Garlic for Mosquitoes? Edited by: Mary Schroeder, M.S., R.D. & Pat Kendall, Ph.D., R.D., olorado State ! "all #$$% Garlic, a coon sta'le found in countless (itchens and reci'es )orld)ide, lon* has been considered a s'ecial food ! not +ust for the unique a-or it i'arts, but also for its edicinal -alue. Most of its thera'eutic -alue, as )ell as its a-or and odor, can be attributed to sulfur co'ounds contained )ithin the *arlic clo-e. n recent years, *arlic has been )idely studied for its role in 'rootin* health. /here is *ood e-idence that *arlic 'ossesses antibacterial, anti-iral, anti-iral, antifun*al, anti'roto0oan and e-en insect! re'ellent 'ro'erties. Gi-en the recent sur*e of the 1est 2ile -irus s'read by infected osquitoes, it is interestin* to e3'lore the -alue of *arlic as one ore ethod for a-oidin* osquito bites. 4 nuber of studies ha-e sho)n that the oil fraction of *arlic destroys certain s'ecies of osquito lar-ae. Garlic s'rays 5ade 'riarily )ith *arlic e3tract6 are a-ailable on the ar(et for use on 'lants as an alternati-e botanical 'esticide to cheical 'esticides. /he sulfurs contained )ithin the *arlic e3tract ha-e been sho)n to be e7ecti-e a*ainst a )ide ran*e of insects, includin* osquitoes, and the lin*erin* odor can deter osquitoes fro the area for )ee(s. t is thou*ht that *arlic ay be an alternati-e osquito osquito re'ellent for huans as )ell. n a 8eld study conducted in ndia, a 're'arati 're'aration on ade of 9 'ercent *arlic oil, 'etroleu +elly and bees)a3 that )as rubbed on the ars and le*s of study sub+ects )as found to be e7ecti-e in 're-entin* osquito bites for u' to ei*ht hours. n addition, there is soe e-idence that hea-y consu'tion of *arlic throu*h su''leents or )ell!a-ored foods ay hel' )ard o7 osquitoes. 1hen *arlic is eaten and its co'onents are etaboli0ed, co'ounds are released released fro the body throu*h the s(in and the breath. 4lthou*h they ay not be detectable by others 5or ay, in the case of *arlic breath6,... breath6,... ;continues< =R42GE PEE> 42D > E@/R4/: 4 =ASE=>D 2SE/DE =R42GE PEE> 42D > E@/R4/: 4 =ASE=>D 2SE/DE /able / able of ontents ontents 4bstractBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB . ntroduction a. Cac(*round Cac(*round of the Study Study BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. b. Si*ni8cance Si*ni8cance of the Study Study BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. c. >iitation >iitation of the Study BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. BBB. d. Stateent of Proble BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.. BBBBBBBBB.. e. y'othesis y'othesis BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. BBBBBB. f. =b+ecti-e BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB *. De8nition of /ers BBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBB. BBBB. . Re-ie) of Related >iteratu >iterature re BBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBB . Materials Materials and Method Method BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.. .. /reatent of Data BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB... BBBBBBBB... . Result BBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBB BBBB . Cud*etary Requireent Requireent BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBB . Recoendation Recoendation BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. BBBBBBBBBB. . 4c(no)led*ee 4c(no)led*eentBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ntBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. BBBBBBBBBBBBBB. @. Ciblio*ra'hy Ciblio*ra'hy BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. BBBBBBBBBBBB. 