ast Papers Analysis According to Revised Syllabus
Paper I
The relations between the sovereign states of the world are becoming one of the most important aspects of contemporary life. Evaluate with reference to the importance of international relations. (2005 !omparatively !omparatively analy"e the basic philosophy of International #elations$ %Peace and &ecurity' has been challenged by the emerging %Economic #egionalism and ilitary Technologies' Technologies'.. (200) *iscuss the importance of International #elations as a field of study. (200+ ,!an you imagine a world with out inter-state relations, E/plain the importance of International #elations in the uclear age. (2010 *efine International #elations. Identify and e/plain its continuously changing and e/panding nature and subect matter (2011 *iscuss the development of the study of , International #elations, #elations, and define its core influential factors and define its role in the post cold war era (2012 *iscuss evolution and development of the discipline of International #elations3 define the dominant factors responsible for and e/plain their role in the post-cold war era.(2014
E/plain$ with e/amples$ the main principles of the E-#E67I&T &!87 9 T8:;8T in International #elations. 8ow does eo-#ealism differ from !lassical #ealism (200< E/plain$ with e/amples$ the main principles of the E-7I=E#67 &!87 9 T8:;8T in International #elations. 8ow does eo-7iberalism differ from !lassical 7iberalism>Idealism (200< Identify the main arguments of the #ealism and 7iberalism in International #elations. ?hich approach appeals to you as a better e/plaining International #elations and why *iscuss the empirical evidence. (2011
In the modern era the foreign policy is directly affected by the economic conditions of a country. *iscuss. (2001
E/plain the future of *isarmament with reference to the foreign policy f maor Powers. (2001 *efine , Economics as an instrument in foreign policy, and e/plain its fundamental characteristic which can help to achieve state@s obectives. (2012
8ow does domestic politics influence foreign policy decision maAing E/plain with reference to PaAistanBs policy towards India. (200< %In her foreign policy and trade$ PaAistan has never benefitted fully from the ideal ;eostrategic location'. *iscuss. (2015
NATIONAL POWER ,It is the national power both Tangible and Intangible that determines the actual as well as potential power of state,. In the light of this statement discuss in detail the nature the attributes of national power. (2002
IMPERIALISM *o you agree that 1+th century European International &ociety was merely a means of legitimi"ing Imperialism (#e-E/am 201C
INTERNATIONAL LAW International system creates interactions among states through diplomacy$ international law$ and economic relations. !omments. (2005 %*evelopment of International 7aw and rgani"ation are the efforts of all states to maAe International &ystem less anarchic'. Elucidate the statement. (200D *efine and e/plain the international 7aw. *oes International 7aw have any real role in international #elations (2011
*iscuss ,ationalism, and define its silent features in the post cold war situation and e/plain its grave conseuences with reference to eastern Europe$ 6frican continent and &outh 6sian tragic incidents. 6lso debate whether the : and superpowers played any role in preventing bloodbath in the regions. (2012 Is nationalism ultimately about preserving cultural identity against global pressure towards homogeni"ation *iscuss.(#e-E/am 201C
GLOBALIZATION Is globali"ation under threat because of world economic crises (201C *efine the term globali"ation. *o you believe its prospects are threatened because of the current economic crises in general and third world economies in particular.(2014
8ow can a ation state best protect her interest and identity in a transitional ?orld rder (200D *escribe and discuss the concept of ation-&tate and evaluate its future in the light of certain recent developments. (200+ *escribe the basic features of modern nation state. ?hat are the dangers to its future (2010
In the conte/t of its nature$ purpose and devices$ how does balance of power influence regional systems (2005 8ow does domestic politics influence foreign policy decision maAing E/plain with reference to PaAistanBs policy towards India. (200< *escribe interactions among ations through diplomacy for establishing balance of power to preserve their ational Interest. (200) !ritically discuss the concept of =alance of power in the light of 8ans orgenthau@s thought. (201C E/plain the concept of =alance of Power in international relations and evaluate its relevance after the demise of &oviet #ussia.(2014
DIPLOMACY International system creates interactions among states through diplomacy$ international law$ and economic relations. !omment. (2005 *escribe interactions among ations through diplomacy for establishing balance of power to preserve their ational Interest. (200) *iscuss ,*iplomacy, and define its Ainds. E/plain diplomatic means which can help to resolve disputes and conflicts in the world. (2012
*o you believe that *iplomacy is the ultimate way to resolve international desputes ?hat diplomatic means are significant to reali"e that goal in general and PaAistan-India in particular (2014
WAR and PEACE ?ar and Peace are conflicting values of International Politics. 6 state cannot encourage one without sacrificing other. *escribe three means of peace and security in nuclear age. (200D
INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM The economic power determines the superiority and political domination of a country in International &ystem *iscuss. (2004 International system creates interactions among states through diplomacy$ international law$ and economic relations. !omments. (2005 The emergency of sovereign state as a primary actor was ust the beginning of the evolution of modern International &ystem. 6ssess the pace of change in International #elations from 1D15 to 1+14. (200D %*evelopment of International 7aw and rgani"ation are the efforts of all states to maAe International &ystem less anarchic'. Elucidate the statement. (200D 8ow effective the : in dealing with global problems. ?hat will the International &ystem looA liAe in the year 2050 (200D
