neutral for Scorpio ascendant. Mars owns the ascendant and the 6th, the latter being his Moolatrlkona'The Sun (lord of the 10th) and the Moon (lord of the 9th) are termed the best Yogakarakas. Jupiter though ruling the 2nd (and the 5th), is auspicious just as Mercury for Taurus ascendant ruling the 2nd and 4th. (of course Mercury's Moolatrlkona is the 5th.) Venus, Saturn and Mercury are malefics as well as death-dealing planets. Saturn can be practically auspicious if he Is In the 5th/9th, being lord of an angle, from the point of view of status, finance etc. Sagittarius: Venus Is a first-rate malefic for Sagittarius ascendant as he owns the 6th and 1 ith. None is akin to Venus in giving malefic effects for this ascendant. Saturn Is straightaway a killer, ruling the 2nd and the 3rd. Venus can also become a killer (If related to Saturn). Though Mercury rules two angles - the 7th and 10th - he is declared auspicious whereas for Virgo ascendant as well as Gemini ascendant, Jupiter Is considered inauspicious. This supreme role of Mercury is pos-
siDiy Decause of his ownership ot the 10th house (Mooiatrikona and hence predominant against 7th house ownership) whereas Jupiter does not own Mooiatrikona Identical with the 10th house • best of the angles - for an ascendant ruled by Mercury. If the Sun (ruler of the 9th) joins Mercury, both of them wili confer still superior Yoga for Sagaittarius natives. Mars gives primarily his 5th house effects (Mooiatrikona) shedding his 12th lordship and hence is a favourable planet. Jupiter is neither a first-rate benefic nor an adversary for he owns the 4th (angular lordship's blemish). The Moon ruling the 8th cannot be a powerful Yogakaraka unless well-related to Mercury, the Sun or Mars. An association between the Moon and Jupiter can confer yoga par excellence. Capricorn: Mars is listed In the first place while mentioning adverse results for Capricorn ascendant as Mars rules the 4th and 11th. Jupiter is lord of the 2nd and 12th. the latter being his important houses. The 7th lord Moon is not quite a favourable planet. Saturn and the Sun are neither very favourable nor very adverse. Saturn will reveal killing powers if he joins Jupiter. Mars or the moon. While Venus and Mercury are both auspicious in their own way. the former is the best yogakarka for this ascendant, for he is the lord of the 5th and the 10th. Aquarius: The 2nd and 11th lord Jupiter is a dire malefic followed by the Moon (the 6th lord) and Mars (ruling the 3rd and 10th). While Venus and Saturn are both auspicious for Aquarius ascendant, Venus is the only planet that can be considered to have been vested with powers of Rajayoga. Saturn is not compared with Venus as he owns the 12th simultaneously. Venus is the lord of the 4th and the 9th. As the 9th is the best trine, he is relieved of blemish due to angular lordship. Th^ Sun is termed as a killer as he rules the 7th, a maraka house. (Saturn plays a similar role for Leo ascendant owning the 7th in Mooiatrikona). Jupiter ruling the 2nd and Mars owning the 3rd are also the killers. Out of the 3 killers, Mars is the last in order, a strong relationship between two are all of these 3 killers will affect the longevity to decline severely. Mercury ruling the 5th and 8th will give mixed results. If Mercury joins an adverse planet, he will be essentially adverse while in joining Venus and Saturn, he can considerably improve. Alone in bad houses, he
wiil be evil and good houses he will be favourable. This is how Mercury's role for this ascendant need be understood. Pisces: Saturn owns two evil houses for Pisces ascendant. Hence he will reveal himself most awefuily. Venus rules the 3rd and 8th - again two evil houses. And hence he is a bad planet. The Sun ruling the 6th will prove adverse though he has good terms with the lord of the ascendant, Jupiter. Mars Is the lord of the 2nd (Moolatrikona) and the 9th (the best of the trines). Inspite of owing a killer-house, he has been specifically exempt from acting as a killer Independently and placed in yogakaraka list. To be a killer, Mars must be instigated by another killer, viz. Satun or Mercury. Jupiter is a very favourable planet (of course next to Mars) owning the ascendant and the 10th. Though there Is no specific mention of Venus becoming a killer such role can be seen in him as he owns the 8th house.
Chapter 12 Planetary States - An Index to health
During the study of astrology, we are informed of many a method to ascertain health conditions of a subject viz. soundness of health, nature of diseases etc. Out of these methods, some are dependent on other factors of the horoscope, so that more indepth study is required on the part of the astrologer. Not only in the matter of analysing one's health, but also in many other aspects we should know which rule works well depending far less on others, which are dependent on others and the like. In the course of our humble experience, we find that planetary states, i.e. Sayanadl Avasthas (viz. 12 Avasthas like Sayana, Upavensana etc.) give the best possible independent clues to know beforehand of the diseases, physical defects etc. In fact Avasthas are useful to decipher many branches of one's life more successfully than any other principle can be. For, we should always remember that the least common combination Is the most effective, and far less effective is the most common one. Out of the important astrological works that have dealt with planetary states as above are Parasara Hora, Adbhuta Sagaraand Hora Ratna, Adbhutasagara added some more Information compilmentarily to Parasara Hora. Hora Ratna had a reproduction of the version of Adbhuta Sagara. in order that every reader stands to benefit from the present discussion, detailing of an account of Avastha calculations will only be befitting. These are quite simple and every reader can follow. From the birth horoscope, we must note down the fo.lowIng Information relating to the planet for which Avastha is to be calculated. All the 9 planets are subjected to identical process In this respect.
The serial numDer ot the star occupied by the planet, if the planet, for example, is in Aswini - 1. in Rohini - 4, in Revati - 27 etc.
The status of the planet in the order of the Sun - 1.
Navamsa position of the planet, i.e. whether in first Navamsa, second, third etc. of that particular sign in which it is placed.
Natal star's order (i.e. Moon's Nakshatra) - similar to 'a'.
Ghati from sunrise in which birth has occurred. For example, if one is born at I5gh 45 vighatis after sunrise, take 16.
Serial number of the birth ascendant counted from Aries. (That is. Aries - 1, Leo - 5, Pisces 12 etc.)
After noting down above six factors, simply adopt the following procedure: [a x b x c) + [d + e + f) 12 The remainder in the above process indicates the Avastha of the planet corresponding to the following order: ^ 1.
10. Nrityaiipsa 11. Kautuka 12. Nidra
These names are suggestive of the state in which the particular planet is placed at the time of one's birth How do the planet's avasthas physically affect a subject? We give below a list which are based on our examination of a couple of horoscopes and some classical principles. The Sun Sayanavastha - Jaundice, spleen and liver disorders, indigestion, diseases of rectum like ulcer etc (but not piles) and heart attacks. Netrapani Avastha: Eye diseases. If in a fixed sign, the defect is perennial in nature. If a movable sign, can be cured soon. If in a dual sign, off and on there will be difficulties of the sight. Gamanavastha: Diseases of head. For a female the Sun in 12th or in 7th with this will causes frequent abortions and difficulties during conception. Aagamavastha: Anaemia, loss of blood etc. For a female the Sun in this Avastha getting the company of Venus will cause leucorrhea. Bhojanavastha; Headache, rheumatism, ear pains, joint pains etc. Nrityalipsavastha: Sound health. Nidravastha: Piles and disorders of rectum. The Moon Sayanavastha: Venereal diseases, if the Moon is in ascendant with this avastha, rectal disorders will trouble the person. Weak Moon anywhere in this avastha will bring harm to the right side of the body by fire accidents. Upavesanavastha: Dental diseases, Netrapani Avastha: Eye disorders, Gamanavastha: Brain and head diseases, eye disorders. Agamanavastha: diseases of legs. Bhojanavastha: trouble from water and snakes. Mars Sayanavastha: Ulcer, wounds, burns etc. if Rahu or Saturn is related to Mars in Sayanavastha in 5th, damage to head. Upavesanavastha: Frequent and perennial diseases. Gamanavasth: itching, bolls, ulcer. Netrapani Avastha: danger from animals and snakes. Gamanavastha: Joint pains.
Agamavastha; diseases of internal parts of the ears, piles and rectal disorders. Nidravastha: diseases of feet. Mercury Sayanavastha in ascendant: lameness and void of virility, in other houses - venereal diseases. Upavesanavastha: defects of sight. Bhojanavastha: loss of limb, Nrithyalipsavastha: Skin diseases,* piles. Nidravasta: Neck and throat disorders, asthma. Jupiter Sayanavastha: Colics. Upavesanvastha: Ulcers on hands, feet, shanks etc. Netrapani avastha; Head diseases. Prakasanavastha: diseases of privities and rectum (except in ascendant or 10th). Nidravastha - eye diseases, stomach disorders. Venus Sayanavastha: Dental diseases. Upavesanavastha: defect or injury on right side of the body, joint pains etc Netrapani Avastha: Major eye disorders. Prakasanavastha: many diseases (except in ascendant, 2nd, 7th or 9th). Nidravastha: everlasting diseases, veneral disorders etc. Saturn Sayanavastha: major sickness in childhood. Piles will be. experienced later on In a mentlonable degree. Upavesanavastha: Artheritis, rheumatism, nervous delusion, digestive disorders. cdntaction of liver, defective eyes, piles. Nidravastha (in 10th) - ever distressed by diseases. Rahu Sayanavastha: damage to bones. Upavesanavastha: ulcers. Netrapani avastha: (in Leo or Cancer) - 'amputation' of head, meaning major cuts, wounds etc. in head. Agamavastha:
mental delusion, anaemia. Nntyalipsavastna. affliction to eyes, lack of virility, unending major diseases. Ketu Sayanavastha: Poor health at all times, except when in Aries. Taurus. Gemini or Virgo. Upavesanavastha: rheumatic disorders, ulcer, trouble from poisonous living beings. Netrapani avastha: danger from poison, eye troubles, dentai and spinal disorders. When Ketu is in Virgo in this avastha, the subject will be frequently a target of spinal and dental diseases. Agamavastha: digestive disorders. Nrityalipavastha: swollen eyes. This list cannot be deemed to be exhaustive. But the reader can confidently apply these to a given horoscope, after ascertaining the positional dignity of the planet, its association. aspects etc.
Chapter 13 Results of Martian Conjuctions
A planet can be alone in a house In a given horoscope. It can as well form a conjuct with another, it alters its stance, role and results in many respects. Sometimes losing its own identity. In many horoscopes, at least a pair of planets could be found In a house. It is here that we are burdened in question. In this context, we will in the following lines see how Mars reacts when he has a companion In the same house he is in. Most of the readers are familiar with the results Mars gives in the 12 signs and 12 houses independently. Yet we give below, as a prelude, only important results, or keywords, based on our own study and experience. Aries: fond of sex; if Mars is bad one can violate code of sexual conduct. Taurus: disgrace to family. Gemini: very intelligent. Cancer: success in later part of iife following difficult and trying youth. Leo: early loss of first wife; if Mars is afflicted, childllfter. Virgo: uninterrupted riches, sensuous. Libra; unethical, addicted to harmful intoxicants, estrangement in first marriage. Scorpio: betrayer, danger from poison, fire, (alls etc. Sagittarius: lean, loss of money and no happiness. No success in foreign lands, wealthy. Aquarius: looks aged and unfortunate end. Picses: No happiness from children, frequent illness. 1st house: highly educated, wealthy. 2nd house: financial strains, loss of children, unhappy wedlock. 3rd house: absence of paternal care. 4th house: unhappy in many respects but will have properties. 5th house: disappointments In.marital life and in respect of children. 6th house: bad for mother, loss of ancestral properties, acqusitlon of wealth. 7th house: criminal tendencies, sparing conjugal happiness from spouse. 8th house: deformed, short lived calamitous marriage. 9th house: obstructed fortunes. 10th house:lib!dinous in the initial part of life and later taking to spiritual path. 11th house: loss of children, acquisition of wealth. 12th house: immoral, imprisonment, early marital termination.
With this background and being well Informed with Interpretation techniques, let us take a glance Into how Mars shapes the native when he is conjuct with another planet. n the first house With the Sun: The native will lose his father early. Or paternal happiness will be almost lacking. He will ever be moving from place to place without any success. With the Moon: He will suffer from endless poverty and will be of evil disposition. With Mercury: He will be very tactful but liable to de duped by others. With Jupiter: He will have limited progeny, and be diamond-hearted. Infamous acts will Interest him. With Venus: he will be generally unsuccessful In life. Diseases like tuberculosis, breathing troubles, Venereal disorders etc. will be the order of his day. He will lack gratitude but will beget an adventurous son. With Saturn: He will indulge in illegal activities. Medical attainments could be seen in him. Heart troubles and defective body will also result. With Rahu: Maternal happiness will be seldom enjoyed by him. He will have defective privities. With Ketu: Unusual sexual habits and shortlived marriage will be the fruits of this conjuction. In the second house
With the Sun: He will be ever agitated. Paternal and domestic happiness is something unknown to him. Poverty will be his shadow, difficulties from the government and politicians will be usually experienced by him. With the Moon: Dejection and despondency will haunt him. He will possess a decayed physique. His financial history wlil be questionable. With Mercury: Marriage and finances will badly suffer. He will have serious misunderstandings with his own people. He will be frequented by diseases and will find It hard to keep up health. He cannot be relied upon. "What virtue can be seen In him? is an ancient seer's hint. With Jupiter: He will meet with disappointments In respect of progeny. He will be neglected by his own men and will be looked upon as an unworthy person. Disorders of stomach and fond of Tantrik remedies. Urinary disorders and poor eyesight will follow. His wedlock will be an unfortunate event in his life. He will not bother for right and wrong in money matters. With Saturn: He will be rich, but will usually have flnan132
cial Implications troubling him. His domestic life vuH be a scene of violence, particularly concerning the spouse. With Rahu; He will face numerous difficulties in childhood. He may give up family responsibilities due to dejection. With Ketu: He will suffer from dental disorders and will have a peculiar face. He will be ever at loggerheads with his brothers and sisters; peace is a rare experience in his life. In the third house With the Sun: He will have a number of children. Boldness comparable to that of royal scion could be seen in him. He will have landed properties and be fond of hosting and entertaining people. He win possess attractive eyes. With the Moon: He will be a spendthrift His children will be of high Importance to him. He will be fond of sexual pleasures from questionable sources. He will generally be unhappy. With Mercury: His body will emanate a pleasant smell. Hair on his head wH grow abundantly and beautifully. He can influence others quickly and be helpful to all. Asthma and other breathing to a truthful path and be feadess. He will be exceedingly intelligent He can be a forceful writer. With Venus: He will have an artistic bent of mind and will be skilful in design, drawing, beautlflcation and the like. Success in television and movies will be easy for him. One of his co-borns will suffer from diseases. He will be well known in political circles. With Rahu: He will be unsuccessful in his attempts to attain success in foreign countries. With Ketu: He will suffer from rheumatism and some disorders of legs/hands. If the conjuction is rapt, there can be a defect in these limbs. He will climb the ladder of success financially In the later part of his life. In the fourth house With the Sun: He will inherit ancestral properties. Cardiac and blood disorders will cause him troubles. He will indulge In unlawful activities. With the Moon: He will have limited number of children, or may go without one. He will be fond of his spouse. His impatience will bring him many difficulties. His mother's health will be poor due to blood disorders. With Mercury: He will often be physically Injured. He will be addicted to drinks and physically be injured. He will indulge in immoral traf133
ticking He will be a gambler of first order and will lose his wealth. With Jupiter: He wiil be very beautiful, but will have limited financial success. He will beget a child with difficulty, interest in fine arts wHI be predominant. With Venus: He wili be beautiful and hotelierlng. He changes his religion. With Saturn: Grief on some account or the other will be a routine. He will waste his money on vices. He will not have lasting friendships and acquaintances. With Rahu: His mother will have some serious eue defects and her marriage will not own landed properties. With Ketu: Professionally he will be attached to medical men, hospitals and the like. His grandmother will outlive his grandfather. The native wili not gain in marriage financially and will have a peculiar marriage. Generally, a female with Mars In the company of Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, the Sun or Venus, in the fourth house, will be a vagabond or wHI strain her marriage knowingly. In the fifth house With the Sun: The native may have two marriages. Children wiil be numerous (whereas Mars or the Sun in the 5th house alone wili not give many). Liver or spleen will diseased. With the Moon: He wHI be well educated. And will be happy and wealthy. With Mercury: He wili have an adopted child. He'will be successful in foreign countries. With Jupiter: Difficulties in obtainment of progeny will have to be encountered by him. He wHI be rich from the beginning. Law and politics will be of interest to him. With Venus: Troubles from enemies and lawsuits will have to be feared with this Yoga. Litigations in marriage are also likely. Syphilis and gonnohorrea will have to be confronted • by him. Sexual excesses and difficulties in urination will also result. With Saturn: Poverty, losses in money matters, troubles due to females, danger to limbs due to accidents wiil follow. With Rahu: He wiil be troubled by bad dreams. Litigations and inimical activities will multiply. With Ketu: Spinal and orthopaedic disorders will trouble him. He will make abundant wealth by his own efforts. (A female with Mars joining Rahu, Ketu or Saturn in this house will face serious menstrual problems. Early menopause has also resulted in some cases).
in the sixth house With the Sun: He will be highly intelligent. Fame ana success over enemies wili come to him at all times. He wiil be prone to accidents and breakage of bones. With the Moon: His education will often be interrupted. He wiil be foolish and take wrong decisions. He will unfortunate and wiil suffer from diseases quite often. He wiil not be on good terms with his mother. Debts and imprisonment, and litigations wili also come to pass. With Mercury: He wiil have an ugly appearance. His debts on the increase from time to time. He wili generally suffer from nervous and bloody disorders. With Jupiter: He wili be insulted by others. His progeny wili be limited. He will be known for his evil designs. With Saturn: Scandals on account of members of opposite sex will bring him infamy. He wili be expert in legal studies. He will gain through steel, coal and gold. With Rahu: He will attain abundant professional progress. He will have defective arms. With Ketu: He wiil. suffer on account of poison {snake bite etc.) and will possess a sickly body. His domestic happiness will be diluted. In the seventh house With the Sun: He will not part with his money easily. He will be ever agitated. His marital life wiil incur an abrupt end. His sexual lust wiil be limitless. He will always be at loggerheads with-co-born. The health of his heart wili be unsatisfactory and pose continuous problems. With the Moon: Abdominal disorders, obstructed education and becoming wealthy wili be the results. With Mercury: He will have a defective physique and be of crooked disposition. He wiil lose children. He wili cheat others. With Juipter: He wiil acquire more enemies in political circles. Marriage will be a failure. His effort in many matters will not meet with success. With Venus; Endless frictions In marriage will keep him unhappy. Others will insult him. He will suffer from bloody disorders. His health will be wasted on his insatiable sexual lust. With Saturn: There is a possibility of marriage being nullified. He wiil be ever depressed and wil lead a hopeless life. He will incur troubles in foreign lands. With Rahu; He will either marry into a rich family or wili. gain financially through his spouse like her handsome earnings. His marital iife will be one of tensions and turmoils.
Often there will be seperations and reunions before a final breakdown. The spouse will either be ugly to look at or will be highly fat. With Ketu: The spouse will be of sickly constitution and will suffer repeated miscarriages. Marital happiness will be scarce. The native will be wealthy but be shortlived.
in the eighth house With the Sun: He may lose a parent early. Blood pressure, cardiac detects and lose through vehicular accidents will be resultant. He will face tremendous financial strains and will not become wealthy. He will indulge in illegal activities and will not have moral strength. His marriage will not be stable, or end in a disaster. With the Moon: He will incur one disease or the other from time to time. Punishments from government authorities will be possible. His family happiness will always be at stack. With Mercury. He will look aged in his prime youth. There will either be no marriage or if at aii it occurs it will only be shortlived. Skin diseases and nervous disorders will also be possible. With Jupiter: He will be poor and earn in questionable waste. His marriage will be nullified due to some elders Interference In the family. He will have multiplying enemies. .With Venus: His friends will be from mean circles. His marriage will be a great disappointment one in his life and might be subjected to legal proceedings and complications. With Saturn: He wHI be bereft of children or will frequently lose children. His spouse will always have an upper hand on him and make his life miserable. With Rahu: He will meet his end in the hands of servant, thieves or by violence. Infamy on account of females will also be possible. With Ketu: He will have a checkered career. Peace in the domestic life will be absent. In the ninth house With the Sun: He will have only one brother/system born after him. Ancestral properties will be multiplied by him. He will always follow the path of righteousness. With the Moon: He will be very wealthy and will enjoy all paraphernalia of life. With Mercury: He will be an eloquent and impressive speaker. Authorship can well blossom in him. His marital life will be quite
happy. He will have tamous children. He will hold a high position in government. His friendship will be in prominent circles. Some initial disappointments in marriage are likely. He will flourish as an author. Occultism and spiritualism will be of great interest to him. With Venus: He will be exceedingly pleasing in looks. He will be fond of spending lavishly on entertainments. Artistic professions will give him big success. He will show deep incliniations to have secret relations with other females. With Saturn; He will take to right ways of earning. He will not like to go near any vice. He will suffer from defects of legs. With Rahu: Parental happiness will not be enjoyed by him. He will follow a traditional discipline of living. He will be a failure in spiritual pursuits in the initial stages. With Ketu; He will attain great success in spiritualism, meditation, astrology, yoga and the like. He will be highly respected for his expertise in these fields. He will lack maternal happiness and be separated from ' the family. In the tenth house With the Sun: Although the success he attains will be illimitable in his profession, that would not be without debacle at every step. He will be very famous. With the Moon: He will increase his wealth by hard labour. Honours from government and public are likely. Success Is always his. With Mercury: He will be an expert in economics and may hold high positions in banks, financial institutions etc. He can be an expert musician or musicologist. He will be ever truthful in his pursuits. With Jupiter: He wiil have a clean history and will have stainless fame. He will be interested in ancient subjects like Vedas, astrology and Sanskrit. He will attain fame in religious discourses and teachings. If Jupiter is more in the vargas of Saturn, while joining Mars in the 10th house, the native will give up his family ties and take to ascetism in traditional sense. With Venus: He will gain abundantly through the financial contributions of his spouse. Marital life will be somewhat unhappy. He will have sexual deficiencies. With Saturn; He can reach the zenith, but will at one time slip back to the bottom. With Rahu: At every step he will face hurdles in his professional progress. Heart/lung problems will predominant in his case. With Ketu: He will not be happy at home, but his paradise is his outside the precints of his home.
In the eleventh house With the Sun: He will be a lord ot wealth. He will spend liberally. With the Moon: He will be quite beautiful in appearance. His wealth will without obstacles multiply and will know no limits. He will never lose in the work he undertakes. With Mercury: His financial gains wiil be ever on the increase. His speech can attract anybody. He wiil control many. With Jupiter: He will be very wealthy, but will control many. With Jupiter: He will be very wealthy, but will suffer from disorders of the ear and stomach. With Venus: Diseased testicles and royal honours wiil result this conjunction. A second marriage can be easily precipitated with other females and wili have permanent relations with them. With Rahu/Ketu: Marriage will be a total disappointment. In the twelfth house With the Sun: Lean body, troubles from law, imprisonment, illegal activities and disappointments in profession wHI result. With the Moon: He will suffer from endless poverty and will lead a miserable domestic life. With Mercury: He wHI be ever troubled by debts and may incur confinement. His health will be poor and physique grotisque. With Jupiter: He will be distressed due to sexual thoughts. He will get a bad name for his questionable acts. He wili incur disappointments in property suits. With Venus: He will not be cared for by his own children in his old age. He may earn wealth only to lose due to his loose morals. With Saturn: He will suffer from eye diseases and ulcers. Poverty will ever hunt him. With Rahu: This is not a good yoga for financial stability. Ther is a danger of ond declar-' Ing himself Insolvent. With Ketu: Dog bites and accidents may repeat off and on. One will earn wealth through questionable means. In the end he wili turn to god for solace. The above results should be carefully applied looking Into the actual proximity of the planet with Mars. If the planets are more than80wlde, the results may vary.
Chapter 14 Results of Mercury's Conjunctions That was about the conjunctions formed by Mars in various houses with every Individual planet that we read In out previous chapter. Now about Mercury|s. A basic idea of Mercury's effects in signsand houses can be had thus: Aries - highly educated,- knowledgeable; Taurus: astrological abilities; Gemini: two marriages; Cancer: writing and artistic abilities, highly imaginative, lustful; Leo: childless-, ness, or difficulties with children, misunderstanding with brothers and sisters; Virgo; unhappiness to elder brothers/sisters; Libra; fraudulent, trlcklsh; Scorpio: difficulties with debts; Sagittarius: success in meditation; Capricorn: endless misfortunes in work; Aquarius; marital tensions; Pisces: Clever in cornering others' possessions. 1st house: knowledge in Mantras; 2nd: very rich, will have skin troubles; 3rd: a hard worker; 4th: loss of a child; 5th trouble to mother during 5th/26th year of native's life; 6th powerful in arguments; 7th: beautiful and learned spouse; 8th lung and breathing disorders; 9th: success in yoga and meditation; 10th: eye troubles; 11th: good health; 12th: humiliation. Since we have earlier known of the effects of Mars joining others, we are not adding Mars here. Thus we are giving effects of the Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu in the company of Mercury individually. . Mercury conjunct others In the ascendant - The Sun: absence of happiness, separation from relatives, obstructed education, brain tumors, skin burning etc., the Moon: able speaker, Interest in immoral pleasures, fertile imagination, gains from cousins; Jupiter: good-looking, rich, learned, diplomatic; Venus: public honours, gain through spouse, happy living; Saturn: effective connections with government, unhappy marital life, disappointments in begetting offspring, tendency to harm others; Rahu: always in troubles, profes-
sionai debacles, ulcer or disorder related to lungs, separation from children; Ketu: spinal disorders, spiritual success. 2nd house - with the Sun: ulcers In the body, loss of properties, continuous financial troubles; the Moon: influential in government circles, very rich, happy; Jupiter: high degree of professional success and riches; Venus: literary achievements, conveyances; Saturn: poverty, spoilt by bad company; Rahu: rash speech leading to losses, disorders of nose and cynus; Ketu: danger of early loss of spouse. 3rd house- with the Sun: many children, wide fame; the Moon: unsteady mind, violent tempers, ugly-faced, gambler; Jupiter: troubled by ear, lung and nervous disorders, flourishes as an author, lacks wisdom; Venus: troubled by venereal disorders, fond of frequent sexual pleasures, neglected by offspring; Saturn: liked by wealthy people, paralytic and rheumatic disorders; Rahu: obstructed education, disputes with cousins; Ketu: rheumatic and nervous disorders. 4th house- with the Sun: prone to disorders of breathing, nervous breakdowns, rheumatic pains, paralysed virility, troubles from litigations and misunderstandings; the Moon: speaking abilities, truthful, authorship; Jupiter: allround comforts and honours, high positions in government; Venus: ministerial position, wealthy; Saturn: blood disorders and endless fevers, always losing to enemies, paralysed domestic happi-. ness, break in marriage; Rahu: Involvement In embezzlements and scandals, obstructed academic achievements, happy mother; Ketu: fond of scriptures, frequent professional enmities. 5th house - with the Sun: Indulges in Illegal activities, fond of scientific researches, spouse prone to revolt and severetles. (The Sun-Mercury conjunction is apt for IAS and the like); the Moon: has a lot of gains through progeny, highly honoured by all, has a fearful appearance, quite religious and god-fearing; Jupiter: extremely good-looking, not greedy, has many children (whereas Jupiter alone in the 5th is not so praised generally), successful In most undertakings, prone to flirt; Venus: lordly, will have surprising attainments, eloquent speaker, often Involved In love and romance; Saturn: defect or deficit in physique, never happy, unsightly, (a female with Mercury - Saturn, or Rahu or Ketu In the 5th will have difficult
menstruation); Rahu. sickly ctiildrren, or children below average in IQ; Ketu: expertise in astrology and allied sciences. 6th house - with the Sun: becomes rich and famous for riches but incurs frequent health problems;, the Moon: discarded by his own people, frequent financial troubles, has an unmanageable spouse, timid; Jupiter: fond of immoral pleasures, troubled by government and litigations, lazy, lack of mental health; Venus: fond of sexual pleasures, will have many enemies and litigations, unsuccessful, distanced from family members; Rahu: stomachla! disorders, wealthy; Ketu: dental and spinal disorders, financially troubled. 7th house - with the Sun: impotent, bereft of marital happiness and prone to permanent severence of marital ties, tlrckish and cunning; the Moon: well-related to his family members, possibility of having numerous children; Jupiter: spendthrift, very intelligent, suffers badly on account of Instability in thoughts, ever after sexual pleasures, rich and famous; Venus: happy marriage, enjoys all paraphernalia of life; (According to another authority, Mercury In the close company of Venus in the 7th house will deny both marriage and progeny.) Saturn: Insulted by others, troubled by a strong penchant for Immoral sexual pleasures, high handed spouse; Rahu/Ketu: impotent spouse and early end of first marriage. (Normally this conjunction exposes one In sexual scandals). 8th house - with the Sun: troubled in foreign countries, always at the mercy of others, the Moon; troubled by leprosy, unsound health, miserly; Jupiter: discarded by family members, intent on cheating others, falls in bad company and disrepute; Venus: servitude, ugly; Saturn: impotent, unhappy family life, takes to sinful livelihood; Rahu: death by violence, troubles In legacy; Ketu: secretive, unreliable, strenuous marriage. 9th house - with the Sun: has many friends, widely popular, good for paternal Inheritance and political achievements; with the Moon: flourishes as an author; Jupiter: laudable In astrological knowledge, rich and prosperous; Venus his children will be wellversed in fine arts, literature etc., the native will gain through inlaws and cousins; Saturn: will have lot of landed properties, high academic attainments; 141
Rahu. lives In foreign lands happily, Ketu: obstructed fortunes, mentally Imbaianced. 10th house- with the Sun: involved in scientific projects on governmental level, very intelligent, rich, famous; Moon: bold and famous; Jupiter: famous, rich but miserable; Saturn: beautiful, has numerous children, suffers professional debacles although generally progressive in attainments; Rahu: difficulties from maternal relatives, obstructed fortunes; Ketu: absence of progeny, early loss of maternal grandfather. 11th house- with the Sun: skilful in trading, ever gaining, wealthy; the Moon: beautiful, has many friends, rich but prone to instability In status; Jupiter: has knowledge of many branches of learning and many conveyances; Venus: has many sons, charitable, popular, wealthy; Saturn: happy marital life; Rahu: disturbed marriage but rich; Ketu: attached to ascetics and Buddhism, not interested in material riches. 12th house • with the Sun: freedom from diseases, but Involvement in questionable acts and troubles therefrom, attached to Immoral pleasures, sickly spouse; the Moon: poor, miserable, grlefstricken. Involvement in quarrels; Jupiter: mental imbalances, subordination to females, attached to his children, moderate financial status; Venus: many enemies, wastage of money on questionable pleasures; Saturn: very cunning, addicted to destructive vices, disrespectful spouse; Rahu: prone to throat operation and persisting disorders, financial difficulties of persistent nature,' possible confinements; Ketu: high spiritual attainments, aversion to family life. As already stated, the conjunctional orbs should be duly considered in the case of Mercury's company with others as above. •
Chapter 15 Results of Jupiter's Conjunctions
In houses: 1st house - singer; 2nd wealthy, 3id - digestive defiencles, hearing disorders; 4th - loss of progeny, strained relations with mother; 5th - a gifted writer; 6th - serious sickness to mother; 7th - happy marriage, except when the ascendant is one of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius; 8th - separated from father; 9th - patronized by great men; 10th - successful in profession; 11th - limited progeny, second marriage; 12th - vices and Infamy. As we have already discussed conjunctions of Mars and Mercury, here we are giving effects of Jupiter joining the Sun, Moon, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu, In the 12 houses. Jupiter with another planet In 1st house: with the sun the native wili be a thief, will lack intelligence, will suffer from diseases of stamach and ears; the Moon - beautiful and longlived; Venus - political achievements and connections; Saturn - rich but will face many dangers and downfalls; Rahu progenic difficulties; Ketu - spiritual attainments, intestinal or facial ulcers. In the 2nd house - with the Sun - difficult life; Moon many children, amicable with others; Venus - very rich and
receives royal honours; Saturn - troubles from Government, persistent diseases; Rahu - eye disorders; Ketu - dental disorders. In the 3rd house - with Sun: poor and foolish; Moon wHI have fnany vices, ever g. leved, belligerent; Venus - difficulties In begetting children, will be sometimes very happy and sometimes very distressed; Saturn - rich and famous; Rahumedfcal achievements; Ketu - lung disorders, enmity with children. In the 4th house • with the Sun • complaints of jaundice, poverty, eclipsed mind; Moon - legal education and legal expertise, longliving mother; Venus - highly educated and aristrocactlc; Saturn • welfplaced children; Rahu - obstructed education; Ketu • checkered career but with a saving grace. In the 5th house - with the Sun - will be averse to traditional/ancient subjects, fond of other's spouse; Moon - will live a royal life, achieves skill in ancient subjects; Venus - wealthy, will have many children; Saturn • will be very rich, but wH earn In questionable ways, will not give much attention to dress insplte of being wealthy; Rahu • astrological achievements of a great order; Ketu • knowledge in astrology, danger for children 4 from poison/animals. In 6th house • with the sun - endless disease, insulted even by mean people; Moon • diseases in organs or defects in limbs, short-lived; Venus • will cheat others, be a slave of vices like being alcoholic, be always after Illicit carnal pleasures; Saturn - will incur severe strains in marriage, be fond of questionable deeds; troubled by debts but wealthy; Ketu - litigations and childlessness. in the 7th house - with the Sun - series of grievous events, lack of happiness; Moon - vast friends circle, royal honours, political achievements; Venus - sweet voice, many diseases; Saturn - lives on female's wealth, henpecked; Rahu - two marriages; Ketu - sickly spouse. In the 8th house - With the Sun - always Insulted by others, Illicit connections with another's spouse, father has abdominal disorders; Moon - short-lived, poor, defective body; Venus - limited progeny, unnecessary enmity; Saturn - poor,
uneducated; Rahu - criminal Involvements; with family members.
Ketu - litigation
In the 9th house - with the Sun - victory over enemies, eminent father; Moon - financial difficulties; Venus - professionally successful spouse: Saturn - musical achievements, lordly; Rahu - lacks parental hapiness, separates from family members, losses in marriage; Ketu - litigation with coborn, a coborn remains unmarried. In the 10th house -with the Sun - a highly successful businessman; Moon - maternal inheritance, longiivlng mother; with Venus - wealthy, wili have a lot of properties and conveyances; Saturn - Checkered education for children; Rahu gains through In-laws, checkered profession; Ketu - Wealthy. In the 11th house • with the Sun - will have a stepmother; with the Moon - mother's marriage strained, wealthy; Venus - happy marital iife (if Venus is afflicted in other ways, second marriage may well take place); with the Saturn - wealthy, henpecked, praiseworthy; Rahu or Ketu; second marriage. In the 12th house - with the Sun - unfruitful efforts, has many vices and thievish tendencies, troubled by persistent diseases; Moon - harsh, sickly, poor; Venus - wealthy, alcoholic: Saturn • miserable life; Rahu • wHI not prosper in life, marital delays; Ketu • Infamy on account of members of the opposite sex, debaucher. Separate discussions on Venus and Saturn joining other planets are not undertaken as such conjuction effects could be found in the previous 3 chapters dealing with Mars, Mercury and Jupitar.
Chapter 16 Strange ways of Jupiter
Parasara Hora is a serene, deep ocean. Its autnoi, sage Parasara, was the fountain-head of astrological knowledge. Remaining at Manasarovar or Mahabaleswar one cannot imagine how big is Ganga or Godavari. Only a physical follow-up along its banks can tell how wonderful and unique is the Lord's creation. Similarly to a serious student of astrology repeated studies and tests of Parasari principles could be a rich experience and could confer pearls and pearls of wisdom and ability to handle a horoscope successfully. I had the good fortunes of taking up, if! may say so, the, onorous task of translating Parasara Hora in English with all my limitations. I could do the first part (upto ch.45) which I believe has been well received by the enthusiastic readers. The second and concluding part remains till date undone by me because of my pre-occupation in conducting the publication of The TOA. One Is awe-struck by the utility of the Maharashl's unchallengeable principles. One such dictum from the yet unpublished version, pending my English translation, of BPH (also found in the Venkateswara series, Bombay) is: Rahu Yukta Guru Rasige Gurau Tattrikonamathaarishta Kaarakam. It means this: Rahu should at birth be in a sign of Jupiter, to wit in Sagittarius or In Pisces. When Jupiter in transit moves through that particular sign, or its trines, he is harmful That is a literal translation. In actual practic we find that such a transit of Jupiter inflicts misfortunes and miseries on the native. This adversity could be in any form - like setbacks In profession, matters related to money, marital life, relatives, litigation, children etc. etc. On the whole this one year is an evil period.
My first encounter after my acquaintance with this principle in Febraury, 1984 was with Mrs. Gandhi's natal Rahu in Sagittarius and the then Jupiter's movements in Sagittarius from January, 1984. I forgot this and foresaw a glorious career for her through the 1985 General Elections! With the disaster that besieged the country in October, 1984 in the form of Mrs. Gandhi's death, the theory under discussion drew my attention once again from which time a number of horoscopes were studied in the light of the said dictum. Quite marvellous it was nowhere Jupiter's transit fulfilling the conditions of Parasara went without leaving a misfortune. In one case a native lost her mother. Somewhere it was sister's death. Somewhere it was a divorce of marriage. Somewhere it was a criminal involvement, etc. etc. This transit could also cause unusual mental tension, disappointment and the like; that is,the results are sometimes invisible to others. Now remember the following conditions which are not included in the dictum but emanated from my observations; 1.
Rahu in Sagittarius at birth is more prone to adverse reactions when passed over by Jupiter as against Rahu being in Pisces.
if two or more people in the family have Rahu in a Juipiterlan sign the effects of Jupiter's transit on such Rahu are deadly and long lasting.
Rahu should be single in that particular sign. If he is natally conjuct others, than Jupiter, the transit may not give ' significant results. In exceptional cases if the companion is a malefic, the effect is more than lethal.
If Rahu and Jupiter are together at birth in a sign of Jupiter, or when Jupiter is with Ketu in a sign of Mercury, then the transit of Jupiter in Sagittarius/Pisces as the case may be will be extremely evil.
Jupiter trainsits that particular Rasi, like any other Rasi every 12 years approximately. Each successive transit could be more pronouncedly evil than the earlier one.
If during the suggested transit of Jupiter the native is in the dasa of Rahu or of Jupiter it is the most evil.
in every individual case the adversity is different and it warrants a study of the particular horoscope and its directional Influences.
Jupiter's trinai transit (5th and 9th) from Rahu - occupied Sagittarius or Pisces has not been put to test by me, vigorously, in observed cases, although a handfui, the effects were insignificant.
By the way when Rahu and Jupiter are conjunct in a nonJupiterain sign, the transit Jupiter in that particula sign brings about an auspicious event. This is not part of the sage's dictum.
Keeping these observation in mind we study the following paractical horoscopes. Case No.1: Male born 8th July 1935 at 1515 hrs in Simla (H.R) with the following palentary psotions: Asc - Libra, Sun - Gemini, Moon - Virgo, Mars - Virgo, Mercury - Gemini, Jupiter - Libra, Venus - Leo. Saturn • Aquarius and Rahu - Sagittarius. During the recent transit of Jupiter in Sagittarius from January, 1984 to February 1985, the native lost his father with the very entry of Jupiter over Rahu-occupled Sagittarius, i.e. in January, 1984. The year in question brought further misfortunes to him viz. his promotion due for long was stalled; he was dropped from the prestigious position in the Board of a government undertaking; his junior fHed a writ against him in the Supreme Court. Ail these occurred in quick succession during the last movement of Jupiter in his sign, Sagittarius. The native is a senior officer of long-standing in a Central Government undertaking. Case No. 2: Female born August 07/08,1954 at 0450 hrs in Agra with Cancer ascendant, having the Sun in cancer, Moon In Scorpio, Mars in Sagittarius Merury in Cancer, Jupiter in Gemini, Venus in Virgo, Saturn in Libra and Rahu in Sagittarius. The native is very well educated with double M.A. and a law degree. Naturally she is considered a brilliant person in her family circles.