4bstract /his study aied aied to (no) the the e7ecti-eness e7ecti-eness of hilies hilies and =ran*e Peel E3tracts as an an nsecticide. nsecticide. Casically, Casically, this studys 'ur'ose is to ans)er the follo)in* questions: 9.6 )hat are the contents of hilies and =ran*e Peel? #.6 o) e7ecti-e are hilies and =ran*e Peel e3tracts as an or*anic insecticide? /his study used the descri'ti-e!co'arati-e descri'ti-e! co'arati-e ethod. Described )ere the contents of hilies and =ran*e Peel e3tracts and ho) e7ect these solutions are. /his study focused on the e3act tie the 'ests did after they are s'rayed by the or*anic insecticide. insecticide. Cased on the 8ndin*s and conclusions, the researchers recoend the follo)in*: 9.6 Ase *lo-es in s'rayin* the said or*anic insecticide solution to a-oid contact to the eyes. #.6 1ash your hands thorou*hly )ith soa' and )ar )ater after 're'arin* and usin* the solution. %.6 S'ray an adequate aount de'endin* on ho) containated the 'lant is. 9 . ntroduction a. Cac(*round of the Study M4lun**ay ntroduction Cac(*round of the Study Den*ue, also (no)n as brea(bone fe-er, 'layed a fatal role in the Phili''ine econoy for the 're-ious years. More than si3ty t)o thousand den*ue cases )ere recorded last year and ore than 8-e hundred 'atients ha-e died. 2o e3istin* treatent has been a''ro-ed by the 1orld ealth =r*ani0ation 51=6 to co'letely turn do)n the -irus once it starts infectin* a 'atientF therefore 're-ention 're-ention had been the 'oint of action of the counity in the 'ast decades. /hey used natural )ays of 're-ention li(e restrainin* thesel-es fro (ee'in* 'iled )ater )ithin their area and arti8cial )ays li(e usin* insect re'ellants re'ella nts or osquito (illers.
4nother 'roble cae into e3istenceF the de'ri-ed 'eo'le )ho lac(ed inforation on ho) to naturally 're-ent osquitoes and li-ed in insanitary d)ellin* 'laces )ere also those )ho could not a7ord to buy insecticides )hen the deand for one rises due to the *reat nuber of osquitoes in their areas. 4s a res'onse, the researchers then deliberated on ho) to a(e a osquito (iller that could be ade anually by any indi-idual yet co'rises e7ecti-eness siilar to that of a coercially!'re'ared 'roduct. Stateent of the Proble=b+ecti-e /he researcher thou*ht of usin* alun**ay 5Morin*a oleifera6 root e3tract as their sub+ect for the alternati-e osquito (iller. /hey tried to test its e7ecti-eness in terinatin* osquitoes since it )as non!e3istent at the tie and they tested it on di7erent concentrations in order to attain or*ani0ed results for the 'roduct. /hey )ould li(e to (no) if in )hat concentration of the e3tract it )ould be best e7ecti-e a*ainst osquitoes. y'othesis f the alun**ay root e3tract dis'layed an eHcient insecticidal 'ro'erty, then the alun**ay root e3tract is 'ossible to be a 'riary in*redient in 'roducin* osquito (illers. Description This science project was conducted to determine if Bird's Eye chili can be used as a form of deterrent against Gryllus assimilis (the common black cricket). The eperiment was done by spraying !arious concentrations of Bird's Eye chili etract on crickets. Hypothesis CirdIs Eye chili e3tract )ill re'el and e-en (ill cric(ets. Overview Natural pesticides
1e norally use cheical 'esticides in our hoes and *ardens to (ill or deter 'ests and insects. /his is because insects such as osquitoes are not only a nuisance, they also s'read diseases. =ther 'ests li(e terites can daa*e our 'ro'erty and cater'illars eat a)ay at the lea-es of our 'lants. =ther insects li(e the cric(et a(e -ery annoyin* noises. heical 'esticides are -ery e7ecti-e but they can also be -ery harful to our health. Joun* children are es'ecially -ulnerable of the side e7ects of cheical 'esticides. 1hen )e use a can of 'esticide s'ray, often, a sall 'ercenta*e of its fues is inhaled. Pesticides used in fars to 'rotect the cro's see' into the soil and containate our *round )ater resources. 2atural 'esticides are a uch safer )ay to (ee' 'ests and insects a)ay )ithout harin* our en-ironent. Since natural 'esticides are ade of natural substances, they )ill not har us. E3a'les of ho) natural 'esticides are used include the use of bora3 acid to re'el terites and coc(roaches. >eon +uice, bay lea-es and cucuber 'eel hel' to (ee' ants a)ay. Pe''er s'ray can re'el and (ill cric(ets. The Bird's Eye chili
