On this day, Friday 13th of August, when we celebrate Hecate- Goddess of the Crossroads, we are proud to share with our Brothers and Sisters who walk this path our very first interview. interview. Let this this interview bring further insight insight to the ways of worship and serving our Dark Goddess, and at the same time reveal new information about the life and work of Queen of Hell author Mark Alan Smith, who two years ago left behind the security of an ordinary life in order to write a book on his workings with Hecate, his patron and guide guide in opening the the path and sharing sharing Her Gnosis with others. Queen of Hell was published by Ixaxaar on the 14th of April 2010 and it became became the first first book in the the series of the the Craft of Dark Magickal Transformation. During these past two years smaller glimpses of his work with Hecate have also been published in several occult anthologies such as Devoted, Diabolical, Hecate: Her Sacred Fires and Clavicula Nox.
Queen of Hell was published this past spring after an i ntense period spent channelling the gnosis, performing various rituals, rituals, writing it down and working with the Gods in order to complete all the material together. This finally led to the stage of publication after which you embarked upon two long journeys abroad abroad to bless the books books before they they were given to the readers. readers. To begin this interview, interview, can you tell us what was the spark that actually got you started working on this magickal book for Hecate and what you have gone through to complete this writing together?
The spark which inspired me to wr ite this book, and those which will follow it, came from t he Goddess
Herself. It was, you could say, an instruction to br ing forth Her gnosis and illuminate a certain path which She obviously felt needed much attention. From my ow n perspective I had wanted to give something back to Hecate. This was my way of honouring my Goddess. The work within the book is all based upon my own experiences. I won't write about something that I have not worked or experienced myself. I do not believe in asking people to follow a path that I myself have not walked. The rite of passage, so to speak, of bringing this book into manifestation was one of intense spiritual transformation which was initiated and guided at all times, both good and bad, by Hecate. This path started a long time ago, very early in my life, but the intensity of the transition has increased greatly over the last decade or so until it culminated in the manifestation of Queen of Hell. From t he necessity to weave my craft into the more mundane aspects of my life in order to effect certain required changes, to the intense spiritual communication in which I merge w ith Hecate in intimate communion, the gnosis that is contained within Queen of Hell was both brought into being and experienced. The two journeys from Spain to Finland were made to consecrate the books, first the standard edition and secondly the deluxe which was produced two m onths later. I wanted to ensure that each and every book was thoroughly and lovingly consecrated in proper ritual conditions so that the people who bought them received something that had within it t he awakened essence of Hecate and Her spiritual kin. In times when the word talismanic has been so abused by greedy commercially minded publishers and authors I aim to ensure that ever y single book that I write on be half of the Witch Gods receives my personal attention in this way. Intuitive people can immediately feel if the spirits of a magickal book have not been fully and properly awoken. This is both disappointing for them and also very wrong on behalf of both publisher and author if they have actually claimed that the book would be consecrated before release. I have never lost sight of the fact that the work which I perform on behalf of Hecate and the Withcraft Trident is an honour. The consecr ation is an integral and very important part of the preparation of these books.
You have basically sacrificed conventional living in order to fully devote yourself to Hecate; have you always heard the calling and been aware that you would become the Torchbearer of Her Gnosis?
Hecate has been a part of my life as long as I can remember. I have to confess though, that there was a time during early childhood that I did not know who or what She really was. I knew inside myse lf that it was not the sort of thing that one asks family or friends about. Unravelling this mystery and discovering the Dark Queen in Her many aspects was an integral part of my spiritual development. While She has always been there, I have to tell you that, no, I did not always know that I would become a Torchbearer of Her gnosis. There were many periods of my life where I was simply living life for me and enjoying it for what it was. My faith was always t here, though often tested, and my connection to Hecate has always been a source of inspiration and guidance but for many ye ars it never occurred to me that I would one day give much of it up to become one of Her spiritual warriors. In retrospect I can see now that various periods and events throughout my life were put in place to prepare me for this work that I perform now on behalf of the Goddess.
The book as a magical object was imbued with a serious focus upon every small detail to fully manifest the power of Hecate within its pages. Can you reveal more about the symbology behind these choices? What is the symbolic meaning and reason you used the Crown of Hecate and Trident of Witchcraft on the covers of Standard and Deluxe editions?