In Sagittarius we find a companion for Ranu who is none other than Mars, his arch rival. The house is the 6th from ascendant. Jupiter at birth additionally joins Ketu, vide my observation No.4 listed earlier. Jupiter's journey in Sagittarius over Rahu (and Mars) inflicted her with severe mental derangement. All of a sudden the girl turned Into a lunatic, started banging on the walls, scolded people, used abusive terms - all befitting a person wanting mental balance. Till February, 1985 no treatment worked. As soon as Jupiter left for Captricorn. she responded to treatment and soon became quite normal (Now nobody can trace her mental past.) Case No. 3: Male born 14.12.1954 at 1839 hrs. Vldlsha In Madhya Pradesh in Gemini Lagna with Ketu in it, MoonJupiter in Cancer, Saturn and Venus in Libra, the Sun and Mercury in Scorpio, Rahu in Sagittarius, Mars in Aquarius. The native Is well connected with film industry and lives in Bombay. As usual, Jupiter In Sagittarius on natal Rahu during 1984 did not spare inflicting a misery on the native. During this period when he was camping in Ladhak for a brief stay for film shooting, came a message that his young and younger sister was snatched away by cruel fate. Our finding is that when Rahu is in the 7th In a Jupiterian sign, Jupiter in transit brings more often death. Death of some one or the other in the family. Case No. 4: Male born August 07, 1950 at 0620 hrs in Delhi in Cancer ascendant. The Sun in Cancer, Moon in Taurus, Mars in Libra, Mercury in Leo with Saturn; Jupiter In Aquarius, Venus in Gemini and Rahu in Pisces. In April, 1987 Jupiter moving in Pisces broke the leg bone of the native. That caused naturally a serious damage and disaster in the subject's life. Case No.5: Female born on Sep. 12, 1954 In the postsunset hours in Baghdad with Pisces ascendant and the Moon in it. Other positions are : Sun in Leo, Mars and Rahu in Sagittarius, Mercury in Virgo. Jupiter In Cancer, Venus in Libra with Saturn. Please note Mars and Rahu are in Sagittarius, with Mars aspecting the Moon (indicating the mother). Jupiter passing
through Sagittarius on Rahu-Mars area caused death of the native's mother in a tragic automobile accident. Case No. 6: Male born on January it, 1918 at 0632 hrs In Delhi. Ascendant, Sun, Moon, Rahu, Mercury - ail the 5 in Sagittarius, Saturn in Cancer, Jupiter in Taurus, Mars in Virgo, Venus in Aquarius. During the movement of Jupiter in Sagittarius around middle of 1984, the native driving his car hit a stationary 3wheeler scooter killing its relaxing driver on the spot. The native got involved in criminal case, causing death by negligence. Pity, it was at an old age of 66. i have given just six examples out of the numerous cases that I came across in 3 years. For the benefit of the readers we may add the following, out of our actual observations. 1.
When Venus and Rahu are in the 7th for a GeminiA/irgo native, Jupiter's appropriate cycle of transit in the respective 7th house brings the curtains of marriage scene down, by divorce, death etc.
When Rahu is in Sagittarius/Pisces with Mars and or Saturn, transit Jupiter in the particular sign causes loss through major accident or criminal involvement.
If the Moon is involved with Rahu, mother is affected by Jupiter's transit in question.
If the Sun is involved with Rahu, it is father that Jupiter aims at during his movement in question.
Mercury involved with Rahu in Sagittarius brought a paralytic attack on the native coinciding with Jupiter's movement in that sign. This Indicates that movements of the native could be stalled by artheritis, rheumatism etc.
In a couple of cases, Rahu In a sign of Jupiter remained inactive to Jupiter's transit in the particular sign. This was only when Jupiter at birth was in trine to the node, i.e. Jupiter aspecting Rahu at birth. Such natives did Incur no misfortune whatsoever. Jupiter's 7th aspect brought no relief as he joins another node, Ketu. This we have pointed out initially.
By the way, as a matter of profitable Interest we give some hints as to when a particular transit of Jupiter proves adverse. 1.
When he goes In the 5th sign from his natai position, he gives poverty, wandering disposition, despondency and the like.
In the 6th from his natal position - disease.
In the 9th from his natai position - loss of memory.
In the 3rd from natal Sun - poverty, Illness and enemies.
In the 5th from natal Sun - diseases, troubles, from government.
In the 6th from natal Sun - imprisonment.
In the 8th from natal Sun - financial losses.
In the 12th from natal Sun - grief and enmity.
On natal Saturn - perturbation.
In the 2nd from natal Saturn - loss of money.
In the 4th from natai Saturn - Injuries, accidents.
In the 7th from natal Saturn • miseries, emnlty.
In the 8th from natal Saturn - financial losses, Illnesses.
In the 9th from natal Saturn - evils.
In the 10th from natal Saturn - Injuries, quarrels, reproaches.
I n the 4th from Venus - quarrels with relatives.
In the 7th from Venus - quarrels with spouse.
In the 12th from natal Venus - loss of woman and of wealth.
in the 6th from natal Mars - misfortunes.
In the 7th from natal Mars - grief and disease.
In the 8th from natal Mars - unhapplness and defeat.
In the 9th from natal Mars - decaying, loss of wealth.
In the 3rd from natal Mercury - loss of honour, unhapplness. -
In the 5th from natal Mercury - loss of fame and of wealth.
In the 9th from natal Mercury - Intellectual destruction.
These hints are from Brihad Yavana Jataka of Sphujl Ohwaja. The effects of Jupiter's transit with reference to the Moon sign are only too well known to be reproduced here. The malefic transits of Jupiter as given by Sphujl Dhwaja will help the reader to assess what damage the bad transit of Jupiter on natal Rahu in Sagittarius/Pisces could bring on.
Chapter 17 Wisdom of the Seers Part I t. Goaaess Parvathi presents the following horoscope to Maharashi Parasara seeking his views on the life events of such a native. MOON
2. Parasara replies: This is the horoscope of a male child that lives with name and fame. His birth house is south-facing. The street extends from east to west. 3. Temples in the street: There is a temple for Lord Maha Vishnu in the eastern side. The south-east side adores a temple for Lord Hanuman while the north-east side has an abode of worship for Shri Maha Kali.
4. Description of the city: There is a canal in the north side of the city. Boats often move there. There is also a village deity who moves around in the nights (to protect the place from evil forces). This is a Vaishnava shrine. The omnipotent Paravathi too resides in a temple there. The city is known as Kanchlpuram. The native is the sixth child of his parents. After a study of the positions of the nine planets, 0 Parvati, I explain to you about the native's parents, his wife, progeny etc. in detarl; please grant me an audience to listen to these. 5. Father of the native: Me has five brothers and one sister. Some of them prematurely die about which I shall deal with later on, on a different occasion. The father is of light brown (meaning fair) complexion. He is an eloquent speaker. He is not too tall a man. Horoscope Ulan from a Nedi.
6. He has a difficult youth. Later on, in the middle age he becomes rich. He follows just principles. He earns wealth through his own business (trading). He obtains landed properties in many surrounding villages. He is harmless and earns wide fame. He enjoys quadrupeds and servants. 7. He is a red-lettered person and is piercingly intelligent. He has Padma Rekha (lotus symbol) on his palm. He constructs a house which excels in artistic beauty. He fulfils every promise of his. He prospers in the company of his brothers. 8. In wealth he is like Kubera. He suffers from bilious complaints. To such a parent, the present naive is born like a Kula Deepa ('light of the family', i.e. a worthy offspring). 9. The native: He does not speak lies. He is very intelligent and enjoys a wide circle of friends. He is affectionate to his wife. There are small-pox marks on his face. He is wellread in Sastras. He obtains vast wet, cultivable lands. • 10; He has a very fair-complexloned physique which is also quite hairy. He is exceedingly attractive. He eats empireiy food. He does not speak foul language. He gathers antiques, jewellery etc. and is devoted to Lord Siva. His name and fame spreadsto all the eight directions. He destroys his foes. 11.- His relatives and kinsmen extol him for his superior attainments. He acquires herds of cows and oxen. He is fond of scents and classic flowers. He patronises the needy and keeps up his word. His wealth is indestructible. Although he acquires nine coborns, two brothers and one sister will only live long. The rest pass away untimely. Out of the living brothers, one is older than the native. 12. The elder brother specializes in rendering medical treatment to others, particularly for wounds and broken bones. 13. The native affectionately takes care of his brothers. Right from birth he enjoys effects of Raja Yogas. He has a single, long living spouse. 14. The native's elder brother passes away in his middle age. As soon as he dies, there is enmity and incompatibility In the family.
15. At this stage. Goddess Parvathi interrupts: "Can you please clarify why such a situation of enmity arises among the family members?" 16. The sage continues: The native's cousin's wife is responsible for this development. The native spends a lot of money on litigations. He loses. Relatives become sworn enemies. He incurs the wrath of the government. At last the female in question dies. Thereafter the native inherits her properties as well. 17. "At what age of the native these difficulties occur?" asks Parvathi. "After the native attains his 25th year of age. these developments show up, the female in question dies during her pregnancy, to the relief of the native", says Parasara. 18. Bhujanga Maharshi poses a doubt why the property does not go to the female's offspring, instead of being inherited by this native. Parasara answers that she is issueless. And Is a widow. 19. Jaimini asks Parasara as to what the astrological reasons are for such developments. 20. Parasara replies: These developments are due to the blemish caused by the company of Jupiter and Mars in the 5th house. These events are due to occur in the first half of the dasa of the Sun. My words shall not fail to fructify. 21. Because of Mars in the 6th house, the native ultimately wins the litigations. 22. The native's marriage: He marries at 23. The spouse in good at heart, but is somewhat dual minded. She is yet a mod el-wife. 23. Progeny: The native acquires eight children, of whom four die premature deaths. Two male children and two female children will only survive. The first four children die prematurely. 24. Parvathi wants to know the reason why particularly the first four are lost. The sage clarifies: Because Mars joins
Jupiter in the 6th house, they are lost. It is due to the sins of the native in his last birth. 25. Last birth: He was born in a Telugu-speaking family. It was a rich, business family. At that time, a Brahmin approached him for financial help to conduct his son's Upanayana (sacred thread cremony). The native promised help in time. 26. When the time of Upanayana approaches, the native went back on his word given earlier. The furious Brahmin cursed: In the next birth, may you suffer progenic blemish. 27. At the end of that birth, the native visited Rameswaram and took sacred dips. Returning to his native place, he partonlsed local Siva temple with garden of flowers (for worship of the lord) and died. Then this is his present birth. 28. That is why the first four children now die of a Dosha. 29. The participants in the debate ask Parasara, as to why then all the children do not die to the grief of native, because of the Brahmlnlc fury. 30. Parasara enlightens: It is because he visited Rameswaram, took sacred dips, patronised Siva temple. The later four children survive because of this remedial measure in repentance. 31. The native's mother: She is of a fair complexion and respects her husband. She is somewhat diseased. She is pious and worships Lord Siva. Goddess Lakshmi ever lives in her abode. 32..Parental rites: The native in his 33rd year will perform last offices to his father when the Sun moves In Sagittarius. He will perform final rites to his mother when he is 36 with the transit Sun in Pisces. 33. Own death: He dies at the age of 62. Then the Sun will be in Aries and the ruling Thlthl Krishna Paksha Navaml (i.e. the ninth day of dark half). 34. Next birth: He will again take birth in a royal family and will enjoy abundant riches.
35. Otner events of current Dirth; The native enjoys Increasing Yoga effects, like waxing Moon, because of Jupiter, Mars yoga in the sixth house. Throughout his life, he is free from poverty. He Is never indebted financially. He does not agree to perform evil deeds. Because of God's grace, the native ever is prosperous and happy. He earns properties equal to forty thousand gold coins, in his 53rd year, the native's brothers insist on partition. 36. Balance of Dasa at birth: The unspent part of Ketu Dasa at birth is 3y 5m. This is a period of difficulties and major diseases. NOTES: (To be read with paragraph numbers given for the original Nadi readings as above). 5. Affairs relating to father are to be seen from the 9th house, as well as the Rasi occupied by the Sun. Here the 9th house is Pisces while the Sun is in Aquarius. Th 9th lord Jupiter is in his another sign Sagittarius. The Sun's disposltor. Saturn, is in Aquraius itself. The Sun-Rahu combination usually indicates that the native's father loses some of his co-born (while ascendant lord with Rahu] causes loss of native's own :o-born). Father, is an eloquent' speaker because of waxing vioon in the 10th house, 2nd from the 9th. Father should othervise be tall because of Sun's conjunction with Saturn and tahu, both of whom are tail. In this case the 9th lord Jupiter is vith Mars, who is of a moderate height oniy. 6. Father Is wealthy for two reasons. The 9th lord is strongly placed in own sign and is in the 11th from the Sun. 7. Father is well read: 4th lord from the Sun, I.e. Venus, is /vlth Mercury and is in the 2nd from the 9th lord Jupiter. 4th and 2nd deal with learning. 9. The native does not speak lies, although the 2nd lord is with Rahu and Saturn. This is because of Jupiter's powerful aspect to the 2nd house. Small-pox marks on the face are due to the association of the Sun (2nd lord denotes face) with Rahu. The nodes, contributing to smallpox marks, are directly related ot the 2nd. 10. Name and Fame: See Moon In the 10th house with increasing rays and in aspect to Jupiter.
12. Eider brother specialised is medical treatement: The 8th house which is the 10th from the 11th house (11th denotes eider brother/sister) has Rahu, Sun and Saturn. These three planets, apart from Mars, are connected with disease-curing. 13. Raja Yoga effects coming through, right from birth: Except for the initial 3y 5m period of Ketu dasa, for the rest of the life the present native is said to enjoy yoga effects well, if the ascendant lord Is basically strong and well-positioned, the yogas in the horoscopes will fructify uninterruptedly and right from the beginning. That is what happens here. The Moon is ruler of ascendant and is well-placed. If the ascendant lord is inauspiclousiy placed, Raja Yoga effects wili only confront bottlenecks to materialise. There is only one spouse indicated for the native here. The signiflcator in the bhava concerned destroying the bhava should not be applicable to Venus in the 7th house which could be verified from numerous other cases. The same is the case here. Further marital aspect is taken care of by Jupiter aspecting ascendant lord. 16. Troubles from cousin's wife; The 9th house represents cousin's spouse. Here it is ruied by Jupiter who is in the 6th house from Lagna. Because of Mars, the native ultimately wins the litigations. ^ 20. These litigations are said to occur In the first half of Sun's dasa. That is the Sun gives mixed results for a Cancer native, adverse results in first half and favourable results in the 2nd half. 22. Wife is of dual nature, as Mercury is in the 7th. • 23. Blemish about progeny: The 5th lord Mars is in the 6th along with Karaka, Jupiter. The 5th is aspected by Saturn. If he Is alone and aspects the 5th, it need not be a blemish. But he acquires additional maleficence from Sun-Rahu. 30. The progenic belmish is not full and final. It is well offset as Putra Karaka is placed in his Mooiatrikona sign. 33. Death of the native: The life span is 62 years only. Saturn in the 8th, that too In Aquarius, his Mooiatrikona sign can give a life span of more than 75. Rahu and Sun in the 8th curtail the contribution of Saturn. At the time of the present native's death, the planet Saturn may well be somewhere in
Plsces/Anes. mainly causing Sade Sathi. Ranu-Ketu may possibly be in Leo-Aquarius exchanging their natal positions. Where Maraka influences operate effectively, these two transits may prove deadly, otherwise they will give a major sickness, equal to death. 35. Jupiter-Mars yoga in the 6th house for a Cancer native is highly praised by sage Parasara in the Nadi readings which is noteworthy. Also Mars in the 6th house necessitates disputes with coborns and cousins.
Chapter 18 Stars and Financial Downturns For every bhava or house in a horscope, Its opposite bhava has also a significant role to play. It may be complementary or adverse. In other words no bhava is complete without depending on its opposite bhava, its occupant, its lord, planets transiting therein etc. etc. When we want to know about the 2nd house, the 8th house stands for consideration, for example. So such sets of houses are 1-7; 2-8; 3-9; 4-10; 5-11; 6-12; 7-1; 8-2; 9-3; 10-4; 11-5; and 12-6, Always consider these pairs for a fair decision. We elaborate this concept: if the ascendant lord Is wellplaced, he can boost the 7th house indications (marriage etc.) while an ill-placed ascendant lord can shake the 7th house. The 4th lord, well placed and strong can promote one's career. Strength and good placement of the 2nd lord (being opposite of the 8th house) holds important clues to life span. Similarly the 12th lord can take care of health or strain the same. This way 1 ith lord shows influence on children, the 9th lord on coborn, the 3rd lord on father, the 10th lord on mother, the 6th lord on expenses, the 5th lord on gains etc.. etc.. So also these houses and their occupants. Since our subject-matter is financial reversals, we share our experiences, based on our study. See the following; 1.
The 8th lord is retrograde, anywhere.
A retrograde planet in the 8th house.
The 8th lord debilitated.
A debilitated planet in the 8th house.
The 8th lord deeply combust.
A deeply combust planet in the 8th house.
The 8th lord in his sworn enemy's house.
The 8th house occupant in his sworn enemy's house.
The 8th lord with a debilitated planet efeswhere.
Sun, Rahu or Ketu with the Gulika in any house.
Saturn and Sun in 2nd/8th or in 8th/2nd.
Mercury replacing the Sun as shown at SI.No.11.
Mars in direct motion in the 2nd house aspected by retrograde Jupiter In the 8th house.
Jupiter in direct motion in the 2nd house aspected by retrograde Mars in the 8th house.
Mars(R) in the 2nd aspected by Jupiter in direct motion in the 8th house
Jupiter(R) in the 2nd aspected by Mars in direct motion in the 8th house.
Mars-Jupiter aspecting each other while one or both of them is in retrograde motion and be owning the 8th house.
The 2nd lord or Jupiter being stationary in any house.
19: The Sun with Venus or with Moon in the 2nd or 8th house. 20.
Rahu in transit over the 8th lord's vicinity.
Rahu Dasa and Saturn bhukti in operation.
Mars bhukti in Rahu Dasa.
The Dasa and sub-periods of 2nd/8th lord or 8th/2nd lord in operation.
Each one of these combinations in its individual capacity Is capable of causing serious financial reversals, if two oi more of them are in simultaneous operation raising one's head after a debacle is an uphill task. The extent of reversal depends on the native's staus. Now see some practical cases. in the 70's when I was beginning to understand what astrology was, I used to meet an elderly astrologer. His warning was that the ninth sub period in the Dasa of Rahu could almost wipe one out financially. I had seen him even advising his clients to transfer major properties/financial deals in some relative's name. Then I did not realise the potence of the sub 164
period In question. On the contrary I rose very high in 1983-84 in my Mats bhukti of Rahu Dasa. But I did not brush aside that elderly astrologer's adlvlce. As a coincidence, later on, I had occasions to chance five or six horoscopes where ill-placed Mars was bhukti lord under Rahu Dasa. These natives suffered the worst financial crises of their lives. One such example is: Leo - Asc 13° 43; Libra-Jup(R)260 43'; Scorplo-Ketu 9° 23'; Capricorn-Moon 0° 17"; Aries - Mats 19° 37'; Venus 28° 51'; Taurus-Rahu 9023'; GuIika-220 1 8'; Sun 22° 33'; GeminiMercury 14° 24'; Cancer-Sat 12° 17*. His Rahu/Mars ruled from 3-10-1985 to 21-10-1986. During this sub period his whole life's savings worth a crore of rupees were offset. He started re-establishing himself in the later part of Jupiter bhukti Data Wlihhcle Jupiter Dasa. Unfortunately his MOON ASC 0-17 Jup/Jup/Mars commenced on 29-6-1988. On 1st July Mats entered Pisces, his 8th house, KETU JUP &MJ and In the month of July 88, he lost nearly Rs 20 lakhs. At birth Jupiter rules the 8th house, is in retrograde motion and is aspected by Mars. The Sun- Gulika are closely together while Rahu is also in that sign. MARS iwr vEN »■»
RAHU *-ZJ MERC SUN 22-JJ H-24 GUL 2M« • SAT 12-17
Example 2; Bom on 11-8-1963 at 1700 hrs in Unnaq (U.P.) as a very rich man's son, Sagittarius-Asc 25°. Ketu 27°' Capricorn- Sat (R) 26° ; Pisces-Jup (R) 26° ; Aries - Moon 14° 02'; Gemini - Rahu 27°; Cancer - Yen 19°; Sun 24°; Leo - Mercury 18° ; Virgo • Mars 16° 30'. Dasas balance at birth is • Venus tSy.llm I2d. As soon as Sun dasa started in July 1982, he stalled his own business, rejecting academic studies with the sole heip of huge sums of parental money. His venture was piling up only mammoth losses, placed at Rupees seventy lakhs in February 1988.
IUP(R) a
Aug. 11,1963
RAHU 27 VEN1* SUN 24
T he dasa ends on 23-71988. Mark Venus and the Sun in the 8th house in aspect to Saturn (R) from the 2nd (as well as by Jupiter retrograde in the 4th).
Example 3: Male born in an aristocratic family on 6/7-31932 at 0340 hrs New Delhi. Sagittarius - Asc 27° ; MARS ASC 25 Capricorn Saturn 8° ; Aquarius 14-30 KETU 17 - Mars 16° ; Moon 18° 46', Sun 23° ; Pisces - Mercury 10, Rahu 4: Aries ■ Venus 4° ; Cancer - Jupiter (R) 21° ; Virgo ■ Ketu 4°. The Dasa of Rahu to expire after 1y 8m from birth date. SATfR) U
The native's father died when he was barely 12 years old. After 1952, in Mercury MERC 1 VEN4 bhukti, Saturn Dasa the family RAHU 4 was in the grip of such a literal MARS 14 financial collapse that they were JUP (R) MOON nowhere. To meet his needs, 11-44 21 Mar 6/7,1932 the native has to start rigorously SUN 23 a taxation consultancy service In 1964. Note Saturn is in the SATS 2nd house in aspect to Jupiter (R) in the 8th house. Saturn ASC 27 KETU 4 aspects the sub- period lord! Mercury, in the year 1980 in Jupiter bhukti of Mercury Dasa, the native's meteoric rise occurred and still is on. Jupiter Is in his debilitation Navamsa to otherwise present a dismal picture; I am Indeed helpless to tell you what the reason could be. Example 4: Male born on 8-3-1959 at 0740 hrs, Agra. Pisces - Merc 7°, Asc 14°, Venus 18°, Ketu 19° ; Taurus - Mars 17° 45'; Virgo - Rahu 19° ; Scorpio - Jup 8° 30': Sagittarius Sat 12° ; Aquarius - Moon 7° 37' , Sun 21°. Dasa balance at birth- Rahu 16y 8m 10d. The native has a moderately paying service. When Rahu was passing In Pisces after emerging from natal Venus, the na166
tive In April 1988 had a deep desire to leave the then Job and go abroad for a lucrative Gulf : assignment. He was in touch MOON 7-: ' with recruiting agents.' His SUN 21 Jupiter Dasa, Mars bhukti Mar. S, 1>S9 (these two planets oppose each other at birth) was on in August 1987 when he gave about Rs50 thousand to an agent. So far, SAT 12 JUPt-M RAHU 19 even in August 1988, the assignment is elusive and the money is considered lost and Irrecoverable. Venus is the 8th lord who when excited by transit Rahu entrapped the native. Jupiter - Mars although in opposition are not retrograde and hence the loss seems to be not handsome. MARS 17-45
Example 5 : Gemini - Asc 11° 48'; Leo - Ketu 1°; Virgo Jupiter 29°; Libra -Sun 14° 48'; Scorpio - Mars 23°; Mercury 8° 17'; Sagittarius - Venus 0° 22': Aquarius - Rahu 1°' Pisces Moon 25° 22' The native had met his legendary luck in Mars Dasa which commenced in SeptemMOON ASC ber 1982. He maintained a 11-4* 25-22 good growth upto Jupiter sub period. When he entered RAHU 1 Saturn's sub period from Febraury 1985, things reversed and financial aspects reached SAT 17 KETU zero level. He is yet to recover the blow, the liabilities running into some crores, Here Saturn VEN MARS 25 SUN 15 JUP29 in the 8th house, aspecting the 4.22 MERC 6-17 Sun in the 5th. The 5th house rules lotteries and the native Is in lottery business. The Sun in fall in 5th aspected by Saturn as a noteworthy combination, for debacles in speculation business.
Example 6, Male born 4.7.1940, at 1916 hrs. Dalmiapuram Tiruchi, Leo - Asc. 17°; Virgo • Rahu 22°. Pisces Ketu - 22°; Aries - Jupiter 16° 50', Saturn 19° 10'; Gemini Moon 1° 41Venus 4°, Sun 19°30'; Cancer - Mars 7°, Mercury 10° 40" Dasa of Mars at birth 2y 7m 12d. The 8th lord Jupiter is in SUN 19-30 close conjunction with MOON KETU 11 JUP lft.50 Ml .SAT 19-10 debilitated Saturn. His Saturn VEN ^ Dasa - Moon bhukti began in With Saturn WARS 7 January 1988. moving In Sagittarrus exactly MERC 10 July 7,1940 opposite bhukti lord Moon, and Rahu still in Pisces (8th house) ASC 17 there occurred a huge furnace blast with the loss running into lakhs. Although Rahu was RAHU 22 moving in the 8th right from September 1986, he needed an accomplice whose role was played by transit Saturn affecting Moon (bhukti lord). Thus financial downturns of a great order could be seen in the light of the rules listed above and the native concerned can be suitably forewarned.
Chapter 19 Horoscopesof Murderers (Recently we came across an interesting article Dy Mr. R.P. Misra in KERALA JOTHIDAM in Tamil, in its issue dated 16.12.1988- 15.1.1989, dealing with horoscopes of three murderers. Author Misra is a retired Inspector General of Police, Madhya Pradesh Prisons, and is wellversed In astrology. Presented below is its English translation with kind permission from Kerala Jothidam,edited and publised by Mr. P.S. Iyer, 143 Perunduri Road, Erode, Tamil Nadu.) Horoscope of a male native, born on 5.4.1959 at 1012 hrs, "in Kanpur 26N 27 89E14. with balance of Rahu dasa 2y 0m 14d. Rasi: Aries-Venus; Gemini-Asc, Mars; Virgo-Rahu; Scorplo-Juplter; Sagittarius-Saturn; Aquarius- Moon; Pisces-Ketu, Mercury and the Sun. KETU MERC SUN
MOON Mar. 5, 1959 RASi
Navamsa; Gemini- Rahu; Leo-Saturn; Virgo-Mercury, Jupiter; Libra- Asc; ScorpioVenus, Mars; .Sagittarius-Ketu' Captricor-the Sun; Pisces-The Moon.
The native is an engineering graduate, in government service. Born in a rich family, he was an uncontrollable child. SAT JUP RAHU During his college days, he acquired enmity with a co-student due to collge elections. The native lost elections and had nurtured feeling of revenge towards the said co-student. After the college days were over both entered their professional lives. As Ill-luck would have it, after a couple of years, the said co- student got a posting in the same city, and in the same office, as the native in question was working.
The native's revengeful feelings again woke up and became fresh. One day,, in midnight hours he went to the said co-student's house who prayed for his life and requested the native not to take revenge on him. He went to the extent of assuring that the very next day he would resign the job and leave the city. The said co-studnet's newly wed wife and baby were helpless spectators. The native immediately took a sickle and killed the erstwhile co-student. The police arrested the native and on 26.10.1987, legal proceedings were Initated. He made no confession, but gave an account that the deceased attacked him with a sickle when he went to collect the sum due to him. On 21.3.1988, he was, however sentenced to death. He has appealed to higher courts and is still in jail. Born in Gemini ascendant with Mars in it, Rahu in the 4th house, Saturn in the 7th while the 10th house has the Sun, fallen Mercury and Ketu. That is to say, the four Kendras from lagna are occuplld with dire malefics. The 2nd lord is in the 8th from the 2nd. 7th lord is in the 12th from the 7th. The 12th lord Venus is in the 12th from the 12th house. The incident took place in Saturn dasa, Sun bhukti. During the native's Saturn dasa, Saturn bhukti and Rahu Pratyantara, the native had severe arguments with the deceased. Saturn is In Badhakasthana in mutual aspect with Mars. Saturn aspects the Moon as well as the rising sign. Although Venus as yogakaraka is in the 11 th house, he joins Mars, in centiped navamsa, Scorpio. The 4th house from the ascendant reflects light on one's thoughts and mental makeup. Rahu is in the 4th, in aspect to Mars as well as to Saturn. These reveal In revengefulness, lunacy etc. The.Srd house containing Mandi points to this impulsiveness and thoughtless actions. The 4th house is further aspected by the Sun as weil as debilitated Mars. Mercury ruling the ascendant and the 4th house is, in debilitation. The Moon is weak, of Krishna Paksha Trayodasi, aspected by Saturn. Jupiter with Kendradhipatya blemish Is in the 6th house. He will not attain success in his appeal in the sub periods of Moon, Mars and Rahu of the dasa of Saturn. The 2nd house
ib m aspect to Jupiter, and Its lord Is in a Kendra to Jupiter. Hence the death sentence may stand converted as a life-term. Now the horscope of another murderer. Bom 5th July, 1952, at 1652 hrs. 22N52. 79E7, Ketu dasa balance at birth 6y 10m 17d. MI-KC MARS JUP
July S. 1962 ■ KA.SI
The native Is a Muslim whose horoscope is given below. Rais chart: Taurus-Mercury, Mars; Gemini - Sun; Cancer Venus. Rahu; Leo - the Moon; Scorpio - Ascendant; Capricorn Saturn, Ketu; Aquarius - Jupiter. Navamsa : Aries - the Moon; Gemini - Saturn. Ketu; Virgo - Mercury; Sagittarius Rahu; Aquarius - ascendant, Mars; Pisces - the Sun. Jupiter, Venus.
In this horoscope, the 3rd house has Saturn and Ketu together within an orb of 3 degrees/ The 8th house contains the Sun. The 7th house has Mars-Mecury. The 7th-cum-12th lord Venus is in betwen the luminaries. In Navamsa chart, Saturn Is in the 5th house. Mercury in the 8th and Mars in ascendant. During his 21st year, In Venus dasa. Saturn bhukti, he befriended a Brahmin girl and went to the extent of having premarital physical relations with her. Her brother warned him several times. But the ties between the native and the girl grew in Hamalayan proportion. So also the enmity between the native and the girl's brother. In the course of time, the native gathered some of his vagabond friends and attacked the girl's brother with deadly weapons. The brother of the girl was killed by the native In a violent scuffle. When the native was in Venus dasa, Ketu Bhukti, he was awarded life sentence. Mars and Mercury are in the 7th house. Coupled with this the 3rd house position of Saturn-Ketu gives him murderous Instincts. From the 7th through the 10th house there are
malefic planets. Gulika Is in tne 10th house. These positions denote death sentence. The 3rd horoscope is still more interesting, belonging to a girl born on July 1, 1961, 2153 hrs at 25N41 85E13. Mars dasa to expire at birth; 3y 3m I7d.
Rasi chart: Taurus - Venus; Gemini - Sun, Mercury; Leo Mars, Rahu; Capricorn - Jupiter, Saturn; Aquarius - Ascendant, Moon, Ketu; Pisces - Gulika.
Navamsa : Aries - Jupiter; Taurus - Rahu; Gemini - Mars; Libra - Moon; Scorpio - Ketu, Gulika; Capricorn - ascendant, Mercury, Venus; Aquarius - Sun, Saturn.
July 1,1961
She got married at the age of 21. Before marriage she was mentally and physically attached to someone. She was forced to marry elswhere as her paramour belonged to a different caste. Due to marital harmony being absent, the girl filed a case for grant of divorce. Meanwhile she wanted to fled with her boy-friend. Both of them wanted to eliminate the husband. The girl neatly executed the plan of murdering her husband, with a heavy stone, when he was fast asleep. The girl and her boy friend were arrested. In the legal proceedings, the court awarded death sentence to both the accused. Born in Aquarius ascendant, she has debilitated Jupiter in the 12th house along with Swakshetra (own sign) Saturn. The ascendant Is occupied by Ketu along with the 6th lord Moon. The 7th house has Mars - Rahu In close conjunction. The 4th house Venus In Taurus causes Malavya yoga. The 5th house contains Sun - Mercury having a six degree gap. Mercury is affiicted with blemish in combustion. The 12th house Saturn has Mars in the 8th counted from him. Although there Is Gulika in the 2nd house and the 2nd lord Jupiter is in debilitation in the 12th house, the 2nd house is 172
jointly aspected by Saturn and Mars This can save her from being hanged. But during the whole of Jupiter's dasa. and for nine years of Saturn dasa. she will have to be in jail. An analysis of Navamsa chart could throw more light If in a female' horoscope, the 4th 5th, 6th and 7th in Navamsa are spoilt, she not only spoils her own life but also spoils the life of another person. So say sastras. Although Malavya Yoga did not help her, Jupiter due to his benefic nature can save her from death sentence
Chapter 20 Rectify Birth Time Easily Accurate birth time is a prime essential in maklnQ a horoscope that can lead to correct judgement of the native's life events and their closest possible time periods. The time factor in horoscope casting can in a way be likened to one's destiny itself. To wit, difference in birth time is difference in destiny pattern. We do realise that this Is true, only as far as the planetary operations are concerned; the revelations to be made by the astrologer are wholly dependant on his own ability and again destiny. Ancient astrological text-books have laid down numerous rules with a view to even attaining the gole of reconstructing a lost horoscope i.e. Nashta Jataka Paddhathi, not to speak of birth time rectification. Some of these are easy to apply while yeat some can only be handled by the adept. The result: many of us are left with defective data. It has remained an indisputable fact that the astrologer is very often called upon to use intricate methods, weed out the possibility of errors in doing so and struggle hard to ascertain the factual time of birth, or actual degree of natal ascendant. Even the ancient masters differed from one another in many cases, and we ordinary astrologers, whose source of learning is chiefly classicals, remain In a plight of puzzle and semiclarity. In stating so, we do not mean that the birth time rectification methods we inherited are defective, nor do we assume that we couid excel the sages in any manner. What all we want to emphasize Is the need to have a couple of methods that make rectification more simple, ever reliable, quite clear. In fact while following the classical track of rectification. I have achieved a good deal of success in many cases There are a smlmilar number of cases that caused failure. I do not deny that there are astrologers who can effortlessly rectify birth time in a fillip with the ease of yawning. And successfully. Popular methods normally used for birth rectification are: Prasna (horary), Dasa Bhuktis in the light of past events.
divisional charts, omens etc. Out of these horary Is undoutediy the best and free from confusions, provided the query Is natural and honest, if the same querist approaches the same astrologer for the second time, the rectification loses its relevance and accuracy. Rectification with the help of dasa periods suffers from its own defects any event can be justified with the help of any sub period, or sub-sub-perlodi Then there is the riddle of processional value or Ayanamsa. Planetary Vargas are also automaticalty taken care of, by this very line of argument and confusion. That we must agree upon a standard Ayanamsa Is a different question - that cannot be solved easily, by ail. Saying, after rectification, that the person is bom in this ascendant - and not that ascendant - may not really serve the purpose so well. At least we must reach the level of spotting the correct Navamsa ascendant, i.e. within a maximum gap of 3o20' of natai ascendant. Once this Is done, a normal astrolger can use his own sense of judgment with the help of Dasa periods, Vargas and the like with much ease. One Navamsa ascendant is about 13 minutes of clock time as we all know. In the present context, we will confine ourselves to the extent of reaching the accurate possible degree less than a Navamsa • through a new method well tested by me In every case sue* cessfully. Those who can narrow down the gap to minutes or arc are surely there. Mr. H.R. Shankar has deviced what is called diurnal chart containing sensitive points In a horoscope which or Its angle (90°, 180 , 270°) when transited by major planets, vis. Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu or Ketu will produce an Important event In the native's life. This i have reversed Into birth rectif]catlon.jwhen time Is doubtful by two or three hours. As a matter of fact, from then onwards, i.e. for the last four years or so, I have been easily rectifying birth times accurately with the help of major events like marrrlage, birth of child, death of relative, major accident, professional ups and downs, divorce In marriage, property losses and the like. This eliminates many ordeals and Is quick enough too. Ere going into the technique of rectification, we must recall how diurnal chart is to be prepared.
Know the degrees of ascendant and the planets (tor our purpose, only the four major planets) counted from zero degree of Aries. That is, if it is Leo 25°, take 145°. Deduct from the ascendant each of the degrees of the planets. If the planet is ahead of the ascendant, add 360° to the latter before deducting. What you now get is the diurnal point of that planet, which is the sensitive degree. For example, ascendant is Virgo 19° and Saturn in Cancer 12°. We deduct 102 from 169 and get 67°, i.e. Gemini 7° which is the sensitive or diurnal point of Saturn. Whenever any major planet transits on the said 67° of Saturn, or an angular degree thereof, a major event will be produced. Let us not go into the nature of event which is out of the purview of our exercise. Before using these transits, we should, based on our experience, give one or two necessary cautions. Sometimes an event can be produced when a major planet transits on its own natal degree, or that of the other, similar to its movement on its diurnal degree. Births of consecutive children have also not been found coinciding with transits on diurnal degrees. Suppose one has 3 children; there need not necessarily be such transits in all the three cases, but surely in one, or even in two in some cases. Lastly if Saturn along with Jupiter and one of the nodes is found closely in one sign at birth, then diurnal positions lose their significance to a great extent, for the purpose of birth time rectification which is not safe to do in that case. Out of the birth charts rectified by me using the diumal points, my own case is one. Let me tell you that our elders did not keep any horoscoplc records for us as they had a neutral stance to astrology and were not accustomed to consult an astrologer. Only birth dates were on records. Accordlnly, my birth time cited from feeble memories was 7 PM war time or 6 PM corrected 1ST. Date of birth : 21.5.1944. Place: Tirupathi, A.P. We assume this to be our basis for rectification. Less than 10of Scorpio ascendant becomes our staring point. Planetary degrees are Saturn 63°, Jupiter 116°, Rahu 98° and Ketu 278 .
With the help of these, we get diurnal positions thus. Saturn 147°, Jupiter 94°, Rahu 112". Ketru 292 . Let us take one major event in lite and rectify the birth degree. With the rectified natal degree and diurnal positions, we will confirm other events. During first week of July 1977, got an important transfer to Delhi with s senior post and many formal facilities. This change of place, one of the most significant turns in life in the light of later events uptiil now, holds key to rectification. Transit positions then were: Saturn 112°, Jupiter 75°, Rahu 177°, Ketu 357°. Rahu's diurnal position is exactly In fitness with Saturn's Transit degree but this does not justify some of the other events as listed at S.No.f to 8 below. Hence we choose among diurnal placements of Jupiter and Saturn, based on 1 0 Scorpio ascendant. Jupiter's placement 94° is the closest to transit Saturn. So we make Jupiter's diurnal position as 112° instead of 94°. When natal ascendant minus planet is the planet's diurnal degree of the planet added to its ntala position yields ascendant. Jupiter's rectified diurnal degree, i.e. 116° gives 228°, i.e. 18° Scorpio as ascendant. (It is a coincidence in this particular case that diurnal Rahu based on 1° Scorpio ascendant and diurnal Jupiter based on 18° Scorpio are identical. This is because, the distance between natai Rahu and natal Jupiter is identical with the increase obtained in ascendant degrees by rectification. To be rid of this stalemate, follow the other events after rectification.) Now we reconstruct the diurnal chart using Scorpiol 8° as ascendant, thus: Saturn 165, Jupiter 112, Rahu 130, Ketu 310. With the help of these positions, we can tally the following events keeping respective transits in mind: 1.
Native's father took to holy order in May 1967 when Saturn was in Pisces 15. diametrically opposite his diurnal position.
The subject got married in August 1978 when transit Saturn was on Rahu's diurnal degree in Leo 10°
Lett service in March 1980 to choose selt employment • when transit Jupiter was on 10th degree ot Leo over the diurnal position of Rahu.
Got a son in February 1984 when Saturn was moving on 22° in Libra, exactly angular to diurnal Jupiter in Cancer 22°.
Took interest in astrology for the first time when Saturn was in Taurus 10°, exactly in an angle to diurnal Rahu in Leo, in August 1971, with of course limited success.
In November 1966, death of a grand parent took place when Rahu was in 22° Aries, in an angle to diurnal Jupiter in Cancer 22°.
Career as author of books in a "big way" commenced in September 1981 when transit Saturn was on 15th degree of Virgo indentical with his own diurnal placement.
Publication of The Times of Astrology was finalised in the end of July 1985 when transit Rahu was in 21° of Aries in exact angle to diurnal Jupiter.
All these events cannot be a coincidence but point out to the accuracy of the ascending degree arrived. it is surely risky to conclude with one event, and at least a couple of major events as shown should be put to test so that the diurnal chart is scientificaliy aligned transits, before rectifying the birth time, and without clash between various events, transits and diurnal degrees.