/he CirdIs Eye chili fruit coes in a fe) -arieties an can be either red, yello), 'ur'le or blac( in color. =nce u'on a tie, it )as listed in the Guiness Coo( of 1orld Records as the hottest chili in the )orld, but today, e-en hotteer s'ecies of chilis ha-e been identi8ed, such as the abanero chili 5a'sicu chinense6 )hich is rated 9$$,$$$%L$,$$$ on the Sco-ille scale. /he CirdIs Eye chili is a 'o'ular condient use din ndonesian, Malaysian, /hai, "ili'ino and south!east 4sian hinese cuisine. Scientifc Terms 2atural 'esticides, ca'sicu frutescen, *round )ater Materials /he aterials required for this science 'ro+ect are:
! e'ty aquariu tan(s )ith a co-er each ! 4 'lastic container ! $ cric(ets ! 4 food *rinder ! s'ray dis'ensers ! 9$$ *ras of CirdIs Eye chili ! $$l of distilled )ater ! bea(ers ! 9 easurin* cylinder ! 4 blac( ar(er 'en Procedure 9. "or this e3'erient, the inde'endent -ariable is the concentration of the CirdIs Eye chili e3tract 9$$N, OLN, L$N and #LN. /he de'endent -ariable is the nuber of cric(ets that reain ali-e in the tan(. /his is deterined by obser-in* and countin* the nuber of cric(ets )hich sur-i-e the e3'erient. /he constants 5control -ariables6 are the si0e of the tan(, the s'ecies of cric(ets and the -olue of CirdIs Eye chili e3tract that is used on each tan( of cric(ets. #.
$ cric(ets are cau*ht and (e't in a 'lastic container. 9$$*ras of CirdIs Eye chili is 'urchased fro
the su'erar(et. %. /he tan(s, bea(ers and s'ray dis'ensers are labeled as 9$$NQ, OLNQ, L$NQ and #LNQ accordin* to the concentration of the CirdIs Eye chili e3tract used. . Grind 9$$*ras of CirdIs Eye chili and add #L$l of distilled )ater )hilst *rindin*. /he +uice is e3tracted and 'oured in a easurin* cylinder. Pour 9$$l of the *round CirdIs Eye chili e3tract into the bea(er labeled 9$$NQ,. nto the bea(er labeled OLNQ,OLl CirdIs Eye chili +uice is i3ed )ith an additional #Ll of )ater. /he bea(er ar(ed L$NQ )ill contain L$l of CirdIs Eye chili +uice i3ed )ith an additional L$l of )ater. /he bea(er ar(ed #LNQ )ill contain #Ll of CirdIs Eye chili +uice i3ed )ith an additional OLl of )ater. L.
/he CirdIs Eye chili +uice is 'oured into the res'ecti-e s'ray dis'ensers.
. 9$ cric(ets are 'laced in each of the tan(s. /he CirdIs Eye chili +uice is s'rayed into the tan(s. /he res'ecti-e concentrations of CirdIs Eye chili are s'rayed L ties in each tan(. /he nuber of cric(ets that reain ali-e e-ery %$ inutes for the ne3t # hours are counted and the results are recorded in the table *i-en belo). Oservation t is obser-ed that the hi*hest concentration of CirdIs Eye chili +uice, i.e. 9$$N, (illed all the cric(ets in the shortest aount of tie.
2uber of cric(ets that reain ali-e. after:
Eye chili +uice concentration $ i nu te s
9# $ i nu te s
#LN 9$ 9$
L$N 9$ T
OLN 9$
$ i nu te s
%$ i nu te s
$ i nu te s
9$$N 9$ % $ $ $ /he *ra'h belo) re'resents the results of our science 'ro+ect: !onclusion /he hy'othesis that CirdIs Eye chili e3tract )ill re'el and (ill cric(ets is 'ro-en to be correct. "rickets are insects that belong to the same family as grasshoppers. They make a loud# high pitched chirping noise that is comforting for some but can be irritating to others. $ne of the safest methods to repel crickets is to use pepper spray. %owe!er# care must be taken to a!oid contact with the eyes or plants. &epper can cause pain and irritation if it comes into contact with the eyes . "lso consider 1hat )ould ha''en if the e3'erient )ere to be re'eated usin* di7erent ty'e of 'e''ers li(e ca'sicu, red chilies or *reen chilies?