Each symbol within the book is related to a particular God, spirit or important aspect of the craft. All these symbols either make connections to, or open doorways upon, the inner planes; as well as to those who both dwell and rule within these re alms. The decision to use the Crown of Hecate was one which was made in order to illustrate, in symbolism, that which awaits the devotee who follows Her path beyond the realms of the universe of man to her throne. The Crown of Hecate is one of the Three Great Crowns of soul divinity which may be attained upon the path of spiritual transformation. Even the silk binding of the standard edition had to be perfect. It is the colour, or sexual kala, of Hecate's energy. The numbering of the books was also very important. 81 for the Trident edition, the number of Hecate's Witchcraft, the mystical number of the moon and part of the formula of reversion. 999 for the standard edition. The books are gateways through which the gnosis will be seeded. This number is specific to the formula of the t hree Gods of the Trident. It is why I will never allow a second edition or re-print of any kind of the books, basically because it is the will of Hecate that there forever be only 999 of each of these works. To r e-print them would be to directly defy Her and it would also just be about money. There is enough of that behaviour in the oc cult community as it is. The Trident which marks the cover of the 81 leather bound editions is a gr eatly misunderstood symbol. While many can relate to its overt significance within the Witchcraft; the three points of the Trident being representative of Belial, Lucifer and Hec ate; it also indicates the existence of a hidden path in this arte, one which leads below the Nightside realms, one which will be found only by those who pursue this work with fully committed heart and absolute soul devotion.
Each book provides a Key to the Powers of Hecate. Do you have a set number in mind for release?
Queen of Hell is the first book of the Trident. There are another two books which will be released to complete this Trilogy. This however is not the end of the path. There is so much that we have lost over the millenia. Between false religions re-writing history and destroying sacred texts and the shere refusal of mankind in general to accept what is essentially a return to a more ancient form of magick than that which is based around Christian dogma we really know and possess a lot less gnosis than we think. The first three books do contain keys. They are the keys to soul evolution and divine empowerment which will grant understanding of that which follows in later volumes. Because history has been re-written to suit the needs of the conquering civilisations of the time, because man has burned and destroyed much
of the true and very sacred gnosis of the Gods, the only way to return this knowledge is to attain it direct from the Gods of the various realms. To do that one must walk their path and undergo the multitude of initiations and tests which are encountered throughout this evolution of the soul.
At times in your texts there is mention about the Atlantean current, which is also described as `The Forbidden Current´. Can you elaborate how this current is interwoven within your own practice and spiritual path?
This is the current that was given to the first race of man. Delivered by the Gods it is pure magick. This current like all forms of unadulterated power is capable of corrupting the entire being, through its misuse. This corruption manifests all the way to soul level. Hence its title, The Forbidden Current. The paradox here is that this current is also capable of initiating tremendous leaps in soul evolution and as such forever remains an integral part of the path. The misuse of the Atlantean current br ought about the downfall of the first race of people. It is, like its Gods and its inner plane universe, sealed from that of our own worlds; yet accessable to those who have undergone the transmutations which are necessary in order to receive its power. As a spiritual race we are so very far behind in our evo lution. This clearly reflects upon our incarnate forms and one wouldn't have to look very far to see evidence of that around the world. The Forbidden Current is slowly being released back into our inner planes of spiritual existence, by the Dark Goddess and Her emissaries, in order to assist in our soul evolution. It is however as I have intimated a double edged power, one which holds within it the greatest spiritual gnosis of the Gods of the ancient Witchcraft and also the blackest of its artes; this is the balance of this current. As such the Atlantean curre nt requires its own emissaries, transmitters of such if you like, in order to release it through the gateways of their own souls and into the world soul within which we all exist. In this way we may return the greatest source of magick that was ever held by incarnate man to our own spheres of existence.
To quote the text, 'Not all who walk this path will reach its end, this is the nature of such work, inevitably some will fall.' Could you share the details of the greatest obstacles that befell you during the early days of your praxis?
My faith has been tested on many o ccasions. Tested but never broken. When I was younger I had a little difficulty in integrating the death of one or two friends in the military with the more spiritual side of my nature. In the end I had to realise a few things. One, that the choices they made were their own and that when it is time to go from the flesh, then it is time to go. Two that I cannot change everything, some things are meant to be. There is free will but there is also the will of the Gods, something which I have been subject to many times in order to prepare me, through lessons of both mundane and transmundane for the work that I do now.