Chapter 21 On
Pindayu Calculations
Computation of longevity by exact mathematical process is one of the important and essential aspects in astrology. Hindu astrology has several systems like Pindayu, Amsayu, Naisargikayu, Rasmljayu. Ashtaka Vargajayu and so on and so on forth. Each system applies to a certain nativity according to certain selections by the worthy sages of this land. For example, when the Sun is the strongest in the horoscope, Pindayu applies. This system is also known by names Graha Datta Pindayu, Pindajayu etc. Here, in an attempt to touch various systems of span of life, we propose to deal with Pindayurdaya based on Maharshi Parasara's school, which is the basis for these calculations. The seven planets from the Sun to Saturn respectisvely contribute 19,25,15,12,15,21 and 20 years when on deep exaltation degree. The contributions are just halved when these are on deep debilitation degrees. The deep exaltation degrees for the 7 planets respectively from the Sun on are: Aries 10°, Taurus 3d, Capricorn 28°, Virgo 15°, Cancer 5°. Pisces 27°, and Libra 20°. By adding 180°, to Ithe said degrees, we get deep debilitation points for the concerned planets. After finding out the Individual contributions of span of longevity, the same are to be rectified which method is being explained in appropriate place in this article. To work out the longevity through Pindayu method, we will take up the horoscope of a male whose Rasi and Bhava charts as required for our purpose are given in the chart. The planetary longitudes in the respectisve signs as per Lahiri Ayanamsa (23-4-12) are: The Sun 7-12-18, the Moon 2735-46, Mars 6-18-46, Mercury 14-54-13. Jupiter 26-7-13, Venus 27-17-50, Saturn 3-9-41 and ascendant 0-48-34. The bhava starting points are: 1st - Libra 15-48-15, 2nd - Scorpio 15-48 15, 3rd - Sagittarius 15-47-39, 4th - Capricorn 15-47-2, 5th Aquarius 15- 47-1, 6th- Pisces 15-47-38, 7th -Aries 15-48 -15. Sth - Taurus 15-48-15, 9th - Gemini 15-47-38, 10th - Cancer 15-
47-1, tlth - Leo 15-47-1 and Virgo 15-47-38. Based on the sage's instructions, we may device the following simple and common formula to know the number of years contributed by any of the 7 planets. (All concerned longitudes should be converted into decimals. The minutes and seconds be also considered. For example, 21° 32* 49" is converted into 21. 547 degrees for easy calculations). The formula to find out the basic planetary contributions is: 1. If "d" Is less than 180°, then "c" = f minus (dxf divided by 360) 2. If "d" Is above 180°, 'c'
= d x f divided by 360
Where "d" Is distance between the planet's deep exaltation degree and its actual placement; "f" is the full number of years grantable by the planet and 'c' is the basic years actually granted by it due to its placement. Take Saturn's case as an example. He can at best contribute 20 years. In the horoscope under evaluation, he is 223.1613 degrees away from his deep exaltation (Libra 20). Hence to find out the basic contribution of Saturn, we use rule 2 above, thus; 223.1613 x 20 = 12.3979 years. 360
On this basis, we have for the example nativity, the following basic donations of years by the 7 planets: The Sun
17.5642 years
The Moon
24.6247 years
8.4036 years
6.9968 years
14.1200 years
19.2327 years
12.3979 years
These basic contributions will undergo the following reductions, as applicable. 1. Astangata Harana 2. Satru Kshetra Harana 3. Vyayadi Harana 4. Krorodaya Harana. These may be understood from the following paragraphs. 1. Astangata Harana: if a planet is combust reduce the span by half. However, this does not affect Venus and Saturn in combustion. 2. Satru Kshetra Harana: if a planet is in its enemy's sign, reduce one third of the basic years and take only two thirds. An exception is that a retrograde planet, although placed in Inimical sign, does not incur this liability. 'Vakrachara* Is the expression made by Maharshi Parasara and hence it excepts a retrograde planet. Mars also does lose if an enemy's sign. Neddiess to mention, a planet in natural friend's sign is not subjected to this reduction. 3. Vyayadi Harana: Planets entail reduction if placed anywhere between the 12th and 7th (recknoned in descending order). This need not be mistaken to be drisyardha Hani. Drisyardha means that half of the zodiac which is visible. Hence it is 180° behind the ascendental cusp, i.e. upto dlscendant via meridian. Vyayadi Harana figures are: full, half, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5 and 1/6 according to the planet being in 12th. 11th, 10th, 9th, 8th, and 7th. These are for malefic planets while a benefic loses only half of what is noted for a malefic. The Moon is ever a benefic for longevity calculations, as per Parasara,
(Mercury although joining a malefic be treated as a benefic only, for ail longevity calculation) The reader may be following the fiat reduction as suggested above. But we find here that there is harmonic progression in these deductions and hence we ought to have a scientific and logical approach to the quantum of correction, rather than resorting to a fiat check detrimentally. There is no Justification In straightaway eliminating the whole, for example, for a malefic in the 12th not giving heed to his actual degreewlse placement, it should be full at the 12th bhava ending point, porpoiUonately less on the 12th cusp and still lesser on the beginning point of 12th bhava or 11th bhava ending point. That is starting with a 100% less on the 12th bhava ending we gradually arrive for a 50% reduction at the point where the 11th bhava ends. Thus It will be one sixth reduction at the end of 7th bhava while it wiii be 1/7th at the beginning of the 7th bhava (or end of the 6th bhava). The reduction obtained by this method should be half In the case of a benefic (i.e. Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and the Moon). Without going through any difficult process, a common formula Is given with which one can rectify the basic contributions of a planet in one of these houses. The formula is: — — = loss of years (14-House)- (DP/ BL) (DP - Distance of planet from bhava start; B L- Bhava length and 'House' is the bhava occupied by the Planet under rectification). To understand this formula, we will rectify Saturn's contribution. He is in the 8th bhava and hence attracts this reduction. He is in Gemini 3-9-41 while the 8th house begins In Taurus at 15-47-38 in Gemini. Thus the length of the 8th bhava Is 29-59-33 or 29.9925 degrees, which is BL for our purpose. The basic contribution of Saturn is 12.3979 years. He Is 17.3572 degrees ahead of the 8th bhava beginning. Therefore, his reduction is: 12.3979
2.2869 years
(14-8)-(17.3572/ 29.9925) Thus, on account of Vyayadi Harana, Saturn entails a check of 2.2869 years. In the example horoscope, Mercury Is
not liable to this reduction as he is quite prior to the beginning of the 7th bhava. Others that attract this check are : The Sun. the Moon. Venus. Mars and Jupiter. The figures for these planets based on the present formula are: Venus(7th bhava)
1.4533 years
The Sun(7th bhava)
2.7939 years
The Moon (7th bhava)
1.8636 years
Saturn (8lH bhava)
2.2869 years
Mars (9th bhava)
t .9472 years
Jupiter (10th bhava)
1.9314 years
4. Kroorodaya Harana: Only malefics (i.e. Saturn, the Sun and Mars) entail this check for being in the ascendant. Mercury though joining a natural malefic will not be liable to this reduction. We do not require this reduction to any planet in the example horoscope, as there is none in the ascendaftt. Here the ascendant means the area between the starting and ending points of the sign rising. To find out this reduction, the ascendenial cusp in degress, minutes and seconds be multiplied by the number of basic years donated by the malefic concerned and divided by 21600. The divider is 21600 as these are the total minutes of arc in the zodiac. The figure so arrived should be reduced from the said malefic's basic contribution. However.if a benefic aspects the said malefic, reduce only half of the figure so suggested. 4. We have thus seen four types of reductions. At every stage, the reduction should not be done instantaneously. After obtaining the reduction figures, wherever permitted, check up If there is planet under various headings. The following may be remembered in this connection. (a)
If a planet attracts more than one reduction, the highest reduction is only to be done ignoring the others. For example, assume Mercury attracts a reduction 7.5 years due to rule 1. followed by 2.3 years due to rule 2 and 4.35 years due to rule3. The highest reduction is due to rule 1 and hence only 7.5 is to be deducted and the other two figures be ignored in toto.
In case of Vyayadi Harana (rule 3), two or three planets may be in one bhava. In that case, the strongest loses and the other (or others) will not lose.
Not only the planets, but the ascendant also grants a certain number of years. This figure should also be found out before adding to the planetary contributions. To know the number of years granted by the ascendant, firstly note the number of signs intervening between Aries and the sign before the ascendant. That is if Sagittarius is the ascendant, count upto Scorpio beginning from Aries. This denotes 8 years. The degree In the ascendant be also proportionately converted into years treating 30 degrees as one year, or 2.5 degrees as a month. The contribution of ascendant will be so calculated if the ascendant lord is stronger than the Navamsa Lagna lord. In case the Navamsa Lagna lord is stronger than his counterpart, a different computation is to be resorted to. Thus count from Aries till you reach a sign before Navamsa Lagna. in the case under study, the Navamsa Lagna lord Moon is stronger than the ascendant lord. Hence we compute Navamsa Lagna's contribution for our own use. The Navamsa Lagna is Cancer. Hence from Aries to Cancer we have three completed Navamsas which gives 3 years. The ascending degree is 0-48-34 whereas one Navamsa is 3 20'. Proponionatelyithus we get another 0.24283 years and have the total contribution of 0.2428 years as cendant's contribution, in case of Navamsa treat 3 20' as one full year. The contribution as obtained undergoes no check. Now we are ready for final reductions. There, are 3 planets in the 7th house, viz. the Sun, the Moon and Venus. The Sun is the strongest and hence Vyayadi Harana (rule 3) applies to only the Sun while Venus and the Moon are rid of a reduction on this score. The Sun is in enemy's camp and on this score he loses a third 17.5642, which reduction is equal to 5.8547. This figure is higher than the one obtained for the Sun as per rule 3 (i.e. Vyayadi Harana). Hence his final contribution turns to be 11.7095 years (i.e. basic years minus Satrukshetra Harana). in the matter of Vyayadi Harana (rule 3) there is no other bhava where there is more than one planet In one and the same bhava.
Though the Moon has not lost on .account of rule 3 (vyayadi Harana), she is liable to reduction on account of her combustion (rulel). Thus when her basic c ontribution (24.627) is halved, she is left with a net donation of 12.3124 years. Except the Sun, no other planet is in enemy's sign. So, Satur Kshetra Harana (rule 2) does not apply to others. Now the final contributions of the 7th planets may be noted as below: Pianaf Basic Yrs Reason Net yrs Reduction Sun 17.5642 l/3rd Rule 2 11.7095 Moon 12.3124 24.6247 Rule 1 1/2 Mars 06.4564 08.4036 9th house Rule 3 Merc 06.9968 6lh house Nil 06.9963 Jup 14.1200 10th house Rule 3 12.1886 Ven 10:2327 7th house 19.2327 exempt Sat 8fh house 12.3979 10.1110 Rute3 79.0074 Totel These years are In Savanamana (360 days a year) as we have based on 360 degrees. To apply this to Gregorian Calendar, we have to have Saura Mana. By simply multiplying the Savanamana figure by 0.9856034, we can get the Sauramana. Thus for the example case, we have a net Sauramana span of 77.87 years as longevity. The net years contributed by each planet will be the duration of its major period in the Find dasa scheme.
Chapter 22 Horary Astrology and its Boons The hoary seers have not deprived people without horoscopes of benefits of astrological counsel. Their wisdom deviced what is called Prasna Jataka Paddhati or Horary Astrology. In case of such lot, sans birth details horary system serves as a big boon In fact, horary astrology is equally helpful to those who have a birth chart as well. A horary chart is a better guide In some specific cases, helping one and all alike. The thought occurring in one's mind has a planetary influence and the planetary positions at that moment lead to various phases respecting that thought or plan. Casting a planetary map for that moment of query, an astrologer can find out the future prospects. The fruition or failure, timing of event etc. can be accurately worked out with the help of horary chart. However, It has its own limitations. It cannot go beyond two years in predictive sphere and the events are Influencewise restricted to two years In horary chart cast for a particular purpose. The honesty of the querist is quite essential so that success in handling a horary chart is obtained. If the querist is not honest it will be reflected crystal clear In the chart. For example, Saturn adversely related to query ascendant denotes want of seriousness on the part of the querent. An adverse Mercury denotes a testing disposition. If the ascendant lord is In the visible half while his dispositor is in the Invisible half, or vice versa, with no assistance from benefics, it portends unsuccessful handling of the chart. All these and such other clues be borne in mind ere attempting at answering a query horarily. Albeit the use of Prasna chart is manifold and unrestricted, we will depict here its utility in the matter of birth time rectification, tracing the actual moment of an unknown birth time and the prospects of a pregnant woman. Thus, the article is sub-divided into three different parts.
PART I There are many ways of birth time rectitication. One popular and effective system is to take various events of the past into account and link them with Dasa periods, apart from considering the nature, personal description etc. of the native and align such events into one pattern of the horoscope. This Is a very cumbersome mechanism demanding high skills and exactitude of knowledge which wili be possible only for an experienced astrologer. Sometimes, there may not be many noticeable events in the life of the native. Hence such a mechanism may not always be handy and adaptable. By all means, rectification of birth time through a horary map of the firmaments is the simplest - yielding to ordinary mathematical calculations - and quickest to work with. How to use a horary horoscope for rectification of birth time: Let a person say that he was born at a certain time in night (or In day) and that he has only an approximate record of birth time. In such a case, cast a chart for the moment of query at which the desire is revealed. In noting down the time of query, do not ignore even seconds but take the actual time without any variation. Asscertain the exact longitude In degrees, minutes and seconds. Even half a degree of longitude in the ascendasnt can lead to a variation of approximately 12 minutes in birth time. Divide the longitude by 30 to know what fraction of the Rasi has ascended on the east, and multiply by the duration of night or day (as on date of birth) as the case may be. This will reveal the fraction of night or day past on the day of birth. Add that to the sunset or sunrise which will give the exact birth time. Now see an example of a practical case where the querist expressed the desire to know the exact birth time, though an approximate idea of birth time is held. Let us ignore that approximate time of birth also at this stage. The query was raised on July 2, 1984 at 1240 hrs at New Delhi. The
native was bom on 11 -3-1942 before sunrise (i.e. night birth). The ascending degree in the query chart is 20° to' (in Virgo). The night duration on the dasy of birth in that particular place was 12th 14m 40s, and sun set was 6-24-40 p.m. Now with these simple data, proceed thus: 30 (one Rasi) = 20° 10' (degrees elapsed) t2h 14m 40s
20 10'x 12h 14m 40s 30
8.2309 hours
8h 13m 52s
This indicates that from the Sun set till birth, a duration of 8h 13m 52s has elapsed. This conveys birth time as 2-40 A.M. which is quite in line with the querist's assumption. The above system, one of a cuple of systems, should be resorted to when it is known specificaily whether the birth is In day time or In night time. PART II To trace birth time when day night birth is not also known - If the person knows only birth date but not about day or night, a different approach is to be made to the query chart, in this case, know the day and night duration both on date of query and of birth. The next step Is to know whether the query ascendant is a day sign or a night sign. The following is the diagram showing day. and night signs of the zodiac. These are respectively known a dulmal sign and nocturnal sign as well. ' if the query ascendant falls in a day sign, then the native was bom in night time. Conversely a night sign ascending denotes a day birth. The same fraction of day or night as past on the date of query would have past in the night or day on the date of birth. Thus, the formulae are:
1 if night sign ascends at query, fraction of day past at birth is =
2. If day sign ascends at query, fraction of night past at birth is _
whereas DPQ = duration past upto query from sun rise (or Sunset), TDQ = total duration of day (or night) on the date of query, TDB = total day duration on date of brith, and TNB = total night duration on the date of birth. The fraction thus obtained as per formula 1 is to be added to sunrise on the day of birth. In case of formula 2, it is to be added to sunset. Let us use as an example formula i, for the sake of understanding. Assume the following data: Sun rise on query date
0612 hrs
Sun set on query date
1929 hrs
Query time
1048 hrs (i.e. 4h 36m after S.R.)
Ascendant at query
A night sign
Sun rise on birth date
0717 hrs
Sun set on birth date
1852 hrs
Day duration on query date
i3h 17m
Day duration on birth date :
11 h 35m
Since a night sign ascends at the time ot query, birth should have been in day time. Using formula 1, we go thus: 4h 36m X 11h 35m
^ = 4h Om 41s
13h17m This indicates that the native was bom 4m Om 41 s following sun rise, i.e. bom at llh 17m 41 s. PART III
The query as to when the pregnant woman will deliver, her safety etc. can be answered through a horary chart with the following clues. 1. The Sun in the query chart will lead to knowledge of the month of pregnancy in which the female is. For example if the Sun is 7° 45' of a sign, the female has completed two months and is in the 3rd month of pregnancy. So to say, the navamsas completed by the Sun will have to be known from the horary chart. Every degree covered by the Sun will equal nine days of pregnancy. 2. However, if the Sun Is In the very first Navamsa, it may mean either the first month or the 10th month. 3. The next step is to know whether the delivery will be before or after 273 days from the date of Adhana. (273 is the basis because the Moon needs 273 days to complete 10 revolutions of the zodiac.) This can be known through the Moon in the query chart, thus: a)
If the Moon Is increasing in rays and is within 180 0of the ascending degree, delivery will be before 273 days.
If the Moon is increasing in rays but is ahead of 180 0 from the ascending point, delivery will be after 273 days.
If the Moon is decreasing in rays and Is within 1800 from the ascending point, delivery will be before 273 days.
If the Moon is decreasing in rays but is ahead of 180 0 from the ascending point, delivery will be after 273 days.
With the help ot these tour rules, the Sun's placement at the time of delivery can be fixed, after giving consideration to rule 1 and rule 2 above. 4. After fixing the possible Sun's position as per rule 3. the Moon at the time of delivery can be worked out. The Moon on the day of delivery will be either in the 7th sign or in the 10th sign reckoned from her query position. L. The ascendant at the time of delivery can be known based on the ascending degree at the time of query. For this, formula 1 or 2 will have to be resorted to, as given in Part II supra. This will lead to knowledge about the exact moment of delivery. 6. After knowing the ascending degree, the Moon's exact degree (for the particular moment of delivery) can also be known, within the stipulations of rule 4. 7. A countercheck whether the Moon and the ascendant at delivery are rightly worked out can be made. A simple and unerring method is to have identical angular distance between the two pairs, i.e. query Moon - query ascendant, and predeclared delivery Moon and delivery ascendant. If there is irrecoverable variation (say beyond 4 or 5 degrees) between these two pairs, it then denotes that the query is mishandled. 8. Precautions are to be taken to ensure that the pregnancy will be safe till delivery, through the query chart and only then the time of delivery need be workedout. The prospects due for the carrying female should first of all be known through the horary chart, after knowing the current month of pregnancy as per rules 1 and 2 given above. The 1 st month goes with coagulated blood following Adhana and is ruled by Venus. If in the first month, Venus is in adverse in transit, the development ot the foetus is stalled. In the 2nd month, a mass of flesh occurs and this month is ruled by Mars. Jupiter controls the 3rd month causing limbs to form. Bones form in the 4th month under the guidance of the Sun. (The disposition of the prospective mother changes in the 4th month of pregnancy. She develops unusual courage if it is a male child and is struck with unusual timidity if it is a female child.) The Moon enskins the child in the 5th month. Saturn grows hair in the 6th month Mercury rules the 7th month causing significant move-
ments tor child in the womb. The child teeis hunger and thirst in the 8th month under the lordship of the planet owning Adhana Lagna. So to say, Prasna Lagna lord will be such ruler in the case of a query, and both lords will be identical and be one and the same. In the 9th month, the Moon causes excitement while the Sun pushes the child into this world in the concluding month. The position of the development in the current month (i.e. the month as on the date of query) and further developments in the future months should be properly guessed with the aid of the horary chart, if the query ascendant is well placed, angles and trines well fortified and aspected, the female will safely deliver in a usual manner. If Mars or any other malefic is adversely afflicting the ascendant or its lord currently or will form adverse relation in future transits, then the female is not going to safely deliver. Thus for every month, the concerned lord should be in auspicious transits and related to auspicious planets. After seeing all these phenomena, the time of delivery be declared. The horary chart should be cast for unappointed meetings and the querent himself must incidentally come on his own, particularly in the matter of rectification etc. suggested above. Any instigation on the part of the astrologer will mislead. It is hoped that the clues given above will be enthusiastically pursued by the reader for common benefit.
Chapter 23 On Prenatal Epoch If birth time is a accurately noted, we can trace out the correct time and date of coitus that caused the conception in question. Adhana Lagna or Nisheka Lagna means the ascendant that prevailed at the time of coitus and not the one at conception. The Sanskrit word 'Adhana' or 'Nisheka' means a sexual cohabitation. (Some texts call the first union between a couple as 'Adhaana' and the later ones in the usual course as 'Nisheka'.) As per our present topic, we consider the birth of a male child born on Friday, the 17th February 1984 at 22h 35m 1ST at New Delhi. The birth time has been correctly noted with a special request to the attending doctor. The time of coitus was astrologically chosen and promptly noted down In the records. And hence this case wili serve as a foolprooof example. The natus as per Lahiri Ayanamsa (i.e. 23° 37' 51") Is given below;
SUN Feb. 17,1984 VEN MERC JUP
The longitudes of required planets and important cusps are as given below: Ascendant
: 182° 23'06"
9th cusp
: 64° 03' 13"
tOth cusp or M.C.
: 94° 36' 06"
208° 32' 06'
202° 45' 38'
Sidereal time at birth: 8h 1 m 21 s The longitude of Gulika is cast for the beginning of Saturn's Muhurta, as suggested by the sage Parasara in ch,3 Parasara Hora. With the above data, we should be able to trace back the Adhana date and time. The formula is: Adhana Lagna = Date of birth and time munus "x" where x" is obtained thus = A + B + C Now A, B and C are explained. "A" is the angular distance between Saturn and Gulika at birth. "B" is the distance between the cusp of the ascendant and that of the 9th house counted in a direct order (I.e. via 4th and 7th cusps). "C" Is required if the ascendant lord is in the invisible half (i.e. ascendant and descendant intersected by the nadir). Otherwise, "C" is not required, in the example case, these are: A =
5° 46* 28"
B =241° 40'07" C = 14° 17'00" X =261° 43* 35" = 261 d 43g 35 vigh it wili be noticed that 1 degree is treated as one day In the above computation - That is, these are Savanamana (360 days per year) To apply this to Gregorian Calender (NS), we must reduce this duration Into Sauramana. Such tables are given in my English translation of Horasara - From there we lake the correction figures so that we obtain an equal Sauramana duration. Those corrections are meant to know the difference between Savanamana and Sauramana. When we reduce the correction fac tor from Savanamana to obtain
Sauramana, the figure so obtained shall have to be increased by the correction factors excessively considered in the fist mentioned corection factors. A reader even with average intelligence will appreciate this exercise. From the tables referred we obtain correction factors for 261 d 43gh 35vlgh as under: d
200 days • 60 days 1 day 43.58 gh
2 0 0 0
55 52 00 00
16 35 52 38
56 05 35 00
40 00 05 00
We can take the figure to be 3d 49gh 23vigh as a round figure for convenience sake. When this correction factor is deducted from 261 d 43gh 35vigh, we get 257d 54gh 12vigh. This needs a slight Increase due to excessive correction contained in the above correction factor, 3d 49gh 23vlgh. From the same table, we get a factor of 3gh'22vigh which should be added to 257d 54gh 12vigh. Thus we get 257d 57gh 34 vlgh. That is, the Adhana ought to have been so many days behind the birth date while the birth is on 17th Feb 1984 at 22-35 hrs. The time of Adhana as noted is: 4th June 1983 at 10.40 PM, 1ST at New Delhi. (The last menses period or LMP date, as recorded is 31.5.1983) The duration between the two is shown below month by month. Month June 1983 July 1983 August 1983 September 1983 October 1983 November 1983 December 1983 January 1984 February 1984 total gap =
day* 26 31 31 30 31 30 31 31 16 257 257d
Hra 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 22 23 59gh
Min 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 35 35 47.5vigh
The above duration in June 1983 Is devoid ot 3d 22h 40m as Adhana took place on 4gh at the said hour. Similarly, in February 84, the duration Is considered only upto the moment ot birth. For calculation of ghatis, 12 midnight Is treated as the starting point as English dates begin at 12 midnight. The reader will note that we got the actual duration between birth and Adhana counted backwards as 257d 59gh 47.5vigh whereas withs the help of the rules, we could get 257d 57gh 34vigh, having a difference ot less than 2.5 ghatis. This difference is not Inexplicable. We have considered the longitudinal difference of 1 degree equalling a day (of 60 ghatis). This means one minute of longitude is one ghati. Since the birth time and Adhana time have been perfectly noted, the difference could be attributed to not considering the fraction of second of arc in the various longitudes. Thus 2.5gh difference means 2.5 minutes of arc. Please note that we have totally used the longitude of five positions, viz, ascendant, 9th house, Gulika, Saturn and Moon. A small fraction of seconds of difference at every stage can well cause some difference. Albeit the time of Adhana has been recorded properly and albeit we got the same by reverse process with the help of birth time as per Maharshi's principle, one may be yet wondering whether it is a coincidence. To allay such a misconception, we make again an exercise to arrive at the birth date and time in a forward manner with the help of Adhana time indicate above. In such a process, we consider only classical rules as per staandard books on Hindu Asstroiogy, ignoring any suggestion from any ambiguous quarter. Stage 1: Firstly we find out whether the delivery should be before 273 days or after 273 days from Adhana. The relevant principle owes its acknowledgement to Manushya Jataka and Jataka Sagaram. 273 days is the basis as the Moon takes 273.2 days to complete ten zodiacal revolutions. The Adhana chart Is as per the time 2240 hours IST for June 4, 1983 at New Delhi. See the zodiac as under as per Lahlrl Ayanamsa. The Adhana Moon is waning in state and Is In the invisible half of the zodiac. Should the Adhana Moon be waning and be in the invisible half, or with increasing rays in the visible half, then the birth takes place before 273 days from Adhana. So to say, the transit Moon wili not complete ten revolutions.
MERC MCXA 21 ll-lc
ASC i ()■:». .17 T
Adhana Moon with increasing rays in the invisible half or Adhana Moon with decreasing rays In the visible half will cause the birth only after 273 days. To wit, she wili in transit exceed ten revolutions of the firmaments. In the Adhana chart brfore us, the Moon is decreasing (i.e. approaching the Sun) and is In the 2nd house (I.e. invisible half). Hence it suggests a possiblity of delivery before 273 days. The answer is known to the
reader In the affirmative. Stage 2: it is not enough if we state that the delivery will be before 273 days. We must narrow down the period still briefly. The Sun's position month of delivery. One of the rules in this context is from Suka Jataka vide P 49 of my English translation of Hora Sara stating that delivery will be in the 9th, 10th or 1 ith mointh according to the Adhana ascendant being in a movable sign, fixed sign or common sign, in the case cited by me, Capricorn, movable sign, is on the east suggesting delivery in the 9th month. Stage 3: After the above step, our job is to dig out the possible Moon sign at birth. According to Kalyana Varma's Saravali (ch.8 Verses 46-47), the natal Moon will be either in the 7th or In the 10th from her Adhana position. In the Adhana chart before us, the Moon Is in Aquarius and hence the natal Moon should be in Leo or in Scorpio. The reader will observe the natal Moon in Leo. Stage 4: Leo, as any other sign is 30 degrees In length. Then where should the Moon exactly be? Is her birth position justified vis a vis Adhana position? This Is known by the ascendant at birth. The signs Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Sagittarius and Capricorn are nocturnal signs as these are strong during night time. The other six. viz. Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Aquarius
and Pisces are called diurnal signs being strong during day time. if the Adhana Lagns is a nocturnal sign, birth wili be in a day sign'. If birth occurs in a night sign, then the ascending sign at adhana should have been a day sign. (In the Adhana chart given, the ascendant is Capricorn - a nocturnal sign and hence birth in Libra - a diurnal sign, is justified). Stage 5: Nocturnal sign can ascend in day time as well. Similarly diurnal sign can ascend in night time also, if the Adhana Lagna is a night sign, birth will be in day time and in a diurnal sign. If the said Lagna is a day sign, birth will occur In night time In a nocturnal ascendant. The fraction of sign nataliy ascending will correspond to the fraction past In the Adhana Lagna. In the Adhana chart given, the ascendant is Capricorn and portion past Is 10° 20* 37". We convert this longitude into seconds of arc to have accuracy. The longitude thus 37237 ". Similarly, 30 degrees make 1,08,000 seconds of arc. The night duration at birth in our example is /12h 50m 48s as the Sunrise on 17.2.1984 is at 6h 59m 58s and Sunset 18h 9m 10s, for New Delhi. Now see the process as under: 108000 seconds =
46248 seconds of time
(30 deg)
(or 12h 50m 48s)
(or 10° 20' 37")
= • (46248 x 37237) divided by 108000 =
15945.711 seconds of time
4.4293641 hours
4h 26m
(4h 25m 45.71 sec)
So to say, 4h 26m have past from the Sunset, i.e. from 18h 9m 10s. This denotes 22h 34m 55s which should be the birth time. And we have the birth time recorded as 22h 35m. This cannot be a coincidence or manipulation for a serious stu-
dent of astrology but a meaningtui and scientific astrological process. When the Adhana Moon's Owadasamsa is known correctly, the natal Moon can be well checked. She, at birth, should be In the same Dwadasamsa as she was at Adhana. Please note this agreeability - Adhana Moon as well as natal Moon being in Capricorn Dwadasamsa similarly. Hence our natal Moon is just the correct one. Another verification factor, which however need not exist if the Moon's Dwadasamsa coincides, is: Whatever the angular distance is between Adhana Moon and Adhana Lagna will prevail between the natai Moon and natal ascendant. In our example, the difference between Adhana Moon and Adhana Lagna is 48° 44' whereas natal Moon and natal ascendant are 49 6' apart. The curious reader may note one thing. There are many rules to note the birth month, natal Moon, natal ascendant etc with the help of Adhana (or prasna). And the correct ones bringing the various possibilities to a coincidental manner should be correctly judged without rushing to conclusions simply theoretically. Thus the reader will be convinced of the fact that Adhana time noted is correct as we got back to the birth details from Adhana and vice versa accurately without any ambiguity whatsoever. From the said two proceses based on accurately maintained records for purposes of scientific research, I, rather we, firmly can conclude the following without a shadow of doubt: 1. Gulika's longitude will correspond to the beginning of Saturn's Muhurta only, as suggested by the sage, irrespective of any other authority stating that It should be for the end of Muhurta ruled by Saturn. In fact, I have not come across any sage's work stating contrarlly to what Parasara stated In this regard. Suppose we have calculated Gulika for the given birth chart for the end of Saturn's muhurta, the longitude of Gulika would have advanced by 24 degrees. That would put the Adhana still 24 days behind the noted date. Please note that we have exactly reached the Adhana date as per the record maln-
tained without any variation. This proves that Gulika should be at the beginning of Saturn's Muhurta. 2. Accurate Ayanamsa is only that of Lahiri and that accurate it is as to the second of arc. This contention is proved by the fact that we have made use of the Moon's longitude. Other 4 longitudes used by us in the process of getting back to Adhana are simply angular distances which will not be affected by any Ayanamsa. But the Moon's longitude will vary plus or minus according to the Ayanamsa, and Adhana time will be minus or plus according to the variation. Whereas with Lahiri's position of the Moon, we did not experience any anamoly in the Adhana computation. Similarly in progressing towards the birth date from the Adhana date, Moon's longitude played a significant role. If for example with another Ayanamsa, the Moon goes to Pisces In the Adhana, her natai position, will yet be in Leo but inconsistent with Adhana position.
Chapter 24 Light on Retrogrades
ancient astrological literature. This indeed maKes it an the more necessary to probe seriously Into the nature of retrograde planets and their effects. Retrogression is not an actual occurrence in the skies. It is just an apparent phenomenon. Never do two planets take the same amount of time to complete one revolution of the zodiac. The movements of the heavenly bodies present a continues change in the zodiac due to their differing motions, one overtaking the other, sometimes slowing down, sometimes stopping abruptly and then receding backwards then going forward as earlier. The apparent motionless state is termed stationary and the apparent backward jouney Is retrogression. A retrograde planet again becomes apparently stationary before directing. These appearances are caused by the combined motions of the planets, the earth, and their heliocentric positions. The Moon never retrogrades as she is earth's satellite. The nodes have erratic motions which have sometimes reduced movements, the arc so affected being quite minimal and not for continuous days. Hence for predictive purposes such erratic movements of Rahu and Ketu are not countable as retrogrades. Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are the five planets that go stationary, retrograde and then direct. ExtraSaturnlan planets are not being considered here. Saturn, Jupiter and Mars retrograde when they are about to exceed 180° from the Sun, I.e. when they are opposite the Sun. In retrogression their longitudes reduce to approach the Sun, while the Sun goes forward. To avoid exceeding an angular distance of 28 from the Sun, Mercury retrogrades. Their longitudes cannot exceed a difference of 28° whether Mercury is ahead of the Sun, or behind. Similarly Venus and the Sun maintain a gap of arc of only 48°. Without crossing the limit
ot 48°, Venus unaertaKes to retrograae^ Theses are oasic astronomical principles that would suffice our understanding. The approximate number of days that planets from Mars to Saturn remain in retrograde motion respectively are: 80, 24 20, 42 and 140. From 1 to 5 days before and after retrogressions, these will seem motionless. Some hints available retrograde planets are;
1. A debilitated planet with retrograde motion is equal to being in exaltation. 2. An exalted planet with such a motion is equal to being In debilitation. 3. Malefics do good in retrogression to the native. malefics are Mars and Saturn.) 4. Benefics lose their potence if retrograde. cury. Jupiter and Venus.)
(Such are Mer-
5. In longevity calculations, the period contributed by retrograde planet attracts a bonus. It does not cause as reduction unless combust in the Sun. 6. The Dasa of a retrograde planet is generally different from that of the one in direct order. (No specific clue is given here in this respect.) 7. Venus retrograde denotes sexuasi deficiency. 8 Saturn bO placed causes increased life-span. (We find his 8th house placement an exception.) 9. A stationary planet is Impotent. The observations made by classical authors have great truth In them and the reader will find It a rewarding experience to try these aphorisms In actual horoscopes. However too many planets in retrogression are quite dangerous to the native and may iead to an explosive situation. Their lives wili be a very untortunate experience and a sad episode. An exalted planet in the birth horoscope shows that the native had highest achievement in his previous birth relating to
that planet ana that potence is carriea forward "now". Each planet has varied Karakatwas and identification of the particular one relasting to the previous birth needs special skills. And in this birth, the same planet's another karakatwa wHI manifest in a significant measure. Contrarily a retrograde planet denotes obstructed fructification of its significance in the previous birth while in the current birth it tends to give better results about the same Karakatwa. in the process its another karakatwa or karakatwas may suffer. That is, the gole of the person will be to achieve a particular significance of the retrograde planet. Obstructions or no obstructions is a different matter depending on the whole horoscope. The Sun represents the soul or Atma and a planet going towards the Sun shows that one of its karakatwas is the highest sought in the native's life. Another planet or planets between the Sun and the retrograde planet may act as obstructing or fructifying agency in this respect. For example one with Jupiter (R) may be left with a deep desire for attaining children, or giving them the best on the earth. One with Saturn (R) may be after power; with Mercury (R) academic pursiuts are never ending; with Mars (R) insatiable thirst to establish his supremacy; with Venus (R) material enjoyments are supreme In his list of priorities. Retrograde planets offfer a vast field of research. We give below our experience with retrograde planets in the twelve signs so that the reader can try these of his own. Mars Retrograde In Aries, it does not enable the native to have a satisfactory sex life. Mostly his desires relating to sex will remain unfulfilled. There will be delay in his marriage. In case Mars is retrograde in Taurus, one will suffer miserably due to vices. The sufferings are more physical, than financial. One will lose his honour and incur calumny with Mars retrograde in Gemini. Loss in litgatlons are also Indicated.
in Cancer, It denotes that the subject has not been properly brought up in childhood days. His parents will take an easy view of his progress. Pains In the back, disorders of the spine and defective back will result Mars (R) in Virgo. The aliments so occurring will hardly respond to treatment, or the treatment will be quite costly. If it is Libra, marital life wHI pose frequent ordeals. Happiness through marriage will be rare. Scorpio having Mars (R) draws the person into spiritual path but success will not be commensurate, unless supported by a strong Jupiter/Saturn. There will be frequent changes in professional life and in fortunes if Sagittarius has Mars (R). One with Mars (R) in exaltation will hate to leave things to chance and will not be fatalistic at all. if Mars (R) is in Aquarius, the sign of pot, the subject may be a target of serious diseases, possibly cardiac ailments, and his diseases will hardly respond to medical treatment. With Mars (R) in Pisces, the person makes his livelihood in a foreign country/place. . . Mercury Retrograde In Aries it bestows on the subject a fierce debating skill. He will stand atop among numerous participants. In Taurus, the native's parents will enjoy long lives. He will be brought up amidst opulence. An impressive and famous author is produced by Mercury (R) in Gemini. The native will be extraordinarily intelligent. This is a combination for a child prodigy. One has to incur numerous setbacks In emotional life if Mercury(R) is in Cancer. He will frequently change his love partners and will experience disappointment after disappointment.
Procreative ability will be stalled by Mercury(R) m Leo. Seldom will the native be able to express himself effectively. Stammering is another possibility. Mercury(R) in Virgo will interrupt one's education and will cause bad end to maternal relatives. One wili hold diplomatic assignments with Mercury(R) in Libra and be widely famous. Scorpio having Mercury(R) will bestow on the native lasting scientific achievements. Series of upheavals in life follow such a position in Sagittarius. One's relations with others be generally strained if Mercury(R) Is in Capricorn. But in Aquarius the planet gives a fertile brain with unique Ideas. The family of the native will incur grief on account of a coborn if the native has Mercury in Pisces in retrogression. In some cases it caused untimely death of a coborn. Jupiter Retrograde if in the Aries the native will find it difficult to adjust with the institution of marriage and will have peculiar notions about marriage. His fame will be as a scientist or a mathematician. In Taurus, Jupiter (R) leads to a successful career in medicine: Such a native will be an expert surgeon in particular. A great teacher is found with Jupiter (R) in Gemini. His teachings will be widely followed. Many upheavals in early years are indicated with Jupiter(R) In Cancer. The native wili experience difficulties in completing education. It is not a good position for Jupiter in Leo, in retrogression, as far as one" progenic ability is concerned. Even If other planets are helpful, it cannot be a male issue. The person will be entrapped in mental conflicts with Jupiter (R) in Virgo. He will not enjoy parental happiness.
Jupiter (R) in Libra will make the person mtamous tor his questionbale sexual connections. A spiritually enlightened Juplter(R) in Scorpio.
Carnal pleasures will not interest a person If Jupiter(R) is in Sagittarius. His spouse will die permaturely in violent circumstances. Difficulties in begetting children and becoming progresively rich will result Jupiter's retrogression Capricorn, while in Aquarius it makes one shun marital ties and achieve extraordinary spiritual wealth. If Jupiter is retrograde in Pisces, the person is akin to an anchorless ship. He will be mysterious in nature and will probe into mystical subjects. Venus Retrograde In Aries it denotes a homosexual native. Romantic pursuits will be rarely successful if Venus is retrograde In Taurus. It will however make the native wealthy. One's terms with his mother will not be cordial if Itis In Gemini. He will be henpecked. Instability in marriage is indicated if Venus is retrograde in Cancer, while In Leo early loss of father and sexual deficiency will follow. Two marriages are indicated with Venus(R) In debilitation while unusual sexual habits and urges will come to the native via Libra - placed Venus(R). pio.
Venereal/urinary disorders will result Venus(R) in Scor,
In Sagittarius/Pisces, Venus(R) will give unpleasant and shorlived marriage. Eminent sexologist is indicated by Venus(R) in a Saturnlan sign.
Saturn Retrograde In Aries, it gives a long life to the native, but the life will be indeed wretched and disrespectful. One will be highly intuitive if Satum(R) is in Taurus. He wH be troubieshooter to the satisfaction of all. A great deal of writing abilities are indicated by Saturn(R) in Gemini, while in Virgo it gives freedom from diseases. In Moon's Ras). it causes extra-marital connections while In Sun's Rasi estranged parents are Indicated. Marriage will lead to losses if exalted Saturn retrograde.
Philosophical eminence and • longllving spouse are granted by Saturn(R) in Scropio whHe In Sagittarius it causes unhapplness through children. Capricorn • placed Saturn(R) will have superb professional achievements while In Aquarius, it enables the native probe deep into past life and reincarnation. There wili be abundant gains if Saturn(R) Is in Pisces. But at the end, it will reverse the trend.
