recycling waste tire rubber by modified structure of the vulcanized waste rubber employing microbesDescripción completa
Weight loss is a basic issue in today's general public with obesity on the increase and individuals at long last acknowledging what being overweight is doing to their bodies, their well-being and in the end their ways of life. Weight loss is useful f
how to dominate in life.
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Payment of Gratuity (Central) Rules FORM 'F' See sub-rule (1) of Rule 6
To, (Give here name or description of the establishment with full address) The ABC AB C Company Co mpany Lt Ban!alore
I, ShriShrimati!umari ShriShrimati!umari Ch "areesh #umar ("ame in full here) whose particulars are #iven in the statement below, hereb$ nominate the person(s) mentioned below to receive the #ratuit$ pa$able after m$ death as also the #ratuit$ standin# to m$ credit in the event of m$ death before that amount has become pa$able, or havin# become pa$able has not been paid and direct that the said amount of #ratuit$ shall be paid in proportion indicated a#ainst the name(s) of the nominee(s)% &% I hereb$ certif$ that the the person(s) person(s) mentioned mentioned isare isare a member(s) member(s) of m$ famil$ within within the meanin# meanin# of clause (h) of Section & of the 'a$ment of Gratuit$ ct, 1*&% +% I hereb$ hereb$ declare that I have have no famil$ famil$ within the the meanin# meanin# of clause clause (h) of Section & of the said ct%
(a) $ father fathermot mother herpare parents nts isar isare e not not depende dependent nt on on me% me% (b) $ husband.s fathermotherparents isare not dependent on m$ husband%
/% I have e0cluded e0cluded m$ m$ husband husband from from m$ m$ famil$ famil$ b$ a notice notice dated dated the Not Re$uire the controllin# authorit$ in terms of the proviso to clause (h) of Section & of the said ct%
6% "ominati "omination on made made herein herein invalida invalidates tes m$ previou previous s nominatio nomination% n%
Name in full %ith full
Relationship %ith
A!e of
Proportion &y %hih
aress of nominee(s)
the employee
the !ratuity %ill &e share
( )
Ch ,imhahalam
Ch 0ayala1shmi
+% So on%
,tatement 1% "ame of emplo$ee in full Chaaram "areesh #umar &%
Se0 Male
Reli#ion "inu
% hether unmarriedmarriedwidowwidower 2nmarrie /% 2epartment3ranchSection where emplo$ed "uman Resoure 3epartment 6% 'ost held with Tic4et "o% or Serial "o%, if an$ 4mployee 53 6 ..+ *% 2ate of appointment -7.*7.8 9:
'ermanent address5 Aress Of 4mployee ,houl Be Mentione "ere illa#e
'ost 7ffice
'lace5 Ban!alore
4mployee ,i!nature Si#natureThumb-impression of the 8mplo$ee
2ate5 -7.*7.8
3elaration &y ;itnesses
"omination si#nedthumb-impressed before me "ame in full and full address of witnesses%
Si#nature of itnesses%
G 2ay Bhas1ar< Ban!alore< #arnata1a
,i!nature Of ;itness
, ,unil #umar< "yera&a< Anhra Praesh
,i!nature Of ;itness
'lace5 Ban!alore 2ate5 -7.*7.8
Certifiate &y the 4mployer
9ertified that the particulars of the above nomination have been verified and recorded in this establishment% 8mplo$er.s Reference "o%, if an$ 4mployee 5 6 ..+ Si#nature of the emplo$er7fficer authorised 2esi#nation 4mployer ,i!nature 2ate5 -7.*7.8
"ame and address of the establishment or rubber stamp thereof% Aress ,tamp Of 4sta&lishment
A1no%le!ement &y the 4mployee
Received the duplicate cop$ of nomination in :orm .:. filed b$ me and dul$ certified b$ the emplo$er% 4mployee ,i!nature 2ate5 -7.*7.8
Note:=Stri4e out the wordspara#raphs not applicable%