The biggest obstacle that I faced was the disintegration of my entire lifestyle and foundation at a c ertain point when I chose to step way beyond the traditions and the guide lines of the craft. Basically I opened myself up singularly to the largest form o f soul transmutation that I had received to date at that point. This was done through a ritual that was g iven to me by Hecate and concer ned both the Dark Queen and Lucifer. Once performed it knocked my e ntire life, its foundation and structure to pieces. While some of the most potent gnosis and understanding was delivered, everything e lse around me fell. The hardest part was the intense and rather lengthy waiting process that I underwent before things began to improve, whilst never knowing if they actually would. This was the point at which Hecate watched to see if I would turn from the path. It sounds easy to do in theory, keeping ones faith, but when it hits every single aspect of mundane life in a negative way destroying all that once was then the questions begin to come don't they? I mean we do all this work for our Gods in love and honour and we can access all this power but nothing I did in this particular instance prevented the collapse of my life's infrastructure. In the end the one thing that nothing and no-one could take was my love for, and faith in, Hecate. I accepted that this was my life and it was my choice to open the gates, so to speak, which initiated this transition. Several months into accepting this and finding things in life that I st ill had and still loved so very much only re-enforced my love for the Goddess. I realised that all I really got was what I had actually asked for in the first place. I have written fairly extensively about this process to give as much understanding as possible to any who perform the ritual; it is in Queen of Hell. Several people have asked me about this rite and one or two don't seem to want t o grasp the magnitude of the effect s. This approach, based on the ego, is where the biggest lessons with works of intense soul transmutations such as this are delivered to us. There is only so much that one can describe before the eventual stage of, `If you really wish to see w ith your own eyes, then perform t he rite...´ is reached. I can say three things about this particular rite, the effec ts it had on my life and that which it may have on others. One, It tested me far more than the Toad Rite did. Two, the effects of transmutational rites such as these will differ from person to person. Three, it was the most remarkable and powerful transition at the time and for all that it took from me on the mundane, eventually; once I had proved that I was worthy of further attention and that my commitment was not, despite its length in years, hollow and false; so much more was returned. I have been allowed to walk a path that is only opened to those who are chosen for their earnest commitment and who will stand by this at the level of heart and soul, no matter what is thrown upon or taken away from them.
Have you ever belonged to or had any past associations with Covens or Orders who served Hecate? Do you feel that a devotee needs an order or mentor to back up one’s progress on this path?
No, I have never belonged to any order or coven at all. The question of whet her or not a devotee needs a mentor really depends on the individual devotee and the stage of their soul development. There are always going to be people who need to be pointed in the right direction. This is after all the purpose of seeding this gnosis through books. Once a devotee re aches the point within their path at which they have direct communication with Hecate or w homever their patron God may be then I feel that they need to be discerning regarding the input and views of others. For instance there are people out there in
the occult community who will swear that one can only get so far before they need a mentor. This is a very controlling and limiting thought process and is more geare d towards the material gain aspects of recruiting students than actually aiding people to ascend upon their paths. If you have managed through the works of transmutation to achieve contact and as such are receiving your gnosis, taught in whichever form, direct from your God why do you need another human being to instruct you? The role of the mentor should be one of m iddle man or woman. Someone who helps to bridge the gap between the mundane sphere of existence and t he realms of the Gods. The problem with people is that there are so very few who can bear to see another soar past t hem in terms of power and gnosis and so the all too familiar scenario of the mentor holding back the student manifests itse lf. Both this and the material aspect are pathetic human traits which have m anifested themselves in various organisations over the years. This is church like behaviour. The ironic thing is that both of these little trappings, that of the e go and that of material gain are two of the most prominent tests with which established, powerful and respected occultists are all too often caught out. They lose their way and forget that they are only actually emmissaries of the Witch Gods. The rules are simple enough though: On the material aspect there is a huge line between making a living through which to further the gnosis and taking advantage of people who genuinely wish to follow this path and who are bursting with love and enthusiasm for the work which lies ahead of them. On the spiritual aspect the best incarnate teachers o r mentors are those who would pride themselves in seeing their students rise above them; for then they have aided their own God or Goddess in the path of another great teacher, continuing the cycle and of course their own purpose. That said there are some very disciplined orders out there with immense personal integrity such as the Magan Lodge where the focus is completely geared towards the attainment of spiritual gnosis.
From your perspective, what are the personal qualities most valued by Hecate and how would you describe your own personality and values? How has your esoteric lifestyle and working with Hecate changed you?
