Learn to Read Biblical Hebrew In the Modern Hebrew Script Part One - The Alphabet
Part Two - Basic Sentence Structure Structure
Introduction Introduction The Alephbet Lesson 1 Lesson 1 (Aleph, Beyt) Lesson 2 Lesson 2 (Mem, Yud) Lesson 3 Lesson 3 (Nun, Hey) Lesson 4 (Lamed, Vav) Lesson 5 (Resh, Shin) Lesson 6 (Ayin, Tet) Lesson 7 (Tav, Dalet) Lesson 8 (Tsade, Quph) Lesson 9 (Chet, Kaph) Lesson 10 (Zayin, Pey) Lesson 11 (Gimel, Samech) Lesson 12
Part Three - Biblical Hebrew Word and Sentence Construction Introduction Prefixes, suffixes and infixes Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5
Learn to Read Biblical Hebrew Introduction WHY LEARN HEBREW? There are many reasons to learn Hebrew such as to read the Tenach (the Old Testament of the Bible written in Hebrew) in its original language or simply to learn how to pronounce Hebrew words such as those in Strong's Concordance without having to use the transliterations. Probably the most advantageous reason to learn Hebrew is the ability to understand the original author's words, rather than through the translators opionion of the author's words. Learning the Hebrew language can be both fun and exciting. By simply studying the pages to follow for just a few minutes a day you will soon be reading Hebrew and be building a small vocabulary of Hebrew words and phrases.
THE HEBREW ALEPHBET English uses the word "Alphabet" which is the first two letters of the Greek Alphabet; Alpha and Beta. Hebrew on the other hand uses "Alephbet" as they are the first two letters of the Hebrew Alephbet; Aleph and Bet. The Hebrew alephbet consists of 22 consonants and no vowels. The vowels are dots and dashes added above and below the consonants. One advantage to Hebrew is that the sound for each letter remains the same unlike English where one has to memorize many variations such as the word circus where one "c" is pronounced like an "S" and the other like a "K".
DIRECTION OF READING Unlike English which is read from left to right, Hebrew is read from right to left just as many other semitic languages such as Arabic. This may sound difficult but in a very short time you will get used to it. When sounding out a word it will be easier if you remember the Consonant (C) and Vowel (V) patterns. In English the consonants and vowels may be arranged in any order such as in the word "circle" which has the following pattern; C-V-C-C-C-V. Hebrew on the other hand is very consistent in that a vowel always follows a consonant (except the final consonant which may or may not be followed by a vowel), such as in the following words "Melek" (king) C-V-C-V-C; "Meleko" (his king) C-V-C-V-C-V and "Hamelek" (the king) C-V-C-V-C-V-C. The Yud (Y) is another exception to this as it can be a consonant acting as a vowel, just as our English "Y".
Learn to Read Biblical Hebrew Introduction WHY LEARN HEBREW? There are many reasons to learn Hebrew such as to read the Tenach (the Old Testament of the Bible written in Hebrew) in its original language or simply to learn how to pronounce Hebrew words such as those in Strong's Concordance without having to use the transliterations. Probably the most advantageous reason to learn Hebrew is the ability to understand the original author's words, rather than through the translators opionion of the author's words. Learning the Hebrew language can be both fun and exciting. By simply studying the pages to follow for just a few minutes a day you will soon be reading Hebrew and be building a small vocabulary of Hebrew words and phrases.
THE HEBREW ALEPHBET English uses the word "Alphabet" which is the first two letters of the Greek Alphabet; Alpha and Beta. Hebrew on the other hand uses "Alephbet" as they are the first two letters of the Hebrew Alephbet; Aleph and Bet. The Hebrew alephbet consists of 22 consonants and no vowels. The vowels are dots and dashes added above and below the consonants. One advantage to Hebrew is that the sound for each letter remains the same unlike English where one has to memorize many variations such as the word circus where one "c" is pronounced like an "S" and the other like a "K".
DIRECTION OF READING Unlike English which is read from left to right, Hebrew is read from right to left just as many other semitic languages such as Arabic. This may sound difficult but in a very short time you will get used to it. When sounding out a word it will be easier if you remember the Consonant (C) and Vowel (V) patterns. In English the consonants and vowels may be arranged in any order such as in the word "circle" which has the following pattern; C-V-C-C-C-V. Hebrew on the other hand is very consistent in that a vowel always follows a consonant (except the final consonant which may or may not be followed by a vowel), such as in the following words "Melek" (king) C-V-C-V-C; "Meleko" (his king) C-V-C-V-C-V and "Hamelek" (the king) C-V-C-V-C-V-C. The Yud (Y) is another exception to this as it can be a consonant acting as a vowel, just as our English "Y".
MODERN AND ANCIENT HEBREW The pronunciation of some of the consonants and vowels have changed over the centuries but this does not affect the meaning of words so we will learn to pronounce them according to the modern Hebrew. Modern Hebrew pronunciation is also divided into two parts, Ashkenazie and Sephardic. Since Sephardic is the pronunciation adopted by the State of Israel, we will also use this pronunciation.
THE LESSONS Each lesson includes new consonants, vowels, a practice section, new vocabulary words and sentences. The practice session will allow you to practice the new letters and vowels and refresh yourself on old ones. The vocabulary section will consist of a few words using the new letters and vowels to begin building your Hebrew vocabulary. The Sentences will allow you to begin using your new words in sentences. To assist you in learning the letters and words, I recommend that you put the letters and words you are learning on flashcards so that you can study them at any time.
Learn to Read Biblical Hebrew Alephbet
Some common confusions between letters
The alephbet in handwritten form
Learn to Read Biblical Biblical Hebrew Lesson 1
Consonants The "aleph" is the first letter of the Hebrew alephbet. This consonant is silent.
The "beyt" is pronounced two ways, a "b" as in b all, and as "v" as in v isit. A dagesh (a dot in the middle of the letter) indicates that the letter will have the "b" sound, while the abscence of the dagesh indicates the "v" sound. When the beyt is prefixed to a word it means "in".
Vowels This vowel, which is placed under the consonant, is pronounced "a" as in fa ther. Since the aleph is silent, this consonant/vowel combination would be pronounced as "a". (Note: The aleph here is not part of the vowel, it is simply used here to show the placement of the vowel only)
This vowel is also pronounced "a" as in fa ther.
Practice .1 .2
Vocabulary Came
Sentences Father Came.
Learn to Read Biblical Hebrew Lesson 2
Consonants The "mem" is pronounced "m" as in m other.
The "final mem" is the form of the letter used when at the end of a word. The pronunciation does not change.
The yud is pronounced "y" as in y es. When the yud is added at the end of a word it means "of me" or "my".
Vowels This vowel is pronounced "i" as in machi ne.
This vowel is pronounced "e" as in grey .
Practice .1 .2
Vocabulary Mother
My mother
My father
Sentences Who came?
My father came.
Learn to Read Biblical Hebrew Lesson 3
Consonants The "nun" is pronounced "n" as in n o.
The "final nun" is the form of the letter used when at the end of a word. The pronunciation does not change.
The "hey" is pronounced "h" as in h ello. When the "hey" is suffixed to the end of a word it makes the word feminine. When it is prefixed to the front of a word it is the definite article meaning "the".
Notes 1. The English verb "to be" and its various tenses such as "am", "is" and
"are" do not exist in Hebrew and need to be added in the translation. 2. English has two indefinite articles, "a" and "an" which also do not exist in Hebrew and must be added in the translation. 3. The vocabulary word below "ba'ah" is the feminine form of the masculine verb "ba'" (came) which was introduced in lesson 1. 4. The final syllable of most Hebrew words is accented by pronouncing the final Consonant-Vowel-Consonant as a syllable. For instance, the word for "I", in the vocabulary list below, is pronounced "a-niy" rather than a n-iy.
Practice .1
.2 .3
Vocabulary I
Came (f)
Sentences Where is my father?
I am a father.
Who is she?
The prophet came.
What is a prophet?
My son came.
Learn Learn to Read Biblical Hebrew Lesson 4
Consonants The "lamed" is pronounced "l" as in l ong. When the lamed is prefixed to a word it means "to" or "for".
The "vav" is pronounced "v" as in v isit. When the vav is prefixed to a word it means "and".
Vowels When this vowel is placed under the first letter of a word it is pronounced as a soft "e" as in he lp. When it appears in the middle of a word it is used as a syllable break and is not pronounced.
This vowel is pronounced "e" as in e lephant.
