How Technical Technical Remote Viewing Works by Jeff Lucas, Editor of The Signal Line Technical Remote Viewing is a highly structured and standardized technique that allows you to consistently obtain accurate information, on demand, using a rigorously applied set of protocols. It is a trained ability to acquire accurate direct knowledge of things and eents ! targets ! distant in time or space, while conscious awareness remains totally "blind" to details about the target itself. It is a data collection skill. #ike any other skill, practice is required to become proficient. The TRV TRV techniques techniques result in an accurate transfer of information from the iewer$s unconscious mind into conscious awareness, before the aware, creatie, and analytical part of the mind has time to distort, contaminate, or otherwise interfere with the data flow. The target information is then conerted into words or sketches, using only a pen and plain white paper. %uring %uring this process, the iewer becomes linked directly to the collectie unconscious ! also referred to as the &atri'. The process works whether the target is in the ne't room or on the other side of the world. This information can e'ist anywhere in time or at any point in the (nierse, as mind e'ists outside of time and space. ®
)ll humans hae the innate potential to receie detailed information on a target, using only their minds. *ut throughout history, only a small number of e'ceptional natural psychics deeloped their ability to a point of repeatability and consistency. It was not until the late twentieth century when the (.+. intelligence community poured millions of research dollars into the area of psychic functioning that a true breakthrough was realized. In an effort to use psychics for intelligence intelligence gathering purposes, the %efense Intelligence )gency contracted +tanford Research Institute to deelop a reliable technique that could be used to collect accurate information on distant targets. The outcome of this research was a set of protocols and a training program that allowed irtually anyone to be trained to perceie psychically deried information, while surpassing the accuracy of the best known natural psychics. or the first time, a remote iewer could learn how to consistently separate imagination from true target data and remain locked on to the target signal. (nlike earlier research inoling "out!of!body e'periences" and freestyle -'tended Remote Viewing -RV/, -RV/, the remote iewer worked fully conscious at a state of high attention. The protocols were designed to slowly bring the iewer to closer target contact, working from the general to the specific, collecting bits and pieces of d ata in a specific and structured manner, with all iewers following the same rigorously applied si' stage process. Remote Viewing as an Applied Military Intelligence Tool
The refinement and deelopment of the process did not end in the laboratory. In the %efense Intelligence )gency$s unit, these remote iewing procedures were tested against top secret and distant targets often inoling life or death situations ! a motiating factor wh ich simply does not e'ist in the laboratory research enironment. The work these iewers
produced had to be accurate and they used it to sae lies, find hostages and sole comple' problems inoling the security of the (nited +tates. This resulted in improements in the techniques and training regimen and brought great strides in perfecting the accuracy o f the skill. It was now a highly accurate military intelligence collection and problem soling tool, applied by highly disciplined military intelligence officers. 0ne of the training officers of the remote iewing unit formed a priate corporation, in 1232, and the former presiding 4eneral of I5+60& Intelligence +ecurity 6ommand/ sat on the board of directors, to help usher this technology out of the confines of secrecy and into the priate sector. That company is 7+I T-68. How does TRV work?
irst, a target cue or name is formulated and assigned a set of eight random numbers, which sere to keep the process blind and act as a label for administratie purposes. The iewer only receies these numbers and then follows the stages of TRV structure, in order, working for usually forty fie minutes in a single session. In the end, the iewer working alone or in concert with a team, almost always has an e'tremely accurate description of the target, including sketches and often the solution to a problem. Where does the information come from?
Think of all of the information in the entire unierse e'isting as patterns of information, at a single dimensional space eneral !lbert "# Stubblebine - Former Chairman of the Board somewhere. Think of a computer disk. -'cept this library of of PSI TECH information is actie. It isn$t passie like a regular library or a random access memory disk. It$s as if your personal unconscious mind is interfacing with a library that$s talking to you. )nd the way that the books are stored, in this collectie unconscious, is in the form of information patterns. -ach of these patterns is unique for eery person, eery place, eery thing and eery eent. 9hen Technical Remote Viewing , you are turning your unconscious mind toward these specific patterns of information that you or your tasker is interested in, in a consistent and ery accurate manner, producing descriptions in terms of words, and sketches that fit this pattern ! this target. That is essentially the way that the unconscious mind communicates data to conscious awareness, when your mind is trained in this skill. ®
7roperly creating a target cue is analogous to an internet search, or a library search for those of you who are unfamiliar with internet search engines. In a library, you fill out your library card, and you gie it to the librarian, and if you$re interested in, let$s say )braham #incoln, the librarian comes back with seeral books, or tomes, on )braham #incoln. If you$re interested in something that$s more specific that only e'isted momentarily, then you might only get one book. If you conducted a library search or an internet search on something that was an abstract or general term like "medical cures," you$d get dozens of books. *ecause, in
that case, you$re dealing with a ery general term that is associated with other abstract ideas, a problem for instance, that affects many different things. )nd so, for us, in our library search of what we call the &atri', or the collectie unconscious, this is a ery unwieldy search term. 8oweer, if you select a specific disease as a search term, the results will be limited to that specific cure or treatment. +o, using our model, that is essentially how the process works and how information is downloaded. 9hen you learn TRV from 7+I T-68$s training courses, we are training your unconscious to do all of the work, by only giing conscious awareness a Target Reference 5umber:, and that is all that conscious awareness has, ;ust a number that is associated with the target and the TRV protocols. Think of it as a library card number, and your unconscious mind performs the research. )nd the real breakthrough in Technical Remote Viewing was teaching people the protocols, methods, The eneration $$ TRV Training %ourse and the techniques to make sure that their unconscious mind turns itself toward the right pattern of information and that the information that is ob;ectified in terms of words and sketches about the target is correct. ®
These ingenious protocols keep your conscious mind occupied, writing down the information, in a highly structured manner, so that your conscious analytical mind is unable to interfere with the unconscious processing of the data. )nd through practice, you are installing the procedures and correct order of the stages into your autonomic nerous system, much like learning a martial art.
In this issue of The &atri' 5ewsletter, you will see an e'ample of an actual structured Technical Remote Viewing session, peformed by a professional remote iewer. 6lick here to iew the session. To see the process lie, we hae also hae a link to a streaming ideo presentation, where you will see 7+I T-68$s 7resident work a b lind target of a crashed #.). ire %epartment 8elicopter for reporters. ®
#earning Technical Remote Viewing will be one of the most important choices you make in your life. 0nce you realize that it really works, it will change you foreer. ®
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