Love, devotion and the willingness to put the interest s of the Goddess before your own are all integral to this work. It really depends though on w hat level you wish to work at. Simply by following Hecate you give love and devotion, yet if you w ant to be party to the greatest secrets and the hidden path of power then you will be asked to give more of yourself. Like any relationship it is give and take. We as people are very quick to hide from ourselves how much we actually ask from our Gods. Whether it is the gnosis of soul transmutation or their assistance in effecting change within and around our mundane sphere of existence, we do ask much of them. All that Hecate asks is that you give at least as much in return. She requires loyalty from Her followers just as we require the same from each other. My own values hinge very much on loyalty. I am very loyal. I do not like people to try and take advantage of that fact though. Disloyal beings do not stay in my life for very long. My work with Hecate over the years has led me from the obvious point of the desire for power and knowledge to the role of w anting to share that with others who are searching for something more in their lives. My life is now adjusted to the pursuit of soul evolution and the search for, and distribution of, this gnosis each day. That is not to say that I do not
rest, of course I do; but I am very highly motivated and totally committed to this path in Her name. I will spend the rest of this incarnation performing the work of Hecate. You could say that I was incredibly naieve; considering the connection that I had to Hecate; but for a long time I did wonder what my true purpose in life really was. Hecate didnt reveal it, not until I was ready anyway, perhaps because it would have altered my path. I know it now though. It is to bring this gnosis back and seed it in Her name. I know this is why I am here.
You have 13 years experience in the military and been involved in war. Your whole life has been about putting yourself to the limits physically and mentally, never stagnating. You have also experienced the destructive side of man both in yourself and within others. Do you think that your previous experiences were necessary in order to prepare and transform yourself to the work that you now do at this level?
Yes I do, absolutely. I was even given the m essage directly from Hecate that it was She who exposed me to some of the darkest of my experiences to prepare me for the work that I now do. Some of the gnosis that I will be releasing in the coming years was obtained through very intense magickal work. My military experiences certainly helped me through t he mind and soul stretching aspects of retrieving this work. Even physically I have found my craft intense, particularly during cert ain stages of ferocious possession in the deeper realms within which it has been necessary to merge at soul level with entities that are not quite as accustomed to working with the human soul as the mainstream Go ds of the Witchcraft and who, as such, are less than understanding about the elasticity of sanity and soul alike. These however are the realms which it has been necessary to e xplore in order to absorb the hidden gnosis which lies within them at soul level. Like so much of this arte, this gnosis cannot be simply told, it must be experienced in order to bring back enough knowledge that will give at least an understanding of what lies ahead. The experiences that I have had with both the darkest parts of myself and t hat of humanity in general, such as those of Kosovo during the war there have also served as motivation for bringing back this gnosis. They serve as a reminder why some of the work, which will in time have far reaching and worldwide implications, must be released. This work to which I refe r is not for those who are not ready to accept that the Gods are not something that we can just switch on and switch off as and w hen we cast a circle; it is in part the illustration that these Gods, Hecate in particular, take a strong interest in the world in which we live and are working with certain individuals to bring about various changes. These changes are not the fluffy dream scapes of peace that some would hope for. C hange can be painful, it can be pretty horrific, even w hen it is for the greater long term good. The gnosis that I speak of here is that which will, and has in some cases has already begun to, initiate huge changes throughout the incarnate world and its surrounding inner planes. This is work that will aid in reminding man that this world does not solely belong to him. This reminder has been given once or twice before; each time it was initiated by incarnate beings. Any who think that their Witchcraft is not so intimately linked with the future of the realm in which they currently incarnate are not really looking at the bigger picture or
asking themselves why the Gods interact with us so much. The horrors of Kosovo, what I saw ther e and some my experiences serve to remind me why such powerful gnosis needs to be released. The cause of that type of hatred that breeds so easily in people is also a motivating reminder of why the deeper gnosis of the true origins of the soul of man must also be released. There are certain established hierarchies that will not survive this gnosis and though their downfall may not be during this particular incarnation, the fire once lit will continue to burn until the truth is fully illuminated.
From Queen of Hell we witness the depth of your worship and communion with Queen Hecate in Her Chthonic aspects as Keeper of the Underworld. What of Her other manifestations such as Celestial Queen of Heaven and Earth? Have you worked with Her in this capacity?
