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In this assignment we will go through the steps to conduct a basic demand analysis. For this purpose, we will use scanner data obtained from Kraft (now Kraft Heinz). We only use a small sub…Full description
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Economics MidtermFull description
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Quality Control Homework Problems (To use Excel versions of the data, you must click on the Excel File in lackboard! The files won"t link from here throu#h lackboard automatically$
The The Road Road Kin King g Tir Tiree Comp Company any in Bir Birmi mingh ngham am wan wants ts to mon monit itor or the the qua quali lity ty of of the the tires it manufactures. Each day the company quality-control manager takes a sample of !! tires" tires" tests them" an determines determines the num#er of defecti$e tires. tires. The results of 2! samples ha$e #een recorded in this file% &uality 'omework Control Chart Raw (ata.)ls Construct a p-chart for this process using 2-sigma limit.
+ne of the stages in the process of making denim cloth at the ,outhern ills Company is to spin cotton yarn onto spindles for su#sequent use in the wea$ing process. +ccasionally the yarn #reaks during the spinning process" and an operator ties it #ack together. ,ome num#er of #reaks is considered normal howe$er" too many #reaks may mean that the yarn is of poor quality. quality. /n order to monitor this process" the quality-control manager randomly selects a spinning machine each hour and checks the num#er of #reaks during a 0-minute period. The second set of data in this file is a summary of the o#ser$ations for the past 2! hours% &uality 'omework Control Chart Raw (ata.)ls Construct a c-chart using 1-sigma limits for this process and indicate if the process was out of control at any time.
The City City ,quare 3rocery and eat arket has a large meat meat locker in which a constant temperature of appro)imately ! 4 should should #e maintained. The market manager has decided to construct co nstruct an R-chart to monitor the temperature inside the locker. The manager had one of the market employees employees take sample temperature readings randomly fi$e times each day for 2 ! days in order to gather data for the control data. The third set of data in the following file file are the temperature sample sample o#ser$ations% &uality 'omework Control Chart Raw (ata.)ls a. Construct an )-#ar chart and R-chart #ased on these data using using 1-sigma limits. limits. #. (oes it appear that the temperature is in control according to the criteria esta#lished #y management5