Economics realities compelled the members of the developing world to demand for the establishment of ew International Economic rder. ;ive your comment. (200+ ,6fter the downfall of !olonialism. The western Powers have embarAed upon a new policy of ,Economic Imperialism, through I9$ ?orld =anA$ ulti-nationals and ?T,. *o you agree &ubstantiate (2010
UNITED NATIONS 8ow effective arc international organi"ations in dealing with the global problems. *iscuss with particular reference to the : from 1+45 to present. (2005 The two great wars had dismantled colonialism and created Third ?orld and on-6lignment ovement. 8ow did the : ustify its role in the ?orld 6ffaris. (200) 8ow effective the : in dealing with global problems. ?hat will the International &ystem looA liAe in the year 2050 (200D *iscuss the significance and increasing role of International &ociety in the classically
sovereign domains of state with reference to :nited ations. 6lso debate whether the : in its present structure of status can play the increased role e/pected of it (2011
8ow would a realist analy"e the current problems in International Politics3 (2005 *iscuss the significance and increasing role of International &ociety in the classically sovereign domains of state with reference to :nited ations. 6lso debate whether the : in its present structure of status can play the increased role e/pected of it (2011
?rite a critical analysis of the theory of F!lash of !ivili"ationsB. ?hat are the prospects of a dialogue among !ivili"ations (200< ?hat are the principal challenges and potential opportunities for economic liberali"ation and democrati"ation in the uslim world (200< *E!#6TIG6TI 9 :&7I ?#7* %Europeans transformed ?estphalian &ystem of &tates into empires during 1
Shor No!" &hort &hort &hort &hort &hort
otes 8uman rights violations3 (2005 otes Politics of environmental protection. (2005 otesTerminology of 69-P6J (2015 otes E.!.. (2015 otes .I.! (2015
Paper II
!ritically evaluate 6merican foreign policy towards PaAistan. (200+ !arry out a comparative analysis of :& foreign policy towards &outh 6sia during and after the !old war.(201C
6naly"e and elaborate the changes in !hinese foreign policy since the death of ao dse dung. (2002
!ritically evaluate 6merican foreign policy towards PaAistan. (200+ ,The Jashmir problem has been mishandled from the beginning and every successive ;overnment in PaAistan has contributed to that,. !ritically e/plain the statement. (2010 E/plain why$ despite being target of terrorism$ PaAistan@s international allies often publicly e/press dissatisfaction with PaAistan@s counter terrorism policy and actions Is this a failure of PaAistani diplomacy or weaAness in its policy Identify the fault and suggest corrective measures$ if reuired. (2011 !ritically discuss ,PaAistan@s participation in &E6T and !ET , and e/plain political$ strategic$ and economic causes and define its potential disadvantages for the country@s foreign policy and diplomacy. (2012 *iscuss the economic and strategic importance of ;awadar port for PaAistan and for the region. (2015
PAKISTAN-INDIA E/plain the impact of India-PaAistan nuclearisation on strategic stability in &outh 6sia. (200< 8ow does domestic politics influence foreign policy decision maAing E/plain with reference to PaAistanBs policy towards India. (200< &ince &outh 6sia has been dominated by the antagonism between India and PaAistan$ what impact do nuclear weapons have on the balance of power in the region. (200D
?ill !hina become an Economic &uper Power in 21st century ?hat should :&-Policy be towards the moderni"ation of !hina (2005 *iscuss the strategic importance of ,Indian ocean, in the post cold war scenario and analy"e the role of the :nited &tates and !hina in the region. 6lso identify vital political$economic$and strategic interests of both great powers in the contemporary geopolitical situation. (2012 PaAistan-!hina relations are historic and times tested$ have devolved a momentum of their
own and are continuing. E/plain. (2015
AFGHANISTAN 8ow do you perceive :& military engagement in 6fghanistan and Ira and its implications in near future (200) !ritically *efine , 6merican interests in 6fghanistan, and e/plain its political strategic failure in the region and its unnecessary pressure on paAistan to ,do more, which can destabili"e the regional scenario rather than stabili"ing the situation. 6lso discuss the serious impact of the 6merican war on terror on the PaAistan@s state$ &ociety and system. (2012 Hisualise the post-Taliban scenario in 6fghanistan and discuss its implications for PaAistan. (2015
8ow do you perceive :& military engagement in 6fghanistan and Ira and its implications in near future (200) *iscuss the role of uclear *iplomacy in &outh 6sia with particular reference to$ %:& Indian uclear deal has activated Indo-#ussian uclear !ooperation'. (200) ,The 6l- Kaeeda phobia has made :&6 a neurotic &uper Power. &he is disregarding the norms of International 7aw and *iplomacy,. aAe your comments by a brief survey of :& ;lobal Policy. (2010 *iscuss the strategic importance of ,Indian ocean, in the post cold war scenario and analy"e the role of the :nited &tates and !hina in the region. 6lso identify vital political$economic$and strategic interests of both great powers in the contemporary geopolitical situation. (2012 !ritically *efine , 6merican interests in 6fghanistan, and e/plain its political strategic failure in the region and its unnecessary pressure on paAistan to ,do more, which can destabili"e the regional scenario rather than stabili"ing the situation. 6lso discuss the serious impact of the 6merican war on terror on the PaAistan@s state$ &ociety and system. (2012
6nalyse the causes and events of the 6rab Israeli war of 1+<) ?hat were it implications (#e-E/am 201C
*escribe the efforts of 6frican ational !ongress against 6partheid regime of &outh 6frica.