In the book there are several references to Hecate as Queen of Hell, Heaven and Earth. I recognise Her dominion not only of these areas but of that which lies beyond as well. The throne of Hecate lies beyond the universe of man in the void. She holds sway over all within this universe. Yes I see Her love and feel her power in these other realms but I then see Her in all realms.
Some people have criticized your view of Hecate for being too 'dark' or too 'light'. What would you say to those who are vexed by your own understanding of Hecate?
I would use this question to help me answer in a little more depth the previous question. To those who deny the darker side of Hecate I would ask ` Do you only live in t he sunlight, do you deny the darkness of the night sky? ´ I would pose a similar, though reversed question to those who see my view of Her as too light. I actually see all views of Hecate and I recognise that She manifests to many different people in many different ways, quite simply because She is a multi-face ted and incredibly complex and ancient being. Hecate is interwoven throughout our worlds and our soul paths. She requires some souls to bring forth aspects of the light. She requires others to bring forth aspects o f the dark. The fact remains that the realms and polarities of light and dark ex ist for a multitude of reasons, not the least of which is to provide with us with free will and the ability to harness the power that is re leased when these two realms are merged within the catalyst of ritual sorcery. A total absence o f light or dark would remove the concept of free will and result in nothing more than spiritual slavery. The polarities of the light and the dark when merged are the keys to the powers of the heights and the depths, without the utilisation of both then there will always be certain gateways which remain closed. The preference of which realm within which to immerse oneself does not, and is not, affected by this provided that the ability to ensorcell the power of the other realm exists within the individual. Too many people confuse their own preference with the natural order of the universe. Hecate may manifest in any realm and holds power within all. My own view of Hecate is expr essed through my own experiences of Her and through the path upon which She wishes me to walk i.e. That of returning the lost and fragmented gnosis from the deeper realms within which it lies hidden. When I address Hecate as Queen of Hell, yes, I do refer to her
in a darker context that is fairly left of the centre path for those who are still trying to pidgeon hole me. However I also use this term with very strong references to the Hele or concealed realm; meaning that of the void, the location of Her throne and realm of the greatest and deepest secrets and powers of the Gods. As Queen of this realm Hecate is the Goddess who guides those with the courage to work at this level of the soul in the attainment of such gnosis.
What locations are most favorable to conduct rituals in honor of Hecate?
This really depends on the type of working. If it is to be one of meditative connection and possession then anywhere that you feel comfortable is the perfect area to work. The open sky though is a favourite of mine. Working under the open sky allows me to see the little gifts that are granted in reciprocation to my work, such as the odd shooting star. Any place of solitude is favourable to connect w ith the Dark Goddess but a cave will yield a very powerful connection to Her. Hecate was worshipped in caves a long time ago and they are excellent portals to the nether realms and places where some of the most potent vortices can be opened, granting the willing soul access to explore these hidden paths with Hecate.
Traditional offerings to Hecate include honey and wine, what offerings do you make for your own Devotions? What sacrifices do you tend to use during Ritual with Hecate?
I do give offerings of food and wine on occasion. I use a quite a lot of incense and that varies as to which other spirits or Gods that Hecate and I are working with at the time. Blood and sexual fluids are by far and away my biggest offerings. Blood because it holds the keys to manifestation and is the sustenance of incarnate life within which the Witchblood current is ensorcelled. I use a lot of sexual fluid, both as an offering and as a key with which to reify certain elements of the arte once it has been empowered with the kalas of the Goddess in intimate, magickal soul communion. These are the two main offerings or sacrifices which are present in almost every ritual in which I connect with the Gods and spirits o f the craft.
Could you explain to us more about your understanding of Lucifer and his position within the Primal Craft?
Lucifer is the first created Son of Hecate, torn from o ur Her own form. He is the true ruling God of this universe, who oversees the paths of both light and dark and is capable of commanding the forces of both. Lucifer is the Primary Initiator upon the Path o f Hecate, the God who ignites the flames of gnosis which transform the soul, elevating it through spiritual transmutation to a higher state of being from which a greater understanding of all things may be achieved. Of all Gods Lucifer is the one who is the
most misunderstood by the race of man. His own g nosis is part of that which will be re stored over the next few volumes of the work of the Trident. This will explore the aspects of Lucifer which have been forgotten or denied since before the existence of the false faith of the Catholic Church.
How did you come to find yourself working with the Spirits presented to us in Queen of Hell?