/he e3'erient can also be done usin* di7erent ty'es of insects li(e the *rassho''er or 'rayin* antis. #e$erences 2atural 'esticide alternati-es ! htt':))).essortent.coall'
2atural 'esticides ! htt':))).li-in*)ithbu*s.conaturalU'esticides.htl oe ade cric(et re'ellant ! htt':))).eho).co)ayULT9999Uhoeade!cric(et!re'ellent.htl 2ES/G4/=RJ PR=VE/
WM4K4CA4 42D > E@/R4/: 4 =ASE=>D 2SE/DEW /itle 4P/ER 2/R=DA/=2: 4n ant li-es e-ery)here on land, bein* the ost nuerous in insect s'ecies./hey li-e on under*round and create those earthier ounds. Soe li-es on trees and soe on hollo) 'arts of certain 'lants. /hey can be considered as a enace in our (itchen and dinin* hall. •
oc(roaches ha-e been a 'roble to any of us. /hey ay containate our food )ith the 8lth they carry, and causes sic(ness. 4nd itIs so hard a-oidin* these thin*s because they coe and *o )hene-er, )here-er.
/hese insects are 'ests once they are allo)ed to ulti'ly. /o control these 'ests, cheical insecticides are usually used in any of us but there are any harful e7ects in usin* those cheicals. 4on* those are dan*ers they threaten on our surroundin*s. t causes and adds to 'ollution. Soe 'lants 'roduce a distincti-e cheical or odor that can dri-e a)ay insects. Reali0in* the *ood 'otential of these 'lants in controllin* insects, botanical or or*anic aterials are used no), bein* considered instead of )ide s'read use of cheical ones. Since soe of this 'lants are coonly *ro)in* in our bac(yards, they are ine3'ensi-e and en-ironent friendly. /his study uses the e3tract of chili and a(abuhai 'lant to control 'ests in our house. /he a(abuhai e3tracts contains bitter substance and chili 'roduce s'icy li(e taste and sell. t is 'ossible that this taste and sell is o7ensi-e to insects. S/4/EME2/ =" /E PR=C>EM 9.6 s it e7ecti-e? #.6 s it en-ironental friendly? %.6 s it chea'er than the coercial ones? JP=/ESS 9.6 JES, it is e7ecti-e #.6 JES, it is en-ironental friendly since this 'lants are coonly *ro)in* in our bac(yards. %.6 JES, because )e can 8nd these 'lants in our bac(yards. SG2"42E /his study in-esti*ates the 'otential of the a(abuhai and chili e3tracts cobine to*ether as a household insecticide a*ainst ants and coc(roaches. /he i3ture )as ade into a solution )ith little )ater and s'rayed onto ants and coc(roaches at -aryin* concentrations. •
4P/ER REE1 =" RE>4/ED >/ER4/ARE ot chili 'e''er 5 ca'sicu nnum 6 s)eet and s'icy 5 fructeseedsolanceae 6 belon*s to the sae botanical faily as 'otato, toato, e**'lant and tobacco. /hey are thouht to ha-e been used 8rst in e3ico around O$$$ C, olubus brou*ht the to euro'ean 9Lth century. Pe''ers ade their )ay around the )orld and )ere brou*ht to north aerica )ith euro'ean colonists chili 'e''ers are found in abundant and chea' on 'hili''ine ar(et. hili 'e''er 'lants are decorati-e in your *arden or hoe. hili 'e''er 'lants *ro) in tro'ical or subtro'ical cliate 0ones. •
