Descrição: Harry Potter And The Prisoner of Azkaban - Suite.pdf
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Harry Potter and the Roleplaying GameDescripción completa
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J. K. Rowling
The Story This book is when the teenage teenage wizard Harry James Potter starts starts to explore explore the darker side of the magical world. The story is abot !iris "lack# the best friend of Harry$s father James and only person granted the knowledge of the Potter$s whereabots when %oldermort was at his height. According to rmors that ha&e gone nbonded for thirteen years# !iris betrayed James and 'ily Potter to the (ark 'ord and cased their death# he then went on to mrder a fellow wizard and se&eral other mggle citizens in some kind of mad rage. The night after after his thirteenth thirteenth birthday birthday Harry storms storms ot of his ncle$s hose hose in Pri&et dri&e# dragging his trnk# broomstick and caged owl with him. )hilst storming down the street he *nds himself seeing a dark shape in the shadows# a hge black dog that seems to stalk him throgh the rest of the book. A trip to a bookshop in (iagon Alley re&eals to Harry that the menacing creatre is in fact a +rim# a magical omen# the sight of which marks the &iewer as soon to die. !iris is a resident at the wizards ,ail- Azkaban. An island rled o&er by inhman and terrifying magical creatres called dementors. Howe&er# !iris manages to escape the prison# a feat ne&er achie&ed by any other wizard. !iris is trying to hnt down Harry# so he can *nish the work his master started. eanwhile at Hogwarts all sorts of things are going on# like a /idditch 0 a magical sport played on brooms in the air 0 match is in&aded by dementors that cases Harry to crash and destroy his 1ying broomstick# whilst Hermione$s cat eats Ron$s rat which lea&es Ron e&en grmpier than e&er and their friendship seemingly o&er. Harry$s new (i&ination teacher foresees his death# whilst Hagrid# now teaching 2are of agical 2reatres# introdces them to a ma,estic creatre that is a strange cross between an eagle and a horse# whilst Hermione seems to ha&e taken on more sb,ects than can physically *t into a day. Harry is gi&en the gift of an enchanted map that shows him the secret passage ways ot of Hogwarts and begins taking lessons in how to defend himself against dementors and the painfl and terrifying memory they bring when in Harry$s presence. Harry is gi&en a second gift# this time a mysterios package that arri&es on 2hristmas day# which trns ot to be a 3irebolt# an en&iable racing broom. Then as if ot ot of nowhere nowhere !iris "lack "lack breaks into Hogwarts# Hogwarts# not once# bt bt twice# e&ading the dementors and threatening both a portrait and Harry$s &ery own dorm4 mate Ron# with a knife. All of this# along with a few passing comments that on re1ection are so ob&ios and tonge4in4cheek they$re hilarios# clminate in Harry# Ron and Hermione# !iris "lack# a dead wizard and a werewolf in a creaky old shack that$s been hanted for years. This is when the trth *nally comes ot and Harry$s world is changed fore&er. y 5pinion
The dementors open p a new facet of darkness and horror to the magical world# which ,st can$t be matched by the earlier incidents with the giant spiders and the basilisk. The description of the rotting hand that reaches toward their &ictim and the fate that greets yo from beneath a dementor$s hood is really /ite hanting. The book$s biggest 1aw is it$s ending# which althogh gripping# is &ery rshed. Harry is brie1y renited with his godfather and can feel a genine family connection for the &ery *rst time# yet this emotional connection isn$t backed p in anyway. 6&ery other relationship and emotional tie in the series are bilt p pretty mch from the word go# e&en the gentle and warm4hearted Rems 'pin 0 the most recent (efence Against the (ark Arts teacher 0 has more of an opportnity to connect with Harry# and yet after no time at all Harry and !iris are beha&ing as if they ha&e known each other their whole li&es The Prisoner of Azkaban is dark and psetting in a lot of ways- it looks into horrible aspects of re&enge and spite throgh !iris "lack# who despite staying relati&ely sane o&er his years in Azakban has been twisted by hate and blood lst. The nbridled fear that the dementors bring ot in Harry is also almost distrbing# yet his experience with them cases a heart4breaking dilemma that really resonates from the book. 7t also addresses se&eral interesting concepts abot responsibility and growing p- where Harry and his peers are faced with the kind of moments that seem so small bt nonetheless de*ne who yo are for the rest of yor life.