notificação para cobrança referente ao não acionamento de seguro apos batida, solicitando que acione o seguro ou deposite o valor da media dos orçamentos realizados.
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Artículos relacionados a nuevas ideas para desarrollar arquitectura con tema JudicialDescripción completa
[A.M. No. 99-10-05-0. August 7, 2001]
(AS FURTHER AMENDED, AUGUST 7, 2001) R!"EDURE #N E$TRA-%UD#"#A& F!RE"&!SURE F !RE"&!SURE !F M!RTGAGE M!RTGAGE In line with the responsibility of an Executive Judge under Administrative Order No !" dated June #$" %&'(" %&'(" for the manage managemen mentt of courts courts within within his admini administr strati ative ve area" area" includ included ed in which which is the tas) tas) of supervising directly the wor) of the Cler) of Court" who is also the Ex-Ofce *heri+" Ex-Ofce *heri+" and his sta+" and the issuance of commissions to notaries public and enforcement of their duties under the law" the following 'o*+u*s are 'o*+u*s are hereby prescribed in *tu+// o*osu* o otgg*s, otgg*s , % A ''/t/o3s o *t-u+// o*osu* o otgg* whether under the +/*t/o3 o t4* s4*/ o 3ot6 'u/ " pursuant to Act #%#(" as amended by Act -%%." and Act %($." as amended" shall be 8*+ /t4 t4* E*ut/:* %u+g*" %u+g* " through the "*; o out who out who is also the E-!</o S4*/ / 0pon **/'t o 3 ''/t/o3 o *t-u+// o*osu* o otgg* " it shall be the +ut6 o t4* "*; o "out to, "out to, a1 **/:* 3+ +o;*t said +o;*t said applicatio application n and to st' thereon st' thereon the corresponding 2le number" date and time of 2ling3 b1 o*t t4* 8/3g **s therefore **s therefore pursuant to rule %-%" *ection '4c1" as amended by A5 No $$6/6$%6*C" and issue the corresponding o7cial receipt3 c1 */3*" */3*" in case of real estate mortgage foreclosure" 4*t4* t4* ''/3t 4s o'/*+ /t4 t4* *=u/**3ts *o* t4* 'u/ ut/o3 /s o3+ut*+ u3+* t4* +/*t/o3 o t4* s4*/ o 3ot6 'u/" 'u/ " pursuant to *ec - of Act #%#(" as amended3 d1 s/g3 3+ /ssu* t4* *t/8t* o s* " sub8ect to the approval of the Executive Judge" or in his absence" the 9ice6Executive Judge No *t/8t* o s* s4 * /ssu*+ /3 :o o t4* 4/g4*st /++* u3t/ **s 'o:/+*+ o /3 t4* o**3t/o3*+ s*t/o3s and in :ule %%-% %" *ecti ection on &4%1 &4%1"" as amend mended ed by A5 5 No No $$ $$6/ 6/66$% $%66*C" *C" shall hav have been een paid3 Provided, that Provided, that in no case shall the amount payable under :ule %-%" *ection &4%1" as amended" exceed ;%$$"$$$$$3 e1 t* t4* *t/8t* o s* 4s **3 /ssu*+ to t4* 4/g4*st /++* " )eep the complete records" records" 4/* /t/3g 36 *+*'t/o3 /t4/3 '*/o+ o o3* (1) 6* o +t* o *g/stt/o3 o t4* *t/8t* o s* /t4 t4* R*g/st* o D**+s o3*3*+ " after which" which" the recor records ds shall shall be archi archived ved Notwit Notwithst hstand anding ing the forego foregoing ing provi provisio sion" n" u/+/ '*so3s whose '*so3s whose property is sold pursuant to an extra68udicial foreclosure" s4 4:* t4* /g4t to *+** t4* 'o'*t6 u3t/, ut 3ot t*, t4* *g/stt/o3 o t4* *t/8t* o o* o* os osu u* * s* s* 4/ 4/4 4 /3 3o s* s* s4 s4 * o o* * t43 t43 t4* t4** * (>) (>) o o3t 3t4s 4s t* t* o*osu*" o*osu*" whichever is earlier" as provided in *ection -' of :epublic Act No .'&% 4as amended" :es Of August '" /$$%1 or and>or chattels chattels mortgaged mortgaged and their their respec respective tive locations" which certi2cate shall serve the purpose of having the application doc)eted with the Cler)s of Court of the places where where the other properties are are located and of allowing the extra8udicial foreclosures foreclosures to proceed thereat # =he 3ot/*s o ut/o3 s* /3 *tu+// o*osu* o 'u/t/o3 6 t4* s4*/ o 6 3ot6 'u/ shall be 'u/s4*+ /3 3*s''* o g*3* /ut/o n pursuant to *ectio *ection n %" ;resi ;residen dentia tiall ?ecre ?ecree e No No %$'&" %$'&" dated dated Janua January ry /" %&''" %&''" and 3o3-o'/3* t4**/t4 s4 o3st/tut* :/ot/o3 o S*t/o3 @ t4**o. - =he E*ut/:* %u+g* shall" %u+g* shall" with the ss/st3* o t4* "*; o "out " ra@e ''/t/o3s o *tu+// o*osu* o otgg* u3+* t4* +/*t/o3 o t4* s4*/ o3g s4*/s" s4*/s" including those assigned to the O7ce of the Cler) of Court and *heri+s I9 assigned in the branches ( =he =he 3*?s o t4* /++*?s s4 * *'ot*+ by the sheri+ or the notary public who conducted the sale to the Cler) of Court before the issuance of the certi2cate of sale =his :esolution :esolution amends or modi2es accordingly accordingly Administrati Administrative ve Order No No # issued issued by then Chief Justice Enriue 5 ernando on %& October %&.- and Administrative Circular No #6&. issued by the Chief Justice Andres : Narvasa on ( ebruary %&&.