Notes 1. When one of the "a" vowels are followed by the consonant "yud", the
pronunciation is "ah-y", which, when said quickly sounds like "i" as in bi ke. 2. In some languages, such as Spanish, nouns are masculine, feminine or neuter . Hebrew is much the same, all nouns are either masculine or feminine (there is no neuter). 3. The "yud-mem" combination is the masculine plural ending, similar to the the "s" ending for English plural nouns. 4. When the dagesh (the dot in the middle of a letter) is placed within some letters, such as in the nun in the word for "Here [am] I" in the vocabulary list below, it doubles the letter. Therefore, this letter would be pronounced "hin-ney-niy" rather than "hi-ney-niy".
Practice .1 .2 .3
Vocabulary Night
Here am I
To me
Sentences Night came.
My son came to me.
Mother came in the night.
My father and my mother are here.
Water is in the sea.
Learn to Read Biblical Hebrew Lesson 5
Consonants The "resh" is pronounced "r" as in r ain.
The "shin" is pronounced two ways, "sh" as in sh arp, and "s" as in s ign. When a dot is placed on the top right corner of the letter it takes the "sh" sound and when the dot is placed on the top left corner of the letter it takes the "s" sound.
Vowels The dot above the "vav" is pronounced "o" as in o pen. The "vav" becomes silent. When this "vav" is suffixed to a word it means "to him" or "his".
Notes 1. In Hebrew, the verb usually appears before the subject of the verb, such
as in sentence #5 below.
Practice .1 .2 .3
Vocabulary Peace
Said (m)
Created (m)
Said (f)
Sentences My name is Levi.
What is his name?
His name is Abraham.
Ruler of Peace.
God created skies.
Learn to Read Biblical Hebrew Lesson 6
Consonants The "Ayin" is silent.
The "Tet" is pronounced "t" as in t une.
Vowels The dot in the "vav" is pronounced "u" as in tu ne. The "vav" is silent. When this vav is suffixed to a word, it means "of them" or "they".
Notes 1. In Hebrew the adjectives come after the noun, such as tov (good) in
sentence #1 below.
Practice .1 .2 .3
Vocabulary Evening
Over, On
Keeping, Guarding
Sentences Good Evening.
Who came in the evening?
She came in the evening.
He came in the evening.
Peace over Israel.
What is his name?
His name is Israel.
Learn to Read Biblical Hebrew Lesson 7
Consonants The "Tav" is pronounced "t" as in t une. A dagesh may appear in the letter but will not change the sound of the letter.
The "dalet" is pronounced "d" as in d ig.
Vowels This vowel is pronounced "eh" as in elephant, but it is pronounced very softly.
This vowel is a dot which appears at the top and just to the left of the letter instead of beneath it and is pronounced "o" as in o pen.
Notes 1. The Hebrew word for Moses (Vocabulary word #1) appears to be missing
a vowel after the "mem". Since Hebrew requires a vowel after each consonant, the vowel is the "o" placed above the letter "Shin". The dot over the right leg of the letter "Shin" and the vowel "o" are in the same place. 2. The "et" (Vocabulary word #3) precedes a direct object of the verb and is rarely translated into English. For example, if I said "I made the din ner", the direct object is "the dinner" because "the" comes before "dinner". In this case the Hebrew word "et" would precede "the dinner" in Hebrew. If I said "I made a dinner", the "et" would not precede it since "dinner" in this sentence is not a direct object. 3. An exception to the rule requiring the C-V-C-V pattern is the word "reshiyt" (Vocabulary word #8). The aleph does not always require a vowel after it.
Practice .1 .2 .3
Vocabulary Moses
God, gods
Precedes the direct object of the verb
Gave (m)
To us
Student (m)
Student (f)
Study (m)
Study (f)
Sentences Peaceful Sabbath.
And they will keep the Sabbath.
Moses gave to us the Torah.
In [the] beginning God created.
A student studies the Torah.
A student studies Torah.
Learn to Read Biblical Hebrew Lesson 8
Consonants The "tsade" is pronounced "ts" as in pots .
The final "tsade" is the form used when the letter appears at the end of a word and is also pronounced "ts".
The "quph" is pronounced "q" as in q uiet.
Vowels This vowel is a combination of the "sheva" vowel and the "a" vowel learned previously. The vowel works the same as the "sheva" with a pronunciation of "a" as in fa ther, when placed under the first consonant of the word.
Practice .1 .2 .3
Exist (m)
Sentences Genesis 1:14
Learn to Read Biblical Hebrew Lesson 9
Consonants The "chet" is pronounced "ch" as in the German name Bach .
When a dagesh appears in the "Kaph", it is pronounced "k" as in k ick. When a dagesh does not appear in the letter it is pronounced "ck" as in the German name Bach .
The final "kaph" has the same pronunciations as the "kaph". While most words end with a consonant, the final "kaph" will usually be followed by a vowel.
Vowels This vowel is pronounced "u" as in tu ne.
Notes 1. When the "ah" vowel appears under the letter "chet", the two sounds trade
places. The second word in line 2 of the practice section is pronounced "ko'ach" not "kocha". This is unique only to this letter and vowel combination when it appears at the end of a word.
Practice .1 .2
Vocabulary Yes, So
Grass, Herb
Tree, Wood
Sentences Genesis 1:5
Learn to Read Biblical Hebrew Lesson 10
Consonants The "zayin" is pronounced "z" as in z ebra.
When a dagesh appears in the "pey", it is pronounced "p" as in p et. When a dagesh does not appear in the letter it is pronounced "ph" as in ph one.
The pronunciation of the final "pey" is the same as the "pey".
Vowels This vowel is a combination of the "sheva" vowel and the "a" vowel learned previously. The vowel works the same as the "sheva" with a pronunciation of "a" as in fa ther, when placed under the first consonant of the word.
Practice .1 .2 .3
Which, Who
Make, Do (m)
Sentences Genesis 1:11
Learn to Read Biblical Hebrew Lesson 11
Consonants The "gimel" is pronounced "g" as in g ame.
The "samech" is pronounced "s" as in s and.
Notes 1. Vocabulary word #1 is pronounced "Kol" (coal), not "Kal" as it appears.
The "a" vowel is pronounced "o" in this word only.
Practice .1 .2 .3
Vocabulary All
Sentences Genesis 1:26
Learn to Read Biblical Hebrew Hebr ew Lesson 12
Now that you have completed the previous lessons, you may begin putting what you have learned to use. Below are the first five verses of Genesis chapter one for your reading practice.
Genesis 1:1-5
Congratulations You have completed all twelve lessons. At this point you have the ability to read the Bible in its original language. Your next step is to practice your reading skill, build your vocabulary and begin learning word and sentence structure. We recommend four books;
Hebrew Bible: With a Bible in the Hebrew language you can practice your reading and take the first steps to reading the Bible in its original language.
Prayer Book Hebrew The Easy Way: While this book is written to aid the Jewish student in learning to read the Sidur (Prayerbook), it is an excellent book for the non-Jew as well because of its ability to teach word and sentence structure.
Analytical Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon: This lexicon will greatly assist the Hebrew student learn Hebrew prefixes, suffixes, roots and vocabulary.
Learn Biblical Hebrew: Includes a revised version of the Hebrew lessons on this site as well as charts and dictionaries to assist the new Hebrew student in Biblical Reading.
The Ancient Hebrew Research Center Web Site has some resources that will assist you with your continued reading practices and vocabulary including an online Hebrew Bible (no vowel pointings) and a Dictionary which lists all the Hebrew words used twenty five times or more in the Bible. Let us also recommend these sites for additional Hebrew studies; 1. Hebrew vocabulary Lessons 2. Hebrew vocabulary games 3. Hebrew for me activities 4. Downloadable Hebrew Bible 5. Bible Readings in Hebrew 6. Hebrew Dictionary 7. Hebrew Picture Dictionary 8. Mechon Mamre Hebrew Bible 9. Allon Ministries 10. Audio Scriptures International It would help us greatly if you would E-Mail us to let us know what you think of the lessons. Did you find them easy to follow? Did you have any problems with the lessons? Do you have any suggestions that would make the lessons better for others? May we also invite you to sign our guestbook. Thank-you very much for your continued interest in the Hebrew language and allowing us to be a part of your studies. We hope that you will continue your Hebrew studies with enjoyment and satisfaction. If we can be of service to you now or in the future, please let us know.
