Juggernaut Squat Manual

Juggernaut Squat Manual...
Author:  ryan9871

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Squatting sucks. From the moment you take the bar out of the rack, it feels like it’s compacting your spine, the outward pressure in your stomach makes you feel like you’re going to shit you…Description complète

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Squatting sucks. From the moment you take the bar out of the rack, it feels like it’s compacting your spine, the outward pressure in your stomach makes you feel like you’re going to shit yourself, ...

Squatting sucks. From the moment you take the bar out of the rack, it feels like it’s compacting your spine, the outward pressure in your stomach makes you feel like you’re going to shit you…Full description

Descrição: Squatting sucks. From the moment you take the bar out of the rack, it feels like it’s compacting your spine, the outward pressure in your stomach makes you feel like you’re going to shit yourself, ...

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