Ma(abuhai 'lants 5 tinos'ora "rispamenaspermacea 6 is a )oody cliber u' to 9L lon*, older stes )ith nuerous 'roinent 'riotusions, lea-es broadly heart sha'ed, o)ers )ith % 'etals, fruit an elli'soidal dru'e. =ran*e u' to #c lon*. tIs ste contains a -ery bitter il(y sa'. n 'riary rainforest or i3ed decidous forest throu*hout the 'hili''ines. n tro'ical area at altitude u' to 9$$$. Citter taste is not a*reeable to ost 'eo'le. 4P/ER ME/=D=>=GJ M4/ER4>S: hili5 %$$* 6 Ma(abuhai Stes 5 %$$* 6 Mortar and Pestle Cea(er Graduated ylinder Piece of loth S'ray Cottle Stirrin* Rod 1ater PREP4R2G "=R /E > E@/R4/: 9.6 ollect enou*h hot chili at least %$$*. #.6 Pound the )ith ortar and 'estle. %.6 4fter the +uice is e3tracted, add #Ll of )ater. .6 Strain the chili e3tracts and out it in a bea(er, set aside. PREP4R2G "=R /E M4K4CA4 E@/R4/: 9.6 1ei*h %$$* of a(abuhai stes. #.6 ho''ed it into sall 'ieces and then 'ound it )ith a ortar and 'estle. %.6 Soa( the 'ounded ste in #Ll )ater for #L inutes. •
.6 /a(e the stes out of the container and e3tract the +uice. L.6 Mi3 the chili and a(abuhai e3tract and add #Ll of )ater. 52=/E:/o a-oid bein* e3'osed to the solution, use *lo-es and *o**les.6 4P/ER RESA>/S 42D DSASS=2S , the researcher obser-e for only %$ inutes if the a(abuhai decoction and chili e3tract can (ill insects by testin* it to the s'eci8c insects, )hich are ants and coc(roaches. •
2AMCER =" /ES/ /ES/ 9 /ES/ # /ES/ % 2AMCER =" SPR4J SPR4JS =2 /ES/ 9 O SPR4JS =2 /ES/ # SPR4JS =2 /ES/ % 2AMCER =" =KR=4ES K>>ED # =KR=4ES 1ERE SE2/ /= E4E2 =KR=4ES 1ERE SE2/ /= E4E2 L =KR=4ES 1ERE SE2/ /= E4E2 /he inforation abo-e sho)s the nuber of coc(roaches bein* (illed by the a(abuhai decoction and chili e3tract. 4nd i co'are it to a coercial one that it is alost the sae. How to Ma%e &n% rom "lo(ati
Vuice fro the alu*bati fruit can be used to 'roduce red in(. lugbati (Basella ubra *inn) is more commonly known as +alabar spinach or "eylon spinach in the ,nited tates. -t is a fruit bearing plant nati!e to frica and East sia. ith simple materials# the juice from the alugbati can be used to create ink for writing that is safe to use and dark red in color. ccording to the red ink was used by court o/cials in ancient "hina for o/cial seals. Things 0ou'll 1eed • • •
4lu*bati fruit Mortar Pestle Sho) 56 More nstructions 2 hoose alu*bati fruit that is ri'e and dar( 'ur'le, the ri'er the better. Do not choose fruit that are o-erly ri'e and ready to s'oil, as the natural in( that )ill be ade can s'oil as )ell.
Stri' the fruit of its s(in and seeds, then 'ul-eri0e the reains )ith a ortar and 'estle. Strain the +uice into a *lass +ar. Ce sure to use a strainer 8ne enou*h to reo-e all of the fruit 'ul' fro the +uice. o
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lean u' your 'hotos reate ne) aster'ieces )ith little e7ort
))).freebac(* 4 4dd the rubbin* alcohol, -ine*ar and iodine to the +uice and stir until a sooth, e-en!colored liquid is 'roduced. 4dd the salt and continue to stir until all of the salt is dissol-ed into the liquid.
Place an air!ti*ht lid on the +ar. 4lthou*h the salt and -ine*ar )ill hel' 'reser-e the in(, it )ill still s'oil o-er tie and should be handled )ith the sae care as any other fruit +uice to ensure it lasts as lon* as 'ossible.