Learn Hebrew Part 2 Introduction
In these lessons we will begin to learn Hebrew sentence structure and vocabulary. These lessons are adapted from "beyt siyphrenu" (our schoolhouse) by the Hebrew Publishing Company, New York. copyright 1939. The writing of these lessons will take time and we hope to add an additional lesson every few weeks. If you have any comments, questions or suggestions for these lessons please Email us, thank you.
About the Lessons
Hebrew Fonts The "BSThebrew" font, designed by Crosswalk.Com, is required to be installed in your fonts folder to view the Hebrew letters.
Vocabulary Hebrew words are gender sensitive as are some English words such as "boy" and "girl". Many English words are not gender sensitive such as "child". In order to convey the gender of the Hebrew, the symbols (m.) for masculine words and (f.) for feminine words will be placed after the English words. Those entries in the vocabulary section which are prefixes will be followed by a dash (-).
Transliteration The vowels in the transliteration will be pronounced as follows; a - father; e edge; i - king; o - old; u - tune; ay - fly; ey - play; iy - king. A dash within the English transliterations indicate a syllable break.
Translation Words required in the translation that are not in the Hebrew, that are added into the translation are in italics.
Learn Hebrew Part 2 Lesson 1
Vocabulary Translation
child (m.)
child (f.)
children (m.) ye-le-diym children (f.)
~ev d,l,y
this (m.) zeh
h,z taoz
this (f.)
h'D.l;y ~yid,l.y tAd,l.y vyia h'Via
two (f.)
~yiv:n]a ~yiv"n r;m t;r'm
one (m.) e-chad one (f.)
two (m.) she-na-yim
h,Lea d'x,a t;x;a ~iy;n.v ~iy;T.v Aa -'h -;h h'm h;m r,pes
Sentences Translation
The name of the boy is David.
sheym hay-ye-led david
The name of the girl is Dinah.
sheym hay-yal-dah diynah
`diw'D d,l,Y;h ~ev `h'nyiD h'D.l;Y;h ~ev
The name of the man is Mr. Levin.
sheym ha-iysh mar leviyn
The name of the woman is Mrs. Levin.
sheym ha-ish-shah marat le-viyn
This is a boy.
zeh ye-led
This is a girl.
zot yal-dah
This is a man.
zeh iysh
This is a woman.
zot ish-shah
One man. Two men.
iysh e-chad. she-na-yim a-na-shiym.
One woman. Two women.
ish-shah a-chat. she-tayim na-shiym.
`!yiw,l r;m vyia'h ~ev `!yiw,l t;r''m h'Via'h ~ev `d,l,y h,z `h'D.l;y taOz `vyia h,z `h'Via taOz `~yiv"n]a ~iy:n.v `d'x,a vyia `~yiv"n ~iy;T.v `t;x;a h'Via
Learn Hebrew Part 2 Lesson 2
Vocabulary Translation
heNih tyiL;j
small (m.)
small (f.)
there is/are yeysh
to (belongs to)
to the (belongs to the)
here/behold hin-neyh
big, great (m.)
big, great (f.)
lAd'G h'lAd.G
Sentences Translation
Here is one man.
hin-neyh iysh e-chad.
The name of the man is Mr. Kahen.
sheym ha-iysh mar kahen.
To Mr. Kahen there is a taliyt.
le-mar ka-hen yeysh taliyt.
`tyiL;j vey !,h'K r;m.l
To Mr. Kahen there is tephiliyn.
le-mar ka-hen yeysh tephi-liyn.
`!yiLip.T vey !,h'K r;m.l
To Mr. Kahen there are tephiliyn and
le-mar ka-hen yeysh tephi-liyn ve-ta-liyt.
`tyiL;j.w !yiLip.T
`d'x,a vyia heNih `!,h'K r;m vyia'h ~ev
taliyt. Mr. Kahen is praying.
mar ka-hen mit-pa-leyl.
Here are two men.
hin-neyh she-ney a-nashiym.
To the men there are tephiliyn
la-a-na-shiym yeysh tephi-liyn.
To the men there are taliytot.
la-a-na-shiym yeysh taliy-tot.
To the men there are tephiliyn and taliytot.
la-a-na-shiym yeysh tephi-liyn ve-ta-liy-tot.
Two of the men are praying.
she-ney ha-a-na-shiym mit-pal-liym
The man is big and the boy is small.
ha-iysh ga-dol ve-ha-yeled qa-tan.
The woman is big and the girl is small.
ha-ish-shah ge-do-lah ve-ha-yal-dah qe-ta-nah.
The man and the woman are big.
ha-iysh ve-ha-ish-shah ge-do-liym.
The boy and the girl are small.
hay-ye-led ve-hay-yaldah qe-ta-niym.
vey !,h'K r;m.l `leL;P.tim !,h'K r;m `~yiv"n]a yen.v heNih `!yiLip.T vey ~yiv"n]a'l `tAtyiL;j vey ~yiv"n]a'l `tAtyiL;j.w !yiLip.T vey ~yiv"n]a'l `~yil.L;P.tim ~yiv"n]a'h yen.v `!'j'q d,l,Y;h.w lAd'G vyia'h `h"N;j.q h'D.l:Y;h.w h'lAd.G h'Via'h `~yilAd.G h'Via'h.w vyia'h `~yIN;j.q h'D.l:Y;h.w d,l,Y;h
Notes 1. A taliyt is a four cornered garment with the fringes tied at each corner
(Numbers 15:37-41), often called a prayer shawl.
2. Tephiliyn, often called by the Greek name phylacteries, are leather boxes tied to the forehead and hand when praying (Deuteronomy 6:8). Inside the boxes are parchment with specific Biblical passages written on them. 3. Many feminine words end with "h'-". 4. Masculine plural words are idenitified with a "~yi-" suffix. Feminine plural words are identified with a "tA-" suffix. 5. The participle verbs such as "leL;P.tim" (praying) use the same plural suffix when more than one are performing the action of the verb. When a group composed of both masculine and feminine are the subjects of the verb, the masculine suffix is used for the participle. 6. Adjectives normally follow the noun.
Learn Hebrew Part 2 Lesson 3
Vocabulary Trans- Translation literation
where ay-yeyh chair
r;[;n d"y
on, over
hEY;a aeSiK
standing (m.) o-meyd standing (f.)
Participle Verb
Conjugations of Gender
Masculine Feminine
dm[ (standing)
demA[ ~yid.mA[ t,d,mA[ tAd.mA[ Participle Verb
Conjugations of Gender
Masculine Feminine
bvy (sitting)
bevAy ~yib.vAy t,b,vAy tAb.vAy
!'x.luv l;[ demA[ t,d,mA[
`r;[;n heNih `lAd'G d,l,y r;;[;n
Here is a boy.
hin-neyh na-ar.
A boy is a large child.
na-ar ye-led ga-dol.
The name of the boy is Joseph.
sheym ha-na-ar yoseyph.
What is on the table? A book.
mah al ha-shul-chan? sey-pher.
What is in the hand? A book.
mah bay-yad? sey-pher.
`r,pes ?d"Y;B h;m
Where are the books?
ay-yeyh ha-se-phariym?
?~yir'p.S;h hEY;a
`@esAy r;[;N;h ~ev `r,pes ?!'x.luV;h l;[ h'm
`!'x.luV;h l;[ d'x,a.w d"Y;B d'x,a `d'x,a d,l,y hENih `~'h'r.b;a d,l,Y;h ~ev ?~'h'r.b;a hEY;a
One is in the hand and one is on the table.
e-chad ba-yad ve-echad al ha-shul-chan.
Here is one boy.
hi-neyh ye-led e-chad
The name of the boy is Abraham.
sheym hay-ye-led avra-ham.
Where is Abraham?
ay-yeyh av-ra-ham?
Abraham is on a chair.
av-ra-ham al ki-sey.
Abraham is standing on the chair.
av-ra-ham o-meyd al ha-ki-sey.
Here is one girl.
hin-neyh yal-dah achat.
The name of the girl is Sarah.
sheym hay-yal-dah sarah.
`h'r'f h'D.l:Y;h ~ev
Where is Sarah?
a-yeyh sa-rah?
?h'r'f hEY;a
Sarah is on a chair.
sa-rah al ki-sey.
Sarah is standing on
sa-rah o-me-det al ha-
`aeSiK l;[ h'r'f `aeSiK;h l;[
`aeSiK l;[ ~'h'r.b;a `aeSiK;h l;[ demA[ ~'h'r.b;a `t;x;a h'D.l:y hENih
the chair.