Chapter 25 Understanding Earthquakes After the Koyna earthquake, the worst one hit Bihai and Nepal on 21st August 1988, claiming over 700 lives, rendering thousands homeless, damaging crores of rupees of properties. The fury of the nature lasted just for sixty seconds, stirring horrible memories of the 1934 tremors. Although the casualties were low, there were tremors on August 6, 1988 in the region from J & K through Arunachal. SCIENTISTS VIEW Geophysicists define earthquake as a relative movement of rocks on either side of a weak plane. Whitten and Brooks explain it in their work, A Penguin Dictionary of Geology as a series of shock- waves generated at a point within the earth's crust. According to the geologists, the crust is divided into eight segments that are in continuous motion coming towards each other, or going away from one another, causing subduetion and spreading, respectively. ASTROLOGICAL LITERATURE in the light of the recent Bihar earthquake, an astrological understanding of this cruel whimsy of the nature may be timely. We may not come to a definite conclusion, but only make a humble beginning. For it is not a simple task to be performed by one, slnglehandedly. It is achievable by team-work and is a time- consuming research. The main snag for us is, unlike in predictive part, where we have thousands of aphorisms handy, we have on this natural calamity only a limited number of guidelines. Where, in particular, astrology is a bread-winner, it is the natal branch that overweighs, and mundane astrology seldom receives the required attention. Varaha Mihira cited 34 verses in his Brihat Samhita which wili serve as guidelines to expand our studies. Unfortunately therein too we are not provided with any specific technical in-
structions to foresee an earthquake via stars. Yet, 1 have taken possible benefits from his work in this write-up. I do not know if modern geologists agree with Varaha Mihira's view that earthquake is caused by the violent coilition of winds and their striking the earth in consequence. This basic clue helped me in a way to understand and develop some basis, astroiogicaliy, In the context of the subject-matter. ERRONEOUS APPROACH Some astrological writers in the past, in recent decades, had presented some papers on earthquakes. They may have well predicted some tremors successfully on that basis, but I could not take advantage of those papers dealing with extrasaturnine planets. Yet there were a couple of papers which excluded such planets, but went awry mainly because a proper root-cause was not discovered by them. I say this for the following reasons: A. They have used a horoscope cast merely for the seismic event (as they do always later on, for events of other nature as well) and tried to justify the event. This leads us nowhere. Let us ask ourselves one question. A simple question at that. The very chart leads to occurrences of several events. Unless this chart Is linked to some other fountain-head like horoscope (which we do here), our conclusions are not going to be fruitful. To make my point more clear, let me say it is no use to say, "at the time of the death of a person, Scorpio was rising, Mars was aspecting the 8th house, along with Saturn. So he died a violent death" Please note that In that person's life time many such occasions arose but he died only once. It Is literally of no use highlighting the configuration at death, or any final scene. Unless .the transits are effectively linked to natal chart with directional Influences etc. we do not stand to gain. B. The second and the most important point is: Applying Dasa bhuktis in mundane astrology to horoscopes of countries is only a futile exercise. No country can run a certain Dasa. Then why not Pratyantara, Sookshma and Prana? Every epoch should not be subjected to Dasa bhukti results. Dasa periods apply only to human beings. If you read carefully the Dasa bhukti results given in classical texts, this point will be amply clear. For example, with which event in a country's
horoscope, do we equate marriage (clearly different from association, parnership) of a human being? Like there is no General Election in your personal life. More untenable is to use Dasa periods for Accords, Atom Bomb invention chart etc. Mundane astrology should be studied from totally a different aspect, as the purpose is different. SOME VALID PRINCIPLES Now, let us revert to our main topic of probing the tremors. 1. The first and foremost step is to erect a chart for the Sun's ingress into the zero degree of Aries, vernal equinox. This is as per Vikrama era. The planetary configurations and the ascendant in this horoscope will reveal what all is ahead for the country in question till the Sun again returns to the vernal equinox, that is one full solar year. The events that can be covered could be of any nature - financial status, political climate, epidemics, mass deaths, calamities, elections, change of leadership, war, peace, scientific achievements etc. So, naturally, earthquake is a part of reflection in the solar ingress chart. The event denoted in the horoscope in question can occur under the influence of future planetary phenomena in that specific year, viz. lunations, full Moons, eclipses, planetary conjunctions, planetary settings, risings, retrogressions, directions, changes of planets in signs, mutual angiuarities, etc. The aspects to be formed at the time of the next three solar entries In other cardinal Rasis also count in a notable way. That is all. Vimsottari Dasa periods, or any other directions, are totally foreign to mundane astrology. The country's life span is not as short as that of human beings, and a repeated Dasa periods, for subsequent cycles, will not function on a new set of principles and formulae. 2. Mass deaths, large scale property losses, calamities etc. are Indicated by the 8th house in a merely deals with population, like the ascendant in a natal horoscope showing the self. Mas deaths etc. are not to be scanned from the 5th house) In most earthquakes, this is a part and parcel and our studies here are dependant on such quakes, 18 in number that occurred ail over the world after 1900 A.D.
Affliction to the 8th house or Its lord is an essential condition in this context. Alternatively any eclipse occurring during the year should be under malefic Influence to cause large scale deaths. This should be relevant to some planet's longitude in the ingress chart or to the country's Inauguration chart. If one of these two is absent, then the probability of a serious and large-scale death toll of the Inmates of the land is remote. 3. if such a huge loss is In store, then our job is to explore the existence of earthquake combinations in the Ingress chart during the year in question. Mercury is the earthy Tatwa (one of the 5 primordial compounds) planet. Staurn is the airy Tatwa planet. An interaction between the two is a principal condition for a quake to occur. Saturn may be with Mercury, aspect Mercury, or be in Gemim or Virgo (the signs ruled by Mercury, and are airy and earthy respectively). Saturn can also be in the 10th counted from Mercury. Then it can be said that there is interaction between the two. 4. In the absence of such an Interaction, however, Saturn's aspect or Mercury's aspect on the ingress ascendant, its 8th house, or 8th lord should be prominent. The aspect of Mars (signifying earth) on Mercury also plays a vital role even when Saturn and Mercury are not related. 5. In the Ingress chart, Mercury can be anywhere from 2 degree Pisces to 28 deg Aries. His being behind the Sun, with Saturn's involvement described as above may tremor the country in question, bringing huge loss of people and properties. if Mercury is ahead of the Sun, then the affliction from Saturn, and by others to 8th house should be severe. 6. If Leo or Capricorn rises at the time of solar Ingress, Mars in a middle Nakshatra in Capricorn/Taurus can also cause a quake. 7. The middle Nakshatras in the 3 earthy signs are Rohlnl, Hasta and Sravana. if two of these Nakshatras are occupied by any two of the seven planets (Mars to Ketu) excepting luminaries, or the 8th lord Is in such a Nakshatra It is singly enough to cause an earthquake in that year.
These are the basic conditions required, for occurrence of an earthquake. In our study, other reasons have not merged, but there ought to be some. TIMING THE TREMOR After knowing of the possibility of an earthquake, as above, the same should be timed. For this, the various phenomena cited earlier should be probed. 1.
At the time of an earthquake, at least one earthy sign should be in occupation by one of the major planets, viz, Saturn, Jupiter. Rahu or Ketu. Mars can also be considered but he need not be given singular importance. Alternatively, Mercury or the 8th lord be excited by a major planet in transit.
When Mars remains as the only planet in an earthy sign, while no others are so placed, then another major planet (Sat, Jup. Rahu or Ketu) can provide the required impetus to Mars. In that case one of these four should necessarily be in an airy sign.
If Mercury is debilitated in the Ingress chart, then Mars moving in Virgo (earthy sign), or Leo, is alone enough and needs no help from one of the above 4 from an airy sign. If Mercury is not debilitated, while quake combinations are present, then Mars needs additional help while Jupiter. Saturn, Rahu or Ketu alone can handle the occurrence of a quake, placed in an earthy sign.
Airy signs come in the picture but In quite less a way. Simultaneous roles played by airy sign occupants may increase the level of losses in the quake.
Eclipse, whether visible or invisible in the country in question, should be given importance in timing the quake if it falls close to a relevant planet in the ingress chart. Partial eclipses may be ignored while total and annular be given attention. Solar eclipses gain an upperhand as against lunar eclipses. Eclipse results could fall due even a little belore occurrence like transit restuls. Also a little later.
Retrogression or direction close to the degree position of a planet in the ingress chart is a reliable clue. If the said phenomenon is in an earthy sign, it need not be close to the degree position referred to above. When the retrogression or direction is in the 8th house from ingress ascendant It gets special attention.
An important point to be remembered in this respect is not to attempt to locate the date of event (for that matter any event) exactly. Variations should be suitably understood so that we gain in our studies which gain will doubtless be commensurate.
PRACTICAL CASE-STUDIES Discussed below are 18 earthquake cases In possible detail in the light of observations made in the eariier paragraphs. The horscopes given here are generated from a computer, not by interpolation of published emphemeries, but directly from eternal ephemerls, for accuracy of Sun's ingress. The Sun's position is not given in the various Ingress charts as it was 0 deg 0' 0" of Aries in each case. Example 1: There occurred a quake in Kangra, In Himachal Pradesh leaving the entire town devastated and killing nineteen thousand of its Inmates, on 04 April 1905. In this context we give below the Ingress chart for 13.04.1904, I.e. the ingress chart for 1904-05 and at the time of the quake the said solar year was not still over. The Sun entered Aries on the above mentioned date at 2h 39m 3 seconds. The chart is for Calcutta, which was fhen the capital of British-occupied India. Ayanamsa 22 deg 31' 12". ASC Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus
06 deg
Aqu Ari Arl
26 deg 12 deg
oroi" 01 '13"
16 deg 17 deg 07 Deg
43'59" 46'25" 09' 51'
Pis Pis
Saturn Rahu
Cap Vir
26 Deg 05 deg 05 deg
36'24 00' 35' 00' 35
The 8th house was occupied by Rahu as its lord Mercury was In close company of Mars, Two earthy signs were tenanted - Rahu in Vigro, Saturn in Capricorn. Saturn and Mercury were mutually angular. These indicate a tremor in that year, l.e between 13.4.1904 to 13.4.1905. On the day of the fateful event (4.4.1905), Mercury reached back close to his original degree in the ingress chart while Jupiter in transit was still closer to Mercury in ingress chart. Saturn from an airy sign was aspecting Aries having transit Jupiter - Mercury as well as Ingress Mercury. Retrogression of Mars, on the very day of the quake, in Scorpio is notable. It affected directly Taurus, an earthy sign. On March 6, 1905, 4 weeks before, a solar eclipse (annular) occurredin Aquarius, the ingress ascendant, simultaneously holding the two planets, Saturn and Mercury, relevant in our analysis, in transit. A month later the earth caved in. Example 2:About 1,60,000 people died in Sicily. Italy due to quake on 28th December, 1908. The whole city was destroyed. An area of 1,70,000 square kllometeres was literally shaken. See the chart made for Sun's entry in Aries on 12.4.1908 at 22 h 45 m 45s, zonal standard time, for Rome (41 degN54' and 12 deg 20,E). Time Zone 15 deg East. Ayanamsa is 22 deg 34' 17". Zodiacal disposition was as under: ASc Moon Mars Merc Jup Ven Sat Rahu Ketu
Sco Leo Tau Pis Can
17 deg
27' 36"
16 deg
00'01" 15'57"
11 deg 07 deg 11 deg 14 deg
Tau Pis Gem
10 deg 15 deg 15 deg
23' 36" 15' 04" 57' 51" 26"43" 33' 22" 33" 22"
Here again Rahu was In the 8th, but in an airy sign. Mercury was in fall in very close conjunction with Saturn. Mars was in an earthy sign, in the middle star Rohini. All these in the ingress chart. These combinations denote an earthquake in the country in the solar year In question. involving the 8th house of the ingress chart, there occurred a solar eclipse on 23rd December 1908 (just 5 days before the quake) which was not only annular but also total. There was also Jupiter directing on 31st December 1908. in the eclipse, Mercury was also closely involved in Sagittarius. Transit Saturn came back to his own original degree and that of Mercury in the ingress chart. Saturn directed on 7th December 1908, a little before the quake. So many important phenomena occurred that spelt the Waterloo to one of the major cities in the country. Example 3: Th5•province of Kanus In China was entirely destroyed. About 1.80,000 people saw the end of their lives in that earthquake on the 16th Oecmber 1920, in one go. The Sun entered Aries on 13.4.1920 at 07h 36m 03 seconds zonal standard time, in Beijing (China), 39 deg N 55' and t IB deg E 26' Time zone 120 deg East. Ayanamsa 22 deg 44* 50". The ingress horoscope is given below: Asc Moon Mars(R) Merc Jup Ven Sat(R) Rahu Ketu
08 deg 15 deg
Tau Cap Lib Pis Can
11 deg 03 deg 15 08 12 22
Pis -
Leo Lib Ari
deg deg deg deg
22 deg
53* 40" 59' 51" 14'22" 00*17" 27.37.. 21*29" 35' 40" 48* 08" 48* 08"
Although as many as 1,80,000 people died, the Ingress chart had no affliction to the 8th house, or its lord. On the contrary the 8th lord was In exaltation. Saturn did not establish connection with Mercury.
The Moon in the ingress chart was In Sravana, one of the middle stars of one of the earthy signs. Sravana need not be branded as "own star" of the Moon. The ascendant is again an earthy sign. Mercury was behind the Sun. The solar eclipse that took place on 10.11.1920 (a couple of weeks prior to the quake on 16.12.1920) is not only a timing factor but also the portender of the calamity. It occurred in Libra, with the eclipsed Sun being very close to ingress Rahu, although 14 deg away from ingress Mars (R). And on the 4th January 1921, barely 3 weeks later, Saturn and Jupiter both retrograded. Saturn's retrogression was in earthy sign, Virgo, exactly opposite ingress Mercury. So to say, the disastrous quake occurred in between an eclipse and two major retrogressions. Another earthy sign occupant during the tremor was Mars, in Sravana, just 3 deg away from ingress Moon. This was equally significant a movement Example 4: Tokya and Yokohama In Japan were a victim of nature's fury. From September 1 to 3 in 1923, a series of quakes rocked both the cities and emollshed them. The death toll was placed at 1,43,000. it was on 14.4.1923 that the Sun entered the vernal equinox point in Aries. The ingress chart for Japan in this context is cast for 03 hr 03 m 39 s zonal standard time, for the city of Tokyo. Time zone is 135 deg East. Geographical coordinates used are 35 deg N 40' and 139 deg E45' and Ayanamsa 22deg 47' 5". The zodiacal elements for the time of ingress were disposed thus: Asc Moon
08 deg
02 deg
44* 11"
Tau Ari
deg deg deg deg
35'50" 35' 34" 55' 16" 59'35" 31' 21" 28'20" 28'20"
Merc Jup(R) Ven Sat(R) Rahu Ketu
Lib Aqu
05 05 23 21
Vir Leo Aqu
23 deg 27 deg 27 deg 221
The 8th was occupied by retrograde Saturn in Virgo, an earthy sign. Retrograde Jupiter afflicted Mercury, who was the 8th lord as weil as earthy Tatwa planet. These portend largescale deaths on account of earth tremors. At the time of quake, Mercury and Saturn established contact in Virgo In transit. A total solar eclipse occurred on t ith September 1923 close to ingress Rahu • Venus. Simultaneously involved in the eclipse were transit Mars and Venus. Mercury retrograded on 16.9.1923, at 21 deg Virgo very close in ingress Saturn in an earthy sign. Example 5: Kansu in China had experienced a severe earthquake on the 25th Decmber 1932 in which as many as 70,000 people lost their lives. The solar Ingress in Aries occurred at 09 h 26 m 22s zonal standard time on 13.4.1932 at Beijing, China. Geographical coordinates: 39 deg N 55' and 116 deg E 26. Time zone 120deg East. Ayanamsa 22deg 54'22". The horscope for this epoch is as under: Asc Moon
Gem Gem
Merc(R) Jup Ven
Pis Can Tau
Pis Vir
07 deg 17 deg 14 deg 25 deg 19 deg 15 deg 11 deg 03 deg 03 deg
23' 12" is^s" 39* 46" 32" 56" 43* 28" IS^S" 01* 55" 06' 52" 06' 52"
Mercury was in Pisces in aspect to Saturn from the 8th house.* Saturn's placement In the 8th house need not be called Its affliction. Please however note the occupations In all the 3 earthy signs, viz. Venus in Taurus. Ketu in Virgo (aspected by retrograde Mars and debilitated Mercury) and Saturn In Capricorn. Ignore which house is owned by whom when earthy sign occupation is concerned here. Out of the 3 occupants In earthy signs, two were in middle stars of such signs. Viz. Venus in Rohini and Saturn in Sravana. These combinations portended a quake.
On September 1, 1932 there was a total solar eclipse while there was a lunar eclipse on 15th September 1932. These do not have any direct bearing, as neither was in an earthy sign nor close to any ingress degree. Mercury directed on 14.12.1932 in Scorpio 12 deg, which is opposite ingress Venus (Taurus 15 deg) and Saturn had reentered Sravana on 22.12.1932. The aspect of Mars on ingress Mercury, coupled with that of Saturn simultaneously is notable. Example 6: January 16, 1932 was an unwelcome day In Bihar as nature mercilessly rocked Monghyr, Muzaffarpur and Darbhanga killing a little over 9,000 persons. Since the quake took place In the solar year 1933-34. we scan the chart cast for the Sun's entry In Aries on 13.4.1933. The entry of the Sun In Aries was at 13h 05m 37s 1ST. Place: Delhi (Capital of the country). Ayanamsa 22deg 55* 38". Can
Sco Leo
16 deg 08 deg 07 deg
Merc Jup (R)
Pis Leo
03 deg 21 deg
55'55" 56' 30" 27' 55"
Pis Cap
27 deg
50' 2"
21 deg
55' 31"
Aqu Vir
14 deg 14 deg
01' 40" 01' 40"
Asc Moon
Ven Sat Rahu Ketu
53' 16" 08' 23"
Mercury was in Pisces aspected by Saturn who is In Sravana (middle star of earthy sign). The 8th house was occupied by Rahu and aspected by Mars as well as by retrograde Jupiter. Mars also lent his aspect to Mercury. These are combinations for mass deaths by earthquake. Now we have to understand the timing of the deadly event. On that day, Saturn resumed his exact original degree in Sravana Nakshatra, after a spell of retrogression in Capricorn itself (I.e. from May 27, 1933 to October 15, 1933). Mars In transit was only 2 deg behind Saturn in Capricorn, an earthy sign. The Sun was also there. Mercury did enter
Capricorn almost along with the Sun, Jupiter was in Virgo, another earthy sign. Venus was waiting In wings, in the zero degree of Aquarius, to enter Capricorn by retrograde motion. He retrograded on January 15, 1934, a couple of hours before the quake. The Moon joined Saturn etc. in Capricorn. Rahu was in the end of Capricorn, hardly 2 deg away from entering Venus, in all, seven planets were exciting two of the 3 earthy signs. Mercury, the earthy Tatwa planet was in the grip of 5 planets in conjunction in Capricorn, in aspect to Jupiter from Virgo, another earthy sign. The lunar eclipse due on 30th January 1934 was also in Capricorn - Cancer belt. Example 7: Before Partition of 1947, Quetta was in the British- occupied India. The city experienced a quake, to be devastated, on 31st May, 1935. The casualty: 56,000. The horoscope for the solar ingress in Aries on 14.4.1935 at 01 h 23m 52s. Delhi, (Ayanamsa 22 deg 57' 27") is as under: 29 deg
Mars(R) -
Sag Leo Vir
15 deg 28 deg 04 deg
Asc Moon
Jup(R) Ven Sat Rahu Ketu
03 deg 20 deg
Lib Tau Aqu Cap Can
31' or 39' 10" 18' 23" 59' 15" 32' 42" 04'40"
03 deg
40'50" 54' 19"
03 deg
54' 19"
13 deg
In this case Saturn was not related to Mercury, but retrograde Mars from Virgo was connected with Mercury. Saturn aspected the 8th lord Moon. The 8th house was held by a node. Venus, Rahu and Mars, in the 3 earthy signs, were individually disposed. Mars was in Hastha (in earthy sign). On May 18, 1935 Mars directed in Virgo closely opposite Ingress chart Mercury in Pisces. This direction was in an earthy sign, affecting Mercury and hence significant for the quake on May 31, 1935. Example 8: The Assam earthquake that occurred on 15.8.1950 killed nearly a thousand people and destroyed about
2,000 houses. The Sun entered Aries on 13.4.1950. The for lowing solar ingress horoscope is cast for 21 h 41 m 44s 1ST. Ayanamsa 23deg 09' 44". Sco
08 deg
19 deg
28' 57"
Mars(R) -
Aqu Vir
01 deg
26" 42"
16 deg
Jup Ven
06 deg
26'59" 32* 01"
13 deg
Leo Pis Vir
20 deg 14 deg 14 deg
20* 17" 14* 42" 14' 42"
Asc Moon
Sat(R) Rahu Ketu
Mercury, earthy Tatwa planet, who was also the 8th lord was in special aspect of Mars. Jupiter, a major planet, could be noted to be in airy sign. The eclipses that occurred on Sep 12 and Sep 26, 1950 were total and on both the occasions, Saturn was closely moving with the transit Sun. This malefic influence portends disasters in the year, coupled with Mercury Mars relations (earthquake) stated above. On the fateful day in question, Saturn was in close conjunction with Mercury (earthy Tatwa pianet). Mercury, the 8th lord of ingress chart got excited by Saturn, airy Tatwa planet. Example 9: The Koyna quake occurred December, 10/11,1967. The Sun entered Aries on I4.4.l967at06h 18m 9s IST. The chart cast using the Delhi coordinates is given below. Ayanamsa 23 deg 23' 50" Ari Asc Moon Tau Mars(R) Lib Merc Jup Ven Sat
05 deg 14 deg 02 deg
Pis Can
05 deg 01 deg
Tau Pis
06 deg 06 deg
34'26" * 58' 59" 01'00" 46' 15" 52* 22" 09* 40" 43' 27"
Rahu Ketu
13 deg
31' 15"
13 deg
Mercury, earthy planet, was in Pisces with Saturn. The 8th lord Mars joined Ketu in an airy sign, in Libra, combinations enough for a quake. Saturn directed on the 9th December, 1967 exactly on his original degree in the ingress chart. Mars, the 8th lord in ingress chart was excited by transit Ketu. Example 10: Date of earthquake -31.8.1968. Epicentre Khurasan in Iran. Casualty - 12,000. Solar entry in V.E. • 13.4.1968. Time lOh 57m 21s Zonal Standard Time. Capital: Tehran. Co- ordinates: 35 deg N4o' and 51 deg E26*. Time zone: 60 deg E. Ayanamsa: 23 deg 24' 45". Asc Moon Mars Merc Jup(R) Ven
20 deg
13' 20"
Lib Ari
01 deg 18 deg 17 deg
13* 07" 30'28" 49* 56"
02 deg
30' 35" 59'21"
Pis -
Leo Pis Pis
Rahu Ketu
Pis Vir
11 deg 23 deg 25 deg 25 deg
00'44" 13' 53" 13* 53"
Saturn, the 8th Lord was in close association with Rahu. He was also related to Mercury placed in Pisces. On the 7th August, 1968, Saturn retrograded in Aries, very close to the ingress Sun, and in opposition to ingress chart's Moon. Just 3 weeks iaters Iran's earth shook violently. Ketu was still in Virgo as though looking forward to the entry of Mercury, earthy Tatwa planet. Example 11: This time the city Yungay in Peru became a victim of nature's wrath, by an earthquake on 30.5.1970 losing nearly 67,000 people. Almost six iakh inmates became homeless. The worst in the history of Peru. The vernal equinox was touched by the Sun at 14h 15m 32s zonal standard time, on 13.4.1970 at Lima, Peru's capital 226
city. The city's co-ordinates are t20eg S 03' land 77deg W 03*. Time zone: 75deg W. Ayanamsa 23deg 26' 37". We get the following ingress chart. Asc Moon
24 deg
01 deg
36* 10"
Tau Ari
03 deg
18 deg
08 deg
38' 02" 21*19"
Lib Ari Ari
Rahu Ketu
Aqu Leo
Merc Jup(R) Yen
19 deg 16 deg 17 deg 17 deg
18' 07" 52'16" 52'16"
Saturn and Mercury as could be seen, established a clear connection in their dose proximity. Saturn was also the 8th lord. The nodes influenced the 8th house in Aquarius. Barring the Moon, Mercury finishes his transit In every Rasi faster tha any other planet, normally. But this time he overstayed in Aries. From March 29, 1970 to June 08, 1970. That is for nearly 70 days: This was obviously not to disjoint his relations with Saturn in snaiis's course. Here Mercury's motion was much slower than the slowest Saturn. On the date of the quake in question these two were on the same degree, literally. Thus Saturn the 8th lord of the ingress chart was not destined himself to loosen from the shackles of quake-causing receding towards the opposite degree of ingress Sun. Rather reinfluencing the autumnal equinox. The earth in Peru swallowed Its own inmates caving in many homes. Example 12: On the eve of Christmas in 1972 about 7000 people lost their lives in a quake In the city of Managua, capital of Nicaragua. The Sun intered Aries on 13.4.1972. The chart cast for the above-mentioned capital is for 01 h 34m 04s zonal standard time. Geographical co-ordinates for Managua are 12 deg N 8' and 86 deg W 18'. Time zone 90 deg West. Ayanamsa: 23 deg 28' 26"
The ingress chart is as under: Asc Moon Mars Mer(R) Jup Ven Sat Rahu Ketu
Cap Pis Tau Pis Sag
19 deg 22 deg
05'03" 16' 57"
17 deg 10 deg 14 deg
40' 15" 12' 53"
Tau Tau Cap Can
15 deg 10 deg 07 deg 07 deg
38' 36" 38' 40" 35'43" 57' 32" 57' 31"
Mercury was in Pisces, his allergy sign for causing an earthquake. Taurus, an earthy sign, was occupied by Mars, Venus and Saturn. The irony of fate placed these three in Rohini, the middle star. Ascending sign was earthy Capricorn, with Mars placed in Taurus aspecting the 8th Leo. The quake in question occurred on 24th December 1972. On that day transit Mars. Mercury and Venus were in opposition to the 3 planets of ingress chart in earthy sign while Saturn in retrograde motion was opposite transit Mercury. Jupiter closely in the face of Rahu was about to set. On Jangajry 04, 1973 there took place an annular solar eclipse in which the heliacally set Jupiter was also to be involved. Example 13: In the present case, over 23,000 people met their Waterloo in the earthquake on February 04,1974 in the city of Gautemala, itself and Capital of Gautemala Republic. The solar ingress chart cast for 13.4.1973 (valid upto next entry ofthe Sun in vernal equinox on 14.4.1974) should give us clues required. The Sun entered Aries on 13.4.1973 at 07h 43m 08s, Zst, Gautemala, 14 deg N 38' and @0 deg W31'. Time zone 90 deg West. Ayanamsa 23 deg 29' 19". The zodiacal diagram: Asc Moon Mars Merc
Tau Leo Cap Pis
00 deg 12 deg 19 deg 00 deg
51' 41 32' 53' 04' 50' 58* 52
Jup Yen
Cap Ari
15 deg 00 deg
Tau Sag Gem
23 deg 17 deg
19'00' 58' 52' 11' 20' 31' 20'
17 deg
31* 20'
Rahu Ketu
The ascendant was Taurus (earthy sign) with Saturn in It in Rohini (middle star of an earthy sign) while both Jupiter and Mars were moving close in another earthy sign's middle star, Sravana. Mercury was In Pisces. The 8th house and Its lord were simultaneously in the grip of deadly malefics. In this case also Jupiter set heliacally on the 2nd February 1974 (two days before the quake)in the last degree of Caprciorn. Saturn directed on 27th of the same month just 90deg away from the degree of ingress Mercury. These reasons emerge to have caused the calamity in question. Example 14: Nine weeks after the above mentioned tremor the turn of China came in succession. On May 11, 1974, nearly 23,000 people were wiped out in South-West China. Here we use the solar ingress chart made for 14.04.1974, 03h 52m 21 s Zonal standard time, Beijing, 39deg N 55 deg and 116 deg E 26. Time zone 120deg East. Ayanamsa 23deg 30' 09". Sag Gem
21' 46" 37" 46"
Pis Aqu
10 deg 14 deg
06' 12" 32'27"
Aqu Gem
Rahu Ketu
Sco Tau
13 06 27 27
52' 06" 09* 42" 22'15" 22'15"
Mars Merc Jup Yen
14' 58"
13 deg 21 deg 02 deg
Asc Moon
deg deg deg deg
Saturn was not only In Gemini but he established the needed connection with Pisces-Mercury. Mars aspected the Sth house while the 8th lord was under airy planet Saturn's influence.
The timing of the quake becomes a bit complicated here. The two quakes - in Gautemala and China - had an interval of only nine weeks although the death toll was almost Identical. In the two ingress charts, Jupiter, Saturn and nodes changed signs. Mercury heliacally rose on 13th May which was the only related phenomenon. Since the quake occurred within 27days of the ingress of the Sun, major planets did not progress much. To have a better understanding the China's earthquake, we better rely on its Republic chart cast for October 1, 1949 which is given below: Asc Sun
Aqu Vir
Mars Mer(R)
14 deg 10 deg 21 deg
Can -
Jup Ven
Sat Rahu
Leo Pis Vir
10 deg
21 deg 29 deg
25 deg 20 deg 23 deg 23 deg
The diurnal point of Mercury falls In 17 deg Leo. This is also Ketu's diurnal point as both of these are together in the Republic Saturn is In Leo 20 deg. Hence this longitudinal area in Leo assumes greater importance in the context of quakes in China after October 1949. ' Since the solar ingress chart in question reflects quakes, transits with reference to Republic chart close to the above mentioned degrees of Mercury - Ketu. The degree occupied by Mars in the Republic chart was also Influenced by Mercury at the same time. If a solar ingress chart does not Indicate quakes, such transits against a country's chart should be read carefully. Example 15: In the earthquake that hit Turkey on the 30th October 1983, over a thousand people were killed. The
solar Ingress relevant for us took place on 14.04.1983. The following chart cast for Ankara city for 05 h 15 m 13 s ZST is reproduced. Geographical co-ordinates used are 39 deg N 57' and 32 deg E 50'. Ayanamsa 23 deg 37' 07". Asc Moon Mars Mer Jup(R) Yen Sat Rahu Ketu
Pis Ari Ari Ari
28 deg 09 deg
Sco Tau Lib Gem Sag
16 deg 07 deg
12 deg 17 deg
08 deg 04 deg 04 deg
50'59" 51'45" 12'43" 43'26" 51'59" 09' 52" 09' 31" 46' 47" 46* 47"
Saturn and Mercury were directly related mutually I aspect. The 8th house was aspected by Mars and Mercury. The ingress horoscope had enough potence for an earthquake in the country. On the 30th Oct., 1983, Sun. Saturn and Mercury were together on the 13th degree of Libra. That is to say, Saturn and Mercury were over the transit Sun, forming exact solar conjunction. This degree was opposite Ingress Mars. Not only this, the conjunction in question occurred on the Sun's degree In the horoscope of the Republic of the Turkey. (The Republic came into existence from 29th Oct., 1923). This very degree was further occupied by ingress Mars. Example 16: Numerous buildings were destroyed and nearly 10,000 people were killed in Mexico city in the quakes that occurred on September 19-20, 1985. Following is the horoscope cast for the Sun's entry in Aries, on 13.04.1985 at 09 h 33 m 23 s ZST Mexico city's coordinates: 19 deg N 26' and 99 deg W 09'. Time zone: 90 deg West. Ayanamsa 23 deg 38' 52". Asc Moon
Tau Cap
22 deg 17 deg
01' 04" 14'01"
27 deg
26' 20"
Jup Ven{R)
13 deg 19 deg
Rahu Ketu
14 deg
Pis Sco Ari
03 deg 24 deg 24 deg
38' 15" 18* 56" 54' 37" 25' 25" 37* 11" 37'11"
Mercury was in Pisces in retrogression, at the time of solar Ingress, along with retrograde Venus. The longitudinal interval between the two was just over a degree only. The 8th lord Is In fall In aspect to malefic Saturn. Both the Moon and the 8th lord Jupiter were in Sravana, middle nakshatra of an earthy sign. Such 8th lord's aspect on the ascendant should be taken note of in an analysis of this nature. A conjunction occurred betwen the Sun and Mercury (latter is earthy Tatwa planet) in Virgo (an earthy sign) opposite Mercury in ingress chart. Jupiter was going to direct dose to ingress Moon, on October 03, the quake took its toll two weeks before this phenomenon. Example 17: To conclude we analyse the recent tremor of Bihar which killed nearly 500 people, causing extensive damage to properties. The fateful day: August 21, 1988: <■ On the 13th April this year, the Sun entered Aries at 1534 hrs 1ST. The horoscope cast for Delhi is: Asc Moon
Leo Aqu Cap Pis Ari
Mars Merc Jup Ven Sat(R) Rahu Ketu
Tau Sag
18 deg
14' 57"
18 deg 10 deg 22 deg
13' 19" 41*05"
14 deg
20* 27" 24'33"
15 deg 08 deg 29 deg
Aqu Leo
29 deg
12' 13"
53'31" 18' 21" 18'21"
The 8th house Is occupied by debilitated Mercury. Leo rises while the middle Nashhtras of Taurus and Capricorn are in order occupied by Venus and Mars. The position of Mars in 232
Sravana alone needs a special mention, with ascendant being • Leo, as already stated. Saturn and Mercury are mutually angular. Although in the editorial (April 16 - May 15,1988 issue) it was observed that mass deaths would occur due to calamities between 11.8.1988 and 26.8.1988 coinciding with Mercury's stay In Leo - contact time with ingress Mars - it could not specifically be located as an earthquake. A calamity could be of any nature, not earthquake alone. Mars retrograded near ingress Mercury on August 26, 1988 in Pisces. The September eclipse was close to ascendant and Moon (Aquarius). On the 27th August also there was an eclipse In Aquarius, 7 deg away from ingress Moon. From whatever has been discussed so far in this paper, it is evident that Mercury's transit, solar/lunar eclipse, heliacal setting (against rising) of Mercury, or of a major planet, and retrogression/ direction of a planet in relation to an ingress planetary degree can act as an effective heavenly signal to tremor the earth. Mere movements of a major planet, i.e. progression or receding, may not really be of big help, unless they are in Rohini, Hastha or Sravana. These three nakshatras and Mercury hold a master-key to nature's fury, earthquake.
Chapter 26 Wisdom of the Seers - Part 2 Presented below is a horoscope from a Nadi. Astrological reasons as seen by us for the events are given in the Notes at the end. The horoscope presented to the sages in assembly is as under: RETU
2. The discussions open thus: The native is a male. The house in which he is born faces the south. There are no houses in the opposite direction. Situated in the north-east side of the house is a dilapidated temple of Lord Krishna.
3. The native's father had a total of 11 coborns out of whom some died. Only three sisters and three brothers have long lives. The father is of dark complexion and has a symmetrical body. He Is of open disposition. He can speak with double meaning, Is bold and virtuous. He is livelihood is by agriculture. His body is of bilious disposition. He is fond of gambling and is affectionate to his brothers. His relatives praise him. He attains skill in Tamil language, and is piously disposed. He has fertile landed properties, quadrupeds, conveyances etc. SUN RAKU
4. He suffers from piles and stomachial disorders. Although given to anger, he is affectionately disposed to children. To such a parent, the present native is born. 5. The native is not tall (i.e. he Is of medium hlght). He receives suitable education, and is endowed with good qualities.
6. he has long hair, piercing intelligence and a charming face. He is liked by people in royal association. People around praise him. He speaks in a whisper. 7. He multiplies parental properities. He has a pure heart and has a fast gait. He always shows inclination to help people in distress. Milk and ghee are his favourite items. Devi Parvati. listen to us in detail. 8. The native has no elder brother/sister, but only one afterborn who is longlived. Others die prematurely. 9. The marriage of the native occurs in his 22nd year. The bride is dark in complexion but is akin to Lakshmi in beauti. She is very fortunate, a good behaviour and honors elders. She is longlived. 10. Maharshi Atri clarifies: Mars is in own sign. 7th lord Saturn in conjunct his dispositor Jupiter in Pisces. Hence there is only one wife who will be long lived. 12. The native will have two long living sons and two longliving daughters. Bhujanga Maharashi wants to know the reasons for happy progeny. 13. Maharashi Atri explains: Since the 5th lord is in his (other) own sign as the 9th lord Mars is also similarly placed, we have given these effects. But as Rahu and Sun are in the 5th house, some children will pass away prematurely. Not only this, as the 5th lord Jupiter is conjunct Saturn, the native suffers progenic belmish due to previous birth's crimes. Mother of the elephant faced God, listen to us further, 14. In his previous birth, the native was a businessman who manipulated the accounts of poor people. They detected this and cursed him to suffer progenic belmish. He further killed a snake in a temple on account of which he acquired a second sin in respect of progeny. At last he developed dislike even for food, and died. 15. Because of those two blemishes of the previous birth, he cannot have any long-living child in the present birth. To ward off these blemishes we suggest a remedy. The native with his wife should go to Tiruvannamaiai (a sacred place of Lord Siva known as Annamaleswarar) and worhsip the Lord there piously
with Bllva leaves (modern scientific name for Bilva is Aegle marmelos.) (These leaves as indicated by Sasfras are very dear to Lord Siva.) 16 He should then donate to Brahmins and tell them his grievances who will free him from the belmish. Reaching home, he should circumambulate Aswaththa tree (Ficus religiosa) for 48 days. On completion of these rituals, he should feed the destitute on days ruled by the asterism Krittika. 17 As a result he will be blessed with longliving progeny. If these remedial measures are ignored, the subject will never be relieved from the belmish, only to go issueless. 18. We will now talk of the native's mother. She is fair in complexion and free from wickedness. She feeds the poor. She has a slight blemish in her eyes. 19. She is modest and takes only to good path, and is ever active. She has one brother and one sister. 20 "Since the native has Sun and Rahu in the 2nd from the 4th, the mother incurs defects of eyes". So explains the sage. Since the 12th from the Moon is aspected by Saturn, this blemish is due to the mother's own evil acts of the last birth. When she was a child of playing age, she playfully damaged the eyes of a frog. 21. Another participating sage queries whether there are any remedies for the mother's ills. The debating sage refuses to suggest relief. 22. When the native is 38 years of age, with the Sun' entry in Capricorn, the native's father will die. His mother will die when he is 41, with Sun moving in Sagittarius. He will himself pass away in his 67th year, on Dwadasi day with Sun moving in Pisces and during night time. 23. (In his next birth, he will be a Brahmin, versed in foreign languages, will serve a king and become world-famous.) 24. (In the present brith), he enjoys all comforts of life and fame. He will improve his landed properities. He meets people of royal scion, respects saints and is free from troubles of debts. He commands conveyances and has no enmies.
25. Sun dasa ablance at birth is 4y. dm. During this time (i.e. Sun's dasa), there will be auspicious functions at home and birth of co-born; the relatives wili be freed from spells of evils and the native wiil overcome a danger to his own iife. His father wiil fall 01. 26. Six sages inclusive of Atri detail the above sequences of events in the native's life, while sage Bhujanga, the 7th participant, queries: "Please Clarify as to during what part of the native's iife, the family goes in for a division." 27. it is in the native's 38th year, that this division among family members occurs. Without any disputes and with aii fairness. ^ Notes: 3. Father's coborn: This is indicated by the 11th house (3rd from the 9th house). Here it has influence of the nodes. The aspect simultaneously of the Sun on to the same house, like that of a node, generally adds to strain the well-being of that particular Bhava. The 11th lord, Mercury, is further aspected by Jupiter who is lord of the 5th and 8th from the native's ascendant, and lord of the 9th and 12th from Aries. Hence it causes death to some coborns of the father and allows some to live. Father bold, speaks with double meaning: Mars aspecting the 11th (3rd from the 9th) gives boldness to father. Mars joins Mercury (tact for father). Father's lands: Venus aspects 4th counted from the 9th. Skill of father in Tamil language: Mars rules this language, according to C.G. Rajan. The 9th lord is well-placed in Scorpio along with Mercury, who denotes linguistic efficiency. 4. Father troubled by piles: Saturn or Mars in the 8th wili cause rectal disorders. The 4th house, 8th from the 9th, is occupied by Mars. Stomachial disorders: Jupiter and Saturn are In the 12th from the 9th house. (In this case, both the diseases may not be
so severe as these two planets, viz. Jupiter and Mars, are in own signs.) 5. Native's good education: 4th lord in the 4th house with t ith lord Mercury, and aspected by favourable Jupiter. 6. Speaks In a whisper: Saturn and Jupiter aspecting the 2nd house. (Even one of them doing so gives similar results). 7. Parental properties multiplied: Sun in the 5th house (or In the 9th). Good at heart: Jupiter aspecting the 4th house. In this case, the 4th lord is also in the 4th house. 9. Marriage In 22nd year: Rahu dasa, Rahu bhuktl just opens. It Is seen In actual experience, planets In the 12th from Venus have also a say on marriage. 10 to 13: Life-span of spouse and number of children discussed in the text Itself by the sages. 22. Father's death: Occurs in the 38th year of the native. Rahu/Mars period will be operating at this stage. The 4th house concerns father's death, vide Jambunadeeyam of Maharshi Jambu. Every planet In the 4th house need not necessarily cause death in Its period, if death is not indicated, such pianet may give Ills to father's health. Mother's death: Occurs In the 41st year. Then the native will be In Jupiter/Jupiter period. Here Jupiter ruling the 5th house is in the 8th. 5th house rules mother's end, ibid. 25. Sun's dasa: Danger in childhood comes when the opening Dasa Is of ascendant lord or of the 8th lord. Father's Illness In Sun's dasa is due to Sun's conjunction with Rahu. Here It takes place In the 5th house. Other things being equal, the Sun has adverse role on father's longevity if he Is In the 5th house.
