Table of Contents Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 2 Prerequisites .................................................................................................................................... 2 Configuration ................................................................................................................................... 3 Thumbnail & Push button option: ........................................................................................................ 5 Push Button Only option: ..................................................................................................................... 6 SAP Logo with Push Button option: ...................................................................................................... 6 Test example .................................................................................................................................... 7
Introduction It’s often requested by most of the retailer to add their product images into article masters in SAP. This helps business users to see the product and not have to remember it by the article number it self. SAP IS Retail solution as well as SAP FMS (SAP Fashion Management Solution) supports for this business requirement as an out of the box functionality. Today, let’s see how we can add such product images to article masters in SAP FMS.
Prerequisites • All images should be saved in the format of either JPG, BMP or GIF only. Please note that, JPG and JPEG are two different image formats. • Image file name should be renamed with the article number. For example, if your article number is 69, the image of that article should be renamed as 22000648. (eg: 22000648.gif) • All images should be loaded into one folder in a network shared drive or local machine folder. If you’re choosing local folder, all images should be loaded to same folder path in every user. Therefore, it’s always advisable to load it to a network drive. For demonstration purpose, I will have one article (#69) in my SAP FMS system and the image of that article “69.gif” was saved in the below local folder.
Based on above, my local folder path for images is; C:\Users\AnupaWijesinghe\Pictures\Pictures
Configuration IMG Path:
Maintain below entries under this configuration node.
Note: • Under “Server Path” field, specify the folder path, where you have saved all your images. Server path should be maintained in the format of: file://\\dir1\dir2\dir3\dir\
In my example it will be; file://C:\Users\AnupaWijesinghe\Pictures\Pictures\ • The width (col) and Height in Rows that you specify in under “Full Image” section determines how large the image should be appearing when user click on the image or push button in the article master. You can test and determine what sizes are matching to your organization. • Under “File Type” field, specify the file types that your images are saved. As shown below, only 3 file types are supported.
• Under “Control Data” section, you can setup how you want to see the image inside the article master. For example,
Thumbnail & Push button option: • if you want to Thumbnail view to appear and a push button to view the large image, then you have to select option “A”
In that case, the article master will be as below;
Push Button Only option:
SAP Logo with Push Button option:
Test example Go to article master in change or display mode Transaction: MM42 / MM43 • Go to “Basic Data” tab
• When you click on the enter key, please make sure to set the below flag
• You will see a new section opens up in that tab for image data 7
• When you click on the
button, you will see the full image as shown below
• If you have separate images uploaded for variant article numbers, those can be seen under button option
Author: Anupa Wijesinghe E-‐Mail:
[email protected] /
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