Abraham and Sarah are standing on the chairs.
av-ra-ham ve-sa-rah om-diym al ha-ki-sot
t,d,mA[ h'r'f `tAa.siK;h l;[ ~yid.mA[ h'r'f.w ~'h'r.b;a
Notes 1. Remember that the "a" vowels are pronounced like the "a" in father. In the
above sentence is the word "d"Y;B". The transliteration for this word is bay-yad. The first syllable "bay" is pronounced "bahee" (as in good "bye") not "bay" as in a bay of water.
Learn Biblical Hebrew - Part 3 Introduction
If you know the Hebrew alephbet, your next step in Biblical Hebrew studies is to learn sentence and word structure. The following is the first few verses of Genesis chapter one where we will examine each word, one at a time, explaining their construction and relationship within the sentence. The final lesson is Genesis chapter one for you to practice your translation on. You will need the BST Hebrew Font to view the Hebrew text in these lessons. Below are a couple resources to assist you in your Biblical Reading. We are including a singular link below to these but do not make any specific links at each occurence within the lesson as you will learn quicker when you search for the word, prefix or suffix within the resources. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions on these lessons please e-mail us. Study Resources Hebrew/English dictionary of common Hebrew words Prefixes, suffixes and infixes added to Hebrew roots Hebrew Alphabet
Learn Biblical Hebrew - Part 3 Hebrew Prefixes, Suffixes and Infixes Prefixes
The -- In
And --
Which --
Noun Derivatives
Pronoun Suffixes - Masculine
My hand
Our hand
Your hand
Your hand
His hand
Their hand
Pronoun Suffixes - Feminine
My hand
Our hand
Your hand
Your hand
Her hand
Their hand
Perfect Tense - Masculine
We said
You said
You said
He said
They said
I said
Perfect Tense - Feminine
We said
You said
You said
She said
They said
I said
Imperfect Tense - Masculine
I say
We say
You say
You say
He says
They say
Imperfect Tense - Feminine
We say
You say
You say
She says
They say
I say
Learn Biblical Hebrew - Part 3 Lesson 1
Genesis 1:1
The is a prefix meaning "inside". This letter is an abbreviated form of the Hebrew word "" (beyt) meaning "house". The house is where the family resides "inside". The root word is " " meaning "head". Words related in meaning to the root are commonly formed by adding certain letters to the root and all of the words derived from the same root will be related in meaning. The letters " --" are added to the root to form a new noun, , meaning "beginning" (The head of a time or space as in the beginning of an event or a river.) By being able to recognize the prefixes and letters added to a root to form noun derivatives, one can easily see the root word within the word. There are approximately 8,000 different words in the Bible, all of which are derived from only about 1,500 root words. Of these 1,500, about half are used very infrequently in the Bible. This means that with a good understanding of about 750 root words one can easily read the Biblical text without memorizing all 8,000 words used within it.
This is a verb (word denoting action). While this word is usually translated as "create" a better Hebraic translation would be "fatten" or "filled" as what is fattened is filled up. The Hebrews thought and communicated in concrete terms rather than abstracts as we do. The word create is an abstract word while the word fatten or filled are concrete. Each verb identifies gender (masculine or feminine), number (singular or plural) and tense (perfect or imperfect). This verb would literally be translated as "he did fatten/fill". The "he" is masculine singular and the word "did" indicates perfect tense.
Perfect tense is completed action and is similar to our past tense. Imperfect tense is incomplete action and is similar to our present or future tense. Notice the difference of tenses between Hebrew and English. English tenses are related to time while Hebrew is related to action.
This word is the subject of the verb, the "he" in "he did fatten". Generally the subject of the verb will follow the verb rather than precede it as in English. In English we say "John ran fast." but in Hebrew this would be written as "ran John fast". The root word for this noun is " " meaning "power". This word is used for anyone or anything which, has "power" and is often translated as "God". The suffix " --" denotes a plural for masculine nouns. While English plurals denote quantity (more than one), Hebrew plurals can also denote quality (very large or great). The word "" can be translated as "gods" (quantity) or "a great god" (quality). The idea of "a great god" is generally written as "God". Only through context can it be determined if the plural noun is identifying quantity or quality. This can be the context within the passage or the sentence structure itself. In this verse the context of the sentence structure requires this word to be understood as qualitative since the verb was preceding it states "he (singular) did fatten" and not "they (plural) did fatten".
This word literally a plow point which creates the furrows in the field and is guided by the driver of the plow. In order to keep the furrow straight, the driver heads for a mark in the distance. Therefore, this word is literally "the moving toward a mark". The word "" is used over 11,000 times (and never translated into English as there is no equivelent) to point to the direct object of the verb. Some examples of a direct object are; "Bible", "the book" and "his book" where the "book" is specically identified". Conversely, an example of an indirect object would be; "a book" where the book is not specifically identified.
The first letter, " ", is another prefix and is usually translated as "the". This prefix is the short form of the word " " meaning, "to look at something". The root word is " " and while usually translated as "name" is more literally "breath". In Hebraic thought your breath is your character, who you are. In the
Hebraic culture one's name was to reflect their character, or "breath". Again we find the suffix " --" indicating a plural - "breaths" or "winds" of the sky and best translated as "skies". Because the " " (the) precedes the word " " (skies), this word is a direct object, hence, the reason for the word " " before it.
Another very common prefix is the letter " ", usually translated as "and". This is the abbreviated form of the word " " meaning, peg or nail. As a nail attaches two items together, this prefix attaches two or more things together in a sentence, in this case "the skies and the land". Added to this prefix is the word " " which was previously discussed. Because of this word we know that the word which follows is also a definite object of the verb "".
The letter " " is the prefix meaning "the". The word " " is a common word meaning "land".
Learn Biblical Hebrew - Part 3 Lesson 2
Genesis 1:2
As previously discussed the prefix " " is used to attach two parts of a sentence together but is also used to attach two or more sentences together, in other words bringing all of the words of one story together. In fact, the entire chapter of Genesis chapter one is one long story as each sentence begins with a " ". The letter " " is the prefix meaning "the" and the word " ", as previously discussed means "land".
The root word of this verb is " ", a very common root literally meaning "to exist" or "breath" as one who exists breathes but, is usually translated with a form of the English verb "to be". This verb is made feminine, singular, and perfect tense because the "" is added at the end of the root. When a " " is added to a root which ends with a "", the "" is changed to a " ". This verb would be literally translated as "she did exist" where the "she" is the "land" from the previous word.
The root word here is " " meaning "empty". By adding the letter " " to the root, a noun derivative is formed meaning, "empty" or "void".
The first letter, " ", is the prefix meaning "and" and is used to connect the word
following it with the previous word. The root word is " " meaning, "to fill a void". A common Hebrew word also derived from this root is " " (bo') and is usually translated as "come" or "go". The English translations of this word imply movement in a certain direction but the Hebrew meaning of the word is to "fill a void" and can be either here (come) or there (go). The "" added after the root forms a noun derivative meaning "void". There are two styles of poetry seen in the passages we have looked at thus far. The first is the use of similar sounding words together such as we see with this word and the previous word - "tohu v'vohu". The other is called parallelism where one idea is expressed in two separate ways. The first sentence we looked at said that "God filled the sky and the land" while this sentence says that "the land was unfilled (a void)". (Hebrew does not write sentences in chronological order as we do.)
The first letter is the prefix meaning "and". The word " " means "dark" or "darkness".
This word is very common and means "over" or "on".
The root for this word is " " meaning, face. This word is always used in the plural form "". This word is in the construct state "faces OF....". When a masculine plural noun is used in the construct state, the letter " " is always dropped. Also, when the masculine plural is added to a word that ends with the letter "", the "" is dropped.
A noun derived from the root " " meaning "sea". This derivative, formed by adding the letter " ", has the more specific meaning of "deep sea".
The first letter " " is the prefix meaning "and". The word " " is another Hebrew word meaning "wind". This word is often translated as "spirit" but again, this is an abstract word whereas, "wind" is a more concrete word and closer to the meaning of the Hebrew.
This is the same word discussed previously. When two nouns appear together they are in the construct state. This word and the word " " would be translated as "wind OF powers".
The root to this verb is " " meaning, "hover over" such as a bird does over the nest. The letter " " indicates this verb is feminine singular (she) perfect tense. The letter "" is a type of verb conjugation to be discussed later. This verb can literally be translated as "she did hover". The "she" of this word is the " " which is a feminine word. While most consider the "Spirit" a "he", Biblically, it is a "she".
