INTO THE DARK FOREST Since the beginning of time we, as a species, have been wary of that which lurks in the areas hidden from our sight. Deep caves, forbidden for generations, condemned manors, untouched by time, and endless labyrinths designed to keep evil inside are all elements that have become a staple of most fantastic games. So here at Aeternitatis we decided to give some options that let you develop characters that not only find themselves at home within these dark places, but that have survived or at least somehow been touched by their foul power. Designer Jorge Montalvo
Original concept Seiyi Kohayagawa
Concept art Seiyi Kohayagawa Foelina
Graphic design Seiyi Kohayagawa
Lima - Perú 2013
Watcher (Ranger Archetype) Not just hunters, but guardians, the watchers are the unofficial protectors of the civilized lands around the darkest corners of the world. Untainted (Su): Watchers are used to being exposed to the corrupting energies of haunted forests and groves, and thus have developed a strong resistance to their effects. Wardens gain a bonus on their saves against curses and diseases equal to half their class level. This ability replaces track. Sympathy for the Dead (Su): When faced with the effects of a haunt, a watcher can, as a full round action, appease the uneasy spirits of the cursed with a series of short prayers and pleas. This allows the watcher to make a diplomacy check with a DC equal to the DC to notice the haunt. If successful, the haunt goes dormant for 1d4 rounds during which time it cannot be activated again (unless a particularly sacrilegious act is performed against it at the GM discretion). If one or more creatures are under the effect of a haunt when this ability is activated, the effects are suppressed for this time as well, and disappear completely if the creature exits the area of the haunt before the 1d4 rounds have expired. This ability replaces wild empathy. Additionally, watchers do not gain Knowledge (Geography) as a class skill, instead they get Knowledge (Religion). Accursed Wanderer (Ex): Unlike a regular ranger, a watcher does not pick a particular favored terrain. Instead, the bonuses normally associated with this class ability apply to the watcher whenever he is on an area when a powerful curse or great evil is present. This bonus is +2 at 3rd level and increases by +2 at 8th level and every 5 levels thereafter. Some examples of this type of area include; terrain affected by a desecrate effect, manors and graveyards infested by the undead, manifestations of the lower planes on the material, ancient forests where ancient evils slumber, etc. The GM is the final arbiter on dictating when this bonus applies to a given area. This ability replaces favored terrain. Watcher’s Bond (Ex): Not only are watchers natural loners, but most regular animals are uneasy around the areas watchers frequent. Because of this, watchers instead gain a familiar as a wizard equal to their ranger level. This ability replaces hunter’s bond.
Unseen Guardian (Su): Beginning at 17th level the watcher is under the effect of a permanent hide from undead spell. The DC of this spell is equal to 10+1/2 his watcher level + Wisdom modifier. In addition, when a watcher is benefiting from her accursed wanderer bonus, her favored enemies also count as undead for the purpose of this effect (as long as their creature type is either fey, outsider or magical beast). When this spell would normally end due to an aggressive action, it is instead suppressed for 1d6 minutes.
Haruspex (Druid Archetype) There are some areas in the world where very few people dare go. These lost groves and forgotten caverns are often home to dark powers and ancient evils that threaten to spread across the realm. These forces, however, are part of a balance between good and evil that must be preserved, and preserve it the haruspex will, no matter the cost. Appease the Dark (Su): During the daily meditation required to regain her spells, a haruspex must make a small sacrifice to appease the dark forces she protects the world against. This sacrifice can take one of two forms. First, a living creature with a number of hit dice equal to or less than the highest level spell the haruspex can cast. Second, a small part of her own life force, by dealing herself an amount of damage equal to the highest level spell the harus pex can cast. This damage cannot be hea led until the next morning when the harus pex prepares her spells again. Additionally, the haruspex does not gain the ability to “lose” a prepared spell in order to cast any summon nature’s ally spell of the same level or lower. Monster Lore (Ex): Forced to constantly face and contain the entities that spring from the dark, the haruspex adds half her level on Knowledge checks to identify the abilities of evil fey, evil outsiders, aberrations and undead creatures. This ability replaces nature sense.
Untainted (Ex): As creatures in tune with the world around them, it is difficult for haruspex to not be touched by the corruption of the areas they often watch over. Because of this, most of them learn to seal those dark energies away into the wilder parts of their spirits, ready to be unleashed when necessary. Starting at 4th level, a haruspex gains a bonus on their saves against curses and diseases equal to half their class level. This ability replaces resist nature’s lure. Tainted Transformation (Su): At 4th level, a haruspex learns to tap into the dark energies stored within her soul whenever her wild side lets loose. When a haruspex uses wild shape, she may choose to add the fiendish template to the acquired form. Also, when she scores a critical hit against a good creature, she gains a +2 bonus on the attack roll to confirm the critical hit. Using this ability is considered an evil act.
Totemic Guardian
At 12th level, a totemic guardian adds the following conditions to the list of those that can be selected.
Totemic guardians are sent to protect the souls of would be heroes from the corrupting power of taint and evil. Their only mission is to guard their “masters” and ensure their destiny is fulfilled. Once a totemic guardian is chosen, a character may replace the companion if it is slain but may not choose a different kind of totemic guardian.
•Blinded •Deafened •Paralyzed •Stunned
Guardian of Soul (Su): At 3rd level, and every three levels thereafter, a totemic guardian can select one of the following conditions. Whenever its master would be affected by one of these conditions, the totemic guardian may, as an immediate action, suffer the full effects instead even if it would be an invalid target otherwise. This ability can be used as long as the totemic guardian is within 30ft of its master. At 3rd level, the totemic guardian can select from the following conditions.
Guardian of Body (Su): Starting at 9th level, the totemic guardian’s master is considered to be under the effect of a permanent shield other spell as long as she remains within 30ft of the guardian. This functions exactly as the spell except that the master does not gain the bonus to armor class or saves. This ability replaces multiattack.
(Companion Archetype)
•Fatigued •Shaken •Sickened At 6th level, a totemic guardian adds the following conditions to the list of those that can be selected. •Dazed •Diseased •Staggered At 9th level, a totemic guardian adds the following conditions to the list of those that can be selected. •Cursed •Exhausted •Frightened •Nauseated •Poisoned
This ability replaces share Spells*, evasion and devotion.
Guardian of Life (Su): At 15th level, when its master is the target of a death effect, a totemic guardian may choose to be the target of said effect instead. The totemic guardian may use this ability as an immediate action as long as it is within 30ft of its master and even if it would normally be outside of the range of the death effect (or be an invalid target). This ability replaces improved evasion. *For companions or mounts that do not get the share spells ability, this archetype can be taken ignoring that particular prerequisite.
On Corruption and Taint The taint of evil has always been a common trope in fantasy. However, finding a way to represent it mechanically has been (more often than not) somehow clunky with overcomplicated mechanics that cause more trouble than they are worth. With that in mind we tried to take a more straightforward approach to the subject matter in order to make it simple to use and mostly intuitive mechanically. Taint works exactly like hit point damage, except for the fact that it cannot be healed for as long as the character remains exposed to an area, creature or object that causes taint. It can, in fact, be considered as permanent hit point loss until the creature is away from the source of taint. Damage reduction or other effects that reduce hit point damage do not apply to taint. However, it is worth noting that a totemic guardian with the Guardian of Body ability may choose to suffer any mount of taint instead of its master. There are multiple things that can cause taint on a creature, and the GM is the final arbiter on what that is. However, these are some guidelines of what kind of situation would cause a creature to become tainted. -Critical hit within a tainted area (taint equal to the critical multiplier of the attack) -Energy drain (taint equal to the negative levels imposed) -Ability damage (taint equal to the amount of ability damage) -Critical failure on a save (taint equal to the equivalent spell level of the effect) The effect f taint persists until the creature has spent at least 24 hours away from any source of taint (cursed artifact, forgotten grove, dark portal, unimaginable monstrosity, etc.), at which point it dissipates naturally. However, when a creature’s taint becomes greater than their total maximum hit points, she goes into a comatose state of dark dreams and nightmarish hallucinations. At the GMs discretion, this can be replaced with other calamities more fitting to the source of the taint that is afflicting the creature. In any case, the condition should be crippling enough so the creature is of no use to anybody anymore. Some examples include raving madness, a horrific transformation, complete absence of morality, and possession by strange entities. This effect goes away when the creature’s taint becomes less than their maximum hit point total. This optional subset of rules works best with other conditions based on the number of hit points a character has.
Character Traits
Not only rangers and druids have developed the tools to fight back the taint of evil, so here are some feats available to any character who wants an extra set of tools to push back the darkness.
The following traits can be taken by any character that wants to have the taint of corruption and evil be part of them. These traits can be taken as either regional or social traits. If they are taken as regional traits, they reflect a character born in an area where dark forces are a palpable reality and influence every aspect of life. If they are taken as social traits, they represent that at some point during the characters life they were exposed (willingly or by accident) to foul corrupting powers.
Ancient Breed (Combat) Prerequisites: Animal Affinity, Animal Companion or mount class feature You have formed a bond with a descendant from the great natural guardians of legend –truly unique beings among their kind. When you select this feat choose one of your animal companions that has already had a 4th or 7th level advancement. If after that advancement the selected animal is still small or medium, that creature increases in size by one category. Follow the normal rules for size increase as detailed in the Pathfinder Core Rulebook. This feat can be taken multiple times. Uncorrupted (Combat) Prerequisites: Neutral Alignment, Wis 13 Some individuals have reached such a state of balance within themselves that the taint of evil and corruption can barely touch them. You gain a +1 on all saves against deceases and curses, as well as spells with the evil descriptor. Additionally, whenever you would gain any amount of taint, the amount is reduced by 1 to a minimum of 0.
Mark of Undead
Hobnailed Halflings Some Halflings have chosen a life of tranquility and peace, far away from cities and their politics. Focusing on the simpler side of life, this offshoot has developed a particular resistance to the corrupting effects of evil and taint. Hobnailed Halflings gain Uncorrupted as a bonus feat (see below). Rural Halflings do not gain the Halfling Luck racial trait.
The corruption of the undead runs through your body, and it manifests itself in the form of a patch of dead flesh that unnerves those who see it. Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus on Intimidate checks as long as your mark of undead is visible. Additionally, once per day you may react to positive and negative energy as if you were undead—positive energy harms you, while negative energy heals you. Mark of the Netherworld The evil power of the nether realms taints your soul, and it manifests itself in the form of a dark bloody sigil seared onto your skin. Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus on saving throws against the spells and spell-like abilities of outsiders. Additionally, once per day you may treat all your attacks for one round as evil for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Accursed Mark The signs of a powerful malediction are scattered all through your body, a reminder to not meddle with powers not meant for mortals. Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus on saves against spells and effects with the curse descriptor. Additionally, once per day when you would die from hit point damage, you may instead take 1 point of charisma damage and be reduced to 0 hp instead. Mark of Mischief The chaotic energies of evil fey flow around you wildly and no matter what you do they will not go away. Benefit: Anytime you gain a luck bonus on a roll, that luck bonus is increased by 1. However, you take a -1 penalty on saves against spells and spell like abilities of chaotic creatures.
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