Which version of Gregg Shorthand is right for me? Several factors can determine which version of Gregg you should learn. Below are some considerations that you can take into account. Pre-Anniversary
Diamond Jubilee th
Series 90
Gregg Shorthand was invented in Glasgow and published in Liverpool in 1888 in pamphlet form. he first !merican edition was published in 18"# as a pamphlet$ and the first book version appeared in 18"8. he 1"%1 and 1"1& editions provide improvements in the outlines$ clarification of rules$ additional brief forms$ and e'tensions of the basic principles. hese are the first versions that were translated into other languages. (t re)uires lots of practice and dedicated study to master.
*ritten to commemorate the +%th anniversary of the publication of the first book form$ it revolutioni,ed the teaching of shorthand by introducing brief forms and phrase writing early in the study. he material was rearranged in a more logical se)uence than in previous versions. he outlines are printed in larger form. he system system principles remained virtually unchanged from the pre-anniversary versions. (t still still re)uires heavy study and practice to master.
his is considered the first maor simplification of the system since the publication of the first edition. Seldom used brief forms$ word endings$ and word beginnings were eliminated. Some principles were revised$ and new ones were added. /arginal grammar reminders were added to the books. Despite the simplifications$ it is still a fast system and represents a compromise between the high memory loads of the previous versions and the loss in speed with the newer ones.
he 0 anniversary marked the appearance of this version$ targeted specifically for the business world. !s in the previous version$ further simplifications were made$ additional brief forms were modified and others eliminated$ as well as less fre)uent word beginnings and endings. !de)uate for office dictation$ it is the first version that correlates shorthand learning with transcription$ and the first that is printed in twocolumn format.
3ublication ;ear
1888 21st
1">"$ with a reprint in 1"+>
1"+" 21st
1"$ 1"& 21 st
1"#& 2:unctional /ethod4
1" 2>
his version was published for the "%th anniversary. he revision involves system changes to make learning and writing easier and more consistent. /ore word beginnings and endings were dropped. /ore words are spelled out and not abbreviated as in previous versions$ for that reason$ it is overall slower that previous versions. /ostly applicable for business and general note taking.
his is the latest version of the system$ published 1%% years after the first British edition. (t takes the basic principles from Series "% and adds new brief forms. ! new feature here is that shorthand outlines are presented on ruled paper 2though the spacing is 3itman$ go figure4.
Greghand is the first attempt to come up with a system of 5simple phonetic writing for everyday use by everyone6. (t borrows from !nniversary Gregg. 7owever$ it didnt catch on.
9otehand is the second attempt to develop a system designed specifically for note taking. :or that reason$ the study material is more literature oriented. he book includes instruction on how to take effective notes.
1"88 2?ollege Book4
1"&% 21st
1""% 27S Book4
1"&8 2>nd
e'tbook !vailability
1888 @ original publication in pamphlet form 2Liverpool4$ commercially unavailable
*idely available in used bookstores and <-bay
Diamond Jubilee
*idely available !vailable in used in used bookstores bookstores and
Series 90
!vailable in used bookstores and < bay
!vailable in used bookstores and < bay
Scarce$ but available through <-bay
;es 2one reading book4
(ncluded in te't
18"# @ first !merican edition in pamphlet form$ commercially unavailable 18"8 @ first book edition$ commercially unavailable 1"%> @ scarce$ but available through <-bay$ or used book stores 2probably the oldest version you would be able to find4 1"1& @ available in used book stores and <-bay Literature available$ other than businessrelatedA
;es$ widely ;es$ widely ;es$ but scarce 2maga,ines$ books4 2maga,ines$ books4 2some maga,ines available4
9o$ some medical dictation and maga,ines available
/emory Load
Less than Simplified
Speed 3otential
:ast 2up to >8% wpm4
:ast 2up to >8% wpm4
Slow 2hardly 1%% wpm4
Slow 2not designed Slow 2not designed for speed4 for speed4
Dictionary !vailability
*hich book should ( buy to startA
Diamond Jubilee
Series 90
Business correspondence
Business correspondence
Business correspondence
Business correspondence
Business correspondence
Business correspondence
/edical transcription
/edical transcription
/edical transcription
/edical transcription
9ote taking
9ote taking
9ote taking
9ote taking
9ote taking
9ote taking
Speech taking and all kinds of reporting 2legal$ medical$ congressional4
Speech taking and all kinds of reporting 2legal$ medical$ congressional4
Speech taking and all kinds of reporting 2legal$ medical$ congressional4
Gregg Shorthand 2=evised 4 or Gregg Shorthand 29ew and =evised
Gregg Shorthand Gregg Shorthand Anniversary Manual Sim"lified Edition 21">" or by . =. Gregg$ L. the reprinted 1"+> !. Leslie$ and ?. version4 by . =. <. Coubek$ Gregg Gregg$ or Gregg Shorthand ShorthandSim"lified for Manual for the #olleges Volume 1 21"84 by L. !. Functional Method Volumes 1 Leslie$ ?. <. ! 21"#&4 by L. Coubek$ and =. . !. Leslie 7ousler$ or Gregg Shorthand Manual Sim"lified$ Functional Method by L. !. Leslie and ?. <. Coubek
Gregg Shorthand Series *+$ Gregg Shorthand for #olleges Series *+ Volume 1$ or Gregg Shorthand Functional Method (Series *+)$ all by L. !. Leslie and ?. <. Coubek
Gregg Shorthand ,asic rinci"les #entennial Edition$ or Gregg Shorthand for #olleges #entennial Edition Volume 1$ both by ?. <. Coubek
ersion 1.%E By ?huck 21" September >%%+4
Gregg Shorthand %iamond &u'ilee Series$ Gregg Shorthand for #olleges %iamond &u'ilee Series Volume 1$ or Gregg Shorthand Functional Method (%iamond &u'ilee)$ all by L. !. Leslie and ?. <. Coubek
9ote taking
9ote taking
Greghand by . =. Gregg .otehand $ Gregg by L. !. Leslie$ ?. <. Coubek$ and . Deese