This is the same word previously discussed meaning "over" or "on".
This word was also previously discussed meaning "faces" and is in the construct state with the following word.
The first letter " " is the prefix meaning "the". The root word is " " with the masculine plural suffix " ". When a word ends with the letter " " as in this root word and the masculine plural suffix is added, the " " is dropped. The word "" means "unknown" and is commonly translated as "what" a word used to discover an unknown. Another form of this word is " " and is usually translated as "who", another word used to discover an unknown.
When this word appears in the plural form it always refers to "water". The sea (a place of large water) is seen as an unknown place, hence, the relationship between water and an unknown. Note that the previous sentence contains no verb, a common occurrence in Biblical Hebrew.
Learn Biblical Hebrew - Part 3 Lesson 3
Genesis 1:3
The first letter " " is the prefix meaning "and". The root word is " ". Hebrew root words can be used as a noun or a verb. As a noun this root would be "a word" while as a verb it is "to say". We see a similar occurrence in English as in the sentence; "He will play Moses in the play". The first use of the word "play" is a verb while the second is a noun. The context of the sentence as well as the type of prefixes and suffixes added to the word will tell you if the word is a verb or a noun. When the letter " " is added to the root " ", the word is identified as a verb and can literally be translated as "he will say" (masculine singular perfect tense). But, since the letter "" is the prefixed the tense is reversed and becomes "and he did say".
This word has been discussed previously and is the subject of the previous verb.
The root of this word is " " as discussed previously meaning "to exist". The " " identifies the verb as masculine singular imperfect tense, "he will exist". When a verb ends with a " ", it is often dropped when conjugated. The same is true for a verb that begins with a " " which is also dropped when the verb is conjugted. All verbs are three-letter words. If you come across a verb and remove the prefixes and suffixes and find only two letters remaining, most likely the verb has dropped the final " " or the beginning " ".
A root word meaning "light". This word is the subject of the previous verb.
This is the same verb with the same conjugation as the previous verb but includes the "" which reverses the tense to perfect and becomes "and he did exist".
The same word meaning, light, and again the subject of the previous verb.
Learn Biblical Hebrew - Part 3 Lesson 4
Genesis 1:4,5
At this point you should be able to translate verses 4 and 5. Most of the words as well as the prefixes and suffixes have been covered above with the exception of those listed below. Once you have translated the verses you can use a translation to check your work.
To see
To call
To separate
That it is
To (prefix)
One of the best resources to assist with Biblical reading in Hebrew is a lexicon that lists every word in the text. With type of lexicon you can look up any word found in the Bible, including all its prefixes and suffixes, such as the word " ". The lexicon will tell you that the letter " " is a prefix, and that the root for this word is "". The lexicon will also define the word itself. You can also look up the root and see all of the other words derived from this root. One of the best lexicons is "Analytical Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon" by Benjamin Davidson.
Learn Biblical Hebrew - Part 3 Lesson 5 Below are links to the Hebrew text of Genesis chapter one and the book of Ruth in MicroSoft Word Format and Rich Text Format. Under each line of Hebrew text is a blank line for you to enter your translation for Hebrew translation practice. You will also need to download the appropriate Hebrew font to view the Hebrew text of the document.
Genesis Chapter One - Word The Book of Ruth - Word
Genesis Chapter One
#,r'a'h tea.w ~Iy;m'V;h tea ~yih{l/a a'r'B tyivaer.B 1 ____________________________________________
~Ah.t yen.P-l;[ .$,v{x.w Wh{b'w Wh{t h't.y'h #,r'a'h.w 2 ____________________________________________
~Iy'M;h yen.P-l;[ t,p,x;r.m ~yih{l/a ;xWr.w ____________________________________________
rAa-yih.y;w rAa yih.y ~yih{l/a r,ma{Y;w 3 ____________________________________________
leD.b;Y;w bAj-yiK rAa'h-t,a ~yih{l/a a.r;Y;w 4 ____________________________________________
.$,v{x;h !yebW rAa'h !yeB ~yih{l/a ____________________________________________
a'r'q .$,v{x;l.w ~Ay rAa'l ~yih{l/a a'r.qiY;w 5 ____________________________________________
d'x,a ~Ay r,q{b-yih.y;w b,r,[-yih.y;w h'l.y'l ____________________________________________
yihyiw ~Iy'M;h .$At.B ;[yiq'r yih.y ~yih{l/a r,ma{Y;w 6 ____________________________________________
~Iy'm'l ~Iy;m !yeB lyiD.b;m ____________________________________________
~Iy;M;h !yeB leD.b;Y;w ;[yiq'r'h-t,a ~yih{l/a f;[;Y;w 7 ____________________________________________
r,v]a ~Iy;M;h !yebW ;[yiq'r'l t;x;Tim r,v]a ____________________________________________
!ek-yih.y;w ;[yiq'r'l l;[em ____________________________________________
b,r,[-yih.y;w ~Iy'm'v ;[yiq'r'l ~yih{l/a a'r.qiY;w 8 ____________________________________________
yinev ~Ay r,q{b-yih.y;w
~Iy;m'V;h t;x;Tim ~Iy;M;h Ww'QIy ~yih{l/a r,ma{Y;w 9 ____________________________________________
!ek-yih.y;w h'v'B;Y;h h,a'ret.w d'x,a ~Aq'm-l,a ____________________________________________
~Iy;M;h hew.qim.lW #,r,a h'v'B;Y;l ~yih{l/a a'r.qiY;w 10 ____________________________________________
bAj-yiK ~yih{l/a a.r;Y;w ~yiM;y a'r'q ____________________________________________
b,fe[ a,v,D #,r'a'h aev.d;T ~yih{l/a r,ma{Y;w 11 ____________________________________________
r,v]a Anyim.l yir.P h,f{[ yir.P #e[ [;r,z ;[yir.z;m ____________________________________________
!ek-yih.y;w #,r'a'h-l;[ Ab-A[.r;z ____________________________________________
[;r,z ;[yir.z;m b,fe[ a,v,D #,r'a'h aecAT;w 12 ____________________________________________ Ab-A[.r;z r,v]a yir.P-h,f{[ #e[.w Whenyim.l ____________________________________________
bAj-yiK ~yih{l/a a.r;Y;w Whenyim.l ____________________________________________
yivyil.v ~Ay r,q{b-yih.y;w b,r,[-yih.y;w 13 ____________________________________________
~Iy;m'V;h ;[yiq.riB t{r{a.m yih.y ~yih{l/a r,ma{Y;w 14 ____________________________________________
t{t{a.l Wy'h.w h'l.y'L;h !yebW ~AY;h !yeB lyiD.b;h.l ____________________________________________
