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Methods Design. The study utilized the quantitative-descriptive survey. Locale Locale and Populati Population on.Th .The e study study was was condu conducte cted d in three three (3) (3) baran baranga gays ys with with the high highest est total total popu popula latio tion n which which are baran baranga gay y Irisa Irisan, n, Asin Asin Road Road and and Camp Camp 7. The The targe targett popula population tion was taken taken by utilizin utilizing g the Slovin’ Slovin’s s formula formula which which yielded yielded 393 respondent respondents.Th s.The e researchers researchers used cluster sampling specifically multi stage sampling and fish bowl technique for picking up possible respondents. Inclusion criteria for the respondents were male and female aging from 20-64 years old, were not diagnosed to have hypertension and were able to read and and write write.. Also, Also, the the resea research rchers ers used used propo proporti rtion onat ate e sampl samplin ing g to dete determi rmine ne how how many many respondents will be selected in a certain barangay. There was more than one member of the households that met the criteria during the study therefore the researcher’s only selected one to become the respondent. Data Gathering Tool. Tool . A questionnaire was used as a tool in gathering the data. The questionnaire was composed of three parts. Part one was the fly cover addressed to the chosen respond respondents ents.. Part two contain contained ed the needed demographic demographic data. Part three was the main questionnaire which was answerable by yes or no. Questions were based from books and research journals. The respondents were asked to put a check mark to their preferred choice. The tool had undergone content validity index and pretest procedure. The content validity index obtaine obtained d a score score of 0.98 0.98 thus valid. For the pretest pretest procedu procedure, re, Pearson Product Product Moment Moment Correlation Coefficient was used revealing 0.884 which means the questionnaire is reliable. Data Gatherin Gathering g Procedu Procedure. re. Comm Commun unic icat atio ion n lett letter ers s duly duly sign signed ed by the the grou group p representative, research adviser, Department Head and the school Dean were addressed to the Barangay Captains of Irisan, Asin Road and Camp 7. After the respective Barangay Captains’ permission to conduct the study in their Barangay, the researchers started the ocular survey
noting the different streets, location and household number. Spot mapping was done as a guide for locating the household. The researchers got five “puroks” per barangay by utilizing the fishbowl technique followed by proportionate sampling for the distribution of the target population of 393. The respondents were selected via fishbowl technique listing all the household number per chosen “puroks” considering the inclusion criteria needed. For households that were impossible to reach as well as putting the researchers’ safety at risk the researchers drew another household number. Thirteen researchers subdivided into three subgroups conducted the research in the three chosen barangays. One group composed of five members was assigned to Barangay Irisan while the other two groups with four members each were assigned at Barangay Asin Road and Camp 7.
Each subgroup was again divided into two members and utilized the
fishbowl technique in obtaining their specific “puroks” followed by drawing household numbers for data gathering perse. Upon reaching the target household, the researchers established rapport through greetings, introduction and explanation of the purpose of visit. The researchers then asked consent from the respondent in certain household. Respondents who refused were politely accepted and were given gratitude for accommodating the researchers. In this case, another household numbers were drawn from that specific “purok” in replace of the respondents who refused. Before handling the questionnaire, respondents were informed that the data gathered will be confidential and only the researchers can read and use the data. Also, the respondents’ anonymity was maintained. Afterwards, questionnaires were given to the respondents and explained how he/she will answer the tool and state that all questions should have answers. Collection of the tools was done after answering.
Statistical treatment The researchers utilized the mean to treat specific question .
number one specifically diet and physical activity. The researchers came up with a Likert scale that was used to interpret the data: Not knowledgeable, low knowledgeable, moderately knowledgeable and highly knowledgeable. For diet, the highest possible correct answer was twenty (20) and lowest possible correct answer was zero (0) while for physical activity category the highest possible correct answer was ten (10) and lowest possible correct answer was zero (0). The questions under study were treated by using descriptive and inferential statistics. Frequency distribution and percentages measured the data about the respondents’ profile, while the weighted mean determined the extent of knowledge on prevention of hypertension according to diet and physical activity. The inferential statistics included t-test which measured the significant difference in extent of knowledge on prevention of hypertension according to age and gender, and f-test which measured significant differences in the extent of knowledge on prevention of hypertension according to educational attainment.