Chapter 27 Wisdom Of The Seers 1. It was to Atri Maharshi, out of the seven sages in assemb ly, that Parvathi, a consort of Lord Siva, presented the following horoscope and desired to know of the various events thereof. KETU
2. Maharshi Atri goes ahead.' This male native is born in a small village. There is a temple in the north-east side of his house. There the deity is Kaali, sitting on her lion vehicle (Simha Vaahanarudhaa). 3. The native's father has only one elder brother and he suffers from piles. His (i.e. the native's uncle's) family enjoys allround prosperity in the first half of his life. In the later part,
there is abject penury. 4. The elder brother of the father has one son and two daughters. He soon separates from the native's father. 5. The native's father is a skillful speaker and is truthful. He is almost free from diseases. His father (i.e. the native's grandfather) leaves behind abundant landed properties and a band of quadrupeds. 6. The native's father is well educated, patient and Godfearing. He has defects of speech (like stammering). Some physical deformity could also be seen in him. He is thin in constitution. 7. He will lose the balance of his mind. At this stage, Parvathi wants to know the astrological reasons from sage Atri, who in turn clarfies. Mars is in the 6th in eclipse by the Sun. This will create difficulties (like mental imbalance) on account of debts emanting from the southern direction. This will occur to native's father when the native is 3 years of age.
8. When the native is 4, the debts of the father will be paid off and wealth will accrue thereafter. 9. The present native is the 3rd issue. He has no elder brothers (i.e. no male issues bron before him). His first elder sister (i.e. the very first child of the family) is of the complexion of a pachiderm. 10. . She is corrupt In character. She wiil enjoy all paraphernalia and is free from difficulties. She marries a person from the eastern direction and obeys him in toto. 11. She will have 3 sons and 3 daughters. Rest of the details about her will be revealed by us on a different occasion. Now more about the native. He has 'black tongue'. That is whatever ill he says will materialise. He is an educated person. He is majestic in his gait like an elephant and his complexion too is jet- black. 12. He acquires pearl-studded ornaments. He enjoys limited sleep. With abundant landed properties, he lives a life that is much superior to that of his father. The native is very sharp minded and is very helpful to aii. He is like a scholar in his speech and has the right guess of events to come. 13. He multiplies the landed properties bequeathed to him ancestrally.' He honours sages. He also meets the king. 14. He is virtuous to the virtuous. Wicked to the wicked. He is not meanmlnded. He attains fame. He has a weakness for others' females.* He is secretive. He has praiseworthy virtues and fame. 15. He loves and respects his father. He honourably feeds those who come to him. He acquires vehicles etc. He has a deep devotion to Lord Karthikeya (the second child of Lord Siva and is the prime deity for astrological achievements). He works in a temple and is a grain merchant. He has the symbols of the great Conch and great Wheel on his palm. 16. The native has one younger brother and one younger sister. Both of whom are long lived. We will speak about the said corborn later on, on a different occasion. The native marries In his eleventh year. His spouse is his maternal uncle's 1 daughter.
17. Now about the native's wite. Her physciai hue resembles the hue of tender mango leaves. She delivers sweet and agreeable words. She patronises the poor by feeding them. She has a long lease of, mundane years to live. 18. They acquire eight children in all out of whom a son and three daughters will sustain. The rest will prematurely leave the world. Out of the dead children, the first two will also count. This is because of Saturn in the 5th house. 19. Becuase of the conjunction of the Moon in the 5th house with Saturn, a male child is born, akin to Manmatha (the Hindu god of beauty, or Cupid in Roman mythology) with a long lease of life. A few words about the mother of the native. Her complexion is akin to the blue skies, or rather resembling the hue of Lord Vishnu (Neela Megha Syama); She is averse to strangers, guests and visitors from other localities. 20. Her nature is to act and then think. She is disagreeable in speech and is a devout wife. After her marriage, there will be difficulties and poverty, she suffers from rheumatic disorders. Anger precedes her speech. 21. She has 3 younger brothers and 3 younger sisters who enjoy long spans of life. We will speak about her brothers and sisters in the ensuing discussions. 22. In his last birth, the present native was born in Taamraparnl as an agriculturist. He helped the poor, visited shrines and honoured Brahmins. Now it is his rebirth. 23. In the.present life, the native undergoes all kinds of difficulties from birth to 16th year of age. 24. The native's prosperity Increases like the waxing Moon. He acquires landed properlties and enjoys freedom from debts. He constructs a palacial building. He acquires a small house in his sixth year (seems to be paternal acquisition). 25. in hjs twelfth year, he acquires a well-decorated house. His fame goes on increasing. Before he attains his fifteenth year of age, he locates an underground treasure. Please listen to the reasons for this treasure to-be acquired. 26. Mercury, lord of the 2nd and 11th and Mars ruling Bhagya and the 9th, are together In the 2nd from the Moon with 243
strength. That Is why I have prescribed such a yoga tor this native. If astrological treatises (or original Granthas) are studied, we can locate suitable reasons in this context. (Addressing the sages assembled) Atri says further, "if we give up anger (equally ego and jealousy) and grasp the reasons stated in the Sastras, we will find proper arguments." 27. When the native is 29 and with the Sun transiting in Taurus, he loses his father. Then the native will be in Rahu dasa. Saturn bhukti. O Paravati, you take enjoyment in Vedanta, called Upanishad. Listen to us futher. 28. His mother dies when he is in his 31 st year. The transit Sun will be in Virgo at that time. With the native running Rahu Dasa, Mercury Bhukti. 29. The native himself dies in his 58th year when the Sun sojourns In Cancer. He will be reborn in Kanyakumari in a wealthy Saivite family. 30. The native (i.e. of the present horoscope) has Sun dasa balance at birth of 5y 8m. NOTES: 1. The Tamil commentators of the Nadi, viz. C.G.RajiJn and R.V. Aiyangar, suggest the following Navamsa diagram lor the original horscope; VRN
RAHU navamsa KHTU
3. Father's elder brother; This can be seen from the 7th house counted from Lagna and from the lith occupied by the Sun. In this case, Rahu is in the 11th from the Sun. Scorpio is a sign that deals with diseases of rectum and privities. Hence it could cause piles to paternal uncles. Saturn In the 12th from the Sun causes chequered prosperity to father and paternal relatives.
5. Native s tatner; Venus In the 2na from the Sun denotes father's skills in speaking. The 6th from the Sun is aspected by Saturn giving freedom from diseases to father. 6. Combustion to Mars, the 9th lord,' speaks for father's weak constitution. 2nd lord from the Sun and Mars - who is Saturn - is in the 12th from the Sun causing speech defects to father. 8. The 4th year of the native is said to be a period of relief for father from debts. During the 4th year, the native will be in Sun's Dasa itself. Saturn at birth is within first 3° 20' of Sagittarius. The Sun is between 16° 40' and 20° of Capricorn. Possibly, Saturn would be transiting near natal Mars - Sun region in Capricorn during the 4th year. The Sun in the 6th house indicates father's debts which are destroyed by Saturn in transit. Mars, the 9th lord being involved and Sun Dasa running are significant in this context. A major planet transiting a bhava which has its Karaka and lord together in it (i.e. in that bhava) will be significant for that relative. For example 4th lord and the Moon in the 4th house being transited over by Jupiter, Saturn or Rahu. 9. We give below some combined tips for a person not being the first issue of his parents: (a)
The ascendant lord not being in the first Navamsa. That is he should be above 3 20' in longitude.
The ascendant lord not being alone in the sign he is in.
The 11th house unoccupied, except by Mars.
Jupiter or the 11th lord not aspecting the 1 ith house.
Jupiter unrelated to the 1 ith lord by company or aspect.
Birth at the time of an eclipse when the 3rd sign from the eclipse sign is ascendant. If the eclipse is on a full Moon day, 3rd signs both from the Moon and the Sun are countable.
The ascendant iord not being Atmakaraka. These are some of the points that came in our research. Exceptions to the above could be located by discerning lovers of astrology.
10. The native s elder sister is said to be cdrrupt in character because of Saturn with the Moon (12th Lord) aspecting the 1 ith house. She is also said to be obedient to the husband. We do not know the reasons for this contradiction. 11. When the 2nd lord is exalted or is with an exalted planet, one attains Vakphalita, i.e. fruition of what he says. Here, the native is said to be successful as far as evil pronouncements (or curses) are concerned. See Mercury related to inimical Mars. "Black tongue" means one with a mole on the tip of the tongue. Their hearty curses fast fructify. 12. When the 12th lord is in a fixed sign, the native sleeps for long number of hours. His placement in a moveable sign gives less sleep. In a dual, sign, it is medium. If the 12th lord is with Venus, one enjoys long spells of sleep while with Saturn the enjoyment is brief. 15. The native has a divine profession as Ketu in 10th is aspected by Jupiter. The 2nd lord Mercury with Mars denotes a grain merchant. Symbols of conch and Wheel are respectively Paanchajanya (or the Siren of Lord Vishnu) and Wheel (Sudarsana Chakra of Lord Vishnu). In physiognomy, these symbols denote piety, wealth and fame. 23. Difficulties are Indicated to the native upto 16th year, i.e. throughout the Dasas of the Sun and the Moon, Mars commences then from which Dasa onwards it is said to be happy period. The reasons are not far to seek. 26. This para is highly suggestive that one should not think high of him before astrological rules. No one is extra-ordinary to dispute the validity of an axiom of the Sastras. Even Atri Maharshi is humble before the Sastras. Has not Socratese said, "One who propagates his extra-ordinariness is merely ordinary?.
Chapter 28 Wisdom of the Seers - Part 4 Devi Parvati desires to know the future of the owner of the undermentioned Taurus Lagna Horscope from the sages. Rasi chart: Aries - Moon; Taurus - Asc; Virgo - Rahu; Capricorn - Saturn; Aquarius - Venus, Mercury; Pisces - Ketu, Sun. Mars, Jupiter. KK'IU | i MOON 1 ASC , MARS Sage Agasthya initiates JUP foretelling. The native is a i ! SUN male. There situated are Vl-N temples of Ganesa and Kalika MERC towards the north of his house. RASI (See 'a'.) His house has norSAT thern face. He is the second child of his parents, (see 'b'.) RAHU
The native's paternal grandfather has two wives; born to the first wife is the native's father. The father is
devoid of coborn. (See 'c'). Sage Parasara interrupts: Does the father's step-mother have any issue? Agasthya proceeds: She obtains a child that does not live long. Another child being a female lives long. And she enjoys comforts of food, ordinary wealth etc. Now about the native's father. He Is born in Punaivasu Nakshatra in Cancer Rasi. He carefully plans before commencing an act. He does not enter warfield (i.e. he will be averse to litigations, quarrels etc.) He suffers, from diseases of the navel. He is wise and learned. He prospers with quadrupeds. (See 'e'.) He will not have fraternal happiness. (See T) He will destroy the landed properties of his own relatives. (See 'g').
At this stage, another sage asks. How do you predict blemish to father's coborn and navel diseases for the father? Comes the reply: Blemsih of father's coborn is because of Saturn in the 9th and Ketu in the 11th (of the native.) Since the native has Mercury and Venus in the 10th house, the father is liable to affliction of the navel) (See 'h'). Further, the native's father in his previous birth had indulged in some unpleasant acts. In that context he was born in a small village in the north of Madurai tenanted by Soma Sundara (i.e. Lord Siva along with his consort Meenakshi) in a wellto-do family. He did not feed his pet dog properly. He further blamed an innocent female charging her with an undue blemish. With a broken heart, the lady cursed him to go without maternal and fraternal happiness in the next brith. Then he is reborn in a Brahmin's family (now as the native's father). Because of that curse, the native's father in the current birth lost his mother in his very 6th year. He has no brothers and sisters. 0 Parvati, the beloved sister of Sri Maha Vishnu, to that father the native owning the horoscope indicated by you is born. Listen to the native's description. He is pure in heart. He has a fair-complexioned body. He is an affable speaker; he suffers from windy complaints. (See T). He is good to one and all. He is fond of young girls (out of lust). (See His palm has Yuva and Pad ma Rekhas. He enjoys a long span of life. (See 'k'). He is devoted to the Supreme Being. (See T). He receives high education. (See "m"). He cannot obtain children because of Rahu in the 5th house. Now listen to an account of the native's previous life. In that context he was born in Venkatachala (now known as Tirupati in Andhra Pradesh) in a family of agriculturists. He did not dutifully look after his mother but left her carlessly. Yielding to his wife he spoke harshly to his mother. The mother, hurt, cursed: Let there be no progeny for you in the ensuing birth. Even if some are born, may they soon pass away to your agony. (See 'n').
That is blemish No. 1 brought forward by the native from his previous birth. That is not all. He killed"a snake that was creeping in his balcony. Then he died of ulcers and now is reborn in a Brahmin's family. Due to the curse of the mother and the sin of killing a Cobra (known as Naga Dosha) in the previous birth, the native cannot have his own children.(See 'o') We prescribe a remedy to overcome this dilemma. The remedy for alleviating mother's curse is; The native along with his wife should go to Tiruvannamalai of Lord Arunachaleswara. (This is a famous shrine in Tamil Nadu where Maharshi Ramana spent his worthy life.) They should circumambulate the Hill and worship Lord Arunachaleswara. After singing the glory of the Lord, they should choose three Brahmin girls and offer them saffron, turmeric, wooden comb, flowers and gold. Then they should visit the Mother (the consort of Lord Siva) and feed seven devotees of the Lord. That will free the native from the clutches of mother's curse. The Naga Dosha can be removed thus: The native should get a cobra made of stone and instal it in a temple of Mariamma (a female deity popularly worshipped in the South equating her to Parvati) and worship It as prescribed in the Agamas. Following this, ten Brahmins should be served with delicious food. As a consequence, the Naga Dosha will vanish. (See 'p'). If the native resorts to the remedies suggested by us, he will obtain a son and two daughters all of^whom will be longlived. If he does not perform these remedies, he will not beget a child. Even if he gets, they will not last song. 0 Parvati, a consort of Lord Siva adoring on His Head the river woman, Ganga, our words do not fail. At birth, the native has a balance of ly 2m in Ketu Maha Das the Moon being in the 4th quarter of Aswini. During the native's Sun Dasa, the father will be liable to incur danger, but will not die. (During this period, the native will be above 22 years of age). When the native is 30, during the major period of the Moon the father will pass away. (See 'q'). The native's mother will die in the native's 28th year. The native will complete his mundane journey in his 67th year in Jupiter's Maha Dasa when the Sun will be in Aries. (See
V) he will he again born in a Brahmin's family in Chiaarnbaram. NOTES: (a) The relationship between Jupiter and the Sun is one of the many combinations for one's birth in shrines and sacred places. The temples being in the north of the native's house in the present case is because Jupiter and Sun are in Pisces which denotes the north. (See Brihat Jataka, Ch.5). (b) The native is said to be the second child. Obviously he should have only one elder brother. Whenever Mars occupies the 11th house, the native normally has one preborn only while Jupiter in retaliation in the 3rd gives one afterborn only. (c) The native's father does not enjoy fraternal happiness and is devoid of a living coborn. The 11th house denotes younger brothers and sisters of one's father. Note Ketu. Mars and Sun are powerfully in the 3rd from the 9th. incidentally this applies to the 9th lord's 3rd house as weii in this case. (d) A benefic in the 2nd house makes one feed many people. In this case Venus and Mercury are both in the 10th which is the 2nd from the 9th as well as from Saturn, the 9th lord. When the 9th lord is in the 9th itself, the father is a careful person planning his acts wisely. More so. when Saturn - the planet of discipline - happens to feature, the care and caution is certain. The father is timid and does not quarrel with others as Mars is in the 1 llh (3rd from the 9th). Malefics. except Mars, in the 3rd will give courage and belligerent tendency. Whereas benefics In the 3rd will keep one cairn and quiet. (e) . 10th house represents father's wealth and prosperity. Venus denoting quadrupeds is in the 2nd from 9th and hence father acquires prosperity through quadrupeds. (f) Not experiencing fraternal happiness has been explained under notes for 'c'. (g) The father is said to destroy relative's landed properities. The realtives of father are denoted by the 12th (4th from the 9th) and their lands etc. be known form the 4th form the 12th, i.e. 3rd from native's ascendant. Mars ruling the 12th is in ad-
verse union with Ketu and the Sun In the terminal Pisces. (Pisces if adversely occupied will cause destruction as it is the terminal sign of the zodiac.) Mars ruling the 12th is aspected by 9th lord Saturn. The Moon ruling the 3rd (father's relatives' properities) is hidden in the 12th house. The moon's dispositor Mats is again in the 12th from the Moon. These factors possibly hint at the father being an Instrument in destroying properities of the relatives. (h) Navel diseases are to be estimated form the planet Ketu, vide sloka 11. ch. 17 of Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra. Obviously, the sages give here another combination viz. Venus and Mercury in the 2nd house from the ascendant will cause navel diseases. Sine it occurs in the 10th (the 2nd from the 9th), the native's father gets such a disease. (i) The native is an affable speaker as the 2nd lord Mercury is in exclusive association with Venus and unaffected by others. The yoga of such type makes one not only an affable speaker but also a versatile genius. Windy diseases will attack the native as the 6th lord Venus Is In Saturn's sign. Windy diseases are rheumatism, paralysis, artheritis etc. Aquarius, like Virgo, Is secondary seat of diseases. If a planet other than Mercury is in Virgo, one can Immediately understand that it Is a trouble spot for disease. Similarly Aquarius. For example, If Aquarius is occupied by the Sun, one will be attacked by cardiac disorders. (Aquarius is called Hrldroga specifically denoting heart problems.) If this sign Is occupied by Mercury there will be nervous disorders. By Venus - blood sugar, urinary disorders, kidney trouble and the like. By Mars - hemorrhage of lungs, tonsils etc. apart form menstrual disorders in females; by the Moon - eye defects, brain disorders etc., by Jupiter - hearing drawbacks and by the nodes • Malaria, typoid, delirium etc. (j) Lust for opposite sex Is caused by the Moon In the 12th and Mars in the company of Ketu and the Sun, aspected by Saturn. (k) Long span of life comes to the native because of the combined special aspects of Jupiter and Saturn on the 3rd house. Saturn, the Indicator of longevity, Is further in his own sign. According to Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra, the 10th
House is also a house of longevity. Note two oenefics in the 10th house. (I) The ascendant lord Venus joining a benefic in the spiritual Saturn's sign makes the native God-fearing. The 9th lord in the 9th itself is another addition. • (m) The 2nd and 4th house control one's education. The 2nd lord is conjunct Venus while 4th house is aspected by both the ascendant lord and the 2nd lord from the merdlan. Any good planet in the 10th house can make the native learned and lettered. (n) By this statement, the sages seem to hint that one should treat his mother strictly in accordance with the saying "Matru Devo Bhava" equating her to God. Distress to her wiil make the native lament for progenic happiness whereby he will realise the importance of being a good son. (o) Rahu in the 5th house and afflicting, Jupiter, the signlflcator of children, will cause absence of children due to some curse received in the previous birth. The remedies suggested by the sages can be well followed by those in want of a child if there is affliction to the 5th house by particularly Rahu/Ketu. c (p) installation of a cobra's replica in 'Mariamma' temple is suggested. People living in the Northern India may seek to visit Valshno Devi, Haridwar etc. An image of cobra in silver or gold according to one's resources may be an alternative. (q) The Moon's dasa is said to cause deaths of both parents in the present case. The 3rd house rules parent's death jointly, vide sloka 4, ch.l 1 of Brihat parasara Hora Sastra. Here the 3rd lord Is the Moon. She is in a Maraka house (the 2nd) from the Sunt the signlfcator of father. The Sun is also the 4th lord, denoting mother. The Moon acquires double role. Hence the Moon's Maha Dasa will cause grief on account of parents' death.
(r) During the 67th year, the native will he in the sub period ruled by Mercury in the major period of Jupiter. Jupiter is the Bth lord while Mercury is the 2nd lord. They are mutually in 2/12 placements. For Taurus ascendant, Jupiter is the firstrate killer. Possibly Saturn in transit will at the time be In Aries In the second round of Sade-sathi. Thus, Aries is a sensitive sign for the native, ruling his parents' deaths apart from his own.
Chapter 29 Wisdom of the Seers Part 5 •he tollowing horoscope is analysed by sage Vaslsnta before Goddess Parvathi in the assembly of sages: 2. The native's horoscope taken up Is as under;
3. This is a male's horoscope. The owner is born In an east-west street having a temple of Lord Siva. There is also a separate temple for Nandi (Divine Bull) at the northern end. The village Is neither big, nor small.
4. The native belongs to a Telugu-speaking family. His father has no brothers, but only one sister. The aunt in question is a good-looking person. She gets her groom from the western side and obtains two daughters and two sons. Her second and fourth issues will have short life-spans. After the death of these two children she will go back to her parents. 5. The native's father has Virgo ascendant, and birth star as Bharani (the Moon In Aries). He, i.e. the native's father, has two mothers. He Is not troubled by poverty and penury. On the contrary, a great deal of ancestral inheritance will come to the native's father. 6. The native's father is endowed with conveyances etc. He is secretive and silent in disposition. He is virtuous. He manages farm-lands and progresses very much. He is skilful in Tamil language (apart from Telugu). He is fond of music and pleasures from other females. He is capable of fulfilling his promises. His name and fame will spread in all eight directions. He is quite charitable.
7. He performs philanthropic deeds, visits many shrines. Throughout his life he remains free from financial dependence/shortage. 8. Sage Atri Interrupts: Why. does not the father have a (living) brother? 9. Sage Vasista proceeds: Since the native has Rahu in the 7th house, and Saturn in the 3rd house, his father cannot have a brother. There is birth of a brother to father who only dies instantly. 10. To such a father, the present subject is born. The native has charming looks and is skilful in three languages. He Is pious, soft-spoken but somewhat short-tempered. 11. He will not be below the status of his father. On the other hand, he will become financially more strong, multiplying agricultural products. He enjoys world-wide fame (meaning widely famous, if not literally world-famous) and worships Lord Vishnu. He suffers from piles. He will never incur infamy! The king wili honour the native's words. 12. The native wiil adopt "divide and rule" policy as tar as his enemy's are concerned. There is a lotus symbol on the native's palm. He is endowed with quadrupeds and servants. He visits many a shrine. At this stage another sage intervenes: "How could there be such greatness in the horoscope while the 10th lord Venus is in debilitation in the 2nd house, Rahu in the 7th house, and Mercury-Sun in the 12th house. 13. Sage Vasishta clarifies: Jupiter and Saturn are exalted. Venus is in a Kendra from the Moon while the Moon and Jupiter are in exchange without blemish. This gives rise to Chamara Yoga. There is also Mridanga Yoga in the horoscope. That Is why I have attributed aii these good results to the native's horoscope. 14. He further proceeds: The native has a total of 8 coboms out of whom 3 will pass away prematurely. 3 brothers and 2 sisters will survive. 15. The native marries at the age of 20. His bride is from western direction. She is of virtuous disposition. Her face
resembles a lotus. She behaves in such a way that everyone In the relatives' circle is charmed. She enjoys a long span of life. 16. At this point, sage Parasara obstructs saying that the native will have two wives. His reasons: Rahu is in the 7th house. Mercury, the lord of the 2nd is in a"movable sign, behind the Sun longitudinally. Sage Atri, another participant, refutes the suggestion of Parasara and matintains that the native will have only one spouse. Atri's reasons: Since Saturn aspects Jupiter, the Sun and Mercury, there can be only one spouse, and not two. 17. Sage Agasthya counsels: "Why both of you sages (i.e. Parasara and Atri) differ from each other? Both of you will be right. The native will have actually only one wife. But he will tie Mangala Sutra (sacred yellow thread with three knots denoting fulfilment of marriage ceremony) on two occasslons to the same girl. The first Mangala Sutra will be stolen. In the native's 35th year this will happen and he will tie Mangala Sutra for the second time. 18. Vasishta revives his analysis: She will give birth to a male child who is akin to Manmadha (or cupid). She will give birth also to four female children each one of whom will be as thin as lightning and endowed with charming looks. 19.
All the five children of the'native will be long-lived.
20. The native is a dealer of grains. He acquires landed and housing properites in 3 adjacent villages. He will not visit courtezans. (This obviously hints that Rahu's placement in the 7th house does not give this vice to the native.) 21. There is a property division in the native's family when he will be forty. The native is a good singer. 22. The native's mother will incur bilious and rheumatic diseases. 23. The native in his 34th year will lose his father. At that ime, the operating periods are: Moon dasa, Saturn bhukti. 24. The native's end comes when he will be 66. His next birth will be in Kalinga Desa in a weavere family. Sage Vasishta is now interrupted by Bhrugu Maharshi with the following ex-
planatlons: "Since the Moon Is in the 6th from Jupiter, there is Sakata Yoga. Hence the native will die in his sixth year (meaning that he will not have a lifespan-of 66 as foretold by Vaslstha)." 26. Sage Atri counters Sage Bhrigu, thus: "The Moon Is in Sagittarius which nullifies Sakata Yoga. Further, Venus in the 2nd house ensures a long life. There wili be however a disease in the left eye in the 12th year of age, and mental imbalance In 18th year. 27. The native will have Ketu das balance at birth: 3y 2m. During this time, the native will have some difficulties (illness etc.) but the family will attain wealth. NOTES: The events described in the Nadi nee
10. Charming looks are acquired by Mars in ascendant. Mars in the ascendant or in the 9th makes one skilful in at least 3 languages. Mars particularly rules Tamil and Telugu languages. 11. Financially the native is strong, and stronger than father - 2nd house Venus, that too in fall, normally leads the astrolger to think of poverty. True, such Venus leads to financial shortages and difficulties. But when the 2nd lord is in the 12th house with another planet, the native is wealthy. This is a Parasarlan principle, which could be found In texts like Sarvartha Chintamani. Here the companion of 2nd lord is Vargothama Jupiter in exaltation. As regards the native suffering from piles Rahu in the 7th in aspect to Mars is the reason. 12. The 6th house aspected by Jupiter enables the native to tactfully handle his enemies. Mrs. Indira Gandhi could be a perfect example to "divide and rule" when enemies concern, as her Jupiter was aspecting the 6th, Sagittarius, own house. 13. (The commentators refer the readers to slokas 40 and 41, ch 6 of Phala Deepika and sloka 136, ch 7 of Jataka Parijata. They also refer to Jataka Chintamani, verses 2021 to 2031 and Pullppani Maharashi's Jyotisha Yoga Manjari, verses \ 9 to 11. Pulippani uses "Chamara Yoga etc." instead of "Chamara Yoga." In the verses of Pulippani, the exaltations of both Jupiter and Saturn are referred to. Acording to Phala Deepika, the 6th house is aspected by Jupiter and Mercury while the 6th lord, Saturn avoiding 6/8/12 is in the 3rd. This Chatra yoga belongs to Chamara type. Regarding Mridanga Yoga, we are referred to Jatakalankara of Natraja, verse 347, and JP, ch. 7, sloka 142. The Navamsa dispositor in turn is Jupter himself in exaltation. The lagna lord Sun is strong by virtue of being with exalted Jupiter.) « 14. Saturn in exaltation in the 3rd gives a number of coborn, while tha number to be 8 is unaccountable by us with a basic Rasi chart of the original Nadi. Loss of coborn is due to retrogression of Saturn in the 3rd house, and the debilitation of 3rd lord Venus. 15. Marriage occurs in the 20th year of the native. That is in Mercury bhukti of Venus dasa.
17. In this para, a very interesting, rare development is explained, i.e. Mangala Sutra being lost after 15 years of marriage and a second Mangala Sutra being tied.(The commentators narrate; Rahu in the 7th house gives Kalatra dosha. Mars ruling the 9th, second wife, and the 4th, pleasures, aspects the 7th house. 7th lord Saturn and 2nd lord Mercury In movable sign according to Nadi give blemish to first marriage. Ketu aspecting Saturn is also a Dosha. Saturn In peak, Venus in 2nd, Jupiter aspecting the 4th, Bhogasthana. 2nd lord Mercury in the company of Jupiter- these are favourable for first marriage. Rahu and Mars will be firm to shorten the first marriage. Their association withs the 7th house causes 'Bhanga' to marriage through thieves. The commentators give two practical horoscopes, from their experience. In one case, the Mangala Sutra was stolen in the 35th year, actually as foretold by a Nad), and In the 2nd case in the 36th year. First horoscope: Rasi chart - Gemini - Asc, Mars, Ketu; Cancer - Moon; Virgo - Sun, Merc, Jup; Scorpio -Saturn Venus; Sagittarius - Rahu. Birth star - Aslesha. Mercury balance at birth y 2m. Navamsa chart: Gemini • Mars; Leo - Sun, Merc; Virgro - Jup, Rahu; Libra - Sat, Ven; Moon Ketu. Second Horoscope: Rasi chart -Aries - Ketu; Cancer - asc, Jup; - Sat; Libra - Moon, Mars, Rahu; Aquarius Mercury, Venus; Pisces - Sun. Birth star - Chitta 4th quarter. Mars dasa balance 2y 6m lid. Navamsa chart: Taurus*- Rahu; Gemini - Mercury, Venus; Cancer - Sat; Scorpio - Mooh, Jup, Ketu; Capricorn - Sun; Aquarius - Mars. In the first horoscope, Mars and Ketu are in the ascendant while Sun-Mercury conjoin with Jupiter, as per the main horscope under discussion! Here also 35th year is the year of loss of MangalyaH Both the horoscopes given by the commentators have Jupiter's relationship with the 4th, as they point out. In both t£ie cases Saturn aspects the 12th house.) 18. Nadi texts have a simple rule for predicting number of children. They base such number equivalent to the number of planets connected with the 5th lord. In this case, this Interpretation works: 5th house has Moon, Saturn aspects the 5th, Ketu aspects the 5th by reverse 9th aspect, Jupiter is associated with two planets. Thus there are five. But in many cases this rule does not work. 19. Long-living children are indicated by the fact that the significator Jupiter exalted is in the 12ih house. Such Karakatwas 260
flourish. The significator for longevity too aspects the significator for issues. 20. Rahu in the 7th house drives one to vices like wine and women. In this horoscope, the sages do not see a vice like womanizing. Physical chastity getting impure by Rahu's placement in the 7th house is countered by Jupiter's aspect on the 4th house, house of pleasures. Further when Jupiter is in the 12th house, one will not seek such pleasures out of marriage. He will confine to marital bonds in every respect. 21. 3rd lord's debilitation is a fore-runner of not being together with coborns on a long-term basis. The 8th lord showing inheritances the 12th leads to division in inheritances. If in such a case the 12th lord is afflicted it could cause losses in inheritance. The native is said to be a good singer. Voice is reflected by the 3rd house (and not the 2nd house as some think). A mellifluous voice is obtained by a beneflc planet or exalted planet being in the 3rd. If the 3rd house is owned by a malefic, the good results are reduced. If it is a benefic's house, as in this case it being Libra ruled by Venus, the sweetness of voice increases. 22. 4th lord Mars joining Ketu or Saturn or Mercury will give such disorders as rheumatism to the native's mother. In this case Mars joins Ketu. N.B. This horoscope opens a veritable field for debate as sages like Atri, Vasishta, Parasara, Agasthya and Bhirgu counter each other with different arguments.
Chapter 30 Wisdom of the Seers - Part 6 The following horoscope is 'presented by Goddess Parvathi to sage Parasara for purpose of predicting future events: MARS
2. The sage states: This is the horscope of a female. She belongs to Muslim community. There are timples of Vishnu, Siva, Ganesa and Draupadi in various directions of the town. There is also a tall Masjid. People belonging to various communities live in the town. It is a big village rather.
3. The girl is born in her mother's home. Her father's hometown is Just within "a walking distance coverable say in four ghatis". Father's home is a iarge one, divided in three portions. Father had eleven coborns out of whom 5 are aiive Including him - two males and three females. 4. The father is dear to all, but somewhat cunning In disposition, and has a prosperous business. 5. He is famous and has landed properties. He believes In God and is pious. He has broad eyes, strong limbs and is somewhat well- versed in Tamil. He is skilful, somewhat liberal and Is not a taie-bearer. He is somewhat harsh in his speech. 6. He is careful in spending money and saves for rainy days. He has two wives. Although endowed with a saving tendency, he will waste money on account of his wives, and will destroy part of his properites. This native is born to second wife.
7. The girl is fair in complexion and is .very truthful. She does not think ill of others and is virtuous. She has a lotus-like face. 8. i will now narrate her marriage. Marriage occurs during her tenth year. The husband comes from northern direction. Her husband is patient in disposition. He amasses wealth of a huge order on account of his spouse (i.e. the present native) who is blessed by Goddess Lakshml. 9.
The couple obtains two sons and two daughters.
10. At this stage sage Atri interrupts wanting to know of the previous life of the girl's father. Parasara proceeds: He was born as a male in his previous birth in Kanchipuram and was doing business with many kings. He amassed wealth. He befriended a needy person, helped him with funds and grabbed his lands. Then the poor man cursed him to have two wives in the next birth out of whom the first wife will be responsible for the destruction of wealth. 11. Now I will describe the mother of the girl (current native). She enjoys all worldly pleasures and is free from any physical defects. 12. The native in her previous birth led a happy life, with all comforts, In the company of her husband and offspring. She always offered food to the poor. Annually she visited Nagur (a pilgrim centre for Muslims In Tamil Nadu). 13. Her previous birth was also in a Muslim family in Tlrukkona Malal (apparently in Ceylon, now called Trincomalee). In the next birth she will be born in a Brahmin's family InTriuvannamalai (in Tamil Nadu). At this stage Parvathi queries: Having been born In a Muslim family, why she will be bom in a Brahmin's family in the next birth? Because of her good deeds In the present birth, so clarifies Parasara and proceeds further. 14. (In the current birth) Till the end of Jupiter's Maha dasa the native obtains good effects. She acquires a lot of landed properitles, all kinds of wealth and prosperity through business. Because of a strong Jupiter these good things are due. She acquires quadrupeds and constructs tanks, temples etc.
15. Her father will die wnen the native will be in her 35th year, when the transit Sun will be In Virgo In Sukla Paksha Shashti Thithi. When the native will be forty she will lose her mother, with the Sun in transit In Gemini, in Sukla Paksha Dasami. 16. The native will die in her 75th year, with transit Sun in Aries, on Paurnamf Thithi and In Cancer Lagna. The native will not have any shrotcomlngs in her present life and the current birth could be termed excellent (for ail practical purposes). 17. Being curious, Parvathi wants to know more about the native's 3rd bhava. Discussions proceed thus: Since Saturn is in the 3rd house, it is evil for coborn who may die as they are bom. Since the Sun aspects the 3rd house, one brother and 3 sisters will survive and be long-lived. 18. Now about the 5th house. Since the 5th lord Saturn is in the 3rd house aspecting the 5th house, apart from Jupiter's aspect on the 5th house, she will have two sons and two daughters surviving. 19. (After briefly touching Jupiter's dasa, the Nadi however avoids Saturn's dasa.) The Nadi proceeds further thus: In the dasa of Mercury, owning the Lagna and the 10th. the native wii acquire all-round fame and gain through cultivable lands and business abundantly. She will become wealthy. 20. She will prosper with sharp Intellect, and can subdue even kings because of her virtues. She will be free from diseases. She will visualise the order of events to come in her dreams in advance. She will speak justly and will have sleeping comforts. She will enjoy all pleasures like lord Indra and will have no enemies. Notes (para-wise) 1. The Tamil commentator gives a matching Navamsa diagram for the Rasi chart given In the Nadi. He further adds that at the time of birth of the native In question, Jupiter and Saturn were retrograde. 2. According to my observations of Nadi principles, Nadlamsas (each Rasi divided into 150 equal parts) when subdivided into first and second halves give clue about birth in a 265
certain community. In the horscope under discussion, such a mention of Nadiamsa is not available. As such exact community is not possible to be known. However, the sage conducting the debate states that she is a Muslim girl.
3. The native's father is said to have numerous co-born. The sign Taurus becomes more significant as It is the 9th from Lagna and contains Karaka Sun. Seen from Taurus, It has Mars In the 11th aspected by Jupiter (the latter Is Karaka for elder brothers/sisters) while the 3rd has none. But its lord Moon being with Ketu (not longitudinally very wide) denotes death of coborns, six in this case.
4. Father's business prosperous: The 10th lord from the Sun is Saturn. Such Saturn is aspected by significator for father, Sun, himself. The 2nd from 9th viz. 10th has Venus. This denotes prosperity In terms of money for father. 5. Father has lands: From the 9th lord's position, we see Jupiter aspected by Mars, signifying lands. The 4th from the 9th is 12th whose lord Sun is again weli-aspected by Jupiter. Taurus, the 9th itself is a Bhoo-Rasi, signifying lands. Father believes in God: The 9th from the Sun is aspected by Jupiter, denoting a pious father. 6. Father careful in spending: The 8th house from one's Lagna denotes father's spending habits, its lord Mars is aspected by Jupiter - showing that the father of the native Is not one to waste money, but knows to use money Judiciously, it is said by the Nad! that the native's father, with all his saving disposition, will destroy a part of his property on account of his wife. There is no specail mention by our ancestors as to which house be looked into about one's losing properties. But in my observation, It is the 3rd house, as It Is the 12th from the 4th house. In this case, 3rd from 9th is Cancer, whose lord is with Ketu and Venus. Venus denotes spouse. Hence Ketu-Venus
conjunction with the Moon causes partial loss/destruction of properties for the father. 7. Fair complexion for the native comes by Jupiter and Mars related to Lagna. Being virtuous and not thinking ill of others are due to Jupiter in Lagna. Face resembling like a lotus is because of Mercury's aspect on the 2nd house. In this case Mercury is Lagna lord as well. 8. Marriage of the native: So many good things are said about marriage including its early occurrence. With a retrograde Jupiter in the ascendant, and Mars in the 7th with Martian biemsih, and Venus the karaka being with a node should indicate otherwise delayed and troubled marriage. The events being contradictory, a definite probe is not possible. Apparently, the horoscope has some invisible beauties not clalculable in the absence of minute data. The native's own good fotunes are said to give a lot of wealth to the husband (and to self, naturally). This is because of Jupiter aspecting the 9th house; Mercury, the 2nd lord aspecting the 2nd house; 9th lord Vehus in the 10th house and lastly, but not unimportantly, four Lagna Kendras being occupied by a total of 6 planets. When the four kendras are occupied by planets, it is called Chatussagara Yoga (spreading to tour seas). There is another good Raja Yoga, when the 4 common signs are In occupation. All this points out to amassing wealth. 9. Progeny: She acquires progeny because of 5th lord as well as Jupiter aspecting the 5th house. In a female's case the 9th house is equally important. Here aspect of Jupiter and Saturn may be noted as for the 9th too. 14. An approximate balance of Vimsottari is given by the commentator, as Jupiter 1 1y4m Od. The original reading mentions that till the end of Jupier's dasa (i.e. before 12th year of her age) she acquires lands, wealth etc. How in such an early span of life this is possible, is not known. How her Saturn dasa will be is not also clearly mentioned, while Mercury dasa is discussed. 15. The Tamil commentator's views on the native's losing her parents are interesting. These are reproduced as under for the readers' benefit: "Father dies when the native is in her 35th year of age. Then she will be in Mercury dasa. Father's ascen-
dant is Taurus. In some texts, Mercury is also stated to be Maraka for Taurus. Mercury is in the 12th from the 9th, and the 8th from native's lagna. According to verse No.95 of Pulippani (a Tamil classical text in astrology) Mercury in the 9th house is a killer of father. Being the 10th lord, he denotes Karma, parental rites." About the mother's death, the learned commentator observes: "in her 40th year, she will be in Mercury dasa. Maternal adcendant is Sagittarius. As per another, Chandra Kavyam, Mercury is Maraka for Sagittarius". From the commentator's views, we get an important clue, authentic In nature, that Mercury In the eighth house is Maraka for father, which we do not normally come across In most of the text-books. Out of my own experience, I wish to add that the 35th year will be fatal for mother if Saturn aspects or is In the 8th from the Moon. Slmllarty Saturn aspectlng or in the-8th from Sun proves bad for father. 35th/7ist year (depending on the case) Saturn related to 8th house from natal ascendant proves harmful to the native himself. 16. , The native's life-span is said to be 75. Saturn in the 3rd gives a long life, not necessarily 75. May be more. May be little less. Similarly 8th lord gives abundance of life-span when he is in an ocean-sign (Pisces or Cancer). Here Mars is also aspected by Jupiter. Further, according to ancient authorities, the role of 10th house in estimating life's length should not be Ignored. That way Venus in the 10th house is again good. * * 20. The 5th house rules dreams. Its lord aspects the 5th house who In turn is aspected by Jupiter. These should enable the native see dreams that can materialse. 21. In this regard, the commentator's views are worth noting, when he opines: "Jupiter placed In the 4th from the Moon causes Kesari Yoga. When both Venus and Jupiter are in Moon's Kendras, one is dear to king. It is very auspicious to have the three beneflcs, viz. Jupiter, Mercury and Venus, In strategic points. The 4 Kendras both from the Moon and Lagna are occupied. Refer to verses 297 and 276 In Keeranur
Natraja's Jatakaiankaram There Is Veena Yoga as all planets are disposed In seven signs, refer to verses 322,264 and 276".
Chapter 31 Wisdom of the Seers - Part 7 We give below a Taurus Lagna noroscope as discussed between sages in a Nadi text-book. ASC
2. Sage Kausika proceeds with the delineation. The native is a male. He is born in such a street wherein one row of the houses faces the south, and another row the north. There is a temple of Ganesa In the northern side.