~yin'v.w ~yim'y.lW ~yid][A{m.lW ____________________________________________
-l;[ ryia'h.l ~Iy;m'V;h ;[yiq.riB t{rAa.mil Wy'h.w 15 ____________________________________________
!ek-yih.y;w #,r'a'h ____________________________________________
-t,a ~yil{d.G;h t{r{a.M;h yen.v-t,a ~yih{l/a f;[;Y;w 16 ____________________________________________
rAa'M;h-t,a.w ~AY;h t,l,v.m,m.l l{d'G;h rAa'M;h ____________________________________________
~yib'kAK;h tea.w h'l.y;L;h t,l,v.m,m.l !{j'Q;h ____________________________________________
ryia'h.l ~Iy'm'V;h ;[yiq.riB ~yih{l/a ~'t{a !eTiY;w 17 ____________________________________________
#,r'a'h-l;[ ____________________________________________
rAa'h !yeB lyiD.b;h]lW h'l.y;L;bW ~AY;B l{v.mil.w 18 ____________________________________________
bAj-yiK ~yih{l/a a.r;Y;w .$,v{x;h !yebW ____________________________________________
yi[yib.r ~Ay r,q{b-yih.y;w b,r,[-yih.y;w 19 ____________________________________________
h'Y;x v,p,n #,r,v ~Iy;M;h Wc.r.vIy ~yih{l/a r,ma{Y;w 20 ____________________________________________
~Iy'm'V;h ;[yiq.r yen.P-l;[ #,r'a'h-l;[ @epA[.y @A[.w ____________________________________________
-l'K tea.w ~yil{d.G;h ~inyiN;T;h-t,a ~yih{l/a a'r.biY;w 21 ____________________________________________
~,henyim.l ~Iy;M;h Wc.r'v r,v]a t,f,m{r'h h'Y;x;h v,p,n ____________________________________________
bAj-yiK ~yih{l/a a.r;Y;w Whenyim.l @'n'K @A[-l'K tea.w ____________________________________________
Wa.limW Wb.rW Wr.P r{mael ~yih{l/a ~'t{a .$,r'b.y;w 22
#,r'a'B b,rIy @A['h.w ~yiM;Y;B ~Iy;M;h-t,a ____________________________________________
yivyim]x ~Ay r,q{b-yih.y;w b,r,[-yih.y;w 23 ____________________________________________
H'nyim.l h'Y;x v,p,n #,r'a'h aecAT ~yih{l/a r,ma{Y;w 24 ____________________________________________
!ek-yih.y;w H'nyim.l #,r,a-At.y;x.w f,m,r'w h'meh.B ____________________________________________
-t,a.w H'nyim.l #,r'a'h t;Y;x-t,a ~yih{l/a f;[;Y;w 25 ____________________________________________
Whenyim.l h'm'd]a'h f,m,r-l'K tea.w H'nyim.l h'meh.B;h ____________________________________________
bAj-yiK ~yih{l/a a.r;Y;w ____________________________________________
Wnem.l;c.B ~'d'a h,f][;n ~yih{l/a r,ma{Y;w 26 ____________________________________________
~Iy;m'V;h @A[.bW ~'Y;h t;g.dib WD.rIy.w WnetWm.diK ____________________________________________
fem{r'h f,m,r'h-l'k.bW #,r'a'h-l'k.bW h'meh.B;bW ____________________________________________
#,r'a'h-l;[ ____________________________________________
~,l,c.B Am.l;c.B ~'d'a'h-t,a ~yih{l/a a'r.biY;w 27 ____________________________________________
~'t{a a'r'B h'beq.nW r'k'z At{a a'r'B ~yih{l/a ____________________________________________
~yih{l/a ~,h'l r,ma{Y;w ~yih{l/a ~'t{a .$,r'b.y;w 28 ____________________________________________
t;g.diB Wd.rW 'hUv.bik.w #,r'a'h-t,a Wa.limW Wb.rW Wr.P ____________________________________________
t,f,m{r'h h'Y;x-l'k.bW ~Iy;m'V;h @A[.bW ~'Y;h ____________________________________________
#,r'a'h-l;[ ____________________________________________
b,fe[-l'K-t,a ~,k'l yiT;t'n heNih ~yih{l/a r,ma{Y;w 29 ____________________________________________
#e['h-l'K-t,a.w #,r'a'h-l'k yen.P-l;[ r,v]a [;r,z ;[er{z ____________________________________________
h'l.k'a.l h,y.hIy ~,k'l [;r'z ;[er{z #e[-yir.p AB-r,v]a ____________________________________________
l{k.lW ~Iy;m'V;h @A[-l'k.lW #,r'a'h t;Y;x-l'k.lW 30 ____________________________________________
q,r,y-l'K-t,a h'Y;x v,p,n AB-r,v]a #,r'a'h-l;[ femAr ____________________________________________
!ek-yih.y;w h'l.k'a.l b,fe[ ____________________________________________
bAj-heNih.w h'f'[ r,v]a-l'K-t,a ~yih{l/a a.r;Y;w 31 ____________________________________________
yiViV;h ~Ay r,q{b-yih.y;w b,r,[-yih.y;w d{a.m ____________________________________________
Ruth Chapter One
ƒtyBemi vyai %l,YEw: #r,a'B' b['r'
yhiy>w: ~yjip.Voh; jpov. ymeyBi yhiy>w: 1
`wyn"b' ynEv.W ATv.aiw> aWh ba'Am ydef.B rWgl' hd'Why> ~x,l,i ________________________________________________
!Alx.m; wyn"b'-ynEv. ~vew> ymi[\n" ATv.ai ~vew> %l,m,ylia/ vyaih' ~vew> 2 ________________________________________________
`~v'-Wyh.YIw: ba'Am-ydef. WaboY"w: hd'Why> ~x,l, ƒtyBemi ~ytir'p.a, !Ayl.kiw> ________________________________________________
tWr tynIVeh; ~vew> hP'r>[' tx;a;h' ~ve tAYbia]mo ~yvin" ~h,l' Waf.YIw: 4 ________________________________________________
`~ynIv' rf,[,K. ~v' Wbv.YEw: ________________________________________________
h'yd,l'y> ynEV.mi hV'aih' raeV'Tiw: !Ayl.kiw> !Alx.m; ~h,ynEv.-~g: WtWmY"w: 5
`Hv'yaimeW ________________________________________________
ba'Am hdef.Bi h['m.v' yKi ba'Am ydeF.mi bv'T'w: h'yt,L{k;w> ayhi ~q'T'w: 6
`~x,l' ~h,l' ttel' AM[;-ta, hw"hy> dq;p'-yKi ________________________________________________
hn"k.l;Tew: HM'[i h'yt,L{k; yTev.W hM'v'-ht'y>h' rv,a] ~AqM'h;-!mi aceTew: 7
`hd'Why> #r,a,-la, bWvl' %r,D,b; ________________________________________________
HM'ai tybel. hV'ai hn"b.Vo hn"k.le h'yt,L{k; yTev.li ymi[\n" rm,aTow: 8 ________________________________________________
`ydIM'[iw> ~ytiMeh;-~[i ~t,yfi[] rv,a]K ds,x, ~k,M'[i hw"hy> Îf[;y:Ð ¿hf,[]y:À; ________________________________________________
!h,l' qV;Tiw: Hv'yai tyBe hV'ai hx'Wnm. !"ac,m.W ~k,l' hw"hy> !TeyI 9 ________________________________________________
`hn"yK,b.Tiw: !l'Aq hn"aF,Tiw: ________________________________________________
`%Me[;l. bWvn" %T'ai-yKi HL'hn"r>m;aTow: 10 ________________________________________________
~ynIb' yli-dA[h; yMi[i hn"k.l;te hM'l' yt;nOb. hn"b.vo ymi[\n" rm,aTow: 11 ________________________________________________
`~yvin"a]l; ~k,l' Wyh'w> y[;meB. ________________________________________________
yli-vy< yTir>m;a' yKi vyail. tAyh.mi yTin>q;z" yKi !"k.le yt;nOb. hn"b.vo 12
`~ynIb' yTid>l;y" ~g:w> vyail hl'y>L;h; ytiyyIh' ~G: hw"q.ti. ________________________________________________
tAyh/ yTil.bil. hn"gE['Te !hel'h] WlD'g>yI rv,a] d[; hn"r>Bef;T. !hel'h] 13 ________________________________________________
`hw"hy>-dy: ybi ha'c.y"-yKi ~K,mi daom yli-rm;-yKi yt;nOB. la; vyail.. ________________________________________________
tWrw> Ht'Amx]l; hP'r>[' qV;Tiw: dA[ hn"yK,b.Tiw: !l'Aq hn"F,Tiw: 14 ________________________________________________
`HB' hq'b.D' ________________________________________________
yrex]a; ybiWv h'yh,l{a/-la,w> HM'[;-la, %Tem.biy> hb'v' hNEhi rm,aTow: 15 ________________________________________________
`%Tem.biy> ________________________________________________
