Descripción: A book on how to become an expert gymnast and rope climber written by Robert Stroll in 1916.
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A book on how to become an expert gymnast and rope climber written by Robert Stroll in 1916.Descrição completa
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Physical Education GYMNASTICS
COURSE CONTENT: I. Historical De Developent o! o! "y "yna nastics II. Phases o! o! th the "y "ynastics Pr Pro#ra III. "yna nastics Te Terin inolo#y
Histori toric cal Devel evelo opment of Gymnasti stics •
The sport o! gymnastics$ %hich derives its nae !ro the ancient "ree& %ord !or disciplinary e'ercises$ co(ines physical s&ills such as (ody control$ coordination$ de'terity$ #race!ulness$ and stren#th %ith tu(lin# and acro(atic s&ills$ all performed in an artistic manner. "ynastics %as introduced in early "ree& civili)ation to !acilitate (odily developent throu#h a series o! e'ercises that included runnin#$ *upin#$ s%iin#$ thro%in#$ %restlin#$ and %ei#ht li!tin#.
The ter “gymnastics” derives !ro the "ree& %ord “gymnos” eanin# eanin# +na&ed, . "ynastics is one o! the ost popular Olypic sports. It co(ines #race$ (eauty$ athleticis$ and stren#th in a thrillin# display o! copetition that has captivated !ans since the de(ut o! the odern Olypic "aes. -lthou#h the ancient ancient Grees %ho invented the (uildin# called a #ynasiu !or the/ and Roans practiced #ynastics$ the odern e'ercises date !ro the early 01th cent.$ %hen "erany2s !re"eric #$"%ig &a'n populari)ed %hat he called the Turnverein $ an or#ani)ation o! 3turners.3 In 0445$ a Prussian$ &o'ann (ern'ar" (ase"o% $ included physical exercises %ith other !ors o! instruction at his school in Dessau$ Sa'ony. 6ith this action (e#an the oderni)ation o! #ynastics$ and also thrust the "eranic countries into the !ore!ront in the sport. In the late 0477s ) !rie"ric' #$"%ig &a'n o! "erany developed the side bar, the horizontal bar, the parallel bars, the balance beam, and jumping events. He$ ore than anyone else$ is considered the *fat'er of mo"ern gymnastics.*
"ynastics !lourished in "erany in the 0877s$ %hile in S%eden a more graceful form of 0800// the sport, stressing rhythmic movement, %as developed (y G$ts M$t'. The openin# 0800 o! 9ahn2s school in erlin$ to proote his version o! the sport$ %as !ollo%ed (y the !oration o! any clu(s in Europe and later in En#land.
The sport %as introduced to the United States (y Dr. D$"ley Allen Sargent $ %ho tau#ht #ynastics in several U.S. universities a(out the tie o! the Civil 6ar$ and %ho is credited %ith inventin# ore than ;7 pieces o! apparatus. +'ases of Gymnastics +rogram
"ynastics is a cople' sport. oth ale and !eale #ynasts ust have ade
• • • • •
=ost o! the phases ay (e done out o! order$ (ut the %ar>up phase and !le'i(ility trainin# should al%ays (e#in each pro#ra. The %ar>up phase !ocuses on preparin# the (ody !or ore speci!ic and strenuous e'ercises. This phase consists o! cardio$ such as *up rope and *o##in#$ as %ell as isolated uscle rolls !ro the nec& do%n to the !eet. The !le'i(ility phase encopasses all stretchin# e'ercises and is eant to prepare the (ody !or #ynastic routines. The stren#th trainin# deals %ith (uildin# uscle and (alance. The s&ills trainin# !inally applies to a #ynast2s ain routine$ such as the (alance (ea or parallel (ars. Dance is o!ten incorporated into certain routines and is a healthy %ay to &eep the (ody in ali#nent.
Glossary of Terms
Aerial - stunt in %hich the the #ynast turns copletely copletely over in the air %ithout touchin# the apparatus %ith his or her hands. All,Aro$n" - cate#ory o! #ynastics #ynastics that that includes includes all o! the events. The all>around chapion o! an event earns the hi#hest total score !ro all events co(ined. Amplit$"e The hei#ht or de#ree o! e'ecution o! a oveent. In #eneral$ the hi#her the salto or the ore (reathta&in# the oveent$ the (etter the aplitude and the score.
Apparat$s One o! the various pieces o! e
- dou(le salto salto %ith a !ull t%ist t%ist the coplete coplete t%ist per!ored durin# the !irst salto/.