(Note: We have used paragraph numbers here so that MARS KETU the reader can easily correlate MOON the .astrological notes being given by us at the end of the article discussing reasons for various events in the Nadi.) 3. There is a mosque adjoining the native's birth-house. His house is divided in two parts and he is born in his father's home. He does not stay in maternal grand-mother's home. (Obviously in second part of the house, the native's maternal relatives live.) 4. We (meaning the sages) shall now elaborate upon the native's father. He has 3 brothers and one sister, who live long. The father is of fair complexion, short-statured and has good habits. He honours elders. Loves youngsters. Sweet in speech. Very intelligent. Gathers valuable articles. 5. The father of the native flourishes with ever-increasing agriculture products and is respectful of ascetics. He is skilful in subduing his enemies and taking them in his fold. He is somewhat secretive in disposition. He leads a happy family life, being praised by all. 6.
There is a line of wealth on his palm, as also a whirl.
7. To such a parent, this native is bom. We shali now deat with the native's horoscope. The native is also fair-complexioned. He is adequately educated and is intelligent. He becomes wealthy. He is prudent and increases his possessions. He is affectionate to his spouse. 8. He does not break his promise. He respects ascetics. His speech is marked by stammering. He is friendly to all and enjoys landed properties. 9. His physique is hairy. He honours elders' words and advices. In beauty, he is like cupid. He is skilful in mathematics. He is valorous and never plans to harm anyone. He belongs to Sidhdhini community. 10. He has two younger brothers and two yonger sisters all of whom will be longlived. If there should be any more births, they will not live long. Our words shall not go in vain. 11. Now we shall deal with his marriage. Marriage occurs In his eighteenth year with a girl obtained from the eastern direction. He will beget two daughters. There will not be any male issue. 12. Devi Parvathi interrupts sage Kausika (also known as Viswamitra): "Please explain why there is not going to be any 4 male progeny to the native concerned." 13. The sage answers: Since Mercury, the 5th ford, is in Cancer and his dispositor Moon is relegated to the 8th in the company of Ketu and because of sins of previous birth, the native will not have children. Even if children be born, they will only die prematurely. 14. In his previous birth he was a Sudra (4th caste) and was enjoying prosperous life, with his spouse, landed properties etc. There was a temple of Ganesa In that village on the banks of a canal. There was also an idol of Naga Raja, apart from idols of many gods for worship. Brahmins used to perform daily Puja in that temple. The temple was located under an Aswaththa tree. 15. Under the Aswaththa tree, the native committed an unforgivable crime. He had a concubine. He sought carnal pleasures secretly with her under that tree. She conceived.
Medical assistance was resorted to in order to abort the foetus. In the process, the female died. A big blemish sat on his shoulders. 16. Because of this sin, in the previous life, towards the end his riches did vanish. He was not able to afford even a meal. He went to Rameswaram, had a sacred bath and performed worship Sri Ramalingeswara. Then he went to Madurai to bathe in the river Vaigai and conducted worship Chokkanatha (Lord Siva adoring Ganga). He was later blessed by Brahmins. Because of these developments, he now took birth in a superior line of family. 17. I suggest a remedy for the native to overcome the blemish of not begetting a male progeny. He should go to Tirukkazhukunram (in Tamil Nadu) and circumambulate the sacred hill there along with his wife for one week and worship Lord Siva, who consumed the great Halahala poison in order to save the Universe. Then he should procure a sliver idol of Lord Kartikeya (son of Siva) and offer it to Brahmins along with flowers, sandal paste etc. After performing these deeds, he should feed seven people and return to his town. He should perform Sashtl Vrata for one year. Then he will obtain a son who will be long-lived. If he does not perform this remedy, there will never be male issue. 18. At the time of birth, the native (of the present horoscope) has a balance of Venus dasa for 15y 5m 17d. Now) shall tell about the effects of the opening dasa of Venus. 19. Academic attainments and grace of Goddess Lakshmi will occur. Business will flourish. He will beget coborns. Acquisition of a new home and prosperity In his calling will take place. 20. With all these good events, the native will lose some of his coborn. Expenditure will increase. Paternal grandmother will pass away, inauspicious happenings to maternal relatives will also take place. 21. As the sixth lord Venus is in the 4th house, his coborns will suffer from incurable diseases. There will be disputes on accounts of landed properties arid loss of articles.
22. At this stage, Jalminl interrupts to state that because of the 9th lord being in the 4th (in the company of 6th lord), the native's father's brother's wife (i.e.aunt) will-pass away following a stomachial disease and the uncle also will soon quit the world. 23. (The first sage resumes) I n the dasa of the Sun, there will be loss of quadrupeds. The native's father will be III. In-laws will go through a spell of troubles. Enemies will confront the native. He will suffer from eye disorders and his missions will be futile. Because Mercury is conjunct the Sun, the first half of Sun dasa will give many adverse results. The 2nd half will fare better. He mil acquire a new home. 24. Now about the results of Moon's dasa. Birth of children, advent of wealth and lands, fulfilment of desires, professional prosperity and marriage and such other functions for brothers/sisters are the results for this dasa. The native will get half of his ancestral home as his share. There wili be good effects on account of his wife's influences. They will visit shrines and bathe in sacred rivers. He wili get rid of his sins. 25. Since Ketu is in association with the Moon in the 8th house of the native, his father will be often In danger. Quarrels on account of landed properties are possible. The native will incur enemity with people holding an authority of law. v 26. Parvathi wants to know as to at what stage of the native's life wili his father die. The sage proceeds thus: This will be dealt with in the effects of Mars dasa of the native, in Mars dasa the native will prosper with landed properties and will acquire a child as well. His business will expand. He mil undertake charitable activities in progress of a temple of Lord Kartikeya. During this dasa, the native's wife will however be subjected to some difficulties. She will have a strainful pregnancy. 27. In Rahu dasa, the native will get many auspicious results. He will worship Lord Siva. The native's mother mil undergo a dangerous period. 28. In Jupiter dasa. there will be negligible results of good nature. All-round loss of wealth and failure in undertakings will result. Enemies will increase. Agricultural crops will decline
from his lands. Many ot such adversities will pain the native and throughout the first half of Jupiter dasa, the native will not be happy, due to Sakata Yoga. 29. In Ketu bhukti of Jupiter at the age of 64, the native will pass away. 30. We shall aiso narrate about the periods of his parent's ends. During his 29th year, he will lose his father, and in his 39th year mother will die. 31. In his 45th year, he wil see a split in family properties. His wife will die after him. NOTES: Some important events discussed in the Nadi are narrated here by us through astrological arguments so that the reader can understand the horoscope in a better manner. The paragraph numbers below are items relating to the events given above in the nadi analysis: 4. Father's fair complexion: 9th lord joining Venus in Leo ruled by the Sun. 5. Father being wealthy: The native's 10th house being in aspect to Saturn (the 10th lord) as well as to Venus. 7. Native fair-complexioned: Lagna lord Venus joining Saturn gives one black complexion. But here we do not know the angular distance between these two planets. Nor do we know of the Navamsa position of Venus. However, the aspects of Mars and of Jupiter on the ascendant give one a fair-complexioned physique. Adequate education: Rahu in the 2nd in Gemini and Lagna lord in the 4th house. intelligence: Jupiter aspecting the ascendant and the lord of the"5th Mercury in aspect to Jupiter. Wealthy: The 2nd lord Mercury aspected by Jupiter while the lords of 1 and 10 are in the 4th. 8. Speech marked by stammering: Rahu in the 2nd house, Moon in the 8th house, Karaka Jupiter in debilitation.
Not breaking promise: Jupiter aspectlng the lagna as well as Mercury. 9.
Hairy physique: Saturn aspecting the ascendant.
Beautiful like cupid: if Mars aspects the ascendant, without being in affliction, one obtains good features and looks. Mathematical skills; Mercury in conjunction with the Sun gives skill in mathematics and grammar. it. Early marriage: This horoscope supports the view that Mars in the 7th does not delay marriage if he is in own house. 13. Here it is stated that the native will not have children at all while in paragraph 11, it is stated that the native will have two daughters but will not beget a son. 19. Venus dasa: This dasa is said to rule the native till he completes the 16th year. But the results attributed to this dasa like flourishing in his calling, acquiring a new home etc. do not seem to be possible in normal case. 28. Jupiter dasa, the 6th dasa, is said to neutralise many of the previous good results. Jupiter is lord of the 8th placed in the 9th, hcuse of fortunes. Further the Nadi attributes^bad effects for this dasa because of Sakata Yoga. 29. Ketu bhukti in Jupiter dasa gives death to the native in question. One is the 8th lord and another is occupant of the 8th house.
Chapter 32 Paralysis An Astrological Study
Paralysis is that state of a body when the affected limb is deprived of its movements and functions. In medical parlance, paralysis is of various kinds. To wit, eyes, face, tongue (speech), legs, hands etc. can be struck by paralysis and the relevant function could remain destroyed, temporarily or for ever. Sometimes paralysis could be to one side of the body. Yet sometimes, total paralysis can occur affecting the whole body. Then there is paralysis of lower and of upper half of the body. Introduction Mainly this disease is caused by nervous affection. An alternative kind Is caused by rupture of blood vessels when an accident, fall or hit occurs causing severe injury. In the case of paralysis caused by nervous affection, JSaturn and Mercury have a key role. Without their interference either directly or indirectly, this kind of paralysis cannot be thought of, in a horoscope analysis. When paralysis is caused by rupture of blood vessels, supply of blood to the injured part of the body is interrupted and consequently that particular limb becomes insenstive, ineffective and nonfunctional. Here, the significator of blood Moon - is fit to be considered. Many wrongly suggest that Mars rules blood while he actually rules marrow, one of the Saptha Dhatus or the seven essential ingredients of the body. The Rasis that are involved in causing paralysis are Cancer. Gemini and Virgo. These are prime signs. The house to be considered is the 3rd. The 3rd house denotes movements of any limb of the body. This house of course rules hands and legs in general, while in subtle analysis
3ra and nth are Doth considered for right and left parts in order. Any movements of any limb, for example even the movements of pupils of the eyes, turning of neck, bending by hips etc. are all to be considered thru the 3rd house. Minus consideration of the 3rd house, diseases relating to movements of bodily limbs are ununderstandabie. Hence the 3rd house is significant in case of movement of bodily-limbs by human efforts. In case of paralysis of tongue or eyes, the 2nd house be in addition considered. Paralysis has been known from time immemorial and is not a modern-age illness unlike AIDS and the like. In ancient medical literature, paralysis is termed broadly as 'Vaafa Roga" or windy disorder, and specifically known as Pakshavatha in general. Paksha is one side of the body. The 3 Temperaments Our ancients described planets to be in charge of Gunathrayas or the three temperaments, applicable to a human body, which cause sound health or ill-health. When a certain Guna is imbaianced or vitiated, disease relating to that temperament is born. When Pitta (or bile) comes in the picture, diseases relating to liver etc. occur. If the imbalance of phlegm should occur, disorders like cough, asthma, bronchoitis etc. strike. If the temperament called 'wind' or 'Vaayu' gets vitiated, one suffer from rheumatism, artheritis, paralysis and the like. Thus, the sages have allotted the temperament of wind to planets as under: Saturn
- Wholly windy
Rahu/Ketu Moon
- Wholly windy - Windy and phlegmatic
- Windy, phlegmatic and bilious
Basis I have earlier stated that the Basis Cancer, Virgo and Gemini be considered in respect of understanding paralysis. It Is keeping in view these windy planets In consideration. Bahu
tias no own siyn, universally acceptable to all autborltles nence If is a difficult issue for me to state with authority unless one is guided by his own experience. As for me I never wondered which could be the own sign of Rahu/Ketu. In the analysis I have not added Aquarius under paralysis, as basically this Rasi is found to be 100% effective in analysing heart diseases. Without considering Aquarius, heart diseases can at best remain ununderstood Second half-Capricorn As for the whole ol Capricorn, another Rasi ruled by Saturn, my studies are minimum and as such I cannot say with confidence that this Rasi should wholly include. Nor can I say this Rasi is not wholly important. What all I know is this: Capricorn's first half is Chatushpada Rasi (quadruped sign) and second half is Jalachara Rasi (watery sign). The second half is comparable to tulfledged Jalachara Rasi like the other two Cancer and Pisces. (Incidentally Scorpio is not a Jalachara Rasi. It is the only insect sign or Keeta Rasi.) Hence I suggest that the 'second half of Capricorn, being 'footless' (according to Parasara) be considered in case of affected movements, i.e. paralysis. (This portion of Capricorn also denotes lameness, amputation of legs etc.) Before taking up the actual cases on hand, we better have a glimpse of what the classical authorities state in this respect. Ancients and Paralysis I have culled out some important rules for windy disorders which include paralysis (dangerous as compared to rheumatism, artheritis etc.) from texts like Parasara Hora, Saravali of Kalyana Verma, Jataka Tatwa of Mahadeva of Rutlam, 1 The 6th lord in debilitation and being in the company of Saturn causes windy disorders. 2. One will be troubled by windy disorders in the 59th year it the ascendant lord is in the 8th house, as Saturn is in the 6th house (Mande Satrugathemeans Saturn in the 6th house. But
some translators interpreted this as "Saturn with inimical planet" which I am afraid gives an unsound concept.) 3. Rule 2 cited above from Parasa Hora, states thus: If Saturn is with an inimical planet (i.e. Sun/Mars) while the Lagna iord is in the ascendant itself (instead of 8th as above), windy disorders will strike the native at the age of 59. (Part 1, English rendering by R. Santhanam.) Let me cite the Sanskrit part of tne text - Lagnese Lagna Rasisthe Mande Satru Samanvithe Ekonashashti Varshe thu Vaatarogardito bhaveth I Rules 2 and 3 above seem to be independent, and rule 2 is not a distorted version of rule 3. 4. The Sun in Cancer in aspect to Saturn - the native will be highly troubled by windy disorders. The sign Cancer is brought in picture for It rules blood circulation in the body. Not because it is wholly a watery sign. But because it is ruled by the Moon. 5. Mars aspecting Saturn - the latter placed in Cancer windy disorders to the native may be foretold. 6. Mars in the 10th house in association with, or in aspect to, Saturn - the native will incur windy disorders. VeeraSimhavalokana, whose author is Veera Simha, as the text itself suggests, enlists some general astrological principles, This is an ancient Sanskrit work dealing with astrological reasons, remedial measures, medical cures of ancient nature and giving reason related to one's Poorva Karma (deeds of previous birth) as to why a certain disease occurs In'the current birth. The text states in the context of windy disorders thus; (a) If Mars is in the sign owned by the Moon (i.e. Cancer) one will be troubled by various kinds of diseases, Including vitiation ot blood and bile. This rule does not directly specify paralysis, rheumatism etc. After seeing rule 5 and the like, as in the earlier paragraphs, our researches can be centred on Mars placed in Cancer, or connected with the Moon, to be a cause of a particular kind of paralysis called Hemaplexia - paralysing a certain part of the body depriving it of blood supply. Without a
formal meaical study, we cannot pretend to know or ail tnese things but be enthusiastic to learn more with such backgrounds. (b) In this work, there is no specific mention of-Mars-Moon conjunction leading to this kind of disorder when it discusses astrological reasons. But while suggesting remedies, it refers to Mars-Moon conjunction. Hence a clue is born to the effect that Mars and Moon related by conjunction can cause blood disorder. Of course this is a very elementary principle. However, In magnified circumstances leading to severe diseases this conjunction can mean more than a mere blood disorder. In given cases, with loaded afflictions from other heavenly bodies, these two planets, viz. the Moon and Mars in association can cause paralysis, like Hemaplexia. (c) Karkatasthe Bhaanau svaputradrushte. . . . .vaatapittodbhavaapeeda: The Sun in Cancer in aspect to his own son Saturn, causes disorders of wind and bile. This rule was produced under S.No.4 supra. Earlier 'bilious disorder' was not referred to, whereas now it is. (d) Saurimadhyo yada sikhi - This hints at windy disorders if Ketu joins Saturn. Remedies Veera Simhavaloka suggests remedies in the context of the above four planetary yogas to overcome such illnesses. (a) & (b) - Mars - Moon conjunction: When these two are conjunct, the disease can be overcome by donating gold, fawny cow etc. and by performance of Japa, Homa etc. prescribed by Sastras. (c) Sun in Cancer aspected by Saturn: Remedy as above. (d) Satum-Ketu yoga: Japa (recitation of divine spells in low voice) and Homa (fire sacrifice) In appeasement of Ketu be done. Ketu Mantra be aiso recited. Donation of gingilee. gold and goat are suggested by the text.
Western astrologers There is an unfortunate trend among certain groups of the followers of Hindu astrology to decry as meaningless anything stated by Western astrologers. Somehow i do not subscribe to such views that those stated in western astrology, using zero degree Ayanamsa lack in substance. An open mind is a sound mind when it comes to learning. Be it any discipline of learning. . From my gloss, i quote some specific rules concerning the disease under study. Readers inclined to test these may go ahead, with practical horoscopes. (a) The Sun rising (close to the ascendant) being in aspect to Saturn. (Our ancient texts prescribed that the Sun be in Cancer in aspect to Saturn). (b) The sun afflicted In Saggitarius. (c) Uranus afflicting Mercury at birth, (d) Saturn afflicted in Aries. (e) Hemiplegia- Paralysis of one side of the body - by the Sun getting afflicted through Saturn/Uranus. Practical Examples Old age paralysis is not a big surprise. When persons in prime youth are sadly affected by this disease, many decades ahead, for them, could be at stake. Mercury rules youth. Saturn one's old age. When these two are not conjunct, and be a couple of signs apart, atleasi with an orbai space of ninety degrees, then young-age paralysis is a distinct possibility. But when they are together, old-age paralysis is to be feared. These are two basic guidelines that I have found to be operable in most cases. Another suggestion that may be followed is: if the 4th house is of prime importance in analysing this disease (or for that matter any disease), oid age wili be the main target for the heavenly bodies, if it Is the 10th house (meridian), then the victimisation is In youth.
The two horoscopes we discuss here are ot two youngsters who are just in their twenties. They are not mutually related in any way. They hail from families with totally different backgrounds. However, a strange similarity is: both of them got paralysis, partial paralysis, on the same day, in Delhi. The date is: January 19,1991. Firstly, see the horoscope of a lady bom on 18th July, 1970 at 0630 hrs, New Delhi. Rasi positions. Aries-Saturn 27-10; Cancer Ascendant 14, Sun 01-33, Mercury 13-51, Mars 6-22, Leo-Venus 12-50, Ketu 9-55, Libra- Jupiter 03-32, Sagittarius-Moon 20-39, Aquarlus-Rahu 09-55. Balance of Venus dasa (Vimsotlari) at birth - 8y 11m 2ld.
RAHU lt.10.1970 EXAMPLE 1
She was married on 13th April 1988. During her fourth month of first pregnancy, she got paralysis on January 19, 1991.
The Moon, ruling Cancer, which is also the ascendant, is MOON JUP in the 6th house in Sagittarius. The most important yoga for paralysis is seen in Mercury's placement right on the ascending degree. Mercury is the 3rd lord in this case. The period of occurrence of the disease is in Saturn bhukti of Moon dasa. At birth Saturn placed in Aries, in debilitation, is related to the 6th lord, Jupiter. Saturn In transit was opposing Cancer, in which the planets at birth are in the first half itself. Hence Saturn's transit afflictions became more effective and concentrated. if we see the rules quoted from our classical text-books in the initial pages of this article, we find that most of the rules apply here. These cannot be In toto'. Contribution of each yoga
is partial But the rules are too many too be ignored. We may broadly understand them as under; (a) The 6th lord is aspected by debilitated Saturn, instead of 6th lord in fall and being in the company of Saturn. (b) The Sun in the 4th in Cancer, from Saturn. An angular relation is not less effective and is a recognised and an operable Sambandha (relationship) between any two given heavenly bodies. (c) Mars In Cancer in the 4th from Saturn - instead of Saturn in Cancer, in aspect to Mars. (d) Saturn in the 10th house while Mars is In Cancer, instead of Mars in the 10th house in conjuction with, or in aspect to. Saturn. All these yogas if advantageously understood can cause formulation of a new rule: The 6th lord in aspect to Saturn from the 10th (or the 4th) as Cancer Is occupied by Sun or by Mars. The second horoscope given below, apart from dealing with our subject-matter, equally throws light upon an ancient saying relating to the period of planet placed in the 30th degree of a Rasi. Such a planet should be not confused with Atma Karaka. For Atma Karaka need not always be in the last degree of a Rasi at birth. This native is a military officer. He was born on 7/8th September 1965 at 0145 hrs, New Delhi. The planetary positions at the time of birth were; Taurus - Rahu 15-10; Gemini - Ascendant 25-40, Jupiter 5-14; Leo- Sun 21-36, Mercury 5-15; Virgo - Venus 29-35; Libra - Mars 18-31; Scorpio - Kefu 15-10; Capricorn - the Moon 1651; Aquarius - Saturn (R) 20-25. Moon dasa (Vimsottari) balance at birth - 4y 10m lid. The native in question came to see his parents in Delhi on a holiday. Unfortunately he met with an automobile accident on 19th January 1991. As a result, his right ankle was dislocated. In the process he got what is called hemaplexia (a kind of paralysis when a certain side of the body is deprived of biood). He is a bachelor.
7/8 S*p I96S KXAMI'I.K 2
^i MARS 1
We may observe certain yogas in the horoscope relating to this problem. Mercury is in the 3rd house in aspect to retrograde Saturn, who rules the 8th house. The Moon is placed in watery part of Capricorn, second half, which is called footless, and is aspected by Mars.
Ketu placed in the 6th house is aspected by retrograde Saturn. (See rule of Veera Simha-valokana, which stands modified in this example.) In transit, the 6th lord Mars was traversing on natai Rahu in Taurus. The 10th lord (young age) was in Cancer, exactly opposite natal Moon in Capricorn. At the time of the event, Rahu dasa was on. Venus bhukti is in currency from 6th Feb 1989 through 5th Feb 1992. The sub-sub period of Saturn rules from 10th January 1991 through July 2, 1991. Planet on 30th degree The sub period lord is Venus. He is placed in the very concluding degree of Virgo. This deserves a special attention in this context - a calamity affecting one's health in a dangerous manner. "In the dasa of a planet occupying a Rasi Sandhi (i.e. the area where one Rasi ends and the other one starts), there wiil be disease. In the end of the dasa of the planet that head towards the thirtieth degree of the Rasi concerned, death will take place." (Ref. Horosara of Prithuyasas, ch.n, sloka 6. English translation by R. Santhanam.) Thus a planet in the 30th degree of a Rasi. or in the very first degree of a Rasi. is dangerous and should be approached
with fear. 30th degree means when it is past 29 deg. First degree means, the first sixty minutes of longtitude of a Rasi. Here we should be strict about these two conditions. A planet even in 28 deg 59' or past 1 deg 1' of a Rasi should not be included under the purview of this rule. Then the danger is to the analysis, not to the native. The word 'dasa' in the above sloka should be more practicably applied to sub-period. In the 2nd example under study, the sub period is of Venus who is in the last degree of Virgo. More so this is his sign of debilitation, and the mischfef-potence thus magnified. The sub period of such iil-placed and adverse Venus could naturally play a havoc with any native's life, by Inflicting on him a serious handicap. With the clue given above, as In Horasara, the reader will stand to benefit in his analysis, if he watches for Interruptions in health, profession, marriage etc. of a given nativity. However, declaring 'death' abruptly, be avoided, for that is not a simple task. ' The two examples given hereof may be of use In our practical case-studies. They need not be conclusive!- In both the cases, it might have been difficult for me to predict a calamity like this before-hand. Let me confess this. A note of clarification may be necessary here. The discussions so far made hint at paralysis. If the yogas concerned are less effective and mild, then the disease could instead be of other windy nature, like rheumatism, artheritls, spinal troubles etc. ' In conclusion, we pray for a speedy recovery of these two young victims and for their golden future.
Chapter 33 Practical Studies GAJA KESARI YOGA javing a Raja Yoga in one's horoscope is not (everybody's fortune. Sometimes a Rayayoga has many conditions attached to it. Like a legal contract becoming void by non-fulfilment of even one single clause, the Raja'yoga too loses its existence in the event of even a single requirement being in want. And the native is deprived fully of his dues. There is no question of partial results here. By a hurried, superficial analysis we may find Gaja Kesari Yoga in numerous horoscopes if we only go by Jupiter - Moon being in mutual angles but lament that results of G.K.Yoga are not enjoyed by the native. There is more to G.K. than what we normally use: 1. Jupiter can be angular even from the Lagna. Not necessarily from the Moon. But from the Moon too he can be angular. 2. Secondly. Jupiter in such an angular position (from Lagna/Moon) should join another benefic or he should be aspected by another benefic. 3. Thirdly Jupiter should not be in Capricorn. Nor should he be combust. His inimical placement is also excluded. 4. Only then G.K is formed. Otherwise not. So, the prinicipal constituent of GK is Jupiter. The Moon may or may not be In the picture., There are more exceptions to GK which we will discuss on a later occasion. ADHI YOGA If you want to notice the results attributed to Adhi Yoga by ancient authorities, like Parasara. remember the following:
One is Lagnadhl yoga ana the other is Chandradhi Yoga, two different ones at that. The former makes one "a great person, versed in sastras and happy" while the latter depending on the strength of the participants could produce a king, a minister or an army chief. Lagnadhi yoga does not include the 6th house according to the sage. It is only the 7th and 8th (i.e. both the houses and not just one) that should be occupied by benefics excluding malefic's placement or aspect. That is 3 benefics in these two houses. The moment a benefic rema'ins behind in the 6th, the yoga is inoperable. The 4th house from Lagna should always be vacant. If we find a Lagnadhi yoga of this pure type, then we can simultaneously find a great and learned man. Chandradhi yoga however does not exclude the 6th house from the Moon. The 4th house from Lagna or the Moon, as the case may be. should be vacant. So don't make a mistake next time to spot the right kind of Adhi yoga. A RELIEVING BETROTHAL Some times good events are imminent when one is going through harsh patches through stars. Or you may say so. One such case of a lady came to our notice, which we share with our readers. The lady's father had a severe breakage in his leg bone in the first week of June, 1988. As though this was not enough she was herself operated on her abdomen for a major sickness. just a week later. When she was groaning under the heavy impact of the "hillocks", came as a relief the fixation of her betrothal (alliance negotiated much earlier) for July 28, 1988. Then again quickly a condition is stipulated: marriage will actually take place after a year, around the same time. She was born on January 7, 1964 at 1229 hours in Roorkee (UP) with the following horoscope: Aries - Asc 4°; Gemini - Rahu 17° 50'; Virgo - Moon 29° 35', Sagittarius - Merc 16°, Ketu 17° 50'; Sun 22°, Sat 27°;
JUP 18
RAHU 17-50
Capricorn - Mars 2°, Venus 24°, Pisces - Jupiter 18°. At the time of birth, Mars Dasa balance 3y 7m 17d.
She is in Jupiter's Dasa (ruling the, 9th house) and Saturn's sub period (occuoant MARS : of the 9th) from 12.10.1987. VEN 24 These two planets significantly I bring the native's father to the MOON SAT 27 forefront of anyalysis. The 9th ) :v..u MER 16 house has Sun - Ketu as well. SUN 22 This yoga in the 9th house denotes bone troubles to father (while Moon Ketu in the 4th gives similar problem to one's mother). The event about father materialized after the sub-period lord Saturn's entry in Sagittarius, the 9th house. 7 Jan 1944
Her Ketu is conjunct Mercury, the 6th lord (diseases). Saturn in transit affects the 5th lord, Sun, while Ketu, has been moving in the 5th house in aspect to natal Mars. Ketu being close to Mercury, becosmes a Karaka for disease in this case. At birth Mars aspects the 5th house denoting surgical operation on stomach. Marriage is expected to be celebrated after mid -1989 when Jupiter will be aspecting the natal 7th house. CHILD-BIRTH AFTER A LONG DELAY 'Karako Bhava Nasasyah' theory, or the inclination of the significator or a Bhava in that Bhava to 'destroy' that bhava more applies to the Sun and the Moon, than to the other five planets. Saturn, however, is specifically exempted from harming the 8th house if in the 8th house. On the other hand, such Saturn gives a long life. In the cases of Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus, this rule does not seem to aply unconditionally. Unafflicted, these planets in the respective karaka bhavas do not prove so bad as to 'destroy' the Bhava itself. From actual observation, these four planets in retrogression in the respective Karaka bhavas (signifying houses) do
hold up the good effects otherwise due. A general distinction can be thus drawn between planets in progressive motion and retrograde motion. The latter can well deny fulfilment of their signification as follows: Mars (R) in the 3rd - no younger brother/sister. cury(R) in the 5th - short of even average intelligence,
Jupiter(R) in the 2nd - Financial achievements of no significance, and in the 5th - denial of progeny, particularly a son. Venus (R) in the 7th - no marriage, or a very tense one leading to early termination. Needless to mention that these wiil not be so adverse if in direct motion in those bhavas. We give below a horoscope to highlight Jupiter's role in progeny. This male native was born on 17.8.1951 at 1307 hrs. in Patna (Bihar), with Mercury dasa balance 1y 10m 24d.
i I 1 17 Ang 1955
MARS Ik MERC 22 SUN 0-20 VEN{R)15 KETUlk
SAT 7-12
He got married in 1970. His Jupiter dasa rule from 11.7.1971 through 11.7.1987. Throughout this dasa, the native lived with vain hopes of acquiring progeny as a thirsty man awaiting rains in a desert land. His wife had an abortion for a contingency in 1973. That was all. Remaining in retrograde motion in Pisces In the 5th house, Jupiter proved only a stumbling block.
When you mix water with milk, water gains and milk loses. Similarly Saturn having got connected with Jupiter acquires power to bestow progeny. In the process Jupiter remaining impotent and Inactive. The moment Saturn dasa started, prospects of progeny became very bright and on the 22nd March 1988, a female child took birth to the native's merriment. Obviously even the conception to wife occurred in the native's Saturn sub peridod in Saturn dasa. Jupiter did not play any positive role in his dasa in this regard.
This Is a case when Jupiter denied and Saturn bestowed progeny. Yet there seems to be no chance of a male child's birth as Jupiter with such an affliction is in debilitation in Navamsa at the same time. PAMELA BORDES Lodon, March 12, 1989: News of the Wor/cfbanneredits headlines "Call-girl works in Commons" causing embarrassment to the Thatcher Government. Pamela Bordes, nee Singh, ex-model and beauty queen from exotic India was hired as a research assistant on Pounds 3000 annually. That her charmed circle included Conservative MP's clothed by concupiscence has become a plus point for Labour MP's in Britain. Pamela, now at the head of agreat sex scandal, by no means smaller than that of Christine Keeler involving war minister Profumo causing the collapse of Harold Macmillan government in 1963, was one among those many fortunates and unfortunates born on April 18, 1962. But Pamela is both fortunate and unfortunate. Fortunate because she was once Miss India and made millions thereafter in her model assignments; unfortunate because of her alleged way of questionable life and present explosive scandal. Horoscope: Aries - Sun 5. Merc 5, Ven 24, Cancer - Rahu 23, Virgo - Moon 16; Libra - Asc; Capricorn - Sat 17, Ketu 23; Aquarius - Jup 11; Pisces - Mars 5. Looking at the events, I have a feeling that she must be a Libra native. Her father, a military official, died in warfront, within two months of her birth. The 9th lord is in close combustion. The 4th house should always be well contained for a long life to father. Here, Saturn is in the grip of malefic Ketu. Saturn at birth is in the face of Ketu. When Ketu was mouthed by Saturn, i.e., when both were inching mutually closer and closer, it cost the native her father. Her mother enjoys a brilliant career in profession, as a senior executive in a public sector undertaking. The 10th from the 4th Is aspected by 4th lord as well as ascendant lord. The native is the last child in the family. To establish this point we have to make a deeper probe with Ashtaka Varga. For obvious
reasons, we limit ourselves to state that 3rci lord Jupiter is in debilitation navamsa, while short-life combinations for father are clearly present. Pamela was discarded by her family members in her teens as she was a "wayward" child. Mercury-Moon in the 6th. or Mercury afflicted in Aries (irrespective of house) leads to one's severences of maternal ties in early life. Her academic career was taken over by Rahu Dasa. Whenever Rahu is connected with 2nd/4th house and his Dasa is on during education days rest assured that academic achievements are bound to be interrupted. Overcoming the ordeal depends on Jupiter and Mercury. In Pamela's case, Mercury is combust while Jupiter is not in so good a Navamsa Rahu aspecting the 4th house ruled the native from 1974 onwards. Midway, Pamela left her college (B.A. Second year), became Miss India, left for Bombay and took to modelling seriously. These events took place in Mercury sub period of Rahu major period. From July 1984 through August 1988, Pamela was subruled by Ketu and Venus in Rahu major period. She unsuccessfully contested for Miss Universe In Peru. Her second marriage took place with a French citizen who bequeathed her his surname Bordes. The mariage lasted only for 4 months but the surname helped her sneak into Britain. Saturn - Venus angle interrupted by Mars and Jupiter - so effectively as in this case including the 7th house - could give plurality of namesake or brief weddings. She opened her account of making quick, illegal bucks with Ketu'sub period. This continued in Venus sub period too. The apartment she Is ensconsced in, In Westminister, UK, alone is said to be around Pounds 750,000. Financially hers is a very potential horoscope with six planets aspectingl the ascendant Saturn's 10th aspect, Jupiter's 9th aspect, Mars' 8th aspect and the combined straight aspects of the Sun, Mercury and Venus. These aspects are very potential as they mean except the 10th lord, every other house lord aspects the ascendant. Quite a favourable and rare possession for a native. The lord of the 2nd Mars and Jupiter the significator of fortunes,
Dotn aspect the 9th house. These two aspects, in addition to the aspects of lords of as many as eleven houses on ascendant, made her a unique person climbing to world fame, although infamously. The 10th lord Moon in the 12th made her vulnerable to scandals because of the powerful aspect of Mars, from the 6th house. Both these houses (the 6th and 12th) have direct links with scandals. British tabloids published Pamela's claim that by opening her mouth she could bring down the Thatcher regime. Whether she claimed so or not, such a dangerous potence is not visible in Pamela's horoscope and with that of Mrs.Margaret Thatcher. In Mrs.Thatcher's case, Jupiter is in own house in the 3rd aspecting the 9th preventing any such misfortunes. Neither Pamela's radical chart has a strong Sun, free from affliction. The very fact that her Sun is closely overtaken by Mercury shows that she is far from affecting any running government. (Note; It was much later in 1990 that the Thatcher government was replaced by John Major due to some independent political developments.) SANSKRIT ALPHABET & NAMES Like astrology is the language of stars, Sanskrit is the language of celestial beings. It is difficult to ascribe an age to this language of Gods, called Girvana Bhasha. As against the organic progress of languages of men over these centrueis, the Sanskrit is a product of systematic invention. Each Sanskrit alphabet, whether vowel or consonant, is given a planetary rulership from the Sun to Saturn. There are suggestions in classical astrology to select the initial letter in the name of a child according to the stronger between ascendant lord in natal horoscope and lord of navamsa lagna. Among the consonants, Mars rules gutturals consisting of five alphabets starting from 'ka'. These are produced by constricting the throat at the rear end of the tongue. Venus rules the five alphabet-group from 'cha' produced by pressing the tongue flat against the palate. But turning up the tip of the
tongue to touch the naro palate we pronounce one ot the five cerebrals or retroflexes, ruled by Mercury - from "ta*. Dentals are those five letters from 'tha' ruled by Jupiter. Dental comes by touching the upper teeth with the tongue. The last group of five alphabets from 'pa1 are lorded by Saturn and are called labials. Labials are pronounced by pursing the lips. Vowies twelve in number are ruled by the Sun. The Moon rules a total of eight alphabets, viz. four semi-vowels - ya, ra, la and va, three similants following semi-vowels, the one aspirate - ha. That is the Moon rules the eight alphabets in continuous order from 'ya' to 'ha'. It is said that if the planet ruling the initial letter of a person's name is devoid of dignity in the birth horoscope, it forebodes ill-luck to the native. EXCEPTIONS FOR ARRODHA PADA There are certain exceptions to count Aroodha. See to start with where the ascendant lord is placed with reference to natal ascendant. Count so many signs from the ascendant lord to get the Lagnaroodha or simply Aroodha Pada. Suppose Scorpio rises with Mars placed in Cancer. That is he is nine signs away from Lagna. So count nine signs from Cancer, the sign Mars is in. You get Pisces. This Is Lagnaroodha. There are certain exceptions which have not been brought to light all these years by many astrological compilers. 1. The first exception Is: the same house does not become its Pada. Then count ten signs to get the pada. Say Moon is In Cancer lagna. Then Aries, the 10th from Cancer in Lagnaroodha. 2. Secondly the 7th from a planet's placement does not also become the pada. Here also we have to count ten signs from the 7th. Say for example, for Cancer lagna, Moon Is in the 7th in Capricorn. We have to count ten signs from Capricorn. We get Libra. That is Cancer Lagna, with Moon in Capricorn has Aroodha pada in Libra.
3. There is again an exception to the first mentioned exception This relates to the occupation of ruler in the 4th from the planet's own sign. That is for Cancer Lagna. if Moon is in the 4th in Libra, then Libra itself is Aroodha Pada. These three exceptions should also be applied to calculate all other eleven padas like Lagnaroodha. Kalachakra Dasa & Horary Recently I have read in a book on Kalachakra Dasa that this Dasa can be applied to a horary horoscope as well. This suggestion is based on an alleged school of Parasara. There are classical authors' assertions that the chart cast for query cannot extend to deal with future beyond two years. That is. the scope of a horary chart cannot deal with events to occur after two years from the date of question. On the strength of this, the said Parasari sloka does not seem to be genuine As it is. application of any dasa system to horary horscope is like applying dasa system to Sayana horscopes. JUPITER DASA RAHU BHUKTI We have observed that this Dasa-bhukti period is quite strange enough to. obstruct one's professional pursuits and financial prosperity. 1 JUP(R}
We give below two examples to drive home the point.
It Od 1929
The first one is that of an ex-finance minister of Sikkim government, for two consecutive terms, who then rose to be the State Chief Minister, for a brief stint though.
1 j VEN 26 1 1 MARS 12 asc:2 KETV P SUN 24 MERC 14
Born on 11.10.1929 at 0530 hrs. Darjeeling, West Bengal:
The commencement of Jupiter Dasa Mercury bhukti made him the finance Minister of Sikkim in mid 1974 which position he enjoyed uninterruptedly til! Jupiter/Rahu (1984). Jupiter aspecting the natal Sun and the 10th lord Mercury gave him a Raja Yoga of high order. • The currency of Rahu's sub period brought an elevation all of a sudden and the native became a chief minister. Repeatedly it has been seen that a favourably 8th house has potence of sudden fortunes. Here Rahu in the 8th house is aspected by Mars, the 8th lord. Mars in turn occupies exaltation Navamsa, giving Neechabhanga to Saturn in the 10th in Navamsa. Basically Navamsa positions have direct relevance to one's profession, apart from marital prospects. The same Rahu's sub period interrrupted the official position of the native when Mr. N.B. Bhandari of Sikkim Sangram Parishad won the Assembly elections in March 1983 to become the CM of the State. Rahu's sub period' in Jupiter Dasa can cause great upheavals, as in this case, if particularly Rahu is in the 12th/8th/6th counted from Jupiter in the natal chart. These positions in Dasamsa chart are more harmful in Jupiter Dasa, Rahu bhukti. Such natives find it very hard to recover even in Saturn Dasa. The second instance is of a native born on July 2,1940 at 2350 hrs. in Singapore. His horoscope is given below: I
ASC J SAT )« wrru:: jupn
MOON 13 SUN 18 VEN 3
2Jul1940 MOON HAL. 7Y 9M 6b
The,native's Jupiter Dasa commenced in March 1973. Throughout the Dasa, till Rahu bhukti, he had progressed by leaps and bounds in his family business. Basically, it was with the help of his father-in-law, having two daughters and a son. Somehow the family business saw him out from 1986. The naitve's activities were literally fruitless. Consequently, his financial progress was abruptly hampered. His father-in-law 296
died in January, 1989 The inheritance ot the native assigned in the father-in-law's testament is under contest by the native's brother-in-law. In this case. Rahu the sub lord is in the 6th from major lord Jupiter, causing all-round problems. There are cases when Jupiter Dasa, Rahu bhukti did not harm the subjects. Then these two planets are not in 6/8/12 from each other. OLD AGE HAPPINESS One of our ardent readers, Mr. S.V. Raju lyengar of Bangalore is keen to know of prospects of his happiness in old age coinciding with Saturn Dasa to commence in June 1991. Writes he: "I am born in Libra ascendant, with Moon in Sagitarius. At present in Jupiter Dasa, Rahu bhukti from 15.1.1989 through 8.6.1991. My Saturn is retrograde in Anuradha Nakshatra, with 23 dots in Sarvashtaka Varga. aspected by Mars from Leo and by Jupiter in Pisces. How far does the dictum that the 5th lord's dasa in old age gives happiness hold good in my case? I am scared of Dasa chidra effects. Please enlighten me." Although full data in the present case are not given, it is found that Rahu at birth is in Gemini - 4th from nata Jupiter, which is good enought not to greatly disturb the native in Jupiter/Rahu. But the one year period from July, 1989 coinciding with the Jupiter's transit on nata! Rahu will be adverse. Simultaneously Saturn in transit affects natal Moon, the 10th lord. Hence one has to foresee professional misfortunes till July 1990. Regarding Saturn Dasa starting from June, 1991, it is bound to upset the native's happiness during the first subperiod ruled by Saturn, in other words from July 1989 to June 1994, excepting July 1990 to June, 1991, there will be a couple dof major problems affecting the native adversely. Fearing a trouble ahead is only compounding one's miseries.