yKi %yIr'x]a;me bWvl' %bez>['l. ybiy[iG>p.Ti-la; tWr rm,aTow: 16 ________________________________________________
%yIh;l{awE yMi[; %Me[; !ylia' ynIyliT' rv,a]b;W %leae ykil.Te rv,a]-la, ________________________________________________
`yh'l{a/ ________________________________________________
hkow> yli hw"hy> hf,[]y: hKo rbeQ'a, ~v'w> tWma' ytiWmT' rv,a]B; 17 ________________________________________________
`%nEybeW ynIyBe dyrIp.y: tw
`h'yl,ae rBed;l. lD;x.T,w: HT'ai tk,l,l' ayhi tc,M,a;t.mi-yKi ar,Tew: 18 ________________________________________________ ~x,l,ƒtyBe hn"a'boK. yhiy>w: ~x,l' ƒtyBe
hn"a'Bo-d[; ~h,yTev. hn"k.l;Tew:
`ymi[\n" tazOh] hn"r>m;aTow !h,yle[] ry[ih'-lK' ~hoTew:: ________________________________________________
rm;he-yKi ar'm' yli !"ar,q. ymi[\n" yli hn"ar,q.Ti-la; !h,ylea] rm,aTow: 20 ________________________________________________
`daom. yli yD;v; ________________________________________________
yli hn"ar,q.ti hM'l' hw"hy> ynIb;yvih/ ~q'yrew> yTik.l;h' ha'lem. ynIa] 21 ________________________________________________
`yli [r;he yD;v;w> ybi hn"[' hw"hyw: ymi[\n" ________________________________________________
ba'Am ydeF.mi hb'V'h; HM'[i Ht'L'k; hY"bia]AMh; tWrw> ymi[\n" bv'T'w: 22 ________________________________________________ `~yrI[of. ryciq. tL;xit.Bi ~x,l, ƒtyBe
WaB' hM'hew> _______________________________________________
Ruth Chapter Two
tx;P;v.Mimi lyIx; rABGI vyai Hv'yail. Î[d;AmÐ ¿[D'yUm.À ymi[\n"l.W 1 ________________________________________________
`z[;Bo Amv.W %l,m,ylia/ ________________________________________________
hj'q\l;a]w: hd,F'h; aN"-hk'l.ae ymi[\n"-la, hY"bia]AMh; tWr rm,aTow: 2 ________________________________________________
`yTibi ykil. Hl' rm,aTow: wyn"y[eB !xeac'm.a, rv,a] rx;a; ~yliB\Vib;. ________________________________________________
h'r,q.mi rq,YIw: ~yrIc.Qoh; yrex]a; hd,F'B; jQel;T.w: aAbT'w: %l,Tew: 3 ________________________________________________
`%l,m,ylia/ tx;P;v.Mimi rv,a] z[;bol. hd,F'h; tq;l.x, ________________________________________________
~k,M'[i hw"hy> ~yrIc.AQl; rm,aYOw: ~x,l,ƒtyBemi aB' z[;bo-hNEhiw> 4 ________________________________________________
`hw"hy> ^k.r,b'y> Al Wrm.aYOw: ________________________________________________
`taZOh; hr'[]N:h; ymil. ~yrIc.AQh;-l[; bC'NIh; Ar[]n:l. z[;Bo rm,aYOw: 5 ________________________________________________
ayhi hY"bia]Am hr'[]n: rm;aYOw: ~yrIc.AQh;-l[; bC'NIh; r[;N:h; ![;Y:w: 6 ________________________________________________
`ba'Am hdeF.mi ymi[\n"-~[i hb'V'h;
aAbT'w: ~yrIc.AQh; yrex]a; ~yrIm'[\b' yTip.s;a'w> aN"-hj'q\l;a] rm,aTow: 7 ________________________________________________
`j['m. tyIB;h; HT'b.vi hz< hT'[;-d[;w> rq,Boh; za'me dAm[]T;w: ________________________________________________
jqol.li ykil.Te-la; yTiBi T.[;m;v' aAlh] tWr-la, z[;Bo rm,aYOw: 8 ________________________________________________
`yt'ro[]n:-~[i !yqiB'd>ti hkow> hZ rxea; hd,f'B. ________________________________________________
ytiyWIci aAlh] !h,yrex]a; T.k.l;h'w> !Wrcoq.yI-rv,a] hd,F'B; %yIn:y[e 9 ________________________________________________
tytiv'w> ~yliKeh;-la, T.k.l;h'w> tmic'w> %[eg>n" yTil.bil. ~yrI['N>h;ta, ________________________________________________
`~yrI['N>h; !Wba]v.yI rv,a]me ________________________________________________
ytiac'm' [;WDm; wyl'ae rm,aTow: hc'r>a' WxT;v.Tiw: h'yn
`hY"rIk.n" ykinOa'w> ynIreyKih;l. ^yn
%teAmx]-ta, tyfi['-rv,a] lKo yli dG:hu dGEhu Hl' rm,aYOw: z[;Bo ![;Y:w: 11 ________________________________________________
ykil.Tew: %Ted>l;Am #r,a,w> %Meaiw> %ybia' ybiz>[;T;w: %veyai tAm yrex]a; ________________________________________________
`~Avl.vi lAmT. T.[;d;y"-al{ rv,a] ~[;la, ________________________________________________
yhel{a/ hw"hy> ~[ime hm'lev. %Ter>Kuf.m; yhit.W %le[\P' hw"hy> ~Lev;y> 12 ________________________________________________
`wyp'n"K.-tx;T; tAsx]l; taB'-rv,a] laer'f.yI ________________________________________________
T'r>B;dI ykiw> ynIT'm.x;nI yKi ynIdoa] ^yn
`^yt,xop.vi tx;a;K. hy ^t,x'p.vi ble-l[; ________________________________________________
~x,L,h;-!mi T.l.k;a'w> ~l{h] yviGO lk,aoh' t[el. z[;bo hl' rm,aYOw: 14 ________________________________________________
yliq' Hl'-jB'c.YIw: ~yrIc.AQh; dC;mi bv,Tew: #m,xoB; %TePi T.l.b;j'w> ________________________________________________
`rt;Tow: [B;f.Tiw: lk;aTow: ________________________________________________
~yrIm'[\h' !yBe ~G: rmoale wyr'['n>-ta, z[;Bo wc;y>w: jQel;l. ~q'T'w: 15 ________________________________________________
`h'Wmylik.t; al{w> jQel;T.
al{w> hj'Q.liw> ~T,b.z:[]w: ~ytib'C.h;!mi Hl' WLvoT'-lvo ~g:w> 16 ________________________________________________
`Hb'-Wr[]g>ti ________________________________________________
yhiy>w: hj'Qeli-rv,a] tae jBox.T;w: br,['h'-d[; hd,F'B; jQel;T.w: 17 ________________________________________________
`~yrI[of. hp'yaeK. ________________________________________________
aceATw: hj'Qeli-rv,a] tae Ht'Amx] ar,Tew: ry[ih' aAbT'w: aF'Tiw: 18 ________________________________________________
`H['b.F'mi hr'tiAh-rv,a] tae Hl'!T,Tiw: ________________________________________________
yhiy> tyfi[' hn"a'w> ~AYh; T.j.Q;li hpoyae Ht'Amx] Hl' rm,aTow: 19 ________________________________________________
rm,aTow: AM[i ht'f.['-rv,a] tae Ht'Amx]l; dGET;w: %WrB' %reyKim; ________________________________________________
`z[;Bo ~AYh; AM[i ytiyfi[' rv,a] vyaih' ~ve ________________________________________________
bz:['-al{ rv,a] hw"hyl; aWh %WrB' Ht'L'k;l. ymi[\n" rm,aTow: 20 ________________________________________________
Wnl' bArq' ymi[\n" Hl' rm,aTow: ~ytiMeh;-ta,w> ~yYIx;h;-ta, ADs.x
`aWh Wnlea]GOmi vyaih'; ________________________________________________
~yrI['N>h;-~[i yl;ae rm;a'-yKi ~G: hY"bia]AMh; tWr rm,aTow: 21 ________________________________________________
`yli-rv,a] ryciQ'h;-lK' tae WLKi-~ai d[; !yqiB'd>Ti yli-rv,a] ________________________________________________
yaic.te yKi yTiBi bAj Ht'L'K; tWr-la, ymi[\n" rm,aTow: 22 ________________________________________________
`rxea; hd,f'B. %b'-W[G>p.yI al{w> wyt'Ar[]n:-~[i ________________________________________________
~yrI[oF.h;-ryciq. tAlK.-d[; jQel;l. z[;Bo tAr[]n:B. qB;d>Tiw: 23 ________________________________________________
`Ht'Amx]-ta, bv,Tew: ~yJixih; ryciq.W ________________________________________________
Ruth Chapter Three
rv,a] x;Anm' %l'-vQ,b;a] al{h] yTiBi Ht'Amx] ymi[\n" Hl' rm,aTow: 1 ________________________________________________
`%l'-bj;yyI ________________________________________________
hr,zO aWh-hNEhi wyt'Ar[]n:-ta, tyyIh' rv,a] WnT'[.d;mo z[;bo al{h] hT'[;w> 2