8ow for was ;ermany responsible for the outbreaA of war in 1+14(#e-E/am 201C ?#7* ?6# I Elucidate the impact of world war II on the decoloniali"ation process in 6sia. (201C *iscuss and e/plain the causes of ?orld ?ar II. !ould a different policy by =ritain$ 9rance and :&6 have avoided its occurrence (2011
!ritically discuss the origin and developments of the cold war and its conseuences on world politics. (200+ *iscuss and analy"e the role of &oviet :nion during the !old ?ar. ?as it a stabili"ing or destabili"ing factor in International #elations Elaborate your answer with reference to theory and facts.(2011 *iscuss the development of the study of , International #elations, and define its core influential factors and define its role in the post cold war era (2012 *iscuss the strategic importance of ,Indian ocean, in the post cold war scenario and analy"e the role of the :nited &tates and !hina in the region. 6lso identify vital political$economic$and strategic interests of both great powers in the contemporary geopolitical situation. (2012 *o you agree that the post-!old ?ar international scenario has generated more constraints that opportunities for PaAistan@s foreign policy If so$ what those &uggest measures enabling PaAistan to face the @new challenges@.(2014
The post !old ?ar$ ?orld rder promised Peace$ &ecurity$ *emocracy$ uclear onproliferation and 8uman #ights protection. 6ssess its repercussions at present confronted by the world community in the conte/t of Terrorism$ uclear Proliferation$ ;lobali"ation and erosion of 8uman *ignity. (200)
&hort otes *etente (2002 *efine *etente. Is a *etente possible between India and PaAistan ;ive your arguments. (200C
&hort otes *eterrence (200C ?hat is nuclear deterrence Is it an appropriate Policy ?hat are alternatives to nuclear deterrence (2005
NUCLEAR PROLIFERATION ?hat is nuclear proliferation 8ow far the :nited states of 6merica is ustified in maAing a nuclear deal with India (200+ ?hat nuclear proliferation concerns have stemmed from the dissolution of the &oviet :nion 8as the western world been able to address these concerns (#e-E/am 201C *o you support the argument that Iran-:& nuclear deal will bring a new wave of instability in the region and can also cause serious implications for global non-proliferation regime (2014
TERRORISM &hort otes Terrorism3 (2005 &hort otes !ontrol of ass destruction weapons3 (2005 ?hat are the main problems in defining FterrorismB 6lso narrate the implications of the %?ar on Terrorism' for International 7aw. (200< Terrorism has compelled every one to thinA$ %o one can be trusted and every one is to be feared.' *iscuss an appropriate response to *omestic and International terrorism. (200D E/plain why$ despite being target of terrorism$ PaAistan@s international allies often publicly e/press dissatisfaction with PaAistan@s counter terrorism policy and actions Is this a failure of PaAistani diplomacy or weaAness in its policy Identify the fault and suggest corrective measures$ if reuired. (2011 %6 single catastrophic event %ine Eleven'$ has turned the world topsy-turvy'. (2015 The phenomenon of terrorism has occupied centre stage in todayBs world. 8ighlight the difference between terrorism and freedom struggle. *iscuss the issue of terrorism in bacAdrop of what is happening in Palestine$ 6fghanistan and Jashmir. (2015
BALANCE OF TERROR ,=alance of terror and not of Power is helpful in maintaining Peace in the nuclear Power age !omment. (2001 &hort otes =alance to Terror (2004
*efine balance of terror. 8ow far it has succeeded in preventing a maor war in the world (2010
?hat factors were responsible for the creation of the ?6#&6? and 6T pacts !an 6T@s continuing e/istence be ustified (200+ Elucidate the significance of 6T during the !old ?ar and discuss whether it is still useful for European security in the contemporary era (#e-E/am 201C
E/plain the socio-economic and Political !ompulsions which led to the formation of #egional =locs. (2010 ,6fter the downfall of !olonialism. The western Powers have embarAed upon a new policy of ,Economic Imperialism, through I9$ ?orld =anA$ ultinationals and ?T,. *o you agree &ubstantiate (2010 !ritically discuss ,PaAistan@s participation in &E6T and !ET , and e/plain political$ strategic$ and economic causes and define its potential disadvantages for the country@s foreign policy and diplomacy. (2012 !ritically evaluate the oining of ?estern 6lliances (&E6T L !ET by PaAistan and e/plain its political$ economic and strategic conseuences for the state@s policy.(2014