PROGENIC PUZZLES: Mr. R.P.Agarwal from ichchapore, 24 Parganas, has some inquiries about the 5th house affairs of his horoscope. He has two children, one male and the other female One of the children is born by an operation while the other is normal birth. His queries are : a) What is the sex of the first-born and also the second-born? b) Which one is normal birth? He has a third query. His wife is expecting a baby in July, 1989. What will be the sex of the child to be born? I wish the reader, with such complicated questions, gave correct horoscopes. Here the errors are not due to Ayanamsa difference, as the variations are not constant. Unfortunately birth-places are also not given. The recast horoscope of the reader together weith that of his wife Is given below: The longitudes furnished by the reader are shown in brackets. Mr.Agarwal born on 28.12.1962 at 2017 hrs 1ST. Sun Sag 13° 03' (13° 03') Moon
Cap 03° 20'(05° 16')
Mars (R) -
Leo 010 25' (00° 47')
Merc Jup Ven
Cap 00° 45" (00° 45') Aqu 15° 04' (19° 04*) Lib 29° 20'(26° 22")
Cap 16° 16' (09° 39')
Rahu Can 06° 18'(11° 18*) His wife born at 0937 hrs, 1ST. on 29.10.1965 has following planetary placements: Sun Lib 12° 09* (12° 21') Moon Mars Merc
Sag 07° 07"(13° 20') Sco 24° 35' (24° 34') Sco 00° 59' (05° 02')
Gem 07° 48' (08° 36')
Sco 28° 23'(290 10')
Sat Rahu
Aqu 18° 19' (14° 04') Tau 11° 22* (16° 24')
In the male horoscope, Sun Dasa balance is 2y 11 m 28d and for the female is 3y 3m 2d of Ketu. In the second case, the reader has shown Ketu balance as 3y 8m 4d with Moon in 13° 20' Sagittarius, Then it should be zero years of Ketu, or 20 years of Venus, in the female's horoscope, Jupiter and Saturn are retrograde which are not shown in the original horoscope. In the case of male, Mercury is direct unlike the "retrograde" symbol used for the pianet. These errors are pointed out with a view that the reader knows both the horoscopes correctly and that our readers in future send us only correctly cast horoscopes, using strictly Lahiri Ayanamsa. Now let us look into the queries posed by the reader: a) The first child was born on 21.10.1986 in Cancer Lagna. During this time, the wife was in Venus Dasa, Mercury bhukti while the husband was in Rahu Dasa, Jupiter bhukti. This child should have been born after an operation. This aspect could be elicited with reference to mother's natal planets. Her natal Rahu is conjunct transit Moon; transit Rahu in the 5th house from her natai ascendant; and the sub period lord mercury in close transit with retrograde Venus - these are indicative of child birth after a surgical operation. The horoscope of the child in question has afflicted the 4th house - note Sun, Mercury and Venus (R) in Libra while Cancer rises. The sex of the child is male. The sub period lord Jupiter at birth is in a male sign while in transit, at the time of child birth, he reached the same sign. b) The second child was born on 8.5.88 with Taurus ascendant. Jupiter aspects the 4th house and is with the 4th lord - indicating no trouble to mother. The child is female as the sub period lord Saturn (of the father) was at birth in female sign with Moon. At the time of delivery, mother's natal Moon was very close to transit Saturn in retrograde motion.
c) Possible sex of the child to oe born in July 1989; The mother entered Sun's Dasa from February, 1989. She will be in Sun Dasa, Moon bhukti at the time of delivery. Father continues to be in Rahu Dasa, Saturn bhukti. Mother's retrograde Jupiter is in the 8th house which in transit wili be influenced by transit Sun. These denote birth of a female child. (Later, the reader confirmed all the 3 points above.) PREDICTING BIRTH OF A CHILD In the course of your dealing with astrology you may any time be confronted with a Prasna or query as to when the pregnant female will deliver her baby. Given below are some tips to meet the situation, even if the birth horoscope is not available: Cast a query chart, on Nirayana basis (using Lahiri's Ayanamsa) for the time and date of the query. 1. The Sun's Navamsa position will indicate the exact month of pregnancy. The querent can be either the pregnant woman herself, or anybody genuinely thinking of her. If the Sun is in the first Navamsa, the pregnancy is one month old, second Navamsa 2 month old, so on and so forth. Thus the 9th Navamsa placement of the Sun denotes that the woman is in her 9th month of conception. t 2. An exception for first Navamsa placement of the Sun is, that the lady could well be In her 10th month of conception. Not necessarily just conceived. You need not be in a dilemma, whether It is 1st/10th month. See who is the 10th lord from the sign occupied by the Sun. ifthesaid 10th lord is within 180 degree from the query Sun, the pregnancy is just fresh, i.e. one month old. If the said 10th lord is180cahead of the Sun, then the pregnancy is beyond 9th months now, i.e. in the 10th month. 3. Then you have to examine the query Sun whether the delivery will occur in the 9th/10th/11th month of pregnancy, if the Sun is in a movable sign, delivery will be in the 9th month (i.e.240 - 270 days). Sun in a fixed sign denotes delivery in 10th month (270 - 300 days) and in a movable sign in the 11th month (300 - 330 days). So to say, the query Sun in Gemini,
Virgo. Sagittarius or Pisces will cause delivery after a longer duration of conception. Thus, step No.2 will tell you the possible Sun's position, signwise. at the time of delivery. Of course, a doctor can tell you the "probable" period of delivery based on the last menses date of the female. But see our arguments further, as under; With the calculations of a doctor, a delivery, for example expected to take place around March 2 (th Sun in Aquarius) can take place alter March 15 (th Sun in Pisces). .So an astrologer can guess the Sun's sign position correctly. 4 The Sun's position in a sign is for a month. You must be able to reduce it to the possible week. Look at the Moon in the query chart. At the time of delivery she will be in the 7th/10th sign from her query placement. By a scrutiny of the ephemeris. you can know the location of the Moon in one of these two signs, when the Sun in in the suggested sign. Thus, you can predict within a margin of 4/5 days about the possible delivery. 5. The approximate time of delivery on the suggested days can also be ventured, within a variation of a couple of minutes, as the Sun-rise or Sun-set within a time frame of a week for Moon's journey (7th loTOth from query Moon) will not be huge variance. See what sign ascends at the time of query. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Sagittarius and Capricorn are the six night signs or nocturnal signs. Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpfo. Aquarius and Pisces are day signs or diurnal signs. If a day sign ascends in the query chart, then delivery will be in night time. The reverse is true if a night sign is the query ascends, To wit, If a night sign ascends, delivery will be in day time. After knowing whether the delivery will be in day or in night, the exact time of delivery can be worked out thus; Whatever is the protion past by degrees in the longitude of the query ascendant out of 30° will be the duration to elapse
from trie Sun-rise(tor day birth) or the Sun-set(for night birth) Say the longitude of query ascendant is 20 degrees. That is two thirds of 30°. Hence two thirds of a day/night will elapse at the time of delivery. The rules suggested above should not be used by the astrologer to answer his own query. Neither a querist devoid of sincerity should be entertained. DREAMS TOO HAVE EFFECTS Like omens, dreams are also indicators of events to come. I share with readers some valuable pieces of information from my collections. Dreams are of seven kinds, as pastmasters of ancient lore. These are:
1. Drusya: To dream such things that have been seen during day- time. 2. Sruta: To dream things that have been heard of earlier. 3. Anubhootha: To dream such things which have been actually experienced earlier. 4. Prarthitha: To dream such things that have been earnestly desired earlier. 5. Kalpitha; To dream of things imagined earlier. 6. Bhavika: To dream such improbable things of which one has never heard, or never seen. 7. Doshaja; To dream of matters related to diseases, by a person with biiious and phlegmatic vitiations. The first five categories of dreams wili hardly have any real effects. The dream falling in the sixth category will surely give results. The seventh one, Doshaja, increases the troubles of the dreamer, but Improves his health. Forgetting the dream, of resuming to sleep immediately after the dream renders it Ineffective. A dream seen In the first Prahara of the night will materialize in a year's time. In second Prahara-ln six months. In the 3rd Prahara-in three months. In the 4th or last Praharaln one month. A dream, occurring close to the sun-rise will
yield immediate results Prescribed results are sure to follow such dreams that are seen in the last Prahara of the night. (Prahara is one fourth of the night on a given day. Night time is from sunset to the next sun-rise of the locality. Roughly a Prahara is three hours). Auspicious dreams: Swimming in a river/sea, flying in the skies, seeing the world of the sun or the moon, seeing Dhruva Tara (Pole-star), climbing on a temple or on a house these dreams indicate some Sidhdhl (or special super-natural powers) being obtained by the dreamer. It is good to dream of consuming intoxicating drinks, eating the flesh contained In intestines and applying on body the blood of Insects etc. Eating curd rice, seeing white apparels, diamonds and ornaments • these are also auspicious dreams. Dreams of being bitten by a snake or bee indicates cure from chronic disease or advent of wealth. The same results will materialise If the dream relates to flowers, garments, fish and fruits, or seeing the planet mars or the planet moon, if the dreamer Is not a patient, with such a dream he gets wealth. Snake bite on the right hand In a dream gives wealth on the tenth day (or within ten days). If a person is hand-cuffed in dream he will soon become famous and get a good name. A Brahmin's dream of drinking blood/wine gives wealth. To a Kshatriya (or one of royal family) - lands and wealth. Others also get wealth with this dream. A dream of consuming hot, spilling milk gives huge wealth within ten days. Other dreams that relate to acquisition of wealth are: Freshly cooked food, garland and sandal paste. Money will come from "all four corners" if one dreams of having escaped from a burning house/vehicle. One becomes a king if the dream is; sitting on a lotus in a pond and consuming curd rice or ambrosia. Early acquisition of kingdom is denoted if one dreams of blood oozing from his body, or his having a bath with blood.
The dreamer soon gets married if he dreams of embracing a girl in saffron robes. He gets money wherever he goes if the girl in question is in brilliant, white robes, with a garland of pure white flowers around her neck. Enlargement of family Is indicated if the dream relates to seeing a king, elephant, horse, gold, ox, cow etc. Acquisition of fame, progeny and wealth occurs with dreams relating to being bitten by a snake/scorpion dwelling in water. Inauspicious dreams: A dream relating to climbing on a neem tree is adverse. Danger Is indicated by a dream of acquiring oil and iron. Equally bad is to dream of being married, wearing red robes or garland with reddish flowers or swimming in water-falls. Dreams relating to sight of sun or moon without radiance or falling of stars tell of impending death. Climbing on a boat in dream means going away from the current place of livelihood, or a disease is going to strike. Troubles from king (or government) follow dreams relating to sight of a buffalo with horns or a weak and groaning lion. Death will follow a dream of embracing a female with red garments and red garland. The same result will materials if the female is in black robes with a garland made of black flowers. The dreamer gets sick if he sees a female riding on a buffalo, camel or donkey. If he is already sick, he will die. Now, you know what to dream* SCARS & SYMBOLS Jataka Muktavali has some interesting combinations dealing with the subject. Some such combinations are given below; 1. Should one of Mars. Venus and Jupiter be in the 7th house, the native will have a mark on his head. 2. There will be a scar caused by fire in the native's twelfth year if the ascendant is occupied either by the Moon, or Mars or Venus. 3. There will be a scar on the left ear if Rahu is In the 8th house while the ascendant has Venus in it.
4. A scar on right hand will oe formea if Rahu is In the 7th house while Jupiter occupies the ascendant. 5. Venus in the 8ih/l2ih house while Jupiter is in Lagna this yoga leads to marks on both the hands. S. if Mars joins Venus in the 3rd/6th/l 1 th house, a scar near left arm-pit will be seen. 7. The Sun in the 10th house, or Mercury-Saturn joining in the ascendant leaves a mark near the right arm-pit. 8. If Venus and Rahu join in the ascendant, there will be a fish- like symbol on the person of the native. 9. if Mars and Saturn join in the ascendant, the same effects as at S.No.8 will materialize. 10. Mars and Moon remaining together in the ascendant scar on the head of the native. KALPA DRUMA YOGA Kaipa Druma means Celestial Tree, said to be in the possession of Lord indra, the king of gods. This Divine Tree grants any boon desired by the possessor. . Human beings are not lucky enough to own a tree like this. Not to deprive us, our great sages, have discovered a planetary combination that may be available in a horoscope which can work like the Celestial Tree! Though not literally. To form this particular yoga, four particularly specified planets should be either in exaltation, angle/s, or trlne/s counted from the natal ascendant. The four planets in question are: a)
The lord of the ascendant.
The lord of the sign In which the ascendant lord is placed.
The dispositor of the planet emanating from 'b' above.
The Navamsa dispositor of planet arising out of 'c' above.
Results attributed to (his yoga by Maharishi Parasara are: The native will be blessed with ail kinds of wealth, be kingly, pious, endowed with strength (physical), fond of war and be merciful. Vaidyanatha calls the same yoga as Parijata, and adds one more specific effect to this yoga: the native will enjoy comforts from the middle of his life till the end. Early phase of life need not be comfortable due to this yoga. Mantreswara's Suparijata Yoga is different and need not be confused with Kalpa Druma/Parijata mentioned above. Coming back to the captioned yoga, I give below the horoscope of Lokamanya Balagangadhara Tilak, born on 23.7.1856 at 0612 hrs at 18N32 72E57. Rasi: Gemini - Merc, Sat; Cancer - asc. Sun, Yen; Virgo Ketu; Libra - Mars; Pisces - Jup, Moon, Rahu, Navamsa: Aries - Merc; Virgo - Ven. Sun, Ketu; Scorpio Mars; Sagittarius - asc, Moon, Jup; Aquarius - Sat; Pisces Rahu. How the yoga is formed: Lord of ascendant is the Moon, she is in Jupiter's sign. Jupiter is in own sign. Jupiter is is own Navamsa, Sagittarius. Now, please see the Moon and Jupiter(forming part of the four planets from 'a' to 'd'^ mentioned above) are together in a trine. One is in own sign as well. Thus the subject Yoga forms. Even in an assembly with a large gathering, Tilak was a synosure, because of his facial brilliance and physical form, wellbuilt at that. He was pious, philosophical and religious and was one of the intellectual giants of those days. (Although the yoga in question does not specify intellectual acquisitions, the planets involved being Jupiter and the Moon in an excellent combination gave the native extra-ordinary brain). "Fond of War" attributed to fhe yoga, aplied in full measure to the native. His war was not for personal acquisition, but stirred by patriotism to drive away the Britishers from the mother-land. Tilak did not have any specific lust for financial expansion. He was a satisfied soul. One can find this yoga in Rajiv Gandhi's horoscope also.
RELATIVES & THEIR HEARTS A thorough understandings as a result of deep study of Nadi Horoscopes can give the astrologer the ability to discuss many matters relating to one's various relatives, their health etc. Our traditional classical texts also briefly touch certain results concerning one's relatives considering the Karaka planet and the various positions from that particular Karaka. But Nadi texts have specifically excelled in this respect too. I have studied in a couple of horoscopes that Mars in the 8th house from the Sun causes cardiac problems to the native's coborn while the Sun having Saturn in the 9th from him afflicts the native's father with similar problems. Thus our sages have given clues to not only know about a relative from the native's horoscope, but also for example the health of a particular relative. I give below two horoscopes. One of an Austrian native. The owner of the other horoscope is a German. Horoscope No.1: Female born on August 4, 1967 at 1205 hrsZST, in Vienna, Austria.Co-ordinates: 48° N12' 160E23 Time Zone 15° East. (Data Calculated on a computer). Libra- Asc 9-27-17, Mars 14-31-29, Ketu 8-3-36; PiscesSat(R)l9-2-10; Aries-Rahu 8-3-36; Gemini-Moon 26-44-7, Mercury 29-35-27; Cancer - TheSun 17-59-10, Jupiter 21-10-27; Leo-Venus 2-10-14. Ayanamsa-Lahiri 23o24'07". Jupiter dasa balance at birth; 7yt 1 mod. From 25th June 1985 to 7th to June 1986, the native was in her Saturn dasa, Sun bhukti. For Libra Lagna, the close association of Jupiter, the 6th lord, with a certain Karaka or bhava lord causes worry on account of health, litigations etc. To expand, if Jupiter is with the Moon, it is mother who will have health problems, if Sun-father, if Venus - self or spouse, if 5th lord(Saturn)-children. Jupiter will basically be a source of ill-health when it comes to a Libra native.
in this horoscope, Jupiter, the 6th lord is in close association with the Sun. (To say that Jupiter is combust and hence weak Is only to misguiding oneself.) Hence father will have some health problems. Now our search should begin, as to what could be the problem In particular. From the Sun, we see Mars in the 4th and Saturn in the 9th in retrogression. There is also a node in the 4th from the Sun. Hence it should be a problem relating to heart, for the father. Normally, the mutual periods of Sun-Satum are capable of bringing illness relating to heart, either for the native or his relative If the horoscope should actually indicate. When the native was in her Saturn Dasa, Sun bhukti, with Jupiter moving in Capricorn in transit, opposite Cancer (having natal Jupiter and natal Sun), her father had a severe heart problem. Here Jupiter in transit, coupled with dasa periods, proved the prime indicator of the event. To add, Saturn in transit was going in Libra, the 4th from the Sun (the sub lord and karaka for father). Horoscope No.2.: Female born on 6th December 1960, at 215 hrs, Bom, W.Germany. 50° N 44' 7E 5'. Time Zone 15° East. MARS 23-30 KETU 17-12
6 D«c 1960
VEN 2-24 JUr-15-2 SUN 21-28 SAT 23-25 MERC5-24
MOON 2-12 ASC 2-18 RAHU 17-12
.. Leo-asc 2-17-56, Rahu 17-12-5; Scorpio-Sun 21 •27-59. Merc 5-26-5; Sagittarius-Jupiter 15-2-46, Saturn 23-25-46; Capricorn -Venus 2- 23-53; Aquarius-Ketu 17-12-5; GeminiMars (R) 23-30-4; Cancer Moon 2-12-36. Ayanamsa-Lahiri 23° 13' 35". Dasa balance at birth: Jup 1y4m5d (Data cast on a computer).
in my earlier writings, I stated that Mars in the 11th is adverse to eider coborn, and Jupiter in the 3rd is adverse for younger coborns, while karaka for younger brothers/sisters Is Mars, and for eider brothers/sisters it is Jupiter. These adversities will be evident in afflicted horoscopes only, and not as a thumb rule.
More so, a retrograde Mars in the 11th means some paintui problem for elder coborn (health or any respect). Similarly a retrograde Jupiter In the 3rd brings troubles to younger coborn. I am not an exponent to form some rules of my own, but I have vigorously studied various horoscopes again and again from one and the same angle, using experience as a touch-stone. In the example case. Mars in the 11th, in Mercury's sign, of a dire enemy, focusses the elder brother of the native as a subject of victim, by bad stars. From Mars, we see the Sun in the 6th along with the 4th lord Mercury. In a native if the 4th lord joins the Sun, heart problems start in a way. Here it is the eider brother. (To avoid deviation from events ascertained, we shall not discuss the native's health of heart). In the month of July 1989, her elder brother (born in 1957) died of a major heart disease. Occurrence of disease, and end of the elder brother-both were in quick succession. Then the native was in Mercury dasa, Moon bhukti ending in October, 1989. The death occurred with the entry of Jupiter in the 11th from Lagna containing natal Mars. The reader can draw his own conclusions. NAKSHATRA LORDSHIP - MISCONCEIVED "The sun rules Krittika etc., the Moon - Rohini etc., Mars Mrigasira etc, Rahu - Arudra etc.." So goes a list of misconceived lordships of Nakshatras by planets from the Sun to Ketu. What more, such lordships are used freely in almost every analysis by many present -day astrologers. Even after a vigorous search, we cannot find such an allotment in ancient texts, like Saravaii, Parasara Hora. Brihat Jataka. Hora Ratna etc. The said misconceived lordships are exactly in line with the ones used for Vimshottari dasa. No wonder, this dasa being so popular among Hindu astrologers, rightly, has led to the wrong use of planetary lordships of Nakshatras in any context.
I am reproducing below an extract ot an article contributed by me to the Astrological Magazine, June 1977, In this respect. The reader may get some benefit out of these arguments and get rid of a misuse of Nakshatra lordships to planets: In compiling their works, the exponents like Parasara, Garga, Vara ha Mibira. Mantreswara, Rama Dayalu, Venkatesa Daivagna, Kalidasa etc., have exhibited a lucid sense of discipline apart from scholarship, mainly keeping in view that a student has easy grasp of the subject and hence all the matters throughout the gamut of astrology are arranged in order. Chapters are captioned with wisdom and appropriate slokas placed In appropriate slokas placed in appropriate context in a systematic manner. Rudimentaries are discussed in opening chapters themselves so the student can correlate the later difficult expositions. For example, if you are going through a chapter on Ashtakavarga, you must be firstly made to understand what Ashtakavarga is and then only you must be acquainted with its use. There is no point In taking such elementary notes to the end of the chapter and taxing you with tough rules to start with. Thus, we are lucky In respect of proper guidance from our forefathers. Should there have been a scheme of stellar lordship, this would have been discussed in the same chapters where you are informed of the lordships for Rasis, Navamsas, Trimsamsas Nadiamsas, etc. Now see Chapter 19 of Phala Deepika wherein Mantreswara deals with Vimsholtari Dasa. In this context (and not in the beginning chapters, where he tells you of the rudimentaries of this science) he brings to your knowledge In sloka of Ch.19 that from Krittika onwards the stars are ruled by the Sun, the Moon, etc., just as you use for Vimshotfari Dasa. In the second quarter of the same sloka he states the number of years of rule for Vimshotfari Dasa for these planets. This sloka must be properly interpreted and not for casual benefit. If at ail the author wants to convey universal applicability of the lordship, he would have started from Aswini itself and not from Krittika? What is the need, if not for purpose of Vimshotfari Dasa alone, to start from Krittika? Vimshotfari Dasa is rightly called Krittikadi Mahadasa. Does any text give you, for example, the rulerships for Rasis, say starting from Gemini? If the rulership of planets for these stars are not confined to only Vimshotfari
Dasa. Mantreswara was not an unwise man to list these some where else, secluded from the rudimentaries. In chapter 19, Mantreswara elaborately deals with important aspects of Vimshottari Dasa, like Dasa-Bhuktis, their results, etc. Similarly in Brihat Jataka, Chapter 1, we find Rasi lords, etc., but there is no mention of Nakshatra lords. When umpteen texts have tabulated the lords of divisions of right from a Rasiof SCPdown lo the Nadi Amsa (150th part of a Rasi or 1/5th of degree of arc) we cannot console ourselves that stellar lordship has been misplaced. in Uttara Kalamrita, Khanda XI, Sloka 3, we note in unambiguous terms that the Sun, the Moon, Mars, etc., are Dasa lords (not the rulers of Stars, which please note) from Krittika onwards. See the specific care and caution taken by the author. Sangna Tantra, a part of the voluminous Tajika Neelakanteeya of Neelakantacharya, which devotes maximum of its space for lordships, has not notably dealt with stellar lords at all. Now, see the difference between the two Sanskrit words Rukhsa and Riksha. The former indicates a Nakshatra and the latter a Rasi. In the first chapter, Sloka 4 of Brihat Jataka, you note that Riksha means a Rasi. That Ruksha is Nakshatra is borne by the very caption of the chapter concerned, dealing with Nakshatras, viz., Chapter 16 of Brihat Jataka. The stellar position of the Moon, it seems, is only restricted to Dasa calculations and Gochara results with reference to natal star. The Nakshatra dispositor theory is only a recent addition, which may be a matter of research for some. The word Rukshasya was distinctly used by Mantreswara to indicate the Moon in Sloka 3 of Chapter 19 whereby Ruksha means star only. In Sloka 2, Chapter 27 of Phala Deepika. the same version as found in Sloka 1 of Chapter 15 of Brihat Jataka was conveyed, in different wordings, but both the authors refer to one and the same, i.e., one house and not one star. Why I mention this in such depth is to establish that stellar dispositors are not suggested In our texts. The stellar lordship followed by a number of astrologers seems to be a simple confused version derived from Vimshot-
tan Dasa lords. In the so-called stellar lordship scheme, you have three Nakshatras for Kefu, (viz. Aswini, Makha and Moola) and three for Rahu, (viz. Aridra, Satabhisha and Swati). Note that in the whole gamut of astrological parlance, you find no zodiacal allotment to the Nodes, as detailed below: 1.
They do not own any Rasi In the zodiac.
Consequently in Shodasa Varga scheme (16 kinds of planetary strengths) they have no hold.
They are not allotted even a single degree of Trimsamsa.
In planetary horas, calculatedatthe rateot 2Vfegh. from sunrise, Rahu and Ketu rule not even a single hour.
The seven weekdays are ruled by planets from the Sun to Saturn only. No Rahu Vara or Ketu Vara.
The seasons (Ritus) are not ruled by the Nodes.
Directional strength is not applicable to them.
They have no combustion (because they have no rays to lose in the Sun. Nor do they heliacally rise and set).
They are not classified as Marakas/Yogakarakas in general for any Lagna. By virtue of their position they act.
They do not figure in Shadbala because they are exempt from Cheshbta Bala, Kala Baia, etc.
Their exaltation/debilitation vary from text to text.
Authors like Varaha Mihira, Kalyana Varma. etc. have not considered these two planets for Astakavarga. There is ■no Rahu/Ketu Ashtakavarga. Of course Sambhu Hora Prakasa gives Rahu Ashtakavarga only, but here again you do not have harana or discounts.
The five elements are ruled by Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn only. No nodal rulership for these elements is attributed. The Sun is however a representative of the Creator and the Moon is Primordial Energy.
In Kala Chakra Dasa, Naisargika Dasa. Moola Dasa, etc,, the Nodes do not feature. 312
In Ashtottarl Dasa, Ketu is not considered.
Now, when the Nodes are not given rulershlp ot any of these and are not considered for any purpose cited above, a pertinent question arises. And that is: When neither a Rasi nor a Nadi Amsa is allotted to them, what Is the logic in giving them the rulership of six stars in total? if it be not so, why and what for they are important in Nakshatra lordship? That the result of the pudding is in the eating it, does not hold because the pudding Itself is not hygeinic. Thus, when Rahu/Ketu are not the rulers of these six stars, the whole scheme Is doubtworthy. In further support, see the following statements made by the texts for births In the Nakshatras Aswlni, etc. or the socalled nodal constellations: According to Brihat Jataka, a person born in Aswini is lovely in appearance, in Makha-will enjoy life, lln Moola luxurious in living, in Swati - virtuous and in Satabhisha - truthful. Compare these attributions to Rahu and Ketu, for a minute imagining that these planets are the rulers of the respective asterisms. The dispositions of Rahu and Ketu and their qualities, roles, etc. are found in most texts. Readily I may refer you to Slokas 33 and 34 of Ch.ll in Phala Deepika. You find here that Rahu is untruthful and Ketu is smoky in appearance. Compare these to results of births in Aswini, etc., given above. You find a striking contrast and you will be convinced that these stars are not ruled by the respective planets. If you are not convinced with Brihat Jataka's version alone, then see what Dhundiraja's Jatakabharana says: Aswini - enjoys comforts from wife and children (whereas Ketu's position In these houses, l.e. the 7th and the 5th is no welcome augury). Makha • respects father (wheras Ketu's presence in the 9th is not good for paternal relation). Arldta - brightbody (Rahu does not have a bright apearance). Swati - The person Is as beautiful as cupid, the Hindu God of beauty. Harji's Manasagari says that a person bom in Aswini looks beautiful and has a stout body and In Makha, he is a bhogi. Ketu is neither beautiful, nor has a stout body nor is materialistic. His concentration is on ultramundane aspect of human life. By showing contrasts between the results of birth in a particular star and the properties of the so-called rulership of the start by Rahu/Ketu, I am not attempting to disprove the textual version concerned, but am
bringing to your notice how sadly we are mistaKen In attributing the stellar lordships to planets, here the Nodes, with which they have no relevance at all. For the results of births in Rasis/Lagnas, you certainly get no confusion because the qualities, etc., of the lord concerned very well encourage such result. For example, if you are told that a person born in Gemini/Virgo is intelligent you have nothing to contradict because Mercury rules intelligence. After convincing you thus that the six stars are not ruled by Rahu/Ketu, you are to be taken to a higher plane of analysis. The most important aspect in Rasi divisions is touched here. Any division right from Hora (15°) in a Rasi down to Nadi Amsa (150 such amsas make a Rasi) Is confined only to that particular Rasi. For example, a Hora Is not divisible between two Basis. Take any such division and you will find these are wholly applicable to the particular Rasi only. Then take a Nakshatra. Its longitudinal arc, as you know, Is 13° 20', which Is less than a Hora. You will find that the star Krittika occupies partly Aries and partly Taurus, Mrigasira partly Taurus and partly Gemini, Punarvasu partly Gemini and partly Cancer, Uttaraphalguni partly Leo and partly Virgo. Like this, you will come across a certain number of stars among th 27 falling in two houses. Then comes the question of lordship. Aries Is ruled by Mars and Taurus by Venus. If you consider the Krittika region, it falls under the rulership of Mars and Venus, Rasiwise. Then where is the question of rulership in terms of star by the Sun? In Rasi division you know that the whole Rasi is ruled by one planet but the minute divisions by various planets. But in the case of a star, it goes to two Rasis. Can you tell me a single other astrological division extending over two Rasis? Now i shall take you to the Panchanga aspect. Panchanga constitutes five considerations, viz., Vara (Weekday), Nakshatra, Tithi, Yoga and Karana. Varas or weekdays are named after the seven planets and hence those planets are'known as their lords. Leaving aside Vara, Nakshatra which is the subject, take the other three, viz., Tithi, Karana and Yoga. There is no planetary lordship for Tithi, Yoga and Karana. Then why should we search for lordship for star alone among the Panchanga aspects?
DOG BITE The Karaka for dog-bite In the sphere ot astrology is Rahu. I give below some combinations for this: 1.
Rahu placed in the 6th/8th/12th in relation to a malefic planet, or to the lord of the sixth house.
Saturn placed in the 2nd house in aspect to or in association with a malefic (Ref: Jataka Tatwa).
Saturn connected with the 2nd lord by aspect or association. (Ref; Jataka Tatwa).
As the reader knows too well, the bite of a dog should not be taken lightly as the same could cause "rabis" even after ten years. This disease can make one mad. Modern medicines have effective cure for rabis. Given below is the horoscope of a child who was bitten by a dog on 27.4.1990. Boy born on 17.2.1984 at 2235 hrs in New Delhi. Rasi: Libra - Asc 4035'45", Saturn - 22046'! Mars - 23047'; Scorpio - Ketu 18s23'; Sagittarius - Jupiter 1209'; Capricorn Venus 4032', Mercury 19035'; Aquarius - Sun 4036'; Taurus Rahu 18023': and Leo - Mars 14 17'. Balance ot Venus Dasa 18y6m24d. Venus Dasa, Rahu bhukti and Jupiter pratyantara ends on 27.4.90, and Saturn's pratyantara commences on 27.4.90. For practical purposes, dealing with Pratyantara we should not be rigid about one or two days and hence we should see Saturn pratyantara having commenced on that day. Saturn at birth is with lord of 2nd Mars, which as per classical texts gives fear from animals. In this case, the bhukti lord Rahus is also in the 8th aspected by Mars (2nd lord), confirming fear from dogs. On the day of the event transit Moon was in Taurus Influencing the bhukti lord, Rahu. While on the subject, appended below are combinations indicating troubles from animals;
Should Mars and Gulika be together in the 2nd/8th in aspect to the 2nd lord, there will be troubles from fox. For correct calculation of Gulika, see Brihat Parasara Hora and use the ascendant prevailing with the commencement and not end of Saturn's Muhurtha. For more information on Gulika, please see earlier chapters.
Trouble from fox is denoted by Saturn's rulership of the 6th house who also joins the Sun.
The lord of the 3rd and Jupiter together in the ascendant will cause danger through quadrupeds.
The same result will materialize if Saturn, as the sixth lord, joins a node.
If the lord of Lagna and 6th combine with Jupiter, there will be fear from elephants. If these two join the Moon, then there will be fear from horses. All these at best amount to danger from animals.
EARLY LOSS OF HUSBAND The Moon in Lagna while Mars Is in the 7th house - this yoga causes death of spouse within eight years of marriage. In extension. Moon's dispositor in Lagna while Mars is in the 7th also gives the same result. If the dispositor of Moon happens to be Venus, as in this case, then the undesirable effect is unavoidable. This is the case of a lady about to enter her thirties who lost her husband in a tragic automobile accident on 26.4.90. She, born on I7.ii.i960at9.30 A.M. in Delhi, has the following horoscope. Sagittarius - Asc 6C26', Venus - &052', Jupiter - to^O' Saturn 2^30': Aquarius - Ketu Gemini - Mars 25015, 0 Leo - Rahu 19 26'; Libra - the Moon 7o20'; Mercury 14043' Scorpio - the Sun 1o30'. Balance of Rahu Dasa at birth I7yim5d. Her Jupiter Dasa commenced on 23.12.1977. She was married in December 1984. Child birth was delayed. It was only on 15.11.1989 that she could give birth to a daughter. That too after a great deal of anxious moments at
the time of delivery The child birth took place in Moon's sub period of Jupiter Dasa. The Moon's sub period gave her the worst effect of her life in the form of loss of her husband. It should not be merely concluded as the 8th lord's sub period. First of all Mars is in the 7th in aspect to Jupiter. Although numerous classical authors state that Jupiter's aspect in this case wards off Martian blemish, Jupiter goes to the extent of somehow finishing off the marriage. It could be by death, divorce or desertion. The second reason for loss of husband in this case is: \/enus. the dispositor of the Moon in Lagna in aspect to Mars from the 7th house. If the reader finds these two combinations in a horoscope where marriage is in tact for decades, then we would surely like to acquaint ourselves, about the exceptions available in such horoscopes. Is there a second marriage in the present case? As often stressed by me, the house of second marriage is the eleventh house. When the nth lord is in the 7th house, it promotes the chances of a second marriage. More so as the 7th house has severe afflictions. Here Venus, the nth lord further glances the 7th house. Thus, the lady is destined to have a second marriage. There may be some chances for this event with Saturn in transit in 2nd house (Capricorn) aspecting the nth house. But the sub periods of Mars and Rahu in Jupiter Dasa are unlikely to help her. This dasa ends on 23.12.1993. Jupiter enters Libra (the nth) when Saturn Dasa is about to begin. The Jovian journey in Libra In 1994 will likely allow the event of remarriage. A FIRE VICTIM The owner of the following horoscope was born on 20.02.1964 at 10.30 hrs in New Delhi.
Aries - Asc 1905', Taurus Moon 2039'; Gemini Rahu 17 30'; Capricorn - Mercury ZO0^': Aquarius - Sat 2048'; Mars 6024', Sun T^s"; Pisces - Venus IT^O" and Jupiter 24054,. Balance of Sun Dasa at birth: 3y 3m 15d. o
Mars and the Sun joining in the 11th or in the 3rd can cause damage to legs/hands by fire. (Heavy smokers are also seen with these two planets in the 3rd. The damage to the person's lungs denoted by 3rd house may be slow but deadly!) In the present case, the native started Rahu Dasa, Rahu bhukti from 5th June 1984. Rahu at birth is in the 3rd house while Mars-Sun are in the 11th house. On 19.2.1986 when transit Jupiter was degreewise on natal Mars (11th house), the native burnt her hands badly. Part of her neck and chest were also burnt. In times of emergency (bad Dasa bhukti) Jupiter moving in 10th from the natal Moon seems to be bad, not just for work, but in other respects too, as in this case. Basically such a movement of Jupiter is to "destroy" the person. KCD & MARRIAGE There are many ways to arrive at possible period of one's marriage. After undertaking a reasonbly well guided study of a couple of horoscopes with Kaia Chakra Dasa, the following occurs to me: 1.
Jeeva Rasi containing the lord of Lagna, or the lord of 7th. or Venus can give in its sub period (of any Dasa) marriage to the native, if transited by Jupiter or by Ketu. .Suitable age of course is a prime requisite.
With the sub period of Deha Rasi in operation (in any Dasa) having lord of the 7th or Venus, being transited by Saturn or Rahu/Ketu, one's marriage wiii be threatened.
About the 2nd point, we will go Into actual horoscope examples later on. Now, i give below a horoscope, Whose owner got early marriage in spite of other adverse indications which otherwise confirm belated marriage.
Female born on 16/17th August 1971, at 0417 hrs, 22N3588E23'. Natal positions and other details are: ASC Sun
1 Can 16° Can 29
Mars(R) Merc(R) Jup Ven Sat
Leo Sco Can
16 03
Rahu Ketu
- 30"
- 56 - 34
20 16
- 49 - 14 - 54
26 Tau 12 Cap 21 Can 21
- 58 - 10 - 04 4
Ayanamsa used is tot Lahiri, as usual. Details for Kala Chakra Dasa analysis are; Birth Star - Arudra third quarter, Apasavya group, Paramayu 85 years. Jeeva - Gemini, Deha - Capricorn, Kaiachakra Navamsa - Capricorn. Balance of Gemini - Mercury Dasa at birth: 2y 11m 5d. Leo - Sun Dasa ran from 123.7.1974 to 22.7.1979 (5 yrs) after which, on 23.7.1979 the Dasa of Cancer-Moon started, for a period of 21 yrs, with Markata Gathi (Monkey Jump). In this Dasa, the sup-period of Libra-Venus rules from 20.12.1986 thru' 03.12.1990. Applying non-KCD rules, we find that marriage seems to be a distant probability for the following reasons; a.
The 7th house has retrograde Mars in the company of Rahu, within an arc of just 45 minutes - less than a degree. Thus the conjunction-born affliction is concentrated.
Venus is closely combust becoming incapable of being favourable in an unobstructed manner.
Mercury in retrogression is in the 2nd house, while the ascendant lord is in the 12th house.
There is however one very good point: The 7th lord, Saturn, is in direct aspect of favourable 9th lord Jupiter. The
same Jupiter aspects Venus and the Lagna favourably. In a female's horoscope, the over-all role ol Jupiter is of prime importance for occurrence ol marriage and its felicity. With all these plus and minus points, the lady got married in November 1989, in her 19th year. This is earlier than an early marriaage in these days of "no-hurry-for-our-baby" Orthodox families anyway wake up to the pressing needs because they experienced lots of good by timely marriage. At the time of marriage, she was in Cancer - Moon Dasa, Libra - Venus bhukti. The dasa lord is in Jeeva Rasi, Gemini 14 Jupiter in transit was in Gemini 16° which was 180° away from transit Saturn (in Sagittarius 16°). Thus Moon in Jeeva Rasi was actively influenced by 7th lord Saturn, and Jupiter (signifying husband for females). Saturn's role is enhanced by his ownership of KC Navamsa. So marriage at 19 became a possibility in this case when Jeeva Rasi with Lagna lord is influenced by Jupiter. NODES & VICISSITUDES Nobody among the remaining eight planets can match Rahu In taking one to heights from a mere scrap. There is also no parallel to Rahu in bringing one down to the nadir from the summit. The owner of the horoscope given below rose very high in Rahu Dasa. Not even half of the Dasa is now over. The indicator is down towards the nadir. Or it seems so, presently. Asc Sun
Sag Ari
Sco Tau Pis
29 22
01 27
Mars Mer Jup Ven
05' 15 37 00
Sat Rahu
An Vir
11 26
0? 37
Vimsottan balance Oy 4 m 10 d of Mercury. Rahu Dasa started on 5th September 1983, in which Saturn sub period is in r ijfoncy from 11-10-1988 to 17th August 1991 Accordingly Rahu dasa's commencement, gave him a legendary luck. Earlier he was holding a normal position in a giant company being one of its hundreds of work-force. The same company was bought by him in Rahu Dasa. thanks to Rahu in the 10th house. Also see the 5th lord aspecting the 9th house, while its lord is exalted in the 5th joining the ascendant lord. There are two adverse indications in these otherwise unique yogas. The 5th lord Mars related to the 9th house is placed in the 6th in aspect to 8th lord Moon in debilitation. And the 9th lord Sun gets the association of Saturn in debilitation. When good combinations are present, the Dasa-lord is the principle agent to bring the good effects to thp fore front. He squally acts as an unfailing conduit to open the flow of unfavourable effects of unfavourable combinations. Rahu is the most fitting planet in such a case who does not own any sign among the 12 in the zodic. Other 7 planets fall behind Rahu as they have their own jobs to do, because they have their own Rasi/Rasis. In Vimsottari Dasa, I have always given special attention to the major and sub periods of Rahu/Saiurn, Saturn/Rahu, Jupller/Rahu (not Rahu/Jupiter), Rahu/Mercury (not Mercury/Rahu) and RahuA/enus. So far I have found theat these Dasa-bhuktis are capable of shattering one's apple cart, if these two lords are mutually in 6/8 positons. Upto October 1988, everything was well for the native The commencement of Saturn's bhukti in Rahu Dasa brought untold miseries - mounting losses and banker's pressure threatening the very chair he so proudly occupies as a reward of his good-luck Which way the journey will go - to the nadir or again to the summit? Only Rahu can decide. But astrologicaily, sur321
vlval seems to be more than an uphill task, leave aside summitward journey. TIME TO PROBE There is an indisputable ancient classical statement in respect of the following. 1.