`hl'y>L'h; ~yrI[oF.h; !r,GO-ta, ________________________________________________
¿yTid>r;y"w>À %yIl;[' Î%yIt;l{m.fiÐ ¿%tel{m.fiÀ T.m.f;w> T.k.s;w" T.c.x;r'w> 3 ________________________________________________
`tATv.liw> lkoa/l, AtL{K; d[;vyail' y[id>W"Ti-la; !r,GOh; ÎT.d>r;y"w>Ð ________________________________________________
tyLigIw> tab'W ~v'-bK;v.yI rv,a] ~AqM'h;-ta, T.[;d;y"w> Abk.v'b. yhiywI 4 ________________________________________________
`!yfi[]T; rv,a] tae %l' dyGIy: aWhw> ÎT.b.k'v'w>Ð ¿yTib.k'v'w>À wyt'l{G>r>m; ________________________________________________
`hf,[/a, Îyl;aeÐ ¿$kÀ yrIm.aTo-rv,a] lKo h'yl,ae rm,aTow: 5 ________________________________________________
`Ht'Amx] hT'W:ci-rv,a] lkoK. f[;T;w: !r,GOh; dr,Tew: 6 ________________________________________________
hm're[]h' hceq.Bi bK;v.li aboY"w: ABli bj;yYIw: T.v.YEw: z[;Bo lk;aYOw: 7 ________________________________________________
`bK'v.Tiw: wyt'l{G>r>m; lg:T.w: jL'b; aboT'w: ________________________________________________
tb,k,vo hV'ai hNEhiw> tpeL'YIw: vyaih' dr;x/YL;h; ycix]B; yhiy>w: 8 ________________________________________________
`wyt'l{G>r>m; ________________________________________________
^p,n"k. T'f.r;p'W ^t,m'a] tWr ykinOa' rm,aTow: Ta'-ymi rm,aYOw: 9 ________________________________________________
`hT'a' laegO yKi ^t.m'a]-l[; ________________________________________________
!Arx]a;h' %Des.x; T.b.j;yhe yTiBi hw"hyl; T.a; hk'WrB. rm,aYOw: 10 ________________________________________________
`ryvi['-~aiw> lD;-~ai ~yrIWxB;h; yrex]a; tk,l,-yTil.bil. !AvarIh'-!mi ________________________________________________
[;deAy yKi %L'-hf,[/a, yrIm.aTo-rv,a] lKo yair>yTi-la; yTiBi hT'[;w> 11 ________________________________________________
`T.a' lyIx; tv,ae yKi yMi[; r[;v;-lK' ________________________________________________
bArq' laeGO vyE ~g:w> ykinOa' laegO ÎqqÐ ¿~aiÀ yKi ~n"m.a' yKi hT'[;w> 12 ________________________________________________
al{-~aiw> la'g>yI bAj %lea'g>yI-~ai rq,Bob; hy"h'w> hl'y>L;h; ynIyli 13 ________________________________________________
`rq,Boh;-d[; ybik.vi hw"hy>-yx; ykinOa' %yTil.a;g>W %lea\g"l. #Pox.y: ________________________________________________
¿~Arj.BiÀ ~q'T'w: rq,Boh;-d[; Îwyt'AlG>r>m;Ð ¿Atl'G>r>m;À bK;v.Tiw: 14 ________________________________________________
hV'aih' ha'b'-yKi [d;W"yI-la; rm,aYOw: Wh[ere-ta, vyai ryKiy: Î~r,j,B.Ð ________________________________________________
`!r,GOh; ________________________________________________
dm'Y"w: HB' zx,aTow: Hb'-yzIx\a,w> %yIl;['-rv,a] tx;P;j.Mih; ybih' rm,aYOw: 15 ________________________________________________
`ry[ih' aboY"w: h'yl,[' tv,Y"w: ~yrI[of.-vve ________________________________________________
tae Hl'-dG
`vyaih' Hl'-hf'[' rv,a]-lK' ________________________________________________
Îyl;aeÐ ¿$kÀ rm;a' yKi yli !t;n" hL,aeh' ~yrI[oF.h;-vve rm,aTow: 17 ________________________________________________
`%teAmx]-la, ~q'yre yaiAbT'-la; ________________________________________________
al{ yKi rb'D' lPoyI %yae !y[id>Te rv,a] d[; yTibi ybiv. rm,aTow: 18 ________________________________________________
`~AYh; rb'D'h; hL'Ki-~ai-yKi vyaih' jqov.yI ________________________________________________
Ruth Chapter Four
z[;Bo-rB,DI rv,a] rbe[o laeGOh; hNEhiw> ~v' bv,YEw: r[;V;h; hl'[' z[;boW 1 ________________________________________________
`bveYEw: rs;Y"w: ynImol.a; ynIl{P. hPohb'v. hr'Ws rm,aYOw: ________________________________________________
`WbveYEw: hpo-Wbv. rm,aYOw: ry[ih' ynEq.ZImi ~yvin"a] hr'f'[] xQ;YIw: 2 ________________________________________________
hr'k.m' %l,m,ylia/l, Wnyxia'l. rv,a] hd,F'h; tq;l.x, laeGOl; rm,aYOw: 3 ________________________________________________
`ba'Am hdeF.mi hb'V'h; ymi[\n" ________________________________________________
ynEq.zI dg ~ybiv.YOh; dgz>a' hl,g>a, yTir>m;a' ynIa]w: 4 ________________________________________________
Îh['d>aew>Ð ¿[d;aew>À yLi hd'yGIh; la;g>yI al{-~aiw> la'G> la;g>Ti-~ai yMi[; ________________________________________________
`la'g>a, ykinOa' rm,aYOw: ^yr,x]a; ykinOa'w> lAag>li ^t.l'Wz !yae yKi ________________________________________________
tWr taemeW ymi[\n" dY:mi hd,F'h; ^t.Anq.-~AyB. z[;Bo rm,aYOw: 5 ________________________________________________
tMeh;-~ve ~yqih'l. Îht'ynIq'Ð ¿ytiynIq'À tMeh;-tv,ae hY"bia]AMh;
`Atl'x]n:-l[; ________________________________________________
tyxiv.a;-!P, yliÎ-la'g>liÐ ¿-lAag>liÀ lk;Wa al{ laeGOh; rm,aYOw: 6 ________________________________________________
`laog>li lk;Wa-al{ yKi ytiL'auG>-ta, hT'a; ^l.-la;G> ytil'x]n:-ta, ________________________________________________
~YEq;l. hr'WmT.h;-l[;w> hL'WaG>h;-l[; laer'f.yIB. ~ynIp'l. tazOw> 7 ________________________________________________
`laer'f.yIB. hd'W[T.h; tazOw> Wh[erel. !t;n"w> Al[]n: vyai @l;v' rb'D'-lK' ________________________________________________
`Al[]n: @l{v.YIw: %l'-hnEq. z[;bol. laeGOh; rm,aYOw: 8 ________________________________________________
ytiynIq' yKi ~AYh; ~T,a; ~ydI[e ~['h'lk'w> ~ynIqeZ>l; z[;Bo rm,aYOw: 9 ________________________________________________
`ymi[\n" dY:mi !Alx.m;W !Ayl.kil. rv,a]-lK' taew> %l,m,ylia/l, rv,a]-lK'ta, ________________________________________________
~yqih'l. hV'ail. yli ytiynIq' !Alx.m; tv,ae hY"bia]Moh; tWr-ta, ~g:w> 10 ________________________________________________
r[;V;miW wyx'a, ~[ime tMeh;-~ve treK'yI-al{w> Atl'x]n:-l[; tMeh;-~ve ________________________________________________
`~AYh; ~T,a; ~ydI[e AmAqm. ________________________________________________
hw"hy> !TeyI ~ydI[e ~ynIqeZ>h;w> r[;V;B;-rv,a] ~['h'-lK' Wrm.aYOw: 11 ________________________________________________
~h,yTev. WnB' rv,a] ha'lek.W lxer'K. ^t,yBe-la, ha'B'h; hV'aih'-ta, ________________________________________________ `~x,l'ƒtybeB. ~ve-ar'q.W ht'r'p.a,B.
lyIx;-hfe[]w: laer'f.yI tyBe-ta, ________________________________________________
`taZOh; hr'[]N:h;-!mi ^l. hw"hy> !TeyI rv,a] ________________________________________________
hw"hy> !TeYIw: h'yl,ae aboY"w: hV'ail. Al-yhiT.w: tWr-ta, z[;Bo xQ;YIw: 13 ________________________________________________
`!Be dl,Tew: !Ayr'he Hl' ________________________________________________
tyBiv.hi al{ rv,a] hw"hy> %WrB' ymi[\n"-la, ~yviN"h; hn"r>m;aTow: 14 ________________________________________________
`laer'f.yIB. Amv. areQ'yIw> ~AYh; laeGO %l' ________________________________________________
%teL'k; yKi %teb'yfe-ta, lKel.k;l.W vp,n< byvimel. %l' hy"h'w> 15 ________________________________________________