Composition The structure o! a #ynastics routine. Each individual oveent or s&ill is a (uildin# (loc&@ the arran#eent o! the oves in the e'ercise is called the coposition o! the routine. De"$ction Points ta&en o!! a #ynast2s score !or errors. =ost deductions are pre>deterined$ such as a 7.8 deduction !or a !all !ro an apparatus or a 7.0 deduction !or steppin# out o! (ounds on the !loor e'ercise. Dismo$nt To leave an apparatus at the end o! a routine@ usually done %ith a di!!icult t%ist or salto. /ec$tion The per!orance o! a routine. ?or$ style$ and techni held (ody position are all e'aples o! poor e'ecution. !IG The International "ynastics ?ederation is reco#ni)ed (y the International Olypic Coittee and is responsi(le !or the #overnance o! the sport o! #ynastics on the international level. !le/i0ility The ran#e o! otion throu#h %hich a (ody part can ove %ithout !eelin# pain. !lic,!lac -lso &no%n &no%n as a !lip>!lop or or (ac& handsprin handsprin#. #. Ta&e o!! on one or t%o !eet$ *up (ac&%ards onto hands and land on !eet. This eleent is used in a a*ority o! tu(lin# passes on the !loor e'ercise. It2s also used a #reat deal on the (alance (ea. !$ll,In) (ac,-$t
Gaylor" On hi#h (ar$ a !ront #iant into a one>and>one> hal! !ront salto over the (ar to re#rasp. ?irst done (y U.S. #ynast =itch "aylord. Giant - s%in# in %hich the the (ody is is !ully e'tended e'tended and and ovin# throu#h a ;A7 de#ree rotation around the (ar. Half,In) Half,-$t - dou(le salto salto %ith a hal! t%ist t%ist on the the !irst salto salto and a hal! t%ist on the second salto. Han"spring Sprin#in# o!! the hands (y puttin# the %ei#ht on the ars and usin# a stron# push !ro the shoulders@ can (e done either !or%ard or (ac&%ard@ usually a lin&in# oveent. 1ip =oveent !ro a position (elo% the e
=en copete in the !ollo%in# order: !loor e'ercise$ poel horse$ still rin#s$ vault$ parallel (ars and hori)ontal (ar. Olypic order !or rhythic #ynasts is rope$ hoop$ (all$ clu(s and ri((on. +ie +osition ody (ent !or%ard ore than 17 de#rees at the hips %hile the le#s are &ept strai#ht. +iro$ettes
Chan#in# direction or ovin# in a circular otion (y t%istin# in the handstand position. 2elease Beavin# the (ar to per!or a ove (e!ore re> #raspin# it.
2o$n",-ff - dynaic turnin# turnin# oveent$ oveent$ %ith %ith a push>o!! push>o!! on one le#$ %hile s%in#in# the le#s up%ard in a !ast cart%heel otion into a 17 de#ree turn. The lead>o!! to a nu(er o! s&ills. 2o$tine - co(inati co(ination on o! stunts stunts displayin# displayin# a !ull !ull ran#e ran#e o! s&ills on one apparatus. Salto ?lip or soersault$ %ith the !eet coin# up over the head and the (ody rotatin# around the a'is o! the %aist. Scissors - co(inati co(ination on re
T%o or ore positions or s&ills %hich are per!ored to#ether creatin# a di!!erent s&ill or activity.
*St$c* #an"ing Slan# ter used !or %hen a #ynast e'ecutes a landin# %ith correct technio!! entry onto the (oard$ !lic>!lac onto the vaultin# ta(le and salto o!! o! the vaultin# ta(le. The #ynast ay t%ist on the %ay o!!.
Re!erences: Strauss$ =. n.d./. - History o! "ynastics: ?ro -ncient "reece to =odern Ties. Retrieved =arch 0$ 704$ !ro https:%%%.scholastic.coteachersarticlesteachin#>contenthistory>#ynastics> ancient>#reece>odern>ties Bechtan$ D. n.d./. The Phases o! the "ynastic Pro#ra. Retrieved =arch 0$ 704$ !ro http:livehealthy.chron.cophases>#ynastic>pro#ra>;FF8.htl "ynastics 070: "lossary o! Ters. n.d./. Retrieved =arch 0$ 704$ !ro https:usa#y.or#pa#es#ynastics070#lossary.htl