Venus is more benefic by nature than Jupiter.
Mars is more malefic than Saturn.
I have been working on these lines for quite some time and am convinced of the truth involved. It is time that our readers and experienced astrologers too verify therse two suggestions. The normal belief is Saturn is the worst malefic while Jupiter is the best benefic. Views based on practical studies are welcome. Fifth House & Mother's Death We observed a couple of times in these columns about the 5th house involving mother's death (and the 4th housefather's death). When this analogy Is extended, the planet, If slowmoving in nature (viz. Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu or Ketu) placed in the 5th house can play an equal role as the 5th lord can, in the matter of death of the mother. Before going ahead, let the reader reminisce that the 5th house is the 2nd from the 4th and hence some Nadl texts designate the 5th house as the death dealing house in respect of mother. And in the case of father's death, instead of 2nd they have taken the 8th house counted from the 9th. i.e. 4th from ascendant. The clue to the second point Is available in Horasura of Prithuyasas too (English translation by R.Santhanam). Given below is the horoscope of a male born on 22nd January 1955 at 1530 hrs, New Delhi, with Venus dasa balance; 10y 9m Od.
Asc Sun
Gemini 9 cleg Capricorn 7 deg.
Sagittarius 19 deg. 30' Pisces 11 deg. Capricorn 23 deg. Cancer 0 deg 57'
Mars Merc Jup(R) Ven Sat Rahu Ketu
Scorpio 20 deg. Libra 26 deg. Sagittarius 12 deg. Gemini 12 deg.
The native's Rahu dasa commenced on 22nd Get 1988. At birth, Rahu in Sagittarius is in conjunction with the Moon (mother). Both are aspected by Saturn trom the 5th house. Saturn and Rahu clearly acquire a role of death-dealers of the native's mother. The moment Saturn in transit reached the 20th degree of Sagittarius,, identical with Moon's degree, the native's mother died in April 1989. Saturn retrograded on this degree in the third week of April 1989.In one go, Saturn influenced Rahu, the lord of Oasa-cumbhukti, and the Moon (Karaka for mother) thus fulfilling his role as the occupant of the 5th house at birth. When Saturn is strong in a horoscope, the years of age viz. 17, 26, 35 etc. are Important in one's life. In this case, the native got married in his 26th year (April 1989). Saturn aspecs the 7th house (marriage) and the Moon (mother). The native's wife earns a handsome monthly salary because of the exchange between Moon and Jupiter (lords of the 2nd and 7th). When Rahu is in the 7th house, he has also his role to play either by giving a spouse from a well-to-do family or a spouse with decent earnings, in this c^se. it is a well earning wife. Properly Litigation Enter into a litigation, spend a bulk of your life going around courts. This is true at least when litigations are fought in our courts. 323
I am giving oelow some general tips as to what kind ot litigation does the 6th lord give when he is with a planet "X". u
with the 7th lord: litigation relates to marriage, viz. divorce, marital benefits and the like.
with the 4th lord: litigation relates to properties, conveyances, motor accidents and the like.
with the 8th lord: relates to family inheritances.
with the 9th lord: relates to foreign deals/travels.
One must of course choose the right horoscope to apply these uilos offoctively. Following is the horoscope relating to a property dispute. Birth details are purposely held up. asc Sun Moon
Scorpio 17-08 Capricorn 26-00 Aquarius 21-58
Capricorn 24-17
Merc Jupiter
Capricorn 12-52 Cancer 24-33
Venus Saturn
Pisces 02-29 Capricorn 05-25
Pisces 05-20
Gemini 05-20
From September 1988, the native's Venus major period began to operate. in this case, Mars ruling the 6th house is connected with the 4th lord (housing properties etc.) Saturn, placed in Capricorn. I know it will be discounted by conservative schoolmen when it is pointed out that an exalted 6th lord is capable of giving diseases, litigations etc. while the 6th ord in debilitation is an added advantage in this regard giving freedom from these negative phases in life. I'd love to
have the comments of the readers further on this line of experience. Now Coming to the horoscope on hand, on the 10th Novr. 1990 unexpectedly the native's tenant (occupying a plum accomadation In a prime locality of the national capital) launched a litigation challenging the native's notice to give him vacant possession of the house. All this happened on the 10th Novr. 1990 when Rahu (close companion of dasa lord Venus at birth) was transiting on the degree of natal Saturn-4th lord. The native demanded vacation the moment Rahu entered Capricorn in Octr. 1989 ( the sign occupied by Mars, the 6th lord at birth). For reasons of common sense, here, we cannot say that the dasa of Venus (twenty long years) should not give him litigation as if has no connection with the 6th house. Sometimes a minor transit can do what the dasa lord of a long Interval cannot. Anyway Venus in this case is powerfully connected with the 4th lord Saturn, and thus acquires a role concerning housing, properties. The Moon & Millions When the 2nd lord or the 9th lord from the ascendant is in an angle to the Moon, the native can hope to have a legendary rise in the later half of his life. More so when the planet in question is in exaltation or in own sign. The horoscope should otherwise be as well strong with relevant Dhanayogas-combinations for riches. See the planetary placements as under with respect to the horoscope being exampled. Cancer 05-26
Asc Sun Moon Mars Merc Jup(R) Venus
Aries 04-50 Cancer 24-22 Cancer 27-06 -
Pisces 23-00 Sagittarius 05-47 Taurus 20-22
Cancer 22-38
Aries 21-00
Libra 21-00
The native's Moon dasa started on 24.6.1988. For my own reasons I am to protect birth details. The 2nd lord Sun is in exaltation in the 10th and the dasa of the Sun from June 1982 introduced in his life the taste of wealth in true sense. But the dasa of the Moon gave him so much wealth in the first seventeen months (the sub periods of the Moon and the Mars) that he bought a royal palace In 1989. You know the cost of a huge palace. If a debilitated planet has an exalted pianet in its angle it gets the potence of doing a great deal of good and could shower wealth on the native to put it colloquilly sheering thru the roof. Here Mars in fail having Sun in angle in exaltation did wonders. And Mars acted as a real agent of the Moon being in close orbs. One planet in fail in ascendant and another in the 9th house again in debilitation (9th is house of fortunes) may seem to be an anathema to some of us when we come to know that the native is owner of millions of rupees and huge buildings. The key to the horoscope lies in 2nd lord being in the 10th housefmeridian identical with lunar angle and being wellaspected by 9th lord Jupiter from his another own sign). It Is not untrue to say that fortune is just a button away when stars smile on you. Not A Co-Incidence In the course of my professional consultancy in astrology, I used to flatly refuse to give advice to such people who do not know their birth time, or who know it but approximately by 4-6 hours. However, I would find time to rectify marginal errors, or border- ascendants. One Canadian gentleman who met me on 6th January 1991 insisted upon my dealing with his future astroiogicaliy. He had only his birth date, month, year. Not the time of birth. He did not even remember his was a day-birth or a night-birth. 326
His birth dete somehow Impressed me much, and kindled my interest. He was born on 6th January. Year:!930. Not that i never got people who came to me exactly on their English birth dates. Many used to come. But this case had some unknown compulsion on me. So, i thought I would make advice gratis If i could not catch up his past correctly. Only God knows the future exactly. The degree positions of planets, not heeding to any particular epoch, on 6th January 1930 are: Sun
Sagittarius Capricorn
Merc Jup(R)
13 12 14
Venus Saturn
Sagittarius Sagittarius
15 12
Aries Libra
16 16
Rahu Ketu
The Moon was in the first decanate of Pisces on that day for an approximate understanding of the situation. Before sitting up for his work that evening on the 6th January 1991, i well remembered that the Sun ws moving on the 22nd degree of Sagittarius (exactly of his natai Sun) and the Moon In the first decantate in Virgo, opposite natal Moon in Pisces - not degreewise for that matter. This is what aroused my preparedness to go ahead with the job. I have never made any conjectures to fix up one's ascendant by seeing one's complexion, height, physical constitution and the like although classical texts give clues to such decisions. As far as my experience goes, they oftener fail, the success rate being far minimal as I saw others doing. Maybe there are really skilful astrologers. I don't have that confidence in me. At that time of our commencing the analysis of his case, Gemini was on the ascendant I was hesitantly wondering
wnether his birth could have been in Gemini ascenaant, but not for any astrological reason. Interrupting me, or as though to break the silence, the restless man queried: "Do you think I could be Gemini?" That was enough for me, a divine approval, to wit. "Seems to be so", said I. and started some quick verifications on his past, with Gemini, as a tentative basis. "Did you change your country around your age of 30 or so, in 1960/61?". "I left Canada to live in London, to join British Airforce towards the end of 1960". (The years 30-32 of are capable of causing such changes to a foreign land when Jupiter in the 12th aspects the ascendant lord. More so he rules the 10th in this case.) His affirmative answer concretized my confidence. "Did you have three unsuccessful marriages, or live-in arrangements with women, earlier, while the 4th one was effectively on from middle of 1989?" He was not able to believe me in as much as he asked me: are you really doing astrology, or do you have some divine insight? Feeling diffident, I pursuaded him just to listen and answer my questions. (For three marriages and one extra affair, it did not work Just like that because four planets are in the 7th house. This rare course of events about marriage is because of a unique combination of lords of 9th and 11th with Venus in the 7th house in a dual sign. To apply this rule in future, one must see that all these conditions are wholly fulfilled, otherwise there will be a fatal error of judgement resulting in the wrath of the consultor.) The 4th one - affair - Is on account of Jupiter in transit in ascendant from mid-1989 influencing the 7th house where Saturn was already positioned in his transit of Sagittarius.)
My last query to him was whether he did any serious work to help destitutes, handicapped, orphans, calamity victims etc. His answer was in the positive as he has been associated with World Olympic Association for handicapped in Britain. (Reasons: Jupiter in the 12th house - charitable jobslords of 9th aspecting the 9th, and joining the 5th lord. Both 5th and 9th lords aspect the ascendant. Such a native will be charitaby disposed and will undertake philanthropic work.) What were our talks on this future is not the subject-matter, but he paid me as per my principle. This experience rather taught me that the luminaries (the Sun and the Moon) occupy very relevant positions in case of lost birth- times, when the ascendant at the time of arrival of a sincere querist could be the ntal ascendant itself. This is a potential clue to enrich our studies. ANCIENTS' YOGAS & TRADING Trading may have assumed a new face in today's world. But since thousands of years trading continues to be a chief source of living. This is one of the fields where lack of organized education is not a deterrent Being a curious student, the astrological cimbinations clothes, scented articles etc. classical literature, I gathered batim.
I could lay my hands on some of dealing with trading in fruits, Scanning through the Sanskrit the following Reproduction ver-
1. Saturn placed in Capricorn aspected by Jupiter (any of the three aspects) - one sells orange fruits. 2. Saturn in Cancer, while Jupiter is in /Capricorn - sells orange fruits. 3. Saturn in Capricorn and Jupiter in Pisces - sells fruits that are big in size.
4. Jupiter in Taurus while Mars Is in Cancer or in a snort- as cension sign: same results a S.No.3 above. 5. Venus should be the 10th lord and be placed in Lagna (i.e. Leo or Capricorn on the ascendant, with Venus in it) - one sells scented articles. 6. In the same case if Saturn aspects Venus (as per Yoga at S.No.5) - one sells Kasturi (i.e. musk yielded by a deer). 7. If Venus gets the 10th lordship and placed in Taurus is aspected by Saturn - one sells liquid scents. 8. Saturn in a biped sign along with the 10th lord (for any Lagna) - the native sells fragrant weed. 9. Mars becoming the 10th lord and aspected by Saturn placed in Virgo - sells scented articles. 10. One sells vegetables like 'carrot', and bark of trees if Mercury as the 10th lord is in a watery sign, or aspected by the Moon. 11. Saturn, Mercury and Jupiter joining in Capricorn - one sells rags. 12. Jupiter placed in a quadruped Rasi, aspecte by 8th lord from another quadruped Rasi - one sells woolen wear. 1 13. If the Sun becomes the lord of the 10th and aspected by the 2nd lord from a fiery sign (Aries - Leo - Sagittarius) - one sells gold. 14. The 10th lord aspected by Saturn and the Moon jointly for any Lagna - one sells gold and silver. 15. Saturn in Aries along with 2nd lord - one sells pearls. The Sun should be in Sagittarius simultaneously. 16. Saturn in Sagittarius while the Sun is in Leo - one is an evaluator of minerals, metals etc. 17. For Sagittarius Lagna, Mercury retrograde in Pisces - a tailor or wool-dealer us born. 19.
Mars in Aries and Jupiter in Leo - skin dealer.
20. The Moon in Virgo aspected by Saturn - sells rice and gingilee. These yogas can be profitably tried with suitable modifications even In today's context.
Chapter 34 RESEARCH CAPSULE [Most of the following clues are from rare ciassicais ana from practical horoscope studies.] 1.
Jupiter in the 5th or the 9th will confer high intuitive powers if the native resorts to devout worship of Lord Siva by reciting Panchakshari Mantra or Mrityunjaya Mantra.
Venus-Rahu combination in close orbs leads to attainment of huge gains through electronics, particularly computers. This conjunction occurring in the 7th house will bring such gains through spouse.
The Sun-Moon opposition can cause changes in profession once in seven years.
Rahu dasa occurring during educational period will interrupt success. More so, if he is in the 2ncl/4th house.
Venus joining Rahu/Ketu/Mars in Leo will lead to utter disappointment in marital life. And possibly a great misfortune by separation or early loss of spouse.
A benefic planet, particularly Mercury, in the third house from the ascendant will bless one with a very beautiful handwriting.
Jupiter occupying the sign Scorpio with Leo Navamsa (i.e. Anuradha first quarter) can deny a living child or can give a child, at last, following innumerable disappointments.
Should the 5th lord from the ascendant be In Hastha Nakshatra the native will face many impediments in obtaining progeny. Mercury so placed is an exception.
If the 5th and 8th houses are simultaneously occupied by powerful malefics, the native will have insurmountable worries on account of his children.
A retrograde pianet in the 4th from Jupiter will check one's progenic happiness.
A retrograde pianet in the 4th from Venus will tell upon one's marital felicity.
If Jupiter at birth is retrograde, one of the native's children will be born with retrograde Jupiter.
If a planet in direct motion gets the company of a retrograde planet, the significance of the first mentioned planet assumes great importance and good results thereof obtained easily.
A mission undertaken on the day a planet has just assumed retrograde motion wiil fructify on the day it directs, (it will hang on till then.)
Severe disease will immediately strike the native if transit Saturn retrogrades on the natal degree of a planet (or 180 thereof) placed in the 6th house.
Fatality or danger to one's father may be imminent if Saturn retrogrades on the natal degree of the Sun (or 180° thereof) in the 10th house.
Legendary rise will follow transit Jupiter's retrogression on the natal degree (or 180° thereof) of a favourable planet placed in the 9th house.
Deep ia\\ will result if It is Saturn replacing Jupiter in the above case (vide point 17).
Should an eclipse fall on the natal degree (or 160° thereof) of the 10th lord, there will be many disruptions and debacles in one's work during the following six months. If the 10th lord be the Sun or the Moon In this case, then there will be extraordinary and unexpected gains In the said period. Libra Sun and Scorpio Moon exempt this advantage.
Jupiter's transit on natal Rahu in Sagittarius or Pisces wili bring some disadvantages in that year.
ftanu strongly placed In the 7th house will bring huge gains from Inlaws.
If Saturn is In Vargottamamsa in Leo, the native will lead a princely life welth many comforts at his disposal.
Should Rahu be in the 4th house from the ascendant, add his longitude to that of the 4th lord. This degree when transited by Saturn or Rahu/Ketu can denote some unexpected difficulties for the mother.
if Saturn is in the 8th house, add his longitude to that of the ascendant lord. When a major planet (Saturn, Rahu, Ketu or Jupiter) transits that degree, an auspicious event like marriage or acquisition of a child will be likely.
Add the longitudes of the ascendant lord, the 5th lord and Jupiter. The owner of the sign In which the resultant degree falls will be in the same sign or a trine thereof In transit at the time of the birth of one of the native's children. This is specifically for a male native.
In the case of a female native, to use rule No.25, replace the 5th lord with the 9th lord.
Take the nativity of a girl. Add the longitudes of Mars, Moon and the 5th lord. When she attains puberty, the resultant sign will be transited by Mars/Moon or the said 5th lord. (Note : In cases of rules 22 to 27 above, longitude means degree positon of the planet counted from zero degree of Aries.)
The 12th lord in the 4th house will bless one with foreign education.
Should a benefic or a trlnal lord be in the 4th house in aspect to the Sun, the native will receive distinction and scholarships in education.
The pusuit of attainment of knowledge will almost be a never- ending process for a native who has the 4th lord with waxing Moon (preferably the Moon should at least be 120° away from the Sun)
The same results as per rule 30 will come to occur it the 4th house from Upa Pada is tenanted by Mercurty at birth.
If Rahu occupies the 4th from Mercury one will not attain an appreciable academic record.
if Saturn is in the 12th house reckoned from the 5th lord's position, one will show deep interest in occultism.
Should the 12th lord be posited in the 9th house, the native will undertake many foreign trips.
Note who are the lords of the ascendant and the 5th at birth, if their positions in Sapthamsa are mutually 2/12 or 6/8, the native will not enjoy happiness from his children.
If the 7th lord Is in the 5th house, he will portend difficulties in respect of married life and children's affairs. This does not however apply to Virgo and Gemini births.
The 5th lord in the 7th house will also introduce similar effects, vide rule 36, except in the case of Leo and Scorpio ascendants.
Note the Saptamsa occupied by Jupiter at bfrth. See in which Rasi the said Saptamsa lord is placed. That sign or its trine will ascend In the case of birth of one of the native's children.
Should the 5th lord and Jupiter simultaneously be in Leo Navamsa, acquisition of progeny of one's own loins wiii be remote..
Although a dire malefic may be in the 5th house, he will not'harmthe indications thereof (about children) if he is In Sayanavastha.
The Sun-Moon combination in the 7th house points to unhappy relations between the parents of the native.
For Kirshna Paksha births, the 9th lord is more Important than the 5th lord while the reverse is true in the case of Sukla Paksha birth, regarding children.
Jupiter In the 1 ith house gives a long span of life to the native's father.
Note if a slow moving planet like Saturn or Jupiter is in the 12th house at the time of one's birth. When the said planet comes to its exaltation/own sign - in transit - long significant journey is portended.
If the Sun and Moon join in the 9th in Owadasama the native's father will have to maintain a widowed sister.
Should Venus be in a trine to the Moon, combinations for eye defects if any will get nullified.
Jupiter and Mercury being in mutual kendra positions denote success in authorship, journalism etc.
Saturn - Mars relationship will lead to acquisition of name in surgery.
The Sun - Mars association will promote achievements in medical profession.
The Sun- Ketu association is favourable for success in orthopaedics.
The native will be liable to see bad dreams frequently if Rahu Is in the 3rd house.
There is a danger of facial burns if Mars in the 2nd house occupies Davagni Shashtiamsa, I.e. 33rd Shashtlamsa of an odd sign, or the 27th in an even sign.
Should Venus and Rahu be together in the 4th house, early loss of spouse Is denoted.
If the 9th lord occupies Libra, the native will not care for his father.
If the 4th lord occupies Scorpio, it is the mother that the native does not care for.
Should the 5th lord be In Capricorn, one wi obedient children.
The 7th lord in Virgo gives a defying wife.
tave dis-
The Bth lord (except Saturn) in Aries is adverse tor one s long life.
Difficult childhood days are indicated if the 8th lord is related to the ascendant or its lord.
Should the Dasa of 8th lord open at birth, then also same effect will come to pass.
Should the Moon and Sun be in 1st and the 7th, or vice versa, the native will enjoy a high position, and attain allround success and widespread fame.
H these two are conjuct in the 1 st or in the 7th, unhelped by another good planet, there will be poverty, failures and unending distress.
If the 2nd lord is in the 12th, but with one or more pianet(s), the native, will earn a lot of wealth.
The influence of Rahu/Ketu to a trinal lord, on to a trine, on to Jupiter is on of the contributory factors for success in astrology.
Counted from the ascendant, if Mars is degreewise the last planet, the native may not have an afterborn.
If a planet in the 3rd house occupies Cancer Navamsa, obtainmenl of younger coborn will be remote.
Counted from the ascendant, if Jupiter is degreewise the first planet, the native Is the first issue of his parents.
The Sun in the 4th/10th identical with Aquarius denotes heart disease for th native's father.
Should the 12th lord from natal ascendant be in Pisces Navamsa. one will shine in foreign countries.
if the 7th lord is in Virgo Navamsa the native will be unhappy in his marital life.
Marriage in the dasa bhukti periods of planets who are in mutual 2/12, or 6/8 positions in Navamsa will bring undesirable effects
Mercury in 5th house in Sapthamsa chart can lead to birth of twin children.
If the major and sub lords are in 2/12 or 6/8 positions in Dasamsa chart, there will be disappointments in professional life during that period.
Similarly with the placement of sub lord (bhukti lord) and sub- sublord (Pratyantara lord).
Counting from Aries, note the degree of the 10th lord and degree of Ascendant. Add these two. If the resultant degree is influenced by a Yogakaraka In transit, good developments in work are likely.
The ascendant lord in the visible half leads to unobstructed succes, while his placement in invisible half poses initial struggles.
Extending this analogy, if the said degree is influenced by an adverse planet (who is an obstructor for the particular rising sign), evil results will only manifest.
A powerful- Mercury leads to notable attainemtns in Hatha Yoga.
Ketu rules Dhyana Yoga while Saturn rules Pranayama.
if Mars is well assisted by the Sun, the native will be an expert in herbal cure.
Jupiter joining an exalted or strong planet denotes ancestors with long life spans.
If at least four of the nine planets enjoy Prakasana/Sabhavastha, one will enjoy a high degree of posperity. (These Avasthas are among the 12 Avasthas called Sayanadi Avasthas as enunciated by sage Parasara.)
Mercury in Scoripio if aspected by Jupiter gives experitse in astrology.
Mars placed in the 8th sign from the one occupied by the 3rd lord will hardly give a surviving after-born.
Venus well placed in a sign of Saturn can probably give entry in hotel industry.
Saturn well placed in the 10th or the 6th Identical with an airy sign will lead to flying career.
The 10lh lord from Navamsa Lagna getting related to Mars (in Rasi, Navamsa or Dasamsa) will make the native enter in catering Industry.
if the 12th lord is connected with the 10th lord, the native wiil work elsewhere (other than his native place.)
The sub period of a planet in the 6th house will bring changes in professional conditions - good or bad depending upon his association, aspect he receives and his placement.
Venus in opposition to Mars, in a dual sign, will produce far-reaching complications in marital bonds.
It the 7th Arudha falls in the nth house (from Natal ascendant), there will be more than one marriage. More so if the said 11th house is owned by Jupiter or Mercury.
Rahu in the 11th house along with a malefic or with an inimical planet will produce a crisis In the marital life of a cobom of the native. • Should there be a malefic in the 5th house along with the 9th lord, the native's child wiil incur sever abdominal disorders. if one among Sun, Moon and Venus is In Netrapani Avastha (one of the 12 Avasthas referred to above), the subject will incur major eye defects.
Saturn and Rahu joining in Aries or Scorpio will cause physical defect.
Ketu and Mars being together in a sign or Mercury will lead to spinal or dental disorders.
Mercury in Aries/Scorpio will make one prone to incur piles and disorders of rectum.
Should the 9th lord be in close company of Rahu, being not related to a benefic, dishonourable event6 in family circles will come to pass.
Venus in the 6th house identical with a watery sign will cause toss of wealth due to addiction to vices.
101, The 6th house occupation of Mercury will give inability to discharge debts. 102.
Saturn - Sun opposition In dual signs idicates a twicemarried father.
If the Sun is in an angle (ije 1,4,7 or 10th from the ascendant), the subject is a late bed-goer and early riser.
Jupiter in transit in a Rasi which has zero dots in all the Bhinnashtakavargas (rectified) brings about a serious professional fall in that particular year.
Venus in Arudra causes a bluish mole or mark around the waist of the native.
106. The 5th lord in Hasta Nakshatra leads to absence of offspring. 107.
Rahu In the 4th house in Cancer gives long life span to the native's mother.
Saturn in the 9th house In Leo gives a long life span to the native's fater.
Should the 2nd lord be in Gemini or in Vlrog, one will attain a superlative academic success.
One will have happiness from children if the 5th/9th lord is in Sagittarius or In Pisces.
If the ascendant lord is in the 8th house along with the 2nd lord, the native will be ever troubled by poverty.
112, The ascendant lord being weak and related to Rahu or Ketu makes one addicted to drugs. 113,
Ketu in the 5th house marks a strong tendency to have a planned family.
The Sun-Mercury association in the 8th house brings sudden polltlal prosperity.
Defame will follow if Rahu or Ketu along with Saturn simulateously tranist in the 8th house from natal moon.
It Jupiter Is weak (like being in debilitation) while Saturn Is in the 5th house, the native will have a contracted liver, and disorders thereby.
Should Moon be afflicted by a powerful natural malefic, the subject will not have a happy childhood.
The Dasa lord being in the 12th house along with the 12th lord makes the native give up family ties in that particular Dasa period and leave home once for all.
The Moon in Leo is a contributory factor for one's taking non- vegetarian food.
if the sign Capricorn Is well-occupied or aspectged, the subject will become famous through his profession.
Wheatish pupil, resembling that of a cat, results the occupation of Ketu in the 2nd House.
Saturn and Jupiter well-connected indicates success In legal studies.
One wili turn Into e forger If the 8th lord is in the 3rd house along with Mars or Ketu.
The Moon In Moola first quarter, while Sagittarius rises +, makes the native a rapist. '■
Venus in Leo In ascendant will prove fatal to father when the native Is 17 years of age.
For other ascendants, Venus In Leo acts In a prematurely fatal manner as far as father's life span is concerned.
Ketu in a watery sign identical with ascendant, the 9th or the 12th will lead to foreign settlement in his dasa period.
Jupiter In Atlchara (accelerated motion) In Kumbha (Aquarius) will bring Kumbha Vrishtl (torrential rains).
The same Jupiter in Leo In slow pace will spread severe droghts, and famine.
Should Saturn De in the 2na house identical with Sagit tarius/Plsces, the native has the potence of inheriting ancestral properities galore. '
131. The reverse istrueif Saturn is in the 8th house in Gemini or Virgo. 132.
Rahu In the 8th house identical with Scoripio will cause uterus disorders for a female native.
133. The 8th lord aspecting the 6th house will also bring about the same effects. 134. One will live by priesthood if Pranapada is in the 10th house. 135. The native will marry in the initial protion of Rahu dasa if the Moon at birth is in Rohini second quarter. This applies to Aries ascendant. 136.
Should Saturn and Mars join closely in the 9th house, there will be two marriages for the native.
If the Sun and Saturn conjoin in Cancer which is ascendant, the native will give up family ties and will wander all over aimlessly.
138. The Moon and Satrun conjoining the Leo which is the ascendant will lead to a state of utter poverty. 139. Should the 11th and 10th lords be in the 5th house, the native will seek his livelihood in eastern direction. 140.
If the Sun Is in the 10th house, prosperity will commence from the 18th year of age. Yet worries will accompany the native till the end.
Retrograde Mars in the 8th house can introduce a violent and unexpected end of the spouse.
If the 4th lord Is conjunct the Moon, while the latter is not lord of 6/8/12th, the native will acquire housing properities in his early youth.
143. Saturn - Mars joining in the 4th house indicates damage to properities, by fire and other violent means.
A favouraDle ana strong Mercury aspectlng the ascendant makes one a famous and forceful writer.
If the Sun and Saturn Join in the ascendant, loss of wealth through theft or government actions will come to pass.
The Moon being in a lunar Hora at birth in aspect to another planet again from a similar Hora, will confer high professional status.
If a majority of planets aspect their own signs at birth, there obtains a superior yoga. Example: Mars Aries/Scorpio; Sun- Leo; Moon - Cancer. Saturn Capricron/Aquairus, etc.
If at birth the Mon is weak (i.e waning), related to the 3rd house, and is in Virgo Navamsa, destruction of co-born will take place.
Mars in the 3rd house, identical with a dual sign (i.e Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces) gives three sisters
A malefic in the 3rd house contributes to acquisition of wealth and knowledge, but causes loss of coborn.
151. Should Venus be in aspect to Jupiter, the native^will acquire co- born and be protected by them. 152. The Sun - Jupiter combination in the 4th house leads to expertise in legal branch of studies. 153.
Saturn - Moon conjunction in the 4th house makes one arrogant while Saturn - Sun similarly placed make him disrespect his parents.
Malefics in both the 3rd and the 4th houses reduce chan" ces of begetting progeny.
Remote is the possibility of acquiring progeny If the 5th house is Pisces containing Saturn and Gulika.
156. Total denial of progeny is indicated if these two planets (i.e. Saturn and Gulika) are in the 5th in Cancer.
Jupiter s placement in Aquarius causes progeny with great difficulty. (More care is needed while applying this principle)
Saturn occupying a human sign (i.e Gemini, Virgo, Libra and first half of Sagittarius) identical with the ascendant and in aspect to Mars denotes birth near a burial ground.
159. The 4th house and the position of the Sun be scrutinized to ascertain all about father's death. 160. The 5th house and the Moon's position be similarly considered in respect of mother's death. 161. Mars adversely placed in the 5th house intoduces serious health damage through blood disorders. (More so for a female). 162.
If both the 5th and 9th are afflicted by malefics one will incur deafness.
Mercury in the 6th identical with Aries or Scoripio (i.e. Lagna be either Scorpio or Gemini) aspected by Saturn deafness will result.
Mercury and Saturn jointly aspected by malefics and joining same Navamsa will give deafness.
Mercury in Cancer/Scorpio/Pisces and aspected Moon - there will be speech defects.
Mercury in 9th when Venus is in 10th will make the subject stammer while speaking.
167. The ascendant lord with Mars in Pisces/Aries Rasi causes short stature. 168.
Mars debilitated in 7/8th lonely placed causes short stature.
Saturn debilitated in 7/8th lonely placed causes short stature.
170. 7th house occupied or aspected by benetic makes one physically quite strong.
171. Malefics In 12th, 5th, 2nd and dth promote fmprisonment 172. One bom during solar eclipse with Saturn in the 4th house will have disorders of privities and will not be Interested In sexual union. 173. Should Sun and Saturn be in an angle to Mars there will be surgical operation on privities. 174. The Sun, Mars and Jupiter in the 7th denote one who is extremely sensuous but be away from illegal ties. 175. Venus in odd signs and not quite strong gives sparing Inclination for sexual pleasures. 176. Venus In Pisces aspected by Mars causes birth of a stillbom child and a limited number of children. 177. Mars In Scorpio aspected by both Venus and Jupiter gives ulcer and wounds. 178. Mars Joining the Sun or the Moon, In case of birht on New Moon day or Full Moon day causes piles. 179. Mars and weak Moon together make one indulge in unpalatable speech. 180. The Sun in Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces, aspected by Mars Indicates one of forgiving disposition. 181. Mercury and Mars together denote one with a cunning disposition. 182. Ascendant lord in 12th aspected by Saturn denotes difficulties overseas. 183. Retrograde Venus or his dlspolstor being in retrograde motion promotes conjugal shortcomings. 184. Mercury in 12th in aspect to Saturn or the 8th lord will cuase infamy and disreupte due to scandals. 185. The 2nd lord strong in an angle causes Strivatsa Yoga, the effects of which are wealth, success at all times and performing good acts.
Pad ma Raga Yoga is produced it the 5th lord Is in an angle. Such a native will destroy all his enemies, will enjoy great wealth and acquire an enviable position.
It is Ratnanjali yoga when the Sth lord is in the 10th house as a result of which one will be very rich and will have a number of conveyances.
188. Two of Mars - Rahu - Ketu - Saturn joining in^he Sth house identical with a fixed sign will give long lasting diseases 18S. Venus in the Sth house identical with Cancer/Scorpio and aspected by Mars or Rahu indicates kidney disorders, urinary diseases etc. 190. The Sun in Libra ascendant causes one to be given up by parents, heart diseases, and begetting a still-born child. 191. Pisces rising with the Sun gives more female children. 132. The Sun - Moon combination in the 2nd house, or in the Sth house, will cause great financial strains. 193.
Mars • Venus as above give same results.
194. Jupiter in 2nd denotes a long span of life. 195. Saturn in ascendant with Sth and 2nd lords will cause damage to ears. 196. The Sun - Venus in close company in 5th/7th or 9th denotes that the spouse will have physical defect. 197.
Saturn and Mars joining in 2nd from Sun causes early loss of father.
Mars in 4th while Sun is in 10th indicates unnatural death through fire or machinery.
199. Should the Sun be in the very first Navamsa of the sign in query about a pregnant woman, she is in the first or last month of her pregnency. 200.
If, in a query relating to lost articles, the Sth lord is soon going to retrograde - the theif will be caught coinciding with retrogression or direction of that planet.
Add the natal longitudes ot Jupiter and Hahu. When Saturn is in resultant sign, great changes in profession (position) will be ushered.
If the 12th lord is in the 9th house or Is in the 3rd house, or aspects the 9th house, the native during the Dasa of the said 12th lord will work abroad, in a weak horoscope, it is futile movements in distant places.
In the Dasa of the 12th ford aspecting the ascendant, the native will only live in his native place or native country.
Mercury In the 12th house aspected by Saturn will bring infamy through members of opposite sex.
Mercury In the 5th house will stall the good effects due to Gajakesari Yoga.
If the 4th lord is exalted, the native's children will lead happy lives.
Venus in the 4th house is detrimental for matrial happiness.
An exchange between the lords of Leo and Aquarius (i.e. the Sun and Saturn) will give a spouse already married. That is, the Sun in Aquarius while Saturn is in Leo brings in a widower/ widow/divorcee in marriage.
Saturn in an airy sign is a helping factor for a flying career.
Venus in the 12th house and In aspect to Jupiter will cause an afflux of wealth.
Jupiter In the 12th house in aspect to Venus will also cause the same effect.
The Moon In Anuradha Nakshatra (In Scorpio) will not give results of debilitation.
The Moon in Scorpio for an Aquarius native (i.e. in the 10th house) will be a grand Rajayoga Karaka.
Saturn lonely placed in the 10th house in Aries (i.e for Cancer ascendant) will not allow professional rise but will bless the native with thousand Full Moons of life.
215. An exchange between the lords of Capricorn and Pisces (i.e. Saturn and Jpiter) will bless the native with a long living father. 216. Venus in Gemini is favourable for literary purusits. 217.
Saturn in the 12th house will give a tendency to sleep for longer durations.
Mars Joining Mercury in the 5th house/11th house denotes a victim in love affairs.
Rahu joining the Sun similarly gives identical effects.
It is generally very inauspicious transit of Saturn on Mars placed in the 8th house in the natal horoscope.
221. if simultaneously Venus, the Sun and the Moon are in their signs of debilitations, a very great Rajayoga is generated. 222. When the 12th lord is In the 3rd house unaspected by others, the native will be a left-hander. 223. The same result as above is obtainable when the 3rd house has a debilitated planet. 224.
If the 3rd lord joins an afflicted Mercury, or afflicted Ketu, the native will have a strange voice with a nasal twang.
225. The spouse will prdecease the native if he has the 11th lord in the 8th house. (This is not to suggest a shortlived spouse). 226.
Not ignoring other relevant conditions, Nisheka (or Garbhadhana) is the best in such Lagna identical with the Rasi having more Bindus in Jupiter's natal Ashtakavarga. Such lagna is conducive to birth of a worthy offspring.
See if there are 8 Bindus In the Rasi occupied by Mars in his individual Bhinnashtaka Varga and ensure these are not lost in Trlnal reduction as well as Ekadhipathya reduction. Further, the said Mars should be forming Ruchaka Yoga. In that case, the native has Koteeswara Yoga, (a multi-millionaire), apart from the excellent original Ruchaka. 349
228. One born in Sakunl Karana (i.e. the second halt of Krishan Chaturdasi, or the 14th lunar day of dark fortnight) will be a weliversed astrologer. (In simpler terms, the Moon should be between I20and 18° behind the Sun.) 229. There is seldom a marriage for one bom in Atlganda Yoga (6th in the series of Nitya Yogas commencing from, Vishkumbha). 230.
if the 4th lord from Lagna is in the 9th from the Moon, one will receive foreign education.
231. The 9th lord joining Saturn in the 4th house gives a long life span to the mother of the native. 232. The Moon in Aries (than in any other sign) is prone to make one's mother an unhappy soul indeed. Without simplifying one should look for severely afflicted Moon. 233.
Rahu dasa will give bad results for one bom with Aswini, Makha or Moola Nakshatra.
Ketu dasa will give bad results for one bom with Arudra, Swathi or Sathabhisha Nakshatra.
If an article is lost when the Moon is in Aswjni, there can be hardly its recovery. The same applies to return of a missing person.
236. The piacement of the 3rd lord in the 7th house promotes thieving tendencies. 237. The spouse of the native will be dumb if Saturn joins Mercury and Jupiter in the 7th house. 238. Should Venus be in a dual sign while his dispositor is in Sagittarius, the native will have multiple marriages. The 7th lord should simultaneously be strong. 239.
Mars and Ketu joining in Virgo Navamsa will lead to dental disorders of major nature.
if a planet is stationary at birth (during retrogression/direction). It is deprived of Its potence.
241. Surgical operations of major nature on Full Moon day are better avoided. Medical scientists observe that on Full Moon days, blood flow Is torrential. 242. The dasa periods of two planets which are mutually In 2/12 or 6/8 positions in Rasl chart are said to give Inauspicious results. However they prove beneficial if the concerned sub period lord is exalted in Navamsa or is In vargothama Navamsa. 243. The dasa periods of two well placed planets In Rasl chart will Interrupt good results if the sub jseriod lord concerned Is In debilitated Navamsa. 244.
if the 5th house is aspected by Its own iord, or by Jupiter, or by an exalted planet, the native wili excel in intuition, essential for an astrologer.
If at least three planets are in vargothama Navamas the native will earn huge wealth.
246. If the 8th lord is in Vargothama Navamasa, or the occupant of 8th house Is similarly placed, the native will inherit ancestral wealth. 247. Should Venus be in the 12th house along with the 12th iord, the native will emancipate from marital bonds only to go away with a questionable person. 248. Financial difficulties will be harsh to endure if two of Mars, Rahu, Jupiter and Saturn transit in the 12th from natai Moon. 249. See if Jupiter, Saturn or a node is placed in the 5th/9th house at.blrth. When such a planet comes in transit to the 5th/9th (from lagna), birth of a child can be predicted. 250. See if the 6th/l0th house at birth is a movable sign. A major transit In the said house couid bring in a significant change in job/business. 251. Should Mercury be alone in the 6th house, which is neither Gemini nor Virgo, at birth, it is a forerunner of difficulties respecting financial liabilities.
252. One will be compelled to go bankrupt if afflicted Saturn and afflicted Mercury are both related to the 6th house by aspect or placement. It Is all the more certain if the said 6th house Is owned by Mars. 253.
Reciting appropriate Mantras of Mars will ensure freedom from debts to a great extent.
One will be haunted by evil dreams if Ketu placed in the 12th house is effectively connected with another malefic.
Mars/Sun placed in the 2nd house will lead to loss of eyesight at an early age if strongly related to Saturn.
If the couple at the time of marrige concurrently tun the Dasa of Mars (irrespective of Kuja Dosha being present or not), they will lead a tension-ridden marital life till that Dasa is over.
It Is not a good time to invest in immovable property when the sub period of a closely combust planet Is in operation for such a property can be swallowed by fire.
258. A well placed Saturn in the 10th house aspected by a well-placed Jupiter denotes a reputed meteorologist or a reputed astronaut. * 259. One will not have good terms with his in-laws if the 11th lord is in 7th/3rd house. 260.
Mars-Ketu or Mars-Satum in the 6th house denote a drug addict.
Incurable lung disorders can be traced in a native whose 3rd house is occupied by Mercury and aspected by Saturn, both of whom should be affilicted.