=he Court Administrator may issue the necessary guidelines for the e+ective enforcement of this :esolution =he Cler) of Court shall cause the publication of this :esolution in a nuewspaper of general circulation not later than August %-" /$$% and furnish copies thereof to the Integrated Bar of the ;hilippines =his :esolution shall ta)e e+ect on the % st day of *eptember of the year /$$% ;romulgated this ' th day of August /$$% in the City of 5anila 5O:=AE" O:ECDO*0:E AN? :E?E5;=ION Darry ; Ignacio REA& ESTATE M!RTGAGE A * *stt* otgg* is a contract in 4/4 t4* +*to gu3t**s to t4* *+/to t4* u8*3t o '/3/' o/gt/o3, su*t/3g o t4* /t4u o'/3* t4**/t4 * 'o'*t6 /3 s* o 3o3-u8*3t o s/+ o/gt/o3 t t4* t/* st/'ut*+ 4Manresa1 It is a /*3 o3 s'*/8 o /+*3t/8*+ /o:* 'o'*t6 It directly and immediately sub8ects the property upon which it is imposed" whoever the possessor may be" to the ful2llment of the obligation for whose security it was constituted #t *t*s * /g4t *3o** g/3st t4* 4o* o+ 4DBP v. NLRC, 183 SCRA 38 !1""#$ 1 oreclosure of mortgage Fo*osu* o otgg* is the process by 4/4 'o'*t6 o:**+ 6 * su*t*+ to s* to '6 +*3+ o 4/4 otgg*s st3+ s s*u/t6 4Paci%c Co&&ercia' Co. v. A'vare(, 38 O) *+81 oreclosure is the 3**ss6 o3s*=u*3* o 3o3-'6*3t o otgg* /3+*t*+3*ss =he otgg* 3 * o*os*+ only when the +*t */3s u3'/+ t t4* t/* /t /s +u* 4Prodcers Ban v. CA, )R No. 111+8, 1* Se/0. ##1 )ov20 o 04e P5 v. Es/e6o, +* P4i' "7 1 or in case of default in the payment of obligation 4PNB v. CA, )R No. 17"#8, 17 an. ##3 C4ina9an v. CA, 7+ SCRA 3* !1""7$1 ?emand is essential for default ?emand" however" is necessary for default to exist and which gives the right to collect debt and foreclose the mortgage T4* tu/t6 +t*s /3 t4* 'o/sso6 3ot*s o t4* **t/o3 us* 4!i$n case o non-/a:&en0 o 04is no0e or an: /or0ion o i0 on de&and, ;4en de, on accon0 o 04is no0e, 04e en0ire o9'iCPB vs. Be'so, ).R. No. 1+""1, A<s0 1*, ##*1 ?emand" however" is not necessary where the law or the obligations expressly declare it unnecessary 4Pre&iere Dev20. Ban v. Cen0ra' Sre0: ? 5nsrance Co&/an:, 5nc., +*" SCRA 3+", 13 =e9rar: ##"1 Mo so:*3+/ o +*tos +*ut /s +*83*+ s +*6 /3 t4* u8*3t o 3 o/gt/o3, 6 *so3 o us* /'ut* to t4* +*to =here are three reuisites necessary for a 2nding of default F/st, t4* o/gt/o3 /s +*3+* 3+ /=u/+t*+B s*o3+, t4* +*to +*6s '*o3*B t4/+, t4* *+/to u+//6 o *tu+//6 *=u/*s t4* +*tos '*o3* 4Se'eCPB, )R No. 17+77, #3 Ma: ##7 1 ;rohibition against Pac0& Co&&issori& A stipulation in a deed of mortgage which states that upon failure of the mortgagor to pay the debt within the agreed period" the land covered by the mortgage shall become property of the mortgagee or the transaction shall become a sale and the consideration shall be considered as payment of the price of the land is /ac0& co&&issori& and is null and void 4Re:es v. Ne9re6a, "8 P4i' 73" !1"+7$1 *uch stipulation is void since it enables the mortgagee to acuire ownership of the mortgaged property without need of foreclosure 4O'ea v. CA, * SCRA * !1""+$ 13 it is a nullity being contrary to the provisions of Article /$.. of the Civil Code 4 L&a:a< v. @eirs o acin0o Ne&eno, +7 SCRA 31+ !##*$ 1 =wo modes of foreclosure of real estate mortgage oreclosure of real estate mortgage is either done extra68udicially or 8udicially =he provisions of :ule !. of the %&&' :ules of Civil ;rocedure govern 8udicial foreclosure =he extra68udicial foreclosure of real estate mortgage" on the other hand" is carried out in the procedure governed by the provisions of At >1>5" as amended" otherwise )nown as An Ac0 0o Re<'a0e 04e Sa'e o Pro/er0: >nder S/ecia' Po;ers 5nser0ed in or Annexed 0o Rea' Es0a0e Mor01>5, AS AMENDED C REDEMT#!N Essential reuirements under Act #%#( 0nder Act #%#(" as amended and settled 8urisprudence" the following essential reuirements must be met,