The meetings and encounters with all t he spirits and beings that I have come to w ork with over the years have all been orchestrated by the Dark Goddess. Hecate brings forth many spirits and beings to aid in the education and spiritual development of Her children. Some of the encounters were impromptu, others were occasions when I was aware that a new entity would become part of my working and teaching environment. These kin of Hecate bring with t hem their diverse knowledge which in turn expands the horizons of the incarnate children of the Goddess who are taught by them. This process allows a greater understanding of the cr aft as a whole.
How close do you feel your own worldview is to the writings of Cultus Sabbati and Andrew Chumbley?
I don't really know about comparisons with the Cultus Sabbati. I c an see where some may make a correlation, but that really only comes from some of the Traditional Witchcraft beliefs that we may share. I think anyone looking a little closer would see that though there are similarities betwee n our faiths, there are also a few substantial differences. Andrew was, from what I can gather, a very devoted individual who was incredibly passionate about his faith and his work. I never had the honour of meeting Andrew but he is someone from t he occult community whose name I hold in very high re gard. His work, in particular Azoetia, feels powerfully connected to the Primal Current of Hecate. The o ne thing that stands out to me about Chumbley's work is that Andrew himself was a pathfinder within the craft, he was someone who was able to forge ahead and illuminate the paths upon which true gnosis lies whilst still holding to the traditions of his faith. The way of the pathfinder is one with which I can stongly identify, it is a very powerful theme within my own work and the reason, I believe, why Hecate chose me for this particular stream of g nostic re-integration within Her arte.
According to your studies, releasing Queen of Hell marked the end of the first step in the return of Her gnosis and the beginning of the next phase of this great work. At present you are working on your second book, which is due to be released during 2011. How has everything changed after the release of Queen of Hell? Do you feel that the book has already reached some of the children of Hecate that it is meant to reach in this lifetime? Can you reveal any information about what we can expect from the second book?
Queen of Hell has reached many of the children of Hecate. Many copies are, I believe, in the hands of those who are meant to have them. There will always be a few which take a slight detour whilst enroute to their new homes but the Dark Queen and Her kin w ill ensure that they eventually reach their correct destination. These books are seeds of the Goddess' power, another form of conduit or doorway if you like, through which Her current flows to the incarnate plane. Already many people have begun writing to me, often because they are seeking a little guidance upon their own path. Some have questions about the book and that is fine, and some simply want to reach out to someone whose experiences are very similar to their own. I am aware that the numbers of those who contact me w ill grow over time and I have no problem with this. The advice that they rec eive costs nothing more than the time that it takes to write a reply and all those with whom I am now in contact understand that there are times when it may take me several days to reply to the due to the intense ritual work that I perform at certain and frequent inte rvals as well as my daily devotions, and also that I have much material to write in order to ensure the continual flow of this gnosis. The second book is a continuation of the path of the first. Again, like Queen of Hell, this second book has an underlying transmutational soul path within it; one which is a nece ssary compliment to that of the first. More of the lost and hidden gnosis will be restored within this volume as well the over turning of one or two accepted inaccuracies in certain magickal formulae which will, once adjusted, open gateways of power that have for too long remained sealed. There will be a return of much of the lost knowledge of t he origin of Lucifer as well as the adjustment of several misunderstandings regarding this multi-faceted God of the Witchcraft.
Finally, is there any advice or wisdom you wish to share with the readers?
Follow your path with true and committed hear t. Keep your faith and trust in your Go ds no matter what is laid before you. Never let a mortal being challenge the word of yo ur Goddess or God. If that word has been given in direct spiritual contact then follow the path which is laid before you by the Witc h Gods. Look beyond the constraints of the written word and the dogma it contains which has bee n formulated by the minds of other people. The Gods teach their greatest secr ets upon the inner planes, they deliver their harshest tests of faith upon the incarnate plane. The path of the Witch weaves through both and must be walked in all realms to succ essfully open the way for the spiritual transformations which are the evolutions of the soul.
With the Blessing of the Trident, In Nomine Hecate, Mark Alan Smith
* QUEEN OF HELL (IXAXAAR 2010) * Baptism of Fire in Hecate Her Sacred Fires (Avalonia 2010) * Understanding the Path in Clavicula Nox: Lilith (IXAXAAR 2009) * Faces of a King in Diabolical (Scarlet Imprint 2009) * Cutting the Cord in Diabolical (Scarlet Imprint 2009) * Love in the Darkness in Devoted (Scarlet Imprint 2008)