Transit Jupiter Sextile Moon
This period can make it easier to experience #hat is positive, as you tend to seek the best for yourself and for others, and fortunate situations likely arise that assist you personally. 6nderstanding ho# you feel and ho# those close to you feel can improve your relationships, especially #ith your intimate companions. You typically gain much appreciated insight into the #orkings of your family and your mother in particular, if such a need exists. !ven if your personal life has fe# difficulties, you should use this time to broaden your a#areness of those around you, and you can #ork to become more considerate of others$ needs, as you gain a better appreciation of your o#n. You can achieve a greater a#areness into the habitual responses that you make throughout your day and throughout your life. If you tend to react blindly to certain situations, you may discover the reasons #hy. If you are apt to overreact or underreact, you may learn ho# to express your feelings in a more balanced #ay, #hile recogni:ing #hen it is appropriate to let them out in full force or shy a#ay from making an impression. pportunities for you to give often surface, #hich can allo# you to improve your responses to those in need, especially if generosity is difficult for you. /t the same time, others may #ant to support you in some #ay, #hich can better your capacity to receive, particularly if depending on others bothers you. The essence of this cycle is to balance #hat is extreme and to strengthen #hat is #eak in those areas of your personal life #hich most re(uire #ork. ;o#ever, you must make some effort to produce results, other#ise this period is merely pleasant #ith fe#er personal problems than usual. 3hat makes this time useful is #hatever issues you may have #ith yourself, your family, or even the public usually become easier to resolve, as attempts to learn from past Cand presentD behaviors likely get results. Increased sensitivity often manifests #here you can sho# greater receptivity to everyone and everything around you. 3hatever areas of your life are closed, this time offers the possibility to open them up again, if you so desire. You may have the occasion to demonstrate an inclusive and forgiving nature, #hich brings you closer to those aspects or people of your life that have become ignored or estranged over the months and years. This is a time to move for#ard, #hile resolving past issues since you have the capacity to learn more easily from missteps along your "ourney through life.
This Interpretation of Jupiter *extile 8oon is from the Theutureminders astrology report by &ick *ymington
Transit Jupiter Sextile Moon
/ spirit of cooperation or "oining%#ith for mutual benefit, pervades this time period. /ny community%oriented events, gatherings, or group activities you are involved #ith are satisfying and fruitful. You have excellent rapport #ith others at this time and both your personal and your public or business life are positively affected. riendship is very important to you no#, and if you have been neglecting that part of your life, no# is the time to reverse that. &urturing and investing in friendships #ill be #ell #orth the effort. 4ositive 4